biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 40.703-40.802

  1. Isakov E; Burger H; Gregorič M; Marinček Č
    Stump length as related to atrophy and strength of the amputated thigh muscles in below-knee amputees
  2. Karba R; Šemrov D; Vodovnik L; Benko H; Šavrin R
    DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement
  3. Dolenec A; Strojnik V
    Effect of superimposed electrical stimulation on relation between force and velocity of shortening
  4. Kralj-Iglič V; Iglič A; Svetina S; Žekš B
    The effect of the aspiration of the red blood cell into a micropipette on the lateral distribution of the membrane skeleton
  5. Kraigher A; Šmon L; Imenšek I; Gaberšek A; Vrbanc A; Plevelj B
    Analiza izvajanja imunizacijskega programa in drugih ukrepov za varstvo prebivalstva pred nalezljivimi boleznimi v Sloveniji v letu 1995
  6. Kraigher A; Hočevar-Grom A; Klavs I; Pahor L
    Epidemiološko spremljanje nalezljivih bolezni v Sloveniji v letu 1995
  7. Zgonc M; Baraga D; Kerpan-Izak M
    Uporaba računalnika pri delu fizioterapevta v osnovnem zdravstvenem varstvu
    [Use of computer in physiotherapist work in the primary health care]
  8. Raič G
    Minimalni in/ali skupni nabor podatkov? (Model za izgradnjo nacionalnega informacijskega sistema)
    [Minimum and/or common data set. (A model to upgrade a national information system)]
  9. Petras M
    Interaktivno delo z računalniškim programom SOVA v predšolski preventivi
    [Interactive work with the computer program SOVA in pre-school prevention]
  10. Moravec-Berger D; Rogač M
    Uporabnost ekvivalenčnih tabel med MKB-9 in MKB-10
    [Usefulness of the ICD-9 and ICD-10 equivalent tables]
  11. Ikica B; Prelesnik U
    Računalniški sistem spremljanja bolniškega staleža
    [Computer system for sick-leave supervision]
  12. Fidler V; Prepadnik M; Fettich J
    Autoadjustment of inputting GAMMA camera signals
  13. Rožić-Hristovski A
    Izobraževanje in usposabljanje na področju medicinske informatike
    [Education and training in medical informatics]
  14. Cerkvenik G; Ahčan U; Rems M; Slavec S
    Klinični informacijski sistem pri planiranju, upravljanju in odločanju v bolnišnicah (Pristop k načrtovanju in realizaciji IS klinike)
    [Clinical information system as a planning, management and decision in hospiatl health care (Approach to design and realization of the clinical information system)]
  15. Brus A
    Informacijska podpora managementu v zdravstvu
    [Health care management information support]
  16. Mihelin M; Grgič M
    Zajem podatkov o bolnikih na Inštitutu za klinično nevrofiziologijo
    [Capture of the patient data at the Institute of clinical neurophysiology]
  17. Berčič B; Pikec M; Slavec S; Zelič I; Zupan I
    Računalniški zapis podatkov o pacientu
    [Computerized registration of patient data]
  18. Ljubić B; Gantar A
    Uvajanje elektronskega poslovanja med Zavodom za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije in izvajalci zdravstenega varstva
    [Introduction of the electronic data interchange between HIIS and health care service providers]
  19. Marčun T
    Arhitektura odjemalec/strežnik za velike sisteme
    [Client-server architecture for mainframe systems]
  20. Albreht T; Paulin M; Gaspari I
    Preoblikovanje baze podatkov izvajalcev zdravstvene dejavnosti
    [Transformation of the health care service provider database]
  21. Božič D
    Standardi v zdravstveni informatiki - Kako do njih?
    [Standards in medical informatics - How to get to them?]
  22. Čuber S
    Opredelitev vsebine kartice in predlogi postopne uvedbe
    [Determination of the health insurance card contents and the proposal for its phased introduction]
  23. Esmeijer E
    Multi-country PHARE programme for the fight against drugs in central and eastern European countries: drug information stystems
  24. Kern J; Mašić N; Sonicki Z; Vuletič S
    Prediction of life expectancy achieving - comparison of induction algorithms
  25. Robinson N
    European health telematics and its implications for health care systems development in re-emerging countries
  26. Premik M
    Javnozdravstveni informacijski sistemi
    [Informations system in the public health care]
  27. Sovinc A
    Zdravstveni objekti skozi čas
    [The renaissance of the medical care]
  28. Kraigher A; Grom-Hočevar A; Pahor L
    Gibanje nalezljivih bolezni v Sloveniji v aprilu 1996
  29. Kostnapfel-Rihtar T; Kastelic A
    Najnovejša spoznanja o ibogainu
    [The latest about the ibogain]
  30. Jevtič Vladimir
    Ali je radiologija medicinska stroka?
    [Is the radiology the medical profession?]
  31. Merlo A
    Možnosti tržnega poslovanja (preživetja) specialnih bolnišnic v obdobju preoblikovanja slovenskega zdravstva
    [The possibilities of market operation (survival) of specialized hospitals in the period of reorganization of Slovenian health sector]
  32. Zupančič P
    Zagotavljanje kakovosti na ravni vodilne medicinske sestre zavoda Klinični center Ljubljana
    [Quality assurance on the leading nurse level at the University medical center]
  33. Šifrer F
    Zagotavljanje kakovosti na Oddelku za intenzivno nego in terapijo Inštituta za pljučne bolezni in tuberkulozo Golnik
    [Assurance of quality in the Department for intensive care and therapy of the Institute for pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis, Golnik]
  34. Šaver M
    Dokumentacija v sistemu kakovosti ZZV Nova Gorica
    [Documentation in the quality system of the Regional institute of public health of Nova Gorica]
  35. Repar M
    Prispevki za zdravstveno zavarovanje kot del javnih financ v Sloveniji
    [Contributions for health insurance as a part of public finances in Slovenia]
  36. Prelesnik U
    Informacijski sistem za management zdravstvenih domov
    [Information system for management of health centres]
  37. Pivec G
    Strateški plan razvoja Splošne bolnišnice Maribor
    [Strategic plan of developmen of General hospital in Maribor]
  38. Kristančič S; Žličar A
    Obvladovanje stroškov na Onkološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani
    [Managing of expences at the Institute for oncology in Ljubljana]
  39. Kogovšek-Vidmar T
    Farmacevtska preskrba in oskrba v Sloveniji z vidika lekarniške dejavnosti
    [Pharmaceutical provision and supply in Slovenia from the aspect of pharmacy services]
  40. Hočevar-Kozamernik I; Metelko F; Potočnik M
    Postavitev nacionalnega sistema za pridobivanje in razporejanje organov umrlih dajalcev za transplantacijo
    [Establishing national system for acquiring and disposing of deceased donors organs for transplantation]
  41. Bertole J
    Finančna samostojnost organizacijskih enot Kliničnega centra Ljubljana
    [Financial independence of organizational units of Medical centre Ljubljana]
  42. Banovac F
    Model kolektivnega pogajanja s sindikatom
    [The model of collective negotiating with syndicate]
  43. Hojs R
    Renal cell carcinoma and acquired cystic disease of the kidney patients on maintenance haemodialysis
  44. Enzmann G; Bianco F; Paolini F; Rossi M; Panzetta G
    Factors affecting blood volume and plasma refilling during hemodialysis
  45. Collodel L; Calconi G; Maresca MC; da Porto A; Teodori T; Vianello A
    Evaluation of the assumption of a linear decline of renal function in chronic renal failure after kidney transplantation
  46. Modena F; Piccoli A; Nachtigal J; Antonucci F
    Risk factors for the progression of chronic renal failure in man: a multivariate analysis
  47. Jerin L; Ladavac R; Zuban F; Grzalja N; Tenčić M; Fedel V
    Compliance and rehabilitation in patients on hemodialysis
  48. Kveder R
    Quality of life of patients with end-stage renal disease
  49. Toigo G; Situlin R; Ciocchi B; Pagoni G; Guarnieri GF
    Protein-energy malnutrition in patients with chronic renal failure
  50. Bazzato G; Coli U; Landini S; Fracasso A; Morachiello P; Righetto F; Scanferla F; Roncali D; Genchi R; Toffoletto PP
    Risk factors acting in the progression of renal failure
  51. Ponikvar R; Buturovič J
    Slovenian-Italian meeting on nephrology, Bled 1992: proceedings
  52. Calle EE; Heath CW; Miracle-McMahill HL; Coates RJ; Liff JM; Franceschi S; Košmelj K; Primic-Žakelj M; Ravnihar B; Stare J
    Breast cancer and hormonal contraceptives: collaborative reanalysis of individual data on 53 297 women with breast cancer and 100 239 women without breast cancer from 54 epidemiological studies
  53. Kos Janko; Štabuc Borut; Kraševec Marta; Schweiger Aana; Svetic Branka; Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Ocvirk Janja; Cimerman Nina; Rudolf Zvonimir; Vrhovec Ivan
    Lysosomal proteases cathepsins B, H, L and their inhibitors stefin A and cystatin C in sera of patients with metastatic melanoma
  54. Dolžan Vita; Rudolf Zvonimir; Breskvar Katja
    The role of polymorphic cytochrome P-450 genes in genetic susceptibility to carcinogens
  55. Čufer Tanja; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez; Šikić Branimir I
    Effect of cyclosporine A on serum cortisol levels in rabbits
  56. Ocvirk Janja; Štabuc Borut; Rudolf Zvonimir; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
    Serum cathepsin D in melanoma patients
  57. Rudolf Zvonimir
    Clinical relevance of advances in molecular biology and cancer genetics
  58. Lešničar Hotimir
    Prognostic factors in clinical thermoradiotherapy
  59. Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Škrk Janez; Šmid Lojze; Kos Janko; Vrhovec Ivan
    Cathepsins B, H, L, D and their endogenous inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck carcinoma
  60. Strojan P; Popović M; Petrič-Grabnar G; Župančič N; Jereb B
    Two unusual recurrences of intracranial germinoma
  61. Lamovec J; Bračko M; Cerar O; Isch L
    Familiarita del carcinoma a piccole cellule dell'ovaio
  62. Mavrič O
    Vloga anasteziologa pri zdravljenju rakave bolečine
  63. Rustemović N; Opačić M; Pulanić R; Vucelić B; Korać B; Frković M
    Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage under ultrasonic guidance in the therapy of cholangitis due to biliary malignant obstruction
  64. Ažman D
    Kronična bolečina pri bolniku z rakavo boleznijo: Pomembni dejavniki za uspešno zdravljenje bolečine
  65. Zakotnik B
    Bolečine v kosteh in maligna bolezen
  66. Barlič-Magajna D; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Gubenšek F; Turk V; Kregar I
    Obramba rastlin pred mikroorganizmi: izolacija in sekvenčna analiza gena za inhibitor aspartatnih proteinaz iz krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.)
    [Plant defense against microorganisms: isolation and sequence analysis of an aspartic proteinase inhibitor gene from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)]
  67. Veternik D; Zadnik T
    Hematological and biochemical profile of high yielding dairy cows on early spring pasture
  68. Modic T; Zadnik T
    Our experiences with caecal dilatation and volvulus in dairy cattle
  69. Vojtic I
    The relationship between proteinemia and semen traits in young bulls
  70. Zemljič B
    Definitive determination of histopathological features of dermatitis digitails
  71. Klinkon M; Nemec M; Jazbec I
    Red blood cell count in dairy cows of black-white breed at he birth stage
  72. Mesarič M; Nemec M; Zadnik T
    The variation of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in blood serum of dairy cows with regards to physiological time and feeding seasons
  73. Kovač Z
    Uvod v veterinarsko epidemiologijo. Kaj je veterinarska epidemiologija?
  74. Kovač Z
    Analiza ukrepov proti goveji spongiformni encefalopatiji v Sloveniji in po svetu
    [Analysis of measures against bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Slovenia and on the world]
  75. Pavlica Z
    Stomatology - prevention, basic therapy and first aid in injuries
  76. Zemljič B
    Specific procedure in treatment of pododermatitis circumscripta in high producing dairy cows
  77. Kovač Z
    Ukrepi v Sloveniji proti goveji spongiformni encefalopatiji
    [Slovenian measures against bovine spongiform encephalopathy]
  78. Krt B
    Encimskoimunski test za ugotavljanje protiteles proti toksinu beta Clostridium perfringens
    [Elisa for the detection of the antibodies against the Clostridium perfringens beta toxin]
  79. Kranjc Stanislav
    Preučevanje zajedavskih bolezni pri krapovskih ribah v ribnikih severovzhodne Slovenije
    [Examination of the parasitic diseases in cyprinid fishes from the fish ponds in north eastrn part of Slovenia]
  80. Mali M
    Program zdravstvenega varstva službenih psov
    [Programme for medical care of working dogs]
  81. Lukman K; Bačetić Z
    Sekundarni (renalni) hiperparatiroidizem
    [Secondary (renal) hyperparathyroidism]
  82. Domanjko-Petrič A
    Rentgenska diagnostika srčnega popuščanja pri psih in mačkah
    [Radiographic diagnosis of heart failure in dogs and cats]
  83. Bajc-Piškur S
    Prolapsus bulbi, prva pomoč, kirurško zdravljenje in komplikacije
  84. Gruntar I; Mehle J; Schweiger A; Krt B; Novak-Despot Ð
    Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi antigens
  85. Grom J
    Serological profile of pigs exposed to aujeszky's disease wildtype and gE-negative viral strains
  86. Zorman-Rojs O; Černe M; Mrzel I
    Experimental infection of the chickens whthout specific antibodies against infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) with field isolate of very virulent IBDV
  87. Kruljc P
    Uporaba butorfanol tartrata pri konjih
    [Use of butorphanol tartrat in horses]
  88. Zadnik T; Modic T; Mesarič M
    Dilatacija in torzija slepega črevesa pri molznicah
    [Cecal dilatation and volvulus in dairy cattle]
  89. Zabavnik-Piano J
    Deset let reakcije verižne polimerizacije
    [The first decade of the polymerase chain reaction]
  90. Kovač Z; Zakrajšek B
    Način in pogoji mednarodnega transporta živali v javnem prevozu v zračnem prometu
  91. Zadnik T; Jazbec I; Mesarič M
    Variation of hematological parameters of dairy cows in relation to time of day
    [Podnevno nihanje hematoloških parametrov pri molznicah]
  92. Smerdu V; Eržen I
    Correlation between fibre types and myosin heavy chain expression in adult porcine skeletal muscles
    [Korelacija med tipi vlaken in vsebnostjo težkih verig miozina v skeletnih mišicah odraslih prašičev]
  93. Snoj-Cvetko E; Smerdu V; Sketelj J; Dolenc I; d'Albis A; Eržen I; Janmot C
    The effect of cross innervation on myosin isoform synthesis in rat soleus muscle during regeneration
    [Učinek križne inervacije na sintezo miozinskih težkih verig med regeneracijo mišice soleus podgane]
  94. Eržen I; Tekavčič M; Obreza S; Smerdu V
    Is the prevailing metabolic profile of a muscle fibre related to the MHC pattern?
    [Ali je prevladujoča presnova mišičnega vlakna povezana z vzorcem težkih verig miozina?]
  95. Zadnik T; Jazbec I
    Lead concentration in blood of dairy cows as an indicator of environmental contamination
  96. Zadnik T; Jazbec I
    Dvajset let ugotavljanja vsebnosti svinca v krvi molznic: indikatorja onesnaženosti okolja v Mežiški dolini
    [Lead concentration in blood of dairy cows as an indicator of environmental contamination]
  97. Markelj M; Pavešič N; Gyergyek L
    Modified simulated annealing on medium grained MIMD architecture
  98. Krusinska E; Babič A; Slowinski R; Stefanowski J
    Comparison of the rough sets approach and probabilistic data analysis techniques on a common set of medical data
  99. Peterzen B; Loenn U; Babič A; Grandfeldt H; Casimir-Ahn H; Rutberg H
    Postoperative management of patients with hemopump support after coronary artery bypass grafting
  100. Babič A
    Case studies in machine learning for medical knowledge extraction

   40.203 40.303 40.403 40.503 40.603 40.703 40.803 40.903 41.003 41.103  

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