biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 41.703-41.802

  1. Klinkon M; Jazbec I
    Breed and age effects on total serum protein (TSP) and hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in dairy cows in Slovenia
    [Vpliv pasme in starosti na vsebnost celotnih serumskih beljakovin (CSB) in koncentracijo hemoglobina (Hb) pri molznicah v Sloveniji]
  2. Florjanc P
    Možnost kontaminacije surovega mleka z nekaterimi epidemiološko pomembnimi mikroorganizmi iz okolja
    [Contamination of raw milk with some epidemiologically important microorganisms from the environment]
  3. Hostnik P; Železnik Z; Grom J
    Kontrola okužbe z virusom IBR/IPV pri govedu
    [Control of the infection with IBR/IPV virus]
  4. Juntes P; Coer A; Pogačnik M; Šenk L
    Primerjava rezultatov AgNOR v tkivu normalnih in rakasto spremenjenih mlečnih žlez pri psicah, dobljenih z meritvami na dveh različnih sistemih za analizo slike
    [Comparison of results of measurements of AgNOR in normal and carcinomatous mammary gland in a dog made by two different image analysis systems]
  5. Zakrajšek B
    Vpliv notranjih zajedalcev na krvno sliko gamsa
    [The influence of endoparasites in chamois on blood picture]
  6. Lipužič E
    Proučevanje vimenskih vnetij pri kravah v hlevski reji in na planinski paši na Tolminskem
    [A study of mastitis in stable-breeding cows and cows on pasture in the area of Tolmin]
  7. Dovč A
    Uvajanje imunofluorescenčnih metod v diagnostiko klamidioze (Chlamydia psittaci) ter epizootiologija pri papigah in golobih
    [Introduction of immunofluorescence methods in diagnosing chlamydiosis (Chlamydia psittaci) and epizootiology in parrots and pigeons]
  8. Zabavnik-Piano J
    Proučevanje razlik v primarni strukturi dopaminskega receptorja D2 pri različnih živalskih vrstah
    [A study of interspecies differences in the primary structure of dopamine D2 receptor]
  9. Kogovšek J
    Stabilizacija izpahnjene stegnenice s podpornim Westhuesovim vijakom pri psih
    [Stabilization of a dislocated femur with a supportive Westhues screw in the dog]
  10. Zajc Irena
    Mikrosateliti in testiranje starševstva pri govedu
    [Microsatellites and paternity testing in cattle]
  11. Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Limfociti in tkivni bazofilci v črevesju psa po obsevanju
    [Lymphocytes and mast cells in dog's colon after irradiation]
  12. Doganoc DZ
    Cink v tkivih perutnine
    [Zinc in tissues of poultry]
  13. Hostnik P; Jenčič V
    Viral hemorrhagic septicaemia of salmonids - detection of virus antigen by ELISA test
    [Virusna hemoragična septikemija - dokaz virusnega antigena v testu ELISA]
  14. Drobnič-Košorok M; Dobeic M
    Merjenje neugodnih vonjav iz živinorejske proizvodnje
    [Mesurement of odours from livestock production]
  15. Čuk N
    Bolniki s sladkorno boleznijo in zapleti zaradi nje v letih 1990-94 na območju Zdravstvenega doma Idrija
    [Diabetes patients and complications of diabetes in the catchment area of Idrija]
  16. Grošelj D
    Smernice za higieno ustne votline
    [Guidelines for oral hygiene]
  17. Rumež-Bizjak L
    Kontinuirana zdravstvenega nega psihiatričnega bolnika na sprejemnem oddelku
    [Continuous nursing care of a psychiatric patient on the admission ward]
  18. Čosić K
    Posebnosti procesa zdravstvene nege v Centru za izvenbolnišnične psihiatrične dejavnosti
    [Special features of nursing process in ambulatory psychiatric care]
  19. Kraigher A; Šmon L; Imenšek I; Gaberšek A; Vrbanc A; Plevelj B
    Analiza izvajanja imunizacijskega programa in drugih ukrepov za varstvo prebivalstva pred nalezljimi boleznimi v Sloveniji v letu 1994
  20. Perdih A; Jan J
    Poliklorirani bifenili v silikonski gumi - nastanek in migracija
    [Polychlorobiphenyls in silicone rubber - their formation and migration]
  21. Neumann Hartmut PH; Eng Charis; Mulligan Lois M; Glavač Damjan; Zaeuner Ingeborg; Ponder Bruce A J; Crossey Paul A; Maher Eamonn R; Brauch Hiltrud
    Consequences of direct genetic testing for germline mutations in the clinical management of families with multiple endocrine neoplasia, type II
  22. Brauch Hiltrud; Kishida Takeshi; Glavač Damjan; Chen Fan; Pausch Friederike; Hoefler Heinz; Latif Farida; Lerman Michael I; Zbar Berton; Neumann Hartmut PH
    Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease with pheochromocytoma in the Black forest region of Germany: evidence for a founder effect
  23. Nolimal D; Rode N; Lahajnar I; Dekleva B
    Razširjenost drog med srednješolci v Ljubljani v letu 1992
    [Extent of drug abuse among high school students in Ljubljana in 1992]
  24. Pokorn D
    Trebušna debelost
    [Abdominal obesity]
  25. Cegnar T; Gale I
    Pojavnost in povezanost umrljivosti z biovremenskimi pogoji v nekaterih večjih slovenskih občinah julija in avgusta 1994
    [Occurrence and connection of death cases with bioweather conditions in July and August 1994]
  26. Brenk K; Bucik V; Moravec-Berger D
    Bortnerjeva lestvica za merjenje vedenjskega vzorca tipa-A - nekatere psihometrijske lastnosti
  27. Voga G
    Diagnosis in treatment of arrhythmias in ICU
  28. Škof-Molan M
    Prevention of stress influences and workers fitness for duty
  29. Škof M
    Uvajanje celovitega zagotavljanja razpoložljivosti v prakso
  30. Molan-Škof Marija; Molan Gregor
    Evaluation of human fitness for duty in a real working situation
  31. Pavlin R
    Brain amyloid in Alzheimer's disease - a new experimental model
  32. Kalinšek I; Mižigoj M; Repovš D; Velikonja T
    Napotki za prvo pomoč v prometu: prva pomoč na cesti, navodila za voznike motornih vozil
  33. Kalinšek I; Mižigoj M; Repovš D; Velikonja T
    Napotki za prvo pomoč v prometu: prva pomoč na cesti, navodila za voznike motornih vozil
  34. Prestor BP
    Intraoperativno elektrofiziološko spremljanje senzoričnih in motoričnih sistemov hrbtenjače
  35. Badsberg-Jensen G; Pakkenberg B
    No neocortical nerve cell loss in brains from chronic alcoholics
  36. Regeur L
    Stereological quantitation of brains from demented and nondemented old females
  37. Gudović R
    Stereological analysis of the inferior olivary nucleus in the developing human brain
  38. Weis S; Llenos IC; Buettner A; Rehban A; Soreth D; Mehraein P
    Macroscopic morphometry of the human brain in neurodegeneration
  39. Andersen BB; Korbo L
    Purkinje cell number and size, comparison of human and rat cerebella
  40. Obermaier G; Reihlen A; Dahme E; Weis S
    Morphometric investigations of the glial cell nests in the rhinencephalic allocortex of the dog
  41. Overgaard-Larsen J; Tandrup T; Braendgaard H
    Number and size distribution of cerebellar neurons estimated by the optical fractionator and the vertical rotator
  42. Pakkenberg B; Gundersen HJG
    Total number of neurons in specific cortical layers in the human brain
  43. Mattfeldt T; Vogel U; Gottfried HW; Frey H
    Second-order stereology of prostatic adenocarcinoma and normal prostatic tissue
  44. Sandau K; Kurz H
    A 2-D model for the growth of arteries
  45. Karčnik T; Kralj A; Munih M
    Ultrazvočni merilnik razdalje in hitrosti primeren za vgradnjo v FES rehabilitacijski sistem
    [Ultrasound distance-velocity measurement incorporated into FES rehabilitative system]
  46. Erzin R; Bajd T; Kralj A; Turk R; Benko H
    Funkcionalna električna stimulacija s senzornim povratnozančnim sistemom
    [Sensory feedback in voluntary controlled FES assisted walking]
  47. Korenjak A
    Odnos človeka do velikih zveri: anketa o medvedu, volku in risu
    [Man and predators: a questionnaire on the bear, wolf, and lynx]
  48. Vidmar Barbara
    Morfometrija vrste Arctodiaptomus alpinus (Crustacea: Copepoda) v visokogorskih jezerih
    [Morphometry of Arctodiaptomus alpinus (Crustacea: Copepoda) in high mountain lakes]
  49. Boyle P; Veronesi U; Tubiana M; Alexander FE; Calais da Silva F; Denis LJ; Freire JM; Hakama M; Hirsch A; Plesničar S
    European school of oncology advisory report to the European commission for the "Europe against cancer programme": European code against cancer
  50. Boyle P; Primic-Žakelj M
    European code against cancer
  51. Fras AP
    High rate of complications in patients with carcinoma of the cervix surgically treated after radical radiotherapy
  52. Podgorsak MB; DeWerd LA; Paliwal BR
    The air kerma-rate constant of high dose-rate Ir-192 sources
  53. Magrini SM; Cellai E; Papi MG; Ponticelli P; Sulprizio S; Pertici M; Bagnoli R; Biti G
    Early stage Hodgkin's disease: the remaining challenge after "success story": an overview of the thirty years' experience of the Florence radiotherapy department
  54. Kaldor JM; Day NE; Kittelmann B; Pettersson F; Langmark F; Pedersen D; Prior P; Neal F; Karjalainen S; Pompe-Kirn V
    Bladder tumours following chemotherapy and radiotherapy for ovarian cancer: a case-control study
  55. Kovač N; Faganeli J; Bajt O; Leskovšek H
    Chemical characterization of macroaggregates from the Northern Adriatic
  56. Zajc I
    DNA, PCR, truplo in preproga
  57. Jeran-Smrkolj Z
    Epifitski lišaji - biološki indikatorji onesnaženosti zraka s kovinami in radionuklidi
    [Epiphytic lichens as biological indicators of air pollution by metals and radionuclides]
  58. Kunej T
    Študij DNA polimorfizmov v populaciji genetsko spremenjenih kolonij nitaste glive Cochliobolus lunatus s tehniko "PCR-fingerprinting"
    [Study of DNA polymorphisms with the PCR-fingerprinting technique in the population of genetically altered colonies derived from filamentous fungus Cochliobolus lunatus]
  59. Dovč T
    Poliklonska protitelesa proti različnim citokininom
    [Polyclonal antibodies against different cytokinins]
  60. Bizjak-Mali L; Bulog B
    Cell clusters in the lamina propria of the gut wall of Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Amphibia)
  61. Bulog Boris; Pšeničnik Majda
    SEM and X-ray microanalysis of the tectorial structures of the inner ear in Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata)
  62. Virant-Klun I; Gogala N
    Impact of VAM on phosphorus nutrition of maize with low soluble phosphate fertilization
  63. Toman MJ
    Nutrients loading and seasonal changes of planktonic communities in the river reservoir
  64. Malej A; Fonda-Umani S
    Marine biodiversity: its meaning and the need for the maintance in the gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea)
  65. Kovač M; Kobler A; Ogulin A
    Ten years of forest decline inventorying in Slovenia - an overview
  66. Rogina D; Druškovič B
    The influence of altitude and exposition on the level of cytogenetic damage to Norway spruce in Slovenia
  67. Jurc M; Jurc D; Gogala N; Simončič P
    Endophytes of Austrian pine needles as indicators of pollution
  68. Vodnik D; Božič M; Gogala N
    Lead toxicity in ectomycorrhizae - growth response of spruce transplated onto polluted soil
  69. Bavcon J; Gogala N
    The influence of UV-B irradiation on the mitotic activity in Picea abies ( L.) Karst.
  70. Kraigher H; Batič F; Hanke DE; Agerer R; Grill D
    Proceedings of the international colloquium on bioindication of forest site pollution: development of methodology and training; 1995 Aug 22-31; Ljubljana
  71. Virant-Klun I; Gogala N
    Effect of water stress on release of ethylene in germinating maize seeds (Zea mays L.)
  72. Al-Sayegh-Petkovšek S; Kraigher H; Batič F; Gogala N; Agerer R
    Mycorrhizal potential of two forest research plots in Zavodje and Mislinja
  73. Petrovič Nataša; Ravnikar Maja; Gogala Nada
    Interactions between potato mosaic virus methyl jasmonate in potato
  74. Dermastia M; Dovč T; Cotič V
    Production of polyclonal antibodies against cytokinins
  75. Gaberščik A
    Rastline in koncentracija ogljikovega dioksida v ozračju
    [Plants and air concentrations of carbon dioxide]
  76. Doll R; Peto R; Wheatley K; Grey R; Sutherland I
    Umrljivost v povezavi s kajenjem: 40 let opazovanj britanskih zdravnikov-kadilcev
    [Smoking related mortality: 40 years of observations of British physicians-smokers]
  77. Šilc T
    Preventivni zdravstveni pregledi in ocena delovne zmožnosti
    [Preventive medical examinations and evaluation of working ability]
  78. Sušnik J
    Ergonomska diagnoza in zdravljenje (kazuistika)
    [Ergonomic diagnostics and therapy]
  79. Dšuban G
    Invalidsko zavarovanje kot del sistema socialne varnosti
    [Disability insurance as a part of the social security system]
  80. Kovač Marjeta
    Oprostitev od pouka športne vzgoje
    [The excuses from sport's education]
  81. Vodnjov M
    Akutno in kronično bolan šolar in opravičila od športne vzgoje
    [Acutely or chronically ill school-children and the excuses from sport's education]
  82. Preložnik-Zupan I; Černelč P
    Določanje števila retikulocitov v klinični hematologiji
    [Reticulocyte counting: the place in clinical haematology]
  83. Rojc-Pečnik V; Volavšek Č; Černelč P
    Kromosomske nepravilnosti pri bolnikih z akutno levkemijo
    [Chromsomal abnormalities in acute leukemia]
  84. Strmecki L; Benedik-Dolničar M; Komel R
    Določanje informativnosti za intragenski označevalec polimorfizma Bcl I in prenatalna diagnostika hemofilije A pri slovenski populaciji
    [Determination of informativity for the intragenic polymorphic marker Bcl I and prenatal diagnosis of hemophilia A in Slovenian population]
  85. Mlakar U
    Vzdrževalno zdravljenje dlakastocelične levkemije z interferonom alfa
    [Maintenance treatment of hairy cell leukemia with interferon alpha]
  86. Mlakar U
    Pomen določanja sečnine in timidin kinaze v serumu za oceno prognoze diseminiranega plazmocitoma
    [Prognostic value of serum thymidine kinase and urea in multiple myeloma]
  87. Černelč P
    Zdravljenje lahke oblike aplastične anemije s ciklosporinom
    [Treatment of non-severe aplastic anemia with cyclosporin]
  88. Andoljšek D
    Inhibitorji pri bolnikih s hemofilijo: trenutno stanje v Sloveniji
    [Inhibitors in hemophilia patients: current status in Slovenia]
  89. Nolimal D
    Odziv družbe na probleme alkohola in drugih drog in Alkohol, tobak in druge droge v Sloveniji: priročnik za strokovnjake v osnovni zdravstveni dejavnosti z navodili za izvajalce
  90. Levy-Marchal C; Patterson C; Green A; Schober E; Ullreich G; Vandewalle C; Kržišnik C; Battelino T; Bratanič N
    Variation by age group and seasonality at diagnosis of childhood IDDM in Europe
  91. Glavač D; Dean M
    Comparison of the sensitivity of single-strand conformational polymorphism and heteroduplex methods
  92. Rajtmajer D
    Struktura aerobne vzdržljivosti mlajših otrok
    [Structure of aerobic endurance in younger children]
  93. Vidmar J
    Regeneracija organizma - problem športnika, stroke ali še koga?
    [The regeneration of the athlete - the matter of the athlete, the science or someone else]
  94. Turnšek N
    Duševno in čustveno zdravje otrok v slovenskih "zdravih šolah"
    [Mental and emotional health of children in Slovene health promoting schools]
  95. Brcar-Štrukelj Polona; Polič Marko; Stergar Eva
    Odnos mladih do zdravja in dejavniki, ki ga določajo
  96. Novak-Jankovič V; Paver-Eržen V; Podboj J; Šuškovič S
    A comparison of intravenous and inhalational maintenance anaesthesia for endoscopic procedures in the aspirin intolerance syndrome
  97. Stare Janez
    Some properties of R sup 2 in ordinary least squares regression
  98. Blejec Andrej
    Searching for patterns in sequences of data - visual approach
  99. Veller-Fornasa C; Fadel A; Peruzzo S; Peserico A
    Pyoderma gangrenosum associated with IgA paraproteinemia: treatment with cyclosporin A and prednisone
  100. Noto G; Pravata G; Arico M
    Melanogenesis and hydroquinone

   41.203 41.303 41.403 41.503 41.603 41.703 41.803 41.903 42.003 42.103  

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