biomedicina slovenica

vo="middle age" : 701-800

  1. Eisenberger Ute; Brunkhorst Reinhard; Perharič Lucija; Petersen Ruth; Kliem Volker
    Gemella morbillorum - spondylodiscitis in patient with a renal graft
  2. Mesec Anton; Rot Uroš; Perković Tatjana; Lunder Tomaž; Šibanc Branko
    Carbamazepine hypersensitivity syndrome presenting as vasculitis of the CNS
  3. Sinkovič Andreja
    Pretreatment plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels and the outcome of thrombolysis with streptokinase in patients with acute myocardial infarction
  4. Sinkovič Andreja; Koželj Miran; Kavalar Rajko; Matela Jože
    Angiodisplazija ozkega črevesa
    [Angiodysplasia of the small intestine - a case report]
  5. Skok P; Pocajt M
    Argon plasma coagulation in giant antral polyp, causing intermittent gastric outlet obstruction - case report
  6. Skok P
    A razor blade in the stomach - an unusual cause of upper gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage
  7. Mavri Alenka; Stegnar Mojca; Krebs Michael; Sentočnik Jožica T; Greiger Margarethe; Binder Bernard R
    Impact of adipose tissue on plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in dieting obese women
  8. Poredoš P; Stegnar M; Gačnik A
    Alternation of the fibrinolytic system in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease
  9. Gažić Marija
    Najpogostejše težave gibal v starosti
  10. Žvan Bojana; Zaletel Marjan; Pretnar Janja; Pogačnik Tomaž; Kiauta Tomaž
    Influence of the cold pressor test on the middle cerebral artery circulation
  11. Launonen V; Laake K; Huusko P; Niederacher D; Beckmann MW; Barkardottir RB; Geirsdottir EK; Gudmundsson J; Velikonja N; Peterlin B; et al ;
    European multicenter study on LOH of APOC3 at 11q 23 in 766 breast cancer patients: relation to clinical variables. Breast cancer somatic genetics consortium
  12. Ulčar Irma; Muster Ilgo
    Problematika v urgentni ambulanti pri bolnikih s kroničnimi boleznimi in socialnimi stiskami
    [Management of patients with chronic disease and social problems in emergency department]
  13. Gabršček Lucija; Podbregar Matej; Voga Gorazd; Krivec Bojan; Skale R; Parežnik Roman
    Bradikardija ob hipoglikemiji - prikaz primera
    [Bradycardia accompanying hypoglycemia - a case report]
  14. Kolar Miran
    Angina pectoris pri bolnici v hemoragičnem šoku
    [Angina pectoris in patient with hemorragic shock]
  15. Gorjup Vojka; Tadel Špela; Horvat Matija
    Hemoragični šok pri krvavitvi v prsno votlino nejasnega izvora
    [Hemorrhagic shock due to pleural hemorrhage of unknown origin]
  16. Meglič Bernard; Švigelj Viktor; Grad Anton
    Akutna možganska kap v malih možganih in v področju možganskega debla - potek in zapleti
    [Acute brainstem and cerebellar stroke - clinical course and complications]
  17. Lamovec Janez; Rener Miljeva; Špiler Marko
    Pseudosarcoma in Paget's disease of bone
  18. San Millan Ruiz Diego; Gailloud Philippe; Angeles de Miquel Miquel Maria; Muster Michel; Dolenc Vinko V; Rufenacht Daniel A; Fasel Jean HD
    Laterocanvernous sinus
  19. Dolenc Vinko V; Pregelj Rado; Slokan Samo; Škrbec Miha
    Anterior communicating artery aneurysm associated with tuberculum sellae meningioma: case report
  20. Borko E
  21. Geršak B; Mikek M; Smrkolj V; Gabrijelčič T
    Results of treatment of 17 patients with heart tumour
  22. Holc I; Krajnc I; Pahor A
    Akutna bolečinska stanja v revmatologiji
    [Acute pain in rheumatology]
  23. Grmek-Zemljič T
    Trombocitopenija - urgentno hematološko obolenje
    [Thrombocytopenia - an urgent hematologic disease]
  24. Biederman Joseph
    55-letni bolnik z motnjo pomanjkanja pozornosti in hiperaktivnostjo
    [A 55-year old man with attention-deficit hiperactivity disorder]
  25. Laumann Edward O; Paik Anthony; Rosen Raymond C
    Motnje v spolnosti pri prebivalcih Združenih držav Amerike: pogostnost in prediktorji
    [Sexual dysfunction in the United states: prevalence and predictors]
  26. Sawicki Peter T
    Strukturirano učenje in samonadzorni programi za bolnike, ki prejemajo antikoagulacijsko zaščito: naključnostna nadzorovana študija
    [A structured teaching and self-management program for patients receiving oral anticoagulation]
  27. Maraspin Vera; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Strle Franc
    Ceftriaxone associated hemolysis
  28. Pirtošek Zvezdan; Merello Marcelo; Carlsson Arvid; Stern Gerald
    Preclamol and parkinsonian fluctuations
  29. Vidmar Dubravka; Repše Stane
    Ultrasound diagnosis of gallstone ileus - a case report
    [Ultrazvočno diagnosticiran biliarni ileus - prikaz primera]
  30. Lutman Meta
    Joga in menopavza
    [Yoga and menopause]
  31. Cimerman Nina; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Krašovec Marta; Šuškovič Stanislav; Kos Janko
    Cicardian characteristics of cathepsins B, H, L, and stefins A and B, potential markers for disease, in normal sera
  32. Poredoš Pavel; Videčnik Viktor
    LYS-plasminogen shortens the duration of local thrombolytic treatment of peripheral arterial occlusions - a randomized controlled trial
  33. Žižek Bogomir
    Vloga žilnih in biokemičnih sprememb v krvi pri esencialni arterijski hipertenziji
  34. Ferluga D; Vizjak A; Janež A; Mrevlje F; Kocijančič A
    Liver metastases of pancreatic insulinoma 15 years after initial surgery, accompanied by crescentic glomerulonephritis
  35. Pernat Cvetka; Pocajt Milan
    Peripapillary diverticula in the duodenum of older population
  36. Luzar Boštjan; Ferluga Dušan
    Primary extranodal low grade MALT lymphoma of biliary tract
  37. Luzar Boštjan; Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Klopčič Ulrika
    Adenosquamous carcinoma of the gallbladder and pancreas - report of three cases
  38. Kavalar Rajko; Koželj Miran
    Hepatobiliary cystadenoma - case report
  39. Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Jerše Maja; Pegan Vladislav; Pleskovič Alojz
    Primary pancreatic leiomyosarcoma: case report of a rare tumor
  40. Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Pleskovič Alojz; Pegan Vladislav
    Solid papillary-cystic tumors of the pancreas-our experience
  41. Pleskovič Alojz; Pegan Vladislav
    Pancreatic cystadenoma
  42. Remškar Zlata; Mušič Ema
    Poklicna astma - prikaz dveh bolnikov s preobčutljivostjo na toluendiizocianat
    [Occupational asthma - two case reports with hypersensitivity to toluendiisocyanat]
  43. Rakovec P; Fidler V; Prepadnik M; Fettich JJ; Rode P
    Contraction sequence in ventricular tachycardia
  44. Hutchins Grover M; Hanzlick Randy
    Primer meseca: domneve o vzroku smrti in izbor med več enakovrednimi vzroki smrti
    [Case of the month. Speculation and competing causes of death]
  45. Martinović N; Gajić M
    Cutaneous myiasis due to Dernmatobia hominis
  46. Kambič V; Radšel Z; Gale N
    Alterations in the laryngeal mucosa after exposure to asbestos
  47. Hren-Božič Meta
    Simptomatika v klimakteriju
  48. Planinc Melita
    Obravnava hiperholesterolemij pri moških od dvajsetega do štiridesetega leta v mabulanti ZD Krško
  49. Masten-Cuznar Olivera
    Odkrivanje in zdravljenje hiperholesterolemije v ambulanti splošne medicine pri moških starih od 36 do 65 let
    [Detection and treatment of hypercholesterolemia of men aged 36-45 in general practice]
  50. Fuschshuber Pascal R; Lee R Jeffrey; McGrath Brian; Gibbs John F; Kraybill William G; Proulx Gary M
    Second malignancy after radiotherapy for seminoma
    [Sekundarni malignomi po zdravljenju seminomov z radioterapijo]
  51. Lavrenčič Aleša
    Vpliv redne telesne vadbe na fibrinolitično aktivnost krvi in endotelijsko vazodilatacijo pri bolnikih z metaboličnim kardiovaskularnim sindromom
  52. Černe Andreja
    Vpliv zaviralcev trombocitnih receptorjev GP IIb/IIIa na nastanek žilnih zapletov pri intervencijskih posegih na srcu
  53. Starc Rado; Bunc Matjaž; Podbregar Matej; Reschner Hrvoje
    Akutni miokardni infarkt zaradi alkoholnega opoja pri asimptomatski osebi
    [Acute myocardial infarction induced by alcohol ingestion at asimpomatic person]
  54. Gorjup Vojka; Ažman Katja; Tadel Špela; Horvat Matija
    Hemoptoe ali hematemeza?
    [Haemoptoe or haematemesis?]
  55. Možina Hugor; Šurlan Miloš
    Zdravljenje masive pljučne embolije s perkutano transkatetersko pulmonalno trombembolektomijo
    [Percutaneous catheter thrombembolectomy in massive pulmonary embolism]
  56. Koželj Mirta; Možina Hugor; Noč Marko; Pfeifer Marija; Horvat Matija
    Disekcija aorte tip B kot prva manifestacija feokromocitoma
    [Aortic dissection type B as first manifestation of pheochromocytoma]
  57. Ploj Tom; Štajer Dušan; Zorman Darko; Starc Rado
    Z urgentno PTCA lahko zdravimo motnje srčnega ritma pri bolnikih z ishemijo srčne mišice
    [Urgent PTCA can be used for treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in patient with myocardial ischemia]
  58. Jelenc Marjetka; Žemva Aleš; Marn-Pernat Andreja; Žemva Žarka
    Are insulin metabolism and night-time blood pressure related to left venticular hypertrophy?
  59. Novak-Jankovič V; Paver-Eržen V; Fajdiga I; Bovill JG; Manohin A; Žargi M
    Estimation of arterial CO2 partial pressure by measurement of tracheal CO2 during high-frequency jet ventilation in patients with a laryngectomy
  60. Voga Gorazd
    Sistemski transport in poraba kisika pri miokardnem infarktu
  61. Tepeš B; Kavčič B; Gubina M; Križman I
    A four year follow-up of duodenal ulcer patients after helicobacter pylori eradication
  62. Malovrh Marko
    Non-invasive evaluation of vessels by duplex sonography prior to construction of arteriovenous fistulas for haemodialiysis
  63. Markovič Saša
    Case no. 3 - HBS 1998
  64. Buturović Jadranka; Ponikvar Rafael; Kandus Aljoša; Boh Marko; Klinkmann Jens; Ivanovich Peter
    Filling hemodialysis catheters in the interdialytic period: heparin versus citrate versus polygeline: a prospective randomized study
  65. Tavčar Rok; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Brosch Sabine
    Ketoprofen intoxication delirium
  66. Rosen Harald R; Jatzko Gerhard; Repše Stane; Potrč Stojan; Neudorfer Herbert; Sandbichler Peter; Zacherl Johannes; Rabl Hans; Holzberger Peter; Lisborg Peter; Czeijka Martin
    Adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy with carbon-adsorbed mitomycin in patients with gastric cancer: results of a randomized multicenteer trial of the Austrian working group for surgical oncology
  67. Pohar-Marinšek Ž; Frković-Grazio S
    Fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of primary subcutaneous sacrococcygeal myxopapillary ependymoma
  68. Mir LM; Glass LF; Serša G; Teissie J; Domenge C; Miklavčič D; Jaroszeski MJ; Orlowski S; Reintgen DS; Rudolf Z; Belehradek Jr; Bachaud JM; DeConti R; Štabuc B; Čemažar M; Coninx P; Heller R
    Effective treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous malignant tumors by electrochemotherapy
  69. Bunc G; Milojković V; Košir G; Kovačič S; Rebol J
    Dumb-bell hypoglossal neurinoma with intra- and extracranial paravertebral expansion
  70. Šeruga M; Petric V
    Kronična vnetna črevesna bolezen - morbus Crohn (prikaz primerov)
  71. Lavre J; Vujkovac B; Šabovič M
    Uspešno zdravljenje ponavljajočih se krvavitev iz debelega črevesa s traneksamično kislino pri dializnem bolniku
  72. Kopčavar-Guček N
    Litotripsija pri bolniku s trombolično terapijo
  73. Anand Sonia S; Wells Philip S; Hunt Dereck; Brill-Edwards Pat; Cook Deborah; Ginsberg Jeffrey S
    Ima bolnica globoko vensko trombozo?
    [Does this patient have deep vein thrombosis?]
  74. Brezavšček Bojan
    Fiksnoprotetična konstrukcija na implantatih spodnje brezzobe čeljusti
    [An implant-retained fixed prosthesis for the edentulous lower jaw]
  75. Trampuž Andrej
    Akutna odpoved jeter in ledvic po povratku iz Brazilije
    [Acute liver and kidney failure in a patient returning from Brazil]
  76. Szalai Gabor; Kaiser Laszlo; Kalman Endre
    Invasive oncoradiology in the diagnosis of breast tumor. Case report
    [Invazivna radiološka preiskava pri diagnostiki tumorja dojke]
  77. Zupan A; Šavrin R; Erjavec T; Kralj A; Karčnik T; Škorjanc H; Obreza P
    Effects of respiratory muscle training and electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles on respiratory capabilities in tetraplegic patients
  78. Krajnc Ivan
    Skleromyxoedema - Arndt-Gottron: Uebersicht eineer 2jaehrigen Behandlung
    [Scleromyxoedema Arndt-Gottron: a case report over 2-year treatment period]
  79. Lejko-Zupanc T; Koželj M
    A case of recurrent Candida parapsilosis prosthetic valve endocarditis: cure by medical treatment alone
  80. Židanik Miloš
    Disociativna fuga: prikaz primera
    [Dissociative fugue: case report]
  81. Krajnc I; Vizjak A; Hvala A; Jurčić V; Rozman B
    Bedeutung der histopathologiscen Analyse der Hautlaesionen bei Skleromyxoedem: Lichtmikroskopie, Elektronenmikroskopie, Immunhistochemie und Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie
    [Significance of the histopathologic analysis of cutaneous lesions in scleromyxedema: light microscopy, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence]
  82. Macura Slobodan
    Subkutani šav kao savremena metoda u zbrinjavanju povreda Ahilove tetive
  83. Krajnc Ivan; Rozman Blaž; Pahor Artur
    Porphyria cutanea tarda mit schweren Klinischen komplikationen
  84. Ratkajec Tihomir
    Olovo u krvi i eritrocitni protoporfirin u staklarskih radnika izloženih olovu
    [Lead in the blood and erythrocyte protoporphyrin in glass workers]
  85. Remškar Zlata; Fras Zlatko
    Antifosfolipidni sindrom: prikaz dveh primerov
    [Antiphospholipid syndrome: two cases report]
  86. Šušteršič O; Kralj B
    The influence of obesity, constitution and physical work on the phenomenon of urinary incontinence in women
  87. Poredoš Pavel; Žižek Bogomir
    Plasma viscosity increase with progression of peripheral arterial atherosclerotic disease
  88. Beović B; Lejko-Zupanc T; Pretnar J
    Sequential treatment of deep fungal infections with amphotericin B deoxycholate and amphotericin B colloidal dispersion
  89. Vodovnik A; Popović M; Zwitter M; Godnik-Kramberger K; Grazio-Frkovič S
    Acute multiplesclerosis simulating the brain tumour: report of two cases
  90. Seme Katja; Poljak Mario; Jeverica Samo; Koren Anja; Žužek-Rešek Saša
    Prevalence of hepatitis G virus infection in Slovenian hemodialysis patients as determined by the detection of viral genome and E2 antibodies
  91. Rok-Simon Mateja
    Pojavnost in značilnosti poškodb pri delu v Sloveniji v letih 1990-1991: podiplomska naloga podiplomskega študija iz socialne medicine
  92. Goldsmith Marsha F
    Medijska obravnava in odziv javnosti na ultravijolični indeks (UVI) - Združene države Amerike, 1994-95
    [Media dissemination of and public response to the ultraviolet index - United States, 1994-1995]
  93. Lamovec Janez; Čufer Tanja; Majdič Elga; Snoj Marko
    Prikaz bolnice z rakom dojke s komentarji
  94. Bren AF; Kandus A; Buturović J; Koselj M; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Ponikvar R; Kovač D; Lindič J; Vizjak A; Ferluga D
    Cyclosporine-related hemolytic-uremic syndrome in kidney graft recipients: clinical and histomorphologic evaluation
  95. Kandus A; Kovač D; Černe D; Koselj M; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Buturović J; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Lindič J; Bren AF
    Therapy of hyperlipidemia with lovastatin in kidney transplant patients on cyclosporine A immunosuppression: 3-year experience
  96. Povše M; Župevc M; Grad A
    Cerebrovaskularne bolezni pri mladih
  97. Reberšek-Gorišek Jelka
    Malarija tropika - predstavitev primera
  98. Babiloni C; Boetzel K; Babiloni F; Noachtar S; Carducci F; Onorati P; Urbano A
    Movement-related cortical activity in a patient with chronic bilateral lesion of the supplementary motor area. A high resolution EEG study
  99. Yilmaz H; Mavioglu H; Erkin EF; Oksel F; Lacin S
    Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials in different reproductive stages of females
  100. Gregorič Milan
    Suppression of flexor reflex by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in spinal cord injured patients

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