biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 29.086-29.185

  1. Ravnikar M; Plaper I; Kaltnekar P; Paradiž J; Žel J
    The effect of jasmonic acid on garlic meristem culture
  2. Vilhar B; Sommarin M; Bornman C
    Effects of jasmonic acid on sugar beet cell culture
  3. Laznik Borut; Kovač Maja
    The determination of higher plant photosynthetic pigments
  4. Vodnik D; Gogala N
    Seasonal fluctuations of photosynthesis and its pigments in 1-year mycorrhized spruce seedlings
  5. Bavcon J; Gaberščik A; Gogala N
    Influence of low temperatures and UV-B radiation on chlorophyll flourescence kinetic in Picea abies (L.) Karst.
  6. Dermastia M; Dovč T; Cotič V
    Production of polyclonal antibodies against cytokinins
  7. Doll R; Peto R; Wheatley K; Grey R; Sutherland I
    Umrljivost v povezavi s kajenjem: 40 let opazovanj britanskih zdravnikov-kadilcev
    [Smoking related mortality: 40 years of observations of British physicians-smokers]
  8. Molan-Škof M
    Predstavitev izbranih poklicev s posebnimi psihičnimi zahtevami
    [Presentation of chosen professions with specific psychical demands]
  9. Benedik-Dolničar M
    Zdravljenje bolnikov s hemofilijo A z nepretrgano infuzijo koncentrata faktorja VIII
    [Treatment of patients with hemophilia A with a continuous infusion of factor VIII concentrate]
  10. Rojc-Pečnik V; Volavšek Č; Černelč P
    Kromosomske nepravilnosti pri bolnikih z akutno levkemijo
    [Chromsomal abnormalities in acute leukemia]
  11. Maček M; Černelč P; Mueller-Premru M; Križan-Hergouth V
    Ugotavljanje gliv v nadzornih kužninah pri bolnikih z akutno levkemijo
    [Isolation of fungi from surveillance cultures in patients with acute leukaemia]
  12. Strmecki L; Benedik-Dolničar M; Komel R
    Določanje informativnosti za intragenski označevalec polimorfizma Bcl I in prenatalna diagnostika hemofilije A pri slovenski populaciji
    [Determination of informativity for the intragenic polymorphic marker Bcl I and prenatal diagnosis of hemophilia A in Slovenian population]
  13. Zver S; Černelč P
    Uporaba centralnega venskega katetra pri bolnikih z levkemijo
    [The use of central venous catheter in patients with leukemia]
  14. Mlakar U
    Pomen določanja sečnine in timidin kinaze v serumu za oceno prognoze diseminiranega plazmocitoma
    [Prognostic value of serum thymidine kinase and urea in multiple myeloma]
  15. Černelč P
    Zdravljenje lahke oblike aplastične anemije s ciklosporinom
    [Treatment of non-severe aplastic anemia with cyclosporin]
  16. Andoljšek D
    Inhibitorji pri bolnikih s hemofilijo: trenutno stanje v Sloveniji
    [Inhibitors in hemophilia patients: current status in Slovenia]
  17. Radetti G; Paganini C; Gentili L; Bernasconi S; Betterle C; Borkenstein M; Cvijović K; Kadrnka-Lovrenčič M; Kržišnik C; Battelino T
    Frequency of Hashimoto's thyroiditis in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
  18. Levy-Marchal C; Patterson C; Green A; Schober E; Ullreich G; Vandewalle C; Kržišnik C; Battelino T; Bratanič N
    Variation by age group and seasonality at diagnosis of childhood IDDM in Europe
  19. Zorc-Pleskovič R; Vraspir-Porenta O; Zorc M
    Mastocytes in endomyocardial biopsies
  20. Zorc-Pleskovič R; Vraspir-Porenta O; Zorc M
    Morphological and morphometrical evaluation of damages in a dog's colon after irradiation
  21. Rajtmajer D
    Struktura aerobne vzdržljivosti mlajših otrok
    [Structure of aerobic endurance in younger children]
  22. Turnšek N
    Duševno in čustveno zdravje otrok v slovenskih "zdravih šolah"
    [Mental and emotional health of children in Slovene health promoting schools]
  23. Brcar-Štrukelj Polona; Polič Marko; Stergar Eva
    Odnos mladih do zdravja in dejavniki, ki ga določajo
  24. Novak-Jankovič V; Paver-Eržen V; Podboj J; Šuškovič S
    A comparison of intravenous and inhalational maintenance anaesthesia for endoscopic procedures in the aspirin intolerance syndrome
  25. Ikica B; Prelesnik U; Fakin S; Adamlje T
    Računalnik v očesni ambulanti
    [Computer in the ophthalmology clinic]
  26. Klofutar C; Marinko R
    Elektrolitska prevodnost vodnih raztopin medu
    [Electrolytic conductivity of aqueous solutions of honey]
  27. Virant-Jaklič M
    Samomor v Sloveniji med letoma 1970 in 1991
    [Suicide in Slovenia in the period from 1970 to 1991]
  28. Belovič Branka; Kikel Alice; Grobovšek-Opara Sonja
    Nekatere značilnosti hospitalizacij v Pomurju v petletnem obdobju od 1988 do 1992
    [Some characteristics of hospitalization in the region of Pomurje in five years period from 1988 to 1992]
  29. Frankič D; Milovanovič M; Oražem A; Pečar-Čad S
    Spremljanje uporabe in porabe zdravil z vidika preventive
    [Monitoring the use and consumption of drugs from the preventive viewpoint]
  30. Dragaš AZ; Škerl M
    Izobraževanje o bolnišnični higieni in preprečevanju okužb v zdravstvenih ustanovah v Sloveniji
    [Education in hospital hygiene and infection control in Slovenia]
  31. Klavs I; Vidmar L; Tomažič J; Matičič M; Poljak M; Kristančič L; Levičnik-Stezinar S
    AIDS in okužba z virusom HIV v Sloveniji: prijavljeni primeri
    [AIDS and HIV infection in Slovenia: reported cases]
  32. Levičnik-Stezinar S; Glonar L
    Preprečevanje prenosa hepatitisa s krvjo in krvni pripravki za transfuzijo
    [Prevention of transfusion transmitted hepatitis]
  33. Lakošeljac D; Suzanić-Karninčić J
    Antirabična zaštita osoba na području Rijeke
    [Protection against rabies on the domain of Rijeka (R Croatia)]
  34. Skaza-Maligoj A
    Razširjenost uretritisa, ki ga povzroča Chlamydia trachomatis, pri moških v Celjski regiji
    [Spreading of Chlamydia urethritis in men from the Celje region]
  35. Paragi M; Čižman M; Kraigher A; Gubina M
    Epidemiološke značilnosti invazivnih bolezni, ki jih povzročajo Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis in Streptococcus pneumoniae pri otrocih v Sloveniji
    [Epidemiology of invasive diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae in children in the Republic of Slovenia]
  36. Marinič-Fišer N; Hočevar-Grom A; Kraigher A; Lunder M; Simčič V
    Mikrosporija - javnozdravstveni problem
    [Microsporia - public health problem]
  37. Skaza-Maligoj A
    Okuženost s črevesnimi paraziti pri predšolskih otrocih v Celju
    [Infections with helminthes in preschool children in the town of Celje]
  38. Bakašun V; Suzanić-Karninčić J
    Incidenti dijarealnih bolesti u javnim objektima na području subregije Rijeka
    [Incidents of diarrheal disease in public institutions on the domain of Rijeka (R Croatia) subregion]
  39. Grobovšek-Opara Sonja; Šelb Jožica
    Umrljivost in hospitalizacije, ki jih pripisujemo kajenju Slovencev
    [Smoking-attributable mortality and hospitalizations in Slovenia]
  40. Marušič A; Starc R
    Kajenje in psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja za ishemično bolezen srca
    [Smoking and psychosocial risk factors for the ischemic heart disease]
  41. Strel B; Strel J; Leskošek B
    Medsebojni odnosi med znanjem o prehrani in prehranskimi navadami ter motoričnimi sposobnostmi 14-letnih Slovenskih učenk in učencev
    [Relation between nutrition habits and nutrition awareness and motor abilities of 14-year old Slovenian pupils]
  42. Ule M
    Krizni in obremenilni dogodki v življenju mladostnikov v Sloveniji
    [Crisis and burdening events in the life course of adolescents in Slovenia]
  43. Moravec-Berger D; Švab I
    Prevalenca dejavnikov tveganja ter bolezni srca in ožilja med prebivalci v nekaterih predelih Slovenije
    [Cardiovascular risk factors and diseases prevalence among the inhabitants of some regions of R Slovenia]
  44. Marušič A; Zadel A
    Svetovanje po telefonu kot preventivna dejavnost
    [Telephone counseling as a preventive activity]
  45. Šimunić M
    Preventiva, zdravje in kakovost življenja družin alkoholikov in družin zdravljenih alkoholikov
    [Prevention, health and the quality of life in the families of alcoholics and the families of treated alcoholics]
  46. Burjan A; Strel J; Tratnik N
    Povezanost ploskih stopal z nekaterimi morfološkimi lastnostmi in motoričnimi sposobnostmi pri učenkah in učencih v osnovni šoli
  47. Adamič M
    Dejavniki intrauterinega zastoja rasti ploda v Republiki Sloveniji v obdobju 1987-1989
    [Factors of intrauterine growth retardation in the Republic of Slovenia during the period 1987-1989]
  48. Kirar-Fazarinc I
    Incidenca zunajmaterničnih nosečnosti v Sloveniji - kritični pregled
    [The incidence of ectopic pregnancy in Slovenia: a critical review]
  49. Eržen I; Škapin-Bošnjak K
    Kadmij in svinec v živilih rastlinskega izvora
    [Cadmium and lead in food products from plant origin]
  50. Uršič A; Škapin-Bošnjak K; Jeršin J
    Količina prašnih usedlin in težkih kovin v prašnih usedlinah v Celju
    [Quantities of dust deposits and heavy metals in dust deposits in the town of Celje]
  51. Otorepec P
    Nekateri higienski vidiki kvalitete pitne vode v Ljubljani in Kopru, posledične razlike v navadah uživanja tekočin ter možni vplivi in zdravje
    [Some hygienic aspects of water quality in Ljubljana and Koper (R Slovenia), consecutive differences in drinking habits and possible influence on health]
  52. Lobnik F; Pintar M; Suhadolc M; Zupan M
    Možni izvori onesnaženja tal in podtalnic
    [Potential sources of pollution of soil and ground water]
  53. Budihna MV; Vesnaver A; Lorbar M
    Effect of timing in cytoprotective action of verapamil in ischaemic and hypoxic isoalted rat heart
  54. Antonić J; Rakar S
    Colour and pulsed Doppler US and tumour marker CA 125 in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses
  55. Marinček Č; Zupan A
    Telesne okvare in prilagoditev osebnih vozil
  56. Brcar-Štrukelj P; Džananović D
    Zdravstveno varstvo šolskih otrok in mladine v letu 1993
  57. Brzin J; Meško P; Kregar I
    Potato tubers contain protein inhibitors of cysteine, serine and aspartic proteinases
  58. Jolić V
    Real-time transabdominalna ultrasonografija - novi postupak mjerenja kuta kontinentnosti u dokazivanju stresne urinarne inkontinence
    [Real-time transabdominal ultrasonography - a new method to study the angle of continence in the evaluation stress urinary incontinence]
  59. Klopčič-Spevak M; Prevec TS
    A noninvasive method of neurography in meralgia paraesthetica
  60. Ahčan U; Arnež ZM; Kolbl J; Janko M
    Regeneracija senzoričnih živcev po prekinitvi in mikrokirurški rekonstrukciji pri otrocih
    [Regeneration of sensory nervs after interruption and microsurgical reconstruction in children]
  61. Kenda RB; Kaplar-Vučevac M; Čavič M; Meglič A
    Zdravljenje bakterijske okužbe sečil dojenčkov, otrok in mladostnikov s ceftriaksonom (lendacin)
    [Ceftriaxone (lendacin) in the treatment of urinary tract infections in infants, children and adolescents]
  62. Cerar A; Matjašič M; Kališnik M; Stare J
    Effect of multiple applications of Newcastle disease virus on the inhibition of Ehrlich ascites tumor
    [Učinek večkratnih aplikacij virusa Newcastleske bolezni na zaviralno rast Ehrlichovega ascitesnega tumorja]
  63. Punčuh A; Morosini-Berus E; Kotar-Jordan B
    Solid-state interaction studies of glipizide with excipients using thermal analysis and thin layer chromatography (TLC)
  64. Gašperlin M; Šmid-Korbar J; Kristl J
    Viscoelastic and release behaviour of semisolid emulsions containing ibuprofen
  65. Sejfulah SM; Krsteska L
    The effects of different antioxidants on lidocain-adrenaline injections
  66. Vandelli MA; Panini R; Salvioli G; Bernabei MT; Cameroni R
    2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin in the protection of haemolysis induced by bile acid
  67. Grošelj J; Srčič S
    Fluid bed and vacuum drying of agglomerates
  68. Žmitek J; Verhnjak K; Urleb U; Bole B; Kerč J; Kotnik S; Grosman P
    S-(+)-ibuproxam and its beta-cyclodextrin complexes
  69. Krsteska L; Sejfulah SM
    Increasing solubility and masking unplesant taste of paracetamol in oral pharmaceutical formulation
  70. Resman A; Jelen-Žmitek A; Jereb M; Kotnik S; Kovačič M; Lazarevski K; Žmitek J
    Solubility dependence of selected active substances
  71. Mlekuž S; Kristl J; Šmid-Korbar J; Vrečer F; Rotar A
    Swelling behaviour of HPMC, HPC and HEC peroral matrix systems
  72. Humar V; Grošelj J; Kerč J
    Characterisation of different batches of magnesium stearate for evaluation its lubricating efficiency
  73. Kočevar-Nared J; Kristl J; Šmid-Korbar J
    Comparative rheological investigation of crude gastric mucin and natural gastric mucus
  74. Čufar A; Kristl J
    Evaluation of sunscreen preparations efficacy using an in vitro method
  75. Kramar A; Vrečer F; Kuhar V
    Study of Fe2+ release from multiparticulate hydrophilic matrix systems
  76. Hočevar M; Kofler B
    Influence of stearic acid on viscosity of emulsions
  77. Kerč J; Srčič S; Planinšek O; Kofler B
    Monotropic and enantiotropic polymorphic forms of felodipine and nimodipine
  78. Širca J; Srčič S; Kofler B
    Influence of disintegrants on the dissolution of ketoprofen from pelleas made by extrusion/spheronisation
  79. Zupančič-Božič D; Vrečer F; Kozjek F
    Optimization od diclofenac sodium dissolution from sustained release tablets using artificial neural network
  80. Planinšek O; Srčič S; Kerč J
    Some physicochemical properties of amlodipine and nicardipine
  81. Stublar-Dragoš M; Mrhar A; Kapš R
    Optimization of gentamicin dosing in intensive care patients using a computer-aided approach
  82. Primožič S; Avsec M
    Developing the tools for bioequivalence assessment
  83. Gabrijelčič V; Šentjurc M
    Liposome-skin interactions as studied by EPR methods on liotropic model systems
  84. Kristl J; Allemann E; Gurny R
    Preparation and evaluation of poly (D,L-lactic acid) nanoparticles containing a highly hydrophobic compound
  85. Vrečer F; Mrhar A; Karba R
    Optimization of drug release from tablets by the usage of analog-hybrid simulation
  86. Srčič S; Strojan P; Mrhar A
    Solubilisation of Ca antagonist nitrendipine
  87. Jagodic A
    Funkcijska anatomija mitralnega aparata
  88. Logar J; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Andlovic A
    Ciklosporioza v Sloveniji
    [Cyclosporiosis in Slovenia]
  89. Ihan A
    Primerjava eno-, dvo- in tribarvne fluorescentne metode za ugotavljanje koncentracije celic T pomagalk in zaviralk v krvi
    [A comparison of one, two and three color T cell subset analysis with single laser flow cytometer for the immune status monitoring]
  90. Kotnik V
    Ugotavljanje vzroka nekaterih kroničnih ponavljajočih se okužb
    [Determination of the cause of certain chronic recurrent infections]
  91. Ravnik M; Hren-Vencelj H; Avšič-Županc T; Poljak M; Potočnik M; Bokal-Vrtačnik E
    Verižna reakcija s polimerazo v diagnostiki urogenitalnih okužb z bakterijo Chlamydia trachomatis - preliminarni rezultati
    [Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis urogenital infections by polymerase chain reaction - preliminary report]
  92. Pokrajac T; Gubina M; Derganc M; Dragaš AZ; Mueller-Premru M; Muzlovič I; Vidmar I; Lazar I; Kalan G
    Ocena metode kvantitativnih hemokultur in njen pomen za diagnozo katetrske sepse
    [The evaluation of a method of the quantitative blood culture in the diagnosis of the catheter related sepsis]
  93. Mueller-Premru M; Dragaš AZ; Gubina M; Derganc M; Grosek Š; Pokrajac T
    Vloga osrednjih venskih katetrov pri nastanku sepse nedonošenčkov
    [The role of central venous catheters in sepsis of premature newborns]
  94. Dragaš AZ; Levstik A
    Ocena fizikalne in mikrobicidne uspešnosti pranja nočnih posod z napravo BLATEX PD-1N
    [The evaluation of physical and microbicidal efficiency of washing bedpans with BLATEX PD-1N]
  95. Koren S; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Sistemsko učinkovanje oralno apliciranih citokinov
    [Systemic effects of orally administered cytokines]
  96. Eberl-Gregorič E; Filipič B
    Vpliv humanega alfa interferona na okužbo celic z bakterijo Legionella pneumophila
    [The influence of human alpha interferon on cell infection with bacteria Legionella pneumophila]
  97. Kuret Jošt
    Ohranitev ultrastructure biološkega materiala s kriofiksacijo in kriodehidracijo
    [Preservation of biological material with cryofixation and cryodehydration]
  98. Drinovec B; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Kuret J; Mannweiler K
    Interakcije med virusi
    [Viral interactions]
  99. Keše D; Hren-Vencelj H; Marin J; Knol A
    Okužbe z respiratornim sincicijskim virusom v obdobju 1990-1995 v Sloveniji
    [Respiratory syncytial virus infections from 1990 to 1995 in Slovenia]
  100. Marin J; Keše D
    Dokazovanje okužb, ki jih povzroča virus Epstein-Barr; encimsko imunski test namesto posredne imunofluorescence
    [Diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infections, enzyme-immuno assay instead of indirect immunofluorescence]

   28.586 28.686 28.786 28.886 28.986 29.086 29.186 29.286 29.386 29.486  

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