biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 18.067-18.166

  1. Reljič Milan; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Gavrić Vida; Kovačič Borut
    Number of oocytes retriced and resulting pregnancy: risk factors for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  2. Vlaisavljević V; Kovačič B; Gavrič-Lovrec V; Reljič M
    Simplification of the clinical phase of IVF and ICSI treatment in programmed cycles
  3. Mason Patrick A; Hurt William D; Walters Thomas J; D'Andrea John A; Gajšek Peter; Ryan Kathy L; Nelson David A; Smith Kristen I; Ziriax John M
    Effetcts of frequency, permittivity, and voxel size on predicted specific absorption rate values in biological tissue during electromagnetic-field exposure
  4. Gajšek Peter; Ziriax JM; Hurt WD; Walters TJ; Mason PA
    Predicted SAR in Sprague-Dawley rat as a function of permittivity values
  5. Gajšek Peter; Hurt William D; Ziriax John M; Mason Patrick A
    Parametric dependence of SAR on permittivity values in a man model
  6. Gajšek P; Walters TJ; Hurt WD; Ziriax JM; Nelson DA; Mason PA
    Empirical validation of SAR values predicted by FDTD modeling
  7. Green A; Patterson CC; Kržišnik C; Battelino T; Bratina-Uršič N
    Trends in the incidence of childhood-onset diabetes in Europe 1989-1998
  8. Levy-Marchal C; Patterson CC; Green A; Kržišnik C
    Geographical variation of presentation at diagnosis of type I diabetes in children: the EURODIAB study
  9. Gelber Shari; Coates Alan A; Goldhirsch Aron; Castiglione-Gertsch Monica; Marini Gianluigi; Lindtner Jurij; Edelmann David Z; Gudgeon Anne; Harvey Vernon; Gelber Richard D
    Effect of pregnancy on overall survival after the diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer
  10. Beravs K; Ivanuša T; Serša G; Čemažar M; Jevtič V; Demšar F
    MRI macromolecular contrast agents as indicators of tumor starvation
  11. Patterson CC; Dahlquist G; Soltesz G; Green A; Kržišnik C; Battelino T; Bratina-Uršič N
    Is childhood-onset type I diabetes a wealth-related disease? An ecological analysis of European incidence rates
  12. Rožman P; Dovč T; Gassner C
    Differentiation of autologous ABO, RHD, RHCE, KEL, JK, and FY blood group genotypes by analysis of peripheral blood samples of patients who have recently received multiple transfusions.
  13. Jagodic Monika; Čufer Tanja; Zakotnik Branko; Červek Jožica
    Selection of candidates for oral etoposide salvage chemotherapy in heavily pretreated breast cancer patients
  14. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Avšič-Županc T; Petrovec M; Nicholson WL; Sumner JW; Childs JE; Strle F
    Clinical and serological follow-up of patients with human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Slovenia
  15. Eržen M; Rakar S; Klančar B; Syrjaenen K
    Endometriosis-associated ovarian carcinoma (EAOC): an entity distinct from other ovarian carcinomas as suggested by a nested case-control study
  16. Poredoš Pavel
    Endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
  17. Tomori M; Kienhorst CWM; de Wilde EJ; van den Bout J
    Suicidal behaviour and family factors among Dutch and Slovenian high school students: a comparison
  18. Turk M; Gunde-Cimerman N; Plemenitaš A
    Activation of HOG pathway in halophilic black yeast Hortaea werneckii
  19. Vodušek DB
    Interventional neurophysiology of the sacral nervous system
  20. Sepčić Kristina; Mancini Ines; Vidic Iztok; Jovan Uroš; Frassanito Rita; Pietra Francesco; Maček Peter; Turk Tom
    Antibacterial and anticholinesterase activities of aplysamine-4, a bromotyrosine-derived metabolite of a red sea marine sponge
  21. Simčič Tatjana; Brancelj Anton
    Seasonal dynamics of metabolic activity of the Daphnia community in Lake Bled (Slovenia)
  22. Kersnik Janko; Švab Igor; Vegnuti Miljana
    Frequent attenders in general practice: quality of life, patient satisfaction, use of medical services and GP characteristics.
  23. Burjak M; Bogataj M; Pšeničnik M; Mrhar A
    Development of an experimental model for the evaluation of mucoadhesive properties of microspheres for intravesical application
  24. Rok-Simon Mateja; Komadina Radko
    Bolezni in poškodbe gibal v Sloveniji - posnetek stanja in strategije NAN Slovenije
  25. Kompan Lidija; Kompan Drago
    Importance of increased intestinal permeability after multiple injuries
  26. Ružić-Sabljić E; Arnež M; Lotrič-Furlan S; Maraspin V; Cimperman J; Strle F
    Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato strains isolated from human blood
  27. Bratina NU; Tahirović H; Battelino T; Kržišnik C
    Incidence of childhood-onset type I diabetes in Slovenia and the Tuzla region (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the period 1990-1998
  28. Sok M; Mikulecky M; Eržen J
    Onset of spontaneous pneumothorax and the synodic lunar cycle
  29. Barborič Matjaž; Nissen Robert M; Kanazawa Satoshi; Jabrane-Ferrat Nabila; Peterlin Matija B
    NF-kappaB binds P-TEFb to stimulate transcriptional elongation by RNA polymerase II
  30. Barborič Matjaž; Taube Ran; Nekrep Nada; Fujinaga Koh; Peterlin Matija B
    Binding of Tat to TAR and recruitment of positive transcription elongation factor b occur independently in bovine immunodeficiency virus
  31. Sok Miha; Šentjurc Marjeta; Schara Milan
    Membrane fluidity characteristics of human lung cancer
  32. Koselj-Kajtna M; Kandus A; Koselj M; Rott T; Vizjak A; Bren A
    Outcome of renal transplants in patients with IgA nephropathy
  33. Doerk Thilo; Maček Milan; Mekus Frauke; Tuemmler Burkhard; Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Glavač Damjan; Komel Radovan; Vouk Katja
    Characterization of a novel 21-kb deletion, CFTRdele2,3(21 kb), in the CFTR gene: a cystic fibrosis mutation of Slavic origin common in Central and East Europe
  34. Brauch H; Weirich G; Brieger J; Glavač D; Rodl H; Eichinger M; Feurer M; Weidt E; Puranakanitstha C; Neuhaus C; Mašera A
    VHL alterations in human clear cell renal cell carcinoma: association with advanced tumor stage and a novel hot spot mutation
  35. Volavšek Metka; Mašera Andrej; Ovčak Zdenka
    Incidental prostatic carcinoma: a predictive role of neoangiogenesis and comparison with other prognostic factors
  36. Ovčak Zdenka; Zidar Nina; Mašera Andrej
    Angiomyolipoma of the kidney - an immunohistochemical study
  37. Zidar Nina; Gale Nina; Kambič Vinko; Fischinger Janez
    Expression of tenascin and fibronectin in benign epithelial hyperplastic lesions and squamous carcinoma of the larynx
  38. Gale N; Zidar N; Fischinger J; Kambič V
    Clinical applicability of the Ljubljana classification of epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions
  39. Kenda Rajko B; Kenig Anton; Novljan Gregor; Ponikvar Rafael; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Cyclic voiding urosonography for detecting vesicoureteric reflux in renal transplant recipients
  40. Erman Andreja; Jezernik Kristijan; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Romih Rok; Veranič Peter
    Postnatal restoration of the mouse urinary bladder urothelium
  41. Šterlinko H; Zupanič-Pajnič I; Balažic J; Komel R
    Human Y-specific STR haplotypes in a Slovenian population sample
  42. Milisav Irina; Moro Fernando; Neupert Walter; Brunner Michael
    Modular structure of the TIM23 preprotein translocase of mitochondria
  43. Dahmane R; Valenčič V; Knez N; Eržen I
    Evaluation of the ability to make non-invasive estimation of muscle contractile properties on the basis of the muscle belly response
  44. Pšeničnik M; Veranič P
    Autophagy-related vacuoles in mouse gallbladder epithelium
  45. Kubinova Lucie; Janaček Jiri; Ribarič Samo; Čebašek Vita; Eržen Ida
    Three-dimensional study of the capillary supply of skeletal muscle fibres using confocal microscopy
  46. Gašperšič Rok; Koritnik Blaž; Eržen Ida; Sketelj Janez
    Muscle activity-resistant acetylcholine receptor accumulation is induced in places of former motor endplates in ectopically innervated regenerating rat muscles
  47. Stirn-Kranjc Branka; Sketelj Janez; Albis Anne D; Ambrož Marko; Eržen Ida
    Fibre types and myosin heavy chain expression in the ocular medial rectus muscle of the adult rat
  48. Bajrović Fajko; Srpćić Matevz; Sketelj Janez
    Schwann cell dependence of regenerating rat sensory neurons is inversely related to the quality of axon growth substratum
  49. Milatovič Dejan; Živin Marko; Gupta Ramesh C; Dettbarn Wolf D
    Alterations in cytochrome c oxidase activity and energy metabolites in response to kainic acid-induced status epilepticus
  50. Ribarič Samo; Šantić Mihovil
    A windows computer application for long term data acquisition, storage and presentation of biological signals
  51. Zupančič M
    Vzroki za osip v retentivni stopnji po fiksni ortodontski obravnavi
    [Reasons for termination of fixed orthodontic treatment in the phase of retention]
  52. Jan J; Klemenc F
    Klinično vrednotenje plomb iz hibridnega kompozita
    [Clinical evaluation of hybrid composite restorations]
  53. Jevšek I
    Zdravljenje mlečnih sekalcev pri triletnih otrocih
    [Treatment of primary incisors in three-year-old children]
  54. Škapin M; Žgajnar J; Grešak M
    Dopolnjen zobozdravstveno-preventivni program v otroških vrtcih
    [Amended dental prevention programme in kindergartens]
  55. Veranič P; Jezernik K
    Succession of events in desquamation of superficial urothelial cells as a response to stress induced by prolonged constant illumination
  56. Grošelj D
    Uspešnost načrtovane replantacije po endodontsko-kirurških postopkih
    [Results of planned replantation following endodontic surgical procedures]
  57. Škrila Darja
    Razširjenost migrene in ponavljajočih se glavobolov pri slovenskih študentih
    [Prevalence of migraine and recurrent headaches in Slovene students]
  58. Kotnik Ana
    Splenektomija in imunski odziv
    [Splenectomy and the immune response]
  59. Bartolić Andrej; Sever Matjaž
    Acetilholinesteraza v električno draženi denervirani mišici extensor digitorum longus podgane
    [Acetylcholinesterase in electrically stimulated denervated muscle extensor digitorum longus of the rat]
  60. Korošec Sara; Kaplan Petra
    Pogostost kromosomskih nepravilnosti pri otrocih, rojenih z biomedicinsko pomočjo
    [Rates of chromosomal anomalies in children conceived after assisted reproductive techniques]
  61. Šinkovec Matjaž; Grad Anton; Rakovec Peter
    Role of endogenous adenosine in vasovagal syncope
  62. Mijailović B; Karadaglić Ð; Mladenović T; Popović L; Zečević RD; Pavlović MD
    Painful piezogenic pedal papules - successful low level laser therapy
  63. Kataranovski M; Kandolf-Sekulović L; Karadaglić Ð
    Experimental contact sensitivity: a model for both antigen (hapten)-specific and innate immune mechanisms
  64. Szepietowski JC; Sikora M; Pacholek T; Dmochowska A
    Clinical evaluation of the self-administered psoriasis area and severity index (SAPASI)
  65. Henderson Robin; Jones Margaret; Stare Janez
    Accuracy of point predictions in survival analysis
  66. Pleskovič A; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Vraspir-Porenta O; Zorc M; Petrovič D
    Colon mucosal cells after combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  67. Svetina Saša; Žekš Boštjan
    Membrane active compounds that affect the shape of cells and cellular organelles
  68. Klančar Darinka
    Vizija razvoja Zdravstvenega doma Cerknica - Loška dolina
    [A vision of development of Health home Cerknica, Lož valley]
  69. Turk Z; Barovič J; Čelan D; Lonzarič D
    Klinička upotreba MIOMED signala kod praćenja uspjeha hidroterapeutskih procedura u tretmanu lumbalnog bolnog sindroma
    [Clinical use of MIOMED signals while examining hydrotherapeutic procedure results in lumbal sore syndrome treatment]
  70. Mrvič Polona; Mori-Lukančič Majda
    Zdravstvena vzgoja v diabetoloških dispanzerjih Slovenije
    [Health education in dispensaries for diabetics in Slovenia]
  71. Filej Bojana; Zorec Majda; de Miranda Oscar R; van den Hout Ton; van Naerssen Ton
    Mednarodni projekt o količini in kakovosti v zdravstveni negi
    [International project on quantity and quality in nursing care]
  72. Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Kolbezen M; Velikonja V; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Facteurs de stress psychologique et qualite du sperme dans une population de 450 hommed infertiles slovenes
    [Psychological stress and sperm quality in 450 infertile Slovenian men]
  73. Otoničar B; Velikonja V; Zorn B
    Traits de personnalite des hommes atteints de syndrome de Klinefelter et de leurs partenaires
    [Personality traits of men with Klinefelter syndrome and their partners]
  74. Shehab DK; Khuraibet AJ; Butinar D; Abraham MP; Jabre JF
    Effect of gender on orthodromic sensory nerve action potential amplitude
  75. Bagon Judita
    Alternativna terapevtska skupnost Janeza Ruglja po modelu "velikih pet"
    [Janez Rugelj's alternative therapeutic community after the five-factor model of personality]
  76. Molan Marija; Arnerič Niko
    Struktura psihološkega pregleda za oceno delazmožnosti
    [The structure of psychological examination and assessment of ability for work]
  77. Kos J; Sekirnik A; Kopitar G; Cimerman N; Kayser K; Stremmer A; Fiehn W; Werle B
    Cathepsin S in tumours, regional lymph nodes and sera of patients with lung cancer: relation to prognosis
  78. Kuhar Irena; van Putten Jos PM; Žgur-Bertok Darja; Gaastra Wim; Jordi Bart JAM
    Codon-usage based regulation of colicin K synthesis by the stress alarmone ppGpp
  79. Vrezec Al
    Description of the new subspecies Anophthalmus pretneri ceji (Coleoptera: carabidae: trechinae) from Slovenia
    [Opis nove podvrste Anophthalmus pretneri ceji (Coleoptera: carabidae: trachinae) iz Slovenije]
  80. Dermastia Marina; Chourey Prem S
    Expression of cell wall invertase from maize cell suspension culture after a long term chelation of extracellular calcium
  81. Herbert RJ; Vilhar B; Evett C; Orchard CB; Rogers HJ; Davies MS; Francis D
    Ethylene induces cell death at particular phases of the cell cycle in the tobacco TBY-2 cell line
  82. Vengust Rok; Daniel Matej; Antolič Vane; Zupanc Oskar; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Biomechanical evaluation of hip joint after Salter innominate osteotomy: a long-term follow-up study
  83. Hvala A; Ferluga D; Rott T; Kobenter T; Koselj-Kajtna M; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Bren AF
    Interstitial capillary in normal and in transplanted kidneys: an ultrastructural study
  84. Palma Polona; Rugelj Darja
    Vpliv zvina gležnja na sposobnost vzdrževanja ravnotežja
    [The impact of ankle sprain on the ability of keeping balance]
  85. Emberšič Danilo Slavko; Čoh Milan; Jošt Bojan; Ulaga Maja
    Ocena potencialne uspešnosti pri najboljših evropskih mladinkah in mladincih v metu kopja z vidika morfoloških značilnosti
    [The evaluation of potential performance of European best junior male and female javelin throwers from the viewpoint of morphological characteristics]
  86. Burnik Stojan; Robič Boštjan; Habjan Saša
    Narkotični vpliv dušika na psihične sposobnosti pri visokem tlaku
    [Narcotic impact of nitrogen at high pressure on psychical abilities of divers]
  87. Erčulj Frane
    Ugotavljanje anaerobnega praga košarkarjev s pomočjo prirejenega Conconijevega testa
    [Determination of anaerobic threshold of basketball players by means of a modified Conconi's test]
  88. Jereb Blaž
    Primerjava nekaterih antropometrijskih mer in gibalnih sposobnosti med alpinisti in športnimi plezalci
  89. Germ Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka; Urbanc-Berčič Olga
    Vodni makrofiti v rekah Savi, Kolpi in Krki
    [Aquatic macrophytes in the rivers Sava, Kolpa and Krka]
  90. Marinko Petra; Byrne-Habič Barbara B; Cvelbar Martina; Krbavčič Aleš
    Optimisation of polycrylamide gel electrophoresis as a method for the identifiaction and purity determination of recombinant human interferon alpha2 in pharmaceutical products
    [Optimizacija metode poliakrilamidne gelske elektroforeze za identifikacijo in določanje čistoče rekombinantnega človeškega interferona alfa2 v farmacevtskih izdelkih]
  91. Krušnik Ciril; Kosi Gorazd; Vrhovšek Danijel
    Nove indikatorske vrednosti diatomej za ocenjevanje kakovosti voda v Sloveniji
    [New indicator values of common diatoms for assessment of water quality in Slovenia]
  92. Kmetec Vojko; Kozjek Franc
    Correlation approaches for stability prediction of some 1,4-benzodiazepines in aqueous solution
    [Korelacijski pristopi k napovedovanju stabilnosti nekaterih 1,4-benzodiazepinov v vodni raztopini]
  93. Urleb Uroš; Gobec Stanislav
    Synthesis of new adamantane substituted acyclic MDP analogs related to LK 415
    [Sinteza novih adamantan substituiranih acikličnih MDP analogov, sorodnih LK 415]
  94. Pavlovič Lidija
    Lekarna Žalec v novi podobi
  95. Baumgartner Saša; Tivadar Andrijana; Vrečer Franc; Kristl Julijana
    Development of floating tablets as a new approach to the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infections
    [Razvoj plavajočih tablet kot nov pristop za zdravljenje infekcij s Helicobacter pylori]
  96. Sollner Marija; Štalc Anton; Simčič Saša; Wraber Branka; Kotnik Vladimir; Povšič Lučka; Urleb Uroš
    The immunomodulatory characteristics of phthalimido desmuramyl dipeptides
    [Imunomodulacijske karakteristike ftalimido dezmuramil dipeptidov]
  97. Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Kakovost storitve vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa v letih 1995 in 1997
    [Quality of methadone maintenance programme in Slovenia in 1995 and 1997]
  98. Scott DL; Smolen JS; Kalden JR; van de Putte LBA; Larsen A; Kvien TK; Schattenkirchner M; Nash P; Oed C; Rozman B
    Treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis with leflunomide: two year follow up of a double blind, placebo controlled trial versus sulfasalazine
  99. Družina Branko; Perc Andrej; Erjavec Mojca
    Monitoring of atrazine, alachlor and metabolites in drinking water and organosphosphorous-based pesticides in fruit processing in the Republic of Slovenia
  100. Kersnik Janko
    Determinants of customer satisfaction with the health care system, with the possibility to choose a personal physician and with a family doctor in a transition country

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