biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.08 : 8.584-8.683

  1. Kobal Alfred B
    Impact of the mercury mine on the health of miners and inhabitants of the town of Idrija
    [Vpliv rudnika živega srebra na zdravje rudarjev in prebivalcev Idrije]
  2. Simčič Marija
    Varovanje pred okužbo na delovnem mestu v zdravstvu
    [Safety against contagious diseases at job]
  3. Štingel Darinka
    Komunikacija medicinske sestre z vrhunskim športnikom
    [Communication between a nurse and a professional athlete]
  4. Šestan Nevenka
    Petletna analiza strukture pregledanih pri posebni zdravniški komisiji z vidika možnosti sodelovanja medicinske sestre
    [Five years analysis of persons examined at Special committee for traffic from the aspect of nurses' participation]
  5. Kristl Maja; Vuga Vanja
    Poškodbe in preobremenitve športnikov - javnozdravstveni problem
    [Injuries and overuse syndromes in sportsmen - the problem of public health]
  6. Modic-Sočan Sonja
    Poškodbe pri delu, bolniški stalež, invalidiziranje in upokojevanje v Termoelektrarni Šoštanj in Republiki Sloveniji v obdobju 1980-1996
    [Comparison injuries at work, sick leave, disability and retirement in Šoštanj thermal power plant from 1980 to 1996 in Republic of Slovenia]
  7. Lestan Alenka
    Karcinogeni na delovnem mestu pri zdravstvenih delavcih Onkološkega inštituta
    [Carcinogens at the workplaces of the personnel of the Institute of oncology]
  8. Arnerič Niko
    Stališča do prometne varnosti pri nas in v Evropi
    [Attitudes towards traffic safety in Slovenia and Europe]
  9. Molan Marija; Molan Gregor
    Model povezave razpoložljivosti in delovnega okolja
    [Model for connection of actual availability and workload]
  10. Pretnar Jože
    Stimulacija hematopoeze in vloga matičnih celic v terapiji
  11. Požar-Lukanović N; Pirc N; Spindler-Vesel A
    Primerjava dveh analgetskih mešanic z bupivakainom za epiduralno pooperativno analgezijo po obsežnih abdominalnih operacijah
  12. Kalan K; Spindler-Vesel A; Diallo-Renko D; Starc B
    Področna anestezija za kirurgijo roke na Kliničnem oddelku za plastično kirurgijo in opekline Kliničnega centra v Ljubljani
    [Regional anaesthesia for hand surgery at the Clinical department for plastic surgery and burns in University medical centre Ljubljana]
  13. Markovič J; Denič K
    Vpliv klinidina na interskalensko blokado brahialnega pleteža z o,75% ropivakainom
    [The effects of clonidine on intrerscalene brachial plexus block with 0,75% ropivacaine]
  14. Trampuž Andrej
    Kakšno nevarnost predstavljajo odporne bakterije pri ambulantnih bolnikih?
    [What threat do resistant bacteria present to outpatients?]
  15. Grmek-Košnik Irena
    Odpornost bakterij proti antibiotikom
    [Bacterial resistance to antibiotics]
  16. Kržan Mojca
    Interakcije med antibiotiki in drugimi zdravili
    [Interactions between antibiotics and other drugs]
  17. Beović Bojana
    Creutzfeldt-Jacobsova bolezen
    [Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease]
  18. Urbančič Vilma
    Infekcije diabetične noge
    [Diabetic foot infections]
  19. Grmek-Košnik Irena; Dermota Urška; Švent-Kučina Nataša
    Rezultati testiranja občutljivosti bakterij, osamljenih iz urina v Laboratoriju za medicinsko mikrobiologijo Zavoda za zdravstveno varstvo Kranj
    [Results of sensitivity testing of bacteria from urine in the laboratory for medical microbiology, Institute of public health Kranj]
  20. Dermota Urška; Grmek-Košnik Irena
    Mikrobiološke preiskave urina: Sanford in uritest
    [Urine culture methods: quantitative urine culture on agar plates and dip-slide]
  21. Car Josip
    Zdravljenje akutne okužbe sečil pri ženskah v družinski medicini v Sloveniji
    [Treatment of female patients with symptoms of lower urinary tract infection in family practice in Slovenia]
  22. Kopčavar-Guček Nena; Beović Bojana
    Rezultati raziskave: cepljenje proti gripi v ambulanti družinske medicine
    [Results of a study: vaccination against influenza in family practice]
  23. Sočan Maja
    Cepljenje proti pnevmokoku in gripi
    [Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination]
  24. Bizjak Simona; Kersnik Janko
    Pogostost akutnih okužb dihal v družinski medicini
    [Acute respiratory tract infections in general practices]
  25. Fuerst Jurij; Novak-Gosarič Doroteja
    Pomen Formulariuma Slovenicuma za zdravnika
  26. Podnar S; Mrkaić M; Vodušek DB
    Reinnervation of anal sphincter muscle by low and high-threshold motor neurones
  27. Ružič-Medvešček Nadja
    Obremenitveno testiranje pri napakah zaklopk
  28. Milčinski Metka
    Scintigrafija srca ob obremenitvi
  29. Fležar Matjaž
    Kardio-pulmonalno obremenitveno testiranje (ergospirometrija)
  30. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Načela zdravljenja bolečine v križu
  31. Kos-Golja Mojca
    Bolečina v križu z revmatološkega vidika
  32. Popović Dražen; Čopi Jelka
    Deformacije prstov na nogi pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo - prikaz primera
    [Toe deformations on diabetic foot - a case report]
  33. Salapura Vladimira; Šurlan Miloš; Blinc Aleš; Popovič Peter
    Ohranitev uda in preživetje pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo in ishemijo spodnjih okončin
    [Limb salvage and survival in diabetic patients with lower limb ischemia]
  34. Pohar Lidija
    Mikroalbuminurija in nema ishemija srčne mišice pri osebah s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2
    [Microalbuminuria and silent myocardial ishaemia in type 2 diabetes]
  35. Žvan Bojana; Zaletel Marjan
    Motnje možganske avtoregulacije pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Disfunction of the cerebral autoregulation in diabetic patients]
  36. Košiček Metoda
    Značilnosti kožnih obolenj pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Characteristics of cutaneous manifestations in diabetes mellitus]
  37. Urbančič Vilma
    Diabetično stopalo
    [The diabetic foot]
  38. Prešern-Štrukelj Metka
    Rehabilitacija po amputaciji uda pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Rehabilitation of patients with diabetes after limb amputation]
  39. Šabovič Miša
    Farmakološko zdravljenje kronične kritične ishemije, ko revaskularizacijski posegi niso možni ali ne uspejo
    [Pharmacological treatment of chronic critical limb ischaemia when revascularization fails]
  40. Rakovec Slavko; Gaberšek Ivan
    Kirurška oskrba razjed in mrtvin na diabetični nogi
    [Surgical management of diabetic foot ulcers and gangrenous changes]
  41. Gasparini Mladen; Klokočovnik Tomislav
    Kirurška revaskularizacija na spodnjih okončinah pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Surgical revascularisation of lower limbs in patients with diabetes mellitus]
  42. Brecelj Aleš
    Posebnosti kirurškega zdravljenja koronarne bolezni pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Surgical treatment of coronary artery disease in diabetic patients]
  43. Šurlan Miloš
    Posebnosti perkutanih revaskularizacijskih posegov na perifernem žilju pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Specific features on endovascular revascularisation procedures in patients with diabetes]
  44. Berden Pavle
    Sodobna slikovna diagnostika perifernega žilja pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Modern imaging methods of peripheral arteries in patients with diabetes mellitus]
  45. Kozak Matija; Videčnik Viktor; Blinc Aleš
    Diagnostika periferne arterijske bolezni pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease in patients with diabetes]
  46. Sevšek Davorin
    Diagnostika in zdravljenje diabetične retinopatije
    [Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic retinopathy]
  47. Koselj Miha
    Diabetična nefropatija
    [Diabetic nephropathy]
  48. Fras Zlatko
    Spremembe v mikrocirkulaciji pri sladkorni bolezni
    [Microcirculatory alterations in diabetes mellitus]
  49. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Zožitev ledvičnih arterij pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Renal artery stenosis in patients with diabetes]
  50. Grad Anton
    Vpliv sladkorne bolezni na možganskožilne bolezni
    [The impact of diabetes mellitus on cerebrovascular disorders]
  51. Poredoš Pavel
    Značilnosti periferne arterijske bolezni pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Characteristics of peripheral arterial disease in patients with diabetes]
  52. Kranjec Igor; Černe Andreja
    Posebnosti koronarne bolezni pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo
    [Coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes]
  53. Vrtovec Matjaž; Urbančič Vilma; Ravnik-Oblak Maja
    Celostna obravnava bolnika s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 - napotki za delo v ambulanti
    [Comprehensive treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus - out-patient practice recommendations]
  54. Medvešček Marko
    Preprečevanje zapletov ateroskleroze pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo - pregled prospektivnih študij
    [Prevention of cardiovascular atherosclerotic complications in patients with diabetes - a survey of prospective intervention trials]
  55. Mrevlje Franc
    Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2 in metabolični sindrom - dejavnika tveganja za aterosklerotično srčno-žilno bolezen
    [Diabetes mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome - risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease]
  56. Svetina S; Božič B; Derganc J; Žekš B
    Mechanical and functional aspects of membrane skeletons
  57. Pačnik Tone
    Obvladovanje stresa pri bolniku s hipertenzijo
  58. Keber Irena; Turk Jože; Marn Katarina; Salapura Vladka; Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž
    Izvajanja sekundarne preventive korornarne bolezni v Sloveniji - primerjava raziskave Euroaspire I in II
  59. Freestone NS; Ribarič S; Scheuermann M; Mauser U; Paul M; Vetter R
    Differential lusitropic responsiveness to beta-adrenergic stimulation in rat atrial and ventricular cardiac myocytes
  60. Hristovski Dimitar; Stare Janez; Peterlin Borut; Džeroski Sašo
    Supporting discovery in medicine by association rule mining in medline and umls
  61. Schara Milan; Nemec Marjana; Falnoga Ingrid; Kobal Alfred Bogomir; Kveder Marina; Svetek Jelka
    The action of mercury on cell membranes
  62. Lovšin Ester; Fazarinc Gregor; Pogačnik Azra; Bavdek Srđan V
    Growth dynamics in Lipizzan horses and their comparison to other horse breeds
  63. Zabavnik-Piano Jelka; Pogačnik Azra
    Dopamine D2 receptor mRNA measured in serial sections of the rat anterior pituitary
  64. Arko Matevž; Irman-Florjanc Tatjana
    Effects of mirtazapine on the levels of exogenous histamine in the plasma of the cat
  65. Cimerman Nina; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Krašovec Marta; Šuškovič Stanislav; Kos Janko
    Circadian and concentration profile of cathepsin S in sera from healthy subjects and asthmatic patients
  66. Preložnik-Zupan Irena; Varl Janez; Kovač Damjan; Černelč Peter; Mlakar Uroš; Andoljšek Dušan; Pretnar Jože; Zver Samo; Modic Mojca
    Indices of iron status in patients treated by chronic haemodialysis
  67. Černelč Peter; Kralj Jana; Mlakar Uroš; Andoljšek Dušan; Modic Mojca; Pretnar Jože; Zupan Irena; Zver Samo
    Serum thrombopoietin levels in acute myeloid leukaemia
  68. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka V; Šuput Dušan
    Nicardipine dose dependently reduces the effect of equinatoxin II on coronary flow in isolated rat heart
  69. Zupan Igor; Koželj Mirta; Brecelj Aleš; Rakovec Peter; Preložnik-Zupan Irena
    Left atrial systolic function in relation to electrical and mechanical remodeling in a canine model
  70. Potočnik Igor; Tomšič Martin; Bajrović Fajko
    Sensitivity of sensory axons to lidocaine nerve block in rats
  71. Rajčević Uroš; Juvan Robert; Gazvoda Barbara; Repše Stanislav; Komel Radovan
    Assessment of differential expression of oncogenes in gastric adenocarcinoma by fluorescent multiplex RT-PCR assay
  72. Eminović Izet; Liović Mirjana; Preželj Janez; Kocijančič Andreja; Rozman Damijana; Komel Radovan
    New steroid 5alpha-reductase type I (SRD5A1) homologous sequences on human chromosomes 6 and 8
  73. Anžur-Lasnik Marija; Gaberc-Porekar Vladka; Štalc Anton
    Human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hG-CSF) expressed by methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris
  74. Potočnik Uroš; Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Golouh Rastko; Glavač Damjan
    The role of P-glycoprotein (MDR1) polymorphism and mutations in colorectal cancer
  75. Comino Aleksandra; Manček Mateja; Komel Radovan
    Ecm11 is located in the cell nucleus throughout mitosis
  76. Marš Tomaž; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga
    Apoptosis in co-cultures of human muscle and rat spinal cord during the formation of the neuromuscular junction
  77. Pižem Jože; Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Luzar Boštjan; Coer Andrej
    Proliferative and apoptotic activity in hepatocellular carcinoma and surrounding non-neoplastic liver tissue
  78. Maličev Elvira; Wozniak Gordana; Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka; Knežević Miomir; Jeras Matjaž
    Determination of optimal transport conditions for biopsies of human articular cartilage as well as for suspensions of cultured chondrocytes used in autologous transplantation
  79. Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka; Wozniak Gordana; Maličev Elvira; Knežević Miomir; Jeras Matjaž
    Protein synthesis of human articular chondrocytes cultured in vitro for autologous transplantation
  80. Cotman Marko; Rozman Damjana; Banek Ljerka; Ježek Davor
    Localisation of lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase in round and elongated sprematids of the mouse testis: an immunoelectron microscopic and stereological study
  81. Maličev Elvira; Knežević Miomir; Jeras Matjaž
    Immunogenicity of dendritic cells pulsed with cartilage derived soluble alloantigens
  82. Zorc Marjeta; Vraspir-Porenta Olga; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Radovanović Ninoslav; Cijan Andrej; Milosavljević Aleksandar; Petrovič Danijel
    Myocytes' apoptosis and proliferation in endomyocardial biopsy as prognostic factors in terminal heart failure
  83. Štrbenc Milan; Bavdek Srđan V
    Apoptosis and proliferation in the testes of the brown hare (Lepus europaeus) under the influence of photoperiod
  84. Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Virant-Klun Irma; Zorn Branko; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Germ cell apoptosis in the human testis
  85. Mlinarič-Raščan Irena
    Focal adhesion kinase modulates B cell receptor-transduced apoptosis in WEHI 231 cells
  86. Ušaj Anton
    The endurance training effect on the oxygenation status of an isometrically contracted forearm muscle
  87. Vengust Rok; Strojnik Vojko; Pavlovčič Vinko; Antolič Vane; Zupanc Oskar
    The effect of electrostimulation and high load exercises in patients with patellofemoral joint dysfunction. A preliminary report
  88. Rozman Janez; Meznarič-Petruša Mija; Ribarič Samo
    Selective stimulation of motor fibres in the sciatic nerve of a rat
  89. Cvetko Erika; Eržen Ida
    Effect of chronic uncontrollable stress on myosin heavy chain expression in rat masseter muscle
  90. Kopač Igor; Cvetko Erika; Pavlica Zlatko; Marion Ljubo
    Gingival tissue inflammatory response following treatment with chemical retraction agents in Beagle dogs
  91. Kališnik Jurij-Matija; Avbelj Viktor; Trobec Roman; Geršak Borut
    Imaging of power spectral heart rate variability regarding subject position
  92. Trunk Primož; Močnik Jaka; Pipan Gregor; Trobec Roman; Geršak Borut
    Visualization of computer simulated heart temperature during topical cooling
  93. Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Kreft Marko; Dahmane Raja; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
    Improving methodological strategies for satellite cells counting in human muscle during ageing
  94. Kveder R; Kajtna-Koselj M; Rott T; Bren AF
    Nephrotic syndrome in patients with diabetes mellitus is not always associated with diabetic nephropathy
  95. Rozman J; Zorko B; Bunc M; Žitko M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the dog's pancreas
  96. Rudel Drago; Fisk Malcolm
    Can users of personal response systems in Slovenia benefit from the 3rd generation technology?
  97. Damjan Hermina; Vrečer Irena; Vrabič Gabriela; Koštomaj Vesna
    Functional electrical stimulator - a technical aid for movement function improvement in children with central nervous system lesions
  98. Tominc Matjaž
    Informative, advisory and supporting intranet web site for people with special needs
  99. Grabljevec Klemen; Burger Helena
    The influence of advanced assistive technology on the handicap of patients after high spinal cord injury - three case reports
  100. Švajger Jurij
    A model of selecting appropriate assistive technology for severely physically disabled persons by means of an expert system

   8.084 8.184 8.284 8.384 8.484 8.584 8.684 8.784 8.884 8.984  

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