biomedicina slovenica |
vo="comparative study" : 201-300
Strgulc-Krajšek Simona; Jogan Nejc
Epilobium montanum L. in E. collinum C. C. Gmel. v Sloveniji
[Epilobium montanum L. and E. collinum C. C. Gmel. in Slovenia]
2001 ►
Llopiz Diana; Santamaria Luis; Roman Jose; Villaro Ana-Cristina
Measuring volume fractions of immunostaining: a comparison between two quantitative methods
2001 ►
Lindholm Andreas; Mcewen John; Riis Andreas P
Boljša urejenost postprandialne glikemije z inulinom aspart: randomizirana dvojno slepa navzkrižna raziskava pri diabetesu tipa 1
2002 ►
Tohen Mauricio; Chengappa KN Roy; Suppes Trisha; Zarate Carlos A; Calabrese Joseph R; Bowden Charles L; Sachs Gary S; Kupfer David J; Baker Robert W; Risser Richard C
Uspešnost olanzapina skupaj z valproatom ali litijem pri zdravljenju bolnikov z manijo, ki so delno neodzivni na monoterapijo z valproatom ali litijem
[(Efficacy of olanzapine in combination with valproate or lithium in the treatment of mania in patients partially nonresponsive to valproate or lithium monotheapy)]
2002 ►
Kornhauser-Cerar L; Babnik J; Bregant L; Križnar T; Domjan-Arnšek A
Vpliv dajanja deksametazona po rojstvu na razvoj nedonošenčkov, rojenih s 25 tedni in manj
[Postnatal dexamethasone administration and adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants born after 25 weeks of gestation or less]
2003 ►
Babnik J; Kornhauser-Cerar L; Bregant L; Štucin I; Mole H
Zdravljenje dihalne stiske nedonošenčkov s kortikosteroidi: primerjava zgodnjega z odloženim zdravljenjem oz. sistemskega z inhalacijskim zdravljenjem
[Treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants with corticosteroids: comparison between early and delayed, and between systemic and inhaled corticosteroids]
2003 ►
Burja S; Kuder L; Lobnik-Krunič B; Gajšek-Marchetti M
Epilepsija, nosečnost, novorojenček: petletna študija posledic antiepileptičnega zdravljenja
[Epilepsy, pregnancy, newborn - a five years study on the consequences of antiepileptic therapy during pregnancy]
2003 ►
Brunčko A; Skerbinjek-Kavalar M; Homšak M
Sindrom urtikarije in angioedema ter alergija na hrano pri otrocih
[Urticaria - angioedema syndrome and allergy to food in children]
2003 ►
Szepfalusi Z
Izvor zgodnje alergijske senzibilizacije
[Origin of early sensitisation to allergens]
2003 ►
Kocijančič Igor
The accuracy of chest sonography in the diagnosis of small pleural effusion
[Zanesljivost ultrazvočne preiskave v diagnostiki malih plevralnih izlivov]
2003 ►
Marin IJ; Poljak M; Seme K; Brinovec V; Matičič M; Meglič-Volkar J; Lešničar G; Gradišek P
Comparative evaluation of three commercial assays for quantitative measurement of hepatitis B virus DNA in serum samples
2002 ►
Kalden Joachim R; Scott David L; Smolen Josef S; Schattenkirchner Manfred; Rozman Blaž; Williams Bryan D; Kvien Tore K; Jones Peter
Improved functional ability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis--longterm treatment with leflunomide versus sulfasalazine
2001 ►
McMahon F Gilbert; Fujioka Ken; Singh Bramah N; Mendel Carl M; Rowe Everton; Rolston Kelly; Johnson FRanklin; Mooradian Arshag D
Učinkovitost in varnost zdravljenja s sibutraminom pri čezmerno prehranjenih belih in temnopoltih bolnikih s hipertenzijo: leto trajajoča, dvojnoslepa, s placebom nadzorovana, multicentrična študija
[(Efficacy and safety of sibutramine iun obese white and African patients with hypertension. A 1-year, double-blind, placebo-controlles, multicenter trial)]
2000 ►
Hull Russel D; Pieno Graham F; Francis Charles; Bergqvist David; Fellenius Carin; Soderberg Karin; Holmqvist Anna; Mant Michael; Dear Richard; Baylis Barry
Podaljšana zunajbolnišnična zaščita z nizkomolekularnim heparinom dalteparinom v primerjavi z bolnišnično zaščito z varfarinom in zunajbolnišničnim placebom pri bolnikih po artroplastiki kolka: dvojno slepa, randomizirana primerjava
[(Low-mollecular-weight heparin prophylaxis using dalteparin extended out-of-hospital vs in-hospital warfarin/out-of-hospital placebo in hip arthroplasty patients. A double-blind, randomized comparison)]
2000 ►
Pivac Nediljko; Naranča Mario; Vujić-Podlipec Dunja; Bagatin Jugoslav; Rumboldt Zvonko
Prospective controlled trial of two nifedipine extended release formulations in the treatment of essential hypertension
2002 ►
Bešić N; Auersperg M; Us-Krašovec M; Hočevar M; Tomšič R
Combined doxorubicin, vinblastine and hyperfractionated radiotherapy versus combined doxorubicin and hyperfractionated radiotherapy in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma - a comparison of survival and local control rate
2002 ►
Avčin Simona Lucija; Jezernik Matej
Ocena tipa in aktivnosti vnetja pri bolnikih z obstruktivno pljučno boleznijo
2002 ►
Lukač-Bajalo J; Marc J; Mlinar B; Karas N; Kržišnik C; Battelino T
Frequencies of Q188R and N314D mutations and IVS5-24g>A intron variation in the galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) gene in the Slovenian population.
2002 ►
Tang WC; Weill MH; Sun S; Yamaguchi H; Povoas HP; Marn-Pernat A; Bisera J
The effects of biphasic and conventional monophasic defibrillation on postresuscitation myocardial function
1999 ►
Tonejc Mihael
Primerjava in vrednotenje različnih načinov določanja protiteles anti-HLA v serumih bolnikov pred transplantacijo ledvice
2002 ►
Omejc Mirko; Juvan Robert; Jelenc Franc; Repše Stane
Lymph node metastases in gastric cancer: correlation between new and old UICC TNM classification
2001 ►
Šebeštjen Miran; Boh Marko; Keber Irena
Simvastatin and pravastatin equally improve flow-mediated dilation in males with hypercholesterolemia
2002 ►
Kovač-Kavčič M; Skalerič U
The change of DMFT counts in Slovenia
2001 ►
Repovš Grega; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Liščić Rajka; Pišljar Marko; Štefe Irena; Grgič Milan
Preliminarna elektrofiziološka študija Stroopovega učinka
2002 ►
Pišljar Marko
Ocena vala P300 v dveh kliničnih skupinah bolnikov s Parkinsovo boleznijo: s prevladujočim tresenjem in hipokinezo ter rigidnostjo
2002 ►
Nespoli Angelo; Nespoli Luca
The surgical treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis
2002 ►
McBrien Heather L; Čokl Andrej; Millar Jocelyn G
Comparison of substrate-borne vibrational signals of two congeneric stink bug species, Thyanta pallidovirens and T. custator accerra (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
2002 ►
Hojs Radovan; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Puklavec Ludvik; Pečovnik-Balon Breda
Serumski cistatin C in glomerulna filtracija
2002 ►
Gračner T
Intraocular pressure response of capsular glaucoma and primary open-angle glaucoma to selective Nd:YAG laser trabeculoplasty: a prospective, comparative clinical trial
2002 ►
Šimenc Janez; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
Comparison of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and two different polymerase chain reaction (PCRs) for species identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato strains
2002 ►
Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Lužnik-Bufon Tatjana; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
Solitary erythema migrans in children: comparison of treatment with azithromycin and phenoxymethylpenicillin
2002 ►
Tomaževič Dejan; Likar Boštjan; Pernuš Franjo
A comparison of retrospective shading correction techniques
2000 ►
Haegerstrand Henry; Danieluk Malgorzata; Bobrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata; Iglič Aleš; Wrobel Anna; Isomaa Boris; Nikinmaa Mikko
Influence of band 3 protein absence and skeletal structures on amphiphile- and Ca2+-induced shape alterations in erythrocytes: a study with lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis), trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) and human erythrocytes
2000 ►
Ceglar Jakob; Vujkovac Bojan; Ponikvar Rafael; Marušič Dorjan
Dialysis centres in Slovenia: organisational and economical benchmarking
2002 ►
Smerdu Vika; Eržen Ida
Dynamic nature of fibre-type specific expression of myosin heavy chain transcripts in 14 different human skeletal muscles
2001 ►
Ocepek M; Pate M; Posedi J
Primernost gojišča BBL MGIT za uporabo v veterinarskem mikobakteriološkem laboratoriju
[Suitability of BBL MGIT growth medium in veterinary mycobacteriology]
2002 ►
Korachi M; Rupnik M; Blinkhorn AS; Boote V; Drucker DB
Comparison of polar lipid profiles of Clostridium difficile isolates from different geografical locations
2002 ►
Mekiš Dušan
Primerjava učinkov remifentanila in fentanila na obtočila med uvodom v anestezijo za premostitev venčnih arterij
2002 ►
Čretnik Andrej
Ocena zdravljenja pretrganja Ahilove kite po izvirni metodi podkožnega prešitja
2002 ►
Lambert Rene; Guilloux Agathe; Oshima Akira; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Bray Freddie; Parkin Max; Ajiki Wakiko; Tsukuma Hideaki
Incidence and mortality from stomach cancer in Japan, Slovenia and the USA
2002 ►
Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž; Keber Irena
Secondary prevention in patients several years after myocardial infarction: comparison of an outpatient and an inpatient rehabilitation programme
2001 ►
Žižek B; Poredoš P
Dependence of morphological changes of the carotid arteries on essential hypertension and accompanying risk factors
2002 ►
Šelb-Šemerl Jožica; Šešok Janja
Years of potential life lost and valued years of potential life lost in assessing premature mortality in Slovenia
2002 ►
Mulec Janez; Starčič Marjanca; Žgur-Bertok Darja
F-like plasmid sequences in enteric bacteria of diverse origin, with implication of horizontal transfer and plasmid host range
2002 ►
Leskošek Branimir
Elektromiografija maternice med gravidnostjo pri človeku in ovci
2002 ►
Šebenik Matjaž; Ackroyd Rocky; Pogačnik Ana
High volume fine-needle aspiration: Slovenian experience
2001 ►
Novaković Srdjan; Fras Peter A; Jezeršek-Novaković Barbara
Telomerase activity as a biological marker in some gynecological tumors: comparison with tissue and serum CA 125
2001 ►
Jerala Roman; Almeida Paulo F; Ye Qiang; Biltonen Rodney L; Rule Gordon S
1H, (15)N and (13)C resonance assignments and secondary structure of group II phospholipase A2 from Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus: presence of an amino-terminal helix in solution
1996 ►
Martin John R; Craven C Jeremy; Jerala Roman; Kroon-Žitko Louise; Žerovnik Eva; Turk Vito; Waltho Jonathan P
The three-dimensional solution structure of human stefin A
1995 ►
Žerovnik Eva; Lohner K; Jerala Roman; Lagnner R; Turk Vito
Calorimetric measurements of thermal denaturation of stefins A and B: comparison to predicted thermodynamics of stefin B unfolding
1992 ►
Stepišnik Janez; Duh Andrej; Mohorič Aleš; Serša Igor
MRI edge enhancement as a diffusive discord of spin phase structure
1999 ►
Beravs Katarina; White David; Serša Igor; Demšar Franci
Electric current density imaging of bone by MRI
1997 ►
White Matthew D; Mekjavić Igor B
Comparison of core threshold temperatures for forehead sweating based on esophageal and rectal temperatures
1993 ►
Matetzky Shlomi; Sharir Tali; Noč Marko; Domingo Michelle; Chyu Kuang-Yuh; Kar Saibal; Eigler Nael; Kaul Sanjay; shah Prediman K; Čerček Bojan
Primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction in octogenarians
2001 ►
Pernat Andrej; Weil Max Harry; Sun Shijie; Tang Wanchun; Yamaguchi Hitoshi; Bisera Joe
Atrial function during cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation
2000 ►
Benčina M; Panneman H; Ruijter GJ; Legiša M; Visser J
Characterization and overexpression of the Aspergillus niger gene encoding the cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit
1997 ►
Kenig M; Jerala R; Kroon-Žitko L; Turk V; Žerovnik E
Major differences in stability and dimerization properties of two chimeric mutants of human stefins
2001 ►
Žerovnik E; Virden R; Jerala R; Kroon-Žitko L; Turk V; Waltho JP
Difference in the effects of TFE on the folding pathways of human stefins A and B
1999 ►
Žerovnik E; Jerala R; Virden R; Kroon-Žitko L; Turk V; Waltho JP
On the mechanism of human stefin B folding: 2. Folding from GuHCl unfolded, TFE denatured, acid denatured, and acid intermediate states
1998 ►
Žerovnik E; Virden R; Jerala R; Turk V; Waltho JP
On the mechanism of human stefin B folding. 1. Comparison to homologous stefin A. Influence of pH and trifluoroethanol on the fast and slow folding phases
1998 ►
Szepietowki JC; Blizanowska A; Wasik A; Noworolska A
Comparison of soluble E-selectin serum levels in two chronic inflammatory skin diseases: atopic dermatitis and psoriasis
2002 ►
Kopač Igor; Sterle Maksimiljan; Marion Ljubo
Electron microscopic analysis of the effects of chemical retraction agents on cultured rat keratinocytes
2002 ►
Kopač Igor; Batista Urška; Cvetko Erika; Marion Ljubo
Viability of fibroblasts in cell culture after treatment with different chemical retraction agents
2002 ►
Bren Andrej; Kandus Aljoša; Varl Janez; Buturović Jadranka; Ponikvar Rafael; Kveder Radoslav; Primožič Stanislav; Ivanovich Peter
A comparison between epoetin omega and epoetin alfa in the correction of anemia in hemodialysis patients: a prospective, controlled crossover study
2002 ►
Wensing Michel; Vedsted Peter; Kersnik Janko; Peersman Wim; Klingenberg Anja; Hearnshaw Hilary; Hjortdahl Per; Paulus Dominique; Kuenzi Beat; Mendive Juan
Patient satification with availability of general practice: an international comparison
2002 ►
Šebeštjen M; Žegura B; Keber I
Both cerivastatin and fenofibrate improve arterial vasoreactivity in patients with combined hyperlipidaemia
2002 ►
Tonin Martin; Saciri Valdet; Veselko Matjaž; Rotter Aleksander
Progressive loss of knee extension after injury. Cyclops syndrome due to a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament
2001 ►
Podust Larisa M; Stojan Jure; Poulos Thomas L; Waterman Michael R
Substrate recognition sites in 14alpha-sterol demethylase from comparative analysis of amino acid sequences and X-ray structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CYP51
2001 ►
Pakhomov Andrei G; Gajšek Peter; Allen Lori; Stuck Bruce E; Murphy Michael R
Compariosn of dose dependences for bioeffects of continuous-wave and high-peak power microwave emissions using gel-suspended cell cultures
2002 ►
Geginat Gernot; Schenk Simone; Škoberne Mojca; Goebel Werner; Hof Herbert
A novel approach of direct ex vivo epitope mapping identifies dominant and subdominant CD4 and CD8 T cell epitopes from Listeria monocytogenes
2001 ►
Tomori M; Kienhorst CWM; de Wilde EJ; van den Bout J
Suicidal behaviour and family factors among Dutch and Slovenian high school students: a comparison
2001 ►
Freestone NS; Ribarič S; Scheuermann M; Mauser U; Paul M; Vetter R
Differential lusitropic responsiveness to beta-adrenergic stimulation in rat atrial and ventricular cardiac myocytes
2000 ►
Bren A; Kandus A; Varl J; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Buturović J
Safety of epoetin omega vs epoetin alfa in hemodialysis patients
2001 ►
Scott DL; Smolen JS; Kalden JR; van de Putte LBA; Larsen A; Kvien TK; Schattenkirchner M; Nash P; Oed C; Rozman B
Treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis with leflunomide: two year follow up of a double blind, placebo controlled trial versus sulfasalazine
2001 ►
Pahor Dušica
Visual field loss after argon laser panretinal photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy: full- versus mild-scatter coagulation
1998 ►
Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša
Therapeutic comparison of metformin and creatine in the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
2000 ►
Flis Vojko; Pavlović Milan; Miksić Kazimir
The value of adjunctive vein patches to improve the outcome of femorodistal polytetrafluorethylene bypass grafts
2001 ►
Pavlović Milan
Inačica tehnike šivanja PTFE transplantata s umetanjem venske zakrpe na anastomozi
1999 ►
Braunwald E; Drinovec I; Horvat M; Krivec B; Markež J; Parežnik R; Pehnec Z; Resman J; Šifrer F; Skale R; Trinkaus D; Voga G
Intravenous NPA for the treatment of infarcting myocardium early: in TIME-II, a double-blind comparison of single-bolus lanoteplase vs accelerated alteplase for the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction
2000 ►
Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Ahčan Jerneja; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
Demographic features, clinical characteristics and laboratory findings in children with multiple erythema migrans in Slovenia
2001 ►
Lanišnik-Rižner T; Stojan J; Adamski J
17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from the fungus Cochliobolus lunatus: structural and functional aspects
2001 ►
Havliček Jure; Pirtovšek Dejan
Vrednotenje treh načinov merjenja majavosti zob med higiensko fazo zdravljenja parodontalne bolezni
2000 ►
Dernovšek MZ; Tavčar R
Olanzapine appears haematologically safe in patients who developed blood dyscrasia on clozapine and risperidone
2000 ►
Žemva Aleš; Rogel Polona
Gender differences in athlete's heart: association with 24-h blood pressure. A study of pairs in sport dancing
2001 ►
Fležar M; Doudkine A; Us-Krašovec M
The effect of primary fixation with standard postfixation and the duration of hydrolysis on nuclear features in image cytometry
1998 ►
Špec-Marn A; Toš L; Kremžar B; Milič-Emili J; Ranieri VM
Oxygen delivery-consumption relationship in adult respiratory distress syndrome patients: the effects of sepsis
1993 ►
Mušič Ema; Vondra Vladimir
Učinkovitost in varnost loratadina (flonidan, Lek) pri zdravljenju sezonskega alergijskega rinitisa: izsledki mednarodne multicentrične raziskave
2000 ►
Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja; Rekič Slobodan
Delovanje in prenašanje cetirizina pri bolnikih z alergijskim rinitisom
[Effect and tolerance of cetirizine in patients with allergic rhinitis]
2001 ►
Cankar K; Finderle Ž; Štrucl M
Gender differences in cutaneous laser Doppler flow response to local direct and contralateral cooling
2000 ►
Cankar K; Arnež ZM; Finderle Ž; Štrucl M
Microvascular skin response to local cooling and body tilt early after digital replantation
2000 ►
Villaran Cesar; O'Neil Shane J; Helbling Arthut; van Noord Jan A; Lee Tak H; Chuchalin Alexander G; Langley Stephen J; Gunawardena Kulasiri A; Šuškovič Stanislav; Laurenzi Martino
Montelukast versus salmeterol in patients with asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction
1999 ►
Vogrin Milan
Primerjava dveh metod za ugotavljanje števila gnezdečih malih ponirkov Tachybaptus ruficollis, črnih lisk Fulica atra in zelenonogih tukalic Gallinula chloropus
[Comparison between two different methods for estimating numbers of pairs of the breeding little grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis, coomon coot Fulica atra, and coomon moorhen Gallinula chloropus]
1999 ►
Marin Irena J; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja; Meglič-Volkar Jelka; Matičič Mojca; Lešničar Gorazd; Brinovec Vladimir
Comparative evaluation of semiautomated COBAS AMPLICOR hepatitis B virus (HBV) MONITOR test and manual microwell plate-based AMPLICOR HBV MONITOR test
2001 ►
Kamenik Mirt
Spremembe hemodinamskih parametrov pri subarahnoidni blokadi: primerjava 0,5% bupivakaina in 2% lidokaina
1996 ►
Salvador-Carulla L; Cabases J; Madoz V; Haro JM; Vazquez-Barquero JL
Cost-incidence of schizophrenia in Spain: comparison of two scenarios with different mental health systems
1998 ►
Fidler N; Sauerwald T; Demmelmair H; Pohl A; Koletzko B
Oxidation of an oil rich in docosahexaenoic acid compared to linoleic acid in lactating women
1999 ►
Brecelj Aleš
Primerjava med arterijskimi in aloplastičnimi mikrovaskularnimi grafti
1995 ►
Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Žakelj-Mavrič Marija
Characterization of fungal 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases
2000 ►
Logar M; Arnež M; Kolbl J; Avšič-Županc T; Strle F
Comparison of the epidemiological and clinical features of tick-borne encephalitis in children and adults
2000 ►
Bren Andrej F; Kandus Aljoša; Varl Janez; Buturović Jadranka; Ponikvar Rafael; Primožič Stanislav; Ivanovich Peter
Epoetin omega vs epoetin alfa in the correction of anemia in hemodialysis patients
2000 ►
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