biomedicina slovenica

re="a" : 5.101-5.200

  1. Skoog Lambert
    Prostatic lesions
  2. Nascimento Antonio G
    The role of fine needle aspiration and needle biopsy in diagnosis of soft tissue lesions
  3. Wallaas Lisa
    Childhood lesions
  4. Bofin Anna M; Lydersen Stian; Fjosne Hans E; Hagmar Bjorn M
    Cytological criteria in the diagnosis of breast tumours
  5. Malina J; Bondeson L; Baath L; Loefgren M
    Core needle compared with fine needle aspiration in a breast diagnostic unit
  6. Zanconati F; Bonifacio D; Martellani F; Brizzi F; Tonutti M; Romano A; Di Bonito L
    Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in multifocal lesions of the breast
  7. Skaane Per
    Fine needle aspiration cytology in non-palpable breast lesions: radiological aspects
  8. Kholova Ivana; Vojtiškova Marie
    Factor V Leiden mutation and lethal pulmonary embolism in a young female taking oral contraceptives. Case report and post mortem genetic screening discussion
  9. Calabrese Fiorella
    Detection of enterovirus in cardiac biopsies: overview
  10. Ashworth Michael
    Arterial fibromuscular dysplasia: the range of presentations
  11. Baandrup Ulrik
    The endomyocardial biopsy: how to handle and what to expect
  12. Gallagher Patrick J
    Biopsy pathology of the aorta
  13. Thiene Gaeatno
    Sudden death "sine materia": genetics and the expanding horizon
  14. Basso Cristina
    Cardiomyopathies at risk of sudden cardiac death
  15. Isola Jorma
    Chromogenic in situ hybridization in tumor pathology
  16. Bartlett John M
    FISH technology in detecting HER2 amplification
  17. Sapino Anna; Bussolati Gianni
    Immunohistochemical detection of HER2: technical approach and quantitative evaluation
  18. Csemi Gabor
    Pathological aspects of axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy
  19. Frković-Grazio Snježana
    Prognostic factors in small, node-negative, breast carcinomas
  20. Jančar Janez; Gale Nina
  21. Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika
    The diagnosis of malignant lymphomas from cell samples: combined morphological and flow cytometric analysis
  22. Trček J; Matshushita K; Adachi O; Trebar D
    Gene encoding PQQ-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase: a phylogenetic marker and target for species identification of acetic acid bacteria
  23. Franko A
    Long-term effects of mercury on subclinical kidney function
  24. Zheng Yong-Hui; Plemenitaš Ana; Fielding Christopher J; Peterlin Matija B
    Nef increases the synthesis of and transports cholesterol to lipid rafts and HIV-1 progeny virions
  25. Klavs Irena; Rodrigues Laura C; Wellings Kaye; Keše Darja; Hayes Richard
    Prevalence of genital chlamydia trachomatis infection in the general population of Slovenia
  26. Milavec-Žmak P; Podgornik H; Jančar J; Podgornik A; Štrancar A
    Transfer of gradient chromatographic methods for protein separation to convective interaction media monolithic columns
  27. Potrč S; Kavalar R; Hajdinjak T; Horvat M; Vidovič D
    What did we learn in surgical treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma ecomparison of two periods
  28. Horvat M; Potrč S
    Gastric cancer surgery for the elderly: where are the borders?
  29. Cankar K; Dreo T; Gruden K; Ravnikar M; Žel J
    Detection of microbial sequences inserted into genetically modified plants
  30. Pavlovič Milan; Flis Vojko; Miksić Kazimir
    Does the Taylor patch improve longe-term results of PTFE grafts?
  31. Matela J; Pavlovič M; Miksić K; Flis V
    Peripheral congenital arteriovenous fistulae: observe, operate, or obturate?
  32. Svobodova K; Podgornik H; Musilkova E; Novotny Č
    Ligninolytic enzyme production in cultures of Irpex lacteus and Phanerochaete chrysosporium and their implication in dye decolorization
  33. Mičetić-Turk Dušica
    Analiza izdahnutoga zraka
  34. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Tumori probavnog sustava, gušterače i jetre
  35. Polenčič Boštjan
    Reševanje prometne nezgode z udeležbo reševalnega vozila na avtocesti
    [Highway accident involving an ambulance]
  36. Žunkovič Matjaž; Sabolek Marjan
    Prednosti in slabosti venske poti na nadlahtičnih venah pred kubitalnimi venami in podlahtičnimi venami v PHE
    [Advantages and disadvantages of placement of i.v. lines into brachial veins compered to cubitac and antebrachial veins]
  37. Muri Simona; Flego Marta
    Naloge medicinske sestre pri bolniku z anafilaktično reakcijo
    [Role of a nurse in management of patient with anaphylactic reaction]
  38. Kozar Branko
    Vključevanje zasebnih izvajalcev v reševalno dejavnost
    [Including of private performers in rescue action]
  39. Mažič Matej; Kešpert Branko
    Motnje srčnega ritma ob srčnem zastoju in uporaba antiaritmikov
    [Peri-arrest arrhytmias and antiarrhytmic drugs]
  40. Repe Iza; Škerjanec Alenka; Šalej Darja
    Vloga medicinske sestre pri sprejemu politravmatiziranega bolnika na oddelek intenzivne terapije
    [Role of a nurse in admitting a politraumatyzed patient to an intensive care unit]
  41. Dietner Tomaž; Dietner Sabina
    Anafilaktična reakcija po piku strupene ribe - prikaz primera
    [Anaphylactic reaction after sting of a poisonous fish - case report]
  42. Korošec Simon; Kandido Andrej
    Obravnava poškodovanca s politravmo na težko dostopnem terenu
    [Management of a polytraumatized patient on an unaccessible terrain]
  43. Režek Primož; Andoljšek Danijel; Škufca Mateja
    Transkutana elektrostimulacija srca
    [Transcutaneous hearth electrostimulation]
  44. Kovačič Bojan; Marčič Boštjan; Grmec Štefek
    Reševanje obešenca - predstavitev primera
    [Rescuing the patient after suicide attempt by hanging - a case report]
  45. Fink Andrej
    Selektivna imobilizacija hrbtenice
    [Selective backbone splinting]
  46. Prestor Lojzka
    Tehnike merjenja tlaka v balončku endotrahealnega tubusa
    [Techniques of measuring pressure in cuff of enotracheal tube]
  47. Stanič Karli; Prestor Jože
    Oživljanje v zvoniku
    [Resuscitation in the church tower]
  48. Šprajc Ivan
    Predstavitev dela vodje izmene na Reševalni postaji Kliničnega centra
    [Presentation of duties of a shift leader at Ambulance service in Ljubljana]
  49. Petek Cilka
    Analgezija v urgenci
    [Analgesia in emergency medicine]
  50. Erbežnik-Zdravković Brigita; Kardoš Zorica
    Urgentni ambulantni posegi v splošni anesteziji
    [Emergency outpatient procedures in general anesthesia]
  51. Pouh Borut; Babič Branka
    Anestezija pri nujnih srčno-žilnih operacijah - vloga anestezijske medicinske sestre
    [Anesthesia in urgent coronary and vascular operations - role of graduated nurse at anesthesia]
  52. Buček-Hajdarević Irena; Kočevar Rudi
    Anestezijska medicinska sestra v travma timu
    [Anesthesiology nurse as a member of a trauma team]
  53. Vlahović Dušan
    Anestezija v urgentni medicini
    [Anesthesiology in emergency medicine]
  54. Žnidaršič Damjana; Košir Stanka
    Vpliv alkohola na pogostost poškodb
    [The effect of alcohol on fequency of injures]
  55. Kušar Ida; Korošec Bojana
    Zdravstvena nega bolnika po zastrupitvi z organofosfati
    [Nursing care in patients after organophosphate poisoning]
  56. Urbančič Hinko; Bavcon-Možgan Jožica
    Prikazi primerov zastrupljenih bolnikov s psihofarmaki
    [Reports of different cases by psyhopharmaceutics poisoned patients]
  57. Šarc Lucija; Jamšek Marija; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Najpogostejše zastrupitve s psihofarmaki, antidoti in možni zapleti
    [Commonest psychopharmaca poisonings, antidotes and complications]
  58. Možgan-Bavcon Jožica; Urbančič Hinko
    Zdravstvena nega zastrupljenca s heroinom na oddelku
    [Hospital care for patients with heroin poisoning]
  59. Cotič-Anderle Majda; Homar Mojca
    Skrb za varnost pri zastrupljenem bolniku
    [Care for safety in patient with acute poisoning]
  60. Brvar Maruša
    Obravnava bolnikov z akutnimi zastrupitvami na internistični prvi pomoči
    [Treatment of patients with acute poisonings at medical emergency unit]
  61. Jamšek Marija; Šarc Lucija
    Najpogostejše zastrupitve z drogami: klinična slika, zapleti, ukrepi zdravljenja
    [Commonest drug poisonings: clinical presentation, complications, management]
  62. Prestor Jože
    Miastenska in holinergična kriza ter poliradikulonevritis
    [Myasthenic, cholinergic crisis and polyradiculoneuritis]
  63. Jus Aleksander
    Kompresivne in nekompresivne okvare hrbtenjače in kaude equine
    [Compressive in non-compressive damage to the spinal cord and cauda equina]
  64. Posavec Anton; Levin Olga; Gros Tina
    Epileptični napad in status ter sinkopa - obravnava v predbolnišničnem okolju ter v urgentni travmatološki ambulanti
    [Epileptic seizure, status epilepticus and syncope - management in pre-hospital environment and management in traumatologic emergency room]
  65. Kocbek Jernej
    Možganska kap, subarahnoidna krvavitev ter glavobol
    [Stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage and headache]
  66. Rumpf John
    Columbine shool shooting - 20 April 1999
  67. Baktoft Birte
    Critical care nursing educations in Europe
  68. Grmec Štefek; Jelatancev Alina; Schaubach Tomaž; Štok Edita; Ferk Jože
    Ali je v prehospitalni oskrbi nujno uporabljati ocenjevalni lestvici MEES (Mainz emergency evaluation score) in RTS (Revised trauma score)?
    [Is it nessesary that in the prehospital setting the evaluation scoring systems MEES (Mainz emergency evaluation score) and RTS (Revised trauma score)?]
  69. Kandare F; Exner G; Stanič U; Jaeger R
    Functional electrical stimulation of respiratory muscles in spinal cord injury
  70. Radan Ivan; Urbančič-Rovan Vilma; Možina Martin; Bručan Andrej
    Serotoninski sindrom - prikaz primera
    [Serotonin syndrome - case report]
  71. Rener Karla; Gorjup Vesna; Savnik-Iskra Mojca; Klančar Janez
    Ruptura anevrizme vranične arterije kot vzrok hemoragičnega šoka - prikaz primera
    [Spontaneous rupture of splenic artery aneurysm as a cause of haemorrhagic shock - case report]
  72. Tadel-Kocjančič Špela; Noč Marko
    Zdravljenje bolnice z akutnim miokardnim infarktom in sumom na disekcijo aorte
    [Treatment of a patient with acute myocardial infarction and suspicious aortic dissection]
  73. Pirnat Edvard; Ploj Tom; Noč Marko
    Akutni miokardni infarkt ob normalnih koronarnih arterijah in manifestni hipertirozi - prikaz primera
    [Acute myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries in the setting of manifest hyperthyrosis - case report]
  74. Pleskovič Alojz; Omejc Mirko; Vidmar Dubravka
    Ruptura tankega črevesa ob topi poškodbi trebuha - prikaz primera
    [Perforation of the small intestine caused by blunt abdominal trauma - case report]
  75. Gradišek Primož; Visočnik Božidar; Pernat Andrej
    Nezavest - posledica poškodbe glave ali motnje ritma? - Prikaz primera
    [Unconsciousness - caused by head injury or rhythm disturbance? - Case report]
  76. Bilić Aleksandar; Sobočan Alojz; Podhostnik Samo
    Uporaba zunanje jugularne vene na terenu - prikaz primera
    [Use of external jugular vein in pre-hospital setting - case report]
  77. Prokšelj Katja; Gorjup Vojka; Gričar Marko; Ploj Tom
    Poinfarktni defekt prekatnega pretina
    [Postinfarction vetricular septal defect]
  78. Ambrožič Jana; Kariž Stojan
    Spontana disekcija leve koronarne arterije - prikaz primera
    [Spontaneous left main coronary artery dissection - a case report]
  79. Marušič Dorjan; Korošec Simon; Rupnik Erik; Starc Rado; Brecelj Aleš
    EKG kot označevalec bolnikov z veliko ogroženostjo - prikaz primera
    [ECG as predictor of high risk patients - case report]
  80. Lainščak Mitja; Horvat Štefan
    Huda iatrogena hiperkalemija po zdravljenju hipokalemije
    [Severe iatrogenic hyperkaliemia after treatment of hypokalemia]
  81. Kariž Stojan; Ambrožič Jana; Marušič Tamar; Požar Klara
    Zastoj srca po vdihavanju butana - prikaz primera
    [Cardiac arrest following butane gas inhalation - case report]
  82. Vidmar Dubravka; Višnar-Perovič Alenka
    Torzija moda - diagnostika z ultrazvočno preiskavo po doplerju - prikaz primera
    [Testicular torsion - diagnosis by color duplex sonography - a case report]
  83. Kolar Miran
    Uporaba avtomatskega zunanjega defibrilatorja
    [Use of automated external defibrillator in the practice]
  84. Grmec Štefek; Špindler Mateja
    Dihalna stiska pri električnem udaru
    [Respiratory distress due to electrocution]
  85. Kupnik Dejan; Vadnjal Sabina; Brvar Mirjana
    Pacient z netipično klinično sliko akutnega abdomna in akutnega miokardnega infarkta v ambulanti SNMP
    [A patient with an atypical clinical picture of acute abdomen and acute myocardial infarction]
  86. Hren Tatjana; Grmec Štefek
    Zastrupitev z modro galico - prikaz primera
    [Intoxication with cupric sulphate - case report]
  87. Skok Pavel; Ocepek Andreja
    Neobičajen zaplet pri bolniku s končno ledvično odpovedjo, zdravljenim s hemodializo - prikaz primera
    [Unusual complication in a patient with end-stage renal failure treated with hemodialysis - case report]
  88. Podbregar Matej; Kovačič Miha; Podbregar-Marš Andreja; Brezočnik Miran
    Napovedovanje uspešnosti defibrilacije s pomočjo "genetskega" programiranja pri bolnikih z zunajbolnišničnim srčnim zastojem
    [Predicting defibrillation success by "genetic" programming in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest]
  89. Diallo-Renko Doroteja; Kalan Katja; Marušič Katarina; Starc Breda
    Laringealni tubus - uporaba za kratkotrajne posege v splošni anesteziji in možnost uporabe v urgentnih primerih
    [Laryngeal tube - its use for short surgical procedures in general anaesthesia and possible use for emergency airway management]
  90. Cimerman Matej; Kristan Anže; Recek Dejan
    Kaj mora urgentni zdravnik vedeti o poškodbah medenice
    [What should a general practitioner know about pelvic fractures]
  91. Herman Simon
    Imobilizacija hrbtenice z log-roll načinom in/ali dvigom
    [Spinal immobilisation: log-roll technique and/or lifting]
  92. Prijon Ticijana; Bručan Andrej; Kaplan Petra; Smrekar Nataša
    Zdravljenje bolnikov z rekurentnimi parkosizmi atrijske fibrilacije. Izkušnje 24-urne bolnišnice IPP KC v Ljubljani
    [Treatment of patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The experience of 24-hour hospital of medical emergency department in University medical center Ljubljana]
  93. Herman Simon
    Ali je terapija akutne poškodbe hrbtenjače z velikimi odmerki metilprednisolona (še) uporavičena?
    [Is treatment of acute spinal trauma with large doses of methylprednisolone (still) justified?]
  94. Brvar Miran; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Živčni strupi
    [Nerve agents]
  95. Brvar Miran; Jamšek Marija; Bunc Matjaž; Možina Martin
    Register zastrupitev R Slovenije
    [Slovenian register of intoxications]
  96. Habjan Iva; Jazbec Maša; Muršič Tamara; Pezdevšek Maja; Kokot Deja; Amič Danica; Čakš Janko
    Mi in prva pomoč
    [We and first aid]
  97. Hribar-Habinc Miša; Vlahović Dušan
    Mesto koloidne raztopine HES 130/04 v urgentni medicini
    [The role of colloid solution HES 130/04 in emergency medicine]
  98. Žmavc Andrej
    Endotrahealna intubacija kot merilo kakovosti v predbolnišnični službi NMP tipa PHE
    [Endotracheal intubation as a measure of quality in prehospital emergency medical service]
  99. Jazbec Anja; Kržišnik-Zorman Simona; Noč Marko
    Akutni koronarni sindrom v Centru za intenzivno interno medicino - leto 2002
    [Acute coronary syndrome in Center for intensive internal medicine - year 2002]
  100. Najdenov Peter; Pogačar Eva
    Reševanje otrok v gorah
    [Mountain rescuing of children]

   4.601 4.701 4.801 4.901 5.001 5.101 5.201 5.301 5.401 5.501  

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