biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 25.167-25.266

  1. Fidler Aleš; Likar Boštjan; Pernuš Franjo; Skalerič Uroš
    Influence of developer exhaustion on accuracy of quantitative digital subtraction radiography: an in vitro study
  2. Poklukar J
    Effect of varroa infestation of freeze killed brood on the hygienic behaviour of carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) - results of field assay
    [Vpliv prisotnosti varoe (Varroa jacobsoni oud.) v zamrznjeni čebelji zalegi na čistilno vedenje kranjske čebele (Apis mellifera carnica)]
  3. Gregorc A
    Effects of American foulbrood disease on honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae (immunohistochemical methods in honeybee biology and pathology)
    [Delovanje hude gnilobe čebelje zalege na ličinko čebele (Apis mellifera) (imunohistokemične metode v biologiji in patologiji čebel)]
  4. Klinkon M; Zadnik T; Nemec M
    The impact of breeding, breed successive lactation, stage of lactation, season and somatic cell count on basic milk components
    [Vpliv reje, pasme, zaporednega števila laktacije, obdobja laktacije, sezone in števila somatskih celic na osnovne sestavine mleka]
  5. Čebulj-Kadunc N; Cestnik V
    Seasonal biorhythmic of triidothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4) in Jezersko-Solchava ewes during pregnancy and postpartum period
    [Sezonska bioritmika trijontironina (T3) in tiroksina (T4) pri ovcah Jezersko-solčavske pasme med brejostjo in v poporodnem obdobju]
  6. Huis Marijan; Balija Milivoj; Knezović Ivanka; Štulhofer Mladen
    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: our experience 1994-1999
    [Laparoskopska holecistektomija - naše izkušnje v obdobju od 1994 do 1999]
  7. Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Tomaževič Tomaž; Vogler Andrej; Kobal Borut
    Laparoskopska miomektomija - indikacije, tehnike in zapleti
    [Laparoscopic myomectomy - indications, techniques and complications]
  8. Tomaževič Tomaž; Ban Helena; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Verdenik Ivan; Vogler Andrej; Bokal-Vrtačnik Eda; Virant Irena; Zorn Branko; Drobnič Sašo
    Nosečnosti pred in po histeroskopski resekciji pregrad v maternični votlini
    [A survey of pregnancies before and after hysteroscopic treatment of uterine septa]
  9. Roblick UJ; Senagore A; Schwandner O; Massmann A; Bruch H-P; Schiedeck THK
    Laparoscopic therapy for diverticulitis
    [Laparoskopsko zdravljenje divertikulitisa]
  10. Valentinčič Tine; Metelko Jutra; Ota Damijana; Pirc Vlado; Blejec Andrej
    Olfactory discrimination of amino acids in brown bullhead catfish
  11. Mosbech H; Mueller U; Košnik M
    Side-effects of insect venom immunotherapy: results from and EAACI multicenter study
  12. Valentinčič T; Kralj J; Stenovec M; Koce A; Caprio J
    The behavioral detection of binary mixtures of amino acids and their individual components by catfish
  13. Petrovič D; Zorc M; Peterlin B
    Effect of apolipoprotein E polymorphism and apolipoprotein A-1 gene promoter polymorphism on lipid parameters and premature coronary artery disease
  14. Brecelj Jelka; Stirn-Kranjc Branka; Škrbec Miha
    Visual electrophysiology in children with tumours affecting the visual pathway
  15. Brouwer R; Hengstman GJD; Vree-Egberts W; Ehrfeld H; Božič B; Ghirardello A; Grondal G; Hietarinta M; Isenberg D; Kalden JR
    Autoantibody profiles in the sera of European patients with myositis
  16. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž
    Selective recording of electroneurograms from the sciatic nerve of a dog with multi-electrode spiral cuffs
  17. Poljak Ivica; Trošelj-Vukić Biserka; Miletić Bojan; Morović Miro; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Vučemilović Antonija; Materljan Eris
    Low sero-prevalence of Lyme borreliosis in the forested mountainous area of Gorski Kotar, Croatia
  18. Milošev Ingrid; Strehblow Hans-Henning
    The behavior of stainless steels in physiological solution containing complexing agent studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
  19. Abram Maja; Vučković Darinka; Wraber Branka; Dorić Miljenko
    Plasma cytokine response in mice with bacterial infection
  20. Kmetec Andrej; Bren Andrej F; Kandus Aljoša; Fettich Jurij; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Contrast-enhanced ultrasound voiding cystography as a screening examination for vesicoureteral reflux in the follow-up of renal transplant recipients: a new approach
  21. Podnar Simon; Vodušek David B; Stalberg Erik
    Standardization of anal sphincter electromyography: normative data
  22. Tršinar Bojan
    Tolterodin - novo zdravilo za bolnike s čezmerno aktivnim sečnim mehurjem
    [Tolterodine - a new drug for patients with an overactive bladder]
  23. Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja; Kern Izidor; Fležar Matjaž; Kopač Matjaž; Mušič Ema; Šorli Jurij
    Inducirani sputum in bronhialna preodzivnost pri bolnikih z astmo
    [Induced sputum and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with asthma]
  24. Kompan Lidija; Prošek Mirko; Bukovac Tatjana
    Intestinal permeability in multiply injured patients
    [Prepustnost črevesne stene pri politravmatiziranih poškodovancih]
  25. Švab Igor; Markota Mladen; Albreht Tit
    The reforms of the Slovenian health care system: from capitalism to socialism and back
    [Reforme sistema zdravstvenega varstva v Sloveniji: od kapitalizma do socializma in nazaj]
  26. Podnar Simon; Vodušek David B
    Standardization of anal sphincter electromyography: effect of chronic constipation
  27. Zupančič Janez
    Prva Kohlearna implantacija u Sloveniji
    [First cochlear implantation in Slovenia]
  28. Kerč J; Vrečer F; Srčič S; Šmid-Korbar J
    Thermal decomposition of pure piroxicam and its surface deposit on amorphous silicon dioxide: mechanism and kinetic data
  29. Kolšek M
    Long term results of intensive treatment of obesity in the health centre Litija, Slovenia: a clinical audit
  30. Švab Vesna; Tomori Martina; Zalar Bojan; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok; Kobal Miloš F
    Vpliv psihosocialne rehabilitacije na kakovost življenja bolnikov s kroničnimi psihotičnimi motnjami
  31. Kocmur Marga; Tavčar Rok; Dernovšek Mojca Z
    Učinkovitost cipramila pri bolnikih z depresijo: rezultati slovenske raziskave
  32. Tomori Martina; Zalar Bojan; Kores-Plesničar Blanka
    Gender differences in psychosocial risk factors among Slovenian adolescents
  33. But Igor; Reljić Milan
    The value of serum CA 125 for the management of tubo-ovarian abscesses
  34. Gorišek Borut; Žegura Branka; Kavalar Rajko; But Igor; Krajnc Ivan
    Primary breast cancer of the vulva: a case report and review of the literature
  35. Petrovič Danijel; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Zorc Marjeta
    Apoptosis and proliferation of cardiomyocytes in heart failure of different etiologies
  36. Glavan Gordana; Zorec Robert; Babič Ksenja; Sket Dušan; Živin Marko
    Dopaminergic regulation of synaptotagmin I and IV mRNAs in hemiparkinsonian rats
  37. Božič Mojca; Stegnar Mojca; Fermo Isabella; Ritonja Anka; Peternel Polona; Stare Janez; D'Angelo Armando
    Mild hyperhomocysteinemia and fibrinolytic factors in patients with history of venous thromboembolism
  38. Fidler Nataša; Sauerwald Thorsten; Pohl Anja; Demmelmair Hans; Koletzko Berthold
    Docosahexaenoic acid transfer into human milk after dietary supplementation: a randomized clinical trial
  39. Stare Janez; Harrell Frank E Jr; Heinzl Harald
    BJ: an S-Plus program to fit linear regression models to censored data using the Buckley-James method
  40. Fidler Nataša
    Vpliv viskoznosti črevesne vsebine na absorpcijo hranil
    [The influence of viscosity of intestinal content on nutrient absorption]
  41. Fidler N; Sauerwald T; Demmelmair H; Pohl A; Koletzko B
    Oxidation of an oil rich in docosahexaenoic acid compared to linoleic acid in lactating women
  42. Fidler Nataša; Koletzko Berthold
    The fatty acid composition of human colostrum
  43. Mlakar Uroš; Preložnik-Zupan Irena
    Monoklonski imunoglobulin nedoločenega pomena
    [Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance]
  44. Triller Nadja; Marčun Robert; Kern Izidor; Debeljak Andrej; Kecelj Peter; Šuškovič Stanislav; Eržen Janez
    Ultrazvočno vodena transtorakalna igelna biopsija sprememb v prsnem košu
    [Ultrasound guided transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy of thoracic lesiosns]
  45. Tršinar Bojan
    Tamsulozin - novo zdravilo za zdravljenje benigne hiperplazije prostate
    [Tamsulozin - a new drug for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia]
  46. Skok Pavel
    Incidenca krvavitev iz zgornje prebavne cevi - petletna prospektivna študija
    [The incidence of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage - a 5 year prospective study]
  47. Zorec Jelka
    Pomen komunikacije v zdravstveni negi hospitaliziranega otroka
    [The significance of communication in nursing care of a hospitalized child]
  48. Obran Simona
    Ocenjevanje in merjenje akutne pooperativne bolečine
    [Evaluation and measurement of acute postoperative pain]
  49. Pajnič Manca; Hoyer Silvestra
    Informiranost mater o naravni in umetni prehrani ter delovanje La leche league international
    [Knowledge of mothers about natural and substitute feeding and activities of La Leche League International]
  50. Pretnar-Darovec Alenka; Pinter Bojana; Bokal-Vrtačnik Eda
    Postkoitalna kontracepcija
    [Postocoital contraception]
  51. Pokorn Dražigost
    Prehrana kot dejavnik tveganja pri nastanku raka na dojki
    [Nutrition as the risk of breast cancer]
  52. Sočan Maja
    Mreža za epidemiološko sledenje gripe in drugih akutnih okužb dihal
    [Sentinel surveillance system of influenza and other acute respiratory infections]
  53. Falco Tomy; Fallone Biagio Gino
    Logit modeling of the modulation transfer function (MTF) of metal/film portal detectors
    [Analiza modulacijske prenosne funkcije za kovinske filmske slikovne detektorje s pomočjo logit modeliranja]
  54. Coer Abdrej
    The relationship between DNA methylation and expression of three different DNA methyltransferases in ovarian cancer
    [Odnos med stopnjo metilacije DNA in izražanjem treh različnih DNA metiltransferaz pri ovarijskem karcinomu]
  55. Berkmen Ferhart; Peker Ahmet Fuat; Basay Sinan; Ayyildiz Ali; Arik Ali Ihsan
    Synchronous and metachronous bilateral germ cell tumours of the testis
    [Sinhroni in metahroni bilateralni germinalni tumorji testisov]
  56. Reberšek Martina; Čufer Tanja; Rudolf Zvonimir; Serša Gregor
    Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin of breast cancer tumor modules in a male patient
    [Elektrokemoterapija s cisplatinom pri bolniku z rakom dojke]
  57. Vodvarka Pavel; Štverak Petr
    Algorithm for percutaneous stenting in patients suffering from superior vena cava syndrome
    [Algoritem zdravljenja sindroma zgornje vene cave s perkutanim stentom]
  58. Klutmann Susanne; Bohuslavizki Karl H; Kroeger Sabine; Jenicke Lars; Buchert Ralph; Mester Janos; Clausen Malte
    Bone marrow protection by amifostine in Re-186-HEDP treatment: first results obtained in a rabbit animal model
    [Zaščita kostnega mozga z amifostinom pri zdravljenju z Re-186-HEDP: pri rezultati na živalskem modelu]
  59. Prkačin Ingrid; Dabo Nives; Palčić Iva; Brkljačić Boris; Sabljar-Matovinović Mirjana; Babić Zdravko
    Renal vascular resistance in patients with chronic renal failure
    [Renalna vaskularna rezistenca pri bolnikih s kronično ledvično odpovedjo]
  60. Drinković Ivan; Brnić Zoran; Hebrang Andrija
    Duplex-Doppler ultrasound evaluation of intrapancreatic blood flow in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
    [Ultrazvočna preiskava krvnega obtoka z dvojnim Dopplerjem v trebušni slinavki pri sladkornih bolnikih, odvisnih of inzulina]
  61. Lincender Lidija; Sadagić Ermina; Vrčić Dunja; Vegar Sandra; Stević Nataša
    Magnetic resonance cholangiography in patients with bile duct obstruction
    [Magnetnoresonančna holangiografija (MRH) pri bolnikih z zaporo žolčnih vodov]
  62. Mordenti C; Peris K; Concetta-Fargnoli M; Cerroni L; Chimenti S
    Cutaneous metastatic breast carcinoma: a study of 164 patients
  63. Rode M; Kansky AA; Kogoj-Rode M
    Reticular form of oral lichen planus. A 19-year observation period in 75 patients from Slovenia
  64. Miksić Kazimir; Flis Vojko; Pavlović Milan; Tetičković Erih
    Carotid body tumour surgery: a report of seven patients
  65. Bunc Matjaž; Rozman Janez
    Another way of a liquid flow measurements by using a specially designed turbine
    [Način merenja pretoka tekočin s posebno turbino]
  66. Matičič Mojca; Poljak Mario; Kramar Barbara; Seme Katja; Brinovec Vladimir; Meglič-Volkar Jelka; Zakotnik Branko; Skalerič Uroš
    Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA from gingival crevicular fluid and its relation to virus presence in saliva
  67. Matičič M; Poljak M; Kramar B; Tomažič J; Vidmar L; Zakotnik B; Skalerič U
    Proviral HIV-1 DNA in gingival crevicular fluid of HIV-1-infected patients in various stages of HIV disease
  68. Pečovnik-Balon B; Bren A
    Bone histomorphometry is still the golden standard for diagnosing renal osteodystrophy
  69. Kersnik Janko
    Observational study of home visits in Slovene general practice: patient characteristics, practice characteristics and health care utilization
  70. Huber Armin; Belušič Gregor; Da Silva Noel; Baehner Monika; Gerdon Gabriele; Drašlar Kazimir; Paulsen Reinhard
    The Calliphora rpa mutant lacks the PDZ domain-assembled INAD signalling complex
  71. Salopek-Sondi Branka; Kovač Maja; Ljubešić Nikola; Magnus Volker
    Fruit initiation in Helleborus niger L. triggers chloroplast formation and photosynthesis in the perianth
  72. Vogt Guenter; Štrus Jasna
    Hypogean life-style fuelled by oil
  73. Tome Davorin
    Estimating individual weight of prey items for calculation of the biomass in the diet of long-eared owl (Asio otus): is it worth of extra effort?
  74. Schrader S; Merritt DJ
    Central projections of Drosophila sensory neurons in the transition from embryo to larva
  75. Fidler Nataša; Salobir Karl
    Polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of human colostrum lipids in Slovenia: regional differences
  76. Perdih A; Jan J
    Polychlorobiphenyls formed from chlorobenzenes and dibenzoyl peroxides
  77. Debeljak A; Kecelj P; Kern I; Vidmar S; Rott T
    Medical thoracoscopy: experience with 212 patients
  78. Shelling Andrew N; Burton Karen A; Chand Ashwini L; van Ee Cynthia C; France John T; Farquhar Cynthia M; Milsom Stella R; Love Donald R; Geršak Ksenija; Aittomaeki Kristiina; et al ;
    Inhibin: a candidate gene for premature ovarian failure
  79. Čučnik Saša; Ambrožič Aleš; Božič Borut; Skitek Milan; Kveder Tanja
    Anti-beta2-glycoprotein I ELISA: methodology, determination of cut-off values in 434 healthy Caucasians and evaluation of monoclonal antibodies as possible international standards
  80. Čemažar M; Škrk J; Mitrovič B; Serša G
    Changed delivery of boron to tumours using electroporation for boron neutron capture therapy with BSH
  81. Bilban-Jakopin C
    Chromosomal changes in somatic cells in seminoma patients after treatment with ionizing radiation or cytostatics
  82. Serša Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja
    Improvement of combined modality therapy with cisplatin and radiation using electroporation of tumors
  83. Gatta Gemma; Capocaccia Riccardo; Hakulinen Timo; Sant Milena; Verdecchia Arduino; De Angelis Gianni; Micheli Andrea; Berrino Franco; Pompe-Kirn V; et al ;
    Variations in survival for invasive cervical cancer among European women, 1978-89
  84. Jereb Berta
    Model for long-term follow-up of survivors of childhood cancer
  85. Lahajnar-Čavlovič Slavica; Rozman-Marčič Jasna
    Zdravljenje bolečine s Tadolom in Naklofenom
    [Tadol and Naklofen in the management of pain]
  86. Jarm T; Wickramasinghe YABD; Deakin M; Čemažar M; Elder J; Rolfe P; Serša G; Miklavčič D
    Blood perfusion of subcutaneous tumours in mice following the application of low-level direct electric current
  87. Serša G; Štabuc B; Čemažar M; Miklavčič D; Rudolf Z
    Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin: clinical experience in malignant melanoma patients
  88. Matos Tadeja; Čufer Tanja; Červek Jožica; Borštnar Simona; Kragelj Borut; Žumer-Pregelj Mirjana
    Prognostic factors in invasive bladder carcinoma treated by combined modality protocol (organ-sparing approach)
  89. Osmak M; Nikšić D; Brozović A; Ambriović-Ristov A; Vrhovec I; Škrk J
    Drug resistant tumor cells have increased levels of tumor markers for invasion and metastasis
  90. Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja; Miklavčič Damijan; Chaplin David J
    Tumor blood flow modifying effect of electrochemotherapy with bleomycin
  91. Kocijančič Igor; Terčelj Marjeta; Vidmar Ksenija; Jereb Marjan
    The value of inspiratory-expiratory lateral decubitus views in the diagnosis of small pleural effusions
  92. Novaković S; Knežević M; Golouh R; Jezeršek B
    Transfection of mammalian cells by the methods of receptor mediated gene transfer and particle bombardment
  93. Dobeic M; Bidovec A; Jenčič V
    Water quality in some salmonid fish farms in Slovenia
    [Kakovost vode v nekaterih salmonidnih ribogojnicah v Sloveniji]
  94. Gregorc A; Curk A
    Decision-tree analysis of Varroa jacobsoni control in honeybee colonies in Slovenia
    [Analiza odločitev zatiranja Varroa jacobsoni v čebeljih družinah v Sloveniji]
  95. Pintarič Š; Dobeic M
    Effects of bioenzymatic and mineral additives in bedding material on decreasing ammonia emissions in turkey breeding
    [Učinki dodajanja bioencimskega in mineralnega dodatka v nastil na zniževanje emisij amoniaka v zreji puranov]
  96. Ocepek M; Pate M
    Species and antigenic structure of mycobacteria, isolated from swine in Slovenia in the years 1996 and 1997
    [Vrste in antigenska zgradba mikrobakterij, izoliranih pri prašičih v Sloveniji v letih 1996 in 1997]
  97. Grebenc S
    The sensitivity of the bacteria Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli to the quick variations of temperature
    [Občutljivost bakterij Campylobacter jejuni in Campylobacter coli za hitre temperaturne spremembe]
  98. Kužner J; Kožuh-Eržen N; Drobnič-Košorok M
    Determination of the terbinafine hydrochloride levels in hair of cats and children infected with microsporum canis and treated with lamisil tablets
    [Določanje nivoja terbinafinijevega hidroklorida v dlaki mačk in v laseh otrok, obolelih za mikrosporozo in zdravljenih s tabletami lamisil]
  99. Bonet Sara; Agusti Antonia; Arnau Josep M; Vidal Xavier; Diogene Eduard; Galve Enrique; Laporte Joan-Ramon
    Zaviralci receptorjev beta pri srčnem popuščanju: ugotavljanje koristnosti vazodilatatornih in nevazodilatatornih zdravil pri različnih značilnostih bolnikov: metaanaliza kliničnih študij
    [Beta-adrenergic blocking agents in heart failure benefits of vasodilating and nonvasoldilating agents according to patient's characterisctics: a meta-analysis of clinical trials]
  100. Simon Lee S; Weaver Arthur L; Graham David Y; Kivitz Alan J; Lipsky Peter E; Hubbard Richard C; Isakson Peter C; Verburg Kenneth M; Yu Shawn S; Zhao William W
    Celekoksib - protivnetni učinki in delovanje na zgornja prebavila pri zdravljenju revmatoidnega artritisa: randomizirana kontrolna raziskava
    [Anti-inflamatory and upper gastrointestinal effects of celecoksib in rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial]

   24.667 24.767 24.867 24.967 25.067 25.167 25.267 25.367 25.467 25.567  

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