biomedicina slovenica

vo="adult" : 201-300

  1. Ocvirk Janja; Šeruga Boštjan
    Paratesticular adenocarcinoma: unusual presentation of metastasis of pancreatic cancer
    [Paratestikularni žlezni rak - neobičajna oblika zasevka raka trebušne slinavke]
  2. Lovšin B; Guzej Z; Vok M; Kramar I; Ravnikar J
    C-1 esterase inhibitor prophylaxis for delivery in hereditary angioedema
  3. Klavs Irena; Keše Darja; Švab Igor
    Slovene national survey of sexual lifestyles, attitudes and health, 1999-2001: data collecrion methods
    [Slovenska nacionalna prečna raziskava spolnega vedenja, stališč in zdravja, 1999-2001: metode zbiranja]
  4. Bulc Mateja
    Vpliv sprememb življenjskega sloga odraslih prebivalcev Ljubljane na krvni tlak
  5. Novljan MP; Rozman B; Jerše M; Rotar Ž; Vidmar G; Kveder T; Tomšič M
    Comparison of the different classification criteria sets for primary Sjögren's syndrome
  6. Glavnik N; Petrovič D
    M235T polymorphism of the angiotensinogen gene and insertion/deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin-1 converting enzyme gene in essential arterial hypertension in caucasians
  7. Kopriva Silvester
    S cistično fibrozo od otroštva v odraslo dobo
  8. Ambrožič Jana; Brvar Miran; Bunc Matjaž
    Unconsciousness due to hyperammonemia on association with valproic acid - two cases reports
  9. Pretnar-Oblak Janja; Zaletel Majda; Jagodic Monika; Zaletel Marjan
    Thrombosis of internal carotid artery after cisplatin-based chemotherapy
  10. Soklič-Košak Tanja
    Glasovne motnje med pedagoškimi delavci v Sloveniji: prevalenca in nekateri dejavniki tveganja
  11. Gemmeke A; Wollina U
    Folliculitis decalvans of the scalp: response to triple therapy with isotretinoin, clindamycin, and prednisolone
  12. Hicheri J; Jaber K; Raouf-Dhaoui M; Youssef S; Bouziani A; Doss N
    Giant condyloma (Buschke-Loewenstein tumor): a case report
  13. Vidmar D; Omejc M; Cerar A; Mekicar J; Repše S
    Influence of ultrasonography on clinical decision making in suspected acute appendicitis in adults
  14. Kozar Franc
    Cistična degeneracija adventicije arterijske popliteje in komunikacija s kolenskim sklepom - prikaz primera
    [Cystic adventitial degeneration of popliteal artery and communication with the knee joint - case report]
  15. Uranjek Jasna; Kasnik Darja
    Pljučnica, povzročena s Candido krusei, kot zaplet zdravljenja tubo-ovarijskega abscesa - prikaz primera
    [Candida krusei pneumonia as a complication of a tuboovarian abscess treatment - case report]
  16. Piltaver-Vajdec Irena; Tretjak Martin; Slemenik-Pušnik Cirila; Benko Davorin; Fišer Jerneja; Tomič Viktorija
    Staphylococcus aureus, nosilec gena za Panton-Valentine leukocidin, in letalna nekrotizirajoča pljučnica pri mladem imunokompetentnem bolniku
    [Lethal necrotising pneumonia in young imunocompetent patient caused by Staphyloccocus aureus carrying gene for Panton-Valentine leukocidin]
  17. Zadravec-Zaletel L; Bratanič N
    Hipogonadizem po zdravljenju raka v otroštvu
  18. Velenšek-Prestor V; Mazič U; Rakovec P; Demšar D; Kržišnik C; Jereb B; Benedik-Dolničar M; Anžič J
    Okvara srca po zdravljenju raka v otroštvu
  19. Svetičič J; Marušič A; Jereb B
    Ali je med preživelimi raka v otroštvu več depresivnosti in samomorilnega vedenja?
  20. Jereb Berta
    Dolgoročni pogled an posledice raka v mladosti
  21. Potočnik Marko; Kocjan Boštjan; Seme Katja; Luzar Boštjan; Babič Dunja Z; Poljak Mario
    Beta-papillomaviruses in anogenital hairs plucked from healthy individuals
  22. Šmuc Tina; Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Šinkovec Jasna; Husen Bettina; Thole Hubert; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Expression analysis of the genes involved in estradiol and progesterone action in human ovarian endometriosis
  23. Podnar Simon
    Comparison of different outlier criteria in quantitative anal sphincter electromyography
  24. Olson Josephine E; Frieze Irene H; Wall Sally; Zdaniuk Bozena; Telpuchovsaya Nina; Ferligoj Anuška; Kogovšek Nina; Horvat Jasna; Šarlija Nataša; Rus-Makovec Maja
    Economic influences on ideals about future jobs in young adults in formerly socialist countries and the United states
  25. Gattinoni L; Brazzi L; Pelosi P; Latini R; Tognoni G; Pesenti A; Fumagalli R; Špec-Marn A; Kremžar B; Paver-Eržen V
    A trial of goal-oriented hemodynamic therapy in critically ill patients
  26. Ogrinc Katarina; Logar Majda; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Cerar Daša; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Doxycycline versus ceftriaxone for the treatment of patients with chronic Lyme borreliosis
  27. Schloot NC; Meierhoff G; Lengyel C; Vandorfi G; Takacs J; Panczel P; Barkai L; Madacsy L; Oroszlan T; Kovacs P; Suto G; Battelino T; Hosszufalusi N; Jermendy G
    Effect of heat shock protein peptide DiaPep277 on ss-cell function in paediatric and adult patients with recent-onset diabetes mellitus type 1: two prospective, randomized, double-blind phase II trials
  28. Zupet Petra
    Vpliv hipoksije na variabilnost srčnega ritma
  29. Logar Mateja; Bogovič Petra; Cerar Daša; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Strle Franc
    Tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia from 2000 to 2004: comparison of the course in adult and elderly patients
  30. Poredoš P; Kek-Ljubec A; Poredoš P; Visnovič-Poredoš A
    Endothelial dysfunction predictor of structural changes of arterial wall in type I diabetes
  31. Blinc Aleš; Šabovič Mišo; Božič Mojca
    Low-grade haemostatic activation and increased fibrin turnover due to a retained central venous guide wire, found accidentally after eight years
  32. Suhadolnik Bogdana
    Vrednotenje nekaterih provokativnih testov kot napovednih dejavnikov za hipertenzijo
  33. Marčun-Varda Nataša
    Vloga nekaterih genetskih dejavnikov pri nastanku esencialne arterijske hipertenzije pri otrocih in mladih odraslih
  34. Kralj Marko
    Klinična, rentgenska in biomehanska analiza Ganzove trojne osteotomije medenice
  35. Toff William D; Jones Chris I; Ford Isobel; Pearse Robert J; Watson Henry G; Watt Stephen J; Ross John AS; Gradwell David P; Batchelor Antony J; Abrams Keith R
    Učinek hipobarične hipoksije, ki posnema stanja med dolgotrajnim letalskim poletom, na koagulacijo, fibrinolizo, funkcijo trombocitov in endotelijsko aktivacijo
    [Effect of hypobaric hypoxia, simulating conditions during long-haul air travel, on coagulation, fibrinolysis, platelet function, and endothelial activation]
  36. Mežnar Brane
    Epidemiološki in terapevtski vidik obravnave odraslih, ki so bili v stiku z bolnikom z aktivno tuberkulozo
    [Epidemiological and therapeutical aspects of dealing with adults who were in contact with a patient with active TBC infection]
  37. Kajba Stanislav
    Zbornik predavanj Simpozij Predlogi za smernice za obravnavo odraslega bolnika z astmo; 2006 nov 10-11; Bled
  38. Tekavčič-Pompe Manca; Stirn-Kranjc Branka; Brecelj Jelka
    Visual evoked potentials to red-green stimulation in schoolchildren
  39. Markota Mladen; Ružič Boris; Oven Marjan
    Safety and health of young workers - Slovenian experiences
  40. Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja; Fležar Matjaž; Živčec-Kalan Gordana; Morgan Tina; Zidarn Mihaela; Osolnik Katarina; Škrgat Sabina; Bajrović Nisera
    Predlogi za smernice za obravnavo odraslega bolnika z astmo
  41. Kompan Lidija; Rotovnik-Kozjek Nada
    Slovenska priporočila za prehrano kritično bolnih odraslih bolnikov
  42. Vatovec J; Gros A; Geczy B
    Rezultati rehabilitacije s polževim vsadkom pri prelingvalno gluhih odraslih osebah
    [The outcome of cochlear implantation in pre-lingual adult users]
  43. Spindler-Vesel Alenka; Wraber Branka; Vovk Irena; Kompan Lidija
    Intestinal permeability and cytokine inflammatory response in multiply injured patients
  44. Bunc Matjaž; Starc Radovan
    Unusual causes of acute myocardial infarction: a report on two cases
    [Neobičajni vzroki akutnega miokardnega infarkta: prikaz dveh kliničnih primerov]
  45. Šega Saša; Horvat Alenka; Popović Mara
    Anaplastic oligodendroglioma and gliomatosis type 2 in interferon-beta treated multiple sclerosis patients: report of two cases
  46. Popović M; Tavčar R; Glavač D; Volavšek M; Pirtošek Z; Vizjak A
    Light chain deposition disease restricted to the brain: the first case report
  47. Šubic Tanja; Jamar Breda; Dolenšek Marija
    Duplication cyst of the esophagus
  48. Teržan Metka
    Rezultati predhodnih zdravstvenih pregledov pri mladih delavcih
    [Results of pre-employment check ups among young workers]
  49. Markota Mladen; Ružič Boris; Oven Marjan; Rosa Marjan
    Varnost in zdravje pri delu in mladi delavci - pogled Inšpektorata RS za delo
    [Safety and health at work among young workers - Labour inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia attitude]
  50. Gračner B; Gračner T; Falež M; Pahor D
    Pseudomonas - Keratokonjunktivitis bei einer Kontaktlinsentraegerin, Therapie und Keratoplastik a chaud
    [Pseudomonas - keratoconjunctivitis in a contact lens wearer, the therapy and keratoplasty a chaud]
  51. Grmec Štefek; Špindler Mateja
    Algoritmi oživljanja pri odraslih
  52. Rakovec Peter; Kozak Matija; Šebeštjen Miran
    Ventricular tachycardia induced by abuse of ephedrine in a young healthy woman
  53. Belič Mirjam; Miljkovič Jovan; Marko Pij B
    Sporotrichoid presentation of Mycobacterium marinum infection of the upper extremity. A case report
  54. Fras Zlatko
    Čezmerna telesna teža in debelost v odrasli dobi
  55. Avguštin Bojana; Lopuh Mateja; Horvat-Ledinek Alenka; Šubic Andrej
    Dolgotrajno zdravljenje kronične bolečine pri bolniku s hemofilijo z velikimi odmerki tramadola
  56. Lovrečić L; Pelet A; Peterlin B
    Heterogeneity of the triple A syndrome and assessment of a case
  57. Kobal Borut; Keše Darja; Maurič Danilo; Rožič-Vičič Nives
    Prevalenca urogenitalne klamidijske okužbe med asimptomatskimi mladimi obeh spolov; rezultati sponzorske raziskave "Jaz sem spodaj brez, pa ti?"
    [Prevalence of urogenital chlamydia infection among asymptomatic male and female young adults; results of a sponsored study: "I don't have, do you?"]
  58. Krkovič Matija
    Elektrofiziološko spremljanje delovanje ulnarnega živca med operacijsko oskrbo znotrajsklepnih zlomov končnega dela nadlahtnice pri odraslih
  59. Franko Alenka; Budihna Metka V; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
    Long-term effects of elemental mercury function in miners of the Idrija mercury mine
  60. Zgonc Vid; Čebular Boštjan
    Sodobno medikamentno zdravljenje epilepsije pri odraslih
    [Modern medicamentous treatment of epilepsy in adults]
  61. Babič Dunja Z; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja; Tomažič Janez; Vidmar Ludvik
    Molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 subtypes based on analysis of pol sequences in Slovenia, 1996-2005
  62. Eržen Barbara; Šabovič Mišo; Šebeštjen Miran; Keber Irena; Poredoš Pavel
    Interleukin-6 correlates with endothelial dysfunction in young post-myocardial infarction patients
  63. Zadnik V; Reich BJ
    Analysis of the relationship between socioeconomic factors and stomach cancer incidence in Slovenia
  64. Gupta S; Mishra P; Palaian S; Prabhu S; Bista D; Prabhu M
    Probable cutaneous allergic response to subcutaneous heparin - a case report
  65. Miljković J; Belič M; Godić A; Klemenc P; Marin J
    Zosteriform lichen planus-like eruption
  66. Marušič Andrej
    Suicidal and deliberate self-harm ideation among patients with physical illness: the role of coping styles
  67. Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Logar Mateja; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Erythema migrans in solid-organ transplant recipients
  68. Farkas Leslie G; Katič Marko J; Forrest Christopher R; Tomazo-Ravnik T
    International anthropometric study of facial morphology in various ethnic groups/races
  69. Mažič Matej; Buhanec-Vukorepa Biljana; Hudournik Barbara
    Aritmogena displazija desnega ventrikla kot možen vzrok srčnega zastoja pri mladem nogometašu . prikaz primera
    [Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia as a possible cause for young football player cardiac arrest- a case report]
  70. Grmec Štefek; Špindler Mateja; Kovačič Bojan; Brvar Mirjana; Šumer Alain; Prosen Gregor
    Šokovno stanje po rupturi anevrizme abdominalne aorte - prikaz primera
    [Acute rupturing of abdominal aortic aneurysm with haemorrhagic shock - case report]
  71. Martinjak-Dvoršek Irma; Leonardis Lea
    Srčni zastoj pri bolniku z Andersenovim sindromom
    [Cardiac arrest in a patient with Andersen syndrome]
  72. Ambrožič Jana; Brvar Miran; Bunc Matjaž
    Nezavest pri povišanem plazemskem amonijevem ionu in normalnem delovanju jeter
    [Uncousciousness due to hyperammonemia with normal liver function]
  73. Mrvar-Brečko Anita; Visočnik Božo
    Oživljanje podhlajenega bolnika - prikaz primera
    [Resuscitation od a hypothermic patient - a case report]
  74. Starc Radovan; Norčič Gregor; Starc-Telič Saša
    Abdominalna angina
    [Abdominal angina]
  75. Mitrović Goran
    Poskus samomora - penetrantna poškodba prsnega koša - prikaz primera
    [Suicidal attempt - penetrating chest injury - a case report]
  76. Strbad Ervin; Muidža Zoran; Pregelj Peter
    Poskus samomora z naltreksonom? Prikaz primera
    [Suicidal attempt with naltrexone? A case report]
  77. Vilman Jelena
    Kako dolgo "ostati in igrati"
    [How long should we "stay and play"]
  78. Skok Pavel
    Neobičajen zaplet salmonelne okužbe - predstavitev bolnice
    [Unusual complication of salmonellosis - a case report]
  79. Gradišek Primož
    Novosti v temeljnih postopkih oživljanja odraslih (smernice 2005)
    [Advances in adult basic life support (guidelines 2005)]
  80. Šeruga Tomaž
    Endovascular treatment of a direct post-traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula with electrolytically detachable coils
  81. Lužnik Marijan
    Use of mesh cerclage in prevention of early preterm delivery: a promising new surgical method for women with dilated cervix and membrane herniation?
  82. Koželj Miran; Kobilica Nina; Flis Vojko
    Infected femoral pseudoaneurysms from intravenous drug abuse in young adults
  83. Skrha J; Smahelova A; Andel M; Vrtovec M; Šubic J; Kreze A; Vozar J; Korecova M; de Verga V; Wyatt J
    Insulin lispro improves postprandial glucose control in patients with diabetes mellitus
  84. Novak Brigita; Milčinski Metka; Grmek Marko; Kocmur Margareta
    Early effects of treatment on regional cerebral blood flow in first episode schizophrenia patients evaluated with 99Tc-ECD-SPECT
  85. Albreht Tit; Omerzu Mojca
    Raziskava "Živeti z boleznijo" - odnos bolnikov do bolezni, zdravljenja in zdravja
  86. Novak-Grubič Virginija; Tavčar Rok
    Autocastration and schizophrenia
  87. Bulc Mateja; Fras Zlatko; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Twelve-year blood pressure dynamics in adults in Ljubljana area, Slovenia: contribution of WHO countrywide integrated noncommunicable disease intervention program
  88. Novak-Grubič Virginija; Tavčar Rok
    Predictors of noncompliance in males with first-episode schizophrenia, schizophreniform and schizoaffective disorder
  89. Koprivnikar Helena
    Razširjenost pasivnega kajenja med odraslimi prebivalci RS
  90. Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana; Fras Zlatko; Maučec-Zakotnik Jožica
    Spremljanje stanja na področju bolezni srca in žilja pri odraslih prebivalcih Slovenije ter njegova vloga v zagotavljanju kakovosti pri obvladovanju teh bolezni
    [Monitoring of the situation regarding cardiovascular diseases in adult Slovene population and its role for quality assurance in their treatment]
  91. Franko Alenka; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda; Arnerić Niko
    Bolniški stalež pri mladih delavcih
  92. Bogovič Petra; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka
    Obravnava bolnika z erythema migrans
  93. Ogrinc Katarina
    Sum na kronično lymsko boreliozo
  94. Cerar Daša; Maraspin-Čarman Vera
    Erythema migrans v nosečnosti
  95. Rojko Tereza; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka
  96. Rojko Tereza; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka
  97. Pikelj Andreja; Logar Mateja
    Multipli erythema migrans
  98. Grmec Štefek; Špindler Mateja
    Algoritmi oživljanja pri odrasli osebi
    [Algorithms of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults]
  99. Eržen Barbara; Šabovič Mišo; Poredoš Pavel; Šebeštjen Miran; Keber Irena; Simčič Saša
    Inflammation markers in young post-myocardial patients exhibiting various expressions of classic coronary risk factors
  100. Morrow David A; Cannon Christopher P; Rifai Nader; Frey Martin J; Vicari Ralph; Lakkis Nasser; Robertson Debbie H; Hille Darcy A; DeLucca Paul T; DiBattiste Peter; Demopoulos Laura S; Weintraub William S; Braunwald Eugene
    Napovedna vrednost blagih povečanj koncentracije troponina I in T za uspešnost zgodnjega invazivnega posega pri bolnikih z nestabilno angino pektoris in miokardnim infarktom brez elevacije ST-spojnice: rezultati randomizirane študije
    [Ability of minor elevations of troponins I and T to predict benefit from an early invasive strategy in patients with unstable angina and non-ST elevation myocardial infarction: results from a randomized trial]

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