biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 25.467-25.566

  1. Brancelj Anton; Urbanc Janko
    Kart groundwater connections in the Valley of the seven Triglav lakes
    [Podzemeljske vodne zveze v Dolini sedmerih jezer]
  2. Romih Rok; Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan
    Actin filaments during terminal differentiation of urothelial cells in the rat urinary bladder
  3. Sepčić Kristina
    Bioactive alkylpyridinium compounds from marine sponges
  4. Sket B
    The freshwater macroinvertebrates of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (northeastern Italy): leeches (Hirudinea)
  5. Korošec Peter; Jezernik Kristijan
    Early cellular and ultrastructural response of the mouse urinary bladder urothelium to ischemia
  6. Minovič Aleksandra; Milošev Ingrid; Komorsky-Lovrić Šebojka
    Voltametrija trdnih mikro delcev, imobiliziranih na površini grafitne elektrode
    [Voltammetry of solid microparticles immobilized on an electrode surface]
  7. Milošev Ingrid
    Titanium zirconium nitride by XPS
  8. Ihan A; Cvenkel B
    Conjuctival epithelium expression of HLA-DR in glaucoma patients and its influence on the outcome of filtration surgery
  9. Burger Helena; Marinček Črt
    The influence of post-polio syndrome on independence and life satisfaction
  10. Kragelj Rudi; Jarm Tomaž; Erjavec Tatjana; Prešern-Štrukelj Marjeta; Liebert Adam; Lukasiewicz Piotr; Maniewski Roman; Poredoš Pavel; Miklavčič Damijan
    Postocclusive reactive hyperemia tests in patients with peripheral vascular disease and in healthy volunteers monitored by near infrared spectrocsopy and laser Doppler flowmetry
  11. Antolič V; Pavlovčič V; Stanič U; Jeraj J
    Laximetrie du ligament croise anterieur: une technique quantitative non invasive
    [Evaluation of the anterior cruiciate ligament function: a new non-invasive quantitative technique]
  12. Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Nemirov Kirill; Petrovec Miro; Trilar Tomi; Poljak Mario; Vaheri Antti; Plyusnin Aleksander
    Genetic analysis of wild-type Dobrava hantavirus in Slovenia: co-existence of two distinct genetic lineages within the same natural focus
  13. Milošev I; Antolič V; Minovič A; Coer A; Herman S; Pavlovčič V; Campbell P
    Extensive metallosis and necrosis in failed prostheses with cemented titanium-alloy stems and caramic heads
  14. Punkt Karla; Eržen Ida
    Changes of enzyme activities in the myocardium and skeletal muscle fibres of cardiomyopathic hamsters. A cytophotometrical study
  15. Kansky A; Podrumac B; Godić A
    Nonfluorinated corticosteroid topical preparations in children
  16. Virant-Klun I; Virant J
    Fuzzy logic alternative for analysis in the biomedical sciences
  17. Jan J; Vrecl M; Pogačnik A; Bavdek SV
    Tissue distribution of planar and non-planar chlorobiphenyls, 4,4'DDE and hexachlorobenzene in sheep and lambs
  18. Krištofelc Frenk
    Vrednotenje meritev pretoka v popkovnični arteriji pri nosečnicah s hipertenzijo
    [Evaluation of umbilical blood flow measurement in pregnancy hypertension]
  19. Lužnik Marijan
    Vpliv ocenjevanja materničnega vratu v nosečnosti s transvaginalnim ultrazvočnim pregledom na pogostnost cerklaž in na izid teh nosečnosti
    [The influence of assessment of uterine cervix with transvaginal ultrasound examination on the frequency of cervical cerclage and on the outcome of these pregnancies]
  20. Lužnik Marijan
    Določitev meril za oceno nezadostnosti materničnega vratu s transvaginalnim ultrazvočnim pregledom med nosečnostjo
    [Determination of criteria for assessment of uterine cervix incompetence by transvaginal ultrasonography during pregnancy]
  21. Lužnik Marijan
    Transvaginalni ultrazvočni pregled pri kliničnem sumu na nezadostnost materničnega vratu v nosečnosti
    [Transvaginal sonographic evaluation in clinical suspicion of the incompetent cervix during pregnancy]
  22. Uranjek Jasna; Rus-Vaupot Viktorija
    Preemptivna analgezija z metamizolom pri bolnikih, operiranih zaradi manjših programskih operacij
    [Pre-emptive analgesia with metamizol at the patients who were undergoing small, elective operations]
  23. Zajec Mihael
    Smučarske poškodbe v obdobju od 1974 do 1999
    [Skiing injuries during the 1974-1999]
  24. Vujkovac Bojan; Lavre Janez; Šabovič Mišo
    Naše prve izkušnje s traneksamično kislino pri zdravljenju krvavitev pri dializnih bolnikih
    [Tranexamic acid in the treatment of bleeding in dialysis patients: our first experience]
  25. Verovnik Franc
    Fabryjeva bolezen - pomankanje alfa-galaktozidaze A - problem različnih vej medicine
    [Fabry's disease: alpha-galactosidase A deficiency - multidisciplinary disorder]
  26. Rainer Saša; Pospihalj Boris
    Cistični karcinom ledvice: radiološke in patološke značilnosti pri petih bolnikih
    [Cystic renal cell carcinoma: radiological and pathological features in five cases]
  27. Rainer Saša; Benko Davorin
    Spiralna CT preiskava pljučnih arterij v diagnostiki pljučne embolije
    [Spiral CT in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism]
  28. Benko Davorin; Tretjak Martin; Slemenik-Pušnik Cirila; Kacl-Ličen Elizabeta
    Naše izkušnje s srčnim troponinom I pri obravnavi bolnikov s prsno bolečino
    [Our experiences with cardiac troponin I in the evaluation of patients with chest pain]
  29. Flaker Vito
    Delo in stigma: socialna posledica uživanja heroina
    [Work, employment and stigma: a social consequence of heroin use]
  30. Žvelc Gregor
    Značilnosti objektnih odnosov oseb, ki so odvisne od drog
    [Characteristic of the object relations of drug addicts]
  31. Pinter B; Tomori M
    Sexual behaviour of secondary-school students in Slovenia
  32. Rupnik M; Kreft M; Sikdar SK; Grilc S; Romih R; Zupančič G; Martin TFJ; Zorec R
    Rapid regulated dense-core vesicle exocytosis requires the CAPS protein
  33. Podnar Simon; Lukanovič Adolf; Vodušek David B
    Anal sphincter electromyography after vaginal delivery: neuropathic insufficiency or normal wear and tear?
  34. Stroeven Piet
    Stereological estimates for roughness and tortuosity in cementitious composites
  35. Lopez Philippe; Riss Joelle; Gentier Sylvie; Flamand Rock; Archambault Guy; Bouvet Soizic
    Image analysis for modelling shear behaviour
  36. Enns Ernest; Smith Bruce
    How many lobsters are in the sea?
  37. Nagata Tetsuji
    Three-dimensional observations on thick biological speciments by high voltage electron microscopy
  38. Parkinson Ian; Fazzalari Nick
    Fractal analysis of trabecular bone: a standardised methodology
  39. Juetting Uta; Gais Peter; Rodenacker Karsten; Boehm Joachim; Hoefler Heinz
    MIB-1, AgNOR and DNA distribution parameters and their prognostic value in neuroendocrine tumours of the lung
  40. Badsberg-Samuelsen Grethe; Bogdanović Nenad; Laursen Henning; Graem Niels; Falck-Larsen Joergen; Pakkenberg Bente
    Total cell number in fetal brain
  41. Ruijter Jan M; Markman Marry M; Hagoort Jaco; Moorman Antoon FM; Lamers Wouter H
    Relative distance: the key to the shape of hepatic building blocks
  42. Vedel-Jensen Eva B
    On the variance of local stereological volume estimators
  43. Yang Zhengwei; Zhang Rendong; Wen Xiaohong; Huang Anpei
    Caveat on the error analysis for stereological estimates
  44. DeHoff Robert T
    Probes, populations, samples, measurements and relations in stereology
  45. Veselko Matjaž; Tonin Martin; Stare Janez
    Merjenje izometričnosti presadka sprednje križne vezi kolena (LCA) - eksperimentalna študija
    [Determination of side-to-side isometricity of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) substitute - a cadaveric study]
  46. Zupančič Polonca; Pogačnik Tomaž; Janša Jelka
    Funkcijski test roke po Jebsenu
    [Jebsen hand functional test]
  47. Vrhovec Levin
    Pomen serumskega cistatina C za ugotavljanje okvare ledvic med kemoterapijo
  48. Smrkolj Tomaž
    Oblika eritrocita in njegova deformabilnost pri spremenjenih zunanjih pogojih
    [Erythrocyte shape and deformability due to variations in external factors]
  49. Srpčič Matevž
    Regeneracija poškodovanega perifernega živca podgane brez celične podpore distalno od mesta poškodbe
    [Regeneration of injured peripheral rat nerve without cellular support distally from the site of injury]
  50. Escutenaire S; Chalon P; Verhagen R; Heyman P; Thomas I; Karelle-Bui L; Avšič-Županc T; Lundkvist A; Plyusnin A; Pastoret PP
    Spatial and temporal dynamics of Puumala hantavirus infection in red bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) populations in Belgium
  51. Kallio-Kokko Hannimari; Lundkvist Ake; Plyusnin Alexander; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Vaheri Antti; Vapalahti Olli
    Antigenic properties and diagnostic potential of recombinant Dobrava virus nucleocapsid protein
  52. Kersnik Janko
    An evaluation of patient satisfaction with family practice care in Slovenija
  53. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Strle Franc
    Clinical distinction between human granulocytic ehrlichiosis and the initial phase of tick-borne encephalitis
  54. Mlinarič Aleš; Kreft Samo; Krbavčič Aleš; Umek Andrej
    Efedrin v prehranskih dopolnilih
    [Ephedrine in dietary supplements]
  55. Rudolf Martina; Krbavčič Aleš; Frankič Darja
    Izdaja in poznavanje "in vitro" diagnostičnih sredstev za nosečnost v Sloveniji
    [Dispensing and knowledge about in vitro diagnostic devices for pregnancy in Republic of Slovenia]
  56. Avberšek Ivica; Malešič Ivan
    Kostna alkalna fosfataza v dobi aktivne rasti kostnega tkiva
    [Bone alkaline phosphatase during active bone formation]
  57. Gombač Katja; Šentjurc Marjeta; Ahlin Pegi; Pečar Slavko; Kristl Julijana
    Oblikovanje trdnih lipidnih nanodelcev in preučevanje interakcij z modelno membrano
    [Solid lipid nanoparticles design and investigation of interactions with model membrane]
  58. Malešič Ivan; Meško Metoda
    Vrednosti askorbinske kisline v krvnem serumu zdravih ljudi in bonikov
    [Values of ascorbic acid in blood serum of healthy individuals and patients]
  59. Beravs Katarina; Frangež Robert
    Spremljanje učinkov kainata z elektroencefalografijo in magnetnoresonančno tehniko slikanja radiofrekvenčnih električnih tokov
    [Monitoring kainate activity using electoencephalography and magnetic resonance radio-frequency current density imaging]
  60. Kreft Samo; Mlinarič Aleš; Umek Andrej; Štrukelj Borut
    Iskanje inhibitorjev pankreasne lipaze v gobah
    [Screening for pancreatic lipase inhibitors in mushrooms]
  61. Horvat Matjaž; Koželj Miran; Potrč Stojan
    Vloga kirurgije pri akutni krvavitvi iz zgornjega prebavnega trakta: (obdobje od 1. 1. 1997 do 30. 10. 1998)
    [The role of surgery at the acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding: (period from 1. 1. 1997 to 30. 10. 1998)]
  62. Takač Iztok; Gorišek Borut
    User friendly inquiry and computer program for following patients with ovarian malignancy
  63. Krachler M; Rossipal E; Micetič-Turk D
    Concentrations of trace elements in arterial and venous umbilical cord sera
  64. Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Pajer Zdenka; Coer A
    Morphometry of the FRTL-5 cells after irradiation
  65. Pajer Z; Coer A; Štiblar-Martinčič D
    Morphology of FRTL-5 cell colonies in a semi-solid medium
  66. Stanič U; Kandare F; Jaeger R; Šorli J
    Functional electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles to augment tidal volume in spinal cord injury
  67. Novak-Jankovič V; Paver-Eržen V; Bovill JG; Ihan A; Osredkar J
    Effect of epidural and intravenous clonidine on the neuro-endocrine and immune stress response in patients undergoing lung surgery
  68. Plemenitaš Ana; Watson John A
    Down-regulation of mammalian 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity with highly purified liposomal cholesterol
  69. Rezaei K; Saar R; Soomets U; Valkna A; Naesman J; Zorko M; Akerman K; Schroeder T; Bartfai T; Langel U
    Role of third intracellular loop of galanin receptor type 1 in signal transduction
  70. Bratanič N; Igerc-Grošelj B; Lukač-Bajalo J; Car-Logar G; Kržišnik C
    The prevalence of coeliac disease in children and adolescents with insulin dependent diabetes in Slovenia
    [Prevalenca celiakije pri otrocih in adolescentih z od insulina odvisno sladkorno boleznijo v Sloveniji]
  71. Takač Iztok; Gorišek Borut
    Cold knife conization and loop excision for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  72. Reljič Milan; Vlaisavljević Veljko
    The preovulatory serum estradiol pattern in natural IVF/ICSI cycles
  73. Reljič M; But I
    Monitoring parameters in the management of patients with tubo-ovarian complexes
  74. Takač Iztok
    The frequency of bacterial and yeast infection in women with different grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)
  75. Takač I; Gorišek B
    Chlamydia trachomatis infection in women with and without cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  76. Krachler Michael; Rossipal Erich; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Concentrations of trace elements in sera of newborns, young infants, and adults
  77. Hojs Radovan; Ekart Robert; Sinkovič Andreja; Hojs-Fabjan Tanja
    Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure in intensive care unit
  78. Sočan Maja; Kraigher Alenka; Pahor Lilijana
    Epidemiologija noric v Sloveniji v dvajsetletnem obdobju (od leta 1979 do leta 1998)
    [Epidemiology of varicella in Slovenia during twenty years (from 1979 to 1998)]
  79. Eržen Renato; Košnik Mitja; Mušič Ema
    Takojšnja preobčutljivost za pelode dreves in zeli pri bolnikih z alergijskim rinitisom
    [Immediate hypersensitivity to tree and weed pollens at the patients with allergic rhynitis]
  80. Hudovernik Mojca; Pahor Dušica
    Bulozna keratopatija po operaciji katarakte na Oddelku za očesne bolezni v Mariboru v letih 1988-1998
    [Bullous keratopathy after cataract surgery at the Maribor teaching hospital Department of ophthalmology between 1988-1998]
  81. Tetičkovič Erih; Miksič Kazimir
    Možganski hiperfuzijski sindrom med karotidno trombendarterektomijo in po njej
    [Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome during and after carotid thrombendarterectomy]
  82. Štraus Marija; Čižman Milan
    Kronični hepatitis pri otrocih, zdravljenih na Kliniki za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja v Ljubljani od leta 1974 do 1995
    [Chronic hepatitis in children hospitalised at the Department of infectious diseases Ljubljana in the period from 1974 to 1995]
  83. Mlakar Boštjan; Gadžijev Eldar M; Ravnik Dean
    Cistična arterija - ali je pomembno vedeti, od kod izvira? Rezultati študije na korozivnih jetrnih preparatih
    [Cystic artery - is it important to know its origin? The analysis of corrosive liver casts]
  84. Bartenjev Igor; Potočnik Marko; Rogl-Butina Mirjam; Worret Wolf-Ingo
    Der Einsatz des Erbium:YAG Laser bei verschiedenen Hautveraenderungen
  85. Božič Janko
    Vedenjski mehanizmi odpornosti čebel na varoo
    [Behavioral mechanisms of honeybee resistance against varroa mites]
  86. Lah Tamara T; Čerček Miha; Blejec Andrej; Kos Janko; Gorodetsky Ella; Somers Robert; Daskal Ierachmiel
    Cathepsin B, a prognostic indicator in lymph node-negative breast carcinoma patients: comparison with cathepsin D, cathepsin L, and other clinical indicators
  87. Lah Tamara T; Kalman Endre; Najjar Denise; Gorodetsky Ella; Brennan Patrick; Somers Robert; Daskal Ierachmiel
    Cells producting cathepsins D, B, and L in human breast carcinoma and their association with prognosis
  88. Brancelj Anton
    The extinction of Arctodiaptomus alpinus (Copepoda) following the introduction of charr into a small alpine lake Dvojno Jezero (NW Slovenia)
  89. Kralj-Iglič V; Iglič A; Haegerstrand H; Peterlin P
    Stable tabular microexovesicles of the erythrocyte membrane induced by dimeric amphiphiles
  90. Čepič Mojca; Žekš Boštjan; Mavri Janez
    Structures of possible phases of achiral polar smectic liquid crystals formed by bow shaped molecules
  91. Rovšek Barbara; Čepič Mojca; Žekš Bojštjan
    Surface transitions in free standing films of antiferroelectric liquid crystals within the discrete phenomenological model
  92. Bošnjak Roman; Dolenc Vinko V; Kralj Alojz
    Biomechanical response in the ankle to stimulation of lumbosacral nerve roots with spiral cuff multielectrode: preliminary study
  93. Černila Boštjan; Črešnar Bronislava; Breskvar Katja
    Induction of Hsp70 in the fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  94. Meissner Markus; Stark Klaus; Črešnar Bronja; Kirk David L.; Schmitt Ruediger
    Volvox germline-specific genes that are putative targets of RegA repression encode chloroplast proteins
  95. Marc J; Preželj J; Komel R; Kocijančič A
    Association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism with bone mineral density in Slovenian postmenopausal women
  96. Bošnjak Roman; Dolenc Vinko V
    Electrical thresholds for biomechanical response in the ankle to direct stimulation of spinal roots L4, L5, and S1: implications for intraoperative pedicle screw testing
  97. Schober E; Weets I; Gorus F; Coeckelberghs M; Du Caju M; Christov V; Kržišnik C; Battelino T; Bratina-Uršič N; Goday A
    Variation and trends in incidence of childhood diabetes in Europe
  98. Musek Janek
    Razlike v vrednotnih usmeritvah med generacijami
    [Cross-generational differences in value orientations]
  99. Kalin-Vodopivec Monika
    Odnos negovalnega tima do procesa zdravstvene nege v Splošni bolnišnici "Dr. Franc Derganc" Nova Gorica
    [The attitude of nursing team towards the process of nursing care in the General Hospital Dr. Franc Derganc in Nova Gorica]
  100. Kadivec Saša
    Preprečevanje razjed zaradi pritiska - aktivnost zagotavljanja kakovosti na Kliniki za pljučne bolezni in alergijo Golnik
    [Prevention of decubitus ulcers - activity of quality assurance at the University hospital for respiratory and allergic diseases Golnik]

   24.967 25.067 25.167 25.267 25.367 25.467 25.567 25.667 25.767 25.867  

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