biomedicina slovenica |
vo="comparative study" : 318-417
Valentinčič Tine
Behavioral study of chemoreception in the sea star Marthasterias glacialis: structure-activity relationships of lactic acid, amino acids, and acetylcholine
1985 ►
Rozman P; Drabbels J; Schipper RF; Doxiadis I; Stein S; Claas FH
Genotyping for human platelet-specific antigens HPA-1, -2, -3, -4 and -5 in the Slovenian population reveals a slightly increased frequency of HPA-1b and HPA-2b as compared to other European populations.
1999 ►
Gourley Glenn R.; Kreamer Bill; Cohnen Monika; Kosorok MR
Zlatenica novorojenčkov in prehrana
[Neonatal jaundice and diet]
1999 ►
Neuman HP; Bender BU; Berger DP; Laubenberger J; Schultze-Seemann W; Wetterauer U; Ferstl FJ; Herbst EW; Schwarzkopf G; Glavač D
Prevalence, morphology and biology of renal cell carcinoma in von Hippel-Lindau disease compared to sporadic renal cell carcinoma
1998 ►
Lloyd AC; Šorli Jurij; Cencelj Simona
Primerjava stroškov in učinkovitosti inhaliranega flutikazonpropionata in budezionida za zdravljenje astme pri odraslih in otrocih
[The cost effectiveness of inhalited fluticasone propionate and budesonide in the treatment of asthma in adults and children]
1999 ►
Werle B; Loetterle H; Schanzenbaecher U; Lah TT; Kalman E; Kayser K; Buelzebruck H; Schirren J; Krašovec M; Kos J
Immunochemical analysis of cathepsin B in lung tumours: an independent prognostic factor for squamous cell carcinoma patients
1999 ►
Arnež Maja; Radšel-Medvešček Alenka; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
Comparison of cefuroxime axetil and phenoxymethyl penicillin for the treatment of children with solitary erythema migrans
1999 ►
Avramovska-Cukrov A; Banović I; Furlan I; Družić M; Polić B; Barle M
Cardiocirculatory and respiratory disturbances in perinatal hypoxic newborns
1998 ►
Noč M; Zorman D; Horvat M
Treatment of acute myocardial infarction in Ljubljana
1998 ►
Avsec-Letonja D; Ogrizek I; Letonja S
Clinical signs in comparison with postmortem diagnosed pneumonia
1997 ►
Košir Franc
Primerjava zasebnega in javnega zdravstva v razvitih državah in državah tranzicije
[Comparation of private and public health care services in the developed countries and in countries in transition]
1999 ►
Šešok Janja
Pregled zakonov, pravilnikov, smernic in priporočil v zvezi z izpostavljenostjo in ravnanjem z azbestom in azbestnimi odpadki - primerjava s slovensko zakonodajo
1999 ►
Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Zagorac Andreja; Pristovnik Marija; Bourgeois Claire A; Dutrillaux Bernard
DNA methylation of the extraembryonic tissues: an in situ study on human metaphase chromosomes
1998 ►
Ihan-Hren N; Gubina M; Ihan A
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes versus streptococcal colonization in periapical granulomas
1999 ►
Potočnik I; Vrbič V
Klinično vrednotenje plombirnih materialov po enem letu
[A comparative clinical study of restorative materials: results after one year]
1999 ►
Tekavčič-Pompe Manca
Elektrofiziološka ocena vidne poti pri šolskih otrocih: primerjava zdravih otrok in otrok s sumom na optični nevritis
[Electrophysiological assessment of the visual pathway in school children: a comparison between healthy children with children with suspected optic neuritis]
1999 ►
Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry T; Keller Frederick S; Corless Christoper L; Roesch Josef
Retrievable IVC square stent filter: experimental study
1999 ►
Sakaguchi Shoiji; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans A; Pavčnik Dušan; Sakai Yukimasa; Keller Frederick S; Roesch Josef; Yin Qiang; Kichikawa Kimihiko; Uchida Hideo
Twin-tube endografts for aortic aneurysms: an experimental feasibility study
1999 ►
Vidan-Jeras B; Breur-Vriesendorp B; Bohinjec M; Jeannet M; Roosnek E; Tiercy J-M
HLA-B44 allele frequencies and haplotypic associations in three European populations
1997 ►
Lamb David C; Kelly Diane E; Waterman Michael R; Stromstedt Maria; Rozman Damjana; Kelly Steven L
Characteristics of the heterologously expressed human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase (other names: P45014DM, CYP51, P45051) and inhibition of the purified human and Candida albicans CYP51 with azole antifungal agents
1999 ►
Zdovc I; Bole-Hribovšek V; Ocepek M
Primerjava fluorescenčne in svetlobne mikroskopije z gojiščno preiskavo v diagnostiki živalskih dermatofitoz
[A comparison of fluorescent and light microscopy with fungal culture for the diagnosis of animal dermatophytosis]
1999 ►
Spencer K; Souter V; Tul N; Snijders R; Nicolaides KH
A screening program for trisomy 21 at 10-14 weeks using fetal nuchal translucency, maternal serum free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A
1999 ►
Marušič Andrej; Gudjonsson Gisli H
Atypical chest pain patients: a comparison with ischaemic heart disease and control patients
1999 ►
Tran Pierre V
Zyprexa (olanzapin). Najnovejši predklinični in klinični podatki
1999 ►
Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun Irma; Verdenik Ivan; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
Semen quality changes among 2343 healthy Slovenian men included in an IVF-ET programme from 1983 to 1996
1999 ►
Pirtošek Zvezdan; Merello Marcelo; Carlsson Arvid; Stern Gerald
Preclamol and parkinsonian fluctuations
1993 ►
Poredoš Pavel; Videčnik Viktor
LYS-plasminogen shortens the duration of local thrombolytic treatment of peripheral arterial occlusions - a randomized controlled trial
1999 ►
Trišler Zdenka; Seme Katja; Poljak Mario; Čelan-Lucu Branka; Sakoman Slavko
Prevalence of hepatitis C and G virus infections among intravenous drug users in Slovenia and Croatia
1999 ►
Stankovski V; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Kersnič B
The hip-joint resultant force in healthy male and female population: a comparative study
1996 ►
Lipnik-Štangelj M; Ferjan I; Erjavec F
The effect of some anti-inflammatory drugs on histamine and serotonin release from rat peritoneal mast cells
1999 ►
Emelianov Dmitri; Accetto R; Bučič B; Dobovišek J; Dolenc P; Kolšek B; Lapanja Z; Mihelič-Bričič M; Petrin J; Perc-Čerček O; Žemva A
Conventional and ambulatory measurements of blood pressure in old patients with isolated systolic hypertension: baseline observtions in the Syst-Eur trial
1998 ►
Weber Urška; Brank Martina; Grubič Zoran
Glucocorticoids differentially control synthesis of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase in rat liver and brain
1999 ►
Vodiškar Janez; Zgonc Vid; Ribarič Samo; Grubič Zoran
Combined effects of glucocorticoids and electromechanical activity on the acetylcholinesterase expression in the fast rat muscle
1999 ►
Uršič Cveto
Social (and disability) policy in the new democracies of Europe (Slovenia by way of example)
1996 ►
Miš Katarina; Zajc-Kreft Katarina; Grubič Zoran
Localization of cells expressing AChE mRNA in rat striatum using nonradioactive in situ hybridization
1999 ►
Markovič Saša; Gadžijev Eldar; Štabuc Borut; Croce Lory S; Masutti Flora; Šurlan Miloš; Berden Pavel; Brenčič Erika; Višnar-Perovič Alenka; Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Cesar Rok
Treatment options in Western hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective study of 224 patients
1998 ►
Smolen Josef S; Kalden Joachim R; Scott David L; Rozman Blaž; Kvien Tore K; Larsen Arvi; Loew-Friedrich Iris; Oed Christine; Rosenburg Ronald
Efficacy and safety of leflunomide compared with placebo and sulphasalazine in active rheumatoid arthritis: a double-blind, randomised, multicentre trial
1999 ►
Reljič M; Gorišek B
C-reactive protein and the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease
1998 ►
Zakotnik Branko; Šmid Lojze; Budihna Marjan; Lešničar Hotimir; Šoba Erika; Furlan Ladica; Žargi Miha
Concomitant radiotherapy with mitomycin C and bleomycin compared with radiotherapy alone in inoperable head and neck cancer: final report
1998 ►
Zeljič Vesna
Primerjava slovenskega in kuvajtskega rehabilitacijskega programa za otroke s cerebralno paralizo - prenos izkušenj
[Comparison of rehabilitation programs for children with cerebral paralysis in Slovenia and Kuwait - transfer of experience]
1998 ►
Križman I; Ribnikar M; Kozjek F; Primožič S
Comparative amoxicillin - azythromycin treatment of Helicobacter pylori positive patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer
1997 ►
Hero Nikša
Primerjava rezultatov po operaciji idiopatičnih skolioz po Harringtonovi in Cotrei-Duboussetovi C-D metodi
[Comparison of Harringoton and Cotrel-Dubousset C-D surgical treatment of idiopathic scoliosis]
1998 ►
Križman Igor; Kozjek Franc; Primožič Stanislav
Randomized double-blind study of lansoprazole and ranitidine in the treatment of the patients with duodenal ulcer
[Randomizirana, dvojno slepa študija učinkovitosti lanzoprazola in ranitidina pri zdravljenju bolnikov z duodenalnim ulkusom]
1998 ►
Pahor Artur; Krajnc Ivan; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Holc Iztok
The clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in connective tissue disease
1998 ►
Živin Marko; Šprah Lilijana; Sket Dušan
Antiparkinsonian potential of interaction of LEK-8829 with bromocriptine
1998 ►
Stračunski L.S.
Multicentrična primerjalna klinična raziskava macropena pri otrocih v Rusiji
[A multicenter comparative clinical trial on macropen in Children in Russia]
1995 ►
Vince Adriana; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja
DNA extraction from archival Giemsa-stained bone-marrow slides: comparison of six rapid methods
1998 ►
Faletič Dunja
Primerjava rezultatov aktivnega cepljenja proti klopnemu meningoencefalitisu v mariborski regiji in Avstriji
1998 ►
Borčić Berislav; Blondeau Christine; Kaić Bernard
A comparative study of OPV and IPV reactogenicity and immunogenicity
1998 ►
Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka
Primerjava rabe alkohola in njenih negativnih posledic med Slovenijo in državami evropske regije ter med Slovenijo, Avstrijo, Hrvaško, Italijo in Madžarsko
1998 ►
Markota Mladen; Saražin-Klemenčič Ksenija; Albreht Tit
Vpliv tranzicije na zdravstveno stanje in položaj uporabnika zdravstvenega varstva pri nas in v nekaterih srednjeevropskih državah
1998 ►
Stankovski Vlado; Kersnič Boštjan; Smrke Dragica; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
Difference in size of hip-joint weight bearing area in male and female population
1998 ►
Kremesec M
Uvajanje v anestezijo s sefofluranom pri otrocih
1997 ►
Kenda Rajko B; Trebše R
New paediatric urine collector
1998 ►
Milisav I; Jones MH; Affara NA
Characterization of a novel human dynein-related gene that is specifically expressed in testis
1996 ►
Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Chwatal Nadja
Captopril renography and duplex Doppler sonography in the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension
1998 ►
Iglič Aleš
A possible mechanism determining the stability of spiculated red blood cells
1997 ►
Guček Andrej; Bren Andrej F; Hergouth Veronika; Lindič Jelka
Cefazolin and netilmycin versus vancomycin and ceftazidime in the treatment of CAPD peritonitis
1997 ►
Pohar Bojan; Horvat Matija
Influence of hemodynamic changes on neuroendocrine response in acute heart failure
1997 ►
Sandhu BK; Isolauri E; Walker-Smith JA; Banchini G; van Caillie-Bertrand M; Dias JA; Guandalini S; Hoekstra JH; Juntunen M; Kolaček S; Marx D; Mičetić-Turk D; Razenberg MCAC; Szajewska H; Taminiau J; Weizman Z; Zanacca C; Zetterstroem R
Early feeding in childhood gastroenteritis
1997 ►
Tomažič J; Ihan A; Strle F; Cimperman J; Stare J; Matičič M; Zakotnik B
Immunological differentiation between tickborne encephalitis with and without concomitant neuroborreliosis
1997 ►
Turle Nathalie; Saget Anne; Zouani Boualem; Meliet Jean L; Risso Jean J
Comparison between nitrogen narcosis and normobaric nitrous oxide narcosis. Neurochemical and behavioural aspects
1997 ►
Dossenbach Martin
Olanzapine: An exciting atypical antipsychotic - the clinical experience
1997 ►
Vatovec Jagoda; Žargi Miha; Černelč Smilja
Spreminjanje dejavnikov hude okvare sluha v predšolskem obdobju
[Changes in etiology of childhood deafness]
1997 ►
Matkovič-Lonzarić N; Mekiš D
Ocena budnosti, bolečine, slabosti in bruhanja v zgodnjem pooperativnem obdobju po endoskopski odstranitvi žolčnika: primerjava propofolske anestezije z in brez oksidula
1997 ►
Bakracevski S; Volkanoski B; Zaharievski I
Prophylactic antibiotics in the gynaecologic practice
1997 ►
Vlahović D; Oroszy D
Primerjava sevoflurana s propofolom pri kratkih ambulantnih anestezijah
1997 ►
Šipek M; Rus-Vaupot V; Cesar-Komar M
Sevoforan pri endoskopskih holecistektomijah (primerjava z izoforanom in diprivanom)
1997 ►
Vintar N; Paver-Eržen V; Pevec-Gašperin M; Švajger M; Požar-Lukanovič N; Požlep G
Naše izkušnje s sevofluranom pri abdominalnih in uroloških posegih
1997 ►
Denić K; Mirković T; Tonin M
Intratekalno perioperativno dajanje morfija za zdravljenje pooperativne bolečine pri travmatoloških bolnikih
1997 ►
Cesar-Komar M; Rus-Vaupot V; Šipek M
24-urna analgezija po endoskopskih holecistektomijah s tramadolom
1997 ►
Mlakar A
Naše izkušnje z zdravljenjem pooperativne bolečine pri večjih ginekoloških operacijah
1997 ►
Benedik J; Sekereš R; Brubnjak-Jevtić V
Primerjava kvalitete subarahnoidne anestezije po uporabi spinalnih igel Sprotte 25G in Quincke 25G
1997 ►
Štifanić D; Paver-Eržen V; Krajcar J; Biondić-Stipanić M
Haemodynamic effects of leg bandaging during lumbo-sacral subarachnoidal anaesthesia
1997 ►
Vintar N; Pevec-Gašperin M; Šoštarič M; Stopar T
Vpliv epiduralne anestezije in analgezije na pooperativni izid pri bolnikih po nefrektomiji
1997 ►
Slabe-Zejfert M
Uporaba propofola za ambulantne ginekološke posege v primerjavi s tiopentalom
1997 ►
Križman Igor; Ribnikar Mojca; Kozjek Franc; Primožič Stane
Comparative amoxicillin - azythromycin treatment of Helicobacter pylori positive patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer
1997 ►
Rozman D; Stromstedt M; Tsui LC; Scherer SW; Waterman MR
Structure and mapping of the human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase gene (CYP51) encoding the cytochrome P450 involved in cholesterol biosynthesis; comparison of exon/intron organization with other mammalian and fungal CYP genes
1996 ►
Brecelj Jelka; Cunningham Keith
Occipital distribution of foveal half-field responses
1985 ►
Liang Lian; Bloom Nicolas S; Horvat Milena
Simultaneous determination of mercury speciation in biological materials by GC/CVAFS after ethylation and room-temperature precollection
1994 ►
Maria Bernard; Dublanchet Alain; Strecker Jurgen; Dennemark Nils; Genazzani Andrea; Fioretti Piero; Schoon Marthinus; Ponte Conception; Fetih Alenka; Hren-Vencelj Helena
Comparative evaluation of clindamycin/gentamicin and cefoxitin/doxycycline for treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease: a multi-center trial
1992 ►
Geršak Ksenija; Tomaževič Tomaž
Subpopulations of human granulosa-luteal cells in natural and stimulated in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles
1996 ►
Tang WC; Weil Max Harry; Sun Shijie; Noč Marko; Yang Liying; Gazmuri Raul J
Epinephrine increases the severity of postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction
1995 ►
Kottke Frederic J
Neurofiziološke sličnosti i razlike između odraslih i djece s moždanim ozljedama
1996 ►
Debert-Ribeiro Myriam; Medina Ernesto; Artigas Jorg; He Shen; Hui Zhong Yu; De-Wei Zhang; Weijin Zhao; Rojas Oscar; Heinemann Lothar; Kožuh-Novak Mateja
Acute myocardial infarction and combined oral contraceptives: results of an international multicentre case-control study
1997 ►
Černelč S; Stropnik Z
Immunologic and clinical responses to "Monday morning miseries" antigens
1987 ►
Sketelj J; Leisner E; Gohlsch B; Škorjanc D; Pette D
Specific impulse patterns regulate acetylcholinesterase activity in skeletal muscles of rats and rabbits
1997 ►
Vintar N; Petrun-Ulaga M
Kakšno anestezijo izbrati za ambulantno obrezovanje dečkov
1993 ►
Molan Marija
Kaj je obremenjujoče: izmena ali vsebina dela
1996 ►
Turk S; Sket B; Sarbu S
Comparison between some epigean and hypogean populations of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellidae)
1996 ►
Muzlovič Igor; Jereb Matjaž; Beović Bojana; Tomažič Janez; Pikelj Franjo
Primerjava učinkovitosti cefpiramida (tamicin) in cefotaksima pri zdravljenju hudih bolnišničnih in izvenbolnišničnih okužb
[Treatment of serious hospital and community acquired infection: cefpiramide (tamicin) versus cefotaxime]
1997 ►
Hawlina M; Raič P; Jarc M; Drnovšek-Olup B
Zdravljenje optičnega nevritisa s kortikosteroidi
1996 ►
Brodie Martin J; Richens Alan; Yuen Alan W C
Dvojno slepa primerjava med lamotriginom in karbamazepinom pri novoodkritih epilepsijah
1997 ►
Ferjan I; Čarman-Kržan M; Erjavec F
Comparison of histamine and serotonin release from rat peritoneal mast cell induced by nerve growth factor and compound 48/80
1997 ►
Koželj V
Epidemiology of orofacial clefts in Slovenia, 1973-1993: comparison of the incidence in six European countries
1996 ►
Denišlič Miro; Meh Duška
Sympathetic skin response in Parkinsonian patients
1996 ►
Debert-Ribeiro Myriam; Medina Ernesto; Artigas Jorg; He Chen; Hui Zhong Yu; De-Wei Zhang; Weijin Zhao; Rojas Oscar; Vessey Martin; Kožuh-Novak Mateja
Ischaemic stroke and combined oral contraceptives: results of an international, multicentre, case-control study
1996 ►
Knap Bojan; Južnič Gojmir; Južnič Susara
Cilindrikacija kot mehanizem kvalitete akcije levega prekata
["Cylindricality" as a mechanism of quality of left ventricle action]
1996 ►
Krajnc I; Turk Z
Rezultati usporednog ispitivanja uspješnosti liječenja boli u lumbalnom predjelu kralješnice u lječilištu Moravske toplice, na odjelu za fizikalnu terapiju i rehabilitaciju te na odjelu za reumatologiju Nastavne bolnice Maribor
[Results of parallel investigation of the success of low pain treatment at the Moravci spa, at the department for physical therapy and rehabilitation and at the rheumatology department of Maribor teaching hospital]
1992 ►
Krčevski-Škvarč N; Gerjevič B
Early postoperative pain following laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy
1996 ►
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