biomedicina slovenica

vo="male" : 2.579-2.678

  1. Krisch I; Bole-Vunduk B
    Behavioral studies on LEK-8804, a new ergoline derivative with potent 5-HT1A receptor agonist and 5-HT2 receptor antagonist activity
  2. Dolenc I; Črne-Finderle N; Eržen I; Sketelj J
    Satellite cells in slow and fast rat muscles differ in respect to acetylcholinesterase regulation mechanisms they convey to their descendant myofibers during regeneration
  3. Bunc Matjaž; Frangež Robert; Horvat Irena; Turk Tom; Šuput Dušan
    Effects of equinatoxins in vivo. Possible role of degranulation of thrombocytes and granulocytes
  4. Denišlič M; Pirtošek Z; Vodušek DB; Zidar J; Meh D
    Botulinum toxin in the treatment of neurological disorders
  5. Frangež Robert; Dolinšek Jernej; Demšar Franci; Šuput Dušan
    Chronic denervation caused by botulinum neurotoxin as a model of a neuromuscular disease
  6. Majdič G; Vaillant C; Pogačnik A; Bavdek SV
    Calcitonin- and somatostatin-positive cells in thyroid gland of pigs at different ages
  7. Akerman SN; Zorec R; Cheek TR; Moreton RB; Berridge MJ; Mason WT
    Fura-2 imaging of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine effects on calcium homeostasis of bovine lactotrophs
  8. Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Fibre size, atrophy, and hypertrophy factors in vastus lateralis muscle from 18- to 29-year-old men
  9. Mesec A; Šega S; Kiauta T
    The influence of the type, duration, severity and levodopa treatment of Parkinson's disease on cardiovascular autonomic responses
  10. Šega S; Jager F; Kiauta T
    A comparison of cardiovascular reflex tests and spectral analysis of heart rate variability in healthy subjects
  11. Viršček A
    Zdravstvena ocena kakovosti življenja železničarjev na osnovi kazalcev umrljivosti
  12. Viršček A
    Zdravstvena ocena kakovosti življenja železničarjev na osnovi kazalcev umrljivosti
  13. Keber Irena; Keber Dušan; Stegnar Mojca; Vene Nina
    Tissue plasminogen activator release in chronic venous hypertension due to heart failure
  14. Keber I; Keber D
    Increased plasminogen activator inhibitor activity in survivors of myocardial infarction is associated with metabolic risk factors of atherosclerosis
  15. Keber I; Keber D
    Age-related increase of tissue plasminogen activator in healthy subjects and coronary pateints: increased basal release and diminished clearance
  16. Gašperšič D
    Relationship between the lingual fossa depth, mesiodistal and bucolingual diameter of dental crown in permanent maxillary incisors with the living Slovenians
  17. Šmid L; Lavrenčak B; Žargi M
    Laryngo-tracheo-bronchopathia chondro-osteoplastica
  18. Žargi M; Hočevar-Boltežar I
    Effects of recurrent otitis media in infancy on auditory perception and speech
  19. Canki-Klain N; Stanescu V; Stanescu R; Šinkovec J; Debevec M; Maroteaux P
    Lethal short limb dwarfism with dysmorphic face, omphalocele and severe ossification defect: Piepkorn syndrome or severe "boomerang dysplasia"?
  20. Maležič M; Bogataj U; Gros N; Dečman I; Vrtačnik P; Kljajić M; Aćimović-Janežič R
    Application of a programmable dual-channel adaptive electrical stimulation system for the control and analysis of gait
  21. Kenda RB; Fettich JJ
    Vesicoureteric reflux and renal scars in asymptomatic siblings of children with reflux
  22. Zidar N; Ferluga D; Volavšek M; Vizjak A; Luzar S; Kveder R
    Renal extraglomerular vascular immune deposits in IgA glomerulonephritis
  23. Leigheb G; Boggio P; Gattoni M; Bornacina G
    A case of Morbihan's disease: chronic upper facial erythematous oedema
  24. Silvestris AM; Giuliani M; Iannantuono M; Bisceglia M; Lomuto M
    Erythema dyschromicum perstans
  25. Konc I; Eržen I
    Vpliv intenzivnega treninga in anabolno-androgenih steroidov ter androgenov na histokemično zgradbo mišice vastus lateralis pri športniku
    [The effects of high resistance strength training, anabolic-androgenic steroids and androgens on the vastus lateralis muscle of an athlete]
  26. Pernuš F
    Ali položaj tipa mišičnega vlakna v fasciklu vpliva na njegovo velikost?
    [Does the size of a muscle fibre type depend on its position in a fascicle?]
  27. Rok-Simon M; Šelb J; Dodič-Fikfak M; Grobovšek-Opara S; Hovnik-Keršmanc M
    Desetletno gibanje poškodb v Sloveniji
    [10 years trend of injuries in Slovenia]
  28. Pokorn D
    Razporeditev telesnega maščevja
    [Distribution of body adipose tissue]
  29. Mašera A; Ovčak Z; Lamovec J; Pohar-Marinšek Ž
    Primary carcinoid of the kidney
  30. Jevtić V; Watt I; Rozman B; Kos-Golja M; Rupenovič S; Logar D; Presetnik M; Jarh O; Demšar F; Musikič P
    Precontrast and postcontrast (Gd-DTPA) magnetic resonance imaging of hand joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  31. Lindič J; Pšeničnik M; Bren A; Guček A; Ferluga D; Kveder R
    The morphology of parietal peritoneum: a scanning electron micrograph study
  32. Božič B; Pruijn GJM; Rozman B; van Venrooij WJ
    Sera from patients with rheumatic diseases recognize different epitope regions on the 52-kD Ro/SS-A protein
  33. Kržišnik C; Lukač-Bajalo J
    Glycosylated hemoglobin in fractions of erythrocytes of different ages
  34. Prinčič J; Zupančič F; Cimerman M
    Late results of 351 femoral neck fractures (1986-1987 treatment period)
    [Spatergebnisse von 351 Schenkelhalsbruchen (Behandlungszeitraum 1986-1987)]
  35. Žgur T; Vodušek DB; Kržan M; Vrtovec M; Denišlič M; Šibanc B
    Autonomic system dysfunction in moderate diabetic polyneuropathy assessed by sympathetic skin response and Valsalva index
  36. Čižman M; Jazbec J
    Etiology of acute encephalitis in childhood in Slovenia
  37. Vodušek David B; Ravnik-Oblak Maja; Oblak Ciril
    Pudendal versus limb nerve electrophysiological abnormalities in diabetics with erectile dysfunction
  38. Preželj J
  39. Preželj J
  40. Clemm Ch
    Recent strategies in the treatment of malignant germ cell tumour
  41. Knudsen T; Ferjan I; Johansen T
    Activation of the Na+/K(+)-pump in rat peritoneal mast cells following histamine release: a possible role in cell recovery
  42. Koselj M; Kveder R; Bren AF; Rott T
    Acute renal failure in patients with drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis
  43. Šuput D; Zupan A; Sepe A; Demšar F
    Discrimination between neuropathy and myopathy by use of magnetic resonance imaging
  44. Logar J; Kraut A; Likar M
    Toxocara antibodies in patients with visceral or ocular disorder in Slovenia
  45. Pogačnik T; Šega S; Mesec A; Kiauta T
    Autonomic function testing in patients with tension-type headache
  46. Švab I; Katič M; Čuk C
    The time used by the patient when he/she talks without interruptions
    [El tiempo del paciente cuando habla sin interrupciones]
  47. Eržen I; Maravič V
    Simultaneous histochemical demonstration of capillaries and muscle fibre types
  48. Knudsen T; Ferjan I; Johansen T
    Effect of ouabain, digoxin and digitoxigenin on potassium uptake and histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells
  49. Zorec R; Hoyland J; Mason WT
    Simultaneous measurements of cytosolic pH and calcium interactions in bovine lactotrophs using optical probes and four-wavelength quantitative video microscopy
  50. Ravnik D; Širca A
    Histochemical characteristics of bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles in man
  51. Strle F; Preac-Muršič V; Cimperman J; Ružić E; Maraspin V; Jereb M
    Azithromycin versus doxycycline for treatment of erythema migrans: clinical and microbiological findings
  52. Glavač Damjan; Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Dean Michael
    Identification of a rare cystic fibrosis mutation (S4X) in a Slovenian population
  53. Rumboldt Z; Šimunić M; Bagatin J; Rumboldt M; Marinković M; Janežič A
    Controlled multicentre comparison of captopril versus lisinopril in the treatment of mild-to-moderate arterial hypertension
  54. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Sket D; Dettbarn WD; Brzin M
    Comparison between the effects of botulinum toxin-induced paralysis and denervation on molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in muscles
  55. Burnik S
    Uspešnost pri študiju v povezavi z gibalnimi sposobnostmi in osebnimi lastnostmi študentov Fakultete za strojništvo
    [Academic achievement related to motor abilities and personal traits of students of the Faculty of mechanical engineering]
  56. Črne N; Sketelj J; Brzin M
    Influence of innervation on molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in regenerating fast and slow skeletal muscles
  57. Sketelj J; Črne N; Brzin M
    Molecular forms and localization of acetylcholinesterase and nonspecific cholinesterase in regenerating skeletal muscles
  58. Črne-Finderle N
    Uravnavanje acetilholinesteraze in drugih sinaptičnih sestavin v skeletni mišici med regeneracijo
  59. Juvan V
    Pattern-reversal vep in optic disc drusen: case report
  60. Maček M; Andolšek-Jeras L
    Sterilizacija - olakšanje ili kajanje
    [Sterilization - relief or remorse]
  61. Černelč S; Brezigar A; Vatovec J; Gros A; Cerk M
    Bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis
  62. Fatur-Videtič A; Lobe D
    Analiza profila rehabilitacijskih potreb in rezultatov obravnave delovnih invalidov
  63. Ravnik-Oblak M; Oblak C; Vodušek DB; Kristl V; Ziherl S
    Intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 in impotent diabetic men
  64. Višnar-Perovič A
    Ultrazvok skrotuma v otroškem obdobju
  65. Stegnar Mojca; Božic Borut; Peternel Polona; Kveder Tanja; Vene Nina; Rozman Blaž
    Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies in deep vein thrombosis and their relationship to blood coagulation and fibrinolysis
  66. Zupan A
    Long-term electrical stimulation of muscles in children with Duchenne and Becker muscular distrophy
  67. Sket D; Dettbarn WD; Clinton ME; Misulis KE; Sketelj J; Čuček D; Brzin M
    Prevention of diisopropylphosphorofluoridate-induced myopathy by botulinum toxin type A blockage of quantal release of acetycholine
  68. Dekleva A; Sket D; Sketelj J; Brzin M
    Attenuation of soman-induced lesions of skeletal muscle by acetylcholinesterase reactivating and non-reactivating antidotes
  69. Grad A; Kiauta T; Osredkar J
    Effect of elevated plasma norepinephrine on electrocardiographic changes in subarachnoid changes in subarachnoid hemorrhage
  70. Ferluga D; Hvala A; Vizjak A; Trnačević S; Halilbašić A
    Renal function, protein excretion, and pathology of Balkan endemic nephropathy. 3. Light and electron microscopic studies
  71. Vrbič V; Homan D; Završnik B
    Oral health in Slovenia, Yugoslavia
  72. Pavlin R; Košir N; Vidmar V
    Monoamine oxidase activity in rat and human odontoblasts: a microgasometric study
  73. Terčelj-Zorman M; Mermolja M; Jereb M; Oman M; Šooš E; Petrič-Grabnar G; Jereb B
    Human leukocyte interferon alpha (HLI-alpha) for treatment of pleural effusion caused by non small cell lung cancer: a pilot study
  74. Kralj A; Bajd T; Turk R
    Enhancement of gait restoration in spinal injuried patients by functional electrical stimulation
  75. Irman-Florjanc T; Erjavec F
    The role of mast cells in redistribution of tele-methylhistamine in the body
  76. Žgur T; Ravnik I; Janko M
    Kirurško zdravljenje epilepsije
    [Surgical treatment of epilepsy]
  77. Bošnjak RF; Dolenc VV; Sepe A; Demšar F
    Force, fatigue, and the cross-sectional area of wrist extensor muscles after radial nerve grafting
  78. Črne-Finderle N; Sketelj J
    Congruity of acetylcholine receptor, acetylcholinesterase, and Dolichos biflorus lectin binding glycoprotein in postsynaptic-like sarcolemmal specializations in noninnervated regenerating rat muscles
  79. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Brzin M
    Influence of denervation on the molecular forms of junctional and extrajunctional acetylcholinesterase in fast and slow muscles of the rat
  80. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Ribarič S; Brzin M
    Interactions between intrinsic regulation and neural modulation of acetycholinesterase in fast and slow skeletal muscles
  81. Ribičič V
    Lestvica vplivov izjemnih dogodkov - vprašalnik za otroke
    [A scale of the influences of exceptional events]
  82. Plahuta A
    Paraksialna hemimelija tibije
    [Paraxial hemimelia tibia]
  83. Sedmak B
    Ultrazvočna diagnostika karcinoma prostate
  84. Kralj M
    Karcinom prostate
  85. Hrastar-Kotešić V; Hren-Vencelj H
    Chlamydia trachomatis in men with nonspecific urethritis and evaluation of four tests for laboratory diagnosis
  86. Strle F; Ružić E; Preac-Mursic V; Cimperman J; Wilske B
    Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi from skin in patients with erythema migrans, unspecific skin lesions and granuloma annulare
  87. Berčič M; Vrečko S; Miljković J; Rems D
    Keratosis palmaris et plantaris cum degeneratione granulosa Voerner
  88. Čujec I
    Sindrom x spolno kromatinsko pozitivnega moškega
  89. Amon T
    Electrical brain stimulation elicits singing in the bug Nezara viridula
  90. Štefančič M; Tomazo-Ravnik T; Leben-Seljak P
    Antropološke raziskave
  91. Štefančič M; Brodar V; Tomazo-Ravnik T; Leben-Seljak P
    Antropologija: morfološka variabilnost študentov ljubljanske univerze
  92. Pogačar B; Ritlop-Božič R; Papež M
    Klinične izkušnje s kapsulami urtiron v zdravljenju začetne benigne hipertrofije prostate
  93. Dujić Z; Tocilj J; Šarić M
    Early detection of interstitial lung disease in asbestos exposed non-smoking workers by mid-expiratory flow rate and high resolution computed tomography
  94. Čabrijan T; Levanat S; Pekić B; Pavelić J; Spaventi R; Frahm H; Zjačić-Rotkvić V; Goldoni V; Vrbanec D; Misjak M
    The role of insulin-related substance in Hodgkin's disease
  95. Žuškin E; Kanceljak B; Schachter EN; Mustajbegović J; Goswami S; Maayani S; Marom Z; Rienzi N
    Immunological and respiratory findings in swine farmers
  96. Nikolić S; Čiček M; Borovečki Ž
    Drama i psiha: teorija i praksa scenske psihoterapije
  97. Fučkar Ž
    Transperinealna biopsija prostate vođena ultrazvukom
  98. Fučkar Ž
    Penis i uretra
  99. Fučkar Ž
    Sonografija skrotuma
  100. Fučkar Ž
    Ultrazvučna dijagnostika prostate i seminalnih vezikula

   2.079 2.179 2.279 2.379 2.479 2.579 2.679 2.779 2.879 2.979  

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