biomedicina slovenica |
vo="case report" : 2.002-2.101
Lešničar Gorazd; Vlaović Miodrag; Gadžijev Eldar M; Radič Željko
Anafilaktični šok po travmatski rupturi jetrne ehinokokne ciste v trebušno votlino
[Anaphylactic shock after traumatic rupture of hepatic echinococcal cyst into the abdominal cavity]
1997 ►
Pogačnik Ana; Zidar Nina
Malignant rhabdoid tumor of the liver diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology: a case report
1997 ►
Butinar J
Spontaneous oesophageal rupture in a dog - a Boerhaave-like syndrome
1993 ►
Denišlič Miro; Meh Duška
Early asymmetric neuropathy in primary Sjoegren's syndrome
1997 ►
Denišlič M; Meh D
Die quantitative Bestimmung der Funktion der duennen Nervenfasern
1997 ►
Turco Alberto E; Bresin Elena; Rossetti Sandro; Peterlin Borut; Morandi Raffaella; Pignati Pier Franco
Rapid DNA-based prenatal diagnosis by genetic linkage in three families with Alport's syndrome
1997 ►
Gorišek Borut; Krajnc Ivan; Rems Dušan; Kuhelj Janez
Malignant acanthosis nigricans and tripe palms in a patient with endometrial adenocarcinoma--a case report and review of literature
1997 ►
Strojnik Tadej
Razširitev ventriklov po poškodbi: prikaz primerov
[Posttraumatic ventriculomegaly: case reports]
1997 ►
Šurlan M; Pavčnik D; Koželj M; Kveder R; Kandus A
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in a transplanted kidney with fibromuscular dysplasia: letter
1996 ►
Vitorovič Sveto; Ličina Milan
Wilson's disease and mental disturbances
1996 ►
Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Kramberger Slavko
Tumoral calcinosis in patients on hemodialysis: case report and review of the literature
1997 ►
Završnik Matej
Sladkorna bolezen - prikaz primerov
1997 ►
Holc Iztok
Sistemski lupus eritematosus - prikaz primera
1997 ►
Pahor Artur
Naše izkušnje pri zdravljenju sistemskega lupusa eritematosusa (SLE)
[Our experiences in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)]
1997 ►
Filipič Bojan
Avtoagresivnost v okviru disocialnega sindroma
1991 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Agresivnost staršev do duševno bolnega mladostnika - prikaz primera
1988 ►
Cotič Vesna
Pomanjkanje zdrave agresivnosti pri psihotičnem mladostniku
1988 ►
Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka; Flis Vojko; Kamenik Mirt
Zdravljenje kritične kronične ishemije spodnjega uda pri bolniku z akutnim miokardnim infarktom
1997 ►
Pahor A; Krajnc I; Hojs-Fabjan T
Multiple hereditaere Exostosen - ein Fallbericht mit Literaturuebersicht
1995 ►
Orojan I; Toeroek L
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (Kawasaki syndrome)
1997 ►
Periš Z
Dermabrasion in a girl with congenital poikiloderma. (Syndrome Rothmund-Thomson)
1997 ►
Bickley LK; Schwartz RA; Lambert WC
Apocrine epithelium within a trichilemmal cyst
1997 ►
Kopera D; Soyer HP
Lentiginosis in quadrant distribution: successful treatment with argon laser
1997 ►
Geršak Borut; Bručan Andrej
Prikaz primera bolnika z disekcijo aorte tip B in Marfanovim sindromom
[A case report of a patient with aortic dissection type B and Marfan syndrome]
1997 ►
Vesel Miloš; Herman Simon
Krvavitve v trebušno votlino kot posledica travme
1997 ►
Scerri L; Saihan EM
Trdovratno otekanje obraza pri bolniku z rozaceo
1997 ►
Wantz George E
65-letni moški z dimeljsko kilo
[A 65-year old man with an inguinal hernia]
1997 ►
Dintinjana M; Meden-Vrtovec H
Sindrom hiperstimulacije ovarijev s prikazom primera
1993 ►
Stiakaki Eftichia; Lydaki Evangelia; Bolonaki Irene; Kambourakis Alexandros; Kanavaros Panayiotis; Giannakopoulou Christina; Kalmati Maria
Langerhans cell histiocytosis: five new cases and review of the literature
1996 ►
Gardašanić Jasna; Smoje Juraj; Karner Ivan; Včev Aleksandar; Topuzović Nedeljko
Papillary thyroid cancer in two sisters
1996 ►
Sever Marko; Jelenc Franc; Šurlan Miloš; Vidmar Dubravka
Percutaneous drainage of a pancreatic pseudocyst into the stomach
1996 ►
Roncaroli F; Lamovec J; Zidar A; Eusebi V
Acinic cell-like carcinoma of the breast
1996 ►
Štabuc Borut; Benedičič Darja
Ukrain with chemotherapy in malignant melanoma (case report)
1996 ►
Osolnik K; Zupančič M; Vovk M; Cesar R; Turel M; Marčun R; Rott T
Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the lung of the patient with bronchiectasis
1996 ►
Pogačnik A; Golouh R; Fležar M
Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy: a case report
1997 ►
Hsu Nan-Yung; Chen Chih-Yi; Kwang Po-Chung; Hsu Chung-Ping; Hsia Jiun-Yi
Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the thymus - a care report
1996 ►
Kučič J; Horvat I
Anestezija pri bolnici z ahondroplazijo pri nujnem carskem rezu - prikaz primera
1993 ►
Slabe M
Masivne krvavitve med porodi na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani - prikaz primerov
1993 ►
Mandelc-Grom Majda
Poklicna astma
1996 ►
Rode Matjaž; Babič Živo; Kogoj-Rode Mirela
Spremembe na mehkih in trdih tkivih ustne votline pri distrofični hereditarni bulozni epidermolizi: opis primera
1997 ►
Zver Samo; Noč Marko; Horvat Matija; Ponikvar Rafael
Trombotična trombocitopenična purpura - prikaz kliničnega primera
[Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with case report]
1997 ►
Smrekar Nataša; Koželj Matjaž; Ramovž Andrej
Perikarditis - zaplet kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni - prikaz primera
[Pericarditis - a complication of inflammatory bowel disease - case report]
1997 ►
Lešničar Gorazd
Dva sporadična primera legionarske bolezni v Celju
[Two sporadic cases of legionnaries' disease in Celje]
1997 ►
Košorok Pavle
Bouveretov sindrom - visoki biliarni ileus
[Gallstone ileus - Bouveret's syndrome]
1996 ►
Schwarzbartl Marija Ana; Kraut Aleksandra; Logar Jernej
Akantamebni keratitis
[Acanthamoeba keratitis]
1996 ►
Brown J Trig
[A jack of all trades]
1997 ►
Rubinstein Arthur H
Moški štiriinšestdesetih let s sladkorno boleznijo, ki se je začela v odrasli dobi
[A 64-year-old man with adult-onset diabetes]
1997 ►
Auer Vladimir
Motnje aktivnosti in pozornosti pri odraslih
1997 ►
Poberaj Boris; Veselko Matjaž; Perković Tatjana; Tonin Martin
Aseptični sinovitis kolena po artroskopski fiksaciji zloma interkondilarne eminence s kaniliranim vijakom in podložko
[Aseptic synovitis of the knee joint after arthroscopic fixation of intercondylar eminence fracture with a cannulated screw and washer]
1996 ►
Neubauer D; Novosel-Sever M; Kauzlarić I; Jakša I; Bratanič B; Paro D
Pyridoxine-responsive neonatal convulsions combined with idiopathic hypomagnesemia - a coincidence or an entity?
[Piridoksinsko odvisni krči pri novorojenčku z idiopatsko hipomagnezemijo]
1996 ►
Arnež Maja; Čižman Milan; Jazbec Janez; Kotnik Antonija
Acute infectious lymphocytosis caused by coxsackievirus B2
1996 ►
Pirc Borut; Geršak Borut; Ružič-Medvešček Nada
Cor triatriatum sinistrum, aortic coarctation and bicuspid aortic stenosis in an adult
1996 ►
Komadina R; Smrkolj V; Baraga A
Ueberbrueckung eines ausgedehnten Knochendefekts mit kortikospongioesen Transplantaten bei Femurfraktur durch Schussverletzung
1996 ►
Tomažič J; Poljak M; Popovič P (M); Matičič M; Beović B; Avšič-Županc T; Lotrič S; Jereb M; Pikelj F; Gale N
Tick-borne encephalitis: possibly a fatal disease in its acute stage. PCR amplification of TBE RNA from postmortem brain tissue
1997 ►
Preac-Muršič V; Marget W; Busch U; Pleterski-Rigler D; Hagl S
Kill kinetics of Borrelia burgdorferi and bacterial findings in relation to the treatment of Lyme borreliosis
1996 ►
Bowden PE; Haley JL; Kansky A; Rothnagel JA; Jones DO; Turner RJ
Mutation of a type II keratin gene (K6a) in pachyonychia congenita
1995 ►
Krajnc Ivan; Rems Dušan; Vizjak Alenka; Hodl Stefan
Erworbene generalisierte Cutis laxa mit Paraproteinamie (IgG-lambda): immunfluoreszenzstudie, klinischer und histologischer Befund mit Literaturubersicht
[Acquired generalized cutis laxa with paraproteinemia (IgG lambda): immunofluorescence study, clinical and histologic findings with review of the literature]
1996 ►
Lamovec J; Bračko M
Epithelioid hemangioma of small tubular bones: a report of three cases, two of them associated with pregnancy
1996 ►
Šušterčič D; Funduk N
Uporaba erbijevega laserja v sklenini in dentinu
[Enamel and dentine treatment by the erbium yag laser]
1997 ►
Sotošek B; Arnež ZM
Rekonstrukcija mandibule s prostim fibularnim režnjem pri kirurškem zdravljenju tumorjev
[Reconstruction of the mandibule with a free fibular flap in surgical treatment of tumours]
1997 ►
Ponikvar Rafael; Drinovec Jože; Varl Janez; Bren Andrej; Kveder Radoslav
Asorption and desorption of proteins on plasmafilter membrane and its efect on macromolecular sieving coefficient
1987 ►
Mušič E
Schnell progrediente Lungensarkoidose bei einer Zahntechnikerin
1996 ►
Mohor Mitja
Hospitalizacija proti volji bolnika - dilema v splošni ambulanti
1995 ►
Klemenc F
Problem endodontskega zdravljenja nadpovprečno velikih periapikalnih procesov
[Problems in endodontic treatment of oversized periapical processes]
1997 ►
Zver Samo; Keše Darja; Pajk Bojana
Pljučnica in akutni hemoragični perikarditis, povzročena z okužbo Chlamydia pneumoniae
[Pneumonia and acute haemorrhagic pericarditis caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae infection]
1997 ►
Gala-Bem Danica
Porfirija kutanea tarda - nenadno poslabšanje po kontracepcijskih tabletah
1997 ►
Ličina Milan; Vitorović Sveto; Švigelj Viktor; Gostič-Kumar Marta
Wilsonova bolezen in duševne motnje: prikaz dveh primerov
[Wilson's disease and mental disturbances: two cases]
1997 ►
Krajnc I; Pahor A
Kasuistischer Beitrag zum CREST-Syndrom: Beobachtungszeitraum von 35 Jahren
1993 ►
Holc I; Krajnc I; Pahor T
Akute Schmerzzustaende in der Rheumatologie
1994 ►
Krajnc I; Pahor A
Stressfrakturen bei rheumatoider Arthritis
1993 ►
Krajnc I; Rems D
Morbus Behcet, mukokutaner Typ - Krankheitsverlauf und Therapie bei einer Patientin
1994 ►
Rott T; Koselj M; Skralovnik A; Bren AF; Kandus A
Aspergillosis in renal transplant recipients
[Aspergiloza kod primatelja bubrežnih transplantata]
1996 ►
Hojs Radovan; Sinkovič Andreja
Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure following methadone abuse
1992 ►
Hojs R
Hydronephrosis in a patient on haemodialysis demonstated by ultrasound
1993 ►
Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Ličina A; Kveder R; Perković T; Eržen J
Calciphylaxis in secondary hyperparathyroidism
[Kalcifilaksija u sekundarnom hiperparatireoidizmu]
1996 ►
Cerar-Lotrič M
Depresivni bolnik v družini
1996 ►
Čebašek-Travnik Z
Družina in bolezni odvisnosti
1996 ►
Bertoncelj-Pustišek S
Bolan otrok pokliče pomoč v družino
1996 ►
Rus-Makovec M
Simptom - sporočilo družine
1996 ►
Morgan WKC
"Zambonijeva bolezen": pljučni edem pri igralcu hokeja
["Zamboni disease": pulmonary edema in an ice hockey player]
1996 ►
Cerar A; Dolenc-Stražar Z; Bartenjev D
Infantile hemangioendothelioma of the liver in a neonate
1996 ►
Bregant L; Tomšič M
Neonatalni lupusni sindrom
[Neonatal lupus syndrome]
1995 ►
Kocijančič-Besednjak L; Sedmak M; Logar-Car G; Andlovic A
Yersinia enterocolitica: primer dvomesečnega dečka s hemoragičnim enterokolitisom
[Yersinia enterocolitica: report of a case of a two months old boy with enterocolitis haemorrhagica]
1995 ►
Žerjav-Tanšek M; Kržišnik C; Anžič J; Battelino T
Transient diabetes mellitus in children secondary to the treatment with L-asparaginase
[Prehodna sladkorna bolezen pri otrocih kot posledica zdravljenja z L-asparaginazo]
1995 ►
Žmitek A; Resman D
An unusual case of shared psychotic disorder
1996 ►
Zakotnik Branko; Borštnar Simona; Movrin Tadeja; Jančar Breda; Zidar Andreja
Differential diagnosis between bone metastases and osteomalacia
1996 ►
Hawlina M; Jarc M; Raič P; Jaki P; Brecelj J; Peterlin B
Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in retinitis pigmentosa
1996 ►
Neubauer D; Kopač Š
A case of congenital myotonic dystrophy with hydrocephalus and infantile spasms
1996 ►
Logar N; Zidar J; Peterlin B
Normal (CTG)n repeat expansion in a family with a clinical picture of myotonic dystrophy
1996 ►
Cornes P
Foundations of vocational rehabilitation policy and practice in Europe
1996 ►
Kogovšek Brane
Izguba zakonca in žalovanje: opis primera
[The loss of a spouse and grieving: case study]
1996 ►
Olanow CW
61-letni bolnik s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
[A 61-year-old man with Parkinsons disease]
1996 ►
Lipsitz LA
85-letna ženska s padci v anamnezi
[An 85-year-old woman a history of falls]
1996 ►
Medved R
Kardiovaskularni sustav i sport
1996 ►
Veselko Matjaž; Šturm Maja
Tenosinovitis tetive tibialis posterior pri športnikih
[Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis in athletes]
1996 ►
Battelino Saba; Žargi Miha; Černelč Smilja
Sifilis in slušna prizadetost
[Syphilis and hearing impairment]
1996 ►
Pavlovič M; Flis V; Matela J; Miksić K
Surgical treatment of congenital arteriovenous communications: review of 6 cases
1996 ►
Flis V
Reconstruction of venous outflow after inadvertent stripping of the femoral vein
1996 ►
Flis V
Deep vein thrombosis - intraarterial application of the thrombolytic agent: a case report
1996 ►
Koželj M; Pavčnik D; Šurlan M
Asymmetric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy diagnosed by echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging: case reports
1996 ►
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