biomedicina slovenica

vo="comparative study" : 618-717

  1. Senter L; Ceoldo S; Meznarič-Petruša M; Salviati G
    Phosphorylation of dystrophin: effects on actin binding
  2. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Glavač Damjan; Chernick Mila; di Sant'Agnese Paul; Dean Michael
    Screening for CF mutations in adult cystic fibrosis patients with a directed and optimized SSCP strategy
  3. Ravnik-Glavač M; Glavač D; Dean M
    Sensitivity of single-strand conformation polymorphism and heteroduplex method for mutation detection in the cystic fibrosis gene
  4. Pečak F; Pavlovčič V; Srakar F
    Treatment of resistant idiopathic pes equinovarus: ten-year experience
  5. Noč M; Štajer D; Horvat M
    Intravenous amiodarone versus verapamil for acute conversion of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm
  6. Noč M; Weil MH; Sun S; Gazmuri RJ; Tang W; Pakula JL
    Comparison of gastric luminal and gastric wall PCO2 during hemorrhagic shock
  7. Noč M; Weil MH; Sun S; Tang W; Bisera J
    Spontaneous gasping during cardiopulmonary resuscitation without mechanical ventilation
  8. Milutinović S; Gašparovič V; Milutinović E; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Ticlopidine improves dialysis clearance of solutes in uremic patients by reducing blood clotting in dialyser fibers
  9. Malovrh M; Kandus A; Ponikvar R; Premru V; Koselj M; Kveder R
    The incidence and etiology of chronic renal failure in the Republic of Slovenia
  10. Madrid-Marina V; Lestan B; Nowak PJ; Fox IH; Spychala J
    Altered properties of human T-lymphoblast soluble low Km 5'-nucleotidase: comparison with B-lymphoblast enzyme
  11. Geršak B
    Comparison between absorbable and nonabsorbable sutures in arterial anastomoses in growing dogs
  12. Geršak B
    Presence of calcium in the vessel walls after end-to-end arterial anastomoses with polydioxanone and polypropylene sutures in growing dogs
  13. Eržen M; Stanescu R; Stanescu V; Maroteaux P
    Comparative histopathology of the growth cartilage in short-rib polydactyly syndromes type I and type III and in chondroectodermal dysplasia
  14. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Hesse U; Schussler B
    Pelvic floor activity patterns: comparison of nulliparous continent and parous urinary stress incontinent women. A kinesiological EMG study
  15. Bomanji J; Flatman WD; Horne T; Fettich J; Britton KE; Ross G; Besser GM
    Quantitation of iodine-123 MIBG uptake by normal adrenal medulla in hypertensive patients
  16. Chi IC; Smith SC; Borko E; Sun TH; Begum SF; Hunt WL; Wilkens LR
    Clinical acceptability, use-patterns and use-effectiveness of the vaginal contraceptive sponge and Neo Sampoon tablets--an international multi-center randomized clinical trial
  17. Brecelj J; Denišlič M; Škrbec M
    Visual evoked potential abnormalities in chiasmal lesions
  18. Dhall GI; Nguyen C; Andolšek-Jeras L; Narone JN; Jia-Zheng C; Hingorani V; Yu-Fen Z; Zhi-heng C; Prasad RNN; Bygdeman M
    Menstrual regulation by intramuscular injections of 16-phenoxy-tetranor PGE2 methyl sulfonylamide or vacuum aspiration. A randomized multicentre study
  19. Boike G; Lah T; Sloane BF; Rozhin J; Honn K; Guirguis R; Stracke ML; Liotta LA; Schiffmann E
    A possible role for cysteine proteinase and its inhibitors in motility of malignant melanoma and other tumour cells
  20. Tonnesen KH; Albuquerque P; Baitsch G; Gomez-Alonso A; Ibanez F; Kester RC; Leveson S; Poredoš P
    Double-blind, controlled, multicenter study of indobufen versus placebo in patients with intermittent claudication
  21. Poredoš P; Videčnik V
    Heparin und Plasminogen erhohen thrombolytisches Potential bei Rekanalisation peripherer arterieller Verschlusse durch lokale Streptokinase
    [Heparin and plasminogen increase the thrombolytic potential in recanalization of peripheral arterial occlusions by local streptokinase]
  22. Stegnar M; Peternel P; Chen JP
    Acute hypoxemia does not increase blood fibrinolytic activity in man
  23. Koltaj S
    Kirurška terapija pilonidalnog sinusa po metodi "Z" plastike kao terapiji izbora
  24. Mihelič-Vipotnik A; Petač D; Lazar P
    Učinkovitost bolusov amoksiklav pri zdravljenju in preprečevanju infekcij maternice po porodu pri kravah
    [The efficiency of amoksiklav bolus for a prevention and treatement of postparturient uterine infections in cows]
  25. Pavlica Z
    Sodobni postopki rahabilitacije pasjih zob - komparativna študija
    [Modern procedures for dog teeth rehabilitation - comparative study]
  26. Lindtner R
    Piščanci v diagnostiki leptospiroze
    [Baby chicks in diagnosis of leptospirosis]
  27. Marinšek J
    Mikrobiološka analitika živil
    [Microbiological analyses of food]
  28. LLedo P-M; Vernier P; Vincent J-D; Mason WT; Zorec R
    New approaches in the study of stimulus-secretion coupling in anterior pituitary cells
  29. Debeljak A; Mermolja M; Šorli J; Zupančič M; Zorman M; Remškar J
    Bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of peripheral primary and secondary malignant lung tumors
  30. Filipič B; Golob A; Struna T; Likar M
    Porcine mitogen-induced interferon
  31. Pajntar M; Verdenik I; Pestevšek M
    Cesarean section in breech by birth weight
  32. Gašperšič D
    Some principles in the dental crown construction in permanent maxillary centrals of Slovenians
  33. Žerovnik E; Jerala R; Poklar N; Kroon-Žitko L; Turk V
    Compactness of the molten globule in comparison to unfolded states as observed by size-exclusion chromatography
  34. Kandus A; Kovač D; Koselj M; Kveder R; Bren AF
    Lovastatin treatment of hyperlipidemia in kidney transplant recipients on cyclosporine immunosuppression
  35. Vlaisavljević V
    Influence of various types of therapy on the treatment of mastodynia: a double-blind prospective study
  36. Pust B; Šurlan M; Jevtić V; Šebenik M
    Kvantitativna ocena funkcije levega prekata - njen diagnostični in prognostični pomen
  37. Logar J; Likar M
    The effect of azithromycin and clindamycin on mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii
  38. Lamovec T; Tušak M
    Personal orientation inventory: test samoaktualizacije
    [Slovenian translation and adaption of the POI self-actualization questionnaire (E.L. Shostrom, 1963)]
  39. Zupančič M
    Razvoj pojma o človeku - izsledki študije v petih deželah
    [The development of the notion "human" - results of a study in five countries]
  40. Johnson CE; Maslow JN; Fattlar DC; Adams KS; Arbeit RD
    Vloga bakterijskih adhezinov na izid okužb sečil pri otrocih
    [The role of bacterial adhesins in the outcome of childhood urinary tract infections]
  41. Možina B; Zupančič M; Joković Ž; Prezelj M; Lukač-Bajalo J
    Glikohemoglobin - validacija in primerjava postopkov
    [Glycohemoglobin assay - validation and comparison]
  42. Lamovec J
    Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round-cell tumour with expression of muscle specific actin
  43. Cimerman M; Repše S; Jelenc F; Omejc M; Bitenc M; Lamovec J
    Comparison of Lauren's, Ming's and WHO histological classifications of gastric cancer as a prognostic factor for operated patients
  44. Vračko J; Cvetko R; Kovič M
    Holedohoduodestomije i hirurški zahvati na sfinkteru Oddi. Neposredni i kasni rezultati lečenja u toku petnaestogodišnjeg perioda
  45. Bero LA; Galbraith A; Rennie D
    Sponzorirani simpozij o tobačnem dimu v okolju
    [Sponsored symposia on environmental tobacco smoke]
  46. Kolšek M
    Alcohol consumption among junior high school students in the community of Litija, Slovenia
  47. Podnar S
    Nevrofiziološka opredelitev delovanja perifernega živčevja pri maničnodepresivnih bolnikih, zdravljenih z litijem
    [Lithium and peripheral nervous system function in manic-depressive patients]
  48. Meglič A; Meglič L
    Sproščanje tkivnega aktivatorja plazminogena med porodom in po njem
    [Release of tissue plasminogen activator during and after delivery]
  49. Rakovec P; Zupan I
    Tachycardia-induced left ventricular dysfunction: observations in humans and animal experiments
  50. Rajtmajer D
    Komparativna analiza psihomotorične strukture dečkov in deklic, starih 5-5,5 let
    [A comparative analysis of psychomotor structure of male and female children, aged 5-5,5]
  51. Orel J; Eržen J; Hrabar B
    Zdravljenje ahalazije požiralnika z miotomijo in pnevmatično dilatacijo
    [Management of achalasia of the oesophagus with myotomy and pneumatic dilatation]
  52. Jezeršek B; Stanič K; Us-Krašovec M
    Pretočna citometrija v diagnostiki izlivov v serozne votline
    [Flow-cytometric measurements of DNA in effusions]
  53. Šuškovič S
    Lastnosti bronhijalne prevzdražljivosti pri astmi
    [Features of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthma]
  54. Šega S; Jager F; Kiauta T
    A comparison of cardiovascular reflex tests and spectral analysis of heart rate variability in healthy subjects
  55. Keber I; Keber D
    Age-related increase of tissue plasminogen activator in healthy subjects and coronary pateints: increased basal release and diminished clearance
  56. Novak-Jankovič V; Paver-Eržen V; Podboj J; Šuškovič S
    A comparison of intravenous and inhalational anaesthesia for endoscopic procedures on the nose and paranasal sinuses in patients with aspirin intolerance syndrome
  57. Trnačević S; Halilbašić A; Ferluga D; Plavljanić Ð; Vizjak A; Duraković H; Habul V; Mesić E; Imamović G; Hranisavljević J; Pašić M; Paunović G
    Renal function, protein excretion and pathology of Balkan endemic nephropathy. 1. Renal function
  58. Vitali C; Bencivelli W; Isenberg DA; Smolen JS; Snaith ML; Sciuto M; Bombardieri S; Rozman B
    Disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus: report of the Consensus study group of the European workshop for rheumatology research. III. Development of a computerised clinical chart and its application to the comparison of different indices of disease activity
  59. Žargi M; Hočevar-Boltežar I
    Effects of recurrent otitis media in infancy on auditory perception and speech
  60. Koritnik K; Kališnik M; Zwitter M
    Stereological analysis of rat thyroid glands at various functional levels after irradiation
  61. Kenda RB; Fettich JJ
    Vesicoureteric reflux and renal scars in asymptomatic siblings of children with reflux
  62. Fommei Enza; Mazzasalma Lorena; Ghione Sergio; Volterrani Duccio; Oei Yoe; Hilson Andrew JW; Carrieri Marilisa; Jezeršek P
    European captopril radionuclide test multicenter study. Preliminary results: inspective renographic analysis
  63. Jevtić V; Rozman B; Kos-Golja M; Jarh O; Demšar F
    Precontrast and postcontrast (Gd-DTPA) MR imaging of hand joints in patients with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis
  64. Shankar KR; Jaskoll TF; Melnick M
    Comparative 3-D views of normal and retinoic acid-treated neural crest in chick embryos
  65. Modic M; Mlakar U
    Naše izkušnje pri zdravljenju akutne limfoblastne levkemije odraslih
    [The treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults]
  66. Levin JM; Nelson JA; Segreti J; Harrison B; Benson CA; Strle F
    In vitro susceptibility of Borrelia burgdorferi to 11 antimicrobial agents
  67. Brank M; Šentjurc M; Štalc A; Grubić Z
    The influence of soman simulator on reactivation by HI-6 of soman-inhibited acetylcholinesterase in preparations of rat and human skeletal muscle
  68. Vrbič V
    Trends in dental caries in 12-year-old children in Ljubljana, Slovenia
  69. Logar J; Kraut A; Likar M
    Toxocara antibodies in patients with visceral or ocular disorder in Slovenia
  70. Švab I; Katič M; Čuk C
    The time used by the patient when he/she talks without interruptions
    [El tiempo del paciente cuando habla sin interrupciones]
  71. Xiao SY; Diglišič G; Avšič-Županc T; LeDuc JW
    Dobrava virus as a new Hantavirus: evidenced by comparative sequence analysis
  72. Strle F; Preac-Muršič V; Cimperman J; Ružić E; Maraspin V; Jereb M
    Azithromycin versus doxycycline for treatment of erythema migrans: clinical and microbiological findings
  73. Rumboldt Z; Šimunić M; Bagatin J; Rumboldt M; Marinković M; Janežič A
    Controlled multicentre comparison of captopril versus lisinopril in the treatment of mild-to-moderate arterial hypertension
  74. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Sket D; Dettbarn WD; Brzin M
    Comparison between the effects of botulinum toxin-induced paralysis and denervation on molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in muscles
  75. Grubič Zoran; Komel Rado
    Synthesis of the DNA probe for the determination of rat AChE mRNA
  76. Taller AM; Xiao SY; Godec MS; Gligič A; Avšič-Županc T; Goldfarb LG; Yanagihara R; Asher DM
    Belgrade virus, a cause of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Balkans, is closely related to Dobrava virus of field mice
  77. Čarman-Kržan M
    Characterisation of histamine-H1 receptor binding sites in bovine, rat and guinea pig thoracic aorta
  78. Snoj-Cvetko E; Eržen I
    Primerjava histokemičnih in morfometričnih značilnosti mišičnih vlaken m. vastus lateralis in m. deltoideus pri otrocih starih 10-15 let
    [Comparison of histochemical and morphometrical characteristics of muscle fibre types in vastus lateralis and deltoideus muscles in children aged 10-15 years]
  79. Tomaževič T
    Vaginalni ultrazvučni monitoring u stimuliranim ciklusima kod postupka izvantjelesne oplodnje
    [Vaginal ultrasound monitoring in stimulated cycles during in vitro fertilization programme]
  80. Tršinar B; Janež J
    Comparison of anal maximal electrical stimulation with anal plug insertion in enuretic children
  81. Eric L; Petrovič D; Loga S; Kobal M; Jakovljević M; Mewett S
    A prospective double-blind comparative, multicentre study of paroxetine and placebo in preventing recurrent major depressive episodes
  82. Pavlin R; Košir N; Vidmar V
    Monoamine oxidase activity in odontoblasts
  83. Strle F; Ružič E; Cimperman J
    Erythema migrans: comparison of treatment with azithromycin, doxycycline and phenoxymethylpenicillin
  84. Irman-Florjanc T; Erjavec F
    The role of mast cells in redistribution of tele-methylhistamine in the body
  85. Krisch I; Budihna MV; Ručman R
    Structure-activity study of some newly synthesized ergoline derivatives on 5-HT2 receptors and alpha-adrenoceptors in rabbit isolated aorta
  86. Kragelj B; Jereb B; Kragelj L; Stanonik M
    Concurrent vinblastine and radiation therapy in bladder cancer
  87. Budihna MV; Strojan P
    Ca2+ channel antagonists inhibit the intestinal absorption of digoxin in the guinea-pig
  88. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Ribarič S; Brzin M
    Interactions between intrinsic regulation and neural modulation of acetycholinesterase in fast and slow skeletal muscles
  89. Končnik-Goršič N
    Kvalitativna analiza spisov otrok na temo vojne
    [The qualitative analysis of the children's compositions "Experienced the war"]
  90. Ribičič V
    Lestvica vplivov izjemnih dogodkov - vprašalnik za otroke
    [A scale of the influences of exceptional events]
  91. Kos-Golja M; Rozman B; Jevtić V; Jarh O; Demšar F
    Magnetic resonance imaging of small joints
  92. Osredkar J
    Comparison of the radioimmunologic and the monoclonal immunoradiometric method used for the measurement of sex hormonebinding globulin (SHBG) levels
  93. Davila D; Kolačny-Babić L; Plavšić F
    Pharmacokinetics of azithromycin after single oral dosing of experimental animals
  94. Pulanić R; Vrhovac B; Jokić N; Rosandić-Pilaš M; Šalamon V; Opačić M; Rustemović N; Korać B; Vucelić B
    Prophylactic administration of ranitidine after sclerotherapy of esophageal varices
  95. Šolajić-Božičević N; Stavljenić A; Šesto M
    Lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity in patients with acute myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease
  96. Schonwald S; Skerk V; Petričević I; Car V; Majerus-Mišić L; Gunjača M
    Comparison of three-day and five-day courses of azithromycin in the treatment of atypical pneumonia
  97. Ogrizek-Pelkič Ksenija
    Usporedba učestalosti Downova sindroma u trudnica starijih od 35 godina prije i poslije uvođenja rane amniocenteze
  98. Babić D
    Razlike u određivanju histološkog tipa i stupnja zrelosti karcinoma endometrija na temelju bioptičkog materijala dobivenog kiretažom i histerektomijom
  99. Mlinarić S
    Korelacija kolelitijaze i karcinoma žučnog mjehura u kliničkom i obdukcijskom nalazu
  100. Schoenwald S; Gunjača M; Kolačny-Babić L; Car V; Gošev M
    Comparison of azithromycin and erythromycin in the treatment of atypical pneumonias

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