biomedicina slovenica

"DISEASE" : 8.526-8.625

  1. Keše Darja
    Okužbe z mikoplazmami in klamidijami pri materah in novorojencih
    [Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasmas infections in mothers and in their newborn infants]
  2. Kavčič Martina; Cetin-Lovšin Irena; Lovšin Boštjan
    Okužbe z gonokoki pri materah in novorojencih
    [Gonococcal infection of mothers and newborns]
  3. Štrumbelj Iztok; Gubina Marija; Jeverica Samo; Naveržnik-Troha Breda; Golle Andrej; Zdolšek Barbara; Dermota Urška; Fišer Jerneja; Sarjanović Ljudmila; Kavčič Martina; Harlander Tatjana
    Občutljivost slovenskih izolatov Streptococcus agalactiae iz rodil za izbrane antibiotike
    [Streptococcus agalactiae isolates from genital tract in Slovenia - susceptibility to selcted antibiotics]
  4. Golle Andrej; Burja Silva; Žolger Jože; Pelkič-Ogrizek Ksenija
    Epidemiologija, strategije preprečevanja in mikrobiološka diagnostika okužb, ki jih povzroča Streptococcus agalactiae
    [Epidemiology, prevention strategy and microbiology diagnostics of diseases caused by Streptococcus agalactiae]
  5. Burja Silva; Žolger Jože; Treiber Milena; Tekauc-Golob Andreja; Korpar Bojan; Hajdinjak Dušanka; Kanič Zlatka
    Okužbe novorojenčkov, rojenih na Oddelku za perinatologijo mariborske bolnišnice v letih 1997-2005
    [Infection in neonates deliveres at trhe Maribor teaching hospital department of perinatology in 1997-2005]
  6. Kornhauser-Cerar Lilijana; Mole Helena
    Klinika okužb pri novorojenčkih
    [Neonatal infections - clincal manifestations]
  7. Potočnik Marko
    Pomen presejalnega testiranja na siflis v nosečnosti
    [Antenatal screening for syphilis in pregnancy]
  8. Logar Jernej; Žohar-Čretnik Tjaša; Štorman Alenka; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Novak-Antolič Živa; Arnež Maja; Kraut Aleksandra; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Presejalno testiranje na okužbo s Toxoplasma gondii v nosečnosti
    [Screening for Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnancy]
  9. Kraigher Alenka
    Zakonske osnove presejalnega testiranja v nosečnosti
    [Legislation on screening in pregnancy]
  10. Završnik Tončka; Kuder Lucija
    Okužbe v nosečnosti nekoč in danes
    [Infection in pregnancy in the past and today]
  11. Zaletel Katja
    Determinants of thyroid autoantibody production in Hashimoto's thyroiditis
  12. Bulc Mateja
    Why men?
  13. Bulc Mateja
    Vpliv sprememb življenjskega sloga odraslih prebivalcev Ljubljane na krvni tlak
  14. Korošec Branka
    Vloga genov ATP2A2 in ATP2A3 pri različnih vrstah malignih tumorjev
    [The role of ATP2A2 and ATP2A3 genes in different malignant tumours]
  15. Zupančič Daša
    Zaščitna vloga melatonina pri poškodbi in obnovi urotelija po delovanju ciklofosfamida
  16. Dolinšek Jernej
    Vpliv brezglutenske diete in genetskih dejavnikov na apoptotsko aktivnost sluznice ozkega črevesa pri otrocih s celiakijo
    [The effect of a gluten-free diet and genetic factors on apoptotic activity of the small intestine in children with celiac disease]
  17. Groznik Matjaž
    Dejavniki, ki pomembno vplivajo na nastanek popoškodbenega osteitisa
  18. Kraigher Alenka
    Challenges in communicable disease prevention and control in the 21st century
  19. Kravos Matej
    Glutamat-dehidrogenaza kot označevalec sindroma odvisnosti od alkohola
  20. Novak-Šarotar Brigita
    Vpliv trajanja nezdravljene psihoze na potek bolezni pri bolnikih s shizofrenijo
  21. Mitka Mike
    Raziskovalci iščejo drugačne načine za ugotavljanje bolezni srca pri ženskah
    [Research focus on alternatives for diagnosing heart disease in women]
  22. Abdulla Jamila K; Al-Tawari Asma; Cindro-Heberle Lada; Gopinath Musuwadi S; Neubauer David
    Neurocysticercosis in non-endemic Muslim areas: a report of seven cases from Kuwait
  23. Ling K-S; Zhu H-Y; Petrovič N; Gonsalves D
    Serological detection of grapevine leafroll virus 2 using an antiserum developed against the recombinant coat protein
  24. Woolf Anthony D; Tomšič Matija; Praprotnik Sonja
    Healthcare services for those with musculoskeletal conditions: a rheumatology service. Recommendations of the European union of medical specialists section of rheumatology/European board of rheumatology 2006
  25. Novljan MP; Rozman B; Jerše M; Rotar Ž; Vidmar G; Kveder T; Tomšič M
    Comparison of the different classification criteria sets for primary Sjögren's syndrome
  26. Kralj J; Fuchs S; Tautz J
    Disease removal by altered flight behavior of forager honey bees (Apis mellifera) infested with nosema apis
  27. Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta
    Bolnik s pljučnico v ambulanti zdravnika družinske medicine
    [Patient with the community-acquired pneumonia un the family physician's office]
  28. Kopčavar-Guček Nena
    Tromboflebitis in flebotromboza
    [Trombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis]
  29. Petek Davorina
    Anamneza in klinični pregled bolnika s kroničnim venskim popuščanjem
    [History and clinical examination of patients with chronic venous insuficiency]
  30. Živčec-Kalan Gordana
    Priporočila za zdravljenje kronične nemaligne bolečine
    [Recommendations for treatment of chronic nonmalignant pain]
  31. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Kert Suzana
    Anatomija in patologija ledvenega dela hrbtenice
    [Anatomy and pathology of the lumbar spine]
  32. Wormser Gary P; Dattwyler Raymond J; Shapiro Eugene D; Halperin John J; Steere Allen C; Klempner Mark S; Krause Peter J; Bakken Johan S; Strle Franc; Stanek Gerold
    Reply to Pollock, Donta, Wilson, and Arnez
  33. Karassa Fotini B; Afeltra Antonella; Ambrožič Aleš; Chang Deh-Ming; De Keyser Filip; Doria Andrea; Galeazzi Mauro; Božič Borut; Rozman Blaž
    Accuracy of anti-ribosomal P protein antibody testing for the diagnosis of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus: an international meta-analysis
  34. Blinc A; Poredoš P
    Pharmacological prevention of atherothrombotic events in patients with peripheral arterial disease
  35. Niedrig Matthias; Avšič Tatjana; Aberle Stephan W; Ferenczi Emöke; Labuda Milan; Rozentale Baiba; Donoso Mantke Oliver
    Quality control assessment for the serological diagnosis of tick borne encephalitis virus infections
  36. Lainščak Mitja; Andreas Stefan; Scanlon Paul D; Somers Virend K; Anker Stefan D
    Ghrelin and neurohumoral antagonists in the treatment of cachexia associated with cardiopulmonary disease
  37. Prompers Leonne; Huijberts Maya; Apelqvist Jan; Jude Edward; Piaggesi Alberto; Bakker Karel; Edmonds Michael; Holstein Per; Jirkovska Alexandra; Urbančič Vilma
    Optimal organization of health care in diabetic foot disease: introduction to the Eurodiale study
  38. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Bolnik po operaciji raka širokega črevesa in danke - vprašanja in izkušnje zdravnika družinske medicine
    [Patient after colorectal carcinom surgery - family phisitian's experiences and questions]
  39. Ocvirk Janja; Reberšek Martina; Velenik Vaneja
    Onkološko zdravljenje bolnikov z rakom debelega črevesa in danke
    [Onkology treatment for patients with colon and rectal cancer]
  40. Štabuc Borut
    Zgodnje odkrivanje in presejanje za raka debelega črevesa in danke
    [Early detection and screening of colorectal cancer]
  41. Grisold W; Galvin R; Lisnic V; Lopes-Lima J; Mueller E; Oberndorfer S; Vodušek DB
    One Europe, one neurologist?
  42. Artnik Barbara
    Povezanost socio-ekonomskih in geografskih dejavnikov s prezgodnjo umrljivostjo v Sloveniji
    [The association of socioeconomic and geographical factors with the premature mortality in Slovenia]
  43. Jenko Klemen; Vatovec Jagoda; Podboj Jernej; Boršoš Imre
    Prizadetost zgornjih dihal in ušes pri bolnikih s cistično fibrozo
  44. Homan Matjaž
    Bolezni jeter pri cistični fibrozi in njihovo zdravljenje
  45. Brecelj Jernej
    Prizadetost prebavil in pankreasa pri CF
  46. Rozman B
    Symposium Immunopathology of autoimmune rheumatic diseases; 2006 May 4; Bled
  47. Popović M; Glavač D; Černilec M
    Molecular diagnostic of human prion diseases
  48. Ghetti Bernardino; Kepe Vladimir; Murrell Jill R; Farlow Martin R; Epperson Francine; Bresjanac Mara; Repovš Grega; Šmid Lojze M; Popović Mara; Petrič Andrej
    Visualization of prion pathology in the living brain of Gerstmann-Straeussler-Scheinker disease patients using (18F)FDDNP pet
  49. Kordić-Lašič L; Popović m; Flisar D
    Creutzfeld-Jakob disease presented with psychiatric symptoms
  50. Šešok S; Primožič S; Peterlin B; Kobal J
    Cognitive changes among asymptomatic carriers oft he Huntington's disease gene
  51. Koren N; Popović M; Švigelj V; Kraigher A
    Surveillance of Creutzfeld-Jacob disease in Slovenia
  52. Starovasnik B; Foster E; Repovš G; Vodušek DB; Hershey T
    Prospective memory in Parkinson's disease: possible impairment and the effect of dopaminergic therapy
  53. Grčar-Kuzmanov B; Volavšek M; Popović M
    Whipple's disease with predominant CNS involvment - a case report
  54. Popović M; Pižem J
    False positives and negatives in the diagnostics of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  55. Limbaeck-Stokin K; Popović M
    Pathology of Alzheimer's disease
  56. Mičović Elizabeta
    Prebiotik inulin
    [Prebiotic inulin]
  57. Vovko Petra
    Laboratorijski postopki za določanje kolonizacije nosečnic z bakterijo Streptococcus agalactiae
    [Assessment of laboratory procedures for group B streptococci screening in pregnant women]
  58. Zupan L
    The middle ear effusion in infancy as a predictive value for a chronic otitis media with effusion in young child
  59. Šifrer R; Žargi M
    Horner's and Reader's syndrome in otorhinolaryngology
  60. Onišak B; Breznik-Farkaš B
    Nasal polyposis and aspirin intolerance syndrome
  61. Kravos A; Župevc A; Čizmarevič B; Hočevar-Boltežar I
    Etiologic factors in recurrence of Reinke's edema of the vocal folds
  62. Žargi M
    Multimodal treatment of regional metastases in head and neck cancer
  63. Žargi Miha
    Proceedings of the 11th Danube symposium 2006. International otorhinolaryngological congress; 2006 Sep 27-30; Bled
  64. Franić Damir
    Nadomestno hormonsko zdravljenje v pomenopavzi - kje smo danes?
    [Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopause - where we stand?]
  65. Eržen Renato; Korošec Peter; Šilar Mira; Košnik Mitja
    Vpliv protimikrobnega zdravljenja na občutljivost tehnike PCR pri ukužbah z legionello pneumophilo - prikaz treh primerov
    [Influence of antimicrobial therapy on the sensitivity of legionella PCR - three case report]
  66. Agatonović Aleš; Kern Izidor; Globočnik Marta; Požek Igor; Tomič Viktorija; Kalan Gregor; Triller Nadja
    Strongiloidoza pri bolnici z zmanjšanim imunskim odzivom
    [Immunocompromised patient with strongyloidosis]
  67. Debevec Lučka
    Vpliv spremljajočih bolezni na preživetje bolnikov s pljučnim rakom
    [Influence og comorbidity on the survival of patients with lung cancer]
  68. Bren Andrej; Kandus Aljoša
    Mesto mikofenolata v nefrologiji
    [Place of mycophenolate in nephrology]
  69. Bevc Sebastjan; Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan
    Serumski cistatin C - nov označevalec glomerulne filtracije
    [Serum cystatin C - a new marker of glomerular filtration rate]
  70. Mujezinović Faris
    Osnove tridimenzionalnega ultrazvoka v ginekologiji in porodništvu
    [Principles of threedimensional ultrasound in gynecology and obstetrics]
  71. Ferjan Mateja; Goličnik Alenka
    Vpliv aktivacije vnetnega odgovora na anemijo pri bolnikih s srčnim popuščanjem
    [Effect of activation of inflammatory response to anemia in patients with congesive heart failure]
  72. Mehle N; Brzin J; Boben J; Hren M; Frank J; Petrovič N; Gruden K; Dreo T; Žežlina I; Seljak G; Ravnikar M
    First report of "Candidatus phytoplasma mali" in stone fruits (Prunus spp.)
  73. Prelovšek Oja; Marš Tomaž; Jevšek Marko; Podbregar Matej; Grubič Zoran
    High dexamethasone concentration prevents stimulatory effects of TNF-alpha and LPS on IL-6 secretion from the precursors of human muscle regeneration
  74. Janša J; Ocepek L; Pirtošek Z
    The impact of fatigue, motor impairment and depression on performance of activities of daily living in Parkinson's disease
  75. Kos D; Kerckhofs E; Carrea I; Verza R; Ramos M; Janša J
    Evaluation of the modified fatigue impact scale in four different European countries
  76. Janša J; Sicherl Z; Angleitner K; Grad A
    The use of client centred practice within firm three months post stroke
  77. Škrgat-Kristan Sabina; Šorli Jurij
    Rehabilitacija pljučnega bolnika
  78. Eržen Janez
    Jedrne značilke pri nedrobnoceličnem pljučnem raku
  79. Pikelj-Pečnik Andreja
    Elektrokardiografske spremembe pri bolnikih z lymsko boreliozo
  80. Hicheri J; Jaber K; Raouf-Dhaoui M; Youssef S; Bouziani A; Doss N
    Giant condyloma (Buschke-Loewenstein tumor): a case report
  81. Ferkolj I; Hočevar A; Golouh R; Dolenc-Voljč M
    Infliximab for treatment of resistant pyoderma gangrenosum associated with Crohn's disease
  82. Reich A; Wrobel G; Kazanowska B; Maldyk J; Bubala H; Dluzniewska A; Stefaniak J; Stefanska K; Stolarska M
    Skin involvement in highly malignant non-Hodgkin lymphomas of childhood and adolescence
  83. Gadžijev EM; Wahl M; Wahl J
    An experimental model of reproducible liver trauma
  84. Kraigher Alja; van der Veen MH; Potočnik I
    Caries occurrence in rats after bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide in vivo
  85. Predikaka Marjana
    Pagetova bolezen - nenavadna pogostnost v koroški regiji
    [Paget's disease - unusually high prevalence in the region of Koroška]
  86. Kozar Franc
    Cistična degeneracija adventicije arterijske popliteje in komunikacija s kolenskim sklepom - prikaz primera
    [Cystic adventitial degeneration of popliteal artery and communication with the knee joint - case report]
  87. Uranjek Jasna; Kasnik Darja
    Pljučnica, povzročena s Candido krusei, kot zaplet zdravljenja tubo-ovarijskega abscesa - prikaz primera
    [Candida krusei pneumonia as a complication of a tuboovarian abscess treatment - case report]
  88. Breznikar Brane
    Laparoskopska kolektomija
    [Laparoscopic colectomy]
  89. Verovnik Franc
    Klinični potek in zdravljenje Fabryjeve bolezni pri treh bolnikih pred uvedbo nadomestnega encimskega zdravljenja
    [Clinical course and management of Fabry disease in three patients before the introduction of enzyme replacement therapy]
  90. Vujkovac Bojan; Šabovič Mišo; Verovnik Franc; Benko Davorin; Cokan Andreja; Špegel Milan; Kotnik Jožica; Kotnik Franc; Rubin Ivo; Hughes Derralyn A
    Priporočila za odkrivanje in zdravljenje Fabryjeve bolezni v Sloveniji
    [Recommendation for diagnosis and treatment of Fabry's disease in Slovenia]
  91. Lainščak Mitja; Keber Irena
    Heart failure clinic in a community hospital improves outcome in heart failure patients
  92. Lainščak Mitja; Cleland John GF; Lenzen Mattie J; Follath Ferenc; Komajda Michel; Swedberg Karl
    International variations in the treatment and co-morbidity of left ventricular systolic dysfunction: data from the EuroHeart failure survey
  93. Rozman Blaž; Shoenfeld Yehuda
  94. Poredoš P; Ježovnik Kaja
    Inflammation and atherosclerosis: clinical utility of the C-1 measurement
  95. Ocepek Andreja; Skok Pavel
    Kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni in rak debelega črevesa in danke
    [Inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer]
  96. Dolinšek Jernej; Urlep-Žužej Darja; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Sodobni principi diagnostike celiakije
    [Modern diagnostic approach to celiac disease]
  97. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka
    Human granulocytic anaplasmosis in Europe
  98. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 5th Croatian congress on infectious diseases with international participation; 2006 Sep 23-27; Zadar
  99. Puklavec Ludvik
    Scintigrafske preiskave prebavil v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor
    [Scintigraphic gastroenterologic studies at the Maribor general hospital]
  100. Dajčman Davorin
    Odkrivanje hepatopulmonalnega sindroma pri bolnikih z jetrno cirozo
    [Detection of hepatopulmonary syndrome in patient with liver cirrhosis]

   8.026 8.126 8.226 8.326 8.426 8.526 8.626 8.726 8.826 8.926  

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