biomedicina slovenica

vo="middle age" : 282-381

  1. Guzej Žare
    Sepsa s smrtnim izidom po odstranitvi psevdociste vranice: prikaz primera
    [Death due to septicemia after splenectomy for splenic pseudocyst: case report]
  2. Norčič Gregor; Pleskovič Alojz
    Akutni abdomen - problem diferencialne diagnoze
  3. Adamič Katja; Ploj Tom
    Akutni koronarni sindrom
  4. Kovač-Blaž Milena
    Hujšanje po programu "Zdravljenje debelosti"
  5. Pišek A; Ismaili H
    Abscess of the haematoma of the Retzius space after IVS operation - case report
  6. Weber V
    Retropubic hematoma post TVT: presentation of a case
  7. Meglič L; Korošec S
    Untreated advanced vulvar carcinoma
  8. Smrkolj Š; Fabjan-Vodušek V; Lukanovič A
    Vaginal evisceration following hysterectomy
  9. But Igor
    Vaginal wall erosion after MONARC procedure
  10. Ocepek A; Skok P; Virag M; Kamenik B; Horvat M
    Emphysematous gastritis - case report and review of the literature
  11. Nissen Steven E; Tuzcu E Murat; Schoenhagen Paul; Brown B Greg; Ganz Peter; Vogel Robert A; Crowe Tim; Howard Gail; Cooper Christopher J; Brodie Bruce
    Primerjava učinkov intenzivnega in zmernega protilipidnega zdravljenja na napredovanje korornarne ateroskleroze: randomizirana nadzorovana študija
    [Effect of intensive compared with moderate lipid-lowering therapy on progression of coronary atherosclerosis. A randomized controlled trial]
  12. Drnovšek-Olup Brigita; Beltram Matej; Pižem Jože
    Repetitive Er:YAG laser irradiation of human skin: a histological evaluation
  13. Wollina U; Graefe T; Konrad H; Schoenlebe J; Koch A; Hansel G; Haroske G; Koestler E
    Cutaneous metastases of internal cancer
  14. Gračner Tomaž
    Ocular blood flow velocity determined by color Doppler imaging in diabetic retinopathy
  15. Pražnikar Aleš
    Prve izkušnje v lajšanju spastičnosti in bolečine s kanabinoidi pri osebah z multiplo sklerozo
  16. Krajc Mateja; de Greve Jacques; Goelen Guido; Teugels Erik
    BRCA2 founder mutation in Slovenian breast cancer families
  17. Bremberg Stefan; Nilstun Tore; Kovač Vili; Zwitter Matjaž
    GPs facing reluctant and demanding patients: analysing ethical justifications
  18. Horvat Matjaž; Kovačič Srečko; Potrč Stojan; Reberšek-Gorišek Helena
    Abdominal actinomycosis presenting as a small-bowel obstruction
  19. Bunc Gorazd; Kramberger Slavko; Kovačič Srečko; Šeruga Tomaž; Voršič Matjaž
    Recurrent giant invasive thoracolumbar schwannoma
  20. Skalerič Eva
    Raven nekaterih kazalcev vnetja in inflamatornih citokinov v serumu bolnikov s parodontalno boleznijo
    [The levels of some inflammatory mediators and cytokines in the sera of patients with periodontal disease]
  21. Kariž Stojan; Kramar Irena; Marušič Tamara
    Masivna znotrajžilna hemoliza pri bolnici z ulceroznim kolitisom in sepso, povzročeno s Klebsiello pneumoniae
    [Masive intravascular hemolysis in a patient with ulcerative colitis and Klebsiella pneumoniae sepsis]
  22. Starc Radovan; Urbančič Jure; Starc Saša
    Akutni srčni infarkt zaradi trombotične zapore koronarne arterije pri zdravem rekreativnem športniku - angiografski prikaz
    [Acute myocardial infarction caused by thrombotic occlusion of coronary artery in a healthy recreational sportsman after a strenuous sport activity - angiographic presentation]
  23. Starc Radovan; Urbančič Jure; Starc Saša
    Ishemična bolezen srca in rekreativni šport
    [Ischemic heart disease and recreative sport]
  24. Bertoli P; Tarantello M; Montesco MC; Veller-Fornasa C
    Detection of human papillomavirus in lesions of a patient with dermatosis papulosa nigra
  25. Reich A; Szepietowski JC; Bialynicki-Birula R; Czarnecki R
    Bullous pemphigoid in a patient with giant squamous cell carcinoma of the groin
  26. Govc-Eržen Jana
    Vloga zdravnika družinske medicine pri obravnavi bolnika z osteoporozo - prikaz primera
  27. Markovič J; Novak-Jankovič V
    Spinal anaesthesia in a patient with Huntington's disease
  28. Sesso Howard D; Buring Julie E; Rifai Nader; Blake Gavin J; Gaziano Michael J; Ridker Paul M
    C-reaktivni protein in tveganje za nastanek hipertenzije
    [C-reactive protein and the risk of developing hypertension]
  29. Švigelj Viktor; Horvat-Ledinek Alenka; Zorman Simona; Možina Hugon
    Idiopathic chronic systemic capillary leak syndrome and encephalopathy
  30. Kozar S; Rus-Vaupot V; Kasnik D; Breznikar B
    Fournier's gangrene - case report
  31. Kasnik D; Rus-Vaupot V
    Necrotizing fasciitis of right thoracic and abdominal wall with Staphylococcus aureus sepsis and multiorgan system failure - case report
  32. Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika; Šabovič Mišo; Keber Dušan
    Effect of blood passage through the pulmonary circulation on fibrinolytic parameters
  33. Sršan-Kocijan Draga
    V PB Ormož šestkrat hospitalizirani pacient
  34. Furlan Mirjana
    Enainpetdesetletna pacientka, ponovno sprejeta po 12 letih
  35. Vučemilo Marieta
    Oseminštiridesetletni bolnik, zdravljen v PB Ormož
  36. Rahne-Otorepec Irena
    Prikaz uporabe seroquela v praksi - komorbidna motnja: sindrom odvisnosti od alkohola in huda depresivna motnja z izraženo agitiranostjo
  37. Korelc Irena
    Oseminpetdesetletna pacientka
  38. Govc-Eržen Jana
    Glavobol - predstavitev primera
    [Headache - a case report]
  39. Fischinger Janez
    Nova metoda fiksacije Thierschevega kožnega presadka po eksciziji tumorja v področju zgornjega ustnega preddvora
    [A new method for stabilisation of a thin split-thickness skin graft in upper oral vestibular region following tumor extirpation]
  40. Trček Ciril; Zidar Nina; Volavšek Metka
    Heterotopna žleza slinavka na vratu: poročilo o družinskem pojavu
    [Familial occurence of heterotopic cervical salivary gland tissue]
  41. Fošnarič Iztok; Lanišnik Boštjan; Munda Anton
    Wegenerjeva granulomatoza - prikaz treh primerov
    [Report on three cases of Wegener's granulomatosis]
  42. Zorn Alojz
    Divertikli bulbusa jugularne vene
    [Diverticles of the vena jugularis bulbus]
  43. Jenko Klemen; Podboj Jernej; Boršoš Imre
    Metastaze v nosu in obnosnih votlinah
    [Metastases to nose and paranasal sinuses]
  44. Lanišnik Boštjan; Didanovič Vojko
    Akutni invazivni aspergilozni rinosinusitis pri bolnici z akutno mieloično levkemijo
    [Acute invasive Aspergillus rhinosinusitis in patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia]
  45. Hribar Božica
    Komplikacije črevesnih stom in opis primera
  46. Jarc Maja; Grmek-Zemljič Tatjana; Roškar Zlatko
    Uporaba celičnih označevalcev v diagnostiki krvnih bolezni - prikaz primerov
    [Application of immunophenotyping in diagnostics of hematological diseases - case report]
  47. Golob-Gulič Tatjana; Granda Samo; Penko Meta
    Akutni koronarni sindrom: prikaz primera
    [Acute coronary syndrome: case report]
  48. Prestor Borut; Gnidovec Barbara; Golob Peter
    Long sensory tracts (cuneate fascicle) in cervical somatosensory evoked potential after median nerve stimulation
  49. Tetičkovič Erih; Menih Marija
    Trombolitično zdravljenje in dramatično izboljšanje klinične slike pri bolniku z akutno zaporo srednje možganske arterije, spremljano s transkranialno Dopplerjevo sonografijo
    [Thrombolytic treatment and dramatic improvement of the clinical picture in a patient with acute occlusion of the middle cerebral artery followed by transcranial Doppler sonography]
  50. Kanič Vojko; Granda Samo; Kompara Gregor
    Kombinirana perkutana in kirurška revaskularizacija miokarda ob akutnem koronarnem sindromu z dvigom ST spojnice pri bolniku z Lerichevim sindromom
  51. Celli Bartolome R
    62-letna ženska s kronično obstrukcijsko pljučno boleznijo
    [A 62-year old woman with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]
  52. Goldhirsch A; Lindtner J; Eržen D; Majdič E; Štabuc B; Plesničar A; Golouh R; Lamovec J; Jančar J; Vrhovec I; Kramberger M
    Adjuvant chemotherapy followed by goserelin versus either modality alone for premenopausal lymph node-negative breast cancer: a randomized trial
  53. Černelč Peter; Tomažič Janez
    Zdravljenje krvavitev in protiteles za FVIII pri bolnikih s pridobljeno hemofilijo A
    [Treatment of bleeding and factor VIII inhibitors in acquired hemophilia A patients]
  54. Kramar Irena; Kariž Stojan; Plazar Nadja
    Ugotavljanje vzrokov hemolize po transfuziji krvi pri bolnici z ulceroznim kolitisom
    [Finding the right cause for hemolysis in patient with ulcerative colitis after blood transfusion]
  55. Mlakar Uroš
    Zdravljenje avtoimunske hemolitične anemije z rituksimabom
    [Treatment of autoimmune hemolytic anaemia with rituximab]
  56. Sjekavica Ivica; Pavliša Goran; Šeronja-Kuhar Marina; Moscatello Ines; Štern-Padovan Ranka
    Boerhaave's syndrome: a case with an atypical right-sided oesophageal perforation
    [Boerhaavejev sindrom: primer neznačilnega predrtja požiralnikove desne stene]
  57. Mušič Mark; Pleskovič Alojz; Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Luzar Boštjan
  58. Szepietowski JC; Reich A; Wasik F
    Palpable migratory arciform erythema - does this entity really exist?
  59. Bešić Nikola; Žgajnar Janez; Kocijančič Igor
    Pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, and pneumoperitoneum caused by peridiverticulitis of the colon: report of a case
  60. Lalić Hrvoje; Volavšek Črtomir; Radošević-Stašić Biserka
    Chromosomal instability and double minute chromosomes in a breast cancer patient
  61. Podbregar Matej; Krivec Bojan; Voga Gorazd
    Impact of morphologic characteristics of central pulmonary thrombemboli in massive pulmonary embolism
  62. Dernovšek Mojca Zvezdana; Prevolnik-Rupel Valentina; Rebolj Matejka; Tavčar Rok
    The quality of life of schizophrenic outpatients, treated with depot neuroleptics
  63. Ferš Svarunja
    Življenje z inkontinenco
  64. Pirš Mateja; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Rakar Stelio
    Prikaz primera pelvične aktinomikoze v povezavi z materničnim vložkom
    [A case of pelvic actinomycosis associated with an intrauterine device]
  65. Šelb-Šemerl J; Kenda MF
    Out of hospital sudden cardiac death among physically active and inactive married persons younger than 65 years in Slovenia
  66. Klavs Irena
    National survey of sexual lifestyles and Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Slovenia
  67. Buturović-Ponikvar J; Ponikvar R
    High-grade renal transplant artery stenosis after suboptimal angioplasty: favourable long-term outcome
  68. Kaneko Yoshiko; Haraguchi Norihiro; Kodama Takahide; Kagohashi Katsunori; Ishii Yukio; Satoh Hiroaki; Sekizawa Kiyohisa
    Endobronchial metastasis as first manifestation of renal cell carcinoma
    [Endobronhialna metastaza kot prvi znak ledvičnega karcinoma]
  69. Pavčnik Dušan; Machan Lindsay; Uchida Barry; Kaufman John; Keller Frederick S; Roesch Josef
    Percutaneous prosthetic venous valves: current state and possible applications
  70. Clark Jeanne M; Diehe Anna Mae
    Nealkoholna maščobna degeneracija jeter: slabo razpoznan primer kiptogene ciroze
    [Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: an underrecognized cause of cryptogenic cirrhosis]
  71. Rossetti Sandro; Burton Sarah; Strmecki Lana; Pond Gragory S; San Millan Jose L; Zerres Klaus; Barrat Martin T; Ozen Seza; Torres Vincente E; Bergstralh Erik J
    The position of the polycystic kidney disease 1 (PKD1) gene mutation correlates with the severity of renal disease
  72. DeWitt Dawn; Dugdale David C
    Ambulantna uporaba novih načinov insulinskega zdravljenja sladkorne bolezni: klinična uporaba
    [Using new insulin strategies in the outpatient treatment of diabetes: clinical applications]
  73. Kramer Holly J; Nguyen Quan Dong; Curhan Gary; Hsu Chi-yuan
    Ledvična odpoved brez albuminurije in retinopatije pri odraslih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2
    [Renal insufficiency in the absence of albuminuria and retinopathy among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus]
  74. Vlaović Miodrag; Brilej Drago; Komadina Radko
    Hibridni fiksator pri zlomih metafiz
    [External fixator in pelvic and acetabular fractures]
  75. Veselko Matjaž; Saciri Valdet
    Posterior approach for arthroscopic reduction and antegrade fixation of avulsion fracture of the posterior cruciate ligament from the tibia with cannulated screw and washer
  76. Arnež ZM; Pogorelec D; Planinšek F; Ahčan U
    Breast reconstruction by the free transverse gracilis (TUG) flap
  77. Šmid Alojz; Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Škrk Janez; Vrhovec Ivan; Žargi Miha; Kos Janko
    Prognostic value of cathepsin B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
  78. Avbelj Viktor; Trobec Roman; Geršak Borut
    Beat-to-beat repolarisation variability in body surface electrocardiograms
  79. Colleoni M; Litman HJ; Castiglione-Gertsch M; Sauerbrei W; Gelber RD; Bonetti M; Coates AS; Schumacher M; Bastert G; Lindtner J
    Duration of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: a joint analysis of two randomised trials investigating three versus six courses of CMF
  80. Wallgren A; Bonetti M; Gelber RD; Goldhirsch A; Castiglione-Gertsch M; Holmberg SB; Lindtner J
    Risk factors for locoregional recurrence among breast cancer patients: results from International breast cancer study group trials I through VII
  81. Vrečer M; Turk S; Drinovec J; Mrhar A
    Use of statins in primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke: meta-analysis of randomized trials
  82. Zaletel Marjan
    Motnje požiranja v nevrološki ambulanti
  83. Meglič Bernard
    Nevrološko pogojene motnje dihanja
  84. Semenza Carlo; Girelli Luisa; Spacal Martin; Kobal Jan; Mesec Anton
    Derivation by prefixation in Slovenian: two aphasia case studies
  85. Ocepek Andreja; Skok Pavel
    Recidivne venske tromboze pri bolnici z ulceroznim kolitisom
    [Recurrent venous thrombosis in a patient with ulcerative colitis]
  86. Pavlovčič V; Dolinar D
    Intertrochanteric osteotomy for osteonecrosis of the femoral head
  87. Dolinar D; Antolič V; Herman S; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Pavlovčič V
    Influence of contact hip stress on the outcome of surgical treatment of hips affected by avascular necrosis
  88. Stewart Walter F; Ricci Judith A; Chee Elsbeth; Hahn Steven R; Morganstein David
    Stroški zaradi odsotnosti z dela in zmanjšane storilnosti pri ameriških delavcih z depresijo
    [Cost of lost productive work time among US workers with depression]
  89. Granda Gal; Mlakar Janez; Vodušek David B
    Kratek preizkus spoznavnih sposobnosti - umerjanje pri preiskovancih, starih od 55 do 75 let (I)
    [The Slovene version of mini mental state examination - standardization on volunteers from 55 to 75 years old (I)]
  90. Pohar-Marinšek Ž; Lamovec J
    Clear cell hidradenocarcinoma
  91. Haraguchi Norihiro; Satoh Hiroaki; Homma Toshiaki; Sekizawa Kiyohisa
    Long-term disease-free interval after irradiation for locally advanced lung cancer
    [Dolgotrajno preživetje brez znakov bolezni pri bolnici, ki smo jo obsevali zaradi lokalno napredovalega pljučnega raka. Prikaz primera]
  92. Kolander-Bizjak Ljubica
    Somatske motnje pri depresiji - prikaz primera
  93. Kravos Matej
    Bolnišnično vodenje pacienta z osebnostno motnjo
  94. Zver Samo; Dovšak Tadej
    Paralitični ileus kot zaplet zdravljenja z vinkristinom in itrakonazolom
    [Paralytic ileus as a side effect of vincristine and itraconazole treatment]
  95. Džajkovska Biljana
    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of different drug treatments for osteoporosis
    [Farmakoekonomska analiza različnih zdravljenj osteoporoze]
  96. Žitnik Lidija; Tetičkovič Erih
    Laboratorijska diagnostika pri mlajših bolnikih z možganskožilnimi boleznimi - redkejši dejavniki tveganja
  97. Ekart Robert; Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Dvoršak Benjamin; Hojs Radovan
    Sterilni peritonitis nakon primjene ikodekstrina
    [Sterile peritonitis after application of icodextrin]
  98. Flis Vojko; Gadžijev Eldar
    Reconstruction of the main portal vein for a large saccular aneurysm: case report
  99. Weirich Gregor; von Bubnoff Nikolas; Langer Rupert; Rudelius Martina; Peschl Christian; Hoefler Heinz
    Molecular diagnosis of hereditary hemochromatosis
  100. Kazakov Dmitry V
    Newly described and problematic lymphoproliferative disorders of the skin and soft tissues of the head and neck region

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