biomedicina slovenica

"Men" : 65.929-66.028

  1. Štefančič M
    Pojav medikamentoznega ekzantema ob zdravljenju s sulfonamidi in trimetoprimom
  2. Gubina M; Komel R; Dragaš AZ; Derganc M; Primožič J; Kremžar B
    Significance of Serratia marcescens typing for hospital infection detection
  3. Štabuc-Šilih M
    Zdravljenje ruptur mrežnice z argonskim laserjem
  4. Dolenc A
    Medicinska etika in deontologija: dokumenti s komentarjem
  5. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Hesse U; Schuessler B
    Activity patterns of pubococcygeal muscles in nulliparous continent women
  6. Plemenitaš A; Lenasi H; Hudnik-Plevnik T
    Identification of progesterone binding sites in the plasma membrane of the filamentous fungus Cochliobolus lunatus
  7. Blejec A
    Computer supported statistical experimental: simulation system in teaching of statistics
  8. Blejec A
    Bezier curves: simple smoothers of noisy data
  9. Blejec A
    Teaching of statistics - why, what and how?
  10. Malačič V; Forte J
    Izvrednotenje podatkov za vodni stolp v Koprskem zalivu
  11. Wraber T
    Slovenska imena za rastlinske rodove
  12. Bajd B
    Primerjava funkcionalne odvisnosti oblike kosti in delovanja mišic pri modernem človeku in neandertalcu
    [Comparison of functional relationship of the bone geometry and muscular activity in modern and neandertal man]
  13. Peršolja B
    Metoda za vzpostavitev ektomikorize in vitro
    [A method for the establishment of ectomycorrhizal in vitro]
  14. Malej A; Harris RP
    Inhibition of copepod grazing by diatom exudates: a factor in the development of mucus aggregates?
  15. Gray JS; McIntyre AD; Štirn J
    Manual of methods in aquatic environment research. Part 11 - Biological assessment of marine pollution - with particular reference to benthos
  16. Pečenko N
    Srečanje s kameno dobo
    [Meeting of stone age]
  17. Zupan M; Bernik T; Rotar B; Bonač M; Butina V; Zužič D; Miklavčič J; Lasič B; Krušnik C; Kosi G
    Raziskovanje kakovosti površinskih voda v Sloveniji v letu 1990
  18. Urbanc-Berčič O
    Leachates treatment in a reed bed system at Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
  19. Plaper I; Ravnikar M; Žel J; Gogala N
    Jasmonic acid and tissue culture of garlic-monocotyledons
  20. Camloh M; Gogala N
    Platycerium bifurcatum - adventitious bud and root formation without growth regulators in vitro
  21. Blažina I; Ravnikar M; Žolnir M; Korošec-Koruza Z
    Regeneration of GFLV-free grapevines and synchronization of micropropagation in vitro
  22. Benedičič D; Ravnikar M; Gogala N
    The influence of jasmonic acid on the development of Phaseolus vulgaris shoot culture
  23. Benedičič D
    Rast in razvoj meristema in vršička fižola (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Zorin) v tkivni kulturi
    [Growth and development of meristems and shoots of the bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Zorin, in tissue culture]
  24. Reflak M
    Identifikacija mikroorganizmov pri kontroli aseptične priprave in polnjenja zdravilnih pripravkov
    [Identification of microorganisms in the control of aseptic preparation and filling of medical preparations]
  25. Lakoski A
    Kvantitativna analiza hromosomskih oštećenja ljudskih limfocita nakon "in vitro" ozračivanja neutronima fisionog spektra
    [Quantitative study of chromosome damage in human lymphocytes after "in vitro" irradiation by fission neutrons]
  26. Brank M; Šentjurc M; Štalc A; Grubić Z
    The influence of soman simulator on reactivation by HI-6 of soman-inhibited acetylcholinesterase in preparations of rat and human skeletal muscle
  27. Sket D
    Efficacy of antidotes against soman poisoning in female physostigmine-protected rats
  28. Koselj M; Kveder R; Bren AF; Rott T
    Acute renal failure in patients with drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis
  29. Šuput D; Zupan A; Sepe A; Demšar F
    Discrimination between neuropathy and myopathy by use of magnetic resonance imaging
  30. Vrbič V
    Trends in dental caries in 12-year-old children in Ljubljana, Slovenia
  31. Koren S; Fleischmann WR Jr
    Circadian variations in myelosuppressive activity of interferon-alpha in mice: identification of an optimal treatment time associated with reduced myelosuppressive activity
  32. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Blood-urine barrier formation in mouse urinary bladder development
  33. Švab I; Katič M; Čuk C
    The time used by the patient when he/she talks without interruptions
    [El tiempo del paciente cuando habla sin interrupciones]
  34. Kastelic-Suhadolc T; Lenasi H
    Androgen binding proteins in Cochliobolus lunatus
  35. Knudsen T; Ferjan I; Johansen T
    Effect of ouabain, digoxin and digitoxigenin on potassium uptake and histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells
  36. Xiao SY; Diglišič G; Avšič-Županc T; LeDuc JW
    Dobrava virus as a new Hantavirus: evidenced by comparative sequence analysis
  37. Zorec R; Hoyland J; Mason WT
    Simultaneous measurements of cytosolic pH and calcium interactions in bovine lactotrophs using optical probes and four-wavelength quantitative video microscopy
  38. Ravnik D; Širca A
    Histochemical characteristics of bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles in man
  39. Strle F; Preac-Muršič V; Cimperman J; Ružić E; Maraspin V; Jereb M
    Azithromycin versus doxycycline for treatment of erythema migrans: clinical and microbiological findings
  40. Serša G; Novakovič S; Miklavčič D
    Potentiation of bleomycin antitumor effectiveness by electrotherapy
  41. Rumboldt Z; Šimunić M; Bagatin J; Rumboldt M; Marinković M; Janežič A
    Controlled multicentre comparison of captopril versus lisinopril in the treatment of mild-to-moderate arterial hypertension
  42. Grčevska L; Polenakovič M; Ferluga D; Vizjak A; Stavrič G
    Membranous nephropathy with severe tubulointerstitial and vascular changes in a patient with psoriatic arthritis treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  43. Wahl SM; Costa GL; Mizel DE; Allen JB; Skalerič U; Mangan DF
    Role of transforming growth factor beta in the pathophysiology of chronic inflammation
  44. Lah TT; Babnik J; Schiffmann E; Turk V; Skalerič U
    Cysteine proteinases and inhibitors in inflammation: their role in periodontal disease
  45. Iglič A; Antolič V; Srakar F
    Biomechanical analysis of various operative hip joint rotation center shifts
  46. Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Sket D; Dettbarn WD; Brzin M
    Comparison between the effects of botulinum toxin-induced paralysis and denervation on molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in muscles
  47. Marosi M; Prevec T; Masala C; Bramanti M; Giorganni R; Luef G; Berek K; Saltuari L
    Event-related potentials in vegetative state Šletter; commentĆ
  48. Grubič Zoran; Komel Rado
    Synthesis of the DNA probe for the determination of rat AChE mRNA
  49. Brank M; Grubić Z
    The influence of chronic treatment with dexamethasone on the acetylcholinesterase activity in rat skeletal muscle
  50. Grubić Z; Brank M; Brzin M
    The effects of pretreatment with soman simulator in the skeletal muscle: direct interactions with acetylcholinesterase
  51. Taller AM; Xiao SY; Godec MS; Gligič A; Avšič-Županc T; Goldfarb LG; Yanagihara R; Asher DM
    Belgrade virus, a cause of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Balkans, is closely related to Dobrava virus of field mice
  52. Burnik S
    Uspešnost pri študiju v povezavi z gibalnimi sposobnostmi in osebnimi lastnostmi študentov Fakultete za strojništvo
    [Academic achievement related to motor abilities and personal traits of students of the Faculty of mechanical engineering]
  53. Vodeb R
    Konverzivni sindrom v ženski športni gimnastiki
    [The converse syndrome in women's gymnastics]
  54. Šlajpah M
    Vloga specialnih knjižnic pri pospeševanju družbenega in gospodarskega razvoja za vključevanje v Evropo: 4. posvetovanje Sekcije za specialne knjižnice
  55. Bartol T
    Vloga specialnih in visokošolskih knjižnic pri bibliografskem in vsebinskem urejanju publikacij s svojega strokovnega področja
    [The role of special and university libraries in bibliographic editing professional and scientific publications]
  56. Južnič P; Pogačnik S; Bončina-Štirn I
    Kroženje primarnih dokumentov: vloga osrednje knjižnice
    [Circulation of primary documents: role of the main library]
  57. Dragaš AZ
    Sprečavanje infekcija u stomatologiji
  58. Dolenc I
    Pomen mišičnih in živčnih dejavnikov pri uravnavanju acetilholinesteraze v mišicah med regeneracijo
  59. Svetina S; Božič B; Song J; Waugh RE; Žekš B
    Phospholipid membrane local and non-local bending moduli determined by tether formation from aspirated vesicles
  60. Črne N; Sketelj J; Brzin M
    Influence of innervation on molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in regenerating fast and slow skeletal muscles
  61. Črne-Finderle N
    Uravnavanje acetilholinesteraze in drugih sinaptičnih sestavin v skeletni mišici med regeneracijo
  62. Jazbec I; Zadnik T
    Hematološki in biokemijski profil pri govedu ter obremenjenost s svincem (Pb) in kadmijem (Cd) v Mežiški dolini leta 1992
    [Haematological and biochemical profile of cattle exposed to lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in the Mežica valley in the year 1992]
  63. Šenk L; Pogačnik M; Boehm O; Prevorčnik J; Tomažič K
    Tuberkuloza (mikobakterioza) prašičev. 2. Študij pathohistoloških sprememb pri eksperimentalni okužbi s serovarom 4 Mycobacterium intracellulare
    [Tuberculosis (mycobacteriosis) of pigs. 2. Study of the microscopic lesions in the lymph nodes of pigs, infected with Mycobacterium intracellulare serovar 4]
  64. Snoj-Cvetko E; Eržen I
    Primerjava histokemičnih in morfometričnih značilnosti mišičnih vlaken m. vastus lateralis in m. deltoideus pri otrocih starih 10-15 let
    [Comparison of histochemical and morphometrical characteristics of muscle fibre types in vastus lateralis and deltoideus muscles in children aged 10-15 years]
  65. Kralik G; Tonković S; Bego U; Ratkaj D
    Bioelectric and physico-chemical properties of white and red muscles in chickens
  66. Tonković S; Bego U; Ratkaj D
    Carnetest III. Apparatus for skeleton muscle property determination
  67. Velepič M
    Integumentum commune
  68. Gorišek B; But I
    Tumorski markeri u ovarijskom karcinomu: naše trogodišnje iskustvo
    [Tumor markers in ovarian carcinoma: our 3-years experience]
  69. Grgič M; Konec B; Mihelin M; Zidar I
    Electroretnographic system
  70. Janaky M; Pelle Z; Szabo A; Benedek G
    Electrophysiological assessment of functional impairments in a spectrum of optic nerve coloboma
  71. Stirn-Kranjc B; Brecelj J
    Electrophysiology as a diagnostic aid in pediatric ophthalmology
    [Elektrofiziologija kot pomoč pri diagnostiki v otroški oftalmologiji]
  72. Denišlič M
    Multimodal evoked potentials and central motor latencies in evaluation of patients with optic neuritis
  73. Lowitzsch K
    Visual evoked potentials in neurology: clinical applications in pre- and post-chiasmal lesions
  74. Ikeda H
    Electrodiagnosis of the primary afferent visual system: past, present and future
  75. Brecelj J; Štrucl M
    Some anatomical and physiological aspects of clinical electrophysiology of vision
    [Nekateri anatomski in fiziološki vidiki klinične elektrofiziologije vida]
  76. Hankins M; Ikeda H
    Dopamine pathways in the outer mammalian retina - and abnormalities expressed in hereditary retinal dystrophy
  77. Hawlina M; Ikeda H
    The role of melatonin and dopamine in retinal renewal and degeneration
  78. Sket D
    Thirty-five years of dopamine research
  79. Ikeda H
    Mammalian retinal neurotransmitters: as seen through the eyes of a neurophysiologist
  80. Kobe V
    Anatomija: uvod
  81. Theuer W; Selawry O; Karrer K; Orel J; Eržen J; Hrabar B; Klevišar M; Debevec M; Rott T
    The impact of surgery on the multidisciplinary treatment of bronchogenic small cell carcinoma (updated review including ongoing studies)
  82. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M
    Is mast cell histamine involved in the regulation of acid secretion in the guinea pig stomach?
  83. Rudel D; Hojnik-Zupanc I; Premik M; Kogovšek M; Žužek-Vabšek F; Ličer N
    Telekomunikacijski informacijsko-koordinacijski centri za pomoč na domu v Sloveniji
    [Telecommunication and information control centers for community care of elderly population in Slovenia]
  84. Hristovski D; Rožić A
    Kompaktni diski v lokalni mreži na Inštitutu za biomedicinsko informatiko Medicinske fakultete
    [CD-ROM networking at the Institute for biomedical informatics of the Medical faculty]
  85. Šamu J; Vuga V; Krpan M; Premik M
    Računalniško podprt preventivni zdravstveni karton v medicini dela
    [Computer based preventive medical registry in occupational health]
  86. Dimec J
    Integrirano osebno informacijsko orodje za obvladovanje medicinskih dokumentov: prikaz stanja in načrtov
    [Integrated personal software tool for the processing of medical documents: the state of research and plans for the future]
  87. Ribič-Pucelj M; Vogler A; Tomaževič T; Zupan P; Novak-Antolič Ž
    Faktori koji utječu na uspješnost liječenja izvanmaterničnih trudnoća prostaglandinom E2
    [Factors affecting the efficient treatment of ectopic pregnancy with prostaglandin E2]
  88. Maček M; Andolšek-Jeras L
    Sterilizacija - olakšanje ili kajanje
    [Sterilization - relief or remorse]
  89. Geršak K; Meden-Vrtovec H; Tomaževič T
    Utjecaj analoga GnRH na rast folikula u bolesnica s policističnim ovarijima pri IVF-ET postupku
    [The effects of GnRH analogues on follicular development in patients with polycystic ovaries during in vitro fertilization]
  90. Tomaževič T
    Vaginalni ultrazvučni monitoring u stimuliranim ciklusima kod postupka izvantjelesne oplodnje
    [Vaginal ultrasound monitoring in stimulated cycles during in vitro fertilization programme]
  91. Južnič P; Hudomalj E
    Wide-area network applications for libraries in Slovenia
  92. Strasser T; Wilhelmsen L; Jezeršek P; Hypertension management audit project group ;
    Does hypertension management audit provide cues for cost containment?
  93. Čebašek-Travnik Zdenka
    Mladostniki in alkohol
  94. Stergar Eva
    Problem kajenja pri mladostnikih
  95. Šmid L; Žargi M; Bajec J
    Post-ablative reconstruction following head and neck cancer surgery with microvascular free flaps. An analysis of 36 consecutive cases
  96. Žargi M; Radšel Z; Šmid L
    Injury of the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery: incidence and diagnosis
  97. Žargi M; Šmid L; Župevc A
    Microvascular free flaps in the head and neck region
  98. Černelč S; Brezigar A; Vatovec J; Gros A; Cerk M
    Bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis
  99. Heinrich V; Brumen M; Heinrich R; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Nearly spherical vesicle shapes calculated by use of spherical harmonics: axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric shapes and their stability
  100. Radonjič-Miholič V
    Spremembe psihološkega statusa bolnikov po poškodbi možganov med rehabilitacijo

   65.429 65.529 65.629 65.729 65.829 65.929 66.029 66.129 66.229 66.329  

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