biomedicina slovenica |
"Quality of Life" : 1.201-1.300
Kuhelj Dimitrij
Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na preživetje bolnikov z osteosarkomom
2002 ►
Šikovec A
Quality of life in patients with chronic venous insufficiency before and after operation as measured by "the chronic venous insufficiency questionnaire" - CIVIQ
2002 ►
Urbančič Vilma; Vrtovec Matjaž
Nefarmakološki pristop k zdravljenju sladkorne bolezni
[A non-pharmacological approach to the treatment of diabetes mellitus]
2002 ►
Medvešček Marko
Osnovna pravila obravnave bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 v ambulanti zdravnika družinske medicine
[Basic principles of the management of type 2 diabetic patients in the family physician's office]
2002 ►
Žužej-Urlep D; Mičetić-Turk D; Dolinšek J; Urlep D
Kakovost življenja otrok in mladostnikov s celiakijo
2002 ►
Burger Helena
Ocenjavnje izida rehabilitacije po amputaciji zgornjega uda
2002 ►
Burger Helena
Ocenjevanje izida rehabilitacije po amputaciji spodnjega uda
2002 ►
Pokorn Dražigost
Trendi zdrave prehrane
[The trend of healthy diet]
2001 ►
Klemenc Darinka
Uporaba kulturnih dobrin kot kazalec kakovosti življenja medicinskih sester
[Usage of leisure as quality life indicator of Slovenian nurses with emphasis on cultural goods]
2001 ►
Sima Ðurđa; Eržen Divna
Gibalne aktivnosti medicinskih sester v Sloveniji
[Physical activities of nurses in Slovenia]
2001 ►
Živič Zlata
Medicinske sestre o zdravju, zdravstvenih navadah in zdravstveni službi
[Slovenian nurses about helath, health habits and health care services]
2001 ►
Rener-Primec Z; Župančič N
Intrakranialni vzroki glavobola pri otrocih in mladostnikih
[Intracranial causes of head headache in children and adolescents]
2002 ►
Hren R; Breznik M; Čokolič M
Quality of life issues in postmenopausal osteoporosis: the patient's perspective
2002 ►
Šuškovič Stanislav
Raziskava AIR v Sloveniji
2002 ►
Lainščak Mitja
Vloga in pomen ambulante za srčno popuščanje
[Role and importance of heart failure outpatient clinic]
2002 ►
Lainščak M; Keber I; Kerbev M; Klančnik-Gruden M; Horvat A; Benko D
Kvaliteta življenja in nefarmakološki ukrepi pri bolnikih s srčnim popuščanjem
[Quality of life and nonpharmacological treatment of patient with heart failure]
2002 ►
Fras Z; Maučec-Zakotnik J
Life-style interventions in primary health care - implementation of Slovenian CINDI approach as a national strategy for prevention of coronary heart disease
2002 ►
Berčič H
Nekatere značilnosti gibalno/športne dejavnosti prebivalcev Slovenije
[Some characteristics of physical and sport activities of the Slovene population]
2002 ►
Dolenc-Veličković Tatjana
Basic principles of the neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) - Bobath
2002 ►
Sima Ðurđa; Eržen Divna
Gibalne dejavnosti medicinskih sester v Sloveniji
[Physical activities of nurses in Slovenia]
2002 ►
Berčič Herman
Gibalna/športna dejavnost v funkxiji zdravja in kakovosti življenja prebivalcev Slovenije
[Sports activities as a function of health and quality of life in Slovene population]
2002 ►
Klevišar Metka
Doživljanje smrti
[Experiencing death]
2001 ►
Žagar Bernarda
Način življenja bolnikov z visokim krvnim tlakom (VKT)
2000 ►
Thuerlimann B; Price KN; Castiglione M; Lindtner J; Eržen D; Čufer T; Červek J; Cerar O; Zakotnik B; Majdič E; Golouh R; Lamovec J; Jančar J; Vrhovec I; Kramberger M
Randomized controlled trial of ovarian function suppression plus tamoxifen versus the same endocrine therapy plus chemotherapy: is chemotherapy necessary for premenopausal women with node-positive, endocrine-responsive breast cancer? First results of International breast cancer study group trial 11-93
2001 ►
Žegura B; Šebeštjen M; Keber I; Borko E
Oral and transdermal estradiol substitution equally improve flow mediated dilation in early phase after surgically induced menopause
2001 ►
Gužič-Salobir B; Keber I; Vrabič L
Combined hormone replacement therapy improves endothelial function in healthy postmenopausal women
2001 ►
Anonymous ;
Abstract book of the 4th international symposium Women's health and menopause: new strategies improved quality of life; 2001 May 19-23; Washington
2001 ►
Praznik Igor
Chronic pain syndrome- the influence of the patient-doctor communication on the quality of life
2001 ►
Bartolić Andrej
Močnostni spekter nihanja med mirno stojo pri bolnikih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
2001 ►
Bartolić Andrej
Močnostni spekter nihanja med mirno stojo pri bolnikih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
[Power spectrum of body oscillations during free stance in patients with Parkinson's disease]
2001 ►
Pernat PC; Rakovec Z
IBD patients: quality of life, a prospective controlled study
2001 ►
Nose-Čerkez Marinka
Ocena uporabnosti vprašalnika COOP v ambulanti splošne medicine
2001 ►
Marinček Črt; Burger Helena
Koerperliche Aktivitaet und Lebensqualitaet bei Personen mit koerperlichen Behinderungen
1999 ►
Škerjanc Alenka
Bolniški stalež zaposlenih s sladkorno boleznijo
[Sickness absenteeism in diabetic employees]
2001 ►
Brejc Tone
Pomen odnosa med vrednotami, depresivnostjo in kakovostjo življenja starih rehabilitandov
2001 ►
Fras Zlatko
Nationwide programmes on primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Slovenia
2001 ►
Keber Irena
Heart failure clinics: organization, development and experiences
2001 ►
Rabinowitz Babeth
Heart failure - the new face of an old disease
2001 ►
Jagodic Monika; Čufer Tanja; Zakotnik Branko; Červek Jožica
Selection of candidates for oral etoposide salvage chemotherapy in heavily pretreated breast cancer patients
2001 ►
Kersnik Janko; Švab Igor; Vegnuti Miljana
Frequent attenders in general practice: quality of life, patient satisfaction, use of medical services and GP characteristics.
2001 ►
Sedmak M; Logar-Car G
Weight, height and quality of life in Slovenian children after liver transplantation
2001 ►
Šešok Janja
Euroqol EQ-5D standardiziran instrument - merilo za ugotavljanje rezultatov zdravljenja
[Standardised instrument EUROQOL EQ-5D - a criterion for the ascertainment of treatment results]
2000 ►
Dornik Ema
Kakovost življenja tetraplegika - študija primera
[Quality of life of a tetraplegic - case study]
2001 ►
Pernat Cvetka; Rakovec Zlatka
IBD patients: quality of life, a prospective study
2001 ►
Rudel Drago; Fisk Malcolm
Can users of personal response systems in Slovenia benefit from the 3rd generation technology?
2001 ►
Damjan Hermina; Vrečer Irena; Vrabič Gabriela; Koštomaj Vesna
Functional electrical stimulator - a technical aid for movement function improvement in children with central nervous system lesions
2001 ►
Tominc Matjaž
Informative, advisory and supporting intranet web site for people with special needs
2001 ►
Grabljevec Klemen; Burger Helena
The influence of advanced assistive technology on the handicap of patients after high spinal cord injury - three case reports
2001 ►
Švajger Jurij
A model of selecting appropriate assistive technology for severely physically disabled persons by means of an expert system
2001 ►
Benko Helena; Obreza Pavla; Burger Helena
FES as an orthotic aid in patients with spinal injury
2001 ►
Bajd Tadej; Munih Marko; Šavrin Rajmond; Benko Helena
The use of a wireless electrical stimulator as a therapeutic ambulatory aid for incomplete SCI patients
2001 ►
Štefančič Martin
Systems for functional electrical stimulation of extremities as orthotic devices
2001 ►
Solina Franc; Krapež Slavko; Jaklič Aleš; Komac Vito
Multimedia dictionary and synthesis of sign language
2001 ►
Gros Anton; Vatovec Jagoda; Žargi Miha
Cochlear implants
2001 ►
Vatovec Jagoda; Gros Anton; Žargi Miha; Alčin Branka
Considerations for the amplification in childhood
2001 ►
Debevc Matjaž
Using internet video technologies for deaf and hard of hearing people
2001 ►
Pustišek Matevž; Bešter Janez
Meeting the needs in rehabilitation: e-learning application evaluation and design
2001 ►
Burger Helena; Burgar Matej; Brezovar Darinka
The use of prostheses for children with congenital deficiences of upper limbs
2001 ►
Bardorfer Aleš; Munih Marko; Zupan Anton; Primožič Alenka
Rehabilitation training in virtual environment using haptic interface - a case study
2001 ►
Kamnik Roman; Bajd Tadej
Standing-up robot: an assistive rehabilitative device for training and assessment
2001 ►
Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Žargi Miha; Gros Anton
Speech rehabilitation after laryngectomy
2001 ►
Mihelič France; Dobrišek Simon; Gros Jerneja; Pavešić Nikola
HOMER - man-machine interface for blind and visually impaired people
2001 ►
Marinček Črt
Assistive technology - added value to the quality of life: preface
2001 ►
Marinček Črt; Buehler Christian; Knops Harry; Andrich Renzo
Assistive technology - added value to the quality of life - AAATE'01
2001 ►
Gostiša-Kornhauser Andreja
Novosti pri zdravljenju otrok po poškodbi glave
[Innovations in treating children after an injury to the head]
2000 ►
Huzjan Barbka
Kakovost življenja klienta z revmatičnim obolenjem
[Quality of life of a client with rheumatic disease]
2001 ►
Šuc Lea
Vloga delovne terapije v enoti intenzivne terapije pri nedonošenčkih in kritično bolnih dojenčkih
[The role of occupational therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit with preterm infants and critically ill infants]
2001 ►
Janša Jelka; Kovačič Franjo; Ačimovič Ruža
Funkcionalne spremembe v kroničnem obdobju po možganski kapi
[Functional changes in chronic stroke patients]
2001 ►
Meden-Vrtovec Helena
Hormonsko nadomestno zdravljenje na sekundarni ravni
[Hormonal replacement therapy on secondary level]
2001 ►
Pfeifer Marija
Sindrom pomanjkanja rastnega hormona pri odraslem - učinki nadomestnega zdravljenja
[Syndrome of growth hormone deficiency in adults - effects of growth hormone replacement therapy]
2001 ►
Kralj B
Quality of life after radical hysterectomy - micturition disturbances
2001 ►
Drobež Janja
Pristop k obravnavi subnormalne rasti na nivoju osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva otrok in mladine
[Subnormal growth - a diagnostic approach at the primary care setting]
2001 ►
Prebeg Živka
Koji su putovi školske medicine u budućnosti?
[Directions of school medicine in the future]
2001 ►
Brejc Tone
Prediktivni pomen odnosa med vrednotami, depresivnostjo in kakovostjo življenja starih rehabilitandov: raziskovalno poročilo
2000 ►
Vakselj Nataša; Hojan Vesna
Dovolite, da naredim, kar še zmorem
[Let me do, what I still can]
2001 ►
Pišljar Marko
Psihiatrični simptomi pri Alzheimerjevi bolezni
[Psychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease]
2001 ►
Ivašković Dragoslav
Bolnik s srčnim popuščanjem v zdravilišču
[Patients with heart failure in healt resort]
2001 ►
Keber Irena; Gužič-Salobir Barbara
Telesna vadba pri bolnikih s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem
[Physical training in patients with chronic heart failure]
2001 ►
Ružič-Medvešček Nadja
Indikacije za hospitalizacijo bolnika s kroničnim srčnim popuščanjem
[Indications for hospitalization of patient with congesive heart failure]
2001 ►
Ivačič Ivo
Zakaj Štajerci umirajo prej kot Primorci
2001 ►
Burger Helena
Možnosti ocenjevanja izida fizikalne terapije
[Outcome measurement of physical therapy]
2001 ►
Kersnik Janko
Zadovoljstvo bolnikov z zdravnikom družinske medicine
2001 ►
Ferkolj Ivan
Paliativno endoskopsko zdravljenje malignomov pankreasa
2001 ►
Potrč Stojan; Koren Zoran; Šturm Maja; Horvat Matjaž; Gadžijev Eldar
Paliativni kirurški posegi pri bolnikih s karcinomom trebušne slinavke
[Surgical paliations in patients with pancreatic cancer]
2001 ►
Lloyd Adam
The economic burden of asthma and the cost-effectiveness of seretide (salmeterol/fluticasone propionate)
2001 ►
Frankič Darja
Farmacevtska intervencija
[Pharmaceutical intervention]
1999 ►
Smrke Dragica; Beden Robert; Stankovski Vlado
Bipolar versus total hip endoprosthesis: functional results
2000 ►
Triller Nadja; Debeljak Andrej
Zdravljenje endobronhialnih tumorjev z elektrokavterjem
[Treatment of endobronchial tumors with electrocautery]
2001 ►
Stergar Eva; Bevc-Stankovič Mojca
Promocija duševnega zdravja v šolah
[Mental health promotion in schools]
2001 ►
Sedmak Marjeta; Logar-Car Gordana
Presaditev jeter pri otroku
2001 ►
Straunik Miroslava
Kakovost življenja otroka po opeklinski poškodbi
2001 ►
Pogorelc-Erjavec Andreja; Derganc Metka; Petreska Mirjana; Primožič Janez; Gostiša Andreja; Sešek Slavica; Plevčak-Penovski Dragica
Parenteralna prehrana otroka s sindromom kratkega črevesa na domu
2001 ►
Jemec GBE; Kynemund L
Time spent on treatment in dermatology - how much time do outpatients use and is it a measure of morbidity?
2001 ►
Pristovšek Marija; Zidar Janez
Priročnik za bolnike z živčno-mišičnimi boleznimi in za vse, ki se srečujejo z njimi
1990 ►
Starfield Barbara
Je zdravje v Združenih državah Amerike res najboljše na svetu?
[Is US health really the best in the world?]
2001 ►
Kravos Andrej
Debelost v ambulanti splošne medicine - kako dobro bolniki ocenjujejo svojo prehranjenost
[Obesity in GP surgery - how well patients know their nutritional status]
2000 ►
Knigge T; Trontelj P; Bollgoenn S; Koehler HR
Stress genes in terrestrial invertebrates: identification and characterisation
1999 ►
Anonymous ;
Quality of life and environment in cultured landscapes. Abstracts of the 9th annual meeting of SETAC-Europe: ; 1999 May 25-29; Leipzig
1999 ►
Košnik Mitja
Vodenje bolnika z astmo v ambulanti splošne medicine
2000 ►
Munih Marko; Obreza Pavla; Ott Erik; Benko Helika
PNF electrical stimulator
1999 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics