biomedicina slovenica |
vo="comparative study" : 301-400
Ponikvar R; Urbančič A; Buturović-Ponikvar J
Heparin versus 4% trisodium citrate as a locking solution for silastic jugular hemodialysis catheters
2000 ►
Koraka P; Avšič-Županc T; Osterhaus ADME; Groen J
Evaluation of two commercially available immunoassays for the detection of hantavirus antibodies in serum samples
2000 ►
Purdon Scot E; Jones Barry D W; Stip Emanuel; Labelle Alan; Addington Don; David Stacy R; Breier Alan; Tollefson Gary D
Nevropsihološke spremembe pri zgodnji fazi shizofrenije med 12-mesečnim zdravljenjem z olanzapinom, risperidonom ali haloperidolom
[Neuropsychological change in early phase schizophrenia during 12 months of treatment with olanzapine, risperdol, or haloperidol]
2000 ►
Tepeš Bojan
Primerjava dveh trotirnih antimikrobnih shem zdravljenja okužbe z bakterijo Helicobacter pylori
[The comparisson of two antimicrobial triple therapies of Helicobacter pylori infection]
2000 ►
Polanec J; Seppala I; Rousseau S; Hedman K
Evaluation of protein-denaturing immunoassays for avidity of immunoglobulin G to rubella virus
1994 ►
Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Tomaževič Tomaž; Vogler Andrej; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Jemec Mojca
Surgical treatment of stage III-IV endometriosis in infertile patients: laparotomy vs laparoscopy - preliminary results
2000 ►
Skok Pavel; Čeranič Davorin; Sinkovič Andreja; Pocajt Milan
Krvaveča peptična razjeda: primerjava učinkovitosti argonske plazemske koagulacije in injekcijskega sklerozacijskega zdravljenja pri nujni endoskopiji - prospektivna, randomizirana, kontrolirana raziskava
[Bleeding peptic ulcer: comparison of argon plasma coagulation and injection sclerotherapy in emergency endoscopy - a prospective, randomised, controlled study]
2000 ►
Novak-Jankovič V; Paver-Eržen V; Bovill JG; Ihan A; Osredkar J
Effect of epidural and intravenous clonidine on the neuro-endocrine and immune stress response in patients undergoing lung surgery
2000 ►
Krachler Michael; Rossipal Erich; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
Concentrations of trace elements in sera of newborns, young infants, and adults
1999 ►
Langman Michael J; Jensen Dennis M; Watson Douglas J; Harper Sean E; Zhao Peng-Liang; Quan Hui; Bolognese James A; Simon Thomas J
Neželeni učinki rofekoksiba na zgornja prebavila v primerjavi z nesteroidnimi protivnetnimi zdravili
[Adverse upper gastrointestinal effect of rofecoxib compared with NSAIDs]
2000 ►
Petelin M; Ivanuša T; Skalerič U
Ocena izgube ali obnove čeljustne kosti s konvencionalno in računalniško podprto radiološko analizo
[Alveolar bone loss or gain evaluation with conventional visual radiography and digital substraction radiography]
2000 ►
Pretnar-Darovec A; Pinter B; Vrtačnik-Bokal E
Emergency contraception: levonorgestrel versus the Yuzpe regimen
2000 ►
Cvelbar Martina; Krbavčič Aleš; Dobrovšak-Sourek Vlasta
Correlation between liquid chromatography size-exclusion chromatography and Kjedahl method for determination of protein content in I. V. immunoglobulin fractions
1995 ►
Debelić V; Pfeifer V
Primerjava astigmatizma in vidne ostrine pri superiorni in temporalni kornealni inciziji
1999 ►
Morela K; Grobelnik M
Shranjevanje roženic: optisol - GS ali tkivna kultura?
1999 ►
Hero Nikša
Vrednovanje trodimenzionalnih korekcija skolioze instrumentacijom prema Cotrel-Duboussetu i Harringtonu
1999 ►
Roberts HE; Wu SC; Bagshaw SN; Otubu JA; Ogendengbe OK; Pretnar-Darovec A; Kirkman RJ; Ding JH; Mittal S; Leavesley G
Randomised controlled trial of levonorgestrel versus the Yuzpe regimen of combined oral contraceptives for emergency contraception
1998 ►
Valentinčič Tine
Behavioral study of chemoreception in the sea star Marthasterias glacialis: structure-activity relationships of lactic acid, amino acids, and acetylcholine
1985 ►
Rozman P; Drabbels J; Schipper RF; Doxiadis I; Stein S; Claas FH
Genotyping for human platelet-specific antigens HPA-1, -2, -3, -4 and -5 in the Slovenian population reveals a slightly increased frequency of HPA-1b and HPA-2b as compared to other European populations.
1999 ►
Gourley Glenn R.; Kreamer Bill; Cohnen Monika; Kosorok MR
Zlatenica novorojenčkov in prehrana
[Neonatal jaundice and diet]
1999 ►
Neuman HP; Bender BU; Berger DP; Laubenberger J; Schultze-Seemann W; Wetterauer U; Ferstl FJ; Herbst EW; Schwarzkopf G; Glavač D
Prevalence, morphology and biology of renal cell carcinoma in von Hippel-Lindau disease compared to sporadic renal cell carcinoma
1998 ►
Lloyd AC; Šorli Jurij; Cencelj Simona
Primerjava stroškov in učinkovitosti inhaliranega flutikazonpropionata in budezionida za zdravljenje astme pri odraslih in otrocih
[The cost effectiveness of inhalited fluticasone propionate and budesonide in the treatment of asthma in adults and children]
1999 ►
Werle B; Loetterle H; Schanzenbaecher U; Lah TT; Kalman E; Kayser K; Buelzebruck H; Schirren J; Krašovec M; Kos J
Immunochemical analysis of cathepsin B in lung tumours: an independent prognostic factor for squamous cell carcinoma patients
1999 ►
Arnež Maja; Radšel-Medvešček Alenka; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
Comparison of cefuroxime axetil and phenoxymethyl penicillin for the treatment of children with solitary erythema migrans
1999 ►
Avramovska-Cukrov A; Banović I; Furlan I; Družić M; Polić B; Barle M
Cardiocirculatory and respiratory disturbances in perinatal hypoxic newborns
1998 ►
Noč M; Zorman D; Horvat M
Treatment of acute myocardial infarction in Ljubljana
1998 ►
Avsec-Letonja D; Ogrizek I; Letonja S
Clinical signs in comparison with postmortem diagnosed pneumonia
1997 ►
Košir Franc
Primerjava zasebnega in javnega zdravstva v razvitih državah in državah tranzicije
[Comparation of private and public health care services in the developed countries and in countries in transition]
1999 ►
Šešok Janja
Pregled zakonov, pravilnikov, smernic in priporočil v zvezi z izpostavljenostjo in ravnanjem z azbestom in azbestnimi odpadki - primerjava s slovensko zakonodajo
1999 ►
Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Zagorac Andreja; Pristovnik Marija; Bourgeois Claire A; Dutrillaux Bernard
DNA methylation of the extraembryonic tissues: an in situ study on human metaphase chromosomes
1998 ►
Ihan-Hren N; Gubina M; Ihan A
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes versus streptococcal colonization in periapical granulomas
1999 ►
Potočnik I; Vrbič V
Klinično vrednotenje plombirnih materialov po enem letu
[A comparative clinical study of restorative materials: results after one year]
1999 ►
Tekavčič-Pompe Manca
Elektrofiziološka ocena vidne poti pri šolskih otrocih: primerjava zdravih otrok in otrok s sumom na optični nevritis
[Electrophysiological assessment of the visual pathway in school children: a comparison between healthy children with children with suspected optic neuritis]
1999 ►
Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry T; Keller Frederick S; Corless Christoper L; Roesch Josef
Retrievable IVC square stent filter: experimental study
1999 ►
Sakaguchi Shoiji; Uchida Barry T; Timmermans Hans A; Pavčnik Dušan; Sakai Yukimasa; Keller Frederick S; Roesch Josef; Yin Qiang; Kichikawa Kimihiko; Uchida Hideo
Twin-tube endografts for aortic aneurysms: an experimental feasibility study
1999 ►
Vidan-Jeras B; Breur-Vriesendorp B; Bohinjec M; Jeannet M; Roosnek E; Tiercy J-M
HLA-B44 allele frequencies and haplotypic associations in three European populations
1997 ►
Lamb David C; Kelly Diane E; Waterman Michael R; Stromstedt Maria; Rozman Damjana; Kelly Steven L
Characteristics of the heterologously expressed human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase (other names: P45014DM, CYP51, P45051) and inhibition of the purified human and Candida albicans CYP51 with azole antifungal agents
1999 ►
Zdovc I; Bole-Hribovšek V; Ocepek M
Primerjava fluorescenčne in svetlobne mikroskopije z gojiščno preiskavo v diagnostiki živalskih dermatofitoz
[A comparison of fluorescent and light microscopy with fungal culture for the diagnosis of animal dermatophytosis]
1999 ►
Spencer K; Souter V; Tul N; Snijders R; Nicolaides KH
A screening program for trisomy 21 at 10-14 weeks using fetal nuchal translucency, maternal serum free beta-human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A
1999 ►
Marušič Andrej; Gudjonsson Gisli H
Atypical chest pain patients: a comparison with ischaemic heart disease and control patients
1999 ►
Tran Pierre V
Zyprexa (olanzapin). Najnovejši predklinični in klinični podatki
1999 ►
Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun Irma; Verdenik Ivan; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
Semen quality changes among 2343 healthy Slovenian men included in an IVF-ET programme from 1983 to 1996
1999 ►
Pirtošek Zvezdan; Merello Marcelo; Carlsson Arvid; Stern Gerald
Preclamol and parkinsonian fluctuations
1993 ►
Poredoš Pavel; Videčnik Viktor
LYS-plasminogen shortens the duration of local thrombolytic treatment of peripheral arterial occlusions - a randomized controlled trial
1999 ►
Trišler Zdenka; Seme Katja; Poljak Mario; Čelan-Lucu Branka; Sakoman Slavko
Prevalence of hepatitis C and G virus infections among intravenous drug users in Slovenia and Croatia
1999 ►
Stankovski V; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Kersnič B
The hip-joint resultant force in healthy male and female population: a comparative study
1996 ►
Lipnik-Štangelj M; Ferjan I; Erjavec F
The effect of some anti-inflammatory drugs on histamine and serotonin release from rat peritoneal mast cells
1999 ►
Emelianov Dmitri; Accetto R; Bučič B; Dobovišek J; Dolenc P; Kolšek B; Lapanja Z; Mihelič-Bričič M; Petrin J; Perc-Čerček O; Žemva A
Conventional and ambulatory measurements of blood pressure in old patients with isolated systolic hypertension: baseline observtions in the Syst-Eur trial
1998 ►
Weber Urška; Brank Martina; Grubič Zoran
Glucocorticoids differentially control synthesis of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase in rat liver and brain
1999 ►
Vodiškar Janez; Zgonc Vid; Ribarič Samo; Grubič Zoran
Combined effects of glucocorticoids and electromechanical activity on the acetylcholinesterase expression in the fast rat muscle
1999 ►
Uršič Cveto
Social (and disability) policy in the new democracies of Europe (Slovenia by way of example)
1996 ►
Miš Katarina; Zajc-Kreft Katarina; Grubič Zoran
Localization of cells expressing AChE mRNA in rat striatum using nonradioactive in situ hybridization
1999 ►
Markovič Saša; Gadžijev Eldar; Štabuc Borut; Croce Lory S; Masutti Flora; Šurlan Miloš; Berden Pavel; Brenčič Erika; Višnar-Perovič Alenka; Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Cesar Rok
Treatment options in Western hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective study of 224 patients
1998 ►
Smolen Josef S; Kalden Joachim R; Scott David L; Rozman Blaž; Kvien Tore K; Larsen Arvi; Loew-Friedrich Iris; Oed Christine; Rosenburg Ronald
Efficacy and safety of leflunomide compared with placebo and sulphasalazine in active rheumatoid arthritis: a double-blind, randomised, multicentre trial
1999 ►
Reljič M; Gorišek B
C-reactive protein and the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease
1998 ►
Zakotnik Branko; Šmid Lojze; Budihna Marjan; Lešničar Hotimir; Šoba Erika; Furlan Ladica; Žargi Miha
Concomitant radiotherapy with mitomycin C and bleomycin compared with radiotherapy alone in inoperable head and neck cancer: final report
1998 ►
Zeljič Vesna
Primerjava slovenskega in kuvajtskega rehabilitacijskega programa za otroke s cerebralno paralizo - prenos izkušenj
[Comparison of rehabilitation programs for children with cerebral paralysis in Slovenia and Kuwait - transfer of experience]
1998 ►
Križman I; Ribnikar M; Kozjek F; Primožič S
Comparative amoxicillin - azythromycin treatment of Helicobacter pylori positive patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer
1997 ►
Hero Nikša
Primerjava rezultatov po operaciji idiopatičnih skolioz po Harringtonovi in Cotrei-Duboussetovi C-D metodi
[Comparison of Harringoton and Cotrel-Dubousset C-D surgical treatment of idiopathic scoliosis]
1998 ►
Križman Igor; Kozjek Franc; Primožič Stanislav
Randomized double-blind study of lansoprazole and ranitidine in the treatment of the patients with duodenal ulcer
[Randomizirana, dvojno slepa študija učinkovitosti lanzoprazola in ranitidina pri zdravljenju bolnikov z duodenalnim ulkusom]
1998 ►
Pahor Artur; Krajnc Ivan; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Holc Iztok
The clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in connective tissue disease
1998 ►
Živin Marko; Šprah Lilijana; Sket Dušan
Antiparkinsonian potential of interaction of LEK-8829 with bromocriptine
1998 ►
Stračunski L.S.
Multicentrična primerjalna klinična raziskava macropena pri otrocih v Rusiji
[A multicenter comparative clinical trial on macropen in Children in Russia]
1995 ►
Vince Adriana; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja
DNA extraction from archival Giemsa-stained bone-marrow slides: comparison of six rapid methods
1998 ►
Faletič Dunja
Primerjava rezultatov aktivnega cepljenja proti klopnemu meningoencefalitisu v mariborski regiji in Avstriji
1998 ►
Borčić Berislav; Blondeau Christine; Kaić Bernard
A comparative study of OPV and IPV reactogenicity and immunogenicity
1998 ►
Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka
Primerjava rabe alkohola in njenih negativnih posledic med Slovenijo in državami evropske regije ter med Slovenijo, Avstrijo, Hrvaško, Italijo in Madžarsko
1998 ►
Markota Mladen; Saražin-Klemenčič Ksenija; Albreht Tit
Vpliv tranzicije na zdravstveno stanje in položaj uporabnika zdravstvenega varstva pri nas in v nekaterih srednjeevropskih državah
1998 ►
Stankovski Vlado; Kersnič Boštjan; Smrke Dragica; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
Difference in size of hip-joint weight bearing area in male and female population
1998 ►
Kremesec M
Uvajanje v anestezijo s sefofluranom pri otrocih
1997 ►
Kenda Rajko B; Trebše R
New paediatric urine collector
1998 ►
Milisav I; Jones MH; Affara NA
Characterization of a novel human dynein-related gene that is specifically expressed in testis
1996 ►
Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Chwatal Nadja
Captopril renography and duplex Doppler sonography in the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension
1998 ►
Iglič Aleš
A possible mechanism determining the stability of spiculated red blood cells
1997 ►
Guček Andrej; Bren Andrej F; Hergouth Veronika; Lindič Jelka
Cefazolin and netilmycin versus vancomycin and ceftazidime in the treatment of CAPD peritonitis
1997 ►
Pohar Bojan; Horvat Matija
Influence of hemodynamic changes on neuroendocrine response in acute heart failure
1997 ►
Sandhu BK; Isolauri E; Walker-Smith JA; Banchini G; van Caillie-Bertrand M; Dias JA; Guandalini S; Hoekstra JH; Juntunen M; Kolaček S; Marx D; Mičetić-Turk D; Razenberg MCAC; Szajewska H; Taminiau J; Weizman Z; Zanacca C; Zetterstroem R
Early feeding in childhood gastroenteritis
1997 ►
Tomažič J; Ihan A; Strle F; Cimperman J; Stare J; Matičič M; Zakotnik B
Immunological differentiation between tickborne encephalitis with and without concomitant neuroborreliosis
1997 ►
Turle Nathalie; Saget Anne; Zouani Boualem; Meliet Jean L; Risso Jean J
Comparison between nitrogen narcosis and normobaric nitrous oxide narcosis. Neurochemical and behavioural aspects
1997 ►
Dossenbach Martin
Olanzapine: An exciting atypical antipsychotic - the clinical experience
1997 ►
Vatovec Jagoda; Žargi Miha; Černelč Smilja
Spreminjanje dejavnikov hude okvare sluha v predšolskem obdobju
[Changes in etiology of childhood deafness]
1997 ►
Matkovič-Lonzarić N; Mekiš D
Ocena budnosti, bolečine, slabosti in bruhanja v zgodnjem pooperativnem obdobju po endoskopski odstranitvi žolčnika: primerjava propofolske anestezije z in brez oksidula
1997 ►
Bakracevski S; Volkanoski B; Zaharievski I
Prophylactic antibiotics in the gynaecologic practice
1997 ►
Vlahović D; Oroszy D
Primerjava sevoflurana s propofolom pri kratkih ambulantnih anestezijah
1997 ►
Šipek M; Rus-Vaupot V; Cesar-Komar M
Sevoforan pri endoskopskih holecistektomijah (primerjava z izoforanom in diprivanom)
1997 ►
Vintar N; Paver-Eržen V; Pevec-Gašperin M; Švajger M; Požar-Lukanovič N; Požlep G
Naše izkušnje s sevofluranom pri abdominalnih in uroloških posegih
1997 ►
Denić K; Mirković T; Tonin M
Intratekalno perioperativno dajanje morfija za zdravljenje pooperativne bolečine pri travmatoloških bolnikih
1997 ►
Cesar-Komar M; Rus-Vaupot V; Šipek M
24-urna analgezija po endoskopskih holecistektomijah s tramadolom
1997 ►
Mlakar A
Naše izkušnje z zdravljenjem pooperativne bolečine pri večjih ginekoloških operacijah
1997 ►
Benedik J; Sekereš R; Brubnjak-Jevtić V
Primerjava kvalitete subarahnoidne anestezije po uporabi spinalnih igel Sprotte 25G in Quincke 25G
1997 ►
Štifanić D; Paver-Eržen V; Krajcar J; Biondić-Stipanić M
Haemodynamic effects of leg bandaging during lumbo-sacral subarachnoidal anaesthesia
1997 ►
Vintar N; Pevec-Gašperin M; Šoštarič M; Stopar T
Vpliv epiduralne anestezije in analgezije na pooperativni izid pri bolnikih po nefrektomiji
1997 ►
Slabe-Zejfert M
Uporaba propofola za ambulantne ginekološke posege v primerjavi s tiopentalom
1997 ►
Križman Igor; Ribnikar Mojca; Kozjek Franc; Primožič Stane
Comparative amoxicillin - azythromycin treatment of Helicobacter pylori positive patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer
1997 ►
Rozman D; Stromstedt M; Tsui LC; Scherer SW; Waterman MR
Structure and mapping of the human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase gene (CYP51) encoding the cytochrome P450 involved in cholesterol biosynthesis; comparison of exon/intron organization with other mammalian and fungal CYP genes
1996 ►
Brecelj Jelka; Cunningham Keith
Occipital distribution of foveal half-field responses
1985 ►
Liang Lian; Bloom Nicolas S; Horvat Milena
Simultaneous determination of mercury speciation in biological materials by GC/CVAFS after ethylation and room-temperature precollection
1994 ►
Maria Bernard; Dublanchet Alain; Strecker Jurgen; Dennemark Nils; Genazzani Andrea; Fioretti Piero; Schoon Marthinus; Ponte Conception; Fetih Alenka; Hren-Vencelj Helena
Comparative evaluation of clindamycin/gentamicin and cefoxitin/doxycycline for treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease: a multi-center trial
1992 ►
Geršak Ksenija; Tomaževič Tomaž
Subpopulations of human granulosa-luteal cells in natural and stimulated in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles
1996 ►
Tang WC; Weil Max Harry; Sun Shijie; Noč Marko; Yang Liying; Gazmuri Raul J
Epinephrine increases the severity of postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction
1995 ►
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