biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 17.167-17.266

  1. Veingerl Anton; Drnovšček Marjan; Japelj Igor
    Kardiotokografija pred porodom in med njim
    [Cardiotocography before and during the delivery]
  2. Senker Karol
    Ob epidemiji črnih koz na Kosovem
    [Epidemic of smallpox in Kosovo]
  3. Tavčar Danilo
    Spremembe želodčne sluznice pri kroničnem gastritisu
    [Changes of the gastric mucosa with chronic gastritis]
  4. Župančič-Kmet Jasna; Marolt-Gomišček Marica
    Kožne vzbrsti pri revakcinaciji proti kozam in protitelesa, ki inhibirajo hemaglutinacijo
    [Skin response to smallpox revaccination and haemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies]
  5. Fajdiga Igor; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Žargi Miha
    Voice prostheses - ten years after
    [Traheoezofagalne govorne proteze, izkušnje desetih let]
  6. Šmid Lojze; Šoba Erika; Budihna Marjan; Zakotnik Branko; Lešničar Hotimir; Strojan Primož; Žargi Miha; Fajdiga Igor
    Radiochemotherapy for advanced head and neck carcinoma - Ljubljana experience
    [Kombinirano zdravljenje napredovalega karcinoma glave in vratu - ljubljanska izkušnja]
  7. Aničin Aleksandar; Žargi Miha
    Management of cervical lymph nodes in patients with laryngeal carcinoma - patterns of failure
    [Zdravljenje zasevkov na vratu pri bolnikih s karcinomom grla - značilnosti področne ponovitve]
  8. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Žargi Miha
    Laryngeal papillomatosis
    [Papilomatoza grla]
  9. Fischinger Janez
    Epithelial hyperplastic lesion in chronic hyperplastic laryngitis of patients treated from 1994 to 1998 at the Department of otorinolaryngology and cervicofacial surgery in Ljubljana
    [Hiperplastične spremembe epitela pri bolnikih s kroničnim laringitisom, zdravljenih od 1994-1998 na Kliniki za otorinolaringologijo in cervikalno kirurgijo v Ljubljani]
  10. Žargi Miha; Fajdiga Igor; Šmid Lojze
    From microlaryngoscopy to fluorescence laryngeal endoscopy
    [Od mikrolaringoskopije do fluorescenčne laringalne endoskopije]
  11. Pompe-Kirn Vera
    Epidemiological features of laryngeal cancer in Slovenia
    [Epidemiološke značilnosti raka grla v Sloveniji]
  12. Zidar Nina; Kojc Nika; Gale Nina
    Diagnostic and prognostic significance of stromal myofibroblasts in laryngeal carcinogenesis
    [Diagnostični in napovedni pomen miofibroblastov pri karcinomu grla]
  13. Coer Andrej; Pižem Jože; Gale Nina
    The expression of Bcl-2 and pro-caspase 3 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
    [Izražanje Bcl-2 in prokaspaze 3 v ploščatoceličnih karcinomih glave in vratu]
  14. Luzar Boštjan; Poljak Mario; Marin Irena J; Fischinger Janez; Gale Nina
    Telomerase catalytic subunit mRNA in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas
    [Informacijska mRNA katalitične podenote telomeraze v ploščatoceličnih karcinomih grla]
  15. Volavšek Metka; Glavač Damjan; Gale Nina
    Cell cycle regulating genes and their protein expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx
    [Spremembe genov in proteinov celičnega ciklusa pri ploščatoceličnem karcinomu grla in spodnjega žrela]
  16. Potočnik U; Ravnik-Glavač M; Golouh R; Glavač D
    Naturally occuring mutations and functional polymorphisms in multidrug resistance 1 gene: correlation with microsatellite instability and lymphoid infiltration in colorectal cancers
  17. Glavač Damjan; Potočnik Uroš; Podpečnik Darja; Žižek Teofil; Smerkolj Sava; Ravnik-Glavač Metka
    Correlation of MFOLD-predicted DNA secondary structures with separation patterns obtained by capillary electrophoresis single-strand conformation polymorphism (CE-SSCP) analysis
  18. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Atkinson Andrew; Glavač Damjan; Dean Michael
    DHPLC screening of cystic fibrosis gene mutations
  19. Kornhauser Aleksandra; Vrtačnik Margareta; DaSilva Edgar
    Information support for toxic waste management
  20. Podnar T; Runovc F; Kordaš M
    Simulation of cardiovascular physiology: the diastolic function(s) of the heart
  21. Gaberšček S; Kališnik M; Pezdirc M; Pavlin K; Hojker S
    Influence of lithium on growth and viability of thyroid follicular cells
  22. Preželj Andrej; Obreza Aleš; Pečar Slavko
    Abuse of clenbuterol and its detection
  23. Obreza Aleš; Urleb Uroš
    A new synthesis of substituted benzaldehyde (N-(E)-phenylmethylidene)hydrazones
  24. Marinko Petra; Obreza Aleš; Peterlin-Mašič Lucija; Krbavčič Aleš; Kikelj Danijel
    Synthesis of 2-amino-7,8-dihydro-6(5H)quinazolinone, 2,4-diamino-7,8-dihydro-6(5H)-quinazolinone, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2,6-quinazolinediamine and 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2,4,6-quinazolinetriamine derivatives
  25. Zega Anamarija; Mlinšek Gregor; Šepic Petja; Golič-Grdadolnik Simona; Šolmajer Tomaž; Tschopp Tomas B; Steiner Beat; Kikelj Danijel; Urleb Uroš
    Design and structure-activity relationship of thrombin inhibitors with an azaphenylalanine scaffold: potency and selectivity enhancements via P2 optimization
  26. Maraspin Vera; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Strle Franc
    Development of erythema migrans in spite of treatment with antibiotics after a tick bite
  27. Zore Anamarija; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Pikelj Andreja; Jurca Tomaž; Logar Mateja; Strle Franc
    Sensitivity of culture and polymerase chain reaction for the etiologic diagnosis of erythema migrans
  28. Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Strle Franc
    Evaluation of immunofluorescence test (IFT) and immuno (western) blot (WB) test in patients with erythema migrans
  29. Šimenc Janez; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Comparison of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and two different polymerase chain reaction (PCRs) for species identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato strains
  30. Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Maraspin Vera; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Jurca Tomaž; Logar Mateja; Pikelj-Pečnik Andreja; Strle Franc
    Characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato strains isolated from human material in Slovenia
  31. Ogrinc Katarina; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Cerebrospinal fluid findings in patients with symptoms suggesting chronic Lyme borreliosis
  32. Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Lužnik-Bufon Tatjana; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Children with multiple erythema migrans: are there any pre-treatment symptoms and/or signs suggestive for central nervous system involvement?
  33. Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Jurca Tomaž; Picken Roger N; Strle Franc
    Solitary borrelial lymphocytoma in adult patients
  34. Pikelj-Pečnik Andreja; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Logar Mateja; Jurca Tomaž; Strle Franc
    Electrocardiographic findings in patients with erythema migrans
  35. Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Jurca Tomaž; Strle Franc
    Cerebrospinal fluid findings in adult patients with multiple erythema migrans
  36. Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Lužnik-Bufon Tatjana; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Solitary erythema migrans in children: comparison of treatment with azithromycin and phenoxymethylpenicillin
  37. Strle Franc; Videčnik Jerneja; Zorman Peter; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Maraspin Vera
    Clinical and epidemiological findings for patients with erythema migrans: comparison of cohorts from the years 1993 and 2000
  38. Logar Mateja; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Comparison of self-assessment and scutal index for the duration of Ixodes ricinus tick attachment
  39. Campell PA; Cuschieri A; Liović Mirjana; Lane FB
    Cytoskeleton elasticity and dynamics during cell motility: AFM observation of PtK2 cells in the pico-newton force regime
  40. Arko Barbara; Preželj Janez; Komel Radovan; Kocijančič Andreja; Marc Janja
    No major effect of estrogen receptor beta gene RsaI polymorphism on bone mineral density and response to alendronate therapy in postmenopausal osteoporosis
  41. Benedik-Dolničar Majda; Strmecki Lana; Paschke Eduard; Steglich Cordula; Kranjc Olga; Komel Radovan
    Haemophilia A and mucopolysaccharidosis I-H (Hurler Syndrome): a case report
  42. Arko Barbara; Preželj Janez; Komel Radovan; Kocijančič Andreja; Hudler Petra; Marc Janja
    Sequence variations in the osteoprotegerin gene promoter in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis
  43. Jurada Sanja; Marc Janja; Preželj Janez; Kocijančič Andreja; Komel Radovan
    Codon 325 sequence polymorphism of estrogen receptor gene and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
  44. Comino Aleksandra; Ihan Alojz; Komel Radovan; Bruschi Carlo
    The conditional mutation cdc6-1 affects chromosome segregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  45. Rossetti Sandro; Strmecki Lana; Gamble Vicki; Burton Sarah; Sneddon Vicky; Peral Belen; Roy Sushmita; Bakkaloglu Aysin; Komel Radovan
    Mutation analysis of the entire PKD1 gene egenetic and diagnostic implications
  46. Žnidaršič Polona; Komel Radovan; Pavko Aleksander
    Influence of some environmental factors on Rhizopus nigricans submerged growth in the form of pellets
  47. Svetina Monika; Kraševec Nada; Gaberc-Porekar Vladka; Komel Radovan
    Ezpression of catalytic subunit of bovine enterokinase in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
  48. Vouk Katja; Gazvoda Barbara; Komel Radovan
    Fluorescent multiplex PCR and capillary electrophoresis for analysis of PKD1 and PKD2 associated microsatellite markers
  49. Žnidaršič Polona; Vitas Marko; Komel Radovan; Pavko Aleksander
    Induction of steroidal 11 alpha-hydroxylase activity in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans by tomatidine and Primula veris root extract
  50. Švab Vesna; Tomori Martina
    Mental health services in Slovenia
  51. Jerin A; Požar-Lukanovič N; Sojar V; Stanisavljevič D; Paver-Eržen V; Osredkar J
    Neopterin - an early marker of surgical stress and hypoxic reperfusion damage during liver surgery
  52. Prelesnik Uroš
    Kajenje kot dejavnik tveganja pri nastanku starostne katarakte in glavkoma
    [Smoking as a risk factor in the development of senile cataract and glaucoma]
  53. Debeljak Bernarda
    Priljubljenost mleka in mlečnih izdelkov med osnovnošolci
    [Popularity of milk and dairy products among pupils]
  54. Štrumbelj Iztok; Ribič Helena; Franko-Kancler Tatjana; Božanić Vinko; Grmek-Košnik Irena; Merljak Lilijana; Kavčič Martina; Harlander Tatjana
    Odpornost proti nekaterim antibiotikom pri sevih Streptococcus pyogenes in Streptococcus pneumoniae v prvi polovici leta 2001
    [Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus pneumoniae from january to june 2002]
  55. Vučković Joško; Forenpoher Gea; Marušić M; Užarević B; Zemunik Tatijana
    Prognostic relevance of non-Hodgkin lymphomas cell cycle data
  56. Zemunik Tatijana; Vučković Joško; Marinković Marija; Forempoher Gea
    Bone marrow involvement and the prognosis of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  57. Zemunik Tatijana; Vučković Joško; Forenpoher Gea; Knežević N; Štula N; Dubravčić M; Ribičić I; Rozga A
    Prognostic parameters in low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas
  58. Vučković Joško; Ilić Anita; Knežević Nebojša; Marinković Marija; Zemunik Tatijana; Dubravčić Mirko
    Prognosis in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
  59. Vučković Joško; Forenpoher Gea; Marušić M; Užarević B; Sabioncello A; Štula N; Dubravčić M
    Significance of aneuploidy in non-Hodgkin lymphomas
  60. Vučković Joško; Zemunik Tatijana; Forenpoher Gea; Knežević Nebojša; Štula Nikola; Dubravčić Mirko; Čapkun Vesna
    Prognostic value of B-symptoms in low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomas
  61. Celar Franci; Kač Milica
    Competition for nutrients between phytopathogenic and antagonistic soil fungi
    [Tekmovanje za hranila med fitopatogenimi in antagonističnimi talnimi glivami]
  62. Kovačevič Miroslav; Kač Milica
    Uporabnost podatkov o hlapnih sestavinah hmelja, vzorčenih z mikroekstrakcijo na igli (SPME)
    [Usefulness of data on hop volatiles obtained by solid phase microextraction (SPME) sampling]
  63. Kač Milica; Kovačevič Miroslav
    Ocena nekaterih potencialno zanimivih tujih hmeljnih kultivarjev z min-max modelom
    [Evaluation of some potentially interesting modern hop cultivars with the min-max model]
  64. Kovačevič Miroslav; Kač Milica
    Optimizacija metode za polkvantitativno določevanje sestave eteričnega olja hmelja
    [Optimization of a method for semiquantitative determination of the composition of hop essential oil]
  65. Kovačevič Miroslav; Žvipelj Sebastjan; Kač Milica
    SPME metoda za semikvantitativno določevanje sestave eteričnega olja hmelja
    [SPME method for semiquantitative determination of hop essential oil composition]
  66. Kovačevič Miroslav; Kač Milica
    Uporaba prečiščenega toluena za določevanje vsebnosti alfa-kislin v hmelju
    [Use of recycled toluene for determination of alpha-acid content in hops]
  67. Kovačevič Miroslav; Kač Milica
    Določevanje ostankov diklofluanida v hmelju z GC/MS tehniko
    [Determination of dichlofluanid residues in hops by GC/MS]
  68. Kač Milica; Šeliga-Reberčnik Andreja; Košir Iztok
    Pomen in vrednotenje določanja vsebnosti nitratnega iona v hmeljnih storžkih
    [Significance and evaluating of nitrate ion determination in hop cones]
  69. Tomaževič Dejan; Likar Boštjan; Pernuš Franjo
    A comparison of retrospective shading correction techniques
  70. Juretić Darinka; Krajnović Vera; Lukač-Bajalo Jana
    Altered distribution of urinary glycosaminoglycans in diabetic subjects
  71. Kozlov A; Aniol KA; Bartsch P; Baumann D; Bertozzi W; Boehm R; Bohinc K; Chen JP; Dale D; Širca S
    The longitudinal and transverse response of the 4He(e, e1p) reaction in the dip region
  72. Kohl M; Kuss M; Rangacharyulu C; Richter A; Schrieder G; Suda T; Bohinc K; Širca S
    Medium effects in pion electroproduction off 3He
  73. Dieterich S; Bartsch P; Baumann D; Bermuth J; Bohinc K; Boehm R; Bosnar D; Derber S; Ding M; Distler M
    Polarization transfer in the 4He(e, e' p)H reaction
  74. Skaza A; Eržen I
    Cost-effectiveness of screening for Chlamydia trachomatis in adolescent females in Slovenia
  75. Kač Milica; Kralj Dragica
    Studying biodiversity of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) accessions from the composition of their essential oils
  76. Fošnarič Miha; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Haegerstrand Henry; Iglič Aleš
    Influence of C12E8 induced membrane inclusion on stability of torocyte chape of red blood cell daughter vesicles
  77. Dubničkova Martina; Bpbrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata; Soederstroen Thomas; Iglič Aleš; Haegerstrand Henry
    Gemini (dimeric) surfactant perturbation of the human erythrocyte
  78. Herman S; Jaklič A; Herman S; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V
    Hip stress reduction after Chiari osteotomy
  79. Iglič Aleš; Daniel Matej; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Antolič Vane; Jaklič Anton
    Peak hip-joint contact stress in male and female populations
  80. Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Iglič Aleš; Gomišček Gregor; Sevšek France; Arrigler Vesna; Haegerstrand Henry
    Microtubes and nanotubes of a phospholipid bilayer membrane
  81. Haegerstrand Henry; Iglič Aleš; Bobrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata; Lindquist Christer; Isomaa Boris; Eberg Stefan
    Amphiphile-induced vesiculation in aged hereditary spherocytosis erythrocytes indicates normal membrane stability properties under non-starving conditions
  82. Daniel Matej; Antolič Vane; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Determination of contact hip stress from nomograms based on mathematical model
  83. Bohinc Klemen; Iglič Aleš; Slivnik Tomaž; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Free energy of electric double layer. Effect of ion size
    [Prosta energija električne dvojne plasti. Efekt velikosti ionov]
  84. Iglič A; Haegerstrand H
    Amphiphile-induced spherical microexovesicle corresponds to an extreme local area difference between two monolayers of the membrane bilayer
  85. Haegerstrand Henry; Danieluk Malgorzata; Bobrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata; Iglič Aleš; Wrobel Anna; Isomaa Boris; Nikinmaa Mikko
    Influence of band 3 protein absence and skeletal structures on amphiphile- and Ca2+-induced shape alterations in erythrocytes: a study with lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis), trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) and human erythrocytes
  86. Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič V; Daniel M; Maček-Lebar A
    Computer determination of contact stress distribution and size of weight bearing area in the human hip joint
  87. Mavčič B; Pompe B; Antolič V; Daniel M; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V
    Mathematical estimation of stress distribution in normal and dysplastic human hips
  88. Molan Gregor; Molan Marija
    Formalization of expert AH model for machine learning
  89. Ludwig David S
    Glikemični indeks: fiziološki mehanizmi, povezani z debelostjo, sladkorno boleznijo in srčnožilnimi boleznimi
    [(The glycemic index. Physiological mechanisms relating to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease)]
  90. Maron Barry J
    Hipertrofična kardiomiopatija
    [(Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. A systematic review)]
  91. Shah Samir S; Alpern Elizabeth R; Zwerling Liza; Reid Jennifer R; McGowan Karin L; Bell Louis M
    Majhno tveganje za bakteriemijo pri otrocih z vročinskimi krči
    [(Low risk of bacteriemia in children with febrile seizures)]
  92. Sawyer EJ; Cerar A; Hanby AM; Gorman P; Arends M; Talbot IC; Tomlinson IPM
    Molecular characteristics of serrated adenomas of the colorectum
  93. Kutoš Tatjana; Kač Milica; Plestenjak Anamarija; Golob Terezija
    Dietary fiber content in dry and processed beans
  94. Kovačevič Miroslav; Kač Milica
    Determination and verification of hop varieties by analysis of essential oils
  95. Kovačevič Miroslav; Kač Milica
    Solid-phase microextraction of hop volatiles. Potential use for determination and verification of hop varieties
  96. Kordiš-Krapež Mira; Abram Veronika; Kač Milica; Ferjančič Stanka
    Determination of organic acids in white wines by RP-HPLC
  97. Kač Milica; Kovačevič Miroslav
    Presentation and determination of hop (Humulus Lupulus L.) cultivars by a min-max model on composition of hop essential oil
  98. Kralj Dragica; Kač Milica; Dolinar Marta; Žolnir Milan; Kralj Samo
    arker-assisted hop (Humulus lupulus L.) breeding: biochemical markers for resistance to downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora humuli Miyabe et Takah) and hop damson aphid (Phorodon humuli Schrank)
  99. Gobec Stanislav; Štrancar Katja; Urleb Uroš
    A general synthesis of ethyl 4-aminophenyl and ethyl 4-(amino(hydroxyimino)methyl)phenyl phosphonates
  100. Gobec Stanislav; Urleb Uroš
    Synthesis of new lipophilic phosphonate and phosphonamidate analogues of N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine related to LK 423

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