biomedicina slovenica

"Men" : 66.129-66.228

  1. Leonardis L; Ogulin M
    Pomen povečane plazemske koncentracije adrenalina in noradrenalina pri bolnikih v zgodnji fazi ishemične možganske kapi
    [The significance of elevated plasma adrenaline and noradrealine levels in the early phase of ishemic cerebrovascular stroke]
  2. Marolt-Gomišček M; Čižman M
    Analiza porabljenih antibiotikov v ambulantni praksi in priporočila za ambulantno zdravljenje najpogostejših bakterijskih okužb
    [The usage of antibiotics for outpatients and recommendations for the treatment of bacterial infections]
  3. Pompe-Kirn V; Primic-Žakelj M
    Pogostnost rakavih bolezni na območju občine Črnomelj v letih 1968-1977 in 1978-1987
    [Frequency of malignant diseases at the community of Črnomelj in the years 1968-1977 and 1978-1987]
  4. Mesec A
    Ocenjevanje funkcije avtonomnega živčevja pri človeku - IV. Spremembe nekaterih kardiovaskularnih refleksov pri Parkinsonovi bolezni
    [Assessment of human autonomic nervous system function - IV. Disorders of some cardiovascular reflexes in Parkinson's disease]
  5. Us J; Krese C; Cigler-But N
    Rezultati prvega leta dela Ambulante za bolezni dojk pri Zdravstvenem centru v Novem mestu
    [Out-patient department of breast diseases at the Health center Novo mesto - a review of the results of its first year of activity]
  6. Podobnik R; Šubic C
    Uzakonitev zobozdravstvene preventive
    [Enactment of dental preventive measures]
  7. Kambič V; Gale N; Rott T; Žargi M
    Influence of asbestos fibres on the respiratory system in experimental animals
  8. Budihna MV; Maček P; Šuput D
    Some possible mechanisms involved in the cardiotoxicity of equinatoxin II
  9. Švab I; Zaletel-Kragelj L
    Frequent attenders in general practice: a study from Slovenia
  10. Kragelj B; Jereb B; Kragelj L; Stanonik M
    Concurrent vinblastine and radiation therapy in bladder cancer
  11. Vizjak A; Trnačević S; Ferluga D; Halilbašić A
    Renal function, protein excretion, and pathology of Balkan endemic nephropathy. 4. Immunohistology
  12. Praprotnik D; Ferluga D; Rott T; Drinovec J; Accetto R; Debeljak A
    Patološke spremembe ledvic pri sindromu Churg-Strauss
    [Churg-Strauss syndrome: renal morphologic findings]
  13. Jukić Ž; Ferluga D; Kobentar T; Rozman B; Jezeršek P; Bidovec M
    Patološke promene bubrega kod reumatoidnog artritisa (RA)
    [Pathologycal changes of kidney in patients with rheumatoid arthritis]
  14. Dolenc-Stražar Z; Ferluga D; Nagode B; Eržen M
    Lectin histochemistry in the kidney during fetal development
  15. Praprotnik D; Ferluga D; Jakša I; Čavič M
    The prognostic importance of renal involvement in childhood systemic lupus erythematosus
  16. Kambič V; Gale N; Ferluga D
    Laryngeal hyperplastic lesions, follow-up study and application of lectins and anticytokeratins for their evaluation
  17. Budihna MV; Strojan P
    Ca2+ channel antagonists inhibit the intestinal absorption of digoxin in the guinea-pig
  18. Plemenitaš A; Havel CM; Watson JA
    Sterol-mediated regulation of mevalonic acid synthesis
  19. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Brzin M
    Influence of denervation on the molecular forms of junctional and extrajunctional acetylcholinesterase in fast and slow muscles of the rat
  20. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Ribarič S; Brzin M
    Interactions between intrinsic regulation and neural modulation of acetycholinesterase in fast and slow skeletal muscles
  21. Mikuš-Kos A
    Mentalno-higienski delavec in begunci
    [Mental-hygienic worker and refugees]
  22. Ribičič V; Končnik-Goršič N
    Kako so starši zaznali otrokove reakcije na vojno - analiza vprašalnika za starše
    [The parent's perception of their child's reactions to war events]
  23. Mikuš-Kos A
    Travma in obvladovanje
    [Trauma and coping]
  24. Mušič E; Šorli J; Debeljak A; Vizjak A; Ferluga D
    Verschiedene Charakteristika der exsudativen Pleuritis bei systemischem Erythematodes im Frueh- und Spaetstadium
    [Different characteristics of early and later stage of exudative pleuritis in systemic erythematodes]
  25. Vidović R; Kansky A; Kališnik M
    Semiqunatitative measurement of the thickness of granular and Malpighi's layer in various types of actinic keratosis
  26. Pajer Z; Kališnik M
    The effect of sodium perchlorate and ionizing irradiation on the thyroid parenchymal and pituitary thyrotropic cells
  27. Oblak P
    25 years of experience in the treatment of bilateral clefts with the Čelešnik method
  28. Koželj V
    Maxillary arch dimensions in patients with cleft of the lip, alveolus, and plate with or without presurgical orthodontic treatment
  29. Trontelj JV; Stalberg E
    Jitter measurement by axonal microstimulation. Guidelines and technical notes
  30. Prestor B; Žgur T; Dolenc VV
    Epidural and subpial cortico-spinal potentials evoked by transcutaneous motor cortex stimulation during spinal cord surgery
  31. Alberch J; Čarman-Kržan M; Fabrazzo M; Wise BC
    Chronic treatment with scopolamine and physostigmine changes nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor density and NGF content in rat brain
  32. Trontelj JV; Stalberg E
    Single motor end-plates in myasthenia gravis and lems at different firing rates
  33. Hesse U; Vodušek DB; Deindl FM; Lukanovič A; Schuessler B
    Neurophysiological assessment of treatment with vaginal cones
  34. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Hesse U; Lukanovič A; Schuessler B
    Pelvic floor activity patterns in parous women
  35. Zidar J; Dimitrijević MR
    Clinical neurophysiological assessment of spasticity
  36. Čoh M
    Razlike v manifestnih spremeljivkah odrivne moči in njihova povezanost s konativnimi dimenzijami pri vrhunskih športnicah različnih športnih panog
    [Differences in the manifest variables of take-off power and their relationship with conative dimensions in top women athletes]
  37. Pokorn D
    Nemerjena dieta v prehrani bolnika s sladkorno boleznijo
  38. Stritih B; Možina M
    Zapis udeleženca drugega srečanja Balintove skupine na poletni šoli s sistemsko teoretičnim komentarjem
  39. Mikuš-Kos A
    Izlet na področje ameriškega življenja, imenovano filantropija
  40. Stritih B; Možina M
    Avtopoeza: procesi samoorganiziranja in samopomoči
  41. Plahuta A
    Paraksialna hemimelija tibije
    [Paraxial hemimelia tibia]
  42. Kocmur M; Zavasnik A
    Krizna stanja v psihiatriji
    [Crisis states in psychiatry]
  43. Pečan M
    Pooperativna bolečina v maksilofacialnem področju
    [Postoperative pain controll in facial and maxillary region]
  44. Prinčič J
    Zlomi talusa
    [Talus fractures]
  45. Hren-Božič M
    Sodobni pogledi na menopavzo
    [Modern views of menopause]
  46. Gregorič M
    Okvare hrbtenjače: topografija in klinični sindromi
    [Spinal cord lesions: topography and clinical syndromes]
  47. Sket D
    Dinamična kompresija dihalnih poti
    [Dynamic compression of the airways]
  48. Trotovšek B
    Histomorfološko odkrivanje onkogeneze v jetrih
    [A histomorphological study of liver oncogenesis]
  49. Kosmina B; Lavrenčič A
    Časovna odvisnost strnjevanja interlevkina 2 in receptorjev za interlevkin 2
    [Time-dependent correlation between binding interleukin 2 and interleukin 2 receptors]
  50. Benedik J
    Ugotavljanje prekuženosti z lymsko boreliozo pri populaciji odraslih bolnikov z akutno črevesno infekcijo v ljubljanski regiji
    [Seroprevalence of borreliam infection in patients with acute diarrhoic syndrome in the Ljubljana region]
  51. Ilin B
    Stranski učinki antidepresivnega zdravljenja
    [The side effects of the antidepressant treatment]
  52. Koselj M; Rott T; Božič D; Furlan P
    Holesterolni embolizmi
    [Cholesterol embolisation]
  53. Bunc G; Strojnik T; Flis I
    Ocena zavesti s pomočjo glasgowske koma skale
    [Assessment of consciousness with Glasgow coma scale]
  54. Vodušek DB
    Višja živčna dejavnost
    [Higher nervous activity]
  55. Sedmak B
    Karcinom prostate
    [Prostatic cancer]
  56. Kaplan-Pavlovčič S
    Ishemična bolezen ledvic
    [Ischaemic renal disease]
  57. Dermastia M
    Levkotrieni in lipoksini: novi skupini eikozanoidov
    [Leukotrienes and lipoxins: the new groups of eicosanoids]
  58. Bunc M
    Po domiselni poti do znanja
    [An ingenious way to knowledge]
  59. Rot U; Velenšek V; Vengust R
    Raznolikost znotrajceličnih antigenov, ki jih uporabljamo za določanje avtoprotiteles pri bolnikih s sistemskimi vezivnotkivnimi boleznimi
    [Heterogenity of intracellular antigens for determination of autoantibodies in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases]
  60. Silvester T
    Pogostnost odmrtja glavice stegneničnega vratu v odvisnosti od časa do osteosinteze
    [The rate of femoral head necrosis depending on the time interval from the injury to the internal fixation]
  61. Sunčič SV
    Uporabnost sedanjih diagnostičnih kriterijev revmatoidnega artrita
    [Usability of present diagnostic criterions of rheumatic arthitis]
  62. Tonin M
    Poškodbe mladostnikov
    [Trauma in adolescents]
  63. Kostnapfel J
    Duševne motnje borcev - starostnikov; četrta študija - tretja katamneza
    [Psychic disorders of the aged ex-fighters; fourth research study - third katamnesis]
  64. Racz A
    Ozaveščenost glede ogroženosti zdravja zaradi delovanja dejavnikov onesnaženega okolja
    [Conclusioness about environmental health risk factors]
  65. Ramovš J; Jakopič J; Polajner B
    Indikatorji za redno epidemiološko spremljanje alkoholizma v Sloveniji
    [Indicators for regular epidemiologic monitoring of alcoholism in Slovenia]
  66. Koglot F
    Komentar ob videofilmu o vojnih poškodbah v junijski vojni 1991 v Rožni dolini pri Novi Gorici
  67. Rozman D; Pertot E; Komel R; Prošek M
    Production of lysergic acid derivatives with immobilized Claviceps paspali mycelium
  68. Dermastia M; Rozman D; Komel R
    Heterologous transformation of Cochliobolus lunatus
  69. Rozman D; Komel R
    Altered expression of the steroid bioconverting pathway in pAN 7-1 transformants of Cochliobolus lunatus
  70. Dermastia M; Rozman D; Komel R
    Morphological changes and induced sporulation in HmB transformants of Cochliobolus lunatus
  71. Nunes V; Gasparini P; Novelli G; Gaona A; Bonizzato A; Sangiuolo F; Balassopoulou A; Gimenez FJ; Dognini M; Ravnik-Glavač M; Cikuli M; Mokini V; Komel R
    Analysis of 14 cystic fibrosis mutations in five South European populations
  72. Žnidaršič P; Pavko A; Komel R
    Laboratory-scale biosynthesis of Trichoderma mycolytic enzymes for protoplast release from Cochliobolus lunatus
  73. Žakelj-Mavrič M; Plemenitaš A; Komel R; Belič I
    11beta-hydroxylation of steroids by Cochliobolus lunatus
  74. Šabec R
    Pogostnost limfedemov pri prebivalcih v Sloveniji ter pomen pravilnega diagnosticiranja in zdravljenja
  75. Kurinčič-Tomšič M; Rodonjič-Miholič V; Vovk N; Dečman I; Rotar E; Pirnat B
    Kompleksna rehabilitacija bolnikov po možganskih poškodbah
  76. Allerberger F; Kofler H; Brezinka C; Fink FM; Dierich MP
    Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in western Austria
  77. Felber B; Felber E; Franz S; Ruzicka T; Meurer M
    Antibodies to the 46 KD LA/SSB protein detected by immunoblotting: their clinical relevance in patients with connective tissue diseases
  78. Hrastar-Kotešić V; Hren-Vencelj H
    Chlamydia trachomatis in men with nonspecific urethritis and evaluation of four tests for laboratory diagnosis
  79. Petrič G; Lamovec J; Kansky A
    Actinic reticuloid-like cutaneous T cell lymphoma
  80. Tomić S; Komel R; Kansky A; Blumenberg M
    Keratin 5 associated restriction fragment length polymorphism in patients with palmoplantar keratoderma of Unna-Thost type
  81. von Gizycki-Nienhaus B; Volkenandt M; Konz B
    Cytodiagnosis of malignant melanoma in a clinically atypical lesion
  82. Wolf P; Kripke ML
    Photoimmunosuppression and sunscreens
  83. Kansky A; Balić-Winter A; Marković-Glamočak M
    Metastatic carcinoma of the skin: erysipelas carcinomatosum
  84. Soyer HP; Cerroni L
    The significance of histopathology in the diagnosis of dermatomycoses
  85. Hoedl S
    Skin disorders in diabetes mellitus
  86. Toeroek L; Husz S; Korom L; Horvath K; Forizs A
    Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus with malignant papulosis atrophicans and Schoenlein-Henoch vasculitis symptoms
  87. Kopera D; Cerroni L; Soyer HP; Hoedl S
    Porokeratosis linearis: a variant of linear epidermal nervus with cornoid lamellae?
  88. Repše S; Jelenc F
    Novosti v abdominalni kirurgiji v svetu
  89. Pajntar M; Obersnel-Kveder D; Zupan J; McCarthy B; Premru T; Blejec T; Jagodic H; Rudolf A; Markeljc M; Šušelj M; Lenart V; Strojnik F
    Prezgodnji porod, prezgodaj rojeni otrok in njegov nadaljnji razvoj
  90. Vozelj M; Kotnik V; Wraber B; Koren S; Simčič S; Klampfer L; Ihan A
    Imunomodulatorji in imunomodulacija
  91. Drobne D; Fajgelj A
    Use of Tc-99m-pertechnetate to follow liquid water uptake by Porcellio scaber
  92. Druškovič B; Paradiž J; Bavcon J
    Raziskave širšega področja ekologije in varstvo okolja: citogenetsko ovrednotenje rastlinskega materiala
  93. Modrič E
    Spremembe v sestavi protozojske združbe v perifitonu zmerno onesnaženega vodotoka
    [Changes in the protozoan community structure in the periphyton of moderately polluted river]
  94. Gnamuš A
    Uporaba bioloških indikatorjev za spremljanje in ovrednotenje obremenjenosti kopenskih ekosistemov z živim srebrom
    [The use of biological indicators in monitoring and evaluating the degree of contamination of the terrestrial environment with mercury]
  95. Martinčič A
    Rdeči seznam ogroženih listnatih mahov (Musci) v Sloveniji
    [The red list of treatened mosses (Musci) in Slovenia]
  96. Maher I
    Vpliv smučišč na okolje
    [The effects of ski runs on the environment]
  97. Roban B
    Človek in rastline v Robanovem kotu
    [Mensch und Pflanzen im Robanov kot-tal]
  98. Romih R
    Vpliv onesnaženja na aktivnost peroksidaz v iglicah smreke (Picea abies (L.) Karsten)
  99. Mali Lilijana
    Ultrastrukturna analiza in funkcionalno morfološka orientacija nevromastov bočne linije pri planinskem pupku (Triturus alpestris) in proteju (Proteus anguinus Laur.)
  100. Ribarič-Lasnik C
    Ekofiziološke lastnosti smreke (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) na vplivnem območju termoelektrarne Šoštanj
    [Ecophysiological characteristics of norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) in surroundings of the termal power Šoštanj]

   65.629 65.729 65.829 65.929 66.029 66.129 66.229 66.329 66.429 66.529  

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