biomedicina slovenica

"Men" : 65.729-65.828

  1. Kaes J; Sackmann E; Podgornik R; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Thermally induced budding of phospholipid vesicles - a discontinuous process
  2. Jiang Y; Howard CV; Prasad B; Dangerfield P; van Velzen D
    Segmentation of human hand X-ray images for bone age analysis
  3. Smadja M; Philipp S
    Segmentation of uterus sections using an extraction of the nuclei
  4. Miholjčić B; Radić L; Žigić Z
    Thymus influenced by hydrocortisone in different periods of development
  5. Mendis-Handagama SMLC
    The assumption of nuclear roundness causes an overestimation of leydig cell number in atrophied rat testes
  6. Tršinar B
    Vpliv kratkotrajne električne stimulacije mišic medeničnega dna na otroški idiopatski nestabilni sečni mehur in njegove posledice
  7. Ovčak Z
    Pomen intermediarnih filamentov in lektinskih receptorjev za določevanje histogeneze ledvičnega adenokarcinoma
  8. Leigheb G; Boggio P; Gattoni M; Bornacina G
    A case of Morbihan's disease: chronic upper facial erythematous oedema
  9. Silvestris AM; Giuliani M; Iannantuono M; Bisceglia M; Lomuto M
    Erythema dyschromicum perstans
  10. Marin J; Drinovec B; Koren S
    Herpes simplex virus infections
  11. Kopera D; Hoedl S
    Creeping disease (larva migrans cutanea)
  12. Dummer R; Zillikens D; Burger M; Burg G
    Relapsing polychondritis: presentation of three cases and discussion of therapeutic regimens
  13. Lomuto M; Ditano G; Nirchio V
    Multiple pilosebaceous cysts
  14. Patrizzi A; Pauluzzi P; Badiali de Giorgi L
    Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, localized (minimus) type. Report of a kinship
  15. Burany B; Szabo E; Babcsanyi S; Mikov M; Popović S
    Possibilities and limits of the population screening using questioonaires in early detection of skin cancers
  16. Balkovec I; Lesjak M
    Proces zdravstvene nege - instrument pri delu medicinske sestre
  17. Franović A
    Zdravstvena rekreacija v naravnih zdraviliščih Slovenije
    [Health recreation in Slovenian health resorts]
  18. Razinger V
    Analiza polivalentne patronažne službe v letu 1991 v Sloveniji
    [The analysis of polivalent work of nurses in community health nursing in 1991 in Slovenia]
  19. Salvage J
    Ocena položaja zdravstvene nege: izziv za medicinske sestre v 21. stoletju
  20. Travnik L; Eržen I
    Nekatere histokemične značilnosti paravertebralnih mišic pri protruziji intervertebralnega diska
    [Some histochemical characteristics of the paravertebral muscles caused by intervertebral disc protrusion]
  21. Frumen M
    Uporabnost analizatorja slike Optomax V za rutinsko delo v mikrobiološkem laboratoriju
    [The use of image analyser Optomax V for routine work in microbiological laboratory]
  22. Frankič D; Pečar-Čad S; Milovanovič M; Oražem A
    Zdravila in psihofizične lastnosti
    [Drugs and psychophysical features]
  23. Vučetić-Zavrnik L
    Poškodbe v športu
    [Sport injuries]
  24. Borštnar S
    Pešci - njihovo znanje, stališča in ravnanje
    [Pedestrians - their knowledge, standpoints and acting]
  25. Tekavčič-Grad O
    Samomor, samomorilni poskus in možnosti za nujno preprečevanje v Sloveniji
    [Suicide, suicide attempt and possibilities for their prevention in Slovenia]
  26. Bašič K
    Spolni napadi na otroke
    [Sexual assaults on children]
  27. Pečar J
    Ogrožanje človekovega življenja z nasiljem
    [Threatening of human life with violence]
  28. Borštnar S
    Vloga epidemiologije pri preprečevanju nezgod v cestnem prometu v Sloveniji
    [The role of epidemiology in accident prevention in road traffic]
  29. Rok-Simon M; Dodič-Fikfak M; Kožuh-Novak M
    Epidemiološke značilnosti poškodb hrbtenjače s posledično paraplegijo in tetraplegijo v Sloveniji v letih 1988-1992
    [Epidemiological characteristics of spinal injuries with consequentional paraplegia and tetraplegia in Slovenia during the years 1988-1992]
  30. Rok-Simon M; Dodič-Fikfak M; Šefman P
    Smrtne poškodbe voznikov motornih koles in koles z motorjem v Sloveniji v letu 1991
    [Fetal injuries of motorcycles and motorized bicycles drivers in Slovenia in 1991]
  31. Rok-Simon M; Šelb J; Dodič-Fikfak M; Grobovšek-Opara S; Hovnik-Keršmanc M
    Desetletno gibanje poškodb v Sloveniji
    [10 years trend of injuries in Slovenia]
  32. Černelč P; Butinar D; Jevtič V; Vodušek DB
    Osteosklerotični plazmocitom in polinevropatija
    [Osteosclerotic myeloma and polyneuropathy]
  33. Bohinjec J
    Hitrost sedimentacije eritrocitov in njen diagnostični pomen
    [Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and its diagnostic value]
  34. Žontar D; Černelč P
    Uporaba pretočne citometrije v klinični hematologiji
    [Application of flow cytometry in clinical haematology]
  35. Kralj J
    Povprečni volumen in število trombocitov pri zdravih osebah
    [The platelet volume and count in normal subject]
  36. Modic M
    Pomen feritina v serumu za oceno zalog železa v telesu
    [Serum ferritin in the evaluation of iron stores]
  37. Andoljšek D; Benedik-Dolničar M; Lukić L; Faganel J
    Pripravki za zdravljenje hemofilije in okužba z virusom hepatitisa A
    [Concentrations for haemophillia treatment and hepatitis A virus infection]
  38. Modic M; Mlakar U
    Naše izkušnje pri zdravljenju akutne limfoblastne levkemije odraslih
    [The treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults]
  39. Pretnar J; Modic M; Benedik-Dolničar M; Zwitter M
    Ciklosporin v klinični hematologiji
    [Cyclosporin in clinical haematology]
  40. Pokorn D
    Razporeditev telesnega maščevja
    [Distribution of body adipose tissue]
  41. Cerar M
    Obremenjenost osnovnošolcev in komunikacija pri pouku
    [Burdening of elementary school children and communication at school]
  42. Žagar D
    Obremenjenost in utrujenost učencev v luči psihologije
    [Burdening and fatigue of school children in the aspect of psychology]
  43. Arko U; Juričič M
    Zdravstveni vidik vpliva šole na učenca
    [The influence of school on the pupil - from the health point of view]
  44. Klavs I
    Okužba z virusom HIV in AIDS: pandemija ter epidemija v Sloveniji
    [HIV infection and AIDS: panendemic and Slovene epidemic]
  45. Pisanski M
    Utrujenost in dnevne aktivnosti šolarja
    [Fatigue and daily activities of school children]
  46. Strel J; Štihec J
    Motorična in morfološka samopodoba v povezavi z obremenjenostjo šolskih otrok
    [Motoric and morphologic self-image in connection with the burdening of school children]
  47. Novak H
    Šolske obremenitve in spanje osnovnošolcev
    [School burdening and sleeping time of the pupils from elementary schools]
  48. Markota M
    Prikaz nekaterih kazalcev zdravstvenega stanja prebivalstva na Dolenjskem v obdobju 1971-1990
    [The presentation of some health state indicators of population of Dolenjska region (Republic of Slovenia) during the period 1971-1990]
  49. Cvilak H
    Pomen prehrane pri onkološkem bolniku
  50. Bešić N; Auersperg M
    The role of surgery in multimodal treatment of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
  51. Auersperg M; Us-Krašovec M; Bešić N; Pogačnik A; Stanič K; Jezeršek B
    Flow-cytophotometric DNA measurements for monitoring and planning chemotherapy in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
  52. Konya A; Vigvary Z; Rahoty P
    Neoadjuvant intraarterial chemotherapy of malignant soft tissue tumors: a new treatment protocol
  53. Konya A; Vigvary Z
    Percutaneous removal and replacement of occluded biliary endoprostheses
  54. Primic-Žakelj M
    Etiology and primary cancer prevention
  55. Brumen V
    Incidence of structural chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges among medical personnel handling antineoplastic drugs
  56. Juretić M; Car M; Žgaljardić Z; Šustić A
    Subjective problems of patients associated with treatment of maxillofacial malignancies
  57. Miletić D; Fučkar Ž; Mozetič V; Šustić A
    Blunt splenic injuries: a sonographic contribution to indications for conservative or operative treatment
  58. Ravnikar M
    Mikropropagacija rastlin in določanje virusnih bolezni
  59. Dermastia M; Komel R
    Effects of hygromycin B on the growth of the filamentous fungus Cochliobolus lunatus
  60. Čelik T
    Dnevni metulji (Lep.: Papilionidea in Hesperioidea) kot bioindikatorska skupina za ekološko ocenjevanje in naravovarstveno vrednotenje Planinskega polja
    [Butterflies (Lep.: Papilionoidea in Hesperioidea) as bioindicator group for assessment of natural conservation value of Planinsko polje]
  61. Lavrenčak J
    Ugotavljanje in tipizacija humanih virusov papiloma v tkivnih vzorcih tumorjev
    [Detection and typing of human papillomaviruses in tissue tumor specimens]
  62. Kos M; Bulog B
    Differences between the fine structure of Proteus anguinus (Urodela, Amphibia) skin and the black pigmented Proteus sp
  63. Faganeli J; Pezdič J; Ogorelec B; Mišič M; Najdek M
    The origin of sedimentary organic matter in the Adriatic
  64. Bavcon Jože; Druškovič Blanka; Papeš Dražena
    Germination of seeds and cytogenetic analysis of the spruce in differently polluted areas of Slovenia
  65. Škornik I
    V družbi z rumenonogimi galebi
    [In the company of yellow footed gulls]
  66. Bajt O
    Fotokemična razgradnja organskih snovi - prispevek k zmanjševanju onesnaževanja naravnih voda?
    [Photochemical degradation of organic compounds - a contribution to lesser pollution of our waters?]
  67. Avčin A
    Monitoring obalnega morja - zakaj in kako?
    [Monitoring the coastal sea - why and how?]
  68. Smaka-Kincl V
    Ocenitev kvalitete odpadnih, površinskih in podtalnih voda z Allium testom
    [The evaluation of waste, surface and ground water quality by the Allium test procedure]
  69. Herzog-Velikonja B
    Mutageneza bakterije Bacillus licheniformis s transpozonoma Tn917 in Tn916
    [Transpozon Tn917 and Tn916 mutagenesis in Bacillus licheniformis]
  70. Dovečar Fina
    Spremebne značilnosti v rasti mladine v 42-letnem obdobju
    [Changeal characteristics in growth in youth in 42-year period]
  71. Doganoc DZ
    Distribucija reziduov svinca, kadmija, in cinka v organizmu perutnine in jajcih na področju Slovenije
    [Lead, cadmium and zinc distribution in selected tissue of poultry and eggs in Slovenia]
  72. Trontelj-Župančič A
    Prispevek k metodologiji ovrednotenja recentnih usedlin
    [A contribution to the methodology of assessment of recent sediments]
  73. Pečenko N
    Biološki koncept modernega živalskega vrta - predlog prostorske ureditve in delovanje Zoološkega vrta mesta Ljubljane
    [Biological concept of a zoological garden - a proposal for site planning and manegement of the Ljubljana zoo]
  74. Trontelj P
    Ptice-indikator ekološkega pomena Ljubljanskega barja
    [Birds as indicators of the ecological importance of Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana moos)]
  75. Saradjen J
    Uporabnost Allium testa pri ocenjevanju kakovosti voda
    [Evaluation of water quality by the Allium test procedure]
  76. Malačič V; Orlič M
    On the origin of the inverted-barometer effect at subinertial frequencies
  77. Malačič V
    Response of the sea to the air-pressure forcing
  78. Levin JM; Nelson JA; Segreti J; Harrison B; Benson CA; Strle F
    In vitro susceptibility of Borrelia burgdorferi to 11 antimicrobial agents
  79. Preželj J; Kocijančič A
    Bone mineral density in hyperandrogenic amenorrhoea
  80. Mašera A; Ovčak Z; Lamovec J; Pohar-Marinšek Ž
    Primary carcinoid of the kidney
  81. Jevtić V; Watt I; Rozman B; Kos-Golja M; Rupenovič S; Logar D; Presetnik M; Jarh O; Demšar F; Musikič P
    Precontrast and postcontrast (Gd-DTPA) magnetic resonance imaging of hand joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  82. Lindič J; Pšeničnik M; Bren A; Guček A; Ferluga D; Kveder R
    The morphology of parietal peritoneum: a scanning electron micrograph study
  83. Božič B; Pruijn GJM; Rozman B; van Venrooij WJ
    Sera from patients with rheumatic diseases recognize different epitope regions on the 52-kD Ro/SS-A protein
  84. Zorec R; Tester M
    Rapid pressure driven exocytosis-endocytosis cycle in a single plant cell. Capacitance measurements in aleurone protoplasts
  85. Kržišnik C; Lukač-Bajalo J
    Glycosylated hemoglobin in fractions of erythrocytes of different ages
  86. Koren S; Whorton EB Jr; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Circadian dependence of interferon antitumor activity in mice
  87. Kralj A; Ačimovič R; Stanič U
    Enhancement of hemiplegic patient rehabilitation by means of functional electrical stimulation
  88. Prinčič J; Zupančič F; Cimerman M
    Late results of 351 femoral neck fractures (1986-1987 treatment period)
    [Spatergebnisse von 351 Schenkelhalsbruchen (Behandlungszeitraum 1986-1987)]
  89. Tomažič J; Kotnik V; Wraber B
    In vivo administration of azithromycin affects lymphocyte activity in vitro
  90. Ružić-Sabljić E; Strle F; Cimperman J
    The Ixodes ricinus tick as a vector of Borrelia burgdorferi in Slovenia
  91. Stegnar M; Zore A; Novak-Antolič Ž; Vovk N; Kruithof EK
    Tissue-type plasminogen activator after venous occlusion in pregnancy and puerperium
  92. Žgur T; Vodušek DB; Kržan M; Vrtovec M; Denišlič M; Šibanc B
    Autonomic system dysfunction in moderate diabetic polyneuropathy assessed by sympathetic skin response and Valsalva index
  93. Brezigar A
    Genetski vzroki mentalne retardacije
  94. Lukač-Bajalo J
    Diagnostični pomen določanja aktivnosti disaharidaz v bioptih črevesne sluznice pri glutenski enteropatiji
  95. Igerc-Grošelj B
    Primerjava dveh presejalnih metod za določitev celiakije: obremenilnega testa z D-ksilozo in IgA antigliadinskimi protitelesi
  96. Osredkar J
    Determination of salivary testosterone: diagnostic value in hirsute women
  97. Kočevar J
    Vloga kristalizacije pri oblikovanju zdravilnih pripravkov
    [The role of crystallisation in pharmaceutical dosage forms formulation]
  98. Arnež ZM
    Rekonstrukcija dojke s prostim prenosom telesu lastnega tkiva
    [Breast reconstruction by autogenous free tissue transfer]
  99. Andolšek-Jeras L
    Razvoj in uspehi zdravljenja neplodnosti na Ginekološki kliniki
    [Development and success of medical treatment of sterility in Clinic for gynaecology in Ljubljana]
  100. Primožič J; Makarovič K; Janko M; Sušec-Michieli M
    Razvoj novorojenčkov, ki so bili na umetni ventilaciji zaradi hude dihalne stiske - nevrološki in duševni razvoj
    [Developmental follow-up study of newborns on mechanical ventilation for severe respiratory distress - neurological and mental outcome]

   65.229 65.329 65.429 65.529 65.629 65.729 65.829 65.929 66.029 66.129  

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