biomedicina slovenica

vo="comparative study" : 201-300

  1. Strgulc-Krajšek Simona; Jogan Nejc
    Epilobium montanum L. in E. collinum C. C. Gmel. v Sloveniji
    [Epilobium montanum L. and E. collinum C. C. Gmel. in Slovenia]
  2. Llopiz Diana; Santamaria Luis; Roman Jose; Villaro Ana-Cristina
    Measuring volume fractions of immunostaining: a comparison between two quantitative methods
  3. Lindholm Andreas; Mcewen John; Riis Andreas P
    Boljša urejenost postprandialne glikemije z inulinom aspart: randomizirana dvojno slepa navzkrižna raziskava pri diabetesu tipa 1
  4. Tohen Mauricio; Chengappa KN Roy; Suppes Trisha; Zarate Carlos A; Calabrese Joseph R; Bowden Charles L; Sachs Gary S; Kupfer David J; Baker Robert W; Risser Richard C
    Uspešnost olanzapina skupaj z valproatom ali litijem pri zdravljenju bolnikov z manijo, ki so delno neodzivni na monoterapijo z valproatom ali litijem
    [(Efficacy of olanzapine in combination with valproate or lithium in the treatment of mania in patients partially nonresponsive to valproate or lithium monotheapy)]
  5. Kornhauser-Cerar L; Babnik J; Bregant L; Križnar T; Domjan-Arnšek A
    Vpliv dajanja deksametazona po rojstvu na razvoj nedonošenčkov, rojenih s 25 tedni in manj
    [Postnatal dexamethasone administration and adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants born after 25 weeks of gestation or less]
  6. Babnik J; Kornhauser-Cerar L; Bregant L; Štucin I; Mole H
    Zdravljenje dihalne stiske nedonošenčkov s kortikosteroidi: primerjava zgodnjega z odloženim zdravljenjem oz. sistemskega z inhalacijskim zdravljenjem
    [Treatment of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm infants with corticosteroids: comparison between early and delayed, and between systemic and inhaled corticosteroids]
  7. Burja S; Kuder L; Lobnik-Krunič B; Gajšek-Marchetti M
    Epilepsija, nosečnost, novorojenček: petletna študija posledic antiepileptičnega zdravljenja
    [Epilepsy, pregnancy, newborn - a five years study on the consequences of antiepileptic therapy during pregnancy]
  8. Brunčko A; Skerbinjek-Kavalar M; Homšak M
    Sindrom urtikarije in angioedema ter alergija na hrano pri otrocih
    [Urticaria - angioedema syndrome and allergy to food in children]
  9. Szepfalusi Z
    Izvor zgodnje alergijske senzibilizacije
    [Origin of early sensitisation to allergens]
  10. Kocijančič Igor
    The accuracy of chest sonography in the diagnosis of small pleural effusion
    [Zanesljivost ultrazvočne preiskave v diagnostiki malih plevralnih izlivov]
  11. Marin IJ; Poljak M; Seme K; Brinovec V; Matičič M; Meglič-Volkar J; Lešničar G; Gradišek P
    Comparative evaluation of three commercial assays for quantitative measurement of hepatitis B virus DNA in serum samples
  12. Kalden Joachim R; Scott David L; Smolen Josef S; Schattenkirchner Manfred; Rozman Blaž; Williams Bryan D; Kvien Tore K; Jones Peter
    Improved functional ability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis--longterm treatment with leflunomide versus sulfasalazine
  13. McMahon F Gilbert; Fujioka Ken; Singh Bramah N; Mendel Carl M; Rowe Everton; Rolston Kelly; Johnson FRanklin; Mooradian Arshag D
    Učinkovitost in varnost zdravljenja s sibutraminom pri čezmerno prehranjenih belih in temnopoltih bolnikih s hipertenzijo: leto trajajoča, dvojnoslepa, s placebom nadzorovana, multicentrična študija
    [(Efficacy and safety of sibutramine iun obese white and African patients with hypertension. A 1-year, double-blind, placebo-controlles, multicenter trial)]
  14. Hull Russel D; Pieno Graham F; Francis Charles; Bergqvist David; Fellenius Carin; Soderberg Karin; Holmqvist Anna; Mant Michael; Dear Richard; Baylis Barry
    Podaljšana zunajbolnišnična zaščita z nizkomolekularnim heparinom dalteparinom v primerjavi z bolnišnično zaščito z varfarinom in zunajbolnišničnim placebom pri bolnikih po artroplastiki kolka: dvojno slepa, randomizirana primerjava
    [(Low-mollecular-weight heparin prophylaxis using dalteparin extended out-of-hospital vs in-hospital warfarin/out-of-hospital placebo in hip arthroplasty patients. A double-blind, randomized comparison)]
  15. Pivac Nediljko; Naranča Mario; Vujić-Podlipec Dunja; Bagatin Jugoslav; Rumboldt Zvonko
    Prospective controlled trial of two nifedipine extended release formulations in the treatment of essential hypertension
  16. Bešić N; Auersperg M; Us-Krašovec M; Hočevar M; Tomšič R
    Combined doxorubicin, vinblastine and hyperfractionated radiotherapy versus combined doxorubicin and hyperfractionated radiotherapy in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma - a comparison of survival and local control rate
  17. Avčin Simona Lucija; Jezernik Matej
    Ocena tipa in aktivnosti vnetja pri bolnikih z obstruktivno pljučno boleznijo
  18. Lukač-Bajalo J; Marc J; Mlinar B; Karas N; Kržišnik C; Battelino T
    Frequencies of Q188R and N314D mutations and IVS5-24g>A intron variation in the galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) gene in the Slovenian population.
  19. Tang WC; Weill MH; Sun S; Yamaguchi H; Povoas HP; Marn-Pernat A; Bisera J
    The effects of biphasic and conventional monophasic defibrillation on postresuscitation myocardial function
  20. Tonejc Mihael
    Primerjava in vrednotenje različnih načinov določanja protiteles anti-HLA v serumih bolnikov pred transplantacijo ledvice
  21. Omejc Mirko; Juvan Robert; Jelenc Franc; Repše Stane
    Lymph node metastases in gastric cancer: correlation between new and old UICC TNM classification
  22. Šebeštjen Miran; Boh Marko; Keber Irena
    Simvastatin and pravastatin equally improve flow-mediated dilation in males with hypercholesterolemia
  23. Kovač-Kavčič M; Skalerič U
    The change of DMFT counts in Slovenia
  24. Repovš Grega; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Liščić Rajka; Pišljar Marko; Štefe Irena; Grgič Milan
    Preliminarna elektrofiziološka študija Stroopovega učinka
  25. Pišljar Marko
    Ocena vala P300 v dveh kliničnih skupinah bolnikov s Parkinsovo boleznijo: s prevladujočim tresenjem in hipokinezo ter rigidnostjo
  26. Nespoli Angelo; Nespoli Luca
    The surgical treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis
  27. McBrien Heather L; Čokl Andrej; Millar Jocelyn G
    Comparison of substrate-borne vibrational signals of two congeneric stink bug species, Thyanta pallidovirens and T. custator accerra (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
  28. Hojs Radovan; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Puklavec Ludvik; Pečovnik-Balon Breda
    Serumski cistatin C in glomerulna filtracija
  29. Gračner T
    Intraocular pressure response of capsular glaucoma and primary open-angle glaucoma to selective Nd:YAG laser trabeculoplasty: a prospective, comparative clinical trial
  30. Šimenc Janez; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Comparison of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and two different polymerase chain reaction (PCRs) for species identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato strains
  31. Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Lužnik-Bufon Tatjana; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Solitary erythema migrans in children: comparison of treatment with azithromycin and phenoxymethylpenicillin
  32. Tomaževič Dejan; Likar Boštjan; Pernuš Franjo
    A comparison of retrospective shading correction techniques
  33. Haegerstrand Henry; Danieluk Malgorzata; Bobrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata; Iglič Aleš; Wrobel Anna; Isomaa Boris; Nikinmaa Mikko
    Influence of band 3 protein absence and skeletal structures on amphiphile- and Ca2+-induced shape alterations in erythrocytes: a study with lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis), trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) and human erythrocytes
  34. Ceglar Jakob; Vujkovac Bojan; Ponikvar Rafael; Marušič Dorjan
    Dialysis centres in Slovenia: organisational and economical benchmarking
  35. Smerdu Vika; Eržen Ida
    Dynamic nature of fibre-type specific expression of myosin heavy chain transcripts in 14 different human skeletal muscles
  36. Ocepek M; Pate M; Posedi J
    Primernost gojišča BBL MGIT za uporabo v veterinarskem mikobakteriološkem laboratoriju
    [Suitability of BBL MGIT growth medium in veterinary mycobacteriology]
  37. Korachi M; Rupnik M; Blinkhorn AS; Boote V; Drucker DB
    Comparison of polar lipid profiles of Clostridium difficile isolates from different geografical locations
  38. Mekiš Dušan
    Primerjava učinkov remifentanila in fentanila na obtočila med uvodom v anestezijo za premostitev venčnih arterij
  39. Čretnik Andrej
    Ocena zdravljenja pretrganja Ahilove kite po izvirni metodi podkožnega prešitja
  40. Lambert Rene; Guilloux Agathe; Oshima Akira; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Bray Freddie; Parkin Max; Ajiki Wakiko; Tsukuma Hideaki
    Incidence and mortality from stomach cancer in Japan, Slovenia and the USA
  41. Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž; Keber Irena
    Secondary prevention in patients several years after myocardial infarction: comparison of an outpatient and an inpatient rehabilitation programme
  42. Žižek B; Poredoš P
    Dependence of morphological changes of the carotid arteries on essential hypertension and accompanying risk factors
  43. Šelb-Šemerl Jožica; Šešok Janja
    Years of potential life lost and valued years of potential life lost in assessing premature mortality in Slovenia
  44. Mulec Janez; Starčič Marjanca; Žgur-Bertok Darja
    F-like plasmid sequences in enteric bacteria of diverse origin, with implication of horizontal transfer and plasmid host range
  45. Leskošek Branimir
    Elektromiografija maternice med gravidnostjo pri človeku in ovci
  46. Šebenik Matjaž; Ackroyd Rocky; Pogačnik Ana
    High volume fine-needle aspiration: Slovenian experience
  47. Novaković Srdjan; Fras Peter A; Jezeršek-Novaković Barbara
    Telomerase activity as a biological marker in some gynecological tumors: comparison with tissue and serum CA 125
  48. Jerala Roman; Almeida Paulo F; Ye Qiang; Biltonen Rodney L; Rule Gordon S
    1H, (15)N and (13)C resonance assignments and secondary structure of group II phospholipase A2 from Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus: presence of an amino-terminal helix in solution
  49. Martin John R; Craven C Jeremy; Jerala Roman; Kroon-Žitko Louise; Žerovnik Eva; Turk Vito; Waltho Jonathan P
    The three-dimensional solution structure of human stefin A
  50. Žerovnik Eva; Lohner K; Jerala Roman; Lagnner R; Turk Vito
    Calorimetric measurements of thermal denaturation of stefins A and B: comparison to predicted thermodynamics of stefin B unfolding
  51. Stepišnik Janez; Duh Andrej; Mohorič Aleš; Serša Igor
    MRI edge enhancement as a diffusive discord of spin phase structure
  52. Beravs Katarina; White David; Serša Igor; Demšar Franci
    Electric current density imaging of bone by MRI
  53. White Matthew D; Mekjavić Igor B
    Comparison of core threshold temperatures for forehead sweating based on esophageal and rectal temperatures
  54. Matetzky Shlomi; Sharir Tali; Noč Marko; Domingo Michelle; Chyu Kuang-Yuh; Kar Saibal; Eigler Nael; Kaul Sanjay; shah Prediman K; Čerček Bojan
    Primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction in octogenarians
  55. Pernat Andrej; Weil Max Harry; Sun Shijie; Tang Wanchun; Yamaguchi Hitoshi; Bisera Joe
    Atrial function during cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation
  56. Benčina M; Panneman H; Ruijter GJ; Legiša M; Visser J
    Characterization and overexpression of the Aspergillus niger gene encoding the cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit
  57. Kenig M; Jerala R; Kroon-Žitko L; Turk V; Žerovnik E
    Major differences in stability and dimerization properties of two chimeric mutants of human stefins
  58. Žerovnik E; Virden R; Jerala R; Kroon-Žitko L; Turk V; Waltho JP
    Difference in the effects of TFE on the folding pathways of human stefins A and B
  59. Žerovnik E; Jerala R; Virden R; Kroon-Žitko L; Turk V; Waltho JP
    On the mechanism of human stefin B folding: 2. Folding from GuHCl unfolded, TFE denatured, acid denatured, and acid intermediate states
  60. Žerovnik E; Virden R; Jerala R; Turk V; Waltho JP
    On the mechanism of human stefin B folding. 1. Comparison to homologous stefin A. Influence of pH and trifluoroethanol on the fast and slow folding phases
  61. Szepietowki JC; Blizanowska A; Wasik A; Noworolska A
    Comparison of soluble E-selectin serum levels in two chronic inflammatory skin diseases: atopic dermatitis and psoriasis
  62. Kopač Igor; Sterle Maksimiljan; Marion Ljubo
    Electron microscopic analysis of the effects of chemical retraction agents on cultured rat keratinocytes
  63. Kopač Igor; Batista Urška; Cvetko Erika; Marion Ljubo
    Viability of fibroblasts in cell culture after treatment with different chemical retraction agents
  64. Bren Andrej; Kandus Aljoša; Varl Janez; Buturović Jadranka; Ponikvar Rafael; Kveder Radoslav; Primožič Stanislav; Ivanovich Peter
    A comparison between epoetin omega and epoetin alfa in the correction of anemia in hemodialysis patients: a prospective, controlled crossover study
  65. Wensing Michel; Vedsted Peter; Kersnik Janko; Peersman Wim; Klingenberg Anja; Hearnshaw Hilary; Hjortdahl Per; Paulus Dominique; Kuenzi Beat; Mendive Juan
    Patient satification with availability of general practice: an international comparison
  66. Šebeštjen M; Žegura B; Keber I
    Both cerivastatin and fenofibrate improve arterial vasoreactivity in patients with combined hyperlipidaemia
  67. Tonin Martin; Saciri Valdet; Veselko Matjaž; Rotter Aleksander
    Progressive loss of knee extension after injury. Cyclops syndrome due to a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament
  68. Podust Larisa M; Stojan Jure; Poulos Thomas L; Waterman Michael R
    Substrate recognition sites in 14alpha-sterol demethylase from comparative analysis of amino acid sequences and X-ray structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CYP51
  69. Pakhomov Andrei G; Gajšek Peter; Allen Lori; Stuck Bruce E; Murphy Michael R
    Compariosn of dose dependences for bioeffects of continuous-wave and high-peak power microwave emissions using gel-suspended cell cultures
  70. Geginat Gernot; Schenk Simone; Škoberne Mojca; Goebel Werner; Hof Herbert
    A novel approach of direct ex vivo epitope mapping identifies dominant and subdominant CD4 and CD8 T cell epitopes from Listeria monocytogenes
  71. Tomori M; Kienhorst CWM; de Wilde EJ; van den Bout J
    Suicidal behaviour and family factors among Dutch and Slovenian high school students: a comparison
  72. Freestone NS; Ribarič S; Scheuermann M; Mauser U; Paul M; Vetter R
    Differential lusitropic responsiveness to beta-adrenergic stimulation in rat atrial and ventricular cardiac myocytes
  73. Bren A; Kandus A; Varl J; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Buturović J
    Safety of epoetin omega vs epoetin alfa in hemodialysis patients
  74. Scott DL; Smolen JS; Kalden JR; van de Putte LBA; Larsen A; Kvien TK; Schattenkirchner M; Nash P; Oed C; Rozman B
    Treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis with leflunomide: two year follow up of a double blind, placebo controlled trial versus sulfasalazine
  75. Pahor Dušica
    Visual field loss after argon laser panretinal photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy: full- versus mild-scatter coagulation
  76. Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša
    Therapeutic comparison of metformin and creatine in the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  77. Flis Vojko; Pavlović Milan; Miksić Kazimir
    The value of adjunctive vein patches to improve the outcome of femorodistal polytetrafluorethylene bypass grafts
  78. Pavlović Milan
    Inačica tehnike šivanja PTFE transplantata s umetanjem venske zakrpe na anastomozi
  79. Braunwald E; Drinovec I; Horvat M; Krivec B; Markež J; Parežnik R; Pehnec Z; Resman J; Šifrer F; Skale R; Trinkaus D; Voga G
    Intravenous NPA for the treatment of infarcting myocardium early: in TIME-II, a double-blind comparison of single-bolus lanoteplase vs accelerated alteplase for the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction
  80. Arnež Maja; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Ahčan Jerneja; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Strle Franc
    Demographic features, clinical characteristics and laboratory findings in children with multiple erythema migrans in Slovenia
  81. Lanišnik-Rižner T; Stojan J; Adamski J
    17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from the fungus Cochliobolus lunatus: structural and functional aspects
  82. Havliček Jure; Pirtovšek Dejan
    Vrednotenje treh načinov merjenja majavosti zob med higiensko fazo zdravljenja parodontalne bolezni
  83. Dernovšek MZ; Tavčar R
    Olanzapine appears haematologically safe in patients who developed blood dyscrasia on clozapine and risperidone
  84. Žemva Aleš; Rogel Polona
    Gender differences in athlete's heart: association with 24-h blood pressure. A study of pairs in sport dancing
  85. Fležar M; Doudkine A; Us-Krašovec M
    The effect of primary fixation with standard postfixation and the duration of hydrolysis on nuclear features in image cytometry
  86. Špec-Marn A; Toš L; Kremžar B; Milič-Emili J; Ranieri VM
    Oxygen delivery-consumption relationship in adult respiratory distress syndrome patients: the effects of sepsis
  87. Mušič Ema; Vondra Vladimir
    Učinkovitost in varnost loratadina (flonidan, Lek) pri zdravljenju sezonskega alergijskega rinitisa: izsledki mednarodne multicentrične raziskave
  88. Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja; Rekič Slobodan
    Delovanje in prenašanje cetirizina pri bolnikih z alergijskim rinitisom
    [Effect and tolerance of cetirizine in patients with allergic rhinitis]
  89. Cankar K; Finderle Ž; Štrucl M
    Gender differences in cutaneous laser Doppler flow response to local direct and contralateral cooling
  90. Cankar K; Arnež ZM; Finderle Ž; Štrucl M
    Microvascular skin response to local cooling and body tilt early after digital replantation
  91. Villaran Cesar; O'Neil Shane J; Helbling Arthut; van Noord Jan A; Lee Tak H; Chuchalin Alexander G; Langley Stephen J; Gunawardena Kulasiri A; Šuškovič Stanislav; Laurenzi Martino
    Montelukast versus salmeterol in patients with asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction
  92. Vogrin Milan
    Primerjava dveh metod za ugotavljanje števila gnezdečih malih ponirkov Tachybaptus ruficollis, črnih lisk Fulica atra in zelenonogih tukalic Gallinula chloropus
    [Comparison between two different methods for estimating numbers of pairs of the breeding little grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis, coomon coot Fulica atra, and coomon moorhen Gallinula chloropus]
  93. Marin Irena J; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja; Meglič-Volkar Jelka; Matičič Mojca; Lešničar Gorazd; Brinovec Vladimir
    Comparative evaluation of semiautomated COBAS AMPLICOR hepatitis B virus (HBV) MONITOR test and manual microwell plate-based AMPLICOR HBV MONITOR test
  94. Kamenik Mirt
    Spremembe hemodinamskih parametrov pri subarahnoidni blokadi: primerjava 0,5% bupivakaina in 2% lidokaina
  95. Salvador-Carulla L; Cabases J; Madoz V; Haro JM; Vazquez-Barquero JL
    Cost-incidence of schizophrenia in Spain: comparison of two scenarios with different mental health systems
  96. Fidler N; Sauerwald T; Demmelmair H; Pohl A; Koletzko B
    Oxidation of an oil rich in docosahexaenoic acid compared to linoleic acid in lactating women
  97. Brecelj Aleš
    Primerjava med arterijskimi in aloplastičnimi mikrovaskularnimi grafti
  98. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Žakelj-Mavrič Marija
    Characterization of fungal 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases
  99. Logar M; Arnež M; Kolbl J; Avšič-Županc T; Strle F
    Comparison of the epidemiological and clinical features of tick-borne encephalitis in children and adults
  100. Bren Andrej F; Kandus Aljoša; Varl Janez; Buturović Jadranka; Ponikvar Rafael; Primožič Stanislav; Ivanovich Peter
    Epoetin omega vs epoetin alfa in the correction of anemia in hemodialysis patients

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