biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 34.603-34.702

  1. Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Limfocitne podvrste v kroničnih periapikalnih parodontitisih
    [Lymphocyte subpopulations in chronical periapical parodontitis]
  2. Židanik Miloš; Židanik Suzana
    Pogostnost osebnostnih motenj v psihiatrični ambulanti
    [Personality disorders diagnosed in psychiatric ambulatory care]
  3. Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun Irma; Drobnič Sašo; Tomaževič Tomaž; Talan Tanja; Peterlin Borut; Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Nosečnost in otroci po metodi neposrednega vnosa semenčice v citoplazmo jajčne celice na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani: retrospektivna študija ob rojstvu 101. otroka
    [Pregnancies and children after intracytoplasmic sperm injection attempt at the Department of obstretics and gynecology in Ljubljana: retrospective study after the birth of 101 children]
  4. Perharič Lucija; Shaw Debbie; Colbridge Mark; House Ivan; Leon Christine; Murray Virginia
    Toxicological problems resulting from exposure to traditional remedies and food supplements
  5. Adukauskiene D; Rumba A
    Acute renal failure protection in acetic acid poisoning
  6. Koželj Vesna
    The basis for presurgical orthopedic treatment of infants with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate
  7. Simon Steven R
    Moses Maimoides: srednjeveški zdravnik in filozof
    [Moses Maimonides. Medieval physician and scholar]
  8. Maček Vasilija
    Akutni bronhiolitis pri otroku
  9. Raguž K; Jerković V; Kraljik D; Latić F; Samardžić J; Bano V; Penavić I
    Naše izkušnje z laparoskopskim zdravljenjem malignih bolezni širokega črevesa
    [Our experience with laparoscopic management of colorectal carcinoma]
  10. Perko Zdravko; Čala Zoran; Mimica Željko; Vračko Jože
    Razvoj novih inštrumentov za endoskopsko kirurgijo in nov instrument disektor - škarjice
    [Development of new endoscopic instruments and new endoscopic dissecting scissors]
  11. Klokočovnik Tomislav
    Endoanevrizmorafija anevrizme abdominalne aorte skozi minimalno laparotomijo
    [Endoaneurysmorrhaphy - minimally invasive abdominal aortic aneurysm repair]
  12. Gorenšek Milan
    Vpliv odstranjevanja krvnega strdka pri peptični razjedi na učinkovitost injekcijske skleroterapije
    [Influence of clot removal on the success of injection sclerotherapy in peptic ulcer]
  13. Kopriva Silvester
    Mehanski vzroki za piskanje v prsih pri otroku
  14. Zorko B; Rozman J; Seliškar A
    Influence of electrical stimulation on regeneration of the radial nerve in dogs
  15. Rozman Sanja
    Napredujemo lahko le celostno
  16. Pihlar Zdenka
    Gib v funkciji obvladovanja okolja
  17. Marinček Črt
    Trendi razvoja rehabilitacije v modernem svetu
  18. Katičić Miroslava; Duvnjak Marko; Vucelić Boris; Križman Igor; Pavić-Sladoljev Dubravka; Čulig Josip
    Azithromycin and ranitidine bismuth citrate with/without amoxicillin for helicobacter pylori eradication
  19. Gubina Marija; Tepeš Bojan; Gorenjček Milan; Križman Igor; Ihan Alojz; Poljak Mario
    Sensitivity of Helicobacter pylori to eight antibiotics
  20. Čižman Milan; Seme Katja; Oražem Andreja; Pokorn Marko
    The effect of increased macrolide consumption on resistance to erythromycin (ERY) and azithromycin (AZI) among commmon respiratory pathogens in Slovenia
  21. Strle Franc; Maraspin Vera
    Is azithromicyn treatment associated with the prolongation of Q-Tc interval?
  22. Mušič Ema; Tomič Viktorija
    Clinical and in vitro efficacy of macrolides in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  23. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 5th international conference on the macrolides, azalides, streptogramins, ketolides and oxazolidinones: ICMAS; 2000 Jan 26-28; Seville, Spain
  24. Ihan-Hren N; Gubina M; Ihan A
    Cytotoxic T lymphocytes in periapical granulomas
  25. Rugelj Darja
    Živčno-mišični prenos v ohromelih mišicah bolnikov po možganski kapi
    [Neuromuscular transmission in weak muscles after stroke]
  26. Petrovec Miroslav
    Erlihioza v Sloveniji: molekularno - epidemiološke značilnosti
    [Erlichiosis in Slovenia: molecular and epidemiological characteristics]
  27. Zupanič Irena
    Uvedba preiskave DNA za prepoznavanje oseb in preverjanje sorodstvenih povezav v slovenski populaciji
    [An introduction of forensic DNA analysis for human identification and for determing relatedness in the Slovenian population]
  28. Honzak Lidija
    Študij funkcijskih lastnosti izoliranih mitohondrijev z metodo EPR
  29. Honzak Lidija
    Preučevanje funkcijskih stanj mitohondrijev z EPR oksimetrijo
    [The study of functional states of mitochondria with EPR oximetry]
  30. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Šentjurski medikus: iz ambulantne knjige dr. Josipa Ipavca (1873-1921)
    [From the records of practice: dr. Josip Ipavec (1873-1921)]
  31. Boudry Christophe; Coster Michel; Herlin Paulette; Chermant Jean-Louis
    Influence of microscopical magnification on speed and quality of DNA measurement of archival tumors
  32. Boudry Christophe; Coster Michel; Chermant Liliane; Herlin Paulette; Chermant Jean-Louis
    Convex hulls in Z2: application to cell sorting
  33. Overgaard-Larsen Jytte; Gundersen Hans Joergen G
    Virtual test system for global spatial sampling in thick, arbitrarily orientated uniform, random sections
  34. Tang Yong; Nyengaard Jens R; Baandrup Ulrik; Gundersen Hans Joergen G
    Design-based stereology of the human heart
  35. Ruijter Jan M; Christoffels Vincent M; Moorman Antoon FM; Lamers Wouter H
    Densitometric and stereological determination of zonal gene expression in liver
  36. Mueller-Premru Manica; Gubina Marija
    Serotype, antimicrobial susceptibility and clone distribution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a University hospital
  37. Hojs R
    Kidney biopsy and power Doppler imaging
  38. Brcar Polona
    Spolnost in AIDS
  39. Sipek A; Suhar A; Kveder T; Gabrijelčič D; Rozman B
    Counterimmunoelectrophoresis, a simple method for the detection of antibodies against a group of immunoreactive peptides of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex-M2 mitochondrial antigens
  40. Kveder T; Praprotnik S; Lestan B; Božič B; Rozman B
    Immunoelectrophoretic comigration of antibodies against SL/Ki and La. A possible reason for misinterpretation of CIE results.
  41. Wraber T
    Die floristische Erforschung des Alpenanteils Sloweniens im 20. Jahrundert: Resultate und Perspektiven
  42. Nolimal Dušan
    Qualitative research final draft report. Qualitative study of opiate addicts in Ljubljana. Joint Pompidou group/UNDCP project: extension of the multi-city network to central and eastern Europe. Phase II.
  43. Nolimal Dušan
    Report on implementation of epidemiology training activities: Ljubljana. Joint Pompidou group/UNDCP project: extension of the multi-city network to central and eastern Europe. Phase II.
  44. Stankovski Vlado; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Smrke Dragica; Kersnič Boštjan
    Vis et pressus in coxa simulator
  45. Princi Tanja; Peterec Daniel
    Autonomic nervous function in rabbit myocardium after atropine administration: evaluation by spectral analysis of R-R interval variability
  46. Božič Borut; Rozman Blaž
    Zdravljenje revmatoidnega artritisa s kortikosteroidi
    [Corticosteroid treatment of rheumathoid arthritis]
  47. Ravnikar Maja; Žel Jana; Petrovič Nataša; Grum Mateja; Mavrič Irena; Stanič Darja; Demšar Tina; Dovč Peter; Avguštin Gorazd; Marinšek-Logar Romana; Štrukelj Borut; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Kus Miloš; Eržen-Vodenik Maša; Pepelnjak-Galič Marija; Seljak Gabrijel
    Uporaba rastlinske biotehnologije za varstvo rastin - Razvoj identifikacijskih metod za rastlinske patogene in ovregnotenje transgenih rastlin: letno poročilo
  48. Kovač Maja; Ravnikar Maja
    The interaction of jasmonic acid, sucrose and light is reflected in photosynthetic pigment metabolism in potatoes grown in vitro
  49. Cameron NG; Birks HJB; Jones JV; Berge F; Catalan J; Flower RJ; Garcia J; Kawecka B; Koinig KA; Šiško M; et al ;
    Surface-sediment and epilithic diatom pH calibration sets for remote European mountain lakes (AL:PE project) and their comparison with the surface waters acidification programme (SWAP) calibration set
  50. Stanič Darja; Štrukelj Borut; Štrucl Renata; Demšar Tina; Reavy Brian; Barker Hugh; Žel Jana
    Transformation of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun by the coat protein gene of PVYntn
  51. Milavec Mojca; Kovač Maja; Ravnikar Maja
    Photosynthetic pigments in potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Igor after primary infection with potato virus Yntn
  52. Kreft Samo; Pompe Maruša; Ravnikar Maja; Umek Andrej; Štrukelj Borut
    Accumulation rate of rutin is decreased after infection of susceptible potato cultivar with PVYntn
  53. Vosatka Miroslav; Janša Jana; Regvar Marjana; Šramek František; Malcova Radka
    Inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi - a feasible biotechnology for horticulture
  54. Al-Sayegh-Petkovšek Samar; Kraigher Hojka
    Black types of ectomycorrhizae on six-month old Norway spruce seedlings
  55. Grebenc Tine; Rupnik Maja; Hacin Janez; Janc Miha; Kraigher Hojka
    A contribution on the studies of actinorhizal symbioses of Alnus spp. in Slovenia
  56. Germ Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka
    The effect of UV-B radiation and nutrient availability on growth and photochemical efficiency of PS II in common duckweed
  57. Mazej Zdenka; Gaberščik Alenka
    ETS-activity as a measure of vitality of different macrophyte species
  58. Paradiž Jasna; Lovka Milan
    Pollen grain bioassay for environmental pollution screening
  59. Vodnik Dominik; Gaberščik Alenka; Gogala Nada
    Lead phytotoxicity in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): the effect of Pb and zeatin-riboside on root respiratory potential
  60. Gaberščik Alenka
    UV-B radiation - how burning is it for plants?
  61. Brancelj Anton
    Posebnosti med vrstami nižjih rakov v Triglavskem narodnem parku
    [Special features of flower shrimps (Branchiopoda) in the Triglav national park]
  62. Rudež Josip; Sepčić Kristina; Sepčić Juraj
    Vaginally applied diquat intoxication
  63. Kuhar Irena; Žgur-Bertok Darja
    Transcription regulation of the colicin K cka gene reveals induction of colicin synthesis by differential responses to environmental signals
  64. Regvar Marjana; Kugonič Nives; Ferant Nataša; Likar Matevž; Brzin Jernej; Gros Milena; Golobinek Vanda
    Uporaba arbuskularno mikoriznih gliv za izboljšanje kvalitete zemlje in izboljšanje zdravja rastlin v kmetijstvu: letno poročilo za leto 1999
    [Managing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for improving soil quality and plant health agriculture]
  65. Jersabek CD; Brancelj A; Stoch F
    Distribution and ecology of copepods in mountainous regions of the eastern Alps
  66. Piškur-Kosmač Dunja
  67. Bryant-Mole Karen
    Pogovarjajmo se ... aids
    [We're talking about aids]
  68. Rakovec Peter; Šinkovec Matjaž; Samarin Silva
    Atrial and ventricular mapping using basket electrode catheter
  69. Zore Andrej
    Fibrinolitična aktivnost krvi med nosečnostjo in porodom: vloga tkivnega aktivatorja plazminogena in njegovih inhibitorjev
  70. Jevtič Vladimir; Kos-Golja Mojca; Rozman Blaž; McCall Iain
    Marginal erosive discovertebral "Romanus" lesions in ankylosing spondylitis demonstrated by contrast enhancemend Gd-DTPA magnetic resonance imaging
  71. Smole-Možina Sonja; Rozman Damjana; Raspor Peter
    Molecular markers of Schwanniomyces (Debaryomyces) YEAST
    [Molekularni markerji Schwanniomyces (Debaryomyces) kvasovk]
  72. Švab Vesna
    Vpliv psihosocialne rehabilitacije na kakovost življenja duševno bolnih
    [Psyhosocial rehabilitation and relation to quality of life of people with severe mental disorders]
  73. Kos-Golja Mojca
    Revmatološki priročnik za družinskega zdravnika
  74. Pavlin Rudi
    Statini in ubikinon (koencim Q10)
    [Statins and ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10)]
  75. Dolenc-Grošelj Leja; Meglič Bernard; Popović Mara
    Prikaz bolnika z dvema primarnima pljučnima karcinomoma in nevrološko simptomatiko: zasevki v možganih in paraneoplastičnim sindromom
    [Report of a patient with two primary lung carcinoma and neurological manifestations: metastasis in the brain and paraneoplastic syndrome]
  76. Bratanič Nevenka; Uršič-Bratina Nataša; Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Brecelj-Kobe Mojca; Kržišnik Ciril; Battelino Tadej
    Somatske značilnosti otrok in mladostnikov z anoreksijo nervozo - 10 letno obdobje
    [Somatic characteristics of children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa - 10-years follow-up]
  77. Kersnik Janko
    Patients's satisfaction with family practice: comparison between Europe and Slovenia
    [Zadovoljstvo bolnikov z zdravnikom družinske medicine: primerjava med Evropo in Slovenijo]
  78. Peterlin B; Kunej T; Zorn B; Gregorič J; Debevec M
    Microdeletions du chromosome Y et sterilite
  79. Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Šinkovec J
    Relations entre certains parameters cliniques, biologiques et hormonaux et l'observation de vaisseaux intratesticulaires a paroi epaissie chez les hommes infertiles
  80. Anonymous ;
    15e congres societe d'andrologie de langue Francaise; 1998 10-12 dec; Lyon
  81. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Potočnik Uroš; Golouh Rastko; Cerar Anton; Glavač Damjan
    Molecular screening approach for identification of families with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
  82. Peterlin B; Kunej T; Zorn B
    Y chromosome deletions in the Slovene subfertile men
  83. Glavač Damjan; Gorinšek Benjamin; Caserman Simon; Potočnik Uroš; Ravnik-Glavač Metka
    K-ras and P53 mutations in colorectal tumors and replication error (RER+) phenotype
  84. Anonymous ;
    European science foundation conference on inherited disorders and their genes in different European populations; 1999 May 6-10; Obernai, Strasbourg
  85. Bavec A; Jureus B; Langel Ue; Zorko M
    Amphipathic peptitergent PD1 - modulator of the GTPase activity of rat brain cortical membranes
  86. Anonymous ;
    Poster abstracts of the International summer school on molecular mechanisms of signal transduction.; 1999 Aug 16-28; Island of Spetsai, Greece
  87. Sočan M; Marinič-Fister N; Kraigher A
    The etiology of pneumonia in hospitalized patients
  88. Božič B; Novak VM; Čučnik S; Hojnik M; Kveder T
    Measurements of antibodies against beta2-glycoprotein l in 219 blood donnors' sera: determination of cut-off value
  89. George J; Blank M; Gilburd B; Hojnik M; Shenkman B; Tamarin I; Varon D; Matsuura E; Koike T; Shoenfeld Y
    Immunologic characterization and functional properties of murine antibodies raised against deleted recombinant preparations of human beta 2 glycoprotein I: a study based on comparison with human "autoimmune" antiphospholid antibodies
  90. Hojnik M; Matssura E; George J; Blank M; Gilburd B; Božič B; Kveder T; Koike T; Shoenfeld Y
    Antibodies induced by beta2-glycoprotein I and its deleted mutant lacking domain V
  91. Herman Srečko
    Desetletje 2000-2010 posvečeno boleznim kosti in sklepov
  92. Šprah Lilijana
    Učinek spojine LEK-8829 na dopaminskih receptorjih pri podgani z enostransko okvaro striatuma
  93. Prelec-Lainščak Jolanda; Šeruga Maja
    Dieta pri boleznih jeter, žolča in vnetju trebušne slinavke
  94. Irman-Florjanc Tatjana
    Amitriptyline affects a disposition of histamine in the rat
  95. Ferjan I; Erjavec F
    Effect of Ca 2+ ions on the inhibition of histamine and serotonin secretion caused by phenothiazines
  96. Robnik-Šikonja Marko; Kononenko Igor
    Attribute dependencies, understandability and split selection in tree based models
  97. Pompe Uroš
    Noise-tolerant recursive best-first induction
  98. Mladenić Dunja; Grobelnik Marko
    Feature selection for unbalanced class distribution and naive Bayes
  99. Gamberger Dragan; Lavrač Nada; Grošelj Ciril
    Experiments with noise filtering in a medical domain
  100. Falež M; Pahor D
    Spremembe v vzrokih hospitalizacije med letoma 1993 in 1997 na očesnem oddelku SBM
    [The differences in reasons for hospital admission on the Department of ophthalomology, General hospital of Maribor in the years 1993 and 1997]

   34.103 34.203 34.303 34.403 34.503 34.603 34.703 34.803 34.903 35.003  

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