biomedicina slovenica |
vo="case report" : 2.202-2.301
Darovec J; Milčinski L; Škerbinek L
L'Istituto psichiatrico ed i suoi pazienti nel periodo bellico. Il caso del Poljanski nasip di Ljubiana
1993 ►
Darovec J; Milčinski L; Škerbinek L
Psihiatrični zavod in njegovi pacienti med vojno (Primer Poljanskega nasipa)
1991 ►
Aćimović-Janežić R; Rotar A; Rugelj D
Važnost bolesnikovog svesnog ovladavanja tjelom na uključivanje u okolinu
1987 ►
Bellomo P; Barduagni F; Donati P; Valenzano L
Hirsutoid papillomatosis-like condylomata of the vulva
1996 ►
Peris K; Mazzochetti GP; Dietrich S; Chimenti S
Middermal elastolysis
1996 ►
Torlone G; Rossodivita A; Caracciolo E; Felli A; Chimenti S
Angiosarcoma of the face and scalp
1996 ►
Tonin Martin; Prinčič Janez; Aleš Andrej
Porodna poškodba - zlom distalne epifize nadlahtnice
1996 ►
Sinkovič Andeja; Hojs Radovan; Veble Andrej; Baklan Zvonko
Težka oblika leptospiroze z akutnim pankreatitisom in večorgansko odpovedjo - prikaz primera in pregled literature
[Severe leptospirosis with acute pancreatitis and multiorgan failure syndrome - case report and an overview of the literature]
1996 ►
Šimić Z; Mertz M
Mrljasta i rešetkasta distrofija rožnice: klinika, histopatologija i diferencijalna diagnoza
1995 ►
Drnovšek-Olup B; Andrejčič-Novak K; Kosec D
Nevrinom orbite, diagnoza, terapija, rehabilitacija - prikaz primera
1995 ►
Gerbec-Potrč H
Meningeom vidnega živca - prikaz bolnika
1995 ►
Gračner B
Argon laserska fotokoagulacija kapilarnega hemangioma mrežnice. (Prikaz primera)
1995 ►
Hočevar G; Leskovec J
Estetske dograditve zobnih površin brez protetičnega brušenja
[Aesthetic restoration of hypoplastic teeth]
1996 ►
Frangež I; Frangež M
Računalniška tomografija v stomatologiji
[Computerized tomography in dentistry]
1996 ►
Kuliš M
Napaka v diagnostiki in posledice
[Consequences of incorrect diagnosis]
1996 ►
Kuliš M; Kuliš J
Premolarizacija kočnikov z delno ekstrakcijo s protetičnega vidika
[Premolarization of molars with partial extraction - prosthetic aspects]
1996 ►
Gadžijev E; Stanisavljević D; Ferlan-Marolt V; Grkman J
Hepatobiliary cystadenoma protruding into the common bile duct, mimicking complicated hydatid cyst of the liver: report of a case
1995 ►
Repše S; Gadžijev E; Omejc M; Juvan R
Long lasting pringle maneuver in liver injury: a case report
1995 ►
Avšič-Županc T; Poljak M; Matičič M; Radšel-Medvešček A; Leduc JW; Stiasny K; Kunz C; Heinz FX
Laboratory acquired tick-borne meningoencephalitis: characterisation of virus strains
1995 ►
Miklavčič Lucijan; Trebše Rihard
Travmatski nezapleteni pnevmocefalus - prikaz primera
[Traumatic non complicated pneumocephalus - case report]
1996 ►
Karas-Erklavec A; Hren-Vencelj H; Ravnik M; Štorman A; Potočnik M; Erklavec M
Lymphogranuloma venereum in Slovenia - a forgotten disease?
1995 ►
Gaddoni G; Baldassari L; Menni B; Marinucci I
Cutaneous presentation of cryptococcosis in aid: fluconazole therapy
1995 ►
Denišlič M; Meh D; Popović M; Kos-Golja M
Small nerve fibre dysfunction in a patient with Sjoegren's syndrome: neurophysiological and morphological confirmation
1995 ►
Pirtošek Z
Limb dystonia, including writer's cramp
1995 ►
Sovič M
Reševanje s pomočjo zajemalnih nosil - prikaz primera
[Scoop stretcher - case report]
1995 ►
Kovač M; Rajšek M; Žnidaršič M
Izkušnje zdravnikov splošne nujne medicinske pomoči Ljubljana z oživljanji predoziranih narkomanov
[Experience of Ljubljana EMS physicians with CPR in drug overdose patients]
1995 ►
Rajšek M; Kovač M; Žnidaršič M
Predbolnišnično izvajanje kardiopulmonalnega oživljanja z vidika zdravnikov splošne nujne medicinske pomoči Ljubljana
[Pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation - view of Ljubljana EMS physicians]
1995 ►
Kavčič S
Prikaz sodelovanja nujne medicinske pomoči I. stopnje s predhospitalno enoto
[Cooperation of first degree EMS with a pre-hospital unit: a case report]
1995 ►
Mežnar B
Uspešna reanimacija na terenu - rezultat optimalnih BLS in ALS ukrepov
[Successful prehospital resuscitation - result of optimal BLS and ALS measures]
1995 ►
Gautam V
A brief introduction to the British emergency medical service
[Kratek uvod v britansko urgentno medicinsko službo]
1995 ►
Geršak B; Gabrijelčič T
Successful surgical removal of partially expanded Palmaz stent from external iliac artery
1995 ►
Shah BR; Santucci K; Finberg L
Pomanjkanje magnezija kot vzrok hipokalcemije pri skupini CHARGE okvar
[Magnesium deficiency as a cause of hypocalcemia in the CHARGE association]
1995 ►
Gordon DW; Rosenthal G; Hart J; Sirota R; Baker AL
Zaužitje čaparala: naraščajoč obseg jetrnih okvar zaradi uživanja zdravilnih zelišč: ameriški komentar
[Chaprral ingestion: the broadening spectrum of liver injury caused by herbal medications]
1995 ►
Repše S; Gadžijev E; Omejc M
Blunt liver injury: 3 hour and 35 minute occlusion of the hepatoduodenal ligament
1995 ►
Huić D; Dodig D; Huić M; Šorak I; Poropat M
Evaluation of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy by bone scintigraphy in patient with carcinoma of the lung
1995 ►
Lamovec J; Bračko M; Cerar O
Familial occurrence of small-cell carcinoma of the ovary
1995 ►
Davie CA; Pirtošek Z; Barker GJ; Kingsley DP; Miller PH; Lees AJ
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of parkinsonism related to boxing
1995 ►
Mlakar U
Vzdrževalno zdravljenje dlakastocelične levkemije z interferonom alfa
[Maintenance treatment of hairy cell leukemia with interferon alpha]
1995 ►
Veller-Fornasa C; Fadel A; Peruzzo S; Peserico A
Pyoderma gangrenosum associated with IgA paraproteinemia: treatment with cyclosporin A and prednisone
1995 ►
Miljković J; Berčič M; Kavalar R
Porokeratosis hypertrophica et disseminata
1995 ►
Smrkolj V; Koročec B
Rigidna interna učvrstitev suprakondilarne osteotomije za izravnavo cubitus varusa
[Rigid internal fixation of supracondylar osteotomy for correction of cubitus varus]
1995 ►
Skerget B
Ob obletnici "Medicinci 45"
1995 ►
Di Silvestre A; Peressutti R; Nardi G; Giordano F
Colchicine intoxication; case report
1995 ►
Colo F; Terrosu G; Da Broi U; Spasiano A; Varutti AM; Donato S; Bresadola F; Pasetto A
Late diagnosis Boerhaave's syndrome: report of two cases
1995 ►
Avsec-Letonja D; Zabavnik Z; Letonja S; Šeruga T
Bronchial rupture after blunt trauma
1995 ►
Smrkolj A; Popovič R; Lunder T
Keratosis lichenoides chronica
1995 ►
Katona I; Toeroek L; Serenyi P
Cystic Kaposi's sarcoma
1995 ►
Melato M; Cecovini G; Perazza L; Grandi G
Perineural invasion in solitary keratoacanthoma: a malignant feature?
1995 ►
Marschalko M; Preisz K; Harsing J; Horvath A
Pyoderma vegetans. Report on a case and review of data on pyoderma vegetans and cutaneous botryomycosis
1995 ►
Grosek Š; Derganc M; Ponikvar R; Neubauer D; Primožič J
Severe transient hyperammonemia
1995 ►
Grad A; Baloh RW
Vertigo of vascular origin. Clinical and electronystagmographic features in 84 cases
1989 ►
Ravnik IM
Paroxysmal disorders of perception during and after infectious states. Infection - return ticket for Wonderland?
1991 ►
Stirn-Kranjc B; Zupan M; Boljka-Kolar M; Logar P
Malignant glaucoma as a complication after glaucoma filtering surgery: a retrospective study
1991 ►
Kraut A; Logar P; Stirn-Kranjc B
Harmful corticosteroid monotherapy in uveitic patients: two case reports
1991 ►
Arnež ZM; Smith RW; Eder E; Šolinc M; Kersnič M
Breast reconstruction by the free lower transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap
1988 ►
Lister GD; Arnež ZM
Arterial T and Y grafts
1991 ►
Arnež ZM; Hanel DP
Free tissue transfer for reconstruction of traumatic limb injuries in children
1991 ►
Arnež ZM
Immediate reconstruction of the lower extremity - an update
1991 ►
Arnež ZM; Kersnič M; Smith RW; Godina M
Free lateral arm osteocutaneous neurosensory flap for thumb reconstruction
1991 ►
Arnež ZM; Scamp T
The bipedicled free TRAM flap
1992 ►
Arnež Z; Tyler M; Giacomarra V; Planinšek F
The radial forearm-lateral arm mega free flap
1994 ►
Kansky A; Sotošek B; Žajdela Z
Naše izkušnje z implantati
[Dental implants - personal experience]
1995 ►
Sotošek B
Inervirani miokutani arterijski reženj ustnice in lica v rekonstruktivni kirurgiji
[Innervated musculocutaneous arterial lip and cheek flap]
1995 ►
Žajdela Z; Čerk M
Interdisciplinarno zdravljenjen hemangiomov maksilofacialne regije
[Interdisciplinary treatment of haemangiomas in the maxillofacial region]
1995 ►
Podobnik R
Resorpcija stalnikov zaradi zobnih zametkov
[Resorption of permanent teeth due to tooth germs]
1995 ►
Pavšič I
Uporabnost in modifikacije stabilizatorja spodnje čeljusti
[A stabilization splint and its uses]
1995 ►
Vidmar V; Križnar I
Fiksnoprotetična rehabilitacija po poškodbi
[Fixed prosthodontic rehabilitation after injury]
1995 ►
Vidmar V; Križnar I
Fiksnoprotetična oskrba bolnika z amelogenesis imperfecta
[Fixed prosthodontic treatment of open bite in a patient with amelogenesis imperfecta]
1995 ►
Rigler A; Zgomba M
Kombinirane protetične rešitve
[Combined prosthetic therapy]
1995 ►
Križnar I; Funduk N
Stomatoprotetična rehabilitacija s fasadno totalno protezo
[Prosthodontic rehabilitation with a cover denture]
1995 ►
Golob J; Leskovec J
Primer endodontskega zdravljenja s kalcijevim hidroksidom
[Endodontic treatment with calcium hydroxide - case report]
1995 ►
Potočnik I
Smernice za endodontsko zdravljenje pri zapletih
[Guidelines for endodontic treatment of "problem teeth"]
1995 ►
Jožef J
Primer za poseg v splošni anesteziji?
[A case for general anaesthesia?]
1995 ►
Koželj V
Primeri folikularnih cist pri otrocih
[Dentigerous cysts - report of three cases]
1995 ►
Pahor Dušica
Ugotavljanje bolezni orbite s pomočjo ultrazvoka
[Ascertainment of orbital diseases by means of ultrasound]
1995 ►
Hojs R; Hojs-Fabjan T; Lobnik A
Hereditarna koproporfirija - prikaz primera in pregled literature
[Hereditary coproporphyria - case report and review of the literature]
1995 ►
Flis V; Mrđa B; Szalai G; Agoston I; Matela J
Subclavian obliteration and steal syndrome: when to operate? Case reports
[Zapora arterije subklavije in kradežni sindrom: kdaj operativna terapija? Prikaz primerov]
1995 ►
Babnik-Peskar D; Zupančič Ž
Pomen fistulografije pri dolgotrajnih obsežnih retroperitonealnih abscesih: ali so abscesi tuberkulozne narave?
[Fistulography in repeated large retroperitoneal abscesses: are they tuberculous?]
1995 ►
Komadina R; Batišta M; Brilej D
Odlomi petnice pod narastiščem Ahilove tetive
[Avulsions of posterior part of calcaneus]
1995 ►
Čretnik A; Kosanović M; Batišta M
Subkutano prešitje pretrgane Ahilove tetive pri 76-letni poškodovanki
[Subcutaneous suturing of the ruptured Achilles tendon at 76 years old patient]
1995 ►
Tavčar R
Bipolarna motnja razpoloženja ali Lymska borelioza? Prikaz bolnice
[Bipolar mood disorder or Lyme borreliosis? A case report]
1995 ►
Koren I
Legionarska bolezen s hudim potekom pri astmatiku
[Legionnaires' disease with severe clinical course in asthmatic patient]
1995 ►
Popović M; Obradović-Novak R; Bošnjak Ž
Primarni limfom centralnega živčevja: opis bolnice in pregled literature
[Primary central nervous system lymphoma: case report and review of the literature]
1995 ►
Sedmak M; Logar-Car G
Pomanjkanje dolgoverižne 3-hidroksiacil-koencim A dehidrogenaze - primer dveletne deklice
[Long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-co A dehydrogenase deficiency - case of a two years old girl]
1995 ►
Golouh R; Bračko M
False-positive diagnosis of pelvic chondrosarcoma in a patient with a healing iliac bone fracture: a case report
1994 ►
Rakovec P; Zupan I; Šinkovec M
Spontaneous shifts in the sinus node pacemaker complex
1995 ►
Šinkovec M; Rakovec P; Zorman D; Antolič G; Grad A
Exertional syncope in a patient with aortic stenosis and right coronary artery disease
1995 ►
Rott T
Multifactorial pathogenesis of rhabdomyolisis in alcoholic leading to acute renal failure - case report with a review of etiologic factors
1992 ►
Noč M; Štajer D; Horvat M
Glucose loading in a hypoglycaemic, shocked patient - a possible beneficial effect on haemodynamics and heart rhythm
1991 ►
Ravnik I; Vodušek DB; Štrukelj M; Maček V; Dekleva A; Čuk J
Non-epileptic paroxysmal events triggered by cold drinks in a child with Schwartz-Jampel syndrome
1989 ►
Vodušek DB
Indirect measurement of sensory conduction by sympathetic skin responses: letter to the editor
1992 ►
Tekavčič-Grad O; Zavasnik A
Elements of the national character-case study
1987 ►
Tekavčič-Grad O; Zavasnik A
The emotional relations inside the survivors group
1990 ►
Zalzala N; Butinar D; Khan R; Al-Din ASN
Bilateral optic neuropathy with ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia: a presentation of encephalomyelitis
1990 ►
Tomšič M; Horvat M
Torsade de pointes associated with combined severe metabolic and respiratory alkalosis
1991 ►
Strle F; Pejovnik-Pustinek A; Stanek G; Pleterski D; Rakar R
Lyme borreliosis in Slovenia in 1986
1989 ►
Pospihalj B; Ferlan-Marolt V; Trošič A; Gadžijev E; Kovačić D; Grkman J
Biliary cystadenocarcinoma with mesenchymal stroma (BCMS): two case reports and review of the literature
1993 ►
Kocmur M; Zavasnik A
Problems with borderline patients in a crisis intervention unit: a case history
1993 ►
Herdmann J; Kržan M; Sonnenschein F; Lumenta CB
Transcranial magnetic stimulation for spinal cord monitoring
1993 ►
Herdmann J; Lumenta CB; Kiprovski K; Kržan M
Magnetic stimulation of the brain in the operating room
1992 ►
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