biomedicina slovenica

vo="guinea pigs" : 96

  1. Sharifian M; Sari-Aslani F; Hemmatinejad B; Fallahzadeh MK; Kasraee B; Khoshandish MJ; Miri R; Mohammadi-Samani S; Jowkar F; Namazi MR
    D-penicillamine, a potent melanogenesis inhibitor; lacks any depigmenting effect on black guinea pig skin: The first randomized, evalutor-blinded, vehicle-controlled, in vivo study
  2. Oštir M
    Celostna obravnava otroka s kronično pljučno boleznijo
    [Integral management of children with chronic lung disease]
  3. Rajtar Simona; Irman-Florjanc Tatjana
    Amitriptyline affects histamine-N-methyltransferase and diamine oxidase activity in rats and guinea pigs
  4. Kirn B; Starc V
    Continuous axial contraction wave in the free wall of the guinea pig left ventricle
  5. Strojan Primož
    Vpliv nekaterih kalcijevih antagonistov na črevesno absorpcijo digoksina pri budri
  6. Feurle J; Rajtar S; Irman-Florjanc T; Schwelberger HG
    Molecular cloning of guinea-pig diamine oxidase and histamine N-methyltransferase
  7. Rajtar S; Feurle J; Schwelberger HG; Irman-Florjanc T
    Expression of histamine degrading enzymes in guinea pig tissues
  8. Trampuš Alenka
    Vpliv nikardipina in njegovih enantiomer na črevesno absorpcijo digoksina pri burdah in vivo
  9. Mohar Urša; Stanovnik Lovro
    Comparison on two methods for pA2 determination in two types of guinea pig isolated preparations, bearing H2 receptors
  10. Lenasi Helena
    Vpliv 1,4-ditiotreitola in N-etilmaleimida na vezavno mesto histaminskega H1 receptorja iz miokarda budre
  11. Mohar Urša
    Primerjava primernosti različnih metod za določanje učinkovitosti in narave antagonistov receptorjev H2 na dveh izoliranih organih z različnimi lastnostmi
  12. Kirn Borut; Starc Vito
    The video technique developed for measuring epicardial strains on guinea pig's left ventricle
  13. Kirn Borut; Starc Vito
    Contraction wave in axial direction in free wall of guinea pig left ventricle
  14. Kirn Borut
    Spreminjanje oblike delujočega levega prekata budre v začetni fazi kontrakcije
  15. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Budihna Metka V; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda
    Mibefradil is more effective than verapamil for restoring post-ischemic function of isolated hearts of guinea pigs with acute renal failure
  16. Fruhwald S; Herk E; Hammer H; Holzer P; Metzler H
    Inhibitory effects of clonidine and dexmedetomidine on guinea pig small bowel motility in vitro
  17. Lei Wei; de Bri Edin
    The effects of load on bone and cartilage following amputation in Guinea pig osteoarthritis
  18. Lukanc B
    Anestezija kuncev in morskih prašičkov
    [Anaesthesia of rabbits and guniea pigs]
  19. Potočnik Nejka
    Viskoelastične lastnosti izoliranega levega prekata budre v diastoli
  20. Stanovnik Lovro
    Determining the parameters of concentration-response relationship for histamine on the isolated portion of guinea pig stomach and guinea pig right atrium
  21. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Budihna Metka V
    Effects of mibefradil and verapamil on ischemic-reperfusion in the hearts of guinea pigs with acute renal failure
  22. De Bri Edin; Lei Wei
    Biochemical and histological effects of tetracyclines on spontaneous osteoarthritis in guinea pigs
  23. Kern Izidor; Vitalis TZ; Croome Alison; Hayashi Shizu; Hogg JC
    Latent adenovirus 5 infection in guinea pigs amplifies the inflammation caused by cigarette smoke
  24. Potočnik Nejka; Kirn Borut; Cesar Simona; Starc Vito
    Relaxation of epicardial strains after volume changes in the isolated guinea pig left ventricle
  25. Kirn Borut; Potočnik Nejka; Starc Vito
    The reversible displacement of the passive diastolic p-V curve in the isolated guinea pig left ventricle
  26. Vitalis TZ; Kern I; Croome A; Behzad H; Hayashi S; Hogg JC
    The effect of latent adenovirus 5 infection on cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation
  27. Potočnik N; Kirn B; Cesar S; Starc V
    Relaxion of epicardial segment lengths and pressure in the isolated guinea pig left ventricle
  28. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka
    Vpliv različnih kalcijevih antagonistov na ishemično-reperfuzijsko okvaro na izoliranem srcu budre z akutno odpovedjo ledvic
  29. Kirn Borut
    Določanje ekvatorialne ravnine levega prekata z optičnimi epikardialnimi označevalci pri budrah
  30. Ondrušek Vilko; Kansky Aleksej; Bolanča-Bumber Smiljana; Škrinjar Ljubomir
    Resorption of 8-methoxypsoralen from the digestive tract of guinea pig
  31. Korošec L; Stanovnik L
    Is endogenous histamine involved in the contraction of the isolated trachea, evoked by muscarinic agonist?
  32. Bogataj M; Mrhar A; Korošec L
    Influence of physicochemical and biological parameters on drug release from microspheres adhered on vesical and intestinal mucosa
  33. Fležar Matjaž
    Citosolna aktivnost kalcija in pretoki klorida v epitelnih in gladkomišičnih celicah v kulturi
    [Cytosolic activity of calcium and the flux of chloride in epithelial and smooth muscle cells]
  34. Sketelj Janez
  35. Juntes Polona; Lindtner Renata; Pogačnik M
    Imunohistokemično dokazovanje leptospir v patološkem materialu
  36. Starc V; Yellin EL; Nikolic SD
    Neelastična deformacija levega prekata pri budri: spremenljiva diastolična podajnost
  37. Korošec L; Stanovnik L
    Is endogenous histamine involved in the contraction of the isolated trachea, evoked by muscarinic agonist?
  38. Stanovnik L
    Isolated portion of guinea pig stomach - a model for studying the effects of drugs on gastric secretion
  39. Kirn B; Potočnik N; Časl S; Nikolič SD; Starc V
    The displacement of the passive diastolic P-V curve in the isolated guine-pig left ventricle
  40. Budihna MV; Strojan P; Trampuš-Bakija A; Grebenc H; Aščerić M; Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Inhibition of enteral absorption of digoxin by calcium channel blockers in guinea-pig
  41. Budihna MV; Strojan P; Trampuš-Bakija A; Grebenc H; Aščerić M; Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Ca++ antagonists (CaA) inhibit intestinal absorption of digoxin (D) in guniea-pig
  42. Budihna Metka V; Strojan Primož; Trampuš-Bakija Alenka; Grebenc Helena; Ilievski Vladimir; Japelj Irena; Aščerić Mensura; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Prevorčnik Ana; Skitek Milan
    Inhibition of intestinal absorption of digoxin by different Ca2+ channel blockers in guinea-pig in vivo and in vitro
  43. Budihna MV; Kuhar C; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Kocijančič S
    Acute renal failure affects myocardial response to reperfusion of ischaemic guniea pig myocardium
  44. Čarman-Kržan Marija; Kržan Mojca; Schunack Walter
    Pharmacological properties of cardiovascular histamine H1 receptor binding sites: characterisation with 2-phenylhistamines
  45. Starc V; Yellin EL; Nikolič SD
    Viscoelastic behavior of the isolated guinea pig left ventricle in diastole
  46. Sketelj J
  47. Kržan M
    Histamine receptors in the heart - molecular characteristics, physiology and pharmacology
  48. Budihna MV; Grebenc H
    Racemic nicardipine and its (-) enantiomer dose-dependently inhibit intestinal absorption of digoxin in guinea-pig in vivo
    [Racemni nikardipin in njegov (-) enantiomer od doze odvisno zavirata črevesno absorpcijo digoksina pri morskem prašičku in vivo]
  49. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M
    Mast cell histamine in gastric secretion - a study on the isolated portion of a guinea pig stomach
  50. Čarman-Kržan M
    Molecular characterisation of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial histamine-H1 receptor binding sites in bovine, rat and guinea pig thoracic aorta
  51. Jan J; Logar B; Jan J
    Tissue distribution of co-planar and non-planar tetra- and hexa- chlorobiphenyl isomers in guinea pigs after oral ingestion
  52. Kržan M
    Razporeditev, značilnosti, pomen in vloga histaminskih H1 in H2 receptorjev v srcu
  53. Šuput D; Maček P
    On the diversity of effects of equinatoxins on excitable membranes
  54. Bogataj M; Mrhar A; Korošec L
    Evaluation of bioadhesive properties of microspheres on isolated guinea pig vesical and intestinal mucosa
  55. Šuput D; Zalar B; Abramič D; Demšar F
    Embryionic development of vertebrates: MRI study
  56. Starc V; Yellin EL; Nikolić SD
    Diastolic tonus: the fact or misconception
  57. Gulati J; Akella AB; Nikolić SD; Starc V; Siri F
    Shifts in contractile regulatory protein subunits troponin T and troponin I in cardiac hypertrophy
  58. Trampuš A
    Vpliv nikardipina in njegovih enantiomerov na črevesno absorpcijo digoksina pri budri in vivo
    [The influence of nicardipin and its enantiomers on enteral absorption of digoxin in guinea pig in vivo]
  59. Budihna MV; Trampuš A
    Inhibition of intestinal absorption of digoxin by nicardipine and its enantiomers in guinea pig in vivo
  60. Bole-Vunduk B; Ocvirk M
    Farmakološko testiranje bronhodilatacijske in kardiovaskularne aktivnosti prokaterola
    [Pharmacological studies of bronchodilating and cardiovascular activity of procaterol]
  61. Ocvirk M
    Farmakodinamično delovanje optičnih izomer nikardipina in vitro
    [Pharmacodynamic action of the optical isomers of nicardipine in vitro]
  62. Čarman-Kržan M
    Characterisation of histamine-H1 receptor binding sites in bovine, rat and guinea pig thoracic aorta
  63. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M
    Is mast cell histamine involved in the regulation of acid secretion in the guinea pig stomach?
  64. Kržan M; Erjavec F; Čarman-Kržan M
    Characterization of coexistent histamine H1- and H2-receptor binding sites in the purified guinea pig myocardial membranes from ventricles
  65. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Erjavec F
    A study of the role of histamine in gastric secretion in the isolated guinea pig gastric preparation
  66. Kambič V; Gale N; Rott T; Žargi M
    Influence of asbestos fibres on the respiratory system in experimental animals
  67. Budihna MV; Maček P; Šuput D
    Some possible mechanisms involved in the cardiotoxicity of equinatoxin II
  68. Budihna MV; Strojan P
    Ca2+ channel antagonists inhibit the intestinal absorption of digoxin in the guinea-pig
  69. Est M; Erjavec F; Kržan M
    Comparison between age-related cardiotoxic effects of digitoxin and activity of Na+K+ATPase
  70. Budihna M; Šuput D; Maček P
    Verapamil and nitroglycerin prevent cardiac arrhythmia and negative inotropic effect induced by equinatoxin II
  71. Starc V; Nikolić SD; Yellin EL
    History dependent elements of compliance: non-elastic deformation of the guinea pig left ventricle
  72. Ocvirk M
    Amlodipin in nikardipin, blokatorji kalcijevih kanalov v gladkem mišičju srca ter ožilja in vitro
    [Amlodipine and nicardipine the calcium channel blockers in cardiac and vascular smooth muscle in vitro]
  73. Strojan P
    Vpliv nekaterih kalcijevih antagonistov na črevesno absorpcijo digoksina pri budri
    [The influence of some calcium antagonists upon enteral absorption of digoxin in guinea-pig]
  74. Korošec L; Erjavec F
    The effects of histamine antagonists and calcium slow channel blockers on isolated guinea-pig trachea, a study of the role of respiratory epithelium
  75. Ocvirk M
    Primerjava farmakodinamskega delovanja kalcijevih antagonistov: felodipina, verapamila in diltiazema "in vitro"
    [A comparison of pharmacodynamic action of calcium antagonists: felodipine, verapamil and diltiazem "in vitro"]
  76. Kržan M
    Primerjava aktivnosti encima Na+K+ATPaze pri različno starih poskusnih živalih
  77. Kažić T; Ðorđević N; Radulović S
    Impairment of calcium permeability as a possible mode of action of ergot alkaloids: dihydroergosine, ergosinine and dihydroergotamine on the terminal ileum of the guinea-pig
  78. Budihna M; Šuput D; Maček P
    Cardiac arrhythmia and negative inotropic effect induced by equinatoxin II
  79. Kržan M; Est M; Erjavec F
    Relation between Na+ K+ ATPase activity and cardiotoxic action of digitoxin in 1 week old and adult guinea pigs
  80. Budihna M; Maček P; Šuput D
    Effects of equinatoxin II on the isolated guinea-pig heart
  81. Budihna M
    Antiarrhythmic effects of some calcium entry blockers in the isolated guinea pig heart
  82. Stanovnik L; Korošec L; Erjavec F
    The effects of calcium antagonists, verapamil and nifedipine, on secretion and on contraction of smooth muscle
  83. Korošec L; Erjavec F
    The effcts of epithelium on the sensitivity of the guinea-pig isolated trachea
  84. Banič S
    Inhibitory effect of the restriction of vitamins and food on carcinogenesis and survival of guinea-pigs with induced tumours
  85. Miljković Lj; Sušić H; Ðorđević N
    Adrenaline induced arrhythmias: relation to transient ST segment deviation
  86. Zupančič P; Zalar S; Uhan D
    Comparative anti-inflammatory effects of two topically applied piroxicam formulations
  87. Est M; Erjavec F; Kržan M
    Age-related changes of erythrocyte Na+, K+-ATPase activity
  88. Korošec L; Erjavec F
    The effects of histamine, H1 and H2 receptor antagonists and verapamil on the isolated guinea-pig trachea
  89. Limpel M; Korošec L; Erjavec F
    The effects of nicardipine and verapamil on calcium-induced contractions of the guinea-pig taenia caeci
  90. Makonnen E; Est M
    Inhibition of red blood cells Na+, K+-ATPase from different species by some cardiac glycosides
  91. Makonnen E; Est M
    The influence of arrhythmogenic doses of cardiac glycosides on red blood cell Na+, K+-ATPase activity in guinea-pigs
  92. Makonnen E; Est M
    Change in guinea pig red blood cells Na+, K+-ATPase activity after 24 hours of some cardiac glycosides intoxication
  93. Haxhiu MA; Jakupi M; Dreshaj IA; Ðokić TD; Ahmetaj H
    Efekti Ca2+ blokatora na odgovor glatkih mišića vazdušnih puteva prema bronhokonstrikcionim i bronhodilatacionim sredstvima
    [Effects of verapamil upon airway smooth muscle responses to bronchoconstrictor and bronchodilator agents]
  94. Kotnik V; Povšič L; Vozelj M
    Partial isolation and determination of guinea pig's migration inhibition or macrophage activating factor (MIF-MAF) molecular weight
  95. Meznarič M; Eržen I
    Izbira modelov za skeletna mišična vlakna podtipa II
    [The choise of models for skeletal muscle subtype II fibres]
  96. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Erjavec F
    The effect of compound 48/80, substance P and pentagastrin on the isolated guinea pig atrium

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