biomedicina slovenica

vo="male" : 2.179-2.278

  1. Shah BR; Santucci K; Finberg L
    Pomanjkanje magnezija kot vzrok hipokalcemije pri skupini CHARGE okvar
    [Magnesium deficiency as a cause of hypocalcemia in the CHARGE association]
  2. Lamb GC; Green SS; Heron J
    Lahko zdravniki posvarijo bolnike pred možnimi stranskimi učinki zdravil brez bojazni, da bi jih s tem izzvali?
    [Can physicians warn patients of potential side effects without fear of causing those side effects?]
  3. Dolenc L
    Hypersomnie et troubles de l'humeur
  4. Lam S; Scannell R; Roessler D; Smith MA
    Centralni katetri vstavljeni skozi periferno veno v bolnišnici za nujne primere
    [Peripherally inserted central catheters in an acute-care hospital]
  5. Kanter MC; Tegeler CH; Pearce LA; Weinberger J; Feinberg WM; Anderson DC; Gomez CR; Rothrock JF; Helgason CM; Hart RG
    Zoženje karotidnih arterij pri bolnikih z atrijsko fibrilacijo
    [Carotid stenosis in patients with atrial fibrillation]
  6. Raziskovalci atrijske fibrilacije ;
    Dejavniki tveganja za možgansko kap in učinkovitost antitrombotične terapije pri atrijski fibrilaciji
    [Risk factors for stroke and efficacy of antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation]
  7. Brinšek B
    Celostna obravnava shizofrenije
  8. Maraspin V; Ružić-Sabljić E; Strle F; Cimperman J; Jereb M; Preac-Muršić V
    Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi after treatment with antibiotics
    [Perzinstenca Borreliae burgdorferi po antibiotični terapiji]
  9. Weiffenbach M
    Srčne in ledvične bolezni pri otrocih na področju Zdravstvenega doma Železniki in soodvisnost obolenj
    [Heart and renal diseases in children in the catchment area of Železniki and their mutual dependence]
  10. Čuk N
    Bolniki s sladkorno boleznijo in zapleti zaradi nje v letih 1990-94 na območju Zdravstvenega doma Idrija
    [Diabetes patients and complications of diabetes in the catchment area of Idrija]
  11. Potočnik M; Fettich J
    Antivenerična dejavnost v Republiki Sloveniji in analiza podatkov o razširjenosti spolno prenosljivih bolezni v Sloveniji v letu 1994
  12. Repše S; Gadžijev E; Omejc M
    Blunt liver injury: 3 hour and 35 minute occlusion of the hepatoduodenal ligament
  13. Nolimal D; Rode N; Lahajnar I; Dekleva B
    Razširjenost drog med srednješolci v Ljubljani v letu 1992
    [Extent of drug abuse among high school students in Ljubljana in 1992]
  14. Vidovič N; Kolar G
    Vzroki slepote v Sloveniji
    [The causes of blindness in Slovenia]
  15. Lazar IM
    Odnos zasavskih zdravnikov do zdravega načina življenja
    [The disproportion between attitude about healthy life style and behaviour among doctors in Zasavje region]
  16. Šelb J; Kravanja M; Ficko A
    Analiza umrljivosti v letu 1994 v Sloveniji
    [Mortality analysis in 1994 in Slovenia]
  17. Žmitek A
    Pregled neprostovoljnih hospitalizacij na moškem oddelku Psihiatrične bolnišnice Begunje v letu 1993
  18. Ostojič Ž; Steklasa J; Stracenski B
    Recidivi varic po operativni odstranitvi vene safene
  19. Višnar-Perović A
    Uloga ultrazvučne pretrage skrotuma u izboru terapijskog postupka
  20. Badsberg-Jensen G; Pakkenberg B
    No neocortical nerve cell loss in brains from chronic alcoholics
  21. Pompe-Kirn Vera
    Epidemiološke značilnosti raka prostate v Sloveniji
    [Epidemiological features of prostate cancer in Slovenia]
  22. Kuhelj Janez
    Brahiradioterapija raka prostate
    [Brachiradiotherapy of the prostate cancer]
  23. Stanovnik Marjeta
    Kemoterapija napredovalega raka prostate
    [Chemotherapy for advanced cancer of the prostate]
  24. Jezeršek P; Accetto R; Petrin J; Kolšek B; Brenk M-K; Dolenc P; Limpel B
    Prospektivna epidemiološka študija hipertenzije v Ribnici
  25. Davie CA; Pirtošek Z; Barker GJ; Kingsley DP; Miller PH; Lees AJ
    Magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of parkinsonism related to boxing
  26. Skaza-Maligoj A
    Razširjenost uretritisa, ki ga povzroča Chlamydia trachomatis, pri moških v Celjski regiji
    [Spreading of Chlamydia urethritis in men from the Celje region]
  27. Hren-Vencelj H; Kralj B; Derganc M
    Kaj vemo o spolno prenesenih klamidijskih okužbah v Sloveniji
    [What we know about sexually transmitted chlamydial infections in Slovenia]
  28. Koren S; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Sistemsko učinkovanje oralno apliciranih citokinov
    [Systemic effects of orally administered cytokines]
  29. Mekjavić IB; Moric C; Goldberg SV; Morrison JB; Walsh ML; Banister EW; Schoene RB
    Exercise breathing pattern during chronic altitude exposure
  30. Grad A; Baloh RW
    Vertigo of vascular origin. Clinical and electronystagmographic features in 84 cases
  31. Mekjavić IB; Morrison JB
    Evaluation of predictive formulae for determining metabolic rate during cold water immersion
  32. Mekjavić IB
    Evaluation of diving fins on the basis of physiological responses during incremental exercise
  33. Mekjavić IB; Gaul CA; White MD; Mittleman KD
    Cardiovascular responses during 70 degrees head-up tilt: the effect of elevated body temperature and high alcohol blood levels
  34. Kakitsuba N; Mekjavić IB
    Determining the rate of body heat storage by incorporating body composition
  35. Kakitsuba N; Michna H; Mekjavić IB
    Clothing surface area as related to body volume and clothing microenvironment volume
  36. Mekjavić IB; La Prairie A; Burke W; Lindborg B
    Respiratory drive during sudden cold water immersion
  37. Mekjavić IB; Mittleman KD; Kakitsuba N
    The role of shivering thermogenesis and total body insulation in core cooling rate
  38. Brownlie L; Mekjavić I; Gartshore I; Mutch B; Banister E
    The influence of apparel on aerodynamic drag in running
  39. Brownlie L; Mekjavić I; Banister E
    Thermoregulation in athletic racing apparel
  40. Sullivan PJ; Mekjavić IB; Kakitsuba N
    Determination of clothing microenvironment volume
  41. Mekjavić IB; Eiken O; La Prairie A; Banister EW
    The pattern of breathing during hypoxic exercise
  42. Kakitsuba N; Gaul K; Michna H; Mekjavić IB
    Dynamic moisture permeation through clothing
  43. Mittleman KD; Mekjavić IB
    Effect of occluded venous return on core temperature during cold water immersion
  44. Mekjavić IB; Bligh J
    The increased oxygen uptake upon immersion. The raised external pressure could be a causative factor
  45. Mekjavić IB; Kakitsuba N
    Effect of peripheral temperature on the formation of venous gas bubbles
  46. Mekjavić IB; Rempel ME
    Determination of esophageal probe insertion length based on standing and sitting height
  47. Mittleman KD; Mekjavić IB
    Contribution of core cooling rate to shivering thermogenesis during cold water immersion
  48. Mekjavić IB; Sundberg CJ; Linnarsson D
    Core temperature "null zone"
  49. Burke WE; Mekjavić IB
    Estimation of regional cutaneous cold sensitivity by analysis of the gasping response
  50. Passias TC; Mekjavić IB; Eiken O
    The effect of 30% nitrous oxide on thermoregulatory responses in humans during hypothermia
  51. White MD; Ross WD; Mekjavić IB
    Relationship between physique and rectal temperature cooling rate
  52. Sullivan PJ; Mekjavić IB
    Temperature and humidity within the clothing microenvironment
  53. Eiken O; Convertino VA; Doerr DF; Dudley GA; Morariu G; Mekjavić IB
    Characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in man during normal and flow-restricted exercise
  54. Hamman RG; Mekjavić I; Mallinson AI; Longridge NS
    Training effects during repeated therapy sessions of balance training using visual feedback
  55. Mekjavić IB; Sundberg CJ
    Human temperature regulation during narcosis induced by inhalation of 30% nitrous oxide
  56. Sun JC; Eiken O; Mekjavić IB
    Autonomic nervous control of heart rate during blood-flow restricted exercise in man
  57. Lun V; Sun J; Passias T; Mekjavić IB
    Effects of prolonged CO2 inhalation on shivering thermogenesis during cold-water immersion
  58. White MD; Mekjavić IB
    Comparison of core threshold temperatures for forehead sweating based on esophageal and rectal temperatures
  59. Eiken O; Sun JC; Mekjavić IB
    Effects of blood-volume distribution on the characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in humans at rest and during exercise
  60. Mekjavić IB; Passias T; Sundberg CJ; Eiken O
    Perception of thermal comfort during narcosis
  61. Lun V; Sun JC; Giesbrecht GG; Mekjavić IB
    Shivering thermogenesis during acute hypercapnia
  62. Giesbrecht GG; Sessler DI; Mekjavić IB; Schroeder M; Bristow GK
    Treatment of mild immersion hypothermia by direct body-to-body contact
  63. Mekjavić IB; Eiken O
    Inhalation rewarming from hypothermia: an evaluation in -20 degrees C simulated field conditions
  64. Mekjavić IB; Savić SA; Eiken O
    Nitrogen narcosis attenuates shivering thermogenesis
  65. Cheung SS; Mekjavić IB
    Human temperature regulation during subanesthetic levels of nitrous oxide-induced narcosis
  66. Ravnik IM
    Paroxysmal disorders of perception during and after infectious states. Infection - return ticket for Wonderland?
  67. Hamman R; Longridge NS; Mekjavić I; Dickinson J
    Effect of age and training schedules on balance improvemet exercises using visual biofeedback
  68. Mekjavić IB; Morariu GI
    Ventilation requirements within wet submersibles
  69. Bawa P; Matthews PBC; Mekjavić IB
    Electromyographic activity during shivering of muscles acting at the human elbow
  70. Aksentijević D; Kobal J
    Isoelectric electroencephalogram (EEG) in brain death patients with cerebrovascular disease
  71. Kos J; Šmid A; Krašovec M; Svetic B; Lenarčič B; Vrhovec I; Škrk J; Turk V
    Lysosomal proteases cathepsins D, B, H, L and their inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck cancer
  72. Stirn-Kranjc B; Zupan M; Boljka-Kolar M; Logar P
    Malignant glaucoma as a complication after glaucoma filtering surgery: a retrospective study
  73. Kraut A; Logar P; Stirn-Kranjc B
    Harmful corticosteroid monotherapy in uveitic patients: two case reports
  74. Kenda R; Kanlar M; Gregorič A; Jeler D; Kunstelj T; Accetto M; Smole A
    Lječenie amoksiklavom infekcij močenjih i respiratornjih organov u grudnjih detej maljenjkih detej i podrostkov
  75. Vlaisavljevič V
    A comparative study of the diagnostic value of telethermography and contact thermography in the diagnosis of varicocele
  76. Vlaisavljevič V
    The ROCC analysis of five different methods in the diagnosis of varicocele
  77. Škreblin M; Stegnar P; Kregar I
    Effect of mercury on the subcellular distribution of endogenous copper and zinc and the presence of Hg, Cu, Zn-metallothionein in the kidney of rats exposed to mercury vapour
  78. Falnoga I; Škreblin M; Prosenc N; Stegnar P
    The presence of Hg-Zn-Cu-thionein in rat brain
  79. Kralj-Klobučar N; Škreblin M; Falnoga I; Stegnar P
    Histochemical and quantitative determination of mercury in rats exposed to elementary mercury
  80. Stupar J; Kanc-Hanzel K; Klemenc B; Gantar A; Miklič M
    Chromium status of tannery workers in relation to metabolic disorders
  81. Pokorn D; Kveder M
    A preliminary report on the effect of chronic wine ingestion on gastric emptying of glucose in experimental rats
  82. Šuput D
    Effects of equinatoxin II and III: a comparative study
  83. Arnež ZM; Pirjavec A; Valdatta L
    Le avulsioni del terzo distale dell'arto inferiore
    [Distal third avulsion in the lower limbs]
  84. Smerdu V; Karsch-Mizrachi I; Campione M; Leinwand L; Schiaffino S
    Type IIx myosin heavy chain transcripts are expressed in type IIb fibers of human skeletal muscle
  85. Travnik L; Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Histochemical and morphometric characteristics of the normal human vastus medialis longus and vastus medialis obliquus muscles
  86. Kenda MF; Turk J; Stare J
    Sudden death after acute myocardial infarction-nine years of different aspects
  87. Stanimirović A; Kansky A; Basta-Juzbašić A; Škerlev M; Beck T
    Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma, type papulosa, in Croatia
  88. Al-Sabti K; Lloyd DC; Edwards AA; Stegnar P
    A survey of lymphocyte chromosomal damage in Slovenian workers exposed to occupational clastogens
  89. Falnoga I; Kregar I; Škreblin M; Tušek-Žnidarič M; Stegnar P
    Interactions of mercury in rat brain
  90. Kamarić L; Oman S
    Semimicrotitration device for cholinesterase assay
  91. Mušič E; Tomšič M; Logar D
    Gold salt alveolitis in 3 patients with rheumatoid arthritis
    [Goldsalzalveolitis bei drei Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis]
  92. Korbelik M; Krošl G; Chaplin DJ
    Photofrin uptake by murine macrophages
  93. Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Arrangement of fiber types within fascicles of human vastus lateralis muscle
  94. Rozman J; Trlep M
    Multielectrode spiral cuff for selective stimulation of nerve fibres
  95. Gerber G; Černe R; Randić M
    Participation of excitatory amino acid receptors in the slow excitatory synaptic transmission in rat spinal dorsal horn
  96. Černe R; Jiang M; Randić M
    Cyclic adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate potentiates excitatory amino acid and synaptic responses of rat spinal dorsal horn neurons
  97. Randić M; Jiang MC; Černe R
    Long-term potentiation and long-term depression of primary afferent neurotransmission in the rat spinal cord
  98. Lister GD; Arnež ZM
    Arterial T and Y grafts
  99. Arnež ZM; Hanel DP
    Free tissue transfer for reconstruction of traumatic limb injuries in children
  100. Arnež ZM
    Immediate reconstruction of the lower extremity - an update

   1.679 1.779 1.879 1.979 2.079 2.179 2.279 2.379 2.479 2.579  

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