biomedicina slovenica


  1. Giménez-Andrés Manuel; Emeršič Tadej; Antoine-Bally Sandra; D'Ambrosio Juan Martin; Antonny Bruno; Derganc Jure; Čopič Alenka
    Exceptional stability of a perilipin on lipid droplets depends on its polar residues, suggesting multimeric assembly
  2. Lakota Katja; Žigon Polona; Mrak-Poljšak Katjuša; Rozman Blaž; Shoenfeld Yehuda; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna
    Antibodies against acute phase proteins and their functions in the pathogenesis of disease: a collective profile of 25 different antibodies
  3. Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Frank Mojca; Ambrožič Aleš; Pavlič Janez; Šuštar Vid; Čučnik Saša; Božič Borut; Kveder Tanja; Rozman Blaž
    Interactions of phospholipid binding proteins with negatively charged membranes: beta2-glycoprotein I as a model mechanism
  4. Pregelj Peter
    Involvement of cholesterol in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease: role of statins
  5. Urbanija Jasna; Tomšič Nejc; Lokar Maruša; Ambrožič Aleš; Čučnik Saša; Rozman Blaž; Kandušer Maša; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Coalescence of phospholipid membranes as a possible origin of anticoagulant effect of serum proteins
  6. Bevc S; Hojs R; Ekart R; Hojs-Fabjan T
    Atherosclerosis in hemodialysis patients: traditional and nontraditional risk factors
  7. Černe Andreja; Čerček Miha; Kranjec Igor; Peterlin Borut
    Genski polimorfizmi in akutni koronarni sindrom
    [Gene polymorphism and acute coronary syndrome]
  8. Urlep Dejan
    Motnje presnove maščob in trebušna slinavka
    [Pancreas and disorders of lipid metabolism]
  9. Završnik Matej
    Motnje v presnovi maščob
  10. Letonja Mitja
    Vpliv genskih polimorfizmov na koronarno bolezen pri moških in ženskah
    [Influence of genetic polymorphisms on coronary artery disease in men and women]
  11. Atalay G; Dirix L; Biganzoli L; Beex L; Nooij M; Cameron D; Lohrisch C; Čufer T; Lobelle JP; Mattiaci MR
    The effect of exemestane on serum lipid profile in postmenopausal women with metastatic breast cancer: a companion study to EORTC trial 10951, 'Randomized phase II study in first line hormonal treatment for metastatic breast cancer with exemestane or tamoxifen in postmenopausal patients'
  12. Letonja Mitja; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Peterlin Borut; Petrovič Daniel
    Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism effects triglycerides but not CAD risk in Caucasian women younger than 65 years
  13. Fredrikson GN; Hedbčad B; Berglund G; Alm R; Ares M; Čerček B; Chyu K-Y; Shah PK; Nilsson J
    Identification of immune responses against aldehyde-modified peptide sequences in ApoB associated with cardiovascular disease
  14. Shah PK; Kaul S; Nilsson J; Čerček B
    Exploiting the vascular protective effects of high-density lipoprotein and its apolipoproteins: an idea whose time for testing is coming. Part II
  15. Shah PK; Kaul S; Nilsson J; Čerček B
    Exploiting the vascular protective effects of high-density lipoprotein and its apolipoproteins: an idea whose time for testing is coming. Part I
  16. Shah PK; Yano J; Reyes O; Chyu K-Y; Kaul S; Bisgaier CL; Drake S; Čerček B
    High-dose recombinant apolipoprotein A-Imilano mobilizes tissue cholesterol and rapidly reduces plaque lipid and macrophage content in apoliprotein E-deficient mice
  17. Matetzky S; Tani S; Kangavari S; Chyu K-Y; Yano J; Xu H; Shah PK; Čerček B
    Smoking increases tissue factor expression in atherosclerotic plaques; implications for plaque thrombogenicity
  18. Oguchi S; Dimayuga P; Chyu K-Y; Zhu J; Shah PK; Nilsson J; Čerček B
    VCAM-1 regulation after arterial wall injury
  19. Dimayuga P; Zhu J; Oguchi S; Chyu KY; Yano J; Shah PK; Nilsson J; Čerček B
    Reconstituted HDL containing human apolipoprotein A-1 reduces VCAM-1 expression and neointima formation following periadventitial cuff induced carotid injury in apoE null mice
  20. Shah PK; Nilsson J; Kaul S; Fishbein MC; Ageland H; Hamsten A; Čerček B
    Effects of recombinant apolipoprotein A-1 Milano on aortic atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
  21. Černe Darko; Ledinski Gerhard; Kager Gerd; Greilberger Joachim; Wang Xiasong; Juergens Guenther
    Comparison of laboratory parameters as risk factors for the presence and the extent of coronary or carotid atherosclerosis: the significance of apolipoprotein B to apolipoprotein all ratio
  22. Černe Andreja
    Patomorfološki, funkcijski in genetski markerji ateroskleroze pri bolnikih s prvo klinčno manifestacijo koronarne bolezni
  23. Kunej Tanja
    Analiza genetskih vzrokov za neplodnost pri moškem
    [Analysis of gentic factors for male knfertility]
  24. Černe D; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S
    Is midly elevated serum creatinine concentration a marker of coronary atherosclerosis?
  25. Prokšelj Katja
    Vpliv statinov na učinke L-arginina na endotelno vazomotorno funkcijo pri bolnikih s hiperholesterolemijo
  26. Sherer Yaniv; Shemesh Joseph; Tenenbaum Alexander; Praprotnik Sonja; Harats Dror; Fisman Enrique Z; Blank Miri; Motro Michael; Shoenfeld Yehuda
    Coronary calcium and anti-cardiolipin antibody are elevated in patients with typical chest pain
  27. Černe Darko; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Kranjec Igor; Jurgens Gunther
    Mildly elevated serum creatinine concentration correlates with the extent of coronary atherosclerosis
  28. Petrovič D; Zorc M; Peterlin B
    Effect of apolipoprotein E polymorphism and apolipoprotein A-1 gene promoter polymorphism on lipid parameters and premature coronary artery disease
  29. Černe Darko; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Kranjec Igor; Jurgens Gunther
    Mildly elevated serum creatinine concentration correlates with the extent of coronary atherosclerosis
  30. Petrovič D; Peterlin B
    Genetic factors and coronary artery disease
  31. Šebeštjen Miran
    Vpliv statinov in fibratov na funkcionalne in morfološke lastnosti arterijske stene pri bolnikih s kombinirano hiperlipidemijo
  32. Kovač Damjan
    Zdravljenje hiperlipidemije z lovastatinom pri bolnikih s presajeno ledvico in ciklosporinsko imunosupresijo
  33. Launonen V; Laake K; Huusko P; Niederacher D; Beckmann MW; Barkardottir RB; Geirsdottir EK; Gudmundsson J; Velikonja N; Peterlin B; et al ;
    European multicenter study on LOH of APOC3 at 11q 23 in 766 breast cancer patients: relation to clinical variables. Breast cancer somatic genetics consortium
  34. Lavrenčič Aleša
    Vpliv redne telesne vadbe na fibrinolitično aktivnost krvi in endotelijsko vazodilatacijo pri bolnikih z metaboličnim kardiovaskularnim sindromom
  35. Petrovič Danijel; Peterlin Borut
    Genetic polymorphism and coronary artery disease
  36. Sket Dušan
    Alzheimerjeva bolezen: molekularne hipoteze in poskusi farmakoterapije
    [Alzheimer's disease: molecular hypotheses and pharmacotherapeutic prospects]
  37. Kveder Marina; Pifat Greta; Pečar Slavko; Schara Milan; Ramos Pilar; Esterbauer Hermann
    The interaction of lower alcohols vith apoB in spin labeled human plasma low density lipoproteins (LDL)
  38. Uršič-Bratina N
    Dejavniki tveganja za razvoj ateroskleroze pri otrocih staršev, ki so zboleli z miokardnim infarktom pred 45. letom starosti
  39. Turk J; Kenda M; Koželj M; Zalokar V; Jokovič Ž
    Clinical value of apolipoproteins A1 and B determinations
  40. Salzer B; Sertić J; Stavljenić-Rukavina A
    Povezanost polimorfizma apoproteina E i promjena serumskih lipoproteina u dijabetesu tipa I
  41. Turk J; Kenda M; Rakovec P; Kranjec I; Janežič A; Koželj M; Zalokar V; Joković Ž
    Klinični pomen določanja koncentracij apolipoproteinov A1 in B. (Clinical value of apolipoprotein A1 and B determinations)
  42. Joković Ž; Zalokar V; Skitek M; Turk J
    Pomen in možnosti merjenja koncentracij apolipoproteinov. (The value and possibilities of apolipoprotein determinations)

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