biomedicina slovenica |
"Upper Extremity" : 87
Cikajlo Imre; Hukić Alma; Udovčić Pertot Anja
The size and behavior of virtual objects have influence on functional exercise and motivation of persons with multiple sclerosis
2022 ►
Pilih Klemen Aleš; Kozic Mitja
Partial triceps tendon avulsion delayed reconstruction using Achilles tendon allograft, a case report
2022 ►
Lemmers Richard J. L. F.; Vliet Patrick van der; Blatnik Ana; Balogh Judit; Zidar Janez; Henderson D.; Goselink Rianne; Tapscott Stephen J.; Voermans Nicol C.; Tawil Rabi N.
Chromosome 10q-linked FSHD identifies DUX4 as principal disease gene
2022 ►
Kostanjšek Laura; Groleger Sršen Katja
Mnenje uporabnikov o učinku podpražne električne stimulacije na spastičnost in funkcijo zgornjega uda pri otrocih in mladostnikih z okvaro osrednjega živčevja
[User opinions of the effect of subthreshold electrical stimulation on spasticity and upper limb function in children and adolescents with central nervous impairment]
2022 ►
Groleger Sršen Katja
Učinkovitost robotsko podprte vadbe za izboljšanje funkcije roke pri otroku z okvaro osrednjega živčevja
[Efficiency of robot-assisted training for improving hand and arm function in a child with brain impairment]
2022 ►
Kafel Tibor; Kidrič Urška; Miklič Urška; Grabner Petra; Vesenjak Anja; Štefančič Smisl Tatjana; Vidovič Marko
Učinkovitost robotizirane vadbe zgornjih udov pri osebah z okvaro vratnega dela hrbtenjače
[Effectiveness of Robot-assisted upper limb therapy for people with cervical spinal cord injury]
2022 ►
Zernec Sara; Šuc Lea; Groleger Sršen Katja
Ocena ustreznosti normativnih podatkov za test škatle in kock za vzorec otrok v Sloveniji
[Evaluation of the norm scores of the box and blocks test for a sample of children in Slovenia]
2021 ►
Puh Urška; Vovk Andrej; Serša Igor; Šuput Dušan
is there a relationship between M1 cortex activation and upper extremity motor characteristics during acute stage after stroke?
2010 ►
Perdan-Pirkmajer Katja; Kramarič Jelka; Tomšič Matija; Hočevar Alojzija
Bilateral finger ischemia due to hand artery thrombosis caused by repeated movements
2021 ►
Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka; Burgar Matej; Mlakar Maja; Kos Tomaž
Mnenje uporabnikov električnih protez v Sloveniji o pomenu zaznavanja s protezo
[Opinion of myoelectric upper limb prosthesis users in Slovenia about importance of sensation with prosthesis]
2020 ►
Šuc Lea; Pihlar Zdenka; Kovačič Tjaša; Poljšak Iva; Renuša Andreja; Ribanović Amel; Vidmar Gaj
Normativni podatki za southamptonski test za ocenjevanje roke (SHAP) za otroke v Sloveniji
[Normative data for the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure for children in Slovenia]
2018 ►
Grabner Petra; Miklič Urška; Puzić Ravnjak Nataša
Vpliv vozička na ročni pogon na biomehaniko poganjanja in okvaro zgornjih udov pri osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače
[The impact of manual wheelchair on biomehanics of propulsion and upper extremity disorder in persons with spinal cord injury]
2018 ►
Pajek Jernej; Malovrh Marko
Preoperative ultrasound still valuable for radio-cephalic arteriovenous fistula creation?
2017 ►
Burger Helena; Vidmar Gaj
A survey of overuse problems in patients with acquired or congenital upper limb deficiency
2016 ►
Postema Sietke G.; Bongers Raoul M.; Brouwers Michael A. H.; Burger Helena; Norling Hermansson Liselotte M.; Reneman Michiel F.; Dijkstra Pieter U.; Sluis Corry K. van der
Musculoskeletal complaints in transverse upper limb reduction deficiency and amputation in the Netherlands
2016 ►
Tonin Katarina; Stražar Klemen; Vidmar Gaj; Tomšič Igor; Burger Helena
The relationship between different adaptational changes and injury in the dominant shoulder of female overhead athletes
2011 ►
Strnad Matej
Rentgensko (RTG) slikanje zgornjega uda
2007 ►
Košutić Damir; Vrabič Erik; Šparaš Bojan; Šparaš Karel; Miksić Kazimir; Pejković Božena; Šolinc Matjaž
Use of spare parts for primary functional reconstruction of severe mutilating upper arm and forearm injuries in polytraumatised patient
2008 ►
Programme and Abstract Book
2007 ►
Luzar Boštjan; Shanesmith Rebecca; Ramakrishnan Rathi; Fisher Cyril; Calonje Eduardo
Cutaneous epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour
2015 ►
Flis Vojko; Milotič Franko; Mrđja Božidar; Štirn Barbara; Mrđja Božidar; Kobilica Nina
Tromboza globokih ven zgornjih udov in sindrom Paget-Schroetter
2011 ►
Puh Urška; Šuput Dušan
Relationship of primary motor cortex activation and upper extremity movement recovery during acute stage after stroke
2007 ►
Kobilica Nina; Bergauer Andrej; Štirn Barbara; Milotič Franko; Mrđja Božidar; Flis Vojko
TRaumatic vascular injuries of upper extremity
[Poškodbe žil zgornje okončine]
2014 ►
Rupnik Mihelčič Sara; Pihlar Zdenka; Kyberd Peter J.; Burger Helena
Establishing normative data for the SHAP test in Slovenia
[Normativni podatki za Southamptonski test za ocenjevanje roke (SHAP) v Sloveniji]
2014 ►
Zadravec Matjaž; Matjačić Zlatko
Toward minimum effort reaching trajectories formation in robot-based rehabilitation after stroke
2014 ►
Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka; Vidmar Gaj
A comparison of the University of New Brunswick Test of Prosthetic Function and the Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control
2014 ►
Burger Helena
Rehabilitation of persons following upper limb amputation
2013 ►
Burger Helena
Rehabilitacija osoba nakon amputacije
2013 ►
Prosič Zdenka; Pihlar Zdenka; Vidmar Gaj; Rupnik Mihelčič Sara
The impact of upper limb impairment on performing activities
2013 ►
Burger Helena
Factors related to overuse syndromes in subjects following upper limb amputation
2013 ►
Burger Helena; Marinček Črt; Zupan Anton; Fidler Alojz
Car adaptations for subjects following upper limb amputation
2013 ►
Perčič Petra; Trlep Matic; Mihelj Matjaž; Puh Urška
Učinki vadbe s sistemom BiMeo na izboljšanje gibanja zgornjega uda po možganski kapi
[Effects of training with BiMeo system on the upper extremity movement recovery after stroke]
2013 ►
Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka
Primerjava podtestov testa UNB za testiranje uporabe proteze pri otrocih in mladostnikih
[Comparison of subtests of the UNB test of prosthetic function in children and young adults]
2013 ►
Burger Helena; Marinček Črt
Driving ability following upper limb amputation
2013 ►
Oblak Jakob; Perry Joel C.; Jung Je H.; Cikajlo Imre; Keller Thierry; Matjačić Zlatko
A variable structure pantograph mechanism for comprehensive upper extremity haptic movement training
2010 ►
Kobilica Nina; Bergauer Andrej; Flis Vojko
Tromboza globokih ven zgornjih udov in sindrom Paget-Schroetter
[Upper extremity deep vein thrombosis and Paget-Schroetter syndrome]
2010 ►
Puh Urška; Vovk Andrej; Janša Jelka; Šuput Dušan
Realtionship of primary motor cortex activation and upper extremity motor characteristics during acute stage after stroke
2008 ►
Veselko Matjaž; Polajnar Janez
Nove tehnike smučanja - nove poškodbe? Analiza smučarskih poškodb v letih 2004 in 2005
[New skiing techniques - new injuries? Analysis of ski injuries in 2004/2005]
2008 ►
Burger Helena; Franchignoni Franco; Heinemann Allen W.; Kotnik Slavi; Giordano Andrea
Validation of the orthotics and prosthetics user survey upper extremity functional status module in people with unilateral upper limb amputation
2008 ►
Ravnik Dean; Čebašek V
Nerves of the upper extremity
2007 ►
Puh Urška
Okrevanje gibanja zgornjega uda v zgodnjem obdobju po možganski kapi
[Motor recovery of upper extremity in the acute stage after stroke]
2007 ►
Puh Urška; Vovk Andrej; Janša Jelka; Šuput Dušan
Relationship of M1 cortex activation and upper extremity movement recovery during acute stage after stroke
2007 ►
Bajuk Slavica; Damjan Hermina; Korelc Simona
Intensive rehabilitation of 8-year old child after upper extremity replantation above the elbow
2007 ►
Berlec Urša; Breznik Mateja; Rugelj Darja; Puh Urška
Časovno merjeni funkcijski test zgornjega uda ARAT
[Timed function test for upper extremity action research arm test]
2007 ►
Bošnjak Roman; Bačovnik Urška; Podnar Simon; Benedičič Mitja
T1-nerve root neuroma presenting with apical mass and Horner's syndrome
2007 ►
Gnidovec Barbara; Golob Peter
Vloga kuneatnega svežnja v vratnem somatosenzoričnem izvabljenem potencialu hrbtenjače
1995 ►
Ferluga Igor; Gasparini Mladen
Histološke spremembe hrbtenjače po izpuljenju korenin ramenskega pleteža pri podgani
1989 ►
Puh Urška
Okrevanje motorične skorje in gibanja zgornjega uda v zgodnjem obdonju po možganski kapi
[Recovery of motor cortex and upper extremity movement during acute stage after stroke]
2006 ►
Popović M; Tavčar R; Glavač D; Volavšek M; Pirtošek Z; Vizjak A
Light chain deposition disease restricted to the brain: the first case report
2007 ►
Belič Mirjam; Miljkovič Jovan; Marko Pij B
Sporotrichoid presentation of Mycobacterium marinum infection of the upper extremity. A case report
2006 ►
Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
Kronična bolečina
[Chronic pain syndromes for upper extremity: frequent diagnostic and therapeutic failures]
2006 ►
Arnež Z M; Solinc M; Pogorelec D; Planinšek F; Janežič T; Stritar B; Leskovšek A; Ahčan U; Božikov K; Repež A; Arnež Tine
Review of upper extremity reconstructions by emergency free flaps
2006 ►
Dobravec Marko
Konzervativno zdravljenje tipičnih zlomov
2006 ►
Margić K; Pirc J
A step towards division of CRPS and similar painful disorders involving upper extremity
2005 ►
Margić K; Pirc J
Are there three different subtypes of CRPS I involving upper extremity?
2004 ►
Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
The treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) involving upper extremity with continuous sensory analgesia
2003 ►
Flis Vojko; Mrdža Božidar; Štirn Barbara; Milotič Franko
Kradež z ishemičnimi zapleti pri bolniku s hemodializno arteriovensko fistulo: prikaz primera
[Steal with ishaemic complications in a patient with an anteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis: case report]
2005 ►
Flis Vojko
Raynaudov fenomen? Primer 38 letnega moškega z akutno ishemijo zgornjega uda
[Raynaud's phenomenon? The case of 38 years old man with an acute ischaemia of upper extremity]
2005 ►
Selles RW; Schreuders TAR; Stam HJ
Peripheral nerve injury and brain plasticity; implications for treatment
2005 ►
Jurca Irena; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
Verifikacija poklicnih bolezni zaradi preobremenitev kit, kitnih ovojnic in kitnih narastišč zgornjega uda
[Verification of professional diseases because of overuses of tendon, tendon sheets and tendon insertions of upper extremities]
2004 ►
Burger Helena; Brezovar Darinka; Marinček Črt
Comparison of clinical test and questionnaires for the evaluation of upper limb prosthetic use in children
2004 ►
Mlakar M; Burgar M; Burger H
The most frequent problems in rehabilitation of children using myoelectric prostheses - a prosthetist's prospective
2004 ►
Burger H; Pangeršič S; Brezovar D; Bardorfer A
Evaluating the upper limb prosthetic use by haptic interface - prelimanry results
2004 ►
Lenarčič Jadran; Klopčar Nives
Uporaba kinematičnega modela pri ocenjevanju dosegljivosti gornje ekstremitete
2003 ►
Malovrh Marko
The role of sonography in the planning of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis
2003 ►
Pilhar Zdenka; Pangeršič Slavica
Role of occupational therapy in rehabilitation of war victims after upper extremity amputations
2002 ►
Moharič Metka
Ocenjevanje bolnikov z okvaro hrbtenjače - pregled
2003 ►
Dovjak Neda; Blinc Aleš; Keber Dušan
In vivo release of tissue-type plasminogen activator antigen from the human brachial artery
2002 ►
Turk Zmago; Barovič Jože; Lonzarić Dragan
Sudeckov sindrom i magnetoterapija
2001 ►
Burger Helena
Ocenjavnje izida rehabilitacije po amputaciji zgornjega uda
2002 ►
Peroša D
An overview of the titanium rods fixation in treating upper extremity fractures
1999 ►
Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
Kontinuirana senzorna analgezija olajša diferencialno diagnozo in zdravljenje kompleksnega regionalnega bolečinskega sindroma (CRPS/Sudeck)
[Continuous sensory analgesia helps the differential diagnosis and the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS/RSD)]
2001 ►
Vodušek David B
Elektrofiziološka diagnostika živčnomišične prizadetosti ramenskega obroča
2001 ►
Pirc Jelka
Brachial plexus block for upper extremity arteriography
1996 ►
Kosec Luka; Špiler Janda; Struhar Jan; But-Cigler Nada
Blocade of plexus brachialis with infraclavicular vertical approach
1996 ►
Ahčan Uroš
Reinervacija kože po poškodbi perifernega živca pri človeku
[Reinervation of the human skin after peripheral nerve injury]
1998 ►
Bošnjak Roman
Travmatske in obporodne poškodbe brahialnega pleteža
[Traumatic and obstetrical injuries of brachial plexus]
1998 ►
Andoljšek Matej
Poškodbe pri deskanju na snegu
[Snowboarding injuries]
1998 ►
Ahčan Uroš; Arnež Zoran M; Janko Martin; Kolbl Jerneja
Končna obnova občutljivosti in vegetativne funkcije po makroreplantacijah zgornjih udov
[End-stage recovery of sensation and vegetative function after upper limb macroreplantations]
1998 ►
Aćimović-Janežič Ruža; Bogataj Uroš; Stanič Uroš; Kljajić Miroljub; Goljar Nika; Lisatz Božena
25 years of clinical experiences in using FES by hemiplegic patient, practiced in the Ljubljana rehabilitation institute
1996 ►
Pavlovič M; Flis V; Matela J; Miksić K
Surgical treatment of congenital arteriovenous communications: review of 6 cases
1996 ►
Flis V
Deep vein thrombosis - intraarterial application of the thrombolytic agent: a case report
1996 ►
Mlinar S
Odstranjevanje opornic in slačenje poškodovanca
[Removing splints and undressing the trauma victim]
1996 ►
Stanič U; Lenarčič J; Umek A; Aćimović-Janežič R; Gros N
An approach to the quantitative evaluation of upper extremity function
1989 ►
Flis V; Gregorčič F
Gangrena prstov roke pri bolniku s hemodializno arteriovensko fistulo: prikaz primera
[Hand fingers gangrene in a patient with an arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis: case report]
1994 ►
Lenarčič J; Umek A; Filova V; Leonardi M; Solina F
Upper extremity kinematics for studying FES induced movements
1993 ►
Kralj A; Ačimovič R; Stanič U
Enhancement of hemiplegic patient rehabilitation by means of functional electrical stimulation
1993 ►
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