biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 28.886-28.985

  1. Rodi Z; Vodušek DB
    The sacral reflex studies: single versus double pulse electrical stimulation
  2. Meh D; Denišlič M
    Influence of age, temperature, sex, height and diazepam on vibration perception
  3. Denišlič M; Meh D
    Botulinum toxin in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  4. Rausavljević N
    Kanonična razmerja med morfološkimi značilnostmi in motoričnimi sposobnostmi učencev prvih razredov osnovnih šol
    [Canonical relationships between morphological characteristics and motor abilities in 1st grade pupils of elementary school]
  5. Rener S
    Prilagojeje tipkovnice
  6. Šter M
    Dajmo otroku priložnost
  7. Praprotnik T
    Potrpežljivo poslušanje in govorne spodbude
  8. Danko A
    Družina je za otroka najbolj normalno okolje
  9. Kraljič D
    Nikoli ni prepozno? Včasih pa je!
  10. Seme-Ciglenečki P; Koražija-Krajšek K
    Preživeti ne pomeni vedno tudi kakovostno živeti
  11. Pogačnik-Toličič S
    Pogovor z otroki o spolnosti
  12. Ravnikar M
    Predstavitev centra PLANTA
  13. Ravnikar M
    Uspešnost prenosa znanstveno-raziskovalnih dosežkov v gospodarstvo
  14. Anonymous ;
    Zdravstvena kartica v Nemškem zdravstvnem zavarovanju
    [The new medical card in Germany]
  15. Anonymous ;
    Komentar k pismu direktorja Zdravstvenega doma Ljubljana
    [The comment of the letter of the director of the Ljubljana health center]
  16. Bohinc F
    Proces privatizacije v osnovnem zdravstvnem varstvu, še posebej v Ljubljani
    [The privacy process in primary health care with outlights at Ljubljana]
  17. Fras Z
    Reforma sistema zdravstvenega varstva v ZDA (2)
    [The medical reform in USA]
  18. Šikovec A
    Reforma zdravstvenega sistema v Češki republiki
    [The medical reform in Chec Republic]
  19. Bobnar B
    Javno mnenje o zdravju in zdravstvu
    [The poll results about health and medicine]
  20. Geršak B; Gabrijelčič T
    Successful surgical removal of partially expanded Palmaz stent from external iliac artery
  21. Tremeau A; Lozano V; Laget B
    How to optimize the use of the L*H*C* color space in color image analysis processes
  22. Mikuš-Kos Anica
    Varovalni dejavniki psihosocialnega razvoja
  23. Zupan A; Gregorič M; Valenčič V
    Long-lasting effects of electrical stimulation upon muscles of patients suffering from progressive muscular dystrophy
  24. Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Kopitar G; Renko M; Lenarčič B; Berbić S; Turk V
    Molecular cloning and identification of a novel porcine cathelin-like antibacterial peptide precursor
  25. Peterlin-Potisk K; Gregorič M; Vodovnik L
    Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on spasticity in patients with hemiplegia
  26. Kordaš M; Lajovic J
    Personal computers in teaching quantitative aspects in undergraduate physiology
  27. Osredkar J; Kocijančič A
    Serum androgens in women with hirsutism
  28. Kastelic-Suhadolc T; Lenasi H
    Androgen binding proteins in the plasma membrane of Cochliobolus lunatus
  29. Shah BR; Santucci K; Finberg L
    Pomanjkanje magnezija kot vzrok hipokalcemije pri skupini CHARGE okvar
    [Magnesium deficiency as a cause of hypocalcemia in the CHARGE association]
  30. Ritlop-Božič R
    Fitoterapija se je pri nas uveljavila v samoozdravljenju
  31. Lamb GC; Green SS; Heron J
    Lahko zdravniki posvarijo bolnike pred možnimi stranskimi učinki zdravil brez bojazni, da bi jih s tem izzvali?
    [Can physicians warn patients of potential side effects without fear of causing those side effects?]
  32. Redelmeier DA; Shafir E
    Zdravniške odločitve v okoliščinah, ki nudijo več alternativnih odločitev
    [Medical decision making in situations that offer multiple alternatives]
  33. Micheli LJ; Wood R
    Bolečine v križu pri mlajših športnikih
    [Back pain in young athletes]
  34. Rupnik M; Zorec R
    Intracellular Cl- modulates Ca2+-induced exocytosis from rat melanotrophs through GTP-binding proteins
  35. Mason WT; Dempster J; Zorec R; Hoyland J; Lledo PM
    Fluorescence measurements of cytosolic calcium: combined photometry with electrophysiology
  36. Vodušek DB
    What can electrophysiological methods tell us about the micturition reflex?
  37. Karrer K; Denck H; Drings P; Orel J; Bruno MF
    Leczenie chirurgiczne uzupelnione chemoterapia wielolekowa u chorych na raka drobnokomorkowego pluca
    [Adjuvant polychemotherapy of SCLC following surgical therapy]
  38. Korošec D
    Virus HIV in človekove pravice
    [The HIV virus and the human rights]
  39. Parenti CM; Lederle FA; Impola CL; Peterson LR
    Omejitev nepotrebne uporabe intravenskih perifernih katetrov: prispevek osebja interne klinike k uspešni izpeljavi načrta za izboljšanje kakovosti
    [Reduction of unnecessary intravenous catheter use: internal medicine house staff participate in a successful quality improvement project]
  40. Lam S; Scannell R; Roessler D; Smith MA
    Centralni katetri vstavljeni skozi periferno veno v bolnišnici za nujne primere
    [Peripherally inserted central catheters in an acute-care hospital]
  41. Martinez R
    Čelade in preprečevanje poškodb motoristov in kolesarjev: ameriški komentar
  42. Anonymous ;
    Čelade in preprečevanja poškodb motoristov in kolesarjev
    [Helmets and preventing motorcycle- and bicycle-related injuries]
  43. Kraus JF; Peek C; McArthur DL; Williams A
    Vpliv zakona o uporabi čelad pri vožnji z motornim kolesom, sprejetega leta 1992 v Kaliforniji, na število smrti in poškodb pri motoristih
    [The effects of the 1992 California motorcycle helmet use law on motorcycle crash fatalities and injuries]
  44. Maraspin V; Ružić-Sabljić E; Strle F; Cimperman J; Jereb M; Preac-Muršić V
    Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi after treatment with antibiotics
    [Perzinstenca Borreliae burgdorferi po antibiotični terapiji]
  45. Kobal-Palčič D; Musek J
    Strukturiranost osebnega profila, samopodobe in samospoštovanja na prehodu iz srednje v pozno adolescenco: mednarodna študija
    [Structure of personal profile self-image and self-esteem in the transition from mid to late adolescence: international study]
  46. Kovačev AN
    Identiteta kot integracija temeljnih določil človekovega bistva
    [Identity as the integration of the basic determinats of human essence]
  47. Kermauner A
    Pregled glavnih vzrokov prebavnih motenj pri kuncih
    [Main reasons for intestinal disorders in rabbits: a review]
  48. Verdnik M
    Influence on microclimate on the hematologic profile of dairy cows
    [Vpliv mikroklime na hematološki profil pri kravah molznicah]
  49. Mirt D
    Rane na bokih pri prašičih
    [Wounds and injuries on flanks in pigs]
  50. Dobeic M
    Uporabnost domačega klinoptilolita v intenzivni proizvodnji brojlerskih piščancev
    [Utility of local clinoptilolite in intensive broiler chicken rear]
  51. Lindtner R
    Piščanci v diagnostiki leptospiroze
    [Baby chicks in the diagnosis of leptospirosis]
  52. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Skalerič U
    In vitro raziskava uporabnosti liposomov za subgingivalno dovajanje učinkovin na cementu konjskih zob
    [In vitro study of liposomes as subgingival drug delivery system in to horses' root cementum]
  53. Kogovšek J
    Zlomi proksimalnih sezamoidnih kosti pri kasačih
    [Fractures of proximal sesamoid bones in the trotter]
  54. Curk A; Pogačnik M
    Analiza stroškov in koristi zatiranja ter izkoreninjanja okužbe IBR/IPV na velikih posestvih črnobelih krav v Sloveniji
    [Benefit/cost analysis of IBR/IPV infection control and eradication in Slovenia]
  55. Zadnik T; Jazbec I; Pengov A
    The effect of transport and storage of bovine blood on the results of biochemical constituents
    [Vpliv transporta in pogojev hrambe na nekatere biokemijske parametre goveje krvi]
  56. Klinkon M; Jazbec I
    Breed and age effects on total serum protein (TSP) and hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in dairy cows in Slovenia
    [Vpliv pasme in starosti na vsebnost celotnih serumskih beljakovin (CSB) in koncentracijo hemoglobina (Hb) pri molznicah v Sloveniji]
  57. Florjanc P
    Možnost kontaminacije surovega mleka z nekaterimi epidemiološko pomembnimi mikroorganizmi iz okolja
    [Contamination of raw milk with some epidemiologically important microorganisms from the environment]
  58. Hostnik P; Železnik Z; Grom J
    Kontrola okužbe z virusom IBR/IPV pri govedu
    [Control of the infection with IBR/IPV virus]
  59. Juntes P; Coer A; Pogačnik M; Šenk L
    Primerjava rezultatov AgNOR v tkivu normalnih in rakasto spremenjenih mlečnih žlez pri psicah, dobljenih z meritvami na dveh različnih sistemih za analizo slike
    [Comparison of results of measurements of AgNOR in normal and carcinomatous mammary gland in a dog made by two different image analysis systems]
  60. Škafar Š; Luketič Z
    Zniževanje doz sevanja v medicini
  61. Zakrajšek B
    Vpliv notranjih zajedalcev na krvno sliko gamsa
    [The influence of endoparasites in chamois on blood picture]
  62. Lipužič E
    Proučevanje vimenskih vnetij pri kravah v hlevski reji in na planinski paši na Tolminskem
    [A study of mastitis in stable-breeding cows and cows on pasture in the area of Tolmin]
  63. Dovč A
    Uvajanje imunofluorescenčnih metod v diagnostiko klamidioze (Chlamydia psittaci) ter epizootiologija pri papigah in golobih
    [Introduction of immunofluorescence methods in diagnosing chlamydiosis (Chlamydia psittaci) and epizootiology in parrots and pigeons]
  64. Zabavnik-Piano J
    Proučevanje razlik v primarni strukturi dopaminskega receptorja D2 pri različnih živalskih vrstah
    [A study of interspecies differences in the primary structure of dopamine D2 receptor]
  65. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Skalerič U
    Klinične spremembe obzobnih tkiv med eksperimentalnim parodontitisom pri psih pasme beagle
    [Clinical changes of periodontal tissues during experimental periodontitis in beagle dogs]
  66. Zajc Irena
    Mikrosateliti in testiranje starševstva pri govedu
    [Microsatellites and paternity testing in cattle]
  67. Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Limfociti in tkivni bazofilci v črevesju psa po obsevanju
    [Lymphocytes and mast cells in dog's colon after irradiation]
  68. Doganoc DZ
    Cink v tkivih perutnine
    [Zinc in tissues of poultry]
  69. Hostnik P; Jenčič V
    Viral hemorrhagic septicaemia of salmonids - detection of virus antigen by ELISA test
    [Virusna hemoragična septikemija - dokaz virusnega antigena v testu ELISA]
  70. Drobnič-Košorok M
    Vpliv tanina na aktivnost proteoliznih encimov prebavnega trakta
    [The influence of tannin on the proteolytic activity of the digestive enzymes]
  71. Drobnič-Košorok M; Dobeic M
    Merjenje neugodnih vonjav iz živinorejske proizvodnje
    [Mesurement of odours from livestock production]
  72. Kobal S; Golob Z
    Določanje prisotnosti azinfos-metila (azinphos-methyl) v bioloških izvlečkih akutno zastrupljenih živali
    [Determining the presence of azinphos-methyl in biological extracts in cases of acute poisoning in animals]
  73. Kobal S
    Določanje komponent presnove kostanjevega tanina v in vitro pogojih z metodo tankoplastne kromatografije
    [Determination of metabolism components of chestnut tannin in in vitro conditions using the method of thin layer chromatography]
  74. Weiffenbach M
    Srčne in ledvične bolezni pri otrocih na področju Zdravstvenega doma Železniki in soodvisnost obolenj
    [Heart and renal diseases in children in the catchment area of Železniki and their mutual dependence]
  75. Čuk N
    Bolniki s sladkorno boleznijo in zapleti zaradi nje v letih 1990-94 na območju Zdravstvenega doma Idrija
    [Diabetes patients and complications of diabetes in the catchment area of Idrija]
  76. Neumann Hartmut PH; Eng Charis; Mulligan Lois M; Glavač Damjan; Zaeuner Ingeborg; Ponder Bruce A J; Crossey Paul A; Maher Eamonn R; Brauch Hiltrud
    Consequences of direct genetic testing for germline mutations in the clinical management of families with multiple endocrine neoplasia, type II
  77. Brauch Hiltrud; Kishida Takeshi; Glavač Damjan; Chen Fan; Pausch Friederike; Hoefler Heinz; Latif Farida; Lerman Michael I; Zbar Berton; Neumann Hartmut PH
    Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease with pheochromocytoma in the Black forest region of Germany: evidence for a founder effect
  78. Repše S; Gadžijev E; Omejc M
    Blunt liver injury: 3 hour and 35 minute occlusion of the hepatoduodenal ligament
  79. Markota M; Albreht T; Božič D
    Ali varujemo osebne podatke v zdravstvu?
    [Do we protect personal data in health care?]
  80. Nolimal D; Rode N; Lahajnar I; Dekleva B
    Razširjenost drog med srednješolci v Ljubljani v letu 1992
    [Extent of drug abuse among high school students in Ljubljana in 1992]
  81. Cegnar T; Gale I
    Pojavnost in povezanost umrljivosti z biovremenskimi pogoji v nekaterih večjih slovenskih občinah julija in avgusta 1994
    [Occurrence and connection of death cases with bioweather conditions in July and August 1994]
  82. Vidovič N; Kolar G
    Vzroki slepote v Sloveniji
    [The causes of blindness in Slovenia]
  83. Lazar IM
    Odnos zasavskih zdravnikov do zdravega načina življenja
    [The disproportion between attitude about healthy life style and behaviour among doctors in Zasavje region]
  84. Brenk K; Bucik V; Moravec-Berger D
    Bortnerjeva lestvica za merjenje vedenjskega vzorca tipa-A - nekatere psihometrijske lastnosti
  85. Muševič I; Žekš B; Blinc R; Rasing Th
    Elementary excitations in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystals in external fields: an experimental study
  86. Kobal B; Agatone S
    Una puntualizzazione sul rapporto tra contraccettivi orali e infezione pelvica
  87. Škof-Molan M
    Prevention of stress influences and workers fitness for duty
  88. Pavlin R
    Brain amyloid in Alzheimer's disease - a new experimental model
  89. Badsberg-Jensen G; Pakkenberg B
    No neocortical nerve cell loss in brains from chronic alcoholics
  90. Regeur L
    Stereological quantitation of brains from demented and nondemented old females
  91. Gudović R
    Stereological analysis of the inferior olivary nucleus in the developing human brain
  92. Weis S; Llenos IC; Buettner A; Rehban A; Soreth D; Mehraein P
    Macroscopic morphometry of the human brain in neurodegeneration
  93. Andersen BB; Korbo L
    Purkinje cell number and size, comparison of human and rat cerebella
  94. Obermaier G; Reihlen A; Dahme E; Weis S
    Morphometric investigations of the glial cell nests in the rhinencephalic allocortex of the dog
  95. Overgaard-Larsen J; Tandrup T; Braendgaard H
    Number and size distribution of cerebellar neurons estimated by the optical fractionator and the vertical rotator
  96. Pakkenberg B; Gundersen HJG
    Total number of neurons in specific cortical layers in the human brain
  97. Mattfeldt T; Vogel U; Gottfried HW; Frey H
    Second-order stereology of prostatic adenocarcinoma and normal prostatic tissue
  98. Sandau K; Kurz H
    A 2-D model for the growth of arteries
  99. Eržen M; Marin J; Uršič-Vrščaj M; Možina A
    Detection of human papillomaviruses (HPV) 16 and 18 in cervical smears by in situ hybridisation
  100. Bavcon J; Gaberščik A; Batič F
    Influence of UV-B radiation on photosynthetic activity and chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings

   28.386 28.486 28.586 28.686 28.786 28.886 28.986 29.086 29.186 29.286  

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