biomedicina slovenica

vo="human" : 1.501-1.600

  1. Elwyn G; Kersnik J
    Facilitating organisational development using a group-based formative assessment and benchmarking method: design and implementation of the International Family Practice Maturity Matrix
  2. Lakota Katja; Mrak-Poljšak Katjuša; Rozman Blaž; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna
    Serum Amyloid A and its potential physiological/pathological functions - an overview of patents
  3. Kušej-Jošt A; Rigler-Pleterski D
    Zastrupitev z Euphorbio latrys: klinični primer
    [Poisoning caused by Euphorbia latrys: case report]
  4. Rogač M; Župančič N
    Klinične značilnosti migrene v otroškem obdobju
    [Clinical characteristics of migraine in childhood]
  5. Kores-Plesničar Blanka
    Depresija in bolečina
    [Depression and pain]
  6. Jevnikar Peter; Krnel Kristoffer; Kocjan Andraž; Funduk Nenad; Kosmač Tomaž
    The effect of nano-structured alumina coating on resin-bond strength to zirconia ceramics
  7. Zidar Janez; Dimitrijević Milan R
    Štirideset let Inštituta za klinično nevrofiziologijo in 50 let klinične nevrofiziologije v Sloveniji
    [Forty years of the Ljubljana Institute of clinical neurophysiology and 50 years of clinical neurophysiology in Slovenia]
  8. Tepeš Bojan; Kavalar Rajko
    Adenokarcinom želodca, možnosti preprečevanja in predlogi za endoskopsko in histološko spremljanje predrakavih sprememb v želodcu
    [Gastric cancer, screening possibilities and proposals for endoscopic and histologic follow-up of premalignant gastric lesions]
  9. Martinuč Maja; Jeras Matjaž
    Imunoregulacijsko delovanje matičnih celic iz kostnega mozga in njihova možna uporaba pri transplantaciji organov
    [Immunoregulatory properties of bone marrow stem cells and their potential use in solid organ transplantation]
  10. Brvar Miran; Slana Mojca; Možina Hugon; Možina Martin
    Pregledi bolnikov v urgentnih internističnih ambulantah zaradi neželenih učinkov zdravil
    [Adverse drug reactions as a cause of admission to a medical emergency department]
  11. Oberauner Lucija; Strauch Ludovik; Sakelšek-Jeras Ljudmila; Špec-Marn Ana; Štupnik-Pirtovšek Špela
    Neinvazivno predihavanje s pozitivnim tlakom v pooperativnem obdobju
    [Postoperative noninvasive ventilation]
  12. Berwouts Sarah; Morris Michael A; Dequeker Elisabeth
    Laboratory accrediation and participation in external quality assessment schemes: tools to improve the quality of genetic testing services
    [Akreditiranje laboratorijev in sodelovanje v shemah za zunanje določanje kakovostui: sredstvo za izboljšanje kakovosti storitev genetskega testiranja]
  13. Smrkolj Špela; Fabjan-Vodušek Vesna; Lukanovič Adolf; Slabe Nina; Košir Renata
    Vaginalna evisceracija tankega črevesa po totalni abdominalni histerektomiji
    [Vaginal small bowel evisceration following total abdominal hysterectomy]
  14. Anko Maja; Zorko Matjaž
    Dostavni peptidi in njihova uporaba
    [Cell-penetrating peptides and their application]
  15. Markovič Saša
    Kako lahko preprečimo neželene učinke zdravil
    [How can we prevent adverse drug reactions?]
  16. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Hudoklin Samo; Jezernik Kristijan; Romih Rok
    Formation and maintenance of blood-urine barrier in urothelium
  17. Mlakar B
    Flavonoids reduce bleeding after closed haemorrhoidectomy - prospective randomized controlled trial
  18. Vudrag Marko; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Vegnuti Miljana
    Mesothelioma risk associated with asbestos production in Slovenia
  19. Malovrh Marko
    Non-matured arteriovenous fistulae for haemodialysis: diagnosis, endovascular and surgical treatment
  20. Poredoš P; Ježovnik MK
    Antiplatelet and antithrombotic treatment of patients with peripheral arterial disease
  21. Haring G; Kralj E; Balažic J; Ermenc B
    Diagnostic value of post-mortem examination of the cardiac conduction system
  22. Kralj E; Mihevc-Ponikvar B; Premru-Sršen T; Balažic J
    Maternal mortality in Slovenia: case report and the method of identifying pregnancy-associated deaths
  23. Kralj E; Pezdir T; Balažic J
    Post-mortem blood alcohol concentration of the traffic accident victims and changes in DUI legislation in Slovenia 1980-2006
  24. Balažic J; Frković-Grazio S; Jereb B
    Cardiac death 25 years after successful treatment for Hodgkin's disease - Case report
  25. Bilban M
    Medical driver selection and alcohol
  26. Balažic J; Štefanič B; Kralj E; Ermenc B
    Expert examination and assessment of state under the influence of psychoactive substances
  27. Pegan Katarina; Matkovič Urška; Marš Tomaž; Miš Katarina; Pirkmajer Sergej; Brecelj Janez; Grubič Zoran
    Acetylcholinesterase is involved in apoptosis in the precursors of human muscle regeneration
  28. Slavec ZZ; Brecelj A; Slavec K
    The development of Slovenian Heart Surgery: celebrating 50 years (1958-2008)
  29. Parpura Vladimir; Zorec Robert
    Gliotransmission: exocytotic release from astrocytes
  30. Šoštarič Maja; Geršak Borut; Novak-Janković Vesna
    Early extubation and fast-track anesthetic technique for endoscopic cardiac surgery
  31. Šoštarič Maja; Geršak Borut; Novak-Janković Vesna
    The analgesic efficacy of local anesthetics for the incisional administration following port access heart surgery: bupivacaine versus ropivacaine
  32. Adriaenssens N; Coenen S; Muller A; Čižman M
    European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): outpatient systemic antimycotic and antifungal use in Europe
  33. Balažic Jože
    Proceedings of the 17th International meeting on forensic medicine Alpe-Adria-Pannonia; 2008 May 7-10; Portorož
  34. Prijon T; Ermenc B
    Influence of alcohol intoxication of pedestrians on injuries in fatal road accidents
  35. Kersnik-Levart Tanja; Ključevšek Damjana; Novljan Gregor; Kenda Rajko B
    The growing role of ultrasonography in evaluating children after urinary tract infection
  36. Prijon Ticijana,; Ermenc Branko
    Classification of blunt aortic injuries a new systematic overview of aortic trauma
  37. Ključevšek Damjana; Ključevšek Tomaž; Kersnik-Levart Tanja; Novljan Gregor; Kenda Rajko B
    Catheter-free methods for vesicoureteric reflux detection: our experience and a critical appraisal of existing data
  38. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
    Vozliči na glasilkah
    [Vocal fold nodules]
  39. Chaouat Gerard; Menu Elizabeth; David Francois; Szekeres-Bartho Julia; Kunsky Radoslav; Dang Duc Can; Kapović Miljenko; Ropert Sylvie; Wegmann Thomas G
    Lymphokunes, cytokines and immunoregulators involved in pregnancy success or failure and perinatal AIDS
  40. Szekeres-Bartho Julia; Kinsky Radoslav; Kapović M; Varga peter; Chaouat Gerard
    Progesterone dependent immunomodulation
  41. Orlić Petar; Kapović Miljenko; Aničić Milorad; Rukavina Daniel; Frančišković Vinko
    Our experience in immunological monitoring after kidney transplantation
  42. Ostojić S; Barać L; Smolej-Narančić N; Vitale K; Mojsović A; Kapović M
    Blood pressure in relation to age and sex in the population of the island of Krk, Croatia
  43. Ristić S; Brajenović-Milić B; Buretić-Tomljanović A; Kapović M
    Population-genetic analysis of certain morphophysiological traits in the population of Rijeka, Croatia (III)
  44. Brajenović-Milić B; Ristić S; Kapović M; Mojsović A; Medica I; Modrušan-Mozetić Z
    Incidence of Down's syndrome in the municipality of Rijeka and Istrian region
  45. Brajenović-Milić Bojana; Tišljarić Dubravka; Petrović Oleg; Prodan Mirko; Ristić Smiljana; Marout Jasminka; Herman Radoslav; Kapović Miljenko
    The influence of fetal sex and mother's smoking and parity on AFP and free beta-HCG concentrations in amniotic fluid of unaffected second trimester pregnancies
  46. Hansen S; Schwab F; Asensio A; Carsauw H; Klavs I; Heczko P; Lyytikaeinen O; Palomar M; Riesenfeld Orn I; Savey A
    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Europe: which infection control measures are taken?
  47. Vlastelić I; Buretić-Tomljanović A; Kapović M; Randić L; Tramisak-Milaković T; Ljiljak D; Radojčić-Badovinax A
    Chromosomal aberration and chromosome Y microdeletion of IVF-ICSI male patients
  48. Sepčić Juraj; Materljan Eris; Ristić Smiljana; Crnić-Martinović Marija; Rudež Josip; Kapović Miljenko
    Historic, epidemiologic, clinical, genetic and socio-economic aspects of multiple sclerosis in Croatia
  49. Szekeres-Bartho J; Varga P; Kinsky R; Kapović M; Chaouat G
    Progesterone dependent immunomodulation during pregnancy
  50. Ključevšek D
    Ultrazvočna diagnostika hemangiomov
    [Ultrasound diagnosis of hemangiomas]
  51. Rajić V
  52. Preveden R; Bizjak M
    Infantilni hemangiomi
    [Infantile hemangiomas]
  53. Anžič J
    Prirojena znamenja - kratek pregled nekaterih sodobnih spoznanj in dilem, povezanih z vsebino člankov
    [Birthmarks - a synopsis of some contemporary perceptions and dilemmas regarding topics of the articles]
  54. Delbello A; Colli C; del Rosario-Martinez T; Trevisan G
    Anal canal and rectal condylomatosis: exhaustive proctological examination and STD patients
  55. Aly DG; Shahin RS
    Oxidative stress in lichen planus
  56. Patel GA; Siperstein RD; Ragi G; Schwartz RA
    Zosteriform lymphangioma circumscriptum
  57. Pietroleonardo L; Ruzicka T
    Skin manifestations in familial heterozygous hypercholesterolemia
  58. Yazdanpanah MJ; Banihashemi M; Pezeshkpoor F; Famili S; Layegh P; Katebi M; Hamidi H
    Oral submucous fibrosis in a young patient
  59. Stanković Aleksandra; Dinčić Evica; Ristić Smiljana; Lovrečić Luca; Starčević-Čizmarević Nada; Djurić Tamara; Sepčić Juraj; Kapović Miljenko; Raičević Ranko; Peterlin Borut; Alavantić Dragan; Živković Maja
    Interleukin 7 receptor alpha polymorphism rs6897932 and susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in the Western Balkans
  60. Smrkolj Tomaž; Virant-Klun Irma; Šinkovec Jasna; Oblak Ciril; Zorn Branko
    Epididymovasostomy as the first-line treatment of obstructive azoospermia in young couples with normal spermatogenesis
  61. Didanovič Vojko; Prodnik Luka; Eberlinc Andreja; Vesnaver Aleš; Ihan-Hren Nataša; Kansky Andrej
    Tridimenzionalni modeli v maksilofacialni kirurgiji
    [Three-dimensional models in maxillofacial surgery]
  62. Popović Dejan B; Popović Mirjana B
    New trends in neurorehabilitation of subjects with central nervous system lesions
    [Novi trendi pri nevrorehabilitaciji oseb z okvaro centralnega živčnega sistema]
  63. Kaeaerlaeinen Helena
    How to improve the quality of genetic counselling?
    [Kako izboljšati kvaliteto genetskega svetovanja?]
  64. Šinkovec Matjaž; Vrečar Irena; Šustar Marijan; Pernat Andrej; Rakovec Peter
    Elektrofiziološke in klinične značilnosti krožeče (re-entry) tahikardije atrioventrikularnega vozla ter dolgoročna uspešnost radiofrekvenčne kateterske ablacije
    [Electrophysiological and clinical characteristics of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia and long-term success of radiofrequency catheter ablation]
  65. Crnjac Anton
    Kirurške možnosti zdravljenja malignih plevralnih izlivov karcinoma dojke: primerjava metod
    [Surgical options for treating malignant pleural effusion in patients with breast carcinoma: comparison of methods]
  66. Mušič Ema; Osolnik Katarina; Tomič Viktorija; Eržen Renato; Košnik Mitja; Beović Bojana; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Strle Franc; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Živčec-Kalan Gordana; Švab Igor; Sočan Maja
    Priporočila za obravnavo zunajbolnišnične pljučnice odraslih (prenovljena in dopolnjena izdaja, 2010)
    [Recommendations for the management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults (updated and revised edition, 2010)]
  67. Ponikvar Mario; Vene Nina; Mavri Alenka; Boc Anja; Fokter Samo K
    Preprečevanje venske trombembolije pri artroplastiki kolka in kolena
    [Prevention of venous thromboembolism in hip and knee arthroplasty]
  68. Petek Davorina
    Model za ocenjevanje kakovosti izvajanja primarne preventive srčno-žilnilbolezni v družinski medicini
  69. Rozman D; Monostory K
    Perspectives of the non-statin hypolipidemic agents
  70. Kau Chung How; Richmond Stephen; Zhurov Alexel; Ovsenik Maja; Tawfik Wael; Borbely Peter; English Jerly D
    Use of 3-dimensional surface acquisition to study facial morphology in 5 populations
  71. Kastelic Matej; Koprivšek Jure; Kores-Plesničar Blanka; Serretti Alessandro; Mandelli Laura; Locatelli Igor; Grabnar Iztok; Dolžan Vita
    MDR1 gene polymorphisms and response to acute risperidone treatment
  72. Podnar Simon
    Neurophysiologic testing in neurogenic bladder dysfunction: practical or academic?
  73. Petrovič D
    The role of vascular endothelial growth factor gene as the genetic marker of atherothrombotic disorders and in the gene therapy of coronary artery disease
  74. Sodin-Šemrl S; Antico G; Mikuš R; Lakota K; Varga J; Fiore S
    Lipoxin A4 and serum amyloid a differentially modulate phospholipase D in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes
  75. Dernovšček-Hafner Nataša
    Zdravje nižje izobraženih delavcev
    [Health of low-educated employees]
  76. Urdih-Lazar Tanja; Stergar Eva
    Izpostavljenost trpinčenju na delovnem mestu v Sloveniji
    [Exposure to mobbing in the workplace in Slovenia]
  77. Stergar Eva
    Uporaba prepovedanih psihoaktivnih snovi (PAS) v aktivni populaciji
    [The use of illegal psychoactive substances (PAS) in active population]
  78. Kotnik Bogdan; Zupet Petra; Vodičar Janez; Tušak Matej
    Značilnosti reagiranja v stresni situaciji in dejavniki uspeha slovenskih vrhunskih športnikov in olimpijskih igrah
    [The way of reacting in a stressful situation and factors of success of the Slovene top athletes in olympic games]
  79. Bilban Marjan; Kocmur Marga
    Vozniška zmožnost v starejših letih s poudarkom na demenci
    [Driving capacity of elderly drivers emphasis on dementia]
  80. Kocmur Marga; Bilban Marjan
    Delazmožnost ob čustvenih motnjah
    [Ability to work in cases of affective disorders]
  81. Molan Marija; Molan Gregor
    Model izboljšanja psihičnega funkcioniranja v delovnem okolju
    [Model of the improvement of mental functioning in the working environment]
  82. Šestan Nevenka; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
    Bolniški stalež zaradi bolezni obtočil in duševno-vedenjskih motenj
    [Sick leave due to the circulatory system diseases and mental and behavioural disorders]
  83. Molan Marija
  84. Grubič Zoran
    Nevrobiologija depresije
    [Neurobiology of depression]
  85. Mohorko Nina; Repovš Grega; Popović Mara; Kovacs Gabor G; Bresjanac Mara
    Curcumin labeling of neuronal fibrillar tau inclusions in human brain samples
  86. Verhoef L; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Barlič-Maganja D; Hočevar-Grom A
    Use of norovirus genotype profiles to differentiate origins of foodborne outbreaks
  87. Hristovski D; Kastrin A; Peterlin B; Rindflesch TC
    Semantic relations for interpreting DNA microarray data
  88. Gale Nina; Cardesa Antonio; Zidar Nina
    Larynx und hypopharynx
  89. Gale Nina; Zidar Nina
    Benigne und potentiell maligne Laesionen des Plattenepithels und Plattenepithelkarzinom
  90. Sakr Wael A; Gale Nina; Gnepp Douglas R; Crissman John D
    Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia of the upper aerodigestive tract
  91. Erčulj Nina; Zadel Maja; Dolžan Vita
    Genetic polymorphisms in base excision repair in healthy Slovenian population and their influence on DNA damage
  92. van Stralen Karlijin; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Novljan G; Kenda RB
    Demographics of paediatric renal replacement therapy in Europe: 2007 annual report of the ESPN/ERA-EDTA registry
  93. Belič Aleš; Temesvari Manna; Kohalmy Krisztina; Vrzal Radim; Dvorak Zdenek; Rozman Damjana; Monostory Katalin
    Investigation of the CYP2C9 induction profile in human hepatocytes by combining experimental and modelling approaches
  94. Paro-Panjan Darja
    Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus
  95. Benedik Janez; Koželj Gordana; Manohin Aleksander
    A study of midazolam plasma concentrations in patients undergoing conscius sedation
  96. Phillip Moshe; Battelino Tadej
    Advanced technologies and treatments for diabetes: ATTD 2009 year book
  97. Battelino Tadej
    CSII and countinuous glucose monitoring in children and adolescents
  98. Pongrac-Barlovič Draženka; Cooper Mark E
    Arterial hypertension defeated? Attacked from another angle
  99. Pongrac-Barlovič Draženka; Thomas Merlin C; Jandeleit-Dahm Karin
    Cardiovascular disease: what's all the AGE/RAGE about?
  100. Zaletel J; Pongrac-Barlovič D; Preželj J
    Adiponectin-leptin ratio: a useful estimate of insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes

   1.001 1.101 1.201 1.301 1.401 1.501 1.601 1.701 1.801 1.901  

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