biomedicina slovenica

vo="animal" : 5.403-5.502

  1. Zupančič G
    Uravnavanje eksocitozne sekrecijske aktivnosti celic srednjega režnja podganje hipofize: meritve membranske kapacitivnosti in znotrajcelične aktivnosti kalcija
  2. Pavlin R; Sket D
    Effect of cigarette smoke on brain monoamine oxidase activity
    [Učinek cigaretnega dima na aktivnosti monoaminoksidaze v možganih]
  3. Grubič Z; Brank M
    Pathophysiology of the glucocorticoid myopathy - a short review
  4. Kutičić V; Wikerhauser T
    A study of the effects of ethanol, methanol and formalin on the infectivity of Toxoplasma gondii
  5. Curk A
    Učinek dveh bolezenskih izbruhov na povprečno število odstavljenih pujskov: interventna analiza
    [Changes in the mean number of weaned piglets as a result of two disease outbreaks: intervention analysis]
  6. Kosec M; Petač D
    Uporaba ultrazvoka v reprodukciji kobil
    [Use of ultrasonography in mare reproduction]
  7. Banič J; Zorko B; Frantar B
    Klasificiranje in kodiranje zlomov dolgih kosti pri psih in mačkah
    [Classification and coding of long bone fractures in dogs and cats]
  8. Molenaar GJ
    Anatomical, developmental and immunocytochemical aspects of the porcine hypothalamo-hypophyseal-gonadal axis
  9. Vaillant C; Lund PK; Batt RM; Salazar I
    Glucagon-related peptides in brain and gut
  10. Pengov A; Zadnik T; Lam TJGM
    A review of the effect of minor pathogens in bovine mammary gland
  11. Ocepek M
    Mikobakterije v močnih krmilih in krmnih sestavinah v Sloveniji
    [Mycobacteria in feedstuffs and feedstuff ingredients in Slovenia]
  12. Krt B
    Vrednotenje pomembnejših seroloških metod pri diagnostiki ovčje bruceloze - okužbe z bakterijo Brucella ovis
    [Evaluation of the more important serologic methods in diagnostics of ovine brucellosis - infection with Brucella ovis]
  13. Hostnik P
    Respiratorni sincicialni virus pri govedu
    [Respiratory syncytial virus in cattle]
  14. Šenk L; Pogačnik M; Boehm O; Prevorčnik J
    Tuberkuloza (mikobakterioza) prašičev. 3. Ocena starosti procesa na osnovi eksperimentalne okužbe prašičev s serovari kompleksa Mycobacterium avium/Mycobacterium intracellulare
    [Tuberculosis (mycobacteriosis) of pigs. 3. Time-lag between challenge due to mycobacteria of M. avium/M. intracellulare complex (and immunologically) and/or pathomorphologically identificable infection process]
  15. Brglez I; Mehle J; Železnik Z
    Živalske kužne bolezni v Sloveniji: pregled stanja v zadnjem obdobju
    [Animal infectious diseases in Slovenia: a survey of the situation in the last period]
  16. Živin M
    Dopaminergično uravnavanje izražanja genov v nevronih striatuma in embrionalnega striatostriatnega presadka pri podgani
    [Dopaminergic regulation of gene expression in the neurons of striatum and primordial striato-striatal grafts in rat]
  17. Irman-Florjanc T
    Prispevek k poznavanju kinetike histamina in tele-metilhistamina v organizmu poskusne živali
  18. Čarman-Kržan M
    Role of nerve growth factor in the central nervous system - Molecular mechanisms of nerve growth factor synthesis, secretion and regulation
  19. Sketelj J; Brzin M
    Intrinsic regulation and neural modulation of acetylcholinesterase in skeletal muscles
  20. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Dolenc I
    Factors influencing acetylcholinesterase regulation in slow and fat skeletal muscles
  21. Veranič P; Pipan N
    The relationship between endoplasmic reticulum and peroxisomes in fish hepatocytes during estradiol stimulation and after cessation of vitellogenesis
  22. Jezernik K; Sterle M
    Differentiation of superficial cells of urinary bladder epithelium during pre- and postnatal development of the mouse
  23. Kralj M; Pipan N
    The role of exocytosis in the apocrine secretion of milk lipid globules in mouse mammary gland during lactogenesis
  24. Koritnik K; Kališnik M; Zwitter M
    Stereological analysis of rat thyroid glands at various functional levels after irradiation
  25. Štiblar-Martinčič D; Kališnik M
    The influence of pinealectomy on the microscopical structure of rat thyroid gland
  26. Pajer Z; Kališnik M
    Radiation sensitivity of thyroid glands in hypocalcemic and hypercalcemic rats
  27. Domanjko A
    Ultrazvočno vodena biopsija ledvice pri psu
    [Ultrasouns-guided renal biopsy in the dog]
  28. Černe M
    Histometrična analiza tkivnih bazofilcev v steni dvanajstnika pri prašiču
    [Histometric study of mast cells in the duodenal wall of the pig]
  29. Zemljič B
    Zdravljenje in preprečevanje bolezni parkljev krav molznic v intenzivni mlečni proizvodnji
    [Therapy and prophylaxis of hoof diseases in dairy cows in intensive milk production]
  30. Zorman-Rojs O; Čajavec S; Ergotić N; Josipović D; Sladić D; Mrzel I; Lukežić I
    Testing of two inactivated polyvalent vaccines gumpeskal+IB and nobi vac IB+G+ND in broiler breeder flocks
  31. Fazarinc G; Bavdek S; Lorger J
    Postnatalne histokemične in morfometrične spremembe v skeletnem mišičju domačega prašiča
    [Postnatal histochemical and morphometric changes in the muscles of the domestic pig]
  32. Hostnik P; Železnik Z
    The isolation and the identification of the respiratory syncytial virus from the cattle in Slovenia
  33. Žust J; Vospernik P; Vengušt A; Pestevšek U; Topolovec A
    Antinutritivne snovi v ogrščičnih tropinah
    [Antinutritive substances in rapeseed meal]
  34. Cestnik V; Čebulj-Kadunc N; Pardubsky T
    Aktivnost glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) pri govedu in ovcah na naketerih področjih v Sloveniji
    [Whole blood glutathione peroxidase activity (GSH-Px) in cattle and sheep in some regions in Slovenia]
  35. Jazbec I
    Epizootološke raziskave enzootske goveje levkoze v Sloveniji od 1960. do 1990. leta
    [Epizootological studies of enzootic bovine leukosis in Slovenia from 1960 till 1990]
  36. Žigić Z; Radić L; Miholjčić B
    Morphometric and histochemical features of skeletal muscle fibers in relation to their functional activity
  37. Uribe A; Kapraali M
    E2 prostaglandins increased the total volume of endocrine cells in the gastric mucosa of the rat
  38. Antolovich GC; Perry RA; Bertram JF
    Estimates of cell number in the developing sheep pars intermedia obtained using the physical disector-Cavalieri combination
  39. Miholjčić B; Radić L; Žigić Z
    Thymus influenced by hydrocortisone in different periods of development
  40. Shankar KR; Jaskoll TF; Melnick M
    Comparative 3-D views of normal and retinoic acid-treated neural crest in chick embryos
  41. Jiang F-X; Temple-Smith P; Wreford N
    Comparison of sampling methods in a stereological study of the rat epididymis
  42. Mendis-Handagama SMLC
    The assumption of nuclear roundness causes an overestimation of leydig cell number in atrophied rat testes
  43. Ho M-W; Stone TA; Jerman I; Bolton J; Bolton H; Goodwin BC; Saunders PT; Robertson F
    Brief exposures to weak static magnetic field during early embryogenesis cause cuticular pattern abnormalities in Drosophila larvae
  44. Mali S; Dekleva A
    Granule atrijskega natrijuretičnega polipeptida v kardiocitih normotenzivnih in hipertenzivnih podgan
    [Atrial natriuretic peptyde specific granules in cardiocytes of normotensive and hypertensive rats]
  45. Juntes P; Coer A; Pogačnik M; Šenk L
    Uporaba AgNOR metode in polavtomatskega sistema za analizo slike za diferenciacijo žleznih tumorjev mlečne žleze pri psicah
    [The use of AgNOR method and semiautomatic image analysis for differentiation of mammary gland carcinomas in female dog]
  46. Eržen I
    Računalniško podprta kvantitativna analiza slike: seminar. Linearna multipla regresija: seminar. Konferenca o stereologiji in kvantitativni analizi slike
  47. Ježek D; Banek L; Banek T
    Utjecaj orhidektomije na stanice acinusa doušne žlijezde štakora
    [Effects of orchidectomy on rat parotid acinous cells]
  48. Velikonja M
    Taksonomija in sestava sladkovodnih spužev (Porifera: Spongillidae) v Jugoslaviji (s posebnim ozirom na jamske in ohridske taksone)
    [Taxonomy and composition of freshwater sponge fauna (Porifera: Spongillidae) in Yugoslavia (with special regard to cave dwelling and lake Ohrid taxa)]
  49. Ribarič D
    Akustično vedenje metuljev nekaterih vrst rodu Erebia
    [Acoustic behaviour of some species of the butterfly genus Erebia]
  50. Lipej L
    Ocena o vplivih solinarske in marikulturne dejavnosti na ornitofavno solin
  51. Kryštufek B; Lipej L
    Kiti (Cetacea) v severnem Jadranu
    [Cetacei nell'alto Adriatico]
  52. Lipej L
    Status in ogroženost gnezditve populacije navadne postovke (Falco tinnunculus) na Sečoveljskih solinah
    [Lo status e i fattori di rischio per la popolazione nidificatrice del gheppio (Falco tinnunculus) nelle saline di Sicciole]
  53. Polak S
    Prehrana kune belice (Martes foina Erxleben, 1777) v okolici Knežaka
    [Feeding habits of the stone marten (Martes foina Erxleben, 1777) in surrounding of Knežak]
  54. Čelik T
    Dnevni metulji (Lep.: Papilionidea in Hesperioidea) kot bioindikatorska skupina za ekološko ocenjevanje in naravovarstveno vrednotenje Planinskega polja
    [Butterflies (Lep.: Papilionoidea in Hesperioidea) as bioindicator group for assessment of natural conservation value of Planinsko polje]
  55. Štrus J; Vogt G
    Scanning electron microscopic analysis of lipid storage in digestive glands of Troglocaris anophthalmus (Crustacea, Decapoda)
  56. Bulog B
    Ultrastructural analysis of the cristae ampullares of the inner ear of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia)
  57. Kos M; Bulog B
    Differences between the fine structure of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia) skin and the black pigmented Proteus sp
  58. Škornik I
    V družbi z rumenonogimi galebi
    [In the company of yellow footed gulls]
  59. Lipej L
    Še o izolskem belem morskem volku
    [The Izola great white shark again]
  60. Bolje A
    Gojenje brancina in orade v mrežnih kletkah
    [Raising European seabass and gilt-head sea bream in net cages]
  61. Doganoc DZ
    Distribucija reziduov svinca, kadmija, in cinka v organizmu perutnine in jajcih na področju Slovenije
    [Lead, cadmium and zinc distribution in selected tissue of poultry and eggs in Slovenia]
  62. Kovačič B
    Primerjava ultrahitrega in kontroliranega zamrzovanja mišjih zarodkov
    [Comparison of ultrarapid and controlled freezing of mouse embryos]
  63. Tome-Remškar S
    Diferenciacija populacij vrste Podarcis sicula (Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810) na otokih zahodne Istre
    [Diferentiation of populations Podarcis sicula (Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810) on West-Istrian islands]
  64. Pečenko N
    Biološki koncept modernega živalskega vrta - predlog prostorske ureditve in delovanje Zoološkega vrta mesta Ljubljane
    [Biological concept of a zoological garden - a proposal for site planning and manegement of the Ljubljana zoo]
  65. Trontelj P
    Ptice-indikator ekološkega pomena Ljubljanskega barja
    [Birds as indicators of the ecological importance of Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana moos)]
  66. Šušmelj A
    Možnosti intenzivnega rakogojstva v Sloveniji
  67. Jelen N
    Talna favna na Prapretnem pred obratovanjem dimnika Elektrarne Trbovlje in petnajst let pozneje
    [Soil fauna in Prapretno before the chimney of power plant Trbovlje was built and fiften years after]
  68. Krevs M
    Izolacija urotelija in priprava kratkotrajne kulture za aplikacije različnih učinkovin
    [The isolation of urothelium and the preparation of the short-term culture for the application of various agents]
  69. Batista U; Maček P; Sedmak B
    The cytotoxic and cytolitic activity of equinatoxin II from the sea anemone Actinia equina
  70. Sedmak B; Fanuko N
    Occurrence of Dinophysis spp. and toxic shellfish in the northern Adriatic
  71. Narat M; Maček P; Kotnik V; Sedmak B
    The humoral and cellular immune response to a lipid attenuated pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina L.
  72. Otto D; Amon T; Prenzel T
    Phase-resetting of the cricket's ventilatory rhythm by interneurons originating in the subesophageal ganglion (SD-AE neurons)
  73. Krušnik C; Malicky H
    Polycentropus devetaki sp.n. (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae)
  74. Malicky H; Krušnik C
    Beobachtungen ueber die Lebensweise und Beschrwibung von Potamophylax winneguthi (Klapalek, 1902) (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae)
  75. Institute of biology, University of Ljubljana ;
    7th international meeting on insect sound and vibration; 1990 11-14 Sept; Piran
  76. Tome Staša
    Leteči zmaji Bantimurunga
    [The flying lizards of Bantimurung]
  77. Aljančič Marko
    Hudoba iz brezovške fare
    [The beast of Brezovica parish]
  78. Kryštufek Boris
    Bogata združba netopirjev iz kočevskih gozdov
    [Bat associations in the Kočevje forest]
  79. Novak Ž; Thurmond AS; Ross PL; Jones MK; Thornburg KL; Katzberg RW
    Gadolinium-DTPA transplacental transfer and distribution in fetal tissue in rabbits
  80. Koren S; Whorton EB Jr; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Circadian dependence of interferon antitumor activity in mice
  81. Ružić-Sabljić E; Strle F; Cimperman J
    The Ixodes ricinus tick as a vector of Borrelia burgdorferi in Slovenia
  82. Ocvirk M
    Farmakodinamično delovanje optičnih izomer nikardipina in vitro
    [Pharmacodynamic action of the optical isomers of nicardipine in vitro]
  83. Ščuka R
    Lastnosti sevov stafilokokov živalskega izvora; koagulazni preizkus s plazmo različnega izvora
    [Properties of staphylococci strains of animal origin: coagulase test with plasma of different origin]
  84. Vodopivec P; Kozjek F; Karba R; Primožič S; Mrhar A
    Modelling of famotidine pharmacokinetics
  85. Filipič B; Carlsson K; Zupan S; Knežević M; Raspor P
    Preparation and partial purification of porcine interferon gamma (PoIFN Gamma) +
  86. Logonder-Mlinšek M
    The influence of experimental hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism on mouse bone tissue
  87. Brglez J; Wikerhauser T
  88. Liang NS
    Cloning and expression of toxic phospholipase A2 from Vipera ammodytes ammodytes
  89. Melik Ž
    Vpliv količine sproščenega mediatorja na časovni potek toka motorične ploščice
  90. Smerdu Vika
    Postnatalni razvoj skeletne mišice prašiča: vpliv na histokemične in morfometrične lastnosti mišičnih vlaken
  91. Koren S; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Optimal circadian timing reduces the myelosuppressive activity of recombinant murine interferon-gamma administered to mice
  92. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Kryžanowski M; Novaković S; Bobanović F; Golouh R; Vodovnik L
    Tumor treatment by direct electric current - tumor temperature and pH, electrode material and configuration
  93. Bobanović F; Miklavčič D; Serša G; Novaković S; Vodovnik L
    Electrochemical reactions at electrode-tissue interface and their role in tumor growth retardation achieved by electrotherapy
  94. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Vodovnik L
    Electric direct current in treatment of cancer
  95. Serša G; Miklavčič D; Batista U; Novaković S; Bobanović F; Vodovnik L
    Anti-tumor effect of electrotherapy alone or in combination with interleukin-2 in mice with sarcoma and melanoma tumors
  96. Miklavčič D; Vodovnik L; Bobanović F; Reberšek S; Serša G; Novaković S; Golouh R
    Local treatment of murine tumors by electric direct current
  97. Štalc A; Šentjurc M; Serša G; Novaković S
    The influence of TNF on the membrane fluidity of tumor cells
  98. Serša G; Novaković S; Štalc A
    Tumor mass is a critical factor in peritumoral treatment with tumor necrosis factor
  99. Miklavčič D; Serša G
    Conflicting data on biological systems treated with electrical direct current
  100. Miklavčič D; Serša G; Vodovnik L
    Direct electric current in treatment of murine solid tumors: electrode material and configurations

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