biomedicina slovenica

pr=Batista : 28-127

  1. Florjančič Urška; Sutton Elizabeth; Rener-Sitar Ksenija; Batista Urška; Grošelj Dušan; Emri Igor
    Time-dependent behaviour of polyamides exposed to sterilization
  2. Zemljič-Jokhadar Š; Žnidarčič T; Svetina S; Batista U
    The effect of substrate and adsorbed proteins on adfhesion, growth and shape of CaCo-2 cells
  3. Veranič Peter; Dariš Barbara; Zupančič Daša; Batista Urška; Jezernik Kristjan
    Redistribution of cytosolic FGFRI as a consequence of induced migration in urothelial cells in culture
  4. Prelovšek Petra-Maja; Batista Urška; Bulog Boris
    Vzpostavitev in morfološko-funkcionalna opredelitev hepatocitov močerilarjev (Amphibia: Proteidae) v primarni kulturi
  5. Florjančič U; Sutton E; Rener-Sitar K; Batista U; Grošelj D; Emri I
    Changes in time-dependent response of polyamides due to sterilization
  6. Sutton Eluizabeth; Florjančič Urška; Rener-Sitar Ksenija; Batista Urška; Grošelj Dušan; Emri Igor
    The effect of sterilization on time-dependent behaviour of polyamides
  7. Batista Urška
    Gojenje sesalskih celic v in vitro pogojih
  8. Batista-Napotnik Tina; Murn Jernej; Zega Anamarija; Obreza Aleš; Kikelj Danijel; Mlinarič-Raščan Irena
    Newly synthesized serine proteinases inhibitors induce caspase-depenedent apoptosis in the absence of oligonucleosomal DNA cleavage
  9. Cimprič Alenka; Batista Urška; Svetina Saša
    Effects of different surfaces on cell adhesion, proliferation and shape
  10. Berne Sabina; Dolgan Katja; Maček Peter; Plemenitaš Ana; Batista Urška; Šentjurc Marjeta; Sepčić Kristina
    Interaction of ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein from edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, with detergent-resistant membranes
  11. Rebolj K; Berne S; Sepčić K; Plemenitaš A; Batista U; Šentjurc M; Maček P
    A047 aegerolysins, a novel family of pore-forming proteins and their preference for lipids
  12. Sepčić Kristina; Berne Sabina; Rebolj Katja; Batista Urška; Plemenitaš Ana; Šentjurc Marjeta; Maček Peter
    Ostreolysin, a pore-forming protein from the oyster mushroom, interacts specifically with membrane cholesterol-rich lipid domains
  13. Rebolj Katja; Berne Sabina; Sepčić Kristina; Plemenitaš Ana; Batista Urška; Šentjurc Marjeta; Maček Peter
    Cytolysins as potential tools in studies of lipid membrane microdomains: specificity of a pore-forming protein from the oyster mushroom
  14. Šuput Dušan; Batista Tina; de Soussa Georges; Fajdiga Igor; Rahmani Roger
    Microcystin-induced apoptosis in human hepatocytes
  15. Šuput Dušan; Rahmani Roger; de Soussa Georges; Batista Tina
    Microcystin LR induces apoptosis in human hepatocytes
  16. Sepčić Kristina; Berne Sabina; Rebolj-Dolgan Katja; Plemenitaš Ana; Batista Urška; Šentjurc Marjeta; Maček Peter
    Specific interaction of ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein from edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, with liquid-ordered membrane domains
  17. Batista-Napotnik Tina
    Vpliv mikrocistina-LR na primarne človeške hepatocite in keratinocite
  18. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Batista Urška; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Skalerič U
    Effects of periodontal dressings on fibroblasts and gingival wound healing in dogs
  19. Berne Sabina; Dolgan Katja; Maček Peter; Plemenitaš Anica; Batista Urpka; Turk Tom; Sepčić Kristina
    Ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein from the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), binds specifically to cholesterol-sphingomyelin membrane domains
  20. Batista Tina; de Sousa Georges; Strupi-Šuput Jerneja; Rahmani Roger; Šuput Dušan
    Microcystin-LR causes the collapse of actin filaments in primary human hepatocytes
  21. Žuvić-Butorac Marta; Batista Urška; Schara Milan
    EPR spectra of cell membranes: a comparative study of erythrocytes and fibroblasts
  22. Kopač Igor; Batista Urška; Cvetko Erika; Marion Ljubo
    Viability of fibroblasts in cell culture after treatment with different chemical retraction agents
  23. Batista U; Žuvić-Butorac M; Nemec M; Schara M
    Experimental reasons for the scattering and drifts of the measured reaction rates of nitroxides in cellular suspensions. The V-79 fibroblast problem
  24. Iglič Aleš; Veranič Peter; Batista Urška; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Theoretical analysis of shape transformation of V-79 cells after treatment with cytochalasin B
  25. Svetina S; Žekš B; Batista U
    Rast celic v kulturi pri spremenjenih fizikalno-kemijskih pogojih
  26. Svetina S; Žekš B; Luzar A; Batista U; Brumen M; Inglič A; Pavlič M
    Biofizikalne raziskave celic in celičnih membran
  27. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Influence of soluble tumor products in vitro and in vivo
  28. Batista U; Sedmak B
    The influence of cytolysin from the sea anemone Condylactis aurantiaca on normal and malignant mammalian cell lines
  29. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Influence of soluble tumor products in vitro and in vivo
  30. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Uticaj medija kultura tumorskih stanica na rast tumora i adherenciju mononuklearnih stanica
  31. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Uticaj medija kultura tumorskih stanica na rast tumora i adhrerenciju mononuklearnih stanica
  32. Batista U; Svetina S
    Polyethylene glycol (PEG) - induced fusion of human erythrocytes with BHK 21 cells
  33. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Influence of soluble tumor products on growth of V-79 cells and methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis in mice
  34. Batista U; Maček P; Sedmak B
    The influence of equinatoxin 2 on V-79-379 A cell line
  35. Sedmak B; Batista U; Urbanc-Berčič O
    The influence of inhibites cytolysin on V-79 cells
  36. Svetina S; Žekš B; Batista U
    Rast celic v kulturi pri spremenjenih fizikalno-kemijskih pogojih
  37. Grabnar M; Lovka M; Sedmak B; Kus B; Žgur-Bertok D; Velikonja B; Druškovič B; Maček P; Lebez D; Batista U
    Genetske in biokemijske raziskave
  38. Škrk J; Schauer P; Suhar A; Batista U; Fras P; Kotnik L; Likar M; Filipič B; Turk V; Marolt F; Mačkovšek M; Krešl G; Pogačnik A
    Dejavniki v ascitesu rakavih bolnikov, ki vplivajo na transformacijo normalnih celic in vitro
  39. Svetina S; Žekš B; Batista U; Djulbegović B
    Rast celic v kulturi pri spremenjenih fizikalno-kemijskih pogojih
  40. Batista M; Tkalec Z; Škrap M
    Ohranitev zgornje ekstremitete po prekinitvi art. subklavije in brahialnega pleksusa
  41. Batista U; Korbelik M; Sever J; Škrk J
    Poskus primerjave in vitro značilnosti malignega ascitesa pri karcinomu ovarija s kliničnim stanjem bolnic
  42. Kopitar M; Brzin J; Ločnikar P; Turk V; Batista U; Škrk J
    Mechanism and inhibitory properties of sericystatin, an endogenous inhibitor of cysteine proteinases
  43. Batista U; Kopitar M; Škrk J; Svetina S; Turk V
    Effect of an leucocytes inhibitor on V-79 cell proliferation ability
  44. Kopitar M; Drobnič-Košorok M; Babnik J; Brzin J; Turk V; Korbelik M; Batista U; Svetina S; Škrk J; Giraldi T; Sava G
    Biochemical and biological characteristics of leucocyte proteinase inhibitors
  45. Batista U; Svetina S
    The influence of small concentrations of cyclohexamide on the exponential growth of BHK 21 cells
  46. Batista U
  47. Batista U
  48. Kopač I; Batista U
    Testiranje učinkov kemičnih retrakcijskih sredstev na celični kulturi fibroblastov
    [Testing the effects of chemical retraction agents on fibroblast cell culture]
  49. Batista T; Milutinovič S; Horvat-Žnidaršič I; Sedmak B; Šuput D
    The effects of microcystins LR and RR on primary rat hepatocytes
  50. Grabec Daša; Batista Urška; Žekš Boštjan; Svetina Saša
    The influence of the successive depolymerization and polymerization of cytoskeleton components on the fibroblast shapes
  51. Bratanič B; Žuvić-Butorac M; Pečar S; Nemec M; Batista U; Schara M; Derganc M
    Effect of bilirubin on cell membrane structure and function
  52. Petelin Milan; Schara Rok; Kovač-Kavčič Marija; Batista Urška; Skalerič Uroš
    Pomen in primerjava gingivalnih obvez
  53. Petelin M; Schara R; Kovač-Kavčič M; Batista U; Skalerič U
    Pomen in primerjava gingivalnih obvez
    [Comparison of three periodontal dressings]
  54. Petrovič Nataša; Batista Urška
    Osnove rastlinske in živalske biotehnologije: navodila za vaje: rastlinski del: dodatek: živalski del
  55. Kopač I; Sterle M; Batista U
    Vpliv kemičnih retrakcijskih sredstev na celične kulture keratinocitov dlesne
    [The influence of chemical retraction agents on cell cultures of gingival keratinocytes]
  56. Batista Urška; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Majhenc Janja; Svetina Saša; Žekš Boštjan
    Effect of the organization of the cytoskeleton on the morphology of V79 cells
  57. Rotter A; Keše D; Batista U; Pezdirc M
    Pathomorphology of the expression of E-selectin and VCAM-1 after coincubations of human umbilical vein endothelial cell cultures with a causative agent of lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi sl.
  58. Iglič Aleš; Batista Urška; Veranič Peter
    Reorganization of microtubules in V-79 cells after treatment with cytohalasin B
    [Razporejanje mikrotubulov v celicah V-79 po delovanju citohalazina B]
  59. Rotter Aleksander; Keše Darja; Pezdirc Magda; Batista Urška; Jurčić Vesna
    E-selectin and VCAM-1 expression of human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) culture after the stimulation with Borrelia burgdorferi
  60. Čeh M; Batista J; Pintar A
    TEM investigation of Pd/gamma-Al2O3 and Pd-Cu-/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts
  61. Šuput Dušan; Frangež Robert; Bunc Matjaž; Batista Tina; Milutinovič Aleksandra; Kosec Marjan; Pogačnik Milan; Sedmak Bojan
    Effects of microcystins in vivo and on isolated rat and human hepatocytes
  62. Grabec Daša; Batista Urška; Žekš Boštjan; Svetina Saša
    The influence of the successive depolymerization and polymerization of cytoskeleton components on the cell shape
  63. Schara M; Bratanič B; Žuvić-Butorac M; Nemec M; Batista U
    Membrane lateral domain structure involvement in scavenging of radicals
  64. Bratanič B; Žuvić-Butorac M; Batista U; Nemec M; Schara M
    Bilirubin affects the V79 cell membrane lateral domain structure which is coupled with the molecular permeability
  65. Geršak Borut; Bocchino Lise; Batista Randas J V
    Aspects of volume reduction surgery - partial left ventriculectomy
  66. Batista Urška; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Majhenc Janja; Svetina Saša; Žekš Boštjan
    Effect of the organization of the cytoskeleton on the morphology of V79 cells
  67. Rus Boštjan; Kotnik Tadej; Batista Urška; Miklavčič Damijan
    Določanje prevodnosti celične membrane z metodo elektrorotacije
    [Determination of cell membrane conductivity by means of electrorotation]
  68. Batista Jurka; Pintar Albin; Čeh Miran
    Characterization of supported Pd-Cu bimetallic catalysts by SEM, EDXS, AES and catalytic selectivity measurements
  69. Kopač Igor; Batista Urška; Cvetko Erika; Marion Ljubo
    The effect of gingival retraction agents on fibroblast cell cultures
  70. Bratanič Borut; Žuvić-Butorac Marta; Batista Urška; Nemec Marjana; Schara Milan
    The action of bilirubin on the cell membrane structure
  71. Bratanič B; Žuvić-Butorac M; Batista U; Nemec M; Schara M
    The effect of bilirubin membrane lateral domain structure of mouse neuroblastoma cells
  72. Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Batista Urška; Haegerstrand Henry; Iglič Aleš; Majhenc Janja; Sok Miha
    On mechanisms of cell plasma membrane vesiculation
  73. Buhanec B; Batista M; Vlaović M; Komadina R
    Optimalni in intrahospitalni tretnam u politraumi
  74. Kralj-Iglič V; Batista U; Iglič A; Majhenc J; Sok M
    On mechanisms of cell plasma membrane vesiculation
  75. Sterle Maksimiljan; Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Batista Urška
    The effect of epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor beta1 on proliferation and differentiation of urothelial cells in urinary bladder explant culture
  76. Jezernik K; Sterle M; Batista U
    The distinct steps of cell detachment during development of mouse uroepithelial cells in the bladder
  77. Batista Tina
    Razporeditev jeder v področju motorične ploščice pri hitri in počasni skeletni mišici podgane
    [The distribution of nuclei in the synaptic region of fast-and slow-twitch skeletal muscles of the rat]
  78. Sepčić K; Batista U; Vacelet J; Maček P; Turk T
    Biological activities of aqueous extracts from marine sponges and cytotoxic effects of 3-alkylpyridinium polymers from Reniera sarai
  79. Batista U; Bratanič B; Nemec M; Schara M
    Toxic effects of bilirubin on V-79 cells I. bilirubin cytotoxicity in vitro
  80. Bratanič B; Žuvić-Butorac M; Batista U; Nemec M; Schara M
    Toxic effects of bilirubin on V-79 cells II. EPR study of membrane structuring
  81. Žuvić-Butorac M; Schara M; Batista U
    Lateral heterogeneity of biomembranes. An EPR study on erythrocytes and fibroblasts
  82. Batista U; Miklavčič D; Šemrov D; Mir LM
    Effects of direct electric current on normal and transformed cell lines
  83. Batista Urška; Šentjurc Marjeta
    EPR study of the sea anemone cytolysin, equinatoxin II, cytotoxicity on V-79 cells
  84. Kolenc-Krajnik A; Batista U; Križaj D
    Response of fibroblasts to low intensity direct and biphasic currents
  85. Batista U; Miklavčič D; Serša G
    The effect of low level dierct curent on V-79 cell line in vitro
  86. Batista U; Jezernik K
    Morphological changes of V-79 cells after equinatoxin II treatment
  87. Kosanovič M; Čretnik A; Batista M
    Subcutaneous suturing of the ruptured Achilles tendon under local anaesthesia
  88. Batista U; Miklavčič D; Serša G
    Low level direct current - cell culture fibroblast model
  89. Batista U; Šentjurc M
    Respiration measurements of V-79 cells by EPR method
  90. Dermastia M; Filipič B; Batista U
    The effects of a plant growth regulator, jasmonic acid, on some mammalian fibroblast cell lines
  91. Batista U; Maček P; Sedmak B
    The cytotoxic and cytolitic activity of equinatoxin II from the sea anemone Actinia equina
  92. Serša G; Miklavčič D; Batista U; Novaković S; Bobanović F; Vodovnik L
    Anti-tumor effect of electrotherapy alone or in combination with interleukin-2 in mice with sarcoma and melanoma tumors
  93. Kališnik M; Batista U; Kecman M; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Matavulj M; Pajer Z; Pavlin K; Pezdirc M; Svetina S; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Trobina M; Vraspir-Porenta O; Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Endokrinij in malignomi XX
  94. Svetina S; Žekš B; Batista U
    Rast celic v kulturi pri spremenjenih fizikalno-kemijskih pogojih
  95. Batista U; Jezernik K; Maček P; Sedmak B
    Morphological evidence of cytotoxic and cytolytic activity of equinatoxin. II
  96. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Influence of soluble tumor products on adherence of MNC and tumor growth rate
  97. Batista U; Maček P; Sedmak B
    The influence of equinatoxin II on V-79-379 cell line
  98. Sedmak B; Batista U
    Celične kulture živalskih celic. 1. Oprema laboratorija in nekatere lastnosti celic
  99. Serša G; Batista U; Krošl G; Rudolf Z
    Influence of soluble tumor products on growth of V-79 cells and methylcholanthrene carcinogenesis in mice
  100. Serša G; Krošl G; Batista U; Rudolf Z
    Soluble tumor products inhibit normal mononuclear cells properties and enhance tumor growth

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