biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.08 : 8.984-9.083

  1. Tedesco Francesco
    Complement deficiencies and infectious diseases
    [Pomanjkljivosti sistema komlementa in nalezljive bolezni]
  2. Rukavina Daniel; Balen-Marunić Sanja; Prpić Larisa
    The role of perforin mediated cytoxicity in infections
    [Vloga s perforinom pogojene citotoksičnosti pri okužbah]
  3. Reberšek-Gorišek Jelka; Novak Zmago
    Salmonelne okužbe in imunost
    [Salmonella infections and immunity]
  4. Muzlovič Igor
    Rezistenca in imunski odziv
    [Resistance and the immune response]
  5. Mušič Ema
    Preobčutljivost za protimikrobna zdravila
    [Hypersensitivity to antimicrobial agents]
  6. Maraspin-Čarman Vera; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Erythema migrans pri bolnikih, zdravljenih z imunosupresijo
    [Erythema migrans in patients treated with immunosuppressive therapy]
  7. Malovrh Tadej; Škoberne M; Kotnik Vladimir
    Časovni potek imunskega odziva pri eksperimentalni okužbi z Borrelio burgdorferi s. l.
    [The time course of the immune response after experimental infection with Borrelia burgdorferi s. l.]
  8. Košnik Mitja
    Okužbe pri bolnikih z astmo
    [Infections in with asthma patients]
  9. Koren Srečko; Mavrič Irena
    Virusne beljakovine, ki ovirajo predstavitev virusnih antigenov, povezanih z molekulami poglavitnega histokompatibilnega kompleksa
    [Viral proteins that interfere with the major histocompatibility complex-associated antigen presentation]
  10. Kirschfink Michael
    Immune escape mechanisms of pathogenic microorganisms
    [Načini, kako se patogeni mikroorganizmi izmaknejo gostiteljevi obrambi]
  11. Jeras Matjaž
    Zmanjšana specifična celična imunska odzivnost - vzroki in posledice
    [Deficiences of the specific cell-mediated immune response - the causes and the consequences]
  12. Ihan Alojz
    Lokalni in sistemski imunski odziv pri bakterijskih okužbah
    [Local and systemic immune response in bacterial infections]
  13. Hof Herbert
    Defense machanisms in listeriosis: a model for cell-mediated immunity
    [Obrambni mehanizmi pri listeriozi: model celično posredovane imunosti]
  14. Gruntar Igor
    Proučevanje antigenske zgradbe cističnih oblik Borrelie garinii
    [Investigations on antigenic structure of Borrelia garinii cystic forms]
  15. Čižman Milan; Zakotnik Breda
    Cepljenje otrok z imunsko oslabelostjo
    [Vaccination of children with altered immunocompetence]
  16. Božič Borut
    Antifosfolipidna protitelesa pri okužbah
    [Antiphospholipid antibodies and infection]
  17. Abram Maja; Dorić Miljenko
    Experimental murine congenital listeriosis
    [Eksperimentalna mišja kongenitalna listerioza]
  18. Šelb Jožica; Albreht Tit
    Umrljivost zdravnikov v Sloveniji v letih 1985 do 1999
    [Mortality rates of medical doctors in Slovenia in 1985 to 1999]
  19. Bilban Marjan
    Analize delovnih mest zdravnikov
    [Analysis of physician's workplaces]
  20. Drinovec Jože
    Racionalna farmakoterapija in farmacevtska industrija
    [Rational pharmacotherapy and pharmaceutical industry]
  21. Fuerst Jurij
    Ekonomski vidiki razvrščanja zdravil na listo
    [Economic aspects of the drug list]
  22. Grabec Daša; Batista Urška; Žekš Boštjan; Svetina Saša
    The influence of the successive depolymerization and polymerization of cytoskeleton components on the fibroblast shapes
  23. Pompe Borut; Antolič Vane; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Mavčič Blaž; Smrke Dragica
    Evaluation of biomechanical status of dysplastic human hips
  24. Ušaj Anton; Kandare Franc
    The oxygen uptake threshold during incremental exercise test
  25. Stanovnik Lovro
    Determining the parameters of concentration-response relationship for histamine on the isolated portion of guinea pig stomach and guinea pig right atrium
  26. Rupreht Ruth Rebeka; Pretnar-Hartman Katrina; Galvani Vesna; Rožman Primož; Čurin-Šerbec Vladka
    Weak D and partial D in Slovenian population through serology and genotyping
  27. Kuzman Drago; Žnidarčič Tadej; Gros Marjan; Vrhovec Sonja; Svetina Saša; Žekš Boštjan
    Effect of pH on red blood cell deformability
  28. Zagradišnik Boris; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    Hypomethylation of alphoid DNA and classical satellite DNA on chromosome 1, 9, 16 and Y in extraembryonic tissue
  29. Vidan-Jeras Blanka; Brinovec Vlado; Jurca Bojan; Levičnik-Stezinar Snežna; Jeras Matjaž; Bohinjec Mateja
    The contribution of HLA-class II antigens in humoral non-response and delayed response to HBsAG vaccination
  30. Preložnik-Zupan Irena; Černelč Peter; Žontar Darja
    Reticulocyte analysis using light microscopy and two different flow cytometric procedures
  31. Erman Andreja; Jezernik Kristijan
    Mouse urothelial cells in early postnatal development - proliferation and apical plasma membrane specialization
  32. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Sterle Maksimiljan
    The effect of lamina propria on the growth and differentiation of urothelial cells in vitro
  33. Bavec Aljoša; Šlajpah Maja; Lenasi Helena; Zorko Matjaž; Breskvar Katja
    G-protein coupled progesterone receptors in the plasma membrane of fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  34. Mavčič Blaž; Antolič Vane; Brand Richard; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Pedersen Doug R
    Peak contact stress in human hip during gait
  35. Zupanc Oskar; Antolič Vane; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Vengust Rok
    Different operative treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis: a comparative study of biomechanical status of the hip
  36. Bunc Matjaž; Sepčić Kristina; Turk Tom; Šuput Dušan
    In vivo effects of head-to-tail 3-alkylpiridium polymers isolated from the marine sponge Raniera sarai
  37. Kobal Silvestra; Čebulj-Kadunc Nina; Cestnik Vojteh
    Serum T3 and T4 concentrations in the adult rats treated with herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
  38. Kožuh-Eržen Nevenka; Kužner Jernej; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka
    The development of the method for the determination of terbinafine in cat's plasma and hair
  39. Vengust Rok; Antolič Vane; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Iglič Aleš; Zupanc Oskar
    Biochemical aspects of Salter's osteotomy for treatment of acetabular dysplasia
  40. Bresjanac Mara
    Neurotransplantation-induced plasticity in the recipient CNS: focusing on the recipient response
  41. Gupta Ramesh C; Milatović Dejan; Živin Marko; Dettbarn Wolf D
    Seizure-induced changes in energy metabolites and effects of N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PNB) and vitamin E in rats
  42. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Seliškar Alenka; Bunc Matjaž
    Selective recording of neuroelectric activity from the peripheral nerve
  43. Arsov Zoran; Zorec Robert
    Alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone densensitizes the responsiveness of carbon-fibres within seconds
  44. Beravs Katarina; Frangež Robert; Demšar Franci
    Assessment of kainate toxicity using contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
  45. Bunc Matjaž; Bregar Renata; Šuput Dušan
    The importance of hemolysis in the lethal effects of equinatoxin II, a protein from the sea anemone Actinia equina (L.)
  46. Arh Maj; Budihna Metka V
    Comparison of effects of nitrendipine, lacidipine and mibefradil on postischaemic myocardial damage in isolated rat hearts
  47. Martinuč Jana; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka V
    Action of mibefradil and lacidipine on the isolated human anterior tibial artery
  48. Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka V; Šuput Dušan; Bunc Matjaž
    Nicardipine dose-dependently reduces the effect of equinatioxin II on coronary flow in isolated porcine heart
  49. Končan David; Rifel Janez; Drevenšek Gorazd; Kocijančič Slavko; Ogorelec Smiljan; Budihna Metka V
    Thermal conductivity of the porcine heart tissue
  50. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Budihna Metka V
    Effects of mibefradil and verapamil on ischemic-reperfusion in the hearts of guinea pigs with acute renal failure
  51. Černe Katarina; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka V
    Lacidipine decrease the honeybee venom-induced vasoconstriction of the isolated porcine coronary artery
  52. Šabovič Mišo; Blinc Aleš
    Biochemical and biophysical conditions for blood clot lysis
  53. Trunk Primož; Trobec Roman; Geršak Borut
    Measurement of porcine heart temperatures
  54. Borovničar Alenka; Keber Irena; Stavljenić-Rukavina Ana; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Improvement of early functional atherosclerotic changes in males with hypercholesterolemia after vitamin E supplementation
  55. Samarin Silvia; Hren Rok; Trobec Roman; Avbelj Viktor; Geršak Borut
    Spatial resolution of epicardial pace mapping using body surface potentials
  56. Cankar Ksenija; Finderle Žare; Štrucl Martin
    Role of alpha-adrenoceptors in the cutaneous postocclusive reactive hyperaemia
  57. Pregelj Peter; Sketelj Janez
    Effect of mechanical load acetylcholinesterase mRNA levels in the slow soleus muscle of the rat
  58. Kalan Gorazd; Derganc Metka; Primožič Janez
    Phosphate metabolism in red blood cells of critically ill neonates
  59. Tomšič Martin; Bajrović Fajko
    Sensitivity of peripheral nerve fibres to sodium pentobarbital anaesthesia in rat
  60. Melik Živa
    The influence of quantal content on the time course of the endplate current in frogs
  61. Frangež Robert; Kosec Marjan; Sedmak Bojan; Beravs Katarina; Demšar Franci; Juntes Polona; Pogačnik Milan; Šuput Dušan
    Subchronic liver injuries caused by microcystins
  62. Frangež Robert; Križaj Igor; Gubenšek Franc; Šuput Dušan
    Effects of ammodytin L on miniature and endplate potentials in neuromuscular junction of frog m. cutaneus pectoris
  63. Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda; Čarman-Kržan Marija
    The effects of histamine and interleukin-6 on NGF release from cortical astrocytes in primary culture
  64. Jurič Damjana-Mojca; Čarman-Kržan Marija
    Cytokine-regulated secretion of nerve growth factor from cultured rat neonatal astrocytes
  65. Hudler Petra; Gubina Marija; Ihan-Hren Nataša; Seme Katja; Malovrh Tadej; Gale Nina; Ihan Alojz
    A mouse model of chronic bacterial lesions (a cotton trap) for studying oral bacteria - lymphocyte interactions
  66. Ihan Alojz; Tepeš Bojan; Gubina Marija
    Diminished Th1-type cytokine production in gastric mucosa T-lymphocytes after H. pylori eradication in duodenal ulcer patients
  67. Ihan-Hren Nataša; Gubina Marija; Koželj Vesna; Ihan Alojz
    Immune response in chronic periapical parodontitis
  68. Kraševec Nada; van den Hondel Cees AMJJ; Komel Radovan
    Expression of human lymphotoxin alpha in Aspergillus niger
  69. Černelč Peter; Andoljšek Dušan; Mlakar Uroš; Pretnar Jože; Modic Mojca; Zupan Irena P; Zver Samo
    Effects of molgramostim, filgrastim and lenograstim in the treatment of myelokathexis
  70. Rupreht Ruth Rebeka; Mozetič-Francky Bojana; Francky Andrej; Matis Maja; Škobene Mojca; Galvani Vesna; Malovrh Tadej; Kotnik Vladimir; Čurin-Šerbec Vladka
    Murine monoclonal antibodies direct against human recombinant macrophage migration inhibitory factor
  71. Galvani Vesna; Pretnar-Hartman Katrina; Rupreht Ruth R; Novaković Srdjan; Štabuc Borut; Ocvirk Janja; Menart Viktor; Gaberc-Porekar Vladimira; Štalc Anton; Rožman Primož; Čurin-Šerbec Vladka
    Soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor I (sTNFRI) as a prognostic factor in melanoma patients in Slovene population
  72. Škoberne Mojca; Malovrh Tadej; Skralovnik-Štern Aleksandra; Kotnik Vladimir
    Human peripheral blood lymphocytes sensitised to PPD respond to in vitro stimulation with increased expression of CD69 and CD134 activation antigens and production of Th-1 type cytokines
  73. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Cerar Anton; Glavač Damjan
    Animal model in the study of colorectal carcinogenesis
  74. Perković Tatjana; Duh Darja; Peterlin Borut; Gregorič Jelka
    The Str mouse as a model for incontinentia pigmenti
  75. Gomišček Gregor; Arrigler Vesna; Gros Marjan; Zupančič Mirjana; Svetina Saša
    Asymmetrical labeling of giant phospholipid vesicles
  76. Hajdinjak Tine; Jeras Matjaž; Knežević Miomir; Štabuc Borut
    In vitro functional tests for evaluation of stimulating capacity of cultured human dendritic cells
  77. Maličev Elvira; Wozniak Gordana; Knežević Miomir; Radosavljević Damijan; Jeras Matjaž
    Vitamin C induced apoptosis in human articular chondrocytes
  78. Honzak Lidija; Šentjurc Marjeta
    Development of liposome encapsulated clindamycin for treatment of acne vulgaris
  79. Mayer Ramona; Prettenhofer Ulrike; Quehenberger Franz; Guss Helmut; Hackl Arnulf
    Ependymomas in adult patients: results of adjuvant radiotherapy
    [Ependimom pri odraslih bolnikih: rezultati zdravljenja z adjuvantno radioterapijo]
  80. Cufer Tanja
    Do we need axillary dissection in early breast cancer?
    [Ali je še potrebna popolna odrstranitev pazdušnih bezgavk pri bolnicah z omejenim rakom dojk?]
  81. Hatzidaki Eleftheria; Prassopoulos Panos; Korakaki Eftichia; Evangeliou Athanasios; Voloudaki Argiri; Giannakopoulou Christina
    Old middle cerebral infarction in a neonate
    [Nesvež možganski infarkt pri novorojencu]
  82. Bonač Barbara; Derganc Metka; Wraber Branka; Hojker Sergej
    Interleukin-8 and procalcitonin in early diagnosis of early severe bacterial infection in critically ill neonates
  83. Vardjan Nina; Kopitar Andreja Nataša; Ihan-Hren Nataša; Malovrh Tadej; Wraber Branka; Ihan Alojz
    Immune response in lymphocyte cultures stimulated by oral bacteria preparations
  84. Simčič Saša; Wraber Branka; Sollner Marja; Urleb Uroš; Gobec Stanislav
    Modulation of tumour necrosis factor production with desmuramyldipeptide analogues
  85. Tomšič-Matić Marjeta; Derganc Metka; Wraber Branka; Primožič Janez
    Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble receptors for interleukin-2 (sIL-2R) in the diagnosis of early severe infection in the critically ill newborns
  86. Košnik Mitja; Wraber Branka
    Shift from Th2 to Th1 response in immunotherapy with venoms
  87. Kocjan Tomaž; Wraber Branka; Repnik Urška; Hojker Sergej
    Changes in Th1/Th2 cytokine balance in Graves' disease
  88. Lanišnik Boštjan; Čizmarevič Bogdan; Didanovič Vojko; Munda Anton
    Nekrotizirajoči fasciitis ter globoki ognojki v področju glave in vratu
    [Necrotising fasciitis and deep abscesses in the head and neck region]
  89. Sekulić Damjana
    Opredelitev akustičnih pogojev osnovnih šol z vidika sprejema zvoka oseb z motnjo sluha
    [Acoustic conditions in primary schools and speech and sound perception in persons with impaired hearing]
  90. Ribic Zlatan; Bray Victor; Johnson Birgit
    Organization of clinical testing, result evaluation and creation of the algorithms for a new signal processing in the hearing aids
    [Organizacija kliničnega testiranja, vrednotenja rezultatov in kreiranje algoritmov za nove obdelave signalov v slušnih aparatih]
  91. Marn Borut
    Evocirani potenciali možganskega debla in spremembe sluha pri prezbiakuziji
    [Evoked brainstem potentials and hearing impairment in presbyacusis]
  92. Velepič Mitja; Rožmanić Vojko; Manestar Darko; Bonifačić Marta
    Gastroezofagealni refluks in kronične tubotimpanalne motnje pri otrocih
    [Gastroesophageal reflux and chronic tubotympanal disorders in children]
  93. Spindler Majda; Rokavec Alenka
    Rezultati zdravljenja akutne naglušnosti v letih 1993-1999
    [Sudden deafness: results of treatment from 1993 to 1999]
  94. Vatovec Jagoda; Šmid Lojze; Veličkovič Milivoj; Žargi Miha; Gros Anton
    Sluh in rizični dojenčki
    [Auditory function in infants at risk]
  95. Novak Ciril; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
    Nekatere značilnosti bolnic s funkcionalnimi glasovnimi motnjami
    [Some characteristics of patients with functional voice disorders]
  96. Šereg-Bahar Maja; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Jarc Ana; Fajdiga Igor
    Velofaringalna insuficienca po operaciji žrelnice in nebnic
    [Velopharyngeal insufficiency after adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy]
  97. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Jarc Ana; Koželj Vesna
    Akustična analiza samoglasnikov pri otrocih s shizo v ustni votlini
    [Acoustic analysis of vowels in children with oral cavity clefts]
  98. Jarc Ana; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Koželj Vesna
    Govor oseb s palatoshizo
    [The speech of people with cleft palate]
  99. Koželj Vesna
    Soodvisnost funkcije in morfologije zgornjega dela ustne votline pri enostranskih heilognatopalatoshizah
    [The interdependence of function and morphology of the upper part of the oral cavity in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients]
  100. Wada Masashi
    Evoked response to gustatory stimulation
    [Vzbujeni odziv na okušalno stimulacijo]

   8.284 8.384 8.484 8.584 8.684 8.784 8.884 8.984 9.084 9.184  

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