biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.02 : 3.359-3.458

  1. Poljšak B; Milisav I
    The neglected significance of 'antioxidative stress'
  2. Faganeli Nataša
    Zdravljenje in vodenje akutne pooperativne bolečine
    [Acute postoperative pain management]
  3. Jošt Maja
    Neželeni učinki analgetikov in prilagajanje protibolečinskega zdravljenja
    [Side effects of analgesics and titration of pain management]
  4. Toni Janez
    Patofiziološki vidiki bolečine
    [Patophysiological aspects of pain]
  5. Serec Maša; Bajec Boštjan; Petek Davorina; Švab Igor; Selič Polona
    A structural model of burnout syndrome, coping behavior and personality traits in professional soldiers of the Slovene armed forces
    [Strukturni model povezanosti med izgorelostjo, strategijami spoprijemanja s stresom in osebnostnimi značilnostmi pri vojakih Slovenske vojske]
  6. Uršič Tina; Petrovec Miroslav
    Človeški bokavirus (HBoV) - novi parvovirus
    [Human bocavirus (HBoV) - new parvovirus]
  7. Dolenc Jure; Koželj Mirta; Prokšelj Katja
    Najpogostejše zmote pri obravnavi odraslih bolnikov s prirojenimi srčnimi napakami
    [The commonest mistakes in the teatment of adult patients with congenital heart disease]
  8. Hudler Petra
    Genetic aspects of gastric cancer instability
  9. Karnjuš Igor; Pucer Patrik
    Simulacije - sodobna metoda učenja in poučevanja v zdravstveni negi in babištvu
    [Simulation - a modern learning and teaching method in nursing and midwifery]
  10. Stvrtinova V; Poredoš P; Allegra C
    Superficial thrombophlebitis - Consensus proposal from Central European Vascular Forum (CEVF) for diagnosis and treatment
  11. Flis Vojko
    The role of vascular surgery in management of patients with critic chronic limb ischemia (CLI)
  12. Serec Maša; Švab Igor; Kolšek Marko; Švab Vesna; Moesgen Diana; Klein Michael
    Health-related lifestyle, physical and mental health in children of alcoholic parents
  13. Jaunig Senta; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Akademik Bogdan Brecelj in njegov prispevek k razvoju službe medicinske rehabilitacije v Sloveniji
    [Academician Bogdan Brecelj and his contribution to the development of medical rehabilitation in Slovenia]
  14. Zupanc Tomaž; Pregelj Peter; Videtič-Paska Alja
    Vpletenost epigenetskih mehanizmov v razvoj posttravmatske stresne motnje
    [Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder]
  15. Matos Erika
    Zdravljenje bolnic s HER2-pozitivnim rakom dojk
    [Treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer patients]
  16. Teskač-Plajnšek Karmen; Kocbek Petra; Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Kristl Julijana
    Mehanizmi vstopa nanodelcev v celice in njihov vpliv na dostavljanje učinkovin
    [Mechanisms of cellular uptake of nanoparticles and their effect on drug delivery]
  17. Fuegger Reinhold; Gangl Odo
    Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy - Have the promises come true?
    [Laparoskopska odstranitev žolčnika skozi eno incizijo - so se obeti uresničili?]
  18. Pavlović Miloš D; Adamič Metka
    Oralni propranolol u lečenju visokorizičnih hemangioma odojčadi
    [Oral propranolol in the treatment of high-risk infantile hemangiomas]
  19. Kusters DM; de Beaufort C; Widhalm K; Guardamagna O; Bratina N; Ose L; Wiegman A
    Paediatric screening for hypercholesterolaemia in Europe
  20. Rajčević Uroš
    A rodent brain orthotopic model to study human malignant glioma
  21. Ptyushkin P; Vidmar G; Burger H; Marinček Č
    Use of the international classification of functioning, disability, and health in traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: linking issues and general perspectives
  22. Svetina S
    Red blood cell shape and deformability in the context of the functional evolution of its membrane structure
  23. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Enzymes of the AKR1B and AKR1C subfamilies and uterine diseases
  24. Milisav Irina
    Clinical importance of cellular responses to stress
  25. Stanojevic Maja; Alexiev Ivailo; Beshkov Danail; Gokengin Deniz; Mezei Maria; Minarovits Janos; Otelea Dan; Paraschiv Simona; Poljak Mario; Židovec-Lepej Snježana; Paraskevis Dimitros
    HIV1 molecular epidemiology in the Balkans - a melting pot forhHigh genetic diversity
  26. Poljak M
    A review of 20 years of HPV research in Slovenia
  27. Avčin S; Prelog T; Kavčič M; Kitanovski L; Anžič J; Benedik-Dolničar M; Rajić V; Zadravec-Zaletel L; Debeljak M; Jazbec J
    History of treatment and long-term outcome of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Slovenia
  28. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Dr. Ivo Pirc (1891-1967) in razvoj javnega zdravja na Slovenskem (1923-1941)
    [Dr. Ivo Pirc (1891-1967) and development of public health in Slovenia (1923-1941)]
  29. Maličev Elvira; Dovč-Drnovšek Tadeja; Rožman Primož
    Serološke in funkcijske preiskave pri diagnosticiranju trombocitopenije, povzročene s heparinom (HIT)
    [Serological and functional tests for the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia]
  30. Poredoš Pavel; Ježovnik Mateja Kaja; Gošte Anže
    Ali je možno na osnovi sestave aterosklerotičnih leh karotidnih arterij napovedati možganskožilne dogodke?
    [Is it possible to estimate cerebro-vascular risk on the basis of the composition of carotid atherosclerotic plaques?]
  31. Perko Denis; Zaletel Marjan
    Preventiva ishemične možganske kapi s protitrombotičnimi zdravili
    [The prevention of ischemic stroke with antithrombotic drugs]
  32. Tudor-Car Lorainne; van-Velthoven Michel HMMT; Brusamento Serena; Elmoniry Hoda; Car Josip; Majeed Azeem; Atun Rifat
    Integrating prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) programmes with other health services for preventing HIV infection and improving HIV outcomes in developing countries
  33. Tuah Nik A; Amiel Cressida; Qureshi Samrina; Car Josip; Kaur Balvinder; Majeed Azeem
    Transtheoretical model for dietary and physical exercise modification in weight loss management for overweight and obese adults
  34. Car Josip; Lang Britta; Colledge Anthea; Ung Chuin; Majeed Azeem
    Interventions for enhancing consumers' online health literacy
  35. Atun Rifat; de Jongh Thyra E; Secci Federica V; Ohiri Kelechi; Adeyi Olusoji; Car Josip
    Integration of priority population, health and nutrition interventions into health systems: systematic review
  36. McLean Susannah; Chandler David; Nurmatov Ulugbek; Liu Joseph; Pagliari Claudia; Car Josip; Sheikh Aziz
    Telehealthcare for asthma: a Cochrane review
  37. Vidmar Ivan; Primožič Janez; Kalan Gorazd; Grosek Štefan
    Extracorporeal membranous oxygenation (ECMO) in neonates and children - experiences of a multidisciplinary paediatric intensive care unit
  38. Kragelj Veronika; Georgiev Dejan; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Ribarič Samo
  39. Hudler Petra
    Molekularni mehanizmi, vpleteni v razvoj raka želodca
    [Molecular mechanisms of gastric cancer development]
  40. Rožman Primož; Domanovič Dragoslav; Knežević Miomir
    Shranjevanje matičnih celic iz popkovnične krvi - danes in jutri
    [Umbilical cord blood banking - today and tomorrow]
  41. Omejec Gregor; Zupanc Aleksander; Podnar Simon
    Dolgoročne posledice po prebolelem Guillain-Barréjevem sindromu
    [Long-term outcome after Guillain-Barré syndrome]
  42. Pajnič Manca; Mihelič-Zajec Andreja
    Enteralno hranjenje kot možnost izbire pri malnutriciji
    [Enteral feeding as an option for individuals experiencing malnutrition]
  43. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka; Gaberšček Simona; Slavec Ksenija
    The development of nuclear medicine in Slovenia and Ljubljana; half a century of nuclear medicine in Slovenia
    [Razvoj nuklearne medicine v Sloveniji in Ljubljani. Pol stoletja nuklearne medicine pri Slovencih]
  44. Pohlen B; Kopač I
    Takojšnja vezava adhezivnega sistema na dentin po preoperaciji zoba za inlej in onlej
    [Immediate dentine bonding after tooth preparation for inlay and onlay]
  45. Schara R
    Obravnava sladkornega bolnika v stomatološki ordinaciji
    [Management of diabetic patients in the dental office]
  46. Primožič J; Ovsenik M
    Obrazna asimetrija in njeno razpoznavanje s trirazsežnim laserskim slikovnim sistemom
    [Assessment of facial asymmetry with a three-dimensional laser scanning system]
  47. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Dr Ivan Oražen (1869-1921)
    [Dr. Ivan Oražen (1869-1921)]
  48. Ciringer Miha; Triller Ciril; Smrke Dragica Maja
    Terapija s kontroliranim negativnim tlakom
    [Negative wound pressure therapy]
  49. Skamen Jasna; Purg Darinka; Lindič Jelka
    Odkrivanje kronične ledvične bolezni
    [Detection of chronic kidney disease]
  50. Flašker Ajda; Rituper Boštjan; Zorec Robert
    Vpogled v uravnavano eksocitozo: vloga lipidov
    [Insight into regulated exocytosis: role of lipids]
  51. Regan MM; Price KN; Giobbie-Hurder A; Thuerliman B; Gelber RD; Čufer T; Pajk B; Červek J
    Interpreting Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98: a randomized, double-blind, phase III trial comparing letrozole and tamoxifen as adjuvant endocrine therapy for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive, early breast cancer
  52. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka; Herman Srečko; Slavec Ksenija
    Development of orthopaedics in Slovenia and the history of the Ortopaedic department of the Ljubljana University hospital: on the occasion of the WHO bone and joint decade (2000-2010)
    [Razvoj ortopedije u Sloveniji i Ortopedske klinike u Ljubljani: prigodom desetljeća (2000.-2010.) što ga je SZO posvetio bolestima kretanja]
  53. Jeras Matjaž; Švajger Urban
    Imunska toleranca
    [Immune tolerance]
  54. Mlačak Blaž; Ivka Branimir; Ladika Rudolf
    Kronične bolezni povrhnjih ven in kronično vensko popuščanje
    [Chronic venous diseases and chronic venous insufficiency]
  55. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Šikić-Pogačar Maja
    Klinična uporaba probiotikov v pediatriji
    [Clinical use of probiotics in pediatrics]
  56. Pula S; Čelofiga A; Ravnik IM
    Psihiatrična soobolevnost pri otrocih in mladostnikih z epilepsijo, odporno na zdravljenje
    [Comorbidity of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents with medically refractory epilepsy]
  57. Mohar-Bregar P; Gruber Z; Ivankovič-Kacjan M; Čižman M
    Zunajčrevesni zapleti rotavirusne okužbe prebavil
    [Extraintestinal complications of rotaviral gastrointestinal infections]
  58. Kopač M; Kersnik-Levart T
    Smernice za obravnavo otrok z idiopatskim nefrotskim sindromom
    [Guidelines for the evaluation of children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome]
  59. Samec Tomi; Jan Janja
    Uporaba ultrazvoka za irigacijo koreninskega kanala
    [Root canal irigation with ultrasound]
  60. Šuput Dušan
    Effects of microcystins, cyanobacterial toxins, on mammalian cells and organs
  61. Amir Eitan; Šeruga Boštjan; Niraula Saroj; Carlsson Lindsay; Ocaña Alberto
    Toxicity of adjuvant endocrine therapy in postmenopausal breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  62. Strojan Primož; Ferlito Alfio; Lund Valerie J; Kennedy David W; Silver Carl E; Rinaldo Alessandra; Barnes Leon
    Sinonasal inverted papilloma associated with malignancy: the role of human papillomavirus infection and its implications for radiotherapy
  63. Šeruga Boštjan; Tannock Ian
    Chemotherapy-based treatment for castration-resistant prostate cancer
  64. Hamoir Marc; Strojan Primož
    The role of neck dissection in the setting of chemoradiation therapy for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma with advanced neck disease
  65. Velnar Tomaz; Pregelj Rado; Limbaeck-Stokin Clara
    Brain meningioma invading and destructing the skull bone: replacement of the missing bone in vivo
    [In vivo nadomestitev kosti pri meningeomu, ki je vraščal in uničeval lobanjsko kost]
  66. Algin Oktay; Ozmen Evrim; Ersoy Pamir Eren; Karaoglanoglu Mustafa
    Periampullary localized pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia-3 (PanIn-3): evaluation with contrast-enhanced MR cholangiography (MRCP)
    [Ugotavljanje periampularne lokalizirane pankreatične intraepitelijske neoplazije-3 (PanIN-3) z MR holangiografijo, ojačeno s kontrastom]
  67. Tezcan Yilmaz; Koc Mehmet
    Hepatocellular carcinoma with subcutaneous metastasis: case report
    [Hepatocelularni rak s podkožnim zasevkom v predelu skalpa]
  68. Skočaj Matej; Filipič Metka; Petković Jana; Novak Saša
    Titanium dioxide in our everyday life; is it safe?
    [Titanijev dioksid v vsakdanji uporabi. Je varen?]
  69. Cardesa A; Nadal A
    Carcinoma of the head and neck in the HPV era
  70. Cardoso J C; Calonje E
    Cutaneous manifestations of human papillomaviruses: A review
  71. Lax S
    Histopathology of cervical precursor lesions and cancer
  72. ?a ;
  73. Bratina Nataša; Hadžić Vedran; Battelino Tadej; Pistotnik Borut; Pori Maja; Šajber Dorica; Žvan Milan; Škof Branko; Jurak Gregor; Kovač Marjeta; Dervišević Edvin
    Slovenske smernice za telesno udejstvovanje otrok in mladostnikov v starostni skupini od 2 do 18 let
    [Slovenian guidelines for physical activity in children and adolescents in the age group 2-18 years]
  74. Rijavec Matija; Volarevič Siniša; Osolnik Katarina; Košnik Mitja; Korošec Peter
    Natural killer T cells in pulmonary disorders
  75. Doehner Wolfram; Haeusler Karl Georg; Endres Matthias; Anker Stefan D; MacNee William; Lainščak Mitja
    Neurological and endocrinological disorders: orphans in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  76. Springer Jochen; Lainščak Mitja; Salobir Barbara; Lang Irene M
    Treatment of pulmonary hypertension: bench to bedside
  77. Sever Matjaž; Horvat-Ledinek Alenka; Prestor Borut; Popović Mara; Zaletel-Zadravec Lorna; Pretnar Jože
    Histiocitni sarkom - prikaz primera s pregledom zdravljenja
    [Hystiocytic sarkoma - a case report with the review of treatment]
  78. Bevc Sebastjan
    Aldosteron, zaviralci aldosteronskih receptorjev in kronična ledvična bolezen
    [Aldosterone, aldosterone receptor blockers and chronic kidney disease]
  79. Košir-Pogačnik Renata; Slabe Nina; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Telomere, telomeraza in prezgodnja odpoved jajčnikov
    [Telomeres, telomerase and premature ovarian failure]
  80. Jaki-Mekjavič Polona; Mavri Alenka; Štalc Monika
    Zapora mrežničnih ven
    [Retinal vein occlusion]
  81. Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara
    Najpogostejša psihopatologija, povezana z uporabo 3,4-metilendioksimetamfetamina (MDMA), pri iskalcih zdravstvene pomoči: vzročnost ali naključje?
    [The most frequent psychopathology related to the use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) of medical help seekers ecausality or coincidence?]
  82. Ferlito Alfio; Devaney Kenneth O; Woolgar Julia A; Slootweg Pieter Johannes; Paleri Vinidh; Takes Robert P; Strojan Primož; Bradley Patrick J; Rinaldo Alessandra
    Squamous epithelial changes of the larynx: diagnosis and therapy
  83. Peternel Špela; Komel Radovan
    Active protein aggregates produced in Escherichia coli
  84. Ozbič Polona
    Ironija: kontrast med pomenom in kontekstom
    [Irony: a contrast between meaning and context]
  85. Bračič Andrej
    Varnost na področju predpisovanja in ravnanja z zdravili kot kompleksen sistemski problem
    [Safety in the field of drug prescription and administration as a complex systemic problem]
  86. Vranič Andrej
    New developments in surgery of malignant gliomas
  87. Kotnik V
    Complement in skin diseases
  88. Strban Grega; Gradišek Anton; Balažic Jože
    Izmenjava medicinske dokumentacije med izbranimi osebnimi zdravniki in pooblaščenimi zdravniki delodajalca
    [Medical data exchange between family physicians and specialists of occupational medicine]
  89. Ribič-Pucelj Martina
    Ohranjanje plodne sposobnosti pri onkoloških bolnicah
    [Fertility preservation in oncologic patients]
  90. Čuš Anja; Vodušek David B; Repovš Grega
    Možganska plastičnost in okrevanje kognitivnih funkcij
    [Brain plasticity and recovery of cognitive functions]
  91. Wejrzanowski Tomasz; Lewandowska Małgorzata; Kurzydlowski Krzysztof Jan
    Stereology of nano-materials
  92. Vitale Richard A
    Convex bodies and Gaussian processes
  93. Cerri Andrea; Frosini Patrizio
    Advances in multidimensional size theory
  94. La Torre Davide; Vrscay Edward R
    Generalized fractal transforms and self-similarity: recent results and applications
  95. Kozar Sergeja; Benedik Janez
    Sedacija otrok
    [Pediatric sedation]
  96. Bregant Tina; Neubauer David
    SF-36v2 Lestvica zdravstvenega stanja - Splošni večdimenzijski kratki vprašalnik za merjenje kakovosti življenja
    [SF-36v Health outcome survey - Generic multidimensional short-form quality-of-life survey]
  97. Poplas-Susič Antonija; Marušič Dorjan
    Referenčne ambulante
    [Model practices]
  98. Zupanič-Pajnič Irena
    Forenzična genetika
    [Forensic genetics]
  99. Adamič Petra; Gasparini Mladen
    Periferna arterijska bolezen
    [Peripheral arterial disease]
  100. Kržišnik Julija; Dernovšek Mojca Zvezdana
    Ali je uporaba kognitivnih modulatorjev smiselna pri zdravljenju bipolarne motnje razpoloženja?
    [Is the use of cognitive modulators reasonable in treatment of bipolar mood disorder?]

   2.859 2.959 3.059 3.159 3.259 3.359 3.459 3.559 3.659 3.759  

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