biomedicina slovenica |
re="Farm Vestn" : 738-837
Bernkop-Schnuerch A; Scerbe-Saiko A
Intestinal peptide and protein delivery: synthesis and evaluation of a chitosan-inhibitor conjugate
1997 ►
Bernkop-Schnuerch A
Intestinal peptide and protein delivery: co-administration of protease inhibitors
1997 ►
Carli Fabio
Mechano-chemical activation for drug delivery
1997 ►
Mrhar Aleš
Proceedings of the symposium 2nd Central European symposium on pharmaceutical technology; 1997 Sep 25-26; Portorož
1997 ►
Pirš Janez; Eržen Vital; Marin Bojan; Blinc Robert; Gomišček Gregor; Fercher Adolf Friedrich; Moser Ewald
Miniature MR imager with permanent magnet
[Miniaturni MR tomograf s permanentnim magnetom]
1990 ►
Gomišček Gregor; Holzmueller Peter; Moser Ewald
Quantitative MR-imaging of rat liver damage
[Kvantitativno slikanje okvare podganjih jeter z magnetno resonanco]
1990 ►
Brumen M; Svetina S; Žekš B
Elastic properties of the red blood cell membrane in a model of three coupled layers
[Elastične lastnosti membrane eritrocita v modelu treh sklopljenih plasti]
1987 ►
Valenčič D
50 let šole farmacevtske tehnike v Ljubljani
1996 ►
Tršinar M; Zamljen S
Opustite kajenje
1996 ►
Lenart K
Zasvojenost z nikotinom in nikotinsko nadomestno zdravljenje
[Nocotine addiction and nicotine replacement therapy]
1996 ►
Zupančič-Brouwer N; Boh B
Metode utrjevanja želatinskih mikrokapsul
[Methods of hardening gelatin microcapsules]
1996 ►
Lipnik-Štangelj M
Nesteroidne protivnetne spojine: mehanizem delovanja in farmakološki učinki
[Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: mechanism of action and pharmacological effects]
1996 ►
Bole-Vunduk B
Vpliv felodipina, primerjan z verapamilom in diltiazemom, na arterijski krvni tlak in frekvenco srčnega utripa pri anesteziranih podganah in podganah z uničenim osrednjim živčnim sistemom
[Influence of felodipine in comparison with verapamil and diltiazem on the arterial pressure and heart rate in normotensive and pithed rats]
1996 ►
Ahlin P; Kristl J; Grošelj D
Izdelki za ohranjanje zdravlja zob in ustne votline
[Dental and oral health products]
1996 ►
Gobec S; Urleb U
Aminofosfonske kisline in fosfapeptidi
[Aminophosphonic acids and phosphapeptides]
1996 ►
Mlinarič-Raščan I
Vloga protein tirozin fosfataze PTP1C v razvoju in delovanju limfocitov T
[The role of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1C in the development and function of T lymphocytes]
1996 ►
Rataj S
Manji Hropot, ing farm. V slovo
1996 ►
Anonymous ;
V spomin mr. ph. Stjepanu Pavišiću - Štefu
1996 ►
Anonymous ;
Alenki v slovo
1996 ►
Špringer J
Rex pharmaceuticalis: kralj našega preživetja ali deset odličnih lekarniških povedi
1996 ►
Spieser JM
Regulatory requirements and standardisation of biotechnological medicinal products in Europe and progress towards international harmonisation
1996 ►
Vrečer M
Uvod v farmakoekonomiko
[Introduction to pharmaco-economics]
1996 ►
Grabnar I; Belič A; Mrhar A; Karba R
Vloga modeliranja in simulacije pri načrtovanju zdravil
[The role of modeling and simulation in drug design]
1996 ►
Lipnik-Štangelj M; Ferjan I; Erjavec F
Ugotavljanje učinkovitosti nesteroidnih protivnetnih spojin; vpliv na sproščanje histamina iz mastocitov
[Activity investigations of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; the effect on histamine secretion from mast cells]
1996 ►
Bole-Vunduk B
Predklinične raziskave o protivnetnem in analgetičnem delovanju nabumetona
[Preclinical studies of anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity of nabumetone]
1996 ►
Maček-Lebar Alenka; Damjanić Frano B; Antolič Vane; Iglič Aleš; Srakar France; Brajnik Dušan
Nepravilnosti v cementnem plašču: analiza z metodo končnih elementov
[Cement filling of efect: a finite element analysis]
1996 ►
Ušaj A; Strojnik V; Jarh O; Demšar F
Učinek pet tedenske vadbe na mišični pH pri naporu je različen, če uporabimo izometrična ali dinamična krčenja
[Muscle pH at exercise was differently affected by five weeks of training using isometric or dynamic contractions]
1996 ►
Srakar F; Iglič A; Maček-Lebar A; Antolič V
The relative strength of the hip abductors after valgus osteotomy in congenital coxa vara
[Relativna moč kolčnih abduktorjev po valgizacijski osteotomiji pri zdravljenju prirojene coxe vare]
1996 ►
Makovec T; Breskvar K; Hudnik-Plevnik T
Rekonstitucija aktivnosti steroidne hidroksilaze z encimskimi komponentami iz glive Rhizopus nigricans in goveje nadledvične žleze
[Reconstitution of steroid hydroxylase activity with enzyme components from rhizopus nigricans and bovine adrenal gland]
1996 ►
Rupreht R; Plemenitaš A
Use of antibodies in the system of semi-intact cells
[Uporaba protiteles v sistemu semi-intaktnih celic]
1996 ►
Plemenitaš A
Semi-intaktne celice: eksperimentalni model za študij metaboličnih procesov
[Semi-intact cells, an experimentalmodel for the studies of metabolic processes]
1996 ►
Ihan A
Analiza imunskih celic s pretočnim citometrom
[Flow cytometry for immune cell analysis]
1996 ►
Vrhovnik K; Krbavčič A
Izbrani analizni postopki za vrednotenje lipidov
[Selected analytical methods for lipid determination]
1996 ►
Gladovič Nataša; Ritlop-Božič Rozina
Bršljanov list
[Hederae helicis folium]
1996 ►
Koren A
Vpliv CO2-izzvane acidoze na kontrakcijske značilnosti izoliranega soleusa laboratorijske podgane
[Effect of carbon dioxide-induced acidosis on contraction characterics of isolated soleus rat muscle]
1996 ►
Virant-Doberlet M; Horseman G; Hartmann R; Loher W; Huber F
A new approach for measuring juvenile hormone production
[Nov pristop k merjenju sinteze juvenilnega hormona]
1996 ►
Budihna MV; Grebenc H
Racemic nicardipine and its (-) enantiomer dose-dependently inhibit intestinal absorption of digoxin in guinea-pig in vivo
[Racemni nikardipin in njegov (-) enantiomer od doze odvisno zavirata črevesno absorpcijo digoksina pri morskem prašičku in vivo]
1996 ►
Meh D; Denišlič M; Popović M
Morphological confirmation of clinically and psychophysiologically established small nerve fibre dysfunction
1996 ►
Brumen M; Heinrich R
Theoretical investigation of lipid translocation fluxes in the membrane bilayer
1996 ►
Kastelic-Suhadolc T; Lenasi H
Androgen binding proteins in the cytosol and in the plasma membrane of Cochliobolus lunatus
1996 ►
Lenasi H; Plemenitaš A; Hudnik-Plevnik T
Progesterone binding sites in the plasma membrane of filamentous fungi Rhizopus nigricans and Cochliobolus lunatus
1996 ►
Foeldešiova V; Kolar J; Špringer V
Analysis of the prescription of antibiotics at a hospital department of surgery
1996 ►
Gabrijelčič V; Šentjurc M
Liposomi v dermofarmacevtskih in kozmetičnih pripravkih
[Liposomes in dermatics and cosmetics]
1991 ►
Šegedin D; Jermol A; Krsmanovič M; Žitnik D
Farmacevtska skrb
[Pharmaceutical care]
1996 ►
Vučko S
Anatomsko-terapevtično-kemijska (ATC) klasifikacija zdravil
[The anatomical therapeutic chemical (ATC) classification system]
1996 ►
Kozin-Simčič S; Kozjek F
Stabilnost kozmetičnih emulzij
[Cosmetic emulsions stability]
1996 ►
Srčič S; Planinšek O; Sollner M; Pečar S
Termične lastnosti N-(7-oksoacil)-L-alanil-D-izoglutaminov
[Thermal behaviour of N-(7-oxoacyl)-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamines]
1996 ►
Planinšek O; Srčič S; Kerč J
Določanje površinske energije trdnih snovi
[Determination of surface energy of solids]
1996 ►
Kristl J; Kočevar-Nared J; Šmid-Korbar J
Vpliv bioanorganskih in organskih spojin na viskoelastične lastnosti mucina
[Influence of bioanorganic and organic compounds on viscoelastic properties of mucin]
1996 ►
Kuzman T; Kikelj D
Stereoizomerija karbapenemov in njen vpliv na biološko učinkovitost
[Stereoisomerism of carbapenems and its influence on biological activity]
1996 ►
Beravs K; Sollner M; Pečar S
Problemi priprave spinsko označenih aminokislin
[The problems of the synthesis of spin-labeled aminoacids]
1996 ►
Dolinar J
Glavni urednik Farmacevtskega vestnika - šestdesetletnik
1996 ►
Pečar Slavko
Prof. dr. Aleš Krbavčič - šestdesetletnik
1996 ►
Zupančič-Božič D; Vrečer F; Kozjek F
Optimization of dissolution: using artificial neural network
1996 ►
Cvelbar M
Nadzor kakovosti in varnost biotehnoloških farmacevtskih izdelkov
[Quality control and relevant safety of biotechnological medicinal products]
1996 ►
Kveder R; Bren AF; Varl J
Izkušnje pri kliničnem testiranju in uporabi humanega rekombinantnega eritropoetina (r-Hu-EPO)
[Experiences with clinical testing and usage of recombinant human erythropoietin (r-Hu-EPO)]
1996 ►
Šabovič M
Vloga rekombinantnih zdravil v zdravljenju kardiovaskularnih bolezni
[The role of recombinant drugs in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases]
1996 ►
Štalc A
Pregled v zdravljenje uvedenih rekombinantnih zdravil
[A review of recombinant drugs introduced into the therapy]
1996 ►
Komel R
Tehnologija rekombinantne DNK v medicinskih raziskavah in uporabi
[Recombinant DNA technology in medical research and application]
1996 ►
Štrukelj B
Metodologija in tehnike rekombinantne DNK
[Methodologies and techniques of recombinant DNA]
1996 ►
de Joncheere K
The role of the pharmacist in WHO/EURO pharmaceutical programme
1996 ►
Steinbach D
Pharmaceutical care: international aspects and policies of FIP
1996 ►
Miharija-Gala T
Farmacevtska oskrba in preskrba
[Pharmaceutical care and supply]
1996 ►
Jevtič V; Šuput D
Klinična uporaba slikanja z magnetno resonanco
[Clinical applications of magnetic resonance imaging]
1990 ►
Šuput D; Zupan A; Likar B; Zidanšek A; Sepe A; Demšar F
Diagnostika patologije mišic s slikanjem z magnetno resonanco
[Diagnostics of muscle pathology by magnetic resonance imaging]
1990 ►
Krbavčič A
Magister farmacije, prof. dr. Dušan Karba, osemdesetletnik
1995 ►
Špringer J
Homo pharmaceuticalis: božanski človek v štirinajstih besedah
1995 ►
Blažič L
Homeopatska zdravila
1995 ►
Krbavčič A
1995 ►
Senčar-Božič P; Srčič S; Knez Ž
Uporabnost superkritičnih fluidov v farmacevtski tehnologiji
[Applicability of supercritical fluids in processing of pharmaceuticals]
1995 ►
Mlekuž S
Teoretične osnove in uporabnost fluorescenčne spektroskopije v farmaciji
[Theoretical backgrounds and applicability of fluorescent spectroscopy in pharmacy]
1995 ►
Rutar A; Kikelj D
Kombinatorične kemijske knjižnice
[Combinatorial chemical libraries]
1995 ►
Zorec R
Ob rob zakonodaji in delu z laboratorijskimi živalmi
1995 ►
Špringer J
Gornjeradgonsko okno, sestavljeno iz štirih šip spominov in hrepenenja
1995 ►
Krbavčič A
Simboli v lekarništvu in nova naslovnica Farmacevtskega vestnika
1995 ►
Predin Š
Ustanovitev lekarn v Murski Soboti in Ljutomeru
[Foundation of pharmacies in Murska Sobota and Ljutomer]
1995 ►
Klofutar C; Marinko R
Elektrolitska prevodnost vodnih raztopin medu
[Electrolytic conductivity of aqueous solutions of honey]
1995 ►
Vrhnjak K; Urleb U
Uporaba ciklodekstrinov v sintezi optično aktivnih snovi
[Use of cyclodextrins in synthesis of optically active compounds]
1995 ►
Stopar T
Radioaktivni pripravki in validacija njihove priprave
[Radiopharmaceuticals and validation of their preparation]
1995 ►
Punčuh A; Morosini-Berus E; Kotar-Jordan B
Solid-state interaction studies of glipizide with excipients using thermal analysis and thin layer chromatography (TLC)
1995 ►
Gašperlin M; Šmid-Korbar J; Kristl J
Viscoelastic and release behaviour of semisolid emulsions containing ibuprofen
1995 ►
Sejfulah SM; Krsteska L
The effects of different antioxidants on lidocain-adrenaline injections
1995 ►
Vandelli MA; Panini R; Salvioli G; Bernabei MT; Cameroni R
2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin in the protection of haemolysis induced by bile acid
1995 ►
Grošelj J; Srčič S
Fluid bed and vacuum drying of agglomerates
1995 ►
Žmitek J; Verhnjak K; Urleb U; Bole B; Kerč J; Kotnik S; Grosman P
S-(+)-ibuproxam and its beta-cyclodextrin complexes
1995 ►
Krsteska L; Sejfulah SM
Increasing solubility and masking unplesant taste of paracetamol in oral pharmaceutical formulation
1995 ►
Resman A; Jelen-Žmitek A; Jereb M; Kotnik S; Kovačič M; Lazarevski K; Žmitek J
Solubility dependence of selected active substances
1995 ►
Mlekuž S; Kristl J; Šmid-Korbar J; Vrečer F; Rotar A
Swelling behaviour of HPMC, HPC and HEC peroral matrix systems
1995 ►
Humar V; Grošelj J; Kerč J
Characterisation of different batches of magnesium stearate for evaluation its lubricating efficiency
1995 ►
Kočevar-Nared J; Kristl J; Šmid-Korbar J
Comparative rheological investigation of crude gastric mucin and natural gastric mucus
1995 ►
Čufar A; Kristl J
Evaluation of sunscreen preparations efficacy using an in vitro method
1995 ►
Kramar A; Vrečer F; Kuhar V
Study of Fe2+ release from multiparticulate hydrophilic matrix systems
1995 ►
Hočevar M; Kofler B
Influence of stearic acid on viscosity of emulsions
1995 ►
Kerč J; Srčič S; Planinšek O; Kofler B
Monotropic and enantiotropic polymorphic forms of felodipine and nimodipine
1995 ►
Širca J; Srčič S; Kofler B
Influence of disintegrants on the dissolution of ketoprofen from pelleas made by extrusion/spheronisation
1995 ►
Zupančič-Božič D; Vrečer F; Kozjek F
Optimization od diclofenac sodium dissolution from sustained release tablets using artificial neural network
1995 ►
Planinšek O; Srčič S; Kerč J
Some physicochemical properties of amlodipine and nicardipine
1995 ►
Stublar-Dragoš M; Mrhar A; Kapš R
Optimization of gentamicin dosing in intensive care patients using a computer-aided approach
1995 ►
Primožič S; Avsec M
Developing the tools for bioequivalence assessment
1995 ►
Gabrijelčič V; Šentjurc M
Liposome-skin interactions as studied by EPR methods on liotropic model systems
1995 ►
38 138 238 338 438 538 638 738 838 938
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