biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 38.803-38.902

  1. Repše S; Omejc M; Juvan R; Jelenc F
    Frueh- und Spaetergebnisse der erweiterten und multiviszeralen Resektionen beim Magenkarzinom
  2. Omejc M; Repše S; Bračko M
    Is DNA aneuploidy a prognostic factor in gastric cancer?
  3. Poljak M; Bednarik J; Rednak K; Seme K; Kristančič L; Čelan-Lucu B
    Seroprevalence of human T cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus type I (HTLV-I) in pregnant women, patients attending venereological outpatient services and intravenous drug users from Slovenia
  4. Čarni Andraž
    Vegetacija šumskih rubova Ćićarije i Učke (Istra, Hrvatska)
    [Saum vegetation in Ćićarija and the Učka mountain range (Istria, Croatia)]
  5. Slapnik Rajko; Medaković Davorin
    Aragonit, kalcit i kvarc u ljušturama puževa Zospeum (Gastropoda:Pulmonata:Carychiidae) i Belgrandiella (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae)
    [Contents of pure calcite, aragonite and quartz in the shells of the subterranean snails of genus Zospeum (Gastropoda: Pumonata: Carychiidae) and freshwater snails of genus Belgrandiella (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Hzdrobiidae)]
  6. Šinigoj-Gačnik Ksenija; Doganoc Darinka-Zdenka
    Ostanki onesnaževalcev okolja in veterinarsko-medicinskih preparatov v mesu
    [Residues of environmental contaiminants and veterinary drugs in meat]
  7. Marinšek Janez
    Higienska neoporečnost mesa
    [Hygienic irrevocability of meat]
  8. Filipič Metka
    Genotoksičnost mesa
  9. Pretnar Jože
    Vpliv mesa in mesnih izdelkov na nastanek anemij
    [Anaemias due to nutritional meat and meat products deficiency]
  10. Primic-Žakelj Maja
    Meso v etiologiji raka
  11. Pavčič Maruša; Prelec-Lainščak Jolanda
    Meso v dietetiki
    [Meat in dietetics]
  12. Turk Josip
    Kardiolog o mesu
    [The cardiologist about the meat]
  13. Gspan Primož
  14. Tomašič Armin
    Sredstva za sanitacijo in veterinarska zdravila
  15. Metelko Maja
    Kemikalije v delovnem okolju
  16. Filipič Metka; Adamič Jelisava
    Genotoksične kemijske snovi v našem okolju
    [Genotoxic substances in the environment]
  17. Moser Ivo
    Iz spoznanj zdravnika
  18. Oblak-Lukač Alenka
    Poškodbe pri delu in poklicne bolezni
  19. Vaupotič Janja; Kobal Ivan
    Radon v naravi in v našem okolju
  20. Pompe-Kirn Vera; Primic-Žakelj Maja
    Kemikalije v okolju in zbolevanje za rakom
  21. Potočnik Franc
    Kemikalije v okolju v Republiki Sloveniji: o današnji ureditvi in ciljih
  22. Drobne Damjana; Martinčič Andrej
    Odločitve o okolju - odločitve o življenju
  23. Budihna Metka V
    Strupi in varovanje pred njimi
    [Toxic substances and protection against them]
  24. Vodovnik Lojze; Miklavčič Damijan
    Power lines - is there a health risk?
    [Visokonapetostni daljnovodi - ali obstaja nevarnost za zdravje?]
  25. Karba Renata; Šemrov Dejan; Vodovnik Lojze; Benko Helena; Šavrin Rajmond
    DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement. Part 1. Clinical study and determination of electrical field distribution in the numerical wound model
  26. Šemrov Dejan; Karba Renata; Valenčič Vojko
    DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement. Part 2. Parameter determination by numerical modelling
  27. Jarm Tomaž; Miklavčič Damijan; Vodovnik Lojze
    Bližnje-infrardeča spektroskopija - metoda za neinvazivno spremljanje prekrvljenosti in oksigenacije tkiv
    [Near-infrared spectroscopy - a method for noninvasive monitoring of perfusion and oxygenation in tissue]
  28. Miklavčič D; Jarm T; Čemažar M; Serša G; An DJ; Belehradek J Jr; Mir LM
    Tumor treatment by direct electric current. Tumor perfusion changes
  29. Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan; Čemažar Maja; Belehradek Jean Jr; Jarm Tomaž; Mir Lluis M
    Electrochemotherapy with CDDP on LPB sarcoma: comparison of the anti-tumor effectiveness in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice
  30. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Radšel-Burger Zora; Žargi Miha
    Instability of voice in adolescence: pathologic condition or normal developmental variation?
  31. Simčič Saša; Bobanović Fedja; Kotnik Vladimir; Vodovnik Lojze
    Local changes in membrane potential intensify neutrophil oxidative burst
  32. Jezernik K; Sterle M; Batista U
    The distinct steps of cell detachment during development of mouse uroepithelial cells in the bladder
  33. Petrovec M; Avšič-Županc T; Strle F; Barlič J; Sumner JW; Childs JE
    Ixodes ricinus as a potential vector of human granulocytic Ehrlichia in Europe
  34. Cizek-Sajko M; Kovačič M; Vlaisavljević V
    Acrosome reaction in different morphological types of spermatozoa evaluated under strict criteria
  35. Stirn-Kranjc B; Eržen I
    Histochemical and immunohistochemical methods in extraocular muscle examination
  36. Leonardis Lea; Zidar Janez; Ekici Arif; Peterlin Borut; Rautenstrauss Bernd
    Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies: detection of the recombination "hotspot" in Slovene patients and exclusion of the potentially recessive Thr118Met PMP22 point mutation
  37. Vodušek DB
    Lower urinary tract dysfunction in the elderly
  38. Vodušek DB
    Pain in the elderly
  39. Grisold W; Mueller E; Ambler Z; Hopkins A; Lopes-Lima JM; Piradow M; Porter-Sanchez A; Vodušek DB; et al ;
    Continuing medical education in Europe - trends and developments
  40. Jan Nataša
    Mleko in mlečni izdelki
  41. Le Pechon Jean-Claude; Boulestreau Lue; Deguen Michel; Larue Erie
    A new airlock system for a tunnel boring machine
  42. Gardette Bernard; Gortan Claude; Delauze Henri G
    "Helium in -hydrogen out"; a new diving tehchnique
  43. Strle Franc; Picken Roger N; Cheng Yu; Cimperman Jože; Maraspin Vera; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Picken Maria M
    Clinical findings for patients with Lyme borreliosis caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato with genotypic and phenotypic similarities to strain 25015
  44. Koselj M; Rott T; Kandus A; Vizjak A; Malovrh M
    Donor-transmitted IgA nephropathy: long-term follow-up of kidney donors and recipients
  45. Logar J; Kraut A
    Acanthamoeba corneal infection in a contact lens wearer
  46. Milošev I; Metikoš-Huković M
    The behaviour of Cu-xNi (x=10 to 40 wt %) alloys in alkaline solutions containing chlorine ions
  47. Vrečer F; Pauli V
    Study of physical and chemical stability of piroxicam loaded onto silica
  48. Budihna Metka V; Jamšek Marija
    Toksikologija nekaterih fitofarmacevtskih sredstev, ki se uporabljajo v kmetijstvu
    [Toxicology of some pesticides]
  49. Budihna MV; Kuhar C; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Kocijančič S
    Acute renal failure affects myocardial response to reperfusion of ischaemic guniea pig myocardium
  50. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book of the international symposium Drug targets in heart and brain ischemia; 1997 Jul 11-14; Florence
  51. Desloovere C; Germonpre P
    Sudden sensorineural deafness: treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy after failure of a ten day course of "classical" drug therapy
  52. Hamilton-Farell Martin R
    The British hyperbaric association carbon monoxide database, 1993-6: delay to delivery to hyperbaric facilities
  53. Nogay Hasan A; Cimsit Maide
    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for thrombotic complications in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies
  54. Nashimoto Ichiro; Mochizuki Tohru; Hagihara Yumiko
    Diving profiles and decompression risk in occupational SCUBA divers
  55. Logar Dušan
    Vpliv mesne prehrane na razvoj protina
  56. Barković Danica; Dobi Renata; Cuculić Dražen
    Fatal diving accidents in recreational and sport diving in northern Adriatic in a 3-year period (1994-1996)
  57. Longobardi P; Amorico MG; Morisi C; Maitan S; De Pasquale F; Baccanelli M.
    Computer tomograhy and autopsy features of pulmonary barotrauma and air embolization in a diver
  58. Siermontowski P; Kozlowski W; Koktysz R; Kulig A; Olszafiski R; Konarski M
    Macroscopic and microscopic indices of changes in experimental pulmonary barotrauma
  59. Sipinen Seppo A; Ahovuo Juhani
    Effects of diving and diving accidents on supraspinal MR-imaging compared to normal, haelthy controls
  60. Dolžan Vita
    Analiza gena CYP21B pri bolnicah s funkcionalnim hiperandrogenizmom
  61. Olszanski Romuald; Baj Zbigniew; Buczynski Andrzej; Konarski Maciej J; Klos Ryszard; Skrzynski Stanislaw; Zeman Krzysztof
    Evaluation of decompression sickness risk in saturated air and nitrox dives judged on the basis of changes in haemostasis
  62. Fettich J; Kenda R; Zupančič Ž; Meglič A
    Follow up of the renal scars in asymptomatic siblings of children with vesicoureteric reflux
  63. Brauzzi M; Merli M; Rizzo M; Fiorito A
    Two-dimensional imaging ultrasound monitoring of gas phase emboli after decompression dives
  64. Grošelj C; Kukar M; Fettich JJ; Kononenko I
    Impact of machine learning to the diagnostic certainty of the patient's group with low coronary artery disease probability
  65. Kononenko Igor; Urbančič Tanja
    CADAM-97. Zbornik Računalniška analiza medicinskih podatkov; 1997 nov 12; Bled
    [CADAM-97 (Computer-aided data analysis in medicine); 1997 Nov 12; Bled]
  66. Koteng S; Holmen-Geving IM; Ustad AL; Flook V; Brubakk AO
    The effect of reduced blood flow on inert gas content and bubble formation in the leg duging decompression
  67. Carturan Daniel; Boussuges Alain; Burnet Henri; Vanuxem Paul; Gardette Bemard
    Ascent rate, age, percentage of fat tissues and aerobic capacity: influence on the grades of circulating bubbles detected with echocardiography and Doppler
  68. Fook Valerie
    A theoretical study of the extent and duration of decompression bubbles following a submarine escape procedure
  69. Flook Valerie
    The effect of exercise on decompression bubbles: a theoretical study
  70. Wenzel Jourgen; Mennel HD; Stumm Gabi
    HPNS induced morphological changes in rat brain
  71. Antolič Vane
    Klinični pregled bolnika z bolečino v križu
  72. Darbin Olivier; Risso Jean-Jaques; Rostain Jean-Claude
    High pressure of heliox induced striatal glutamatergic hyperactivity: a microdialysis and behavioral studies
  73. Vengust Rok; Antolič Vane
    Diferencialna diagnoza bolečine v križu
  74. Žargi M; Šmid L; Fajdiga I; Hočevar-Boltežar I
    Induced fluorescence in diagnostics of laryngeal cancer
  75. Saget Anne; Courtiere Alain; Hardouin Jeannine; Turle Nathalie; Meliet Jean-Louis; Risso Jean-Jacques
    Neurochemical and behavioural studies of an eventual adaptation to narcosis
  76. Kukar Matjaž; Grošelj Ciril; Kononenko Igor; Fettich Jure J
    An application of machine learning in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease
  77. Gubenšek Franc; Kordiš Dušan
    Artiodactyla specific ART-2 retroposon was found in reptiles
  78. Samardžija Zoran; Makovec Darko; Kolar Drago
    Quantitative electron probe microanalysis and microstructural study of Ba-Ce-Ti-O ceramics containing 1:1:4 type compounds
  79. Bernik S
    Composition of the Bi2Ti2O7 type pyroclor phase in the Bi-Ti-Zn-O system obtained by WDS analysis
  80. Blumer R; Lukas JR; Aigner M; Mayr R
    Human extraocular muscle spindles differ from skeletal ones
  81. Blumer R; Lukas JR; Aigner M; Mayr R
    Reconstruction of human extraocular muscle spindles of a 2-year-old child after severe head trauma
  82. Mironov A; Deerinck T; Mironov A; Edelman V; Lupetti P; Polishchuk R; Dallai R; Luini A; Ellisman M
    Reconstruction and morphometric analysis of the whole Golgi complex in RBL cells after fast-freezing-substitution
  83. Pšeničnik Majda
    RTH staining of a mucin layer in the mouse urinary bladder
  84. Arancia Giuseppe; Calcabrini Annarica; Diociaiuti Marco; Meschini Stefania; Molinari Agnese
    Intracellular distribution of anthracyclines in sensitive and drug resistand cultured cells
  85. Jezek Davor; Hittmair Anton; Rogatsch Hermann; Schulze Wolfgang
    Immunocompetent and leydig cells in testicular biopsies from infertile men
  86. Ghadially Feroze N
    Pigments of the gatrointestinal tract. A saga of botched histochemistry.
  87. Pintarič Leonarda; Bah Bojana; Dernovšek Mojca Z.; Tavčar Rok
    Znanje hospitaliziranih bolnikov s shizofrenijo o predpisanih zdravilih
    [The knowledge of inpatients with shizophrenia on prescribed medication]
  88. Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Kastelic Andrej
    Kakovost storitve vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa
    [The quality of service of methadone maintenance programme]
  89. Kersnik Janko; Zupančič Marjeta; Svete Andreja
    Preverjanje uporabnosti prilagojenega Duke-AD vprašalnika za ugotavljanje prisotnosti anksioznih in depresivnih stanj v splošni medicini
    [Reliability of adapted Duke-AD questionnaire for anxiety and depression disorders defection in general practice]
  90. Cukjati France
    Ali čas - ali program
  91. Pokorn Dražigost
    Prehrana pri črevesnih okužbah
    [Food intake in the case of human infections]
  92. Trampuž Andrej; Turk Karl
    Preprečevanje in zdravljenje potovalne driske
    [Prevention and treatment of traveler's diarrhea]
  93. Kraigher Alenka; Turk Karl
    Potovalna driska
    [Traveler diarrhoea]
  94. Dragaš Ana Zlata
    Bolnišnične črevesne okužbe
    [Enteric hospital infections]
  95. Lešničar Gorazd; Vlaović Miodrag; Gadžijev Eldar M; Radič Željko
    Anafilaktični šok po travmatski rupturi jetrne ehinokokne ciste v trebušno votlino
    [Anaphylactic shock after traumatic rupture of hepatic echinococcal cyst into the abdominal cavity]
  96. Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Radšel-Medvešček Alenka
    Okužbe z Escherichio coli 0157:H7
    [Infections due to Escherichia coli 0157:H7]
  97. Skaza-Maligoj Alenka; Lešničar Gorazd; Štorman Alenka; Eržen Ivan
    Okuženost otrok s črevesnimi paraziti v celjskih vrtcih
    [Infections with helminthes in children in the nursery-schools in Celje]
  98. Beus Antun; Topić Antea
    Etiologija akutnih infekcijskih proljeva od 1975. do 1996. godine prema podacima Klinike za infektivne bolesti "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" u Zagrebu
    [Etiology of acute infectious diarrhea from 1975 to 1996 in "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" univeristy hospital for infectious diseases, Zagreb, Croatia]
  99. Pavelić Jasminka; Gall-Trošelj Koraljka; Gorišek Jelka; Pinter Žarko; Pavelić Krešimir
    Otkrivanje bakterije Helicobacter pylori u bolesnika s oboljenjima probavnog trakta metodom lančane reakcije polimeraze
  100. Hočevar-Grom Ada; Turk Karl; Kraigher Alenka; Melink Alenka; Marinič-Fišer Nataša
    Akutne črevesne okužbe - prijavljanje in spremljanje
    [Acute intestinal infections - registration and surveillance]

   38.303 38.403 38.503 38.603 38.703 38.803 38.903 39.003 39.103 39.203  

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