biomedicina slovenica

"Men" : 66.729-66.828

  1. Grgurić J
    Aktualnost stručno-medicinskih poruka doc. dr. Feđe Fischer-Sartorius
    [Everlasting stimulation of medico-professional exemplary achievements of Feđa Fischer-Sartorius]
  2. Rendić S; Medić-Šarić M; Ðeraković J; Vestemar V
    Vezanje steroidnih hormona na proteine plazme s posebnim osvrtom na testosteron
    [Binding of steroid hormons to plasma proteins with a review to testosterone]
  3. Grdinić V; Jakševac-Mikša M; Briški D
    Kompjutorska podrška u kontroli kakvoće lijekova. 4. HPLC postupak
    [Computer-aided pharmaceutical quality control. 4. HPLC procedure]
  4. Grdinić V; Bezjak A; Janeković A; Cetina-Čižmek B; Briški D
    Kompjutorska podrška u kontroli kakvoće lijekova. 3. Ispitivanje čistoće metodom DMK
  5. Koprek J
    Mr. ph . Ðurđa Lisse-Kelemen
  6. Kampl B; Martinčić T; Catinelli M; Šušnjić M
    Profiles of selected biochemical blood parameters in dairy cows during gravidity and lactation and their influence on milk production and reproductive efficiency 1. Total lipids and total cholesterol and its fractions in blood
  7. Volner Z; Munk M; Žurić M
    Koncentracije tiamulina u krvnom serumu i u jestivim tkivima goveda
    [Tiamulin concentration in the blood serum and edible tissue of cattle]
  8. Rajković-Janje R; Džakula N
    Utjecaj različitih faktora na intenzitet i ekstenzitet invazije ovaca želučano-crijevnim nematodima tijekom godine
    [Influence of different factors on the intensity and extensiveness of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep during a one-year period]
  9. Križanović D
    Alanine aminotransferase activity in the sera of Simmental young bulls. 1. Connection with the fattening capacity
  10. Alegro A
    Punkcija - doprinos dijagnostici bolesti knjižavca
    [Puncture - a contribution to the diseased omasum diagnosis]
  11. Fijan N; Matašin Ž; Petrinec Z; Valpotić I; Zwillenberg LO
    Isolation of an iridovirus-like agent from the green frog - Rana esculenta L
  12. Nenadić A; Springer O
    Patohistološka analiza djelovanja lindana na škrge mlađi kalifornijske pastrve - Salmo gairdneri Richardson, 1836
    [Histopathological analysis of lindan in the young rainbow trout gills - Salmo gairdneri Richardson, 1836]
  13. Capak D; Peitel M; Butković V; Stojiljković Z
    Function of the dog's elbow joint devoid of anconeal processus
  14. Sakar D; Pompe-Gotal J; Belčić Z; Blagović S; Kanižaj V
    Učinak terapijskih doza tiamulina na povećanu toksičnost monenzina u odbite prasadi
    [Effect of therapeutic level of tiamulin on higher toxicity of monensin in weaned pigs]
  15. Grabarević Ž; Artuković B; Sabočanec R; Vuković S; Džaja P; Tišljar M; Čuljak K
    Četverogodišnji prikaz patohistoloških nalaza leukoza u pasa
    [Patohistological findings of leucosis in dogs over a four-year period]
  16. Mozsik GY; Sikirić P; Petek M
    Gastric mucosal preventing effect of body protection compound (BPC) on the development of ethanol - and HCl-induced gastric mucosal injury
  17. Toth T
    Intestinal lesions produced experimentally by heat exposure
  18. Robert A; Lancaster C; Olafsson AS; Gilbertson-Beadling S; Zhang W
    Gastric adaptation to the ulcerogenic effec of aspirin
  19. Kitajima M; Nakajima M; Chiba A; Tsuji T; Hayashi M; Ubukata N
    Experimental and clinical studies on the development of acute gastric mucosal lesions in portal hypertension
  20. Hernandez DE; Walker CH; Valenzuela JE; Mason GA
    Biochemical identification of dopamine binding sites in human gastric muscle
  21. Glavin GB
    Intramesolimbic dopamine D1 receptor activation reduces stress gastric lesions and gastric acid secretion
  22. Evangelista S; Reanzi D; Guzzi P; Maggi A
    Decrease of gastric calcitonin gene-related poptide-like immunoreactivity is associated with locers induced by water-immersion stress in rats
  23. Anonymous ;
    Stress, basic and clinical research - gastrointestinal protection. 2nd symposium on experimental ulcer disease, Zagreb, Croatia, Otočec, Slovenia, 19-23 November 1990
  24. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the XVII. meeting of the European Duodenal Club. 10-12 October 1990, Gyor-Budapest, Hungary
  25. Quon MG; Moreira MA; Hernandez DE
    Imipramine prevents acute pancreatitis in rats
  26. Dajani EZ
    Misoprostol: pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and mechanisms of action
  27. Petričić J; Osmak M; Hadžija M; Kalođera Z; Slijepčević M
    Alkaloid concentrate from Doronicum austriacum inhibits the growth of mouse fibroblasts in vitro and the growth of mouse mammary carcinoma in vivo
  28. Andreis A; Soljačić M
    The effect of dietary protein content on the body and kidney mass in uninephrectomized rats
  29. Pavela-Vrančić M
    Conditions for the measurement of total alkaline phosphatase activity in human serum
  30. Pevčević N; Jelić-Ivanović Z; Stojiljković A
    Plasma fibrinogen determination by different methods
  31. Stamenković M; Giaconi V; Korica D
    Tijelo i trup, vrat, "grlo" ("grlić") i "šija" ("cerviks") maternice
    [The body, the isthmus and the cervix of the uterus]
  32. Stašić J; Stamenković M; Mozetič D; Matejčić N; Krašević M
    Endometrioza u postoperacijskom ožiljku trbušne stijenke nakon carskog reza
    [Endometriosis in the abdominal wall scar following caesarean section]
  33. Ivaniš N; Načinović-Duletić A; Perić R; Sever-Brebilić M; Rubinić M
    Sonografija abdomena u bolesnika s malignim lomfomima
    [Abdomen sonography of patients suffering from malignant lymphomas]
  34. Rumboldt Z; Šimunić M; Drinovec J; Kocijančič M; Benc D; Zdravković M; Simić D; Lijić J; Naranča M
    Usporedba enalaprila i njegove kombinacije s hidroklortiazidom u liječenju blage i umjerene hipertenzije
    [Comparison of enalapril and its combination with hydrochlorothiazide in the menagement of mild-to-moderate hypertension]
  35. Stanić-Zappia R; Mozetič D; Matejčić N
    Primjena konjugiranih estrogena u arteficijelnoj postmenopauzi
    [The application of conjuged estrogens in artificial postmenopause]
  36. Krajcar J
    Doppler-sonografski i fotopletizmografski zapis kod cervikobrahijalnog sindroma
    [Doppler sonographic and photoplethysmographic record in cervicobrachial syndrome]
  37. Milas M
    Komparacija mortaliteta alkoholičara i nealkoholičara prema grupama bolesti i spolu
    [Comparison of mortality between alcoholics and non-alcoholics according to the sex and disease groups]
  38. Jesenovec N
    Treba li analizirati vensku ili kapilarnu krv?
  39. Rumenjak V
    Položaj kliničkog laboratorija u hitnoj medicinskoj pomoći
  40. Ruždić I; Hauptman E
    Klinička kemija i početak njena razvoja u Hrvatskoj
    [Initial development of clinical chemistry in Croatia]
  41. Hlavka V; Miklić P; Bešenski N; Miklić D; Franz G
    Dumbbel meningioma of the cervico-clavicular region
  42. Hodoba D; Perušić D; Zdravković V; Goldoni V; Durrigl V
    Sleep-waking cycle disturbance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
  43. Podobnik-Šarkanji S; Demarin V; Rundek T; Futač M
    Development of carotid stenosis
  44. Rundek T; Demarin V; Lovrenčić M; Vargek-Solter V; Carillo-Pintos J
    Transcranial Doppler diagnostic criteria in the evaluations of arteriovenous malformations
  45. Ružak-Skočir B
    Cerebrospinal fluid CK enzyme and CK isoenzymes in the outcome prognosis of cerebrovascular disease
  46. Tatalović-Osterman Lj; Jadro-Šantel D; Bešenski N
    Diagnostic possibilities of closed head injuries of acceleration type using computed tomography
  47. Ðelmiš J; Barišić D; Strelec M
    Manualna eksploracija materišta poslije vaginalnog porođaja u žena s prethodnim carskim rezom
    [Manual exploration of uterus after vaginal delivery in women with previous caesarean section]
  48. Stojnić E; Periša M; Mikulandra F; Merlak I; Kimer M
    Tjelesni rast i psihomotorički razvitak djece rođene carskim rezom
    [Body growth and psychomotor development of children delivered by caesarean section]
  49. Frković A; Petrović O
    Carski rez kod prijevremenog porođaja
    [Caesarean section in preterm deliveries according to the gestation period - 1986-1988]
  50. Šljapić N; Bregun-Dragić N; Vujkov T; Šljapić T
    Sectio mortalitet porodilja u Novom Sadu - 1933-1989
    [Caesarean section mortality rate in the women of Novi Sad - 1933-1989]
  51. Banović I
    Povijesni pregled razvoja Klinike za ženske bolesti i porode u Splitu
    [History of the Department of the obstetrics and gynecology in Split]
  52. Maričević A; Gekić K
    Konzervativno liječenje lateralnog epikondilitisa
    [Conservative treatment of epicondylitis lateralis]
  53. Petričević A; Ilić N; Vulić M; Gelić A; Janković S
    Intratorakalna struma - dijagnostičke teškoće i kirurško liječenje
    [Intrathoracic goitre - diagnostic considerations and surgical treatment]
  54. Sarajlić N; Kerčmar-Vojnić E
    Psihosomatika i dermatovenerologija
    [Psychosomatics and dermatovenerology]
  55. Urlić I; Krstulović M
    Agresivnost u transferu shizofrenih bolesnika
    [Aggression in the transference of schizophrenics]
  56. Maštrović Ž
    Nin - budući centar zdravstvenog turizma - iskustva i razvoj
    [Nin - the future center for health tourism - experience and development]
  57. Gazdić I; Ilić O; Nikolov V
    Ispitivanje delotvornosti i podnošljivosti tiapropfenske kiseline u degenerativnim bolestima
    [The investigation of the effects and acceptance of tiaprophenic acid in degenerative diseases]
  58. Štambuk B; Bartolović Ž; Car A; Gnjidić Z; Vukšić B; Štambuk K
    Ispitivanje analgetskog učinka tramadol-hidroklorida kod reumatskih bolesnika
    [Investigation of analgetic effect of tramadol-hydrocloride with rheumatic patients]
  59. Vujčić M
    Flurbiprofen ("flugalin", Galenika) u liječenju bolesnika s lumboišijalgijom i cervikobrahijalnim sindromom
    [Flurbiprofen in the treatment of patients with lumbo-ischias and cervico-brachial syndrome]
  60. Maštrović Ž; Maštrović K
    Naša opažanja u liječenju artroza koljena i kuka brufenom 600
    [Our observations in the treatment of knee and thigh arthritis with brufen 600]
  61. Durrigl T
    Multicentrično ispitivanje elderin tableta
    [Multicentral research of elderin tablets]
  62. Buza M
    Primena ortoza na reumatoidnoj šaci
    [Application of orthosis on rheumatoid hand]
  63. Šainović M; Šarlija B
    Naša iskustva u lečenju reumatskih bolesti u Lici
    [Our experience in the treatment of rheumatic diseases in Lika]
  64. Matanović B; Kovač I; Ostojić K
    Naša iskustva u terapiji cervikobrahijalnog sindroma iontoforezom redergina
    [Our experience in the therapy of cervico-brachial syndrome by redergin ionophoresis]
  65. Poposka V; Ežova N; Kostovski A
    Pojava alergijske manifestacije kod liječenja reumatskih bolesti nesteroidnim antireumaticima
    [Alergic manifestations appearance in the treatment of rheumatic diseases with non-steroid antirheumatics]
  66. Bebek-Nadalin M; Stiglić-Rogoznica N
    Iskustva sa auropanom u reumatoidnom artritisu sa posebnim osvrtom na kožne nuspojave
    [Experience with auropan in rheumatic arthritis with special attention given to cutaneous side effects]
  67. Todorović N; Mladenović V
    Mukokutane promene u bolesnika sa reumatoidnim artritisom lečenih solima zlata ili D-penicilaminom
    [Mucocutaneous changes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with chrysiatic salts or with D-penicillamine]
  68. Tomić S; Konstantinović S; Zogović N; Budimir M; Tomić M
    Promene na koži u toku primene auroterapije u juvenilnom hroničnom artritisu
    [Cutaneous changes during the application of aurotherapy in juvenile chronic arthritis]
  69. Periš Z
    Dermatološke nuspojave antireumatske terapije
    [Dermatological side effects due to antirheumatic therapy]
  70. Radak-Perović M; Vukotić D
    Kožne promene u reumatskoj groznici
    [Cutaneous changes in rheumatic fever]
  71. Mladenović V
    Mukokutane promene u Reiterovom sindromu
    [Mucocyte changes in Reiter syndrom]
  72. Ostrogović Ž; Čaćić K; Skrbin-Smeh A
    Naše iskustvo u liječenju psorijaze i psorijatičnog artritisa naftalanoterapijom
    [Our experience in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with naphthalan-therapy]
  73. Pilipović N; Mladenović V; Kecman-Prunić B; Palić-Obradović D
    Medikamentno lečenje bolesnika sa psorijaznim artritisom - analiza lečenja u 215 bolesnika
    [Treatment of patient with psoriatic arthritis with medicaments]
  74. Maštrović Ž; Petričić B; Maštrović K
    Suvremena talasoterapija i njeno korištenje u liječenju psorijaze i psorijatičnog artritisa
    [Modern thalassotherapy and its exploatation in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis]
  75. Durrigl T
    Liječenje psorijatičnog artritisa
    [The treatment of psoriatic arthritis]
  76. Čajkovac V
    Liječenje psorijaze
    [The treatment of psoriasis]
  77. Fassbender HG
    Specifični koštani proces kao treća dimenzija psorijatičnog artritisa
    [Specific osseous process as the third dimension of psoriatic arthritis]
  78. Japelj I; Pelkić K; Čuić V
    Transvaginalna ultrazvočna preiskava v zgodnji nosečnosti
    [Transvaginal ultrasound examination in early pregnancy]
  79. Flis V; Miksić K
    Otekanje goleni po revaskularizaciji golenskih arterij
    [Edema after arterial reconstruction below knee]
  80. Horvat I; Flis V
    Tveganje anestezije pri starostnikih: pilotska raziskava
    [Risk of anesthesia for the elderly: a pilot study]
  81. Kovačič B; Vlaisavljević V
    Gibljivost človeških semenčic v pogojih in vitro pri 37 stopinjah C in pri sobni temperaturi
    [Motility of human sperm under in vitro conditions at 37 degrees C and at room temperature]
  82. Arko D; Gorišek B
    Rak materničnega ustja, zdravljen v mariborski bolnišnici od 1975 do 1984
    [Uterine cervix carcinoma treated at Maribor teaching hospital between 1975 and 1984]
  83. Flis V; Ferk J; Košir G
    Vojne poškodbe v severozahodni Sloveniji med osemdnevno vojno
    [War injuries in northeastern Slovenia during eight day war]
  84. Krčevski-Škvarč N; Zabavnik Z
    Stranski pojavi in zapleti pri zdravljenju bolečin s trajno spinalno analgezijo
    [Side effects and complications in pain treatment with continuous spinal analgesia]
  85. Flis V; Koželj M
    Anevrizme lienalne arterije: pregled in prikaz primera
    [Splenic artery aneurysms: review and case report]
  86. Urlep-Šalinović V; Jelatancev B
    Postoperativna tromboprofilaksa pri ortopedskih bolnikih
    [Postoperative thromboprophylaxis in orthopaedic patients]
  87. Koželj M; Flis V; Potrč S
    Iatrogene poškodbe ekstrahepatičnih žolčnih vodov pri holecistektomiji
    [Iatrogenic lesions of extrahepatic bile ducts at cholecystectomy]
  88. Flis V; Miksić K
    Amputacija ali rekonstrukcija?
    [Amputation or reconstruction?]
  89. Gregorič A
    Longitudinalno spremljanje krvnega tlaka pri šolarjih z esencialno arterijsko hipertenzijo
    [Longitudinal follow-up of blood pressure in schoolchildren with essential arterial hypertension]
  90. Tetičkovič E; Miksić K
    Transkranialno Dopplerjevo monitoriranje možganskega krvotoka med karotidno endarterektomijo
    [Transcranial Doppler monitoring of cerebral blood flow during carotid endarterectomy]
  91. Hojs R; Hojs J
    Pridobljena cistična bolezen ledvic pri bolnikih na kronični hemodializi
    [Acquired cystic disease of the kidney in patients on maintenance haemodialysis]
  92. Bunc G
    Rezultati mikrokirurškega pristopa pri zdravljenju radikularnih lumbalnih kompresijskih sindromov
    [The results of microsurgical approach in treating radicular lumbar compression syndromes]
  93. Možina H; Horvat M
    Nenadna kombinacija svežega srčnega infarkta in disekcije aorte v aortnem loku
    [An unusual combination of acute myocardial infarction and aortic arch dissection]
  94. Andoljšek M
    Operativno zdravljenje zlomov petnice
    [Operative treatment of fractures of the calcaneus]
  95. Kralj M
    Transmetatarzalne osteomije
    [Transmetatarsal osteotomies]
  96. Kališnik M
    Kvantitativna analiza slike, stereologija in astereologija v medicini
    [Quantitative image analysis, stereology and astereology in medicine]
  97. Hribar-Habinc M
    Nujna medicinska pomoč pri hudi kraniocerebralni poškodbi
    [Emergency medical care in severe head injuries]
  98. Trontelj J
    Kompresijske in utesnitvene nevropatije - patofiziologija in klinični sindromi
    [Pressure and entrapment neuropathies - pathophysiology and clinical syndromes]
  99. Antolič V; Iglič A; Srakar F; Herman S
    Klinična uporaba matematičnega modela kolka
    [Clinical use of the mathematical model of the hip]
  100. Černelč P
    Pomen celičnih označevalcev pri opredelitvi akutnih levkemij
    [The role of cell markers in the determination of acute leukaemias]

   66.229 66.329 66.429 66.529 66.629 66.729 66.829 66.929 67.029 67.129  

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