biomedicina slovenica

"Upper Extremity" : 87

  1. Cikajlo Imre; Hukić Alma; Udovčić Pertot Anja
    The size and behavior of virtual objects have influence on functional exercise and motivation of persons with multiple sclerosis
  2. Pilih Klemen Aleš; Kozic Mitja
    Partial triceps tendon avulsion delayed reconstruction using Achilles tendon allograft, a case report
  3. Lemmers Richard J. L. F.; Vliet Patrick van der; Blatnik Ana; Balogh Judit; Zidar Janez; Henderson D.; Goselink Rianne; Tapscott Stephen J.; Voermans Nicol C.; Tawil Rabi N.
    Chromosome 10q-linked FSHD identifies DUX4 as principal disease gene
  4. Kostanjšek Laura; Groleger Sršen Katja
    Mnenje uporabnikov o učinku podpražne električne stimulacije na spastičnost in funkcijo zgornjega uda pri otrocih in mladostnikih z okvaro osrednjega živčevja
    [User opinions of the effect of subthreshold electrical stimulation on spasticity and upper limb function in children and adolescents with central nervous impairment]
  5. Groleger Sršen Katja
    Učinkovitost robotsko podprte vadbe za izboljšanje funkcije roke pri otroku z okvaro osrednjega živčevja
    [Efficiency of robot-assisted training for improving hand and arm function in a child with brain impairment]
  6. Kafel Tibor; Kidrič Urška; Miklič Urška; Grabner Petra; Vesenjak Anja; Štefančič Smisl Tatjana; Vidovič Marko
    Učinkovitost robotizirane vadbe zgornjih udov pri osebah z okvaro vratnega dela hrbtenjače
    [Effectiveness of Robot-assisted upper limb therapy for people with cervical spinal cord injury]
  7. Zernec Sara; Šuc Lea; Groleger Sršen Katja
    Ocena ustreznosti normativnih podatkov za test škatle in kock za vzorec otrok v Sloveniji
    [Evaluation of the norm scores of the box and blocks test for a sample of children in Slovenia]
  8. Puh Urška; Vovk Andrej; Serša Igor; Šuput Dušan
    is there a relationship between M1 cortex activation and upper extremity motor characteristics during acute stage after stroke?
  9. Perdan-Pirkmajer Katja; Kramarič Jelka; Tomšič Matija; Hočevar Alojzija
    Bilateral finger ischemia due to hand artery thrombosis caused by repeated movements
  10. Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka; Burgar Matej; Mlakar Maja; Kos Tomaž
    Mnenje uporabnikov električnih protez v Sloveniji o pomenu zaznavanja s protezo
    [Opinion of myoelectric upper limb prosthesis users in Slovenia about importance of sensation with prosthesis]
  11. Šuc Lea; Pihlar Zdenka; Kovačič Tjaša; Poljšak Iva; Renuša Andreja; Ribanović Amel; Vidmar Gaj
    Normativni podatki za southamptonski test za ocenjevanje roke (SHAP) za otroke v Sloveniji
    [Normative data for the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure for children in Slovenia]
  12. Grabner Petra; Miklič Urška; Puzić Ravnjak Nataša
    Vpliv vozička na ročni pogon na biomehaniko poganjanja in okvaro zgornjih udov pri osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače
    [The impact of manual wheelchair on biomehanics of propulsion and upper extremity disorder in persons with spinal cord injury]
  13. Pajek Jernej; Malovrh Marko
    Preoperative ultrasound still valuable for radio-cephalic arteriovenous fistula creation?
  14. Burger Helena; Vidmar Gaj
    A survey of overuse problems in patients with acquired or congenital upper limb deficiency
  15. Postema Sietke G.; Bongers Raoul M.; Brouwers Michael A. H.; Burger Helena; Norling Hermansson Liselotte M.; Reneman Michiel F.; Dijkstra Pieter U.; Sluis Corry K. van der
    Musculoskeletal complaints in transverse upper limb reduction deficiency and amputation in the Netherlands
  16. Tonin Katarina; Stražar Klemen; Vidmar Gaj; Tomšič Igor; Burger Helena
    The relationship between different adaptational changes and injury in the dominant shoulder of female overhead athletes
  17. Strnad Matej
    Rentgensko (RTG) slikanje zgornjega uda
  18. Košutić Damir; Vrabič Erik; Šparaš Bojan; Šparaš Karel; Miksić Kazimir; Pejković Božena; Šolinc Matjaž
    Use of spare parts for primary functional reconstruction of severe mutilating upper arm and forearm injuries in polytraumatised patient
  19. Programme and Abstract Book
  20. Luzar Boštjan; Shanesmith Rebecca; Ramakrishnan Rathi; Fisher Cyril; Calonje Eduardo
    Cutaneous epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour
  21. Flis Vojko; Milotič Franko; Mrđja Božidar; Štirn Barbara; Mrđja Božidar; Kobilica Nina
    Tromboza globokih ven zgornjih udov in sindrom Paget-Schroetter
  22. Puh Urška; Šuput Dušan
    Relationship of primary motor cortex activation and upper extremity movement recovery during acute stage after stroke
  23. Kobilica Nina; Bergauer Andrej; Štirn Barbara; Milotič Franko; Mrđja Božidar; Flis Vojko
    TRaumatic vascular injuries of upper extremity
    [Poškodbe žil zgornje okončine]
  24. Rupnik Mihelčič Sara; Pihlar Zdenka; Kyberd Peter J.; Burger Helena
    Establishing normative data for the SHAP test in Slovenia
    [Normativni podatki za Southamptonski test za ocenjevanje roke (SHAP) v Sloveniji]
  25. Zadravec Matjaž; Matjačić Zlatko
    Toward minimum effort reaching trajectories formation in robot-based rehabilitation after stroke
  26. Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka; Vidmar Gaj
    A comparison of the University of New Brunswick Test of Prosthetic Function and the Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control
  27. Burger Helena
    Rehabilitation of persons following upper limb amputation
  28. Burger Helena
    Rehabilitacija osoba nakon amputacije
  29. Prosič Zdenka; Pihlar Zdenka; Vidmar Gaj; Rupnik Mihelčič Sara
    The impact of upper limb impairment on performing activities
  30. Burger Helena
    Factors related to overuse syndromes in subjects following upper limb amputation
  31. Burger Helena; Marinček Črt; Zupan Anton; Fidler Alojz
    Car adaptations for subjects following upper limb amputation
  32. Perčič Petra; Trlep Matic; Mihelj Matjaž; Puh Urška
    Učinki vadbe s sistemom BiMeo na izboljšanje gibanja zgornjega uda po možganski kapi
    [Effects of training with BiMeo system on the upper extremity movement recovery after stroke]
  33. Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka
    Primerjava podtestov testa UNB za testiranje uporabe proteze pri otrocih in mladostnikih
    [Comparison of subtests of the UNB test of prosthetic function in children and young adults]
  34. Burger Helena; Marinček Črt
    Driving ability following upper limb amputation
  35. Oblak Jakob; Perry Joel C.; Jung Je H.; Cikajlo Imre; Keller Thierry; Matjačić Zlatko
    A variable structure pantograph mechanism for comprehensive upper extremity haptic movement training
  36. Kobilica Nina; Bergauer Andrej; Flis Vojko
    Tromboza globokih ven zgornjih udov in sindrom Paget-Schroetter
    [Upper extremity deep vein thrombosis and Paget-Schroetter syndrome]
  37. Puh Urška; Vovk Andrej; Janša Jelka; Šuput Dušan
    Realtionship of primary motor cortex activation and upper extremity motor characteristics during acute stage after stroke
  38. Veselko Matjaž; Polajnar Janez
    Nove tehnike smučanja - nove poškodbe? Analiza smučarskih poškodb v letih 2004 in 2005
    [New skiing techniques - new injuries? Analysis of ski injuries in 2004/2005]
  39. Burger Helena; Franchignoni Franco; Heinemann Allen W.; Kotnik Slavi; Giordano Andrea
    Validation of the orthotics and prosthetics user survey upper extremity functional status module in people with unilateral upper limb amputation
  40. Ravnik Dean; Čebašek V
    Nerves of the upper extremity
  41. Puh Urška
    Okrevanje gibanja zgornjega uda v zgodnjem obdobju po možganski kapi
    [Motor recovery of upper extremity in the acute stage after stroke]
  42. Puh Urška; Vovk Andrej; Janša Jelka; Šuput Dušan
    Relationship of M1 cortex activation and upper extremity movement recovery during acute stage after stroke
  43. Bajuk Slavica; Damjan Hermina; Korelc Simona
    Intensive rehabilitation of 8-year old child after upper extremity replantation above the elbow
  44. Berlec Urša; Breznik Mateja; Rugelj Darja; Puh Urška
    Časovno merjeni funkcijski test zgornjega uda ARAT
    [Timed function test for upper extremity action research arm test]
  45. Bošnjak Roman; Bačovnik Urška; Podnar Simon; Benedičič Mitja
    T1-nerve root neuroma presenting with apical mass and Horner's syndrome
  46. Gnidovec Barbara; Golob Peter
    Vloga kuneatnega svežnja v vratnem somatosenzoričnem izvabljenem potencialu hrbtenjače
  47. Ferluga Igor; Gasparini Mladen
    Histološke spremembe hrbtenjače po izpuljenju korenin ramenskega pleteža pri podgani
  48. Puh Urška
    Okrevanje motorične skorje in gibanja zgornjega uda v zgodnjem obdonju po možganski kapi
    [Recovery of motor cortex and upper extremity movement during acute stage after stroke]
  49. Popović M; Tavčar R; Glavač D; Volavšek M; Pirtošek Z; Vizjak A
    Light chain deposition disease restricted to the brain: the first case report
  50. Belič Mirjam; Miljkovič Jovan; Marko Pij B
    Sporotrichoid presentation of Mycobacterium marinum infection of the upper extremity. A case report
  51. Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
    Kronična bolečina
    [Chronic pain syndromes for upper extremity: frequent diagnostic and therapeutic failures]
  52. Arnež Z M; Solinc M; Pogorelec D; Planinšek F; Janežič T; Stritar B; Leskovšek A; Ahčan U; Božikov K; Repež A; Arnež Tine
    Review of upper extremity reconstructions by emergency free flaps
  53. Dobravec Marko
    Konzervativno zdravljenje tipičnih zlomov
  54. Margić K; Pirc J
    A step towards division of CRPS and similar painful disorders involving upper extremity
  55. Margić K; Pirc J
    Are there three different subtypes of CRPS I involving upper extremity?
  56. Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
    The treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) involving upper extremity with continuous sensory analgesia
  57. Flis Vojko; Mrdža Božidar; Štirn Barbara; Milotič Franko
    Kradež z ishemičnimi zapleti pri bolniku s hemodializno arteriovensko fistulo: prikaz primera
    [Steal with ishaemic complications in a patient with an anteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis: case report]
  58. Flis Vojko
    Raynaudov fenomen? Primer 38 letnega moškega z akutno ishemijo zgornjega uda
    [Raynaud's phenomenon? The case of 38 years old man with an acute ischaemia of upper extremity]
  59. Selles RW; Schreuders TAR; Stam HJ
    Peripheral nerve injury and brain plasticity; implications for treatment
  60. Jurca Irena; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
    Verifikacija poklicnih bolezni zaradi preobremenitev kit, kitnih ovojnic in kitnih narastišč zgornjega uda
    [Verification of professional diseases because of overuses of tendon, tendon sheets and tendon insertions of upper extremities]
  61. Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka; Marinček Črt
    Comparison of clinical test and questionnaires for the evaluation of upper limb prosthetic use in children
  62. Mlakar M; Burgar M; Burger H
    The most frequent problems in rehabilitation of children using myoelectric prostheses - a prosthetist's prospective
  63. Burger H; Pangeršič S; Brezovar D; Bardorfer A
    Evaluating the upper limb prosthetic use by haptic interface - prelimanry results
  64. Lenarčič Jadran; Klopčar Nives
    Uporaba kinematičnega modela pri ocenjevanju dosegljivosti gornje ekstremitete
  65. Malovrh Marko
    The role of sonography in the planning of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis
  66. Pilhar Zdenka; Pangeršič Slavica
    Role of occupational therapy in rehabilitation of war victims after upper extremity amputations
  67. Moharič Metka
    Ocenjevanje bolnikov z okvaro hrbtenjače - pregled
  68. Dovjak Neda; Blinc Aleš; Keber Dušan
    In vivo release of tissue-type plasminogen activator antigen from the human brachial artery
  69. Turk Zmago; Barovič Jože; Lonzarić Dragan
    Sudeckov sindrom i magnetoterapija
  70. Burger Helena
    Ocenjavnje izida rehabilitacije po amputaciji zgornjega uda
  71. Peroša D
    An overview of the titanium rods fixation in treating upper extremity fractures
  72. Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
    Kontinuirana senzorna analgezija olajša diferencialno diagnozo in zdravljenje kompleksnega regionalnega bolečinskega sindroma (CRPS/Sudeck)
    [Continuous sensory analgesia helps the differential diagnosis and the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS/RSD)]
  73. Vodušek David B
    Elektrofiziološka diagnostika živčnomišične prizadetosti ramenskega obroča
  74. Pirc Jelka
    Brachial plexus block for upper extremity arteriography
  75. Kosec Luka; Špiler Janda; Struhar Jan; But-Cigler Nada
    Blocade of plexus brachialis with infraclavicular vertical approach
  76. Ahčan Uroš
    Reinervacija kože po poškodbi perifernega živca pri človeku
    [Reinervation of the human skin after peripheral nerve injury]
  77. Bošnjak Roman
    Travmatske in obporodne poškodbe brahialnega pleteža
    [Traumatic and obstetrical injuries of brachial plexus]
  78. Andoljšek Matej
    Poškodbe pri deskanju na snegu
    [Snowboarding injuries]
  79. Ahčan Uroš; Arnež Zoran M; Janko Martin; Kolbl Jerneja
    Končna obnova občutljivosti in vegetativne funkcije po makroreplantacijah zgornjih udov
    [End-stage recovery of sensation and vegetative function after upper limb macroreplantations]
  80. Aćimović-Janežič Ruža; Bogataj Uroš; Stanič Uroš; Kljajić Miroljub; Goljar Nika; Lisatz Božena
    25 years of clinical experiences in using FES by hemiplegic patient, practiced in the Ljubljana rehabilitation institute
  81. Pavlovič M; Flis V; Matela J; Miksić K
    Surgical treatment of congenital arteriovenous communications: review of 6 cases
  82. Flis V
    Deep vein thrombosis - intraarterial application of the thrombolytic agent: a case report
  83. Mlinar S
    Odstranjevanje opornic in slačenje poškodovanca
    [Removing splints and undressing the trauma victim]
  84. Stanič U; Lenarčič J; Umek A; Aćimović-Janežič R; Gros N
    An approach to the quantitative evaluation of upper extremity function
  85. Flis V; Gregorčič F
    Gangrena prstov roke pri bolniku s hemodializno arteriovensko fistulo: prikaz primera
    [Hand fingers gangrene in a patient with an arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis: case report]
  86. Lenarčič J; Umek A; Filova V; Leonardi M; Solina F
    Upper extremity kinematics for studying FES induced movements
  87. Kralj A; Ačimovič R; Stanič U
    Enhancement of hemiplegic patient rehabilitation by means of functional electrical stimulation

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