biomedicina slovenica

vo="human" : 201-300

  1. Weisman Michael H; Weinblatt Michael E; Louie James S; Van Vollenhoven Ronald F
    Target treatment of the rheumatic diseases
  2. Cvetko E; Karen P; Eržen I
    Myosin heavy chain composition of the human sternocleidomastoid muscle
  3. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Petek Davorina; Kersnik Janko
    Association between family doctors' practices characteristics and patient evaluation of care
  4. Obermajer S; Kuhar M
    Strateški vsadki pri snemnoprotetični oskrbi: prikaz primera
    [Strategic implants in tremovable prosthodontic treatment: case report]
  5. Kopač I; Pohlen B
    Adhezijsko cementiranje keramičnih inlejev in onlejev
    [Adhesive cementation of ceramic inlays and onlays]
  6. Pohlen B; Kopač I
    Preparacija zoba za keramični aki kompozitni inlej in onlej
    [Tooth preparation for ceramic or composite inlay and onlay]
  7. Pavlič A
    Zdravljenje vitalnih mlečnih zob z globokim kariesom
    [Treatment of vital deciduous teeth with deep caries]
  8. Parviainen Markku; Kelo Eira; Sirola Helena; Vaheri Antti; Vapalahti Olli; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Mononen Ilkka
    Detection of acute hantavirus infections using novel instrument-readable rapid tests
  9. Kelo Eira; Parviainen Markku; Sirola Helena; Vaheri Antti; Vapalahti Olli; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Flincl Heini; Jokiranta Sakari T; Monen Ilkka
    Enzyme immunoassay tests for detection of hantavirus infection and immunity
  10. Mohar Janez
    Untreated early onset scoliosis - the natural progression of a debilitating and ultimately deadly disease
  11. Grivas Theodoros B
    Recent advances in scoliosis
  12. Poljšak B; Milisav I
    The neglected significance of 'antioxidative stress'
  13. Faganeli Nataša
    Zdravljenje in vodenje akutne pooperativne bolečine
    [Acute postoperative pain management]
  14. Eržen R; Košnik M; Šilar M; Korošec P
    Basophil response and the induction of a tolerance in venom immunotherapy: a long-term sting challenge study
  15. Brotons Carlos; Bulc Mateja; Sammut Mario R; Sheehan Mary; da Silva Martins Carlos Manuel; Bjorkelund Cecilia; Drenthen Antonius JM; Duhot Didier
    Attitudes toward preventive services and lifestyle: the views of primary care patients in Europe. The EUROPREVIEW patient study
  16. Petek-Šter Marija
    Teaching communication at the Medical School in Ljubljana
  17. Lainščak M; von Haehling S; Doehner W; Anker SD
    The obesity paradox in chronic disease: facts and numbers
  18. Knez L; Košnik M; Ovčariček T; Sadikov A; Sodja E; Kern I; Čufer T
    Predictive value of ABCB1 polymorphisms G2677T/A, C3435T, and their haplotype in small cell lung cancer patients treated with chemotherapy
  19. Jošt Maja
    Neželeni učinki analgetikov in prilagajanje protibolečinskega zdravljenja
    [Side effects of analgesics and titration of pain management]
  20. Toni Janez
    Patofiziološki vidiki bolečine
    [Patophysiological aspects of pain]
  21. Križmarić Miljenko; Manohin Aleksander
    Analiza pretokov dihalne zmesi skozi krožne anestezijske dihalne sisteme in njihov vpliv na izsušenost zrnc absorberja CO2
    [The analysis of fresh gas flow in a circle anaesthetic breathing system, and its influence on CO2 abrorbent desiccation]
  22. Baltaci Davut; Akyazi Hikmet; Kandis Hayati; Saritas Ayhan; Mungan Sevdegul; Hamdi-Kara Ismail
    Ornidazole-induced fixed drug eruption: a case report
    [Fiksni medikamentozni eksantem, ki ga izzove ornidazol: prikaz primera]
  23. Serec Maša; Bajec Boštjan; Petek Davorina; Švab Igor; Selič Polona
    A structural model of burnout syndrome, coping behavior and personality traits in professional soldiers of the Slovene armed forces
    [Strukturni model povezanosti med izgorelostjo, strategijami spoprijemanja s stresom in osebnostnimi značilnostmi pri vojakih Slovenske vojske]
  24. Uršič Tina; Petrovec Miroslav
    Človeški bokavirus (HBoV) - novi parvovirus
    [Human bocavirus (HBoV) - new parvovirus]
  25. Escadafal Camille; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Vapalahti Olli; Niklasson Bo; Teichmann Anette; Niedrig Matthias; Donoso-Mantke Oliver
    Second external quality assurance study for the serological diagnosis of hantaviruses in Europe
  26. Brecelj Jelka; Šuštar Maja; Pečarič-Meglič Nuška; Škrbec Miha; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    VEP characteristics in children with achiasmia, in comparison to albino and healthy children
  27. Dolenc Jure; Koželj Mirta; Prokšelj Katja
    Najpogostejše zmote pri obravnavi odraslih bolnikov s prirojenimi srčnimi napakami
    [The commonest mistakes in the teatment of adult patients with congenital heart disease]
  28. Černelč Peter; Kodre Veronika
    Ocena učinkovitosti prvega zdravljenja z bortezomibom pred avtologno presaditvijo krvotvornih matičnih celic pri diseminiranem plazmocitomu
    [Effectiveness of first treatment with bortezomib prior to autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma]
  29. Breznikar Brane; Dinevski Dejan; Kunst Gregor; Rožej Barbara
    Gastric banding putcomes are better if patients participate in the support group
    [Rezultati operacije želodca s prilagodljivim trakom so boljši, če bolniki obiskujejo klub operiranih]
  30. Kos Nataša; Juhant Alenka; Frangež Maja
    Uporaba opornice za korekcijo položaja ramenskega sklepa v zgodnji fazi nevrorehabilitacije
    [Use of sling for shoulder support in early neurorehabilitation programme]
  31. Pinter Bojana; Korošec Sara; Srnovršnik Tinkara; Bizjak-Ogrinc Urška
    Slovenske smernice za rabo kombinirane hormonske kontracepcije
    [Slovenian guidelines for combined hormonal contraceptive use]
  32. Pleskovič Alojz
    Bariatrična (metabolična) kirurgija
    [Bariatric (metabolic) surgery]
  33. Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Dolinar Drago; Ivanovski Matic; List Ivo; Daniel Matej
    Role of biomechanical parameters in hip osteoarthritis and avascular necrosis of femoral head
  34. Naik Ganesh R
    Applied biological engineering - principles and practice
  35. Hudler Petra
    Genetic aspects of gastric cancer instability
  36. Selič Polona; Švab Igor; Rifel Janez; Černe Anja; King Michael; Nazareth Irwin
    The pattern of physical comorbidity and the psychosocial determinants of depression: a prospective cohort study on a representative sample of family practice attendees in Slovenia
  37. Maraspin Vera; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Strle Franc
    Pregnant women with erythema migrans and isolation of borreliae from blood: course and outcome after treatment with ceftriaxone
  38. Trop-Skaza Alenka; Beskovnik Lucija; Štorman Alenka; Keše Draja; Uršič Simona
    Epidemiological investigation of a legionellosis outbreak in a Slovenian nursing home, August 2010
  39. Artac Macide; Dalton Andrew R; Majeed Azeem; Huckvale Kit; Car Josip; Graley Clare; Millett Christopher
    Assessment of cardiovascular risk factors prior to NHS Health Checks in an urban setting: cross-sectional study
  40. Nair Harish; Holmes Alison; Rudan Igor; Car Josip
    Influenza vaccination in healthcare professionals
  41. Makuc Jana; Petrovič Danijel
    No association between NOS2 and NOS3 polymorphisms and diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetics
  42. Stvrtinova V; Poredoš P; Allegra C
    Superficial thrombophlebitis - Consensus proposal from Central European Vascular Forum (CEVF) for diagnosis and treatment
  43. Beović Bojana; Pirš Mateja; Muller-Premru Manica
    Novosti na področju protimikrobnega zdravljenja: stara zdravila za bakterije z novimi mehanizmi odpornosti
    [Update on antimicrobial treatment: old drugs for bacteria with new resistance mechanisms]
  44. Philip Moshe; Danne Thomas; Shalitin Shlomit; Buckingham Bruce; Laffel Lori; Tamborlane William; Battelino Tadej
    Use of continuous glucose monitoring in children and adolescents
  45. Beović Bojana; Strle Franc; Tomažič Janez
    Novosti v infektologiji, Preprečevanje okužb: imunoprofilaksa in kemoprofilaksa. Infektološki simpozij 2012; 2012 mar; Ljubljana
  46. Lanotte Philippe; Seme Katja
    Perinatal infections
  47. Herrmann Jean Louis; Poljak Mario
    Molecular methods in microbiology
  48. Cornaglia Giuseppe; Courcol Rene; Herrmann Jean-Louis; Kahlmeter Gunnar; Peigue-Lafeuille Helene; Vila Jordi
    European manual of clinical microbiology
  49. Lenglet A; Herrador Z; Magiorakos AP; Leitmeyer K; Coulombier D; Keše D; Sočan M
    Surveillance status and recent data for Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections in the European Union and European Economic Area, January 2012
  50. de Beer Jessica L; Kremer Kristin; Koedmoen Csaba; Bidovec-Stojkovič Urška
    First worldwide proficiency study on variable-number tandem-repeat typing of mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains
  51. Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka; Krečič-Stres Hana; Maličev Elvira; Gantar Danica; Krkovič Matija; Senekovič Vladimir; Rode Matjaž; Knežević Miomir; Vunjak-Novaković Gordana; Froehlich Mirjam
    Autologous cell therapies for bone tissue regeneration
  52. Tal Haim
    Bone regeneration
  53. Kočevar Nina; Odreman Federico; Vindigni Alessandro; Frković-Grazio Snježana; Komel Radovan
    Proteomic analysis of gastric cancer and immunoblot validation of potential biomarkers
  54. Primožič Jasmina; Farčnik Franc; Perinetti Giusseppe; Richmond Stephen; Ovsenik Maja
    The association of tongue posture with the dentoalveolar maxillary and mandibular morphology in Class III malocclusion: a controlled study
  55. Lainščak Mitja; von Haehling Stephan; Doehner Wolfram; Sarc Irena; Jerič Tina; Ziherl Kristina; Košnik Mitja; Anker Stefan D; Šuškovič Stanislav
    Body mass index and prognosis in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  56. Ettarh Rajunor
    Colorectal cancer - from prevention to patient care
  57. Perše Martina
    Physical activity, dietary fat and colorectal cancer
  58. Serec Maša; Švab Igor; Kolšek Marko; Švab Vesna; Moesgen Diana; Klein Michael
    Health-related lifestyle, physical and mental health in children of alcoholic parents
  59. Povšič Klemen; Fležar Matjaž; Možina Janez; Jezeršek Matija
    Laser 3-D measuring system and real-time visual feedback for teaching and correcting breathing
  60. Kern Izidor; Zidarn Mihaela; Bitenc Marko
    Spoštovana urednica
  61. Manohin Aleksander
    Ugovor na članek
  62. Jaunig Senta; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Akademik Bogdan Brecelj in njegov prispevek k razvoju službe medicinske rehabilitacije v Sloveniji
    [Academician Bogdan Brecelj and his contribution to the development of medical rehabilitation in Slovenia]
  63. Faganel-Kotnik Barbara; Kitanovski Lidija; Rajić Vladan; Paro-Panjan Darja; Jazbec Janez; Benedik-Dolničar Majda
    Znotrajlobanjska krvavitev pri novorojenčku s težko obliko hemofilije A: prikaz primera in pregled literature
    [Intracranial haemorrhage in a neonate with severe haemophilia A: a case report and literature review]
  64. Zupanc Tomaž; Pregelj Peter; Videtič-Paska Alja
    Vpletenost epigenetskih mehanizmov v razvoj posttravmatske stresne motnje
    [Involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder]
  65. Matos Erika
    Zdravljenje bolnic s HER2-pozitivnim rakom dojk
    [Treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer patients]
  66. Teskač-Plajnšek Karmen; Kocbek Petra; Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Kristl Julijana
    Mehanizmi vstopa nanodelcev v celice in njihov vpliv na dostavljanje učinkovin
    [Mechanisms of cellular uptake of nanoparticles and their effect on drug delivery]
  67. Selič Polona; Stegne-Ignjatović Tea; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika
    Burnout among Slovenian family medicine trainees: a cross-sectional study
    [Izgorelost med specializanti družinske medicine v Sloveniji: presečna študija]
  68. Bučar-Pajek Maja; Peček-Čuk Mojca; Pajek Jernej
    Low back pain in physically active young adults
    [Bolečina v križu pri telesno aktivnih mladih odraslih]
  69. Vrhkar Nataš; Šajina-Stritar Barbara; Tul Nataša
    Prekinitev nosečnosti z mifepristonom in misoprostolom po enajstem tednu nosečnosti
    [Termination of pregnancy with mifepristone and misoprostol after the 11th week of pregnancy]
  70. Komadina Radko; Senekovič Vladimir; Dolenc Igor; Andoljšek Matej; Grabljevec Klemen; Veninšek Gregor; Preželj Janez; Kocjan Tomaž
    Priporočila za zdravljenje zloma kolka v Sloveniji
    [Recommendations for hip fracture management in Slovenia]
  71. Albreht Tit
    Problematika izgorelosti med zdravniki
    [The problem of burnout among physicians]
  72. Černi Igor; Breznikar Brane; Štante Matej
    Krvaveč Mecklov divertikel - laparoskopski pristop
    [Laparoscopic treatment of a bleeding Meckel's diverticulum]
  73. Vogler Andrej; Virant-Klun Irma
    Laparoskopsko pridobivanje potencialnih matičnih celic jajčnika pri bolnicah s prezgodnjo menopavzo
    [Laparoscopic collection of putative ovarian stem cells in patients with premature ovarian failure]
  74. Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Jelenc Franc
    Endometrioza črevesja
    [Bowel endometriosis]
  75. Fuegger Reinhold; Gangl Odo
    Single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy - Have the promises come true?
    [Laparoskopska odstranitev žolčnika skozi eno incizijo - so se obeti uresničili?]
  76. Omejc Mirko
    Laparoskopska kirurgija pri zdravljenju raka prebavil
    [Laparoscopic surgery for gastrointestinal cancer]
  77. Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda
    Ethanol toxicity in the brain: alteration of astroglial cell function
  78. Gallelli Luca
  79. Skvarča A; Tomažič M; Krhin B; Blagus R; Janež Andrej
    Adipocytokines and insulin resistance across various degrees of glucose tolerance in pregnancy
  80. Janša Jelka; Aragon Ana; Lundgren-Nilsson Asa
    How people living with Parkinson's disease in four European countries view occupational therapy
  81. Writzl Karin; Rener-Primec Zvonkaž; Gnidovec-Stražišar Barbara; Osredkar Damjan; Pečarič-Meglič Nuška; Stirn-Kranjc Branka; Nishiyama Kiyomi; Matsumoto Naomichi; Saitsu Hirotomo
    Early onset West syndrome with severe hypomyelination and coloboma-like optic discs in a girl with SPTAN1 mutation
  82. Husein-ElAhmed H; Hernandez-Soriano MI; Aneiros-Cachaza J; Ruiz-Carrascosa JC; Naranjo-Sintes R
    Ulceration of the scalp: lipogranuloma induced by industrial oils in an interior decorator
  83. Morais P; Baudrier T; Santos A; Mota A; Duarte AF; Ventura J; Azevedo F
    Parallel development and course of pheochromocytoma and giant squamous cell carcinoma of the leg: a new paraneoplastic syndrome?
  84. Badri T; Hawilo AM; Benmously R; Fenniche S; Mokhtar I
    Acitretin-induced pyogenic granuloma
  85. Milobratović D; Vukićević J
    Localized Darier's disease
  86. Song JE; Krunic AL
    A rare variant of generalized granuloma annulare presenting with chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection: coincidence or association?
  87. Fernandez-Flores A; Rodriguez-Prado N
    An ulcerated lesion due to HSV-2 infection with a CD56+ cell predominant inflammatory infiltrate
  88. Alzolibani AA
    Epidemiologic and genetic characteristics of alopecia areata: (part 1)
  89. Sadeghian G; Ziaei H; Nilforoushzadeh MA
    Treatment of localized psoriasis with a topical formulation of zinc pyrithione
  90. Aryana Kamran; Gholizadeh Mohaddeseh; Momennezhad Mehdi; Naji Maryam; Aliakbarian Mohsen; Forghani Mohammad Naser; Sadeghi Ramin
    Efficacy of high-energy collimator for sentinel node lymphoscintigraphy of early breast cancer patients
    [Učinkovitost visokoenergijskega kolimatorja v limfoscintigrafiji varovalnih bezgavk pri bolnicah z začetnim rakom dojk]
  91. Stimpfel Martin; Skutella Thomas; Kubista Mikael; Maličev Elvira; Conrad Sabine; Virant-Klun Irma
    Potential stemness of frozen-thawed testicular biopsies without sperm in infertile men included into the n vitro fertilization programme
  92. Prelesnik N
    Zdravstvena problematika romskih otrok na Kočevskem
    [Heath problems among Roma children in the Kočevje area]
  93. Kersnik-Levart T
    Novosti pri obravnavi otrok po dokazani okužbi sečil
    [Update on the evaluation of children after proven urinary tract infection]
  94. Avčin S; Prelog T; Kavčič M; Kitanovski L; Anžič J; Benedik-Dolničar M; Rajić V; Zadravec-Zaletel L; Debeljak M; Jazbec J
    Zdravljenje akutne limfoblastne levkemije pri otrocih v Sloveniji
    [Treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in Slovenia]
  95. Zheng Xiaozhi; Ji Ping; Mao Hongwei; Hu Jianqun
    A comparison of virtual touch tissue quantification and digital rectal examination for discrimination between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia
    [Primerjava ocene tkiva z metodo navideznega otipa in z digitalnim rektalnim pregledom za razlikovanje karcinoma od benigne hiperplazije prostate]
  96. Gueltekin Salih Sinan; Dilli Alper; Tuerker-Arikoek Ata; Bostanci Hasan; Oguz-Hasdemir Ahmet
    The false-positive radioiodine I-131 uptake in the foreign body granuloma located in gluteal adipose tissue: case report
    [Lažno pozitivni privzem radioaktivnega J-131 v tujkovem granulomu lokaliziranem v glutealnem maščevju]
  97. Cardoso F; Costa A; Norton L; Cameron D; Čufer T; Fallowfield L; Francis P; Gligorov J; Kyriakides S; Lin N
    1st International consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC 1)
  98. Botros Maikel; Chang Kenneth; Miller Robert; Krishnan Sunil; Iott Matthew
    Recurrent invasive lobular carcinoma presenting as a ruptured breast implant: case report
    [Ponovitev invazivnega lobularnega raka dojke pri bolnici z rupturo implantata dojke]
  99. Bešlić Šerif; Žukić Fuad; Milišić Selma
    Percutaneous transthoracic CT guided biopsies of lung lesions; fine needle aspiration biopsy versus core biopsy
    [Perkutane CT vodene biopsije pljučnih lezij - primerjava tankoigelnih in histopatoloških biopsij]
  100. Muenzel Daniela; Engels Heinz-Peter; Bruegel Melanie; Kehl Victoria; Rummenly Ernst J; Metz Stephen
    Intra- and inter-observer variability in measurement of target lesions: implication on response evaluation according to RECIST 1.1
    [Spremenljivost ocen pri posamičnih ocenjevalcih in med njimi ob merjenju tarčnih sprememb pri izvidih, kjer so upoštevali kriterije RECIST 1.1]

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