biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 26.567-26.666

  1. Mihelčič Dušan
    Menarha v cerkniški občini
    [Menarche in the municipality of Cerknica]
  2. Kordiš Dušan; Bdolah Avner; Gubenšek Franc
    Positive Darwinian selection in Vipera palaestinae phospholipase A2 genes is unexpectedly limited to the third exon
  3. Prunk-Franetič Breda
    Pojavljanje zasvojenosti pri mladih
    [Occurence of addiction among young people]
  4. Belović Branislava
    Spolna aktivnost, kontracepcija in ogrožajoče vedenje srednješolcev
    [Sexual activity, contraception and risk-taking behaviour among secondary school pupils]
  5. Pinter Bojana; Tomori Martina
    Spolno vedenje slovenskih srednješolcev
    [Sexual behaviour of high-school students in Slovenia]
  6. Brcar-Štrukelj Polona
    Spolno vedenje slovenskih osmošolk in osmošolcev
    [Sexual behaviour of Slovenian primary school children]
  7. Tomori Martina; Rus-Makovec Maja; Stergar Eva; Pinter Bojana
    Dejavniki tveganja pri slovenskih srednješolcih
    [Risk factors among Slovenian high school students]
  8. Juričič Mojca
    Umrljivost mladostnikov v Sloveniji v desetletnem obdobju 1986-1995
    [Mortality of adolescents in Slovenia in the ten year period 1986-1995]
  9. Kolar Božena; Kvas-Kaučič Branka
    Poškodbe otrok in mladostnikov v mariborski regiji v letu 1996
    [Injuries of children and adolescents in Maribor region in the year 1996]
  10. Teržan Metka
    Poškodbe na delu pri mladih delavcih
    [Injuries at work among young employees]
  11. Skočir Jasmina; Peče Miran; Čeh Nada
    Preventivno zdravstveno varstvo študentov
    [Preventive health care for students]
  12. Kikel Alice; Pohar Majda
    Ugotovljeno zdravstveno stanje pri sistematičnih pregledih šolskih otrok in mladine v letih 1985-1994 na Gorenjskem
    [Health status of school children at school health surveillance check-ups in Gorenjska in the ten year period 1985-94]
  13. Fujs Anica; Benkovič Anica; Belović Branislava
    Stanja gibal pri srednješolcih, ugotovljena na sistematičnih pregledih (1985-1994) v Pomurju
    [Locomotor problems among secondary school pupils by periodic check-ups in Pomurje in the years 1985-1994]
  14. Horvat Tanja; Belović Branislava; Kikel Alice; Godić Dobrivoje
    Obolevnost šolskih otrok in mladine
    [Morbidity among primary school children and adolescents]
  15. Belović Branislava; Godić Dobrivoje; Kikel Alice
    Evalvacija sistematičnih pregledov šolarjev v Pomurju v desetletnem obdobju (1985-1994)
    [Assessment of the systematical examination of primary and secondary school pupils in Pomurje over a ten year period (1985-1994)]
  16. Mugoša Jožica
    Preventiva v šolskih dispanzerjih in rezultati v desetletnem obdobju
    [Preventive in school dispensaries and results in ten-year period]
  17. Whited John D; Grichnik James M
    Ali ima bolnik kožno znamenje ali melanom?
    [Does this patient have a mole or a melanoma?]
  18. Anand Sonia S; Wells Philip S; Hunt Dereck; Brill-Edwards Pat; Cook Deborah; Ginsberg Jeffrey S
    Ima bolnica globoko vensko trombozo?
    [Does this patient have deep vein thrombosis?]
  19. Thijs Lutgarde; Staessen Jan A; Celis Hilde; de Gaudemaris Regis; Imai Yutsuka; Julius Stevo; Fagard Robert
    Referenčne vrednosti za samoizmerjeni krvni tlak: metaanaliza zbranih podatkov
    [Reference values for self-recorded blood pressure: a meta-analysis of summary data]
  20. Nolimal D
    Evaluation de l'importance du probleme de l'heroinomanie en Slovenie: application de la methode de l'informateur-cle et de la techniue de selection nominale en l'absence de sources d'information fiables
  21. Škoberne Mojca; Malovrh Tadej; Kotnik Vladimir
    Kemotaksa - merilo prizadetosti fagocitnih celic
    [Chemotaxis - a test to measure impairment of phagocyte cells]
  22. Malovrh Tadej; Škoberne Mojca; Kotnik Vladimir
    Celična imunost pri prepoznavi imunskih pomanjkljivosti in mikrobnih bolezni
    [Importance of cellular immunity in recognition of immunodeficiencies and microbial infections]
  23. Simčič Saša
    Klinični pomen dokazovanja sestavin naravne odpornosti - fagocitoza
    [The clinical importance of evaluation of the phagocytic function as a part of the innate immunity]
  24. Streicher T; Glavač D; Brauch H
    Ophthalmologische und genetische Aspekte der von Hippel-Lindau Angiomatosis
  25. Simončič Boris
    Vrednotenje kompozitnih plomb po dveh letih
    [Evaluation of composite resin fillings two years after placement]
  26. Leskovec Janez; Filipič Cene; Levstik Adrijan
    Prodiranje Ag+ v dentinske tubule z enosmernim električnim tokom
    [Diffusion of Ag ions into dentinal tubules with direct current]
  27. Gašperšič Dominik
    Anatomska predstavitev protostilida
    [An anatomical study of prostostylids]
  28. Klemenc F; Gaberšček M
    Elektroforetska učinkovitost ionske zobne ščetke
    [Electrophoretic activity of the ionic toothbrush]
  29. Simončič B
    Kirurško zdravljenje kostnih žepov pri parodontalni bolezni
    [Surgical treatment of bone pockets in periodontal disease]
  30. Gašperšič D; Potočnik I; Jevnikar N
    Anatomsko-histološka zgradba sklenine na zobnem vratu
    [Anatomical and histological structure of cervical enamel]
  31. Križman Igor; Kozjek Franc; Primožič Stanislav
    Randomized double-blind study of lansoprazole and ranitidine in the treatment of the patients with duodenal ulcer
    [Randomizirana, dvojno slepa študija učinkovitosti lanzoprazola in ranitidina pri zdravljenju bolnikov z duodenalnim ulkusom]
  32. Kremžar Ljuba; Mohar Milojka; Fercej-Temeljotov Darja; Kofler Bojan
    Formulation of dispersible nabumetone tablets
    [Oblikovanje disperzibilnih tablet z nabumetonom]
  33. Paradiž Jasna
    Assessment of damage to irradiated onion (Allium cepa L.) by cytogenetic analyses
    [Ocena poškodovanosti obsevanih čebul (Allium cepa L.) z citogenetsko analizo]
  34. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Potočnik Uroš; Koželj Matjaž; Križman Igor; Glavač Damjan
    A novel in frame deletion of codons 188-190 in the hMSH2 gene of a Slovenian patient with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
  35. Makovec Tomaž; Breskvar Katja
    Purification and characterization of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase from filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  36. Kuhar M; Funduk N
    Dentalni adheziv kot zaščita zobne sklenine po brušenju ali jedkanju
    [Dental adhesive as a protective coating on acid-etched or ground dental enamel]
  37. Črešnar Bronislava; Plaper Andreja; Breskvar Katja; Hudnik-Plevnik Tamara
    cDNA sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of a fungal stress protein induced in Rhizopus nigricans by steroids
  38. Sikdar Sujit K; Kreft Marko; Zorec Robert
    Modulation of the unitary exocytic event amplitude by cAMP in rat melanotrophs
  39. Adamič Štefan; Hristovski Dimitar; Rožić-Hristovski Anamarija; Dimec Jure
    Znanstvene publikacije v biomedicini
  40. Zidar Primož; Drobne Damjana; Štrus Jasna
    Determination of moult stages of Porcellio scaber (Isopoda) for routine use
  41. Sepčić Kristina; Marcel Veronique; Klaebe Alain; Turk Tom; Šuput Dušan; Fournier Didier
    Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by an alkylpyridinium polymer from the marine sponge, Reniera sarai
  42. Lah Tamara T; Kos Janko
    Cysteine proteinases in cancer progression and their clinical relevance for prognosis
  43. Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Zalar Polona; Jeram Sonja
    Mycoflora of cave cricket Troglophilus neglectus cadavers
  44. Veselko M; Jenko M; Lipušček I
    The use of the co-ordinate measuring machine for the study of three-dimensional biomechanics of the knee
  45. Takač Iztok; Arko Darja; Gorišek Borut; Kodrič Tatjana
    Spremljanje bolnic po konizaciji materničnega vratu z diatermijsko zanko
    [Follow-up of the patients after loop diathermy conization of the uterine cervix]
  46. Pavčnik Maja; Kovačič Uroš
    Sproženje kolateralnega brstenja senzoričnih aksonov pri podgani
    [Induction of collateral sprouting of sensory axons in the rat]
  47. Steblovnik Lili
    Vpliv polimorfizmov v genih za alfa in beta fibrinogen na raven fibrinogena v plazmi
    [The influence of alpha and beta fibrinogen genes polymorphisms on plasma fibrinogen level]
  48. Zelič Igor; Kononenko Igor; Lavrač Nada; Vuga Vanja
    Induced of decision trees and Bayesian classification applied to diagnosis of sport injuries
  49. Kragelj Borut
    Acceptability of simultaneous irradiation and mono/polichemotherapy with cis/carboplatin
    [Sprejemljivost sočasnega obsevanja in mono/polikemoterapije z cis/karboplatinom]
  50. Zorc Samo; Noe Dragica; Kononenko Igor
    Efficient derivation of the optimal assembly sequence from product description
  51. Peer Peter; Čargo Boštjan; Kononenko Igor
    Razširitev algoritma RELIEF
  52. Novaković Srdjan; Jezeršek Barbara
    Simple but extremely effective autologous tumor vaccines
    [Enostavne avtologne tumorske vakcine]
  53. Kononenko Igor; Šimec Edvard; Robnik-Šikonja Marko
    Overcoming the myopia of inductive learning algorithms with RELIEF
  54. Medvedec Mario; Huić Dražen; Žuvić Marijan; Grošev Darko; Popović Slavko; Dodig Damir; Pavlinović Željka
    I-131 total body burden in postsurgical patients with thyroid cancer
    [Obremenitev s sevanjem z radiojodom-131 po operaciji bolnikov s karcinomom ščitnice]
  55. Bratko Ivan; Cestnik Bojan; Kononenko Igor
    Attribute-based learning
  56. Zupan Blaž; Bohanec Marko; Demšar Janez; Bratko Ivan
    Feature transformation by function decomposition
  57. Kukar Matjaž; Kononenko Igor; Silvester Tomaž
    Machine learning in prognosis of the femoral neck fracture recovery
  58. Roić Goran; Čop Slavko; Posarić Vesna; Odorčić-Krsnik Mirjana
    Diagnosis of childhood intussusception: ultrasound features
    [Ultrazvočne značilnosti intususcepcije pri otrocih]
  59. Rode B; Bavdek Srdan V; Lacković G; Fazarinc G; Bidovec Andrej
    Immunohistochemical study of normal and mange (S. scabiei var. rupicaprae) infested chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) skin
  60. Yildirim Emin; Turanli Mehmet; Sancaktar Suat; Berberoglu Ugur
    Pectoralis major flaps for reconstruction of the head and neck defects
    [Rekonstrukcija defektov na glavi in vratu z režnji velike pektoralne mišice]
  61. Mayer Ramona; Stuecklschweiger Georg Franz; Preidler Klaus Werner; Pakisch Brigitte; Langsteger Werner; Oechs Astrid; Prettenhofer Ulrike; Hackl Arnulf
    Carcinoma of the thyroid: postoperative radiotherapy
    [Rak ščitnice: pooperativna radioterapija]
  62. Baychev George; Delijsky Tashko; Penkova Regina; Stojanov Rumen
    Lymphotropic staining of the sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer - with what, when, how?
    [Limfotično barvanje "stražarskih" bezgavk pri raku dojke: s čem, kdaj, kako]
  63. Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor
    In vivo electroporation of the urinary bladder in mice
    [In vivo elektroporacija sečnega mehurja miši]
  64. Zupan A; Šavrin R; Erjavec T; Kralj A; Karčnik T; Škorjanc H; Obreza P
    Effects of respiratory muscle training and electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles on respiratory capabilities in tetraplegic patients
  65. Sočan M
    Treatment of atypical pneumonia with azythromycin: comparison of a 5-day and a 3-day course
  66. Atanasijević-Kunc Maja; Milanič Srečko; Karba Rihard
    Expert-aided learning procedure in control design for the pressure-level plant
  67. Ahčan U; Arnež ZM; Bajrović F; Janko M
    Contribution of collateral sprouting to the sensory and sudomotor recovery in the human palm after peripheral nerve injury
  68. Arnež ZM; Valdatta L; Tyler M; Pirjavec A; Planinšek F; Bloisi W
    Free TRAMP flap: dove collocare la microanastomosi vascolare?
    [Free TRAMP flap: where should the vascular microanastomosis be placed?]
  69. Podgorelec Vili; Kokol Peter
    Genetic algorithm based system for patient scheduling in highly constrained situations
  70. Zorman Milan; Molan-Štiglic Milojka; Kokol Peter; Malčić Ivan
    The limitations of decision trees and automatic learning in real world medical decision making
  71. Vučemilo Nataša; Čopič Alenka; Gubenšek Franc; Križaj Igor
    Identification of a new high-affinity binding protein for neurotoxic phospholipases A2
  72. Kokol Peter; Brest Janez; Žumer Viljem
    Long-range correlations in computer programs
  73. Kokol Peter; Brest Janez; Žumer Viljem
    Software complexity - an alternative view
  74. Kokol Peter; Kokol Tatjana
    Linguistic laws and computer programs
  75. Kokol Peter
    A tool for software and hardware evaluation
  76. Kokol Peter; Žumer Viljem; Debeljak Mitja; Štok Bojan
    Computer-supported two-level information system design
  77. Kokol Peter; Žumer Viljem; Brest Janez; Mernik Marjan
    PROMIS: a software metrics tool generator
  78. Meh Duška; Denišlič Miro
    Subclinical neuropathy in type I diabetic children
  79. Karba R; Vodovnik L; Jerčinovič A; Trontelj K; Benko H; Šavrin R
    Promotion of wound healing by electrical stimulation
  80. Karba R; Benko H; Šavrin R; Vodovnik L
    Combination of occlusive dressing and electrical stimulation in pressure ulcer treatment
  81. Stiglic Bruno; Heričko Marjan; Rozman Ivan
    How to evaluate object-oriented software development?
  82. Kokol Peter; Stiglic Bruno; Žumer Viljem
    Metaparadigm: a soft and situation oriented MIS design approach
  83. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Nicholson William L; Summer John W; Childs James E; Strle Franc
    Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Europe: clinical and laboratory findings for four patients from Slovenia
  84. Jurca Tomaž; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Picken Roger N; Strle Franc
    Comparison of peripheral and central biopsy sites for the isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from erythema migrans skin lesions
  85. Tekavčič-Grad Onja; Zavasnik Anka
    Similarities and differences in the process of bereavement after suicide and after traffic fatalities in Slovenia
  86. Pahor Artur; Krajnc Ivan; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Holc Iztok
    The clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in connective tissue disease
  87. Poredoš P; Orehek M; Tratnik E
    Smoking is associated with dose related increase of intima-media thickness and endothelial dysfunction
  88. Tomori Martina; Rus-Makovec Maja
    Eating behavior, depression, and self-esteem in high school students
  89. Kramar B; Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Skalerič U
    TNF-alfa v gingivalni tekočini in serumu psov z eksperimentalnim parodontitisom
    [TNF-alpha in the gingival fluid and serum of dogs with experimental periodontitis]
  90. Rener-Primec Z; Kopač Š
    Parcialni napadi pri otrocih z Westovim sindromom
    [Partial seizures in children with West syndrome]
  91. Golob-Tekauc A; Tomažič Tomaž; Japelj I
    Ultrazvočni pregledi kolkov pri novorojenčku - pregled 13 letnih izkušenj
    [Ultrasound examination of the hips in the newborn - 13 years of experiences]
  92. Kovač-Kavčič M; Skalerič U
    Stanje obzornih tkiv deset let po prvem pregledu pacientov
    [Periodontal status in patients ten years after initial examination]
  93. Novljan G; Kenig A; Hojker S; Fettich JJ; Kenda RB
    Ultrazvočni mikcijski cistogram: nova preiskava za ugotavljanje vezikoureternega refluksa pri otrocih
    [Ultrasound cystography with echocontrast: a new method for the detection of vesicoureteral reflux in children]
  94. Plevnik-Vodušek V
    Delo v alergoloških ambulantah
    [Analysis of work in an allergy outpatient clinic]
  95. Gašpirc B; Skalerič U
    Ponovni pripoj fibroblastov na zobno korenino po obsevanju z erbijevim laserjem
    [Fibroblast attachment to laser-treated root surface]
  96. Bizjak R; Kofol-Seliger A; Deisinger L
    Inhalacijski alergeni na Primorskem - specifični IgE za 16 inhalacijskih alergenov pri otrocih in mladostnikih iz štirih slovenskih področij glede na spol in alergijske bolezni
    [Inhalant allergens in Primorska - child and adolescent specific IgE to 16 common inhalant allergens regarding sex and atopic diseases in four Slovenian areas]
  97. Petelin M; Šentjurc M; Skalerič U
    Raziskava lastnosti hidrogelov za lokalno dovajanje učinkovin na ustno sluznico
    [Study of the properties of hydrogels used for local delivery of drugs to the oral mucosa]
  98. Kržišnik C; Battelino T; Žerjav-Tanšek M; Bratanič N; Bratina-Uršič N
    30 let zdravljenja hipofizne nanosomije
    [Our 30-year experience in the treatment of pituitary dwarfism in Slovenia]
  99. Nograšek P; Kramar B; Marin J; Skalerič U
    Virus Epstein-Barr v gingivalni tekočini pacientov z različno stopnjo parodontalne bolezni
    [Epstein-Barr virus in the gingivai fluid of patients with different stages of periodontal disease]
  100. Jurič R; Dragaš AZ; Seme K; Ružić-Sabljić E; Grošelj D
    Vpliv parodontalne bolezni na diagnostične postopke pri limski boreliozi
    [The influence of periodontal disease on diagnostic procedures in Lyme disease]

   26.067 26.167 26.267 26.367 26.467 26.567 26.667 26.767 26.867 26.967  

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