biomedicina slovenica |
"Growth" : 901-1.000
Germ Mateja; Stibilj Vekoslava; Kreft Ivan
Metabolic importance of selenium for plants
2007 ►
Smrke Dragica; Gubina Borut; Domanović Dragoslav; Rožman Primož
Allogeneic platelet gel with autologous cancellous bone graft for the treatment of a large bone defect
2007 ►
Mulec Janez; Kosi Gorazd; Vrhovšek Danijel
Algae promote growth of stalagmites and stalactites in karst caves (Škocjanske jame, Slovenia)
2007 ►
Strmole Tadeja
Halotolerantne askomicetne kvasovke osamljene iz arktičnega okolja
[Halotolerant ascomycetous yeast isolated from arctic environment]
2007 ►
Koželj V; Hanstein S; Kobus K; Hortis-Dzierzbicka M; Klimova I; Gonzalez-Landa G
Growth of the upper jaw of children with UCLAP. A six - centre international study
2007 ►
Španinger Klemen; Fink Martina
Cirkadialni ritem in kronomedicina
[Circadian rhythm and chronomedicine]
2007 ►
Kenda Jana
Segmentna selektivnost kolateralnega brstenja senzoričnih aksonov v živčno anastomozo konec s stranjo pri podgani
2006 ►
Iglič Aleš; Lokar Maruša; Babnik Blaž; Slivnik Tomaž; Veranič Peter; Hägerstrand Henry; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
Possible role of flexible red blood cell membrane nanodomains in the growth and stability of membrane nanotubes
2007 ►
Ploj Tom
Javno dostopni avtomatični defibrilatorji v Sloveniji
[Public access automated external defibrilators in Slovenia]
2006 ►
Fischer Gerald; Pelka Rainer B.; Barovič Jože
Adjuvante Behandlung der Gonarthrose mit schwachen pulsierenden Magnetfeldern
[Adjuvant treatment of osteo arthritis of the knee with weak pulsing magnetic fields - results of a prospective, placebo controlled trial]
2006 ►
Retelj Matjaž J; Harlander Tatjana
Chromogenic media for urine cultures can be cost-effective
[Kromogena gojišča za bakteriološko preiskavo urina so lahko stroškovno smotrna]
2007 ►
Filipič Bratko; Sladojev Srečko; Somogyvari Ferenc; Toth Sandor; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Koren Srečko
Cell-growth promoting material isolated from sheep's blood clot
2004 ►
Fuerst Jurij; Samaluk Vita; Peklar Jure
Poraba zdravil v pediatriji
[Consumption of drugs in pediatrics]
2007 ►
Coer Andrej; Legan Mateja
2006 ►
Perdan Katja; Pirkmajer Sergej
Vpliv nevrotrofina NT-3 na funkcionalne sposobnosti motonevronov v kokulturi s človeško mišico?
[The effect of neurotrophin NT-3 on functional capabilities of motoneurons in cocultures with human muscle]
2006 ►
Grmek-Košnik Irena
Optimizacija jemanja in obdelave nadzornih brisov za odkrivanje kolonizacije z MRSA
[Optimization of sampling and processing of surveilance cultures for the detection of MRSA colonization]
2006 ►
Globočnik-Petrovič Mojca
Vpliv genetskih in biokemičnih dejavnikov na napredovanje in zdravljenje diabetične retinopatije pri diabetesu tipa 2
[The influence of genetical and biochemical factors for the progression and treatment of diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes]
2007 ►
Lovšin Boštjan
Nosečnost po IVF-ET postopku na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani: primerjava poteka izida nosečnosti in poroda pri enojčkih med IVF-ET in kontrolno skupino
1993 ►
Bresjanac Mara
Vplivi celic in drugih sestavin aksinskega okolja na regeneracijo v perifernem in osrednjem živčevju
1994 ►
Grisold W; Galvin R; Lisnic V; Lopes-Lima J; Mueller E; Oberndorfer S; Vodušek DB
One Europe, one neurologist?
2007 ►
Antolič Bor; Geršak Ksenija; Verdenik Ivan; Novak-Antolič Živa
Adverse effects of thyroid dysfunction on pregnancy and pregnancy outcome: epidemiologic study in Slovenia
2006 ►
Trojner-Bregar Andreja
Dejavniki rasti incidence carskih rezov v ljubljanski porodnišnici med leti 1955 in 2005
2006 ►
Volfand Jasna; Furlan Jana
Vodikovi dihalni testi v gastroenterologiji in izkušnje v Diagnostičnem centru Bled
[Hydrogen breath test in gastroenterology and test results in Diagnostic centre Bled]
2006 ►
Hicheri J; Jaber K; Raouf-Dhaoui M; Youssef S; Bouziani A; Doss N
Giant condyloma (Buschke-Loewenstein tumor): a case report
2006 ►
Milavec-Žmak P; Podgornik A; Podgornik H; Koloini T
Impact of pellet size on growth and peroxidase activity of Phanerochaete crysosporium
2007 ►
Zupanc Oskar
Biomehanska analiza zdrsa glavice stegnenice
2006 ►
Domanović Dragoslav
Pomen želatinaze B (metaloproteinaze - 9) za zbiranje krvotvornih matičnih celic
2006 ►
Prestor Borut; Žgur Tomaž
Vpliv karcinoembrionskega antigena na celice zaviralke
[Effect of carcinoembrionic antigen on suppressor cells]
1983 ►
Šmuc Tina; Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Šinkovec Jasna; Husen Bettina; Thole Hubert; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
Expression analysis of the genes involved in estradiol and progesterone action in human ovarian endometriosis
2007 ►
Rait Greta; Nazareth Irwin; Švab Igor; Rotar-Pavlič Danica
Barriers to European research collaboration. Views from a WONCA workshop 2005
[Ovire pri evropskem sodelovanju na področju raziskovalnega dela: stališča delavnice WONCA 2005]
2006 ►
Juvan Špela; Kobolt Sara Chuuya
Vpliv palatoplastike na rast zgornjega dela ustne votline pri desetletnih otrocih z izolirano palatoshizo
2006 ►
De Martino Sylvie Josiane; Sordet Christelle; Piemont Yves; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Thaddee Vetter Marie; Monteil Henri; Sibilia Jean; Jaulhac Benoît
Enhanced culture of Borrelia garinii and Borrelia afzelii strains on a solid BSK-based medium in anaerobic conditions
2006 ►
Sumnik Zdenek; Cinek Ondrej; Bratanič Nina; Kordonouri Olga; Kulich Michal; Roszai Barnabas; Arato Andras; Lebl Jan; Soltesz Gyula; Danne Thomas; Battelino Tadej; Schober Edit
Risk of celiac disease in children with type 1 diabetes is modified by positivity for HLA-DQB1*02-DQA1*05 and TNF -308A
2006 ►
Vrezec Al
Ali je vzrok upada populacije jerebice Perdix perdix v Sloveniji prikrita kompeticija s fazanom Phasianus colchicus?
[Is the grey patridge Perdix perdix population decline in Slovenia the result of apparent competition with the pheasant Phasianus colchicus?]
2006 ►
Korošec Branka; Glavač Damjan; Rott Tomaž; Ravnik-Glavač Metka
Alterations in the ATP2A2 gene in correlation with colon and lung cancer
2006 ►
Arroyo Jorge G
76-letni bolnik s starostno degeneracijo rumene pege
[A 76-year-old man with macular degeneration]
2006 ►
Bigec Martin
Vrednotenje generacijskih sprememb v rasti mariborskih otrok
2006 ►
Špička Nenad; Kraut Aleksandra
Starostna degeneracija rumene pege
2006 ►
Globočnik-Petrovič M; Hawlina M
Raven vaskularnega endotelnega rastnega dejavnika v steklovini bolnikov s poliferativno diabetično retinopatijo
[Vitrous level of vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy]
2006 ►
Jagrič Tomaž; Marš Tomaž; Grubič Zoran; Jagrič Timotej; Geršak Borut
Kulture človeških endotelnih celic, izoliranih iz arterije mamarije interne
[Human endothelial cell cultures isolated from internal mammary artery]
2006 ►
Rečnik Gregor
Biologija celjenja zlomov kosti v naravi in v kirurgiji
[Biological basis of fracture healing in vivo in surgery]
2006 ►
Pogorelc-Erjavec Andreja
Prehrana in rast nedonošenčka
2006 ►
Petrovič Danijel; Verhovec Renata; Globočnik-Petrovič Mojca; Osredkar Joško; Peterlin Borut
Association of vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphism with myocardial infarction in patients with type 2 diabetes
2007 ►
Fikfak Nataša
Okužbe pri diseminarnem plazmocitomu
[Disseminated plasmocytoma infections]
2006 ►
Ploj Tom; Noč Marko
Avtomatični zunanji defibrilatorji za laike - novost v Sloveniji
[Automated external defibrillators for laymen - new in Slovenia]
2006 ►
Tekauc-Golob A; Burja S
Kakovost življenja otrok, rojenih z znaki intrauterino zastale rasti
[Quality of life of small for gestation age infants]
2006 ►
Burja S; Treiber M; Tekauc-Golob A; Takač I; Hajdinjak D
Umrljivost novorojenčkov kot pomemben kazalec kvalitete perinatalnega zdravstvenega varstva (Maribor 1997-2005)
[Mortality of newborn infants as an important indicator of the quality of perinatal medical care (Maribor 1997-2005)]
2006 ►
Bigec Martin; Jelen Boris
Generational changes in the growth of children from Maribor and Slovenia
2006 ►
Urlep-Žužej D; Mičetić-Turk D; Dolinšek J
Vitamini in minerali pri kronični vnetni črevesni bolezni otrok in mladostnikov
[Vutamins and minerals in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease]
2006 ►
Krajnc O; Mičetić-Turk D; Marčun-Varda N
Pomen železa za rast in razvoj otroka in mladostnika
[The importance of iron for child and adolescent growth and development]
2006 ►
Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Plemenitaš Ana
Ecology and molecular adaptations of the halophilic black yeast Hortaea werneckii
2006 ►
Rener-Primec Zvonka; Lozar-Krivec Jana; Krivec Uroš; Neubauer David
Head growth in infants with infantile spasms may be temporarily reduced
2006 ►
Homan M; Baldassano RN; Mamula P
Managing complicated Crohn's disease in children and adolescents
2005 ►
van-Bulck B; Novak-Antolič Ž
Infant wellbeing at 2 years of age in the growth restriction intervention trial (GRIT): multicentred randomised controlled trial
2004 ►
Sedmak Marjeta; Fidler-Mis Nataša
Pomen maščob v prehrani otroka
[The role of fats in nutrition of children]
2006 ►
Kogej Tina; Gorbushina Anna A; Gunde-Cimerman Nina
Hypersaline conditions induce changes in cell-wall melanization and colony structure in a halophilic and a xerophilic black yeast species of the genus Trimmatostroma
2006 ►
Ravnikar Maja
Potato virus Y and its interaction with potato
2005 ►
Matos T; de Hoog GS; de-Boer AG; de-Crom I; Haase G
High prevalence of the neurotrope Exophiala dermatitidis and related oligotrophic black yeasts in sauna facilities
2002 ►
Fiore S; Antico G; Aloman M; Sodin-Šemrl S
Lipoxin A4 biology in the human synovium: role of the ALX signaling pathways in modulation of inflammatory arthritis
2005 ►
Chen Shu-Jen; Ning Hongyan; Ishida Wataru; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Takagawa Shinsuke; Mori Yasuji; Varga John
The early-immediate gene EGR-1 is induced by transforming growth factor-beta and mediates stimulation of collagen gene expression
2006 ►
Sodin-Šemrl S; Spagnolo A; Barbaro B; Varga J; Fiore S
Lipoxin A4 counteracts synergistic activation of human fibroblast-like synoviocytes
2004 ►
Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Fiore Stefano; Spagnolo Alessandra; Barbaro Barbara; Varga John
Additive and synergistic mechanisms between interleukin-1beta, transforming growth factor-beta2 and serum amyloid A result in amplification of inflammatory responses in human fibroblast-like synoviocytes
2003 ►
Brecelj E; Frković-Grazio S; Auersperg M; Bračko M
Prognostic value of E-cadherin expression in thyroid follicular carcinoma
2005 ►
Bešić N; Hočevar M; Žgajnar J; Petrič R; Pilko G
Aggressiveness of therapy and prognosis of patients with Huerthle cell papillary thyroid carcinoma
2006 ►
Štabuc B; Mrevlje Ž; Markovič J; Štabuc-Šilih M
Expression and prognostic significance of cathepsin L in early cutaneous malignant melanoma
2006 ►
Popadić S; Nikolić M; Gajić-Veljić M; Bonači-Nikolić B
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome: the first case with plantar keratoderma and the second with coeliac disease
2006 ►
Koželj Vesna; Drevenšek Martina; Hanstein Siiri; Kobus Kazimier; Hortis-Dzierzbicka Maria; Klimova Irena; Gonzales-Landa Gonzalo
Growth of the upper jaw of children with UCLP. A six - center international study
2006 ►
Drevenšek Martina; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Koželj Vesna
Longitudinal growth study of functionally successful and unsuccessful rehabilitated children with UCLP
2006 ►
Kogej Tina
Fiziološke prilagoditve halofilne črne kvasovke Hortae werneckii na rast v slanem okolju na ravni celične stene in kopičenja kompatibilnih topljencev
[Physiological adaptations of halophilic black yeast Hortaea werneckii to growth at saline conditions on the levels of cell wall and accumulation of compatible solutes]
2006 ►
Ploj Tom
Javno dostopni avtomatični defibrilatorji v Sloveniji
[Public access automated external defibrillators in Slovenia]
2006 ►
Burja Silva; Rakovec-Felser Zlatka; Treiber Milena; Hajdinjak Dušanka; Gajšek-Marchetti Marijana
The frequency of neonatal morbidity after exposure to antileptic drugs in utero
2006 ►
Jarc Maja; Borin Peter
Zdravljenje s pripravki železa - prikaz primerov
[Iron therapy - case reports]
2006 ►
Hren I; Fidler-Mis N; Širca-Čampa A; Brecelj J; Sedmak M; Kržišnik C; Koletzko B
Growth and fatty acid composition of plasma lipids in infants with failure to thrive after additional formula milk feeding without or with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
2006 ►
Froehlich M; Gorenšek M; Kregar-Velikonja N
Growth and metabolic characteristics of rabbit elastic cartilage in cell culture
2005 ►
Bunc Matjaž; Vrtovec Bojan
Novi pogledi na kronično srčno popuščanje
[New aspects of chronic heart failure]
2006 ►
Grmek-Košnik Irena; Seme Katja; Ihan Alojz
Bakterijska interakcija
[Bacterial interaction]
2006 ►
Malešič Z
Prehrana dojenčka pri gastroenteroloških boleznih
[Infant nutrition in gastroenterological diseases]
2006 ►
Mlinarič Vladimir
Diagnostični in terapevtski posegi na biliarnem traktu
[Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in biliary tract diseases]
2006 ►
Zupančič Klemen; Kolenc Matej; Dobrecovič Srečko
Forenzična entomologija - čas določanja nastopa smrti po razvojnem ciklusu muh
2005 ►
Štempelj Mateja; Bavec A; Ferjan I
Regulation of nerve growth factor induced histamine and arachidonic acid release from rat mast cells by cannabinoids
2006 ►
Skela-Savič Brigita; Pagon Milan; Lobnikar Branko
Organizacijska kultura v slovenskih bolnišnicah
[Organisational culture in Slovene hospitals]
2006 ►
Flis V; Kobilica N; Tomažič T
Complex vascular injuries of lower limbs in children
2006 ►
Kogej Tina; Gostinčar Cene; Volkmann Marc; Gorbushina Anna A; Gunde-Cimerman Nina
Mycosporines in extremophilic fungi - novel complementary osmolytes?
2006 ►
Gregorič Nadan; Fišer Gabrijel
Polimorfizem v genu za metilentetrahidrofolat reduktazo (MTHFR C677T) - povezava z vensko trombozo in hiperhomocisteinemijo
2005 ►
Drevenšek Martina; Štefanac-Papić Jadranka
The influence of the respiration disturbances on the growth and development of the orofacial complex
2005 ►
Drevenšek Martina; Štefanac-Papić Jadranka; Farčnik Franc
The influence of incompetent lip seal on the growth and development of craniofacial complex
2005 ►
Brecelj Erik
Prognostični pomen klinično-patoloških značilnosti, izražanje E-kadherina, DNA ploidije in proliferacijske aktivnosti pri folikularnem karcinomu ščitnice
2006 ►
Lipnik-Štangelj M; Čarman-Kržan M
Effects of histamine and IL-1beta on PKC-stimulated nerve growth factor secretion from glial cells
2006 ►
Legan M; Osredkar J; Fisker S; Kocijančič A
GH-binding protein is related to bone mineral density in non-obese androgenized women
2006 ►
Šajina-Stritar Barbara
Mnogoplodna nosečnost
2006 ►
Blinc Aleš
Angiogeneza - terapevtska tarča pri zdravljenju raka in arterijske okluzivne bolezni
2006 ►
Stankovič Milenko; Klančar Janko; Ključevšek Tomaž; Popovič Peter; Salapura Vladka
Zdravljenje simptomov karcinoida s perkutanimi invaznimi posegi
2006 ►
Bratanič Nina; Uršič-Bratina Nataša; Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Jazbec Janez; Zaletel-Zadravec Lorna; Kržišnik Ciril; Battelino Tadej
Final height and body mass index after treatment for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
[Končna višina in indeks telesne mase pri bolnikih, zdravljenih zaradi akutne limfoblastne levkemije v otroštvu]
2006 ►
Trpin-Katarić Anita
Nevrobiologija depresivnih motenj
2006 ►
Besednjak-Kocijančič Lilijana
Zdravljenje otrok z astmo z enim ali dvema dnevnima odmerkoma inhalacijskega kortikosteroida: ocena učinkovitosti zdravljenja in vpliva na rast otrok
[Once-daily or twice-daily delivery of inhaled corticosteroids: assessment of the efficacy and of influence of the long term treatment on growth in asthmatic children]
2006 ►
Klančar Uroš; Kac Javor; Mlinarič Aleš; Krbavčič Aleš
Vsebnost atropina in skopolamina v strupenih rastlinah razhudnikovk na Slovenskem
[Content of atropine and scopolamine in poisonous solanaceae plants from Slovenia]
2006 ►
Križančič Miran
Vpliv napetosti v kolčnem vratu na zdrs glavice stegnenice
2005 ►
Grmek-Košnik I; Dermota U; Krivic B; Jokovič Z; Kodran A; Smrekar J; Meglič N; Blažič T
NaCl in the selective salt enrichment broth supress growth of MRSA
2003 ►
Jurca Tomaž; Seme Katja; Keše Darja
Dokazovanje bakterijskih povzročiteljev pljučnic
[Aetiological diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia]
2006 ►
Hren Matjaž; Baebler Špela; Camloh Marjana; Kovač Maja; Ravnikar Maja; Žel Jana
Yew (Taxus x media Rehd.) cell suspension cultures as a source of taxanes
2006 ►
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