biomedicina slovenica |
vo="male" : 2.179-2.278
Shah BR; Santucci K; Finberg L
Pomanjkanje magnezija kot vzrok hipokalcemije pri skupini CHARGE okvar
[Magnesium deficiency as a cause of hypocalcemia in the CHARGE association]
1995 ►
Lamb GC; Green SS; Heron J
Lahko zdravniki posvarijo bolnike pred možnimi stranskimi učinki zdravil brez bojazni, da bi jih s tem izzvali?
[Can physicians warn patients of potential side effects without fear of causing those side effects?]
1995 ►
Dolenc L
Hypersomnie et troubles de l'humeur
1995 ►
Lam S; Scannell R; Roessler D; Smith MA
Centralni katetri vstavljeni skozi periferno veno v bolnišnici za nujne primere
[Peripherally inserted central catheters in an acute-care hospital]
1995 ►
Kanter MC; Tegeler CH; Pearce LA; Weinberger J; Feinberg WM; Anderson DC; Gomez CR; Rothrock JF; Helgason CM; Hart RG
Zoženje karotidnih arterij pri bolnikih z atrijsko fibrilacijo
[Carotid stenosis in patients with atrial fibrillation]
1995 ►
Raziskovalci atrijske fibrilacije ;
Dejavniki tveganja za možgansko kap in učinkovitost antitrombotične terapije pri atrijski fibrilaciji
[Risk factors for stroke and efficacy of antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation]
1995 ►
Brinšek B
Celostna obravnava shizofrenije
1995 ►
Maraspin V; Ružić-Sabljić E; Strle F; Cimperman J; Jereb M; Preac-Muršić V
Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi after treatment with antibiotics
[Perzinstenca Borreliae burgdorferi po antibiotični terapiji]
1995 ►
Weiffenbach M
Srčne in ledvične bolezni pri otrocih na področju Zdravstvenega doma Železniki in soodvisnost obolenj
[Heart and renal diseases in children in the catchment area of Železniki and their mutual dependence]
1995 ►
Čuk N
Bolniki s sladkorno boleznijo in zapleti zaradi nje v letih 1990-94 na območju Zdravstvenega doma Idrija
[Diabetes patients and complications of diabetes in the catchment area of Idrija]
1995 ►
Potočnik M; Fettich J
Antivenerična dejavnost v Republiki Sloveniji in analiza podatkov o razširjenosti spolno prenosljivih bolezni v Sloveniji v letu 1994
1995 ►
Repše S; Gadžijev E; Omejc M
Blunt liver injury: 3 hour and 35 minute occlusion of the hepatoduodenal ligament
1995 ►
Nolimal D; Rode N; Lahajnar I; Dekleva B
Razširjenost drog med srednješolci v Ljubljani v letu 1992
[Extent of drug abuse among high school students in Ljubljana in 1992]
1995 ►
Vidovič N; Kolar G
Vzroki slepote v Sloveniji
[The causes of blindness in Slovenia]
1995 ►
Lazar IM
Odnos zasavskih zdravnikov do zdravega načina življenja
[The disproportion between attitude about healthy life style and behaviour among doctors in Zasavje region]
1995 ►
Šelb J; Kravanja M; Ficko A
Analiza umrljivosti v letu 1994 v Sloveniji
[Mortality analysis in 1994 in Slovenia]
1995 ►
Žmitek A
Pregled neprostovoljnih hospitalizacij na moškem oddelku Psihiatrične bolnišnice Begunje v letu 1993
1995 ►
Ostojič Ž; Steklasa J; Stracenski B
Recidivi varic po operativni odstranitvi vene safene
1993 ►
Višnar-Perović A
Uloga ultrazvučne pretrage skrotuma u izboru terapijskog postupka
1992 ►
Badsberg-Jensen G; Pakkenberg B
No neocortical nerve cell loss in brains from chronic alcoholics
1993 ►
Pompe-Kirn Vera
Epidemiološke značilnosti raka prostate v Sloveniji
[Epidemiological features of prostate cancer in Slovenia]
1995 ►
Kuhelj Janez
Brahiradioterapija raka prostate
[Brachiradiotherapy of the prostate cancer]
1995 ►
Stanovnik Marjeta
Kemoterapija napredovalega raka prostate
[Chemotherapy for advanced cancer of the prostate]
1995 ►
Jezeršek P; Accetto R; Petrin J; Kolšek B; Brenk M-K; Dolenc P; Limpel B
Prospektivna epidemiološka študija hipertenzije v Ribnici
1990 ►
Davie CA; Pirtošek Z; Barker GJ; Kingsley DP; Miller PH; Lees AJ
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of parkinsonism related to boxing
1995 ►
Skaza-Maligoj A
Razširjenost uretritisa, ki ga povzroča Chlamydia trachomatis, pri moških v Celjski regiji
[Spreading of Chlamydia urethritis in men from the Celje region]
1995 ►
Hren-Vencelj H; Kralj B; Derganc M
Kaj vemo o spolno prenesenih klamidijskih okužbah v Sloveniji
[What we know about sexually transmitted chlamydial infections in Slovenia]
1995 ►
Koren S; Fleischmann WR Jr
Sistemsko učinkovanje oralno apliciranih citokinov
[Systemic effects of orally administered cytokines]
1995 ►
Mekjavić IB; Moric C; Goldberg SV; Morrison JB; Walsh ML; Banister EW; Schoene RB
Exercise breathing pattern during chronic altitude exposure
1991 ►
Grad A; Baloh RW
Vertigo of vascular origin. Clinical and electronystagmographic features in 84 cases
1989 ►
Mekjavić IB; Morrison JB
Evaluation of predictive formulae for determining metabolic rate during cold water immersion
1986 ►
Mekjavić IB
Evaluation of diving fins on the basis of physiological responses during incremental exercise
1986 ►
Mekjavić IB; Gaul CA; White MD; Mittleman KD
Cardiovascular responses during 70 degrees head-up tilt: the effect of elevated body temperature and high alcohol blood levels
1987 ►
Kakitsuba N; Mekjavić IB
Determining the rate of body heat storage by incorporating body composition
1987 ►
Kakitsuba N; Michna H; Mekjavić IB
Clothing surface area as related to body volume and clothing microenvironment volume
1987 ►
Mekjavić IB; La Prairie A; Burke W; Lindborg B
Respiratory drive during sudden cold water immersion
1987 ►
Mekjavić IB; Mittleman KD; Kakitsuba N
The role of shivering thermogenesis and total body insulation in core cooling rate
1987 ►
Brownlie L; Mekjavić I; Gartshore I; Mutch B; Banister E
The influence of apparel on aerodynamic drag in running
1987 ►
Brownlie L; Mekjavić I; Banister E
Thermoregulation in athletic racing apparel
1987 ►
Sullivan PJ; Mekjavić IB; Kakitsuba N
Determination of clothing microenvironment volume
1987 ►
Mekjavić IB; Eiken O; La Prairie A; Banister EW
The pattern of breathing during hypoxic exercise
1987 ►
Kakitsuba N; Gaul K; Michna H; Mekjavić IB
Dynamic moisture permeation through clothing
1988 ►
Mittleman KD; Mekjavić IB
Effect of occluded venous return on core temperature during cold water immersion
1988 ►
Mekjavić IB; Bligh J
The increased oxygen uptake upon immersion. The raised external pressure could be a causative factor
1989 ►
Mekjavić IB; Kakitsuba N
Effect of peripheral temperature on the formation of venous gas bubbles
1989 ►
Mekjavić IB; Rempel ME
Determination of esophageal probe insertion length based on standing and sitting height
1990 ►
Mittleman KD; Mekjavić IB
Contribution of core cooling rate to shivering thermogenesis during cold water immersion
1991 ►
Mekjavić IB; Sundberg CJ; Linnarsson D
Core temperature "null zone"
1991 ►
Burke WE; Mekjavić IB
Estimation of regional cutaneous cold sensitivity by analysis of the gasping response
1991 ►
Passias TC; Mekjavić IB; Eiken O
The effect of 30% nitrous oxide on thermoregulatory responses in humans during hypothermia
1992 ►
White MD; Ross WD; Mekjavić IB
Relationship between physique and rectal temperature cooling rate
1992 ►
Sullivan PJ; Mekjavić IB
Temperature and humidity within the clothing microenvironment
1992 ►
Eiken O; Convertino VA; Doerr DF; Dudley GA; Morariu G; Mekjavić IB
Characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in man during normal and flow-restricted exercise
1992 ►
Hamman RG; Mekjavić I; Mallinson AI; Longridge NS
Training effects during repeated therapy sessions of balance training using visual feedback
1992 ►
Mekjavić IB; Sundberg CJ
Human temperature regulation during narcosis induced by inhalation of 30% nitrous oxide
1992 ►
Sun JC; Eiken O; Mekjavić IB
Autonomic nervous control of heart rate during blood-flow restricted exercise in man
1993 ►
Lun V; Sun J; Passias T; Mekjavić IB
Effects of prolonged CO2 inhalation on shivering thermogenesis during cold-water immersion
1993 ►
White MD; Mekjavić IB
Comparison of core threshold temperatures for forehead sweating based on esophageal and rectal temperatures
1993 ►
Eiken O; Sun JC; Mekjavić IB
Effects of blood-volume distribution on the characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in humans at rest and during exercise
1994 ►
Mekjavić IB; Passias T; Sundberg CJ; Eiken O
Perception of thermal comfort during narcosis
1994 ►
Lun V; Sun JC; Giesbrecht GG; Mekjavić IB
Shivering thermogenesis during acute hypercapnia
1994 ►
Giesbrecht GG; Sessler DI; Mekjavić IB; Schroeder M; Bristow GK
Treatment of mild immersion hypothermia by direct body-to-body contact
1994 ►
Mekjavić IB; Eiken O
Inhalation rewarming from hypothermia: an evaluation in -20 degrees C simulated field conditions
1995 ►
Mekjavić IB; Savić SA; Eiken O
Nitrogen narcosis attenuates shivering thermogenesis
1995 ►
Cheung SS; Mekjavić IB
Human temperature regulation during subanesthetic levels of nitrous oxide-induced narcosis
1995 ►
Ravnik IM
Paroxysmal disorders of perception during and after infectious states. Infection - return ticket for Wonderland?
1991 ►
Hamman R; Longridge NS; Mekjavić I; Dickinson J
Effect of age and training schedules on balance improvemet exercises using visual biofeedback
1995 ►
Mekjavić IB; Morariu GI
Ventilation requirements within wet submersibles
1991 ►
Bawa P; Matthews PBC; Mekjavić IB
Electromyographic activity during shivering of muscles acting at the human elbow
1987 ►
Aksentijević D; Kobal J
Isoelectric electroencephalogram (EEG) in brain death patients with cerebrovascular disease
1994 ►
Kos J; Šmid A; Krašovec M; Svetic B; Lenarčič B; Vrhovec I; Škrk J; Turk V
Lysosomal proteases cathepsins D, B, H, L and their inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck cancer
1995 ►
Stirn-Kranjc B; Zupan M; Boljka-Kolar M; Logar P
Malignant glaucoma as a complication after glaucoma filtering surgery: a retrospective study
1991 ►
Kraut A; Logar P; Stirn-Kranjc B
Harmful corticosteroid monotherapy in uveitic patients: two case reports
1991 ►
Kenda R; Kanlar M; Gregorič A; Jeler D; Kunstelj T; Accetto M; Smole A
Lječenie amoksiklavom infekcij močenjih i respiratornjih organov u grudnjih detej maljenjkih detej i podrostkov
1992 ►
Vlaisavljevič V
A comparative study of the diagnostic value of telethermography and contact thermography in the diagnosis of varicocele
1991 ►
Vlaisavljevič V
The ROCC analysis of five different methods in the diagnosis of varicocele
1991 ►
Škreblin M; Stegnar P; Kregar I
Effect of mercury on the subcellular distribution of endogenous copper and zinc and the presence of Hg, Cu, Zn-metallothionein in the kidney of rats exposed to mercury vapour
1988 ►
Falnoga I; Škreblin M; Prosenc N; Stegnar P
The presence of Hg-Zn-Cu-thionein in rat brain
1991 ►
Kralj-Klobučar N; Škreblin M; Falnoga I; Stegnar P
Histochemical and quantitative determination of mercury in rats exposed to elementary mercury
1991 ►
Stupar J; Kanc-Hanzel K; Klemenc B; Gantar A; Miklič M
Chromium status of tannery workers in relation to metabolic disorders
1993 ►
Pokorn D; Kveder M
A preliminary report on the effect of chronic wine ingestion on gastric emptying of glucose in experimental rats
1990 ►
Šuput D
Effects of equinatoxin II and III: a comparative study
1994 ►
Arnež ZM; Pirjavec A; Valdatta L
Le avulsioni del terzo distale dell'arto inferiore
[Distal third avulsion in the lower limbs]
1995 ►
Smerdu V; Karsch-Mizrachi I; Campione M; Leinwand L; Schiaffino S
Type IIx myosin heavy chain transcripts are expressed in type IIb fibers of human skeletal muscle
1994 ►
Travnik L; Pernuš F; Eržen I
Histochemical and morphometric characteristics of the normal human vastus medialis longus and vastus medialis obliquus muscles
1995 ►
Kenda MF; Turk J; Stare J
Sudden death after acute myocardial infarction-nine years of different aspects
1992 ►
Stanimirović A; Kansky A; Basta-Juzbašić A; Škerlev M; Beck T
Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma, type papulosa, in Croatia
1993 ►
Al-Sabti K; Lloyd DC; Edwards AA; Stegnar P
A survey of lymphocyte chromosomal damage in Slovenian workers exposed to occupational clastogens
1992 ►
Falnoga I; Kregar I; Škreblin M; Tušek-Žnidarič M; Stegnar P
Interactions of mercury in rat brain
1993 ►
Kamarić L; Oman S
Semimicrotitration device for cholinesterase assay
1989 ►
Mušič E; Tomšič M; Logar D
Gold salt alveolitis in 3 patients with rheumatoid arthritis
[Goldsalzalveolitis bei drei Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis]
1995 ►
Korbelik M; Krošl G; Chaplin DJ
Photofrin uptake by murine macrophages
1991 ►
Pernuš F; Eržen I
Arrangement of fiber types within fascicles of human vastus lateralis muscle
1991 ►
Rozman J; Trlep M
Multielectrode spiral cuff for selective stimulation of nerve fibres
1992 ►
Gerber G; Černe R; Randić M
Participation of excitatory amino acid receptors in the slow excitatory synaptic transmission in rat spinal dorsal horn
1991 ►
Černe R; Jiang M; Randić M
Cyclic adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate potentiates excitatory amino acid and synaptic responses of rat spinal dorsal horn neurons
1992 ►
Randić M; Jiang MC; Černe R
Long-term potentiation and long-term depression of primary afferent neurotransmission in the rat spinal cord
1993 ►
Lister GD; Arnež ZM
Arterial T and Y grafts
1991 ►
Arnež ZM; Hanel DP
Free tissue transfer for reconstruction of traumatic limb injuries in children
1991 ►
Arnež ZM
Immediate reconstruction of the lower extremity - an update
1991 ►
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