biomedicina slovenica |
vo="case report" : 601-700
Robida Andrej; Venkatraman B
Anomalous left pulmonary artery without pulmonary artery sling
1998 ►
Bricelj Vlado; Robida Andrej
Coil occlusion of arteriovenous fistula of the vertebral artery in a child
1998 ►
Robida Andrej; Hajar HA
Ventricular conduction defect in isolated noncompaction of the ventricular myocardium: case report
1996 ►
Robida Andrej
Doppler imaging of an inadvertent anastomosis of modified Blalock-Taussig shunt to the right upper pulmonary vein
1997 ►
Robida Andrej; Eltohami Ahmed
Double outlet right ventricle associated with cor triatriatum sinistrum
1994 ►
Robida Andrej; Eltohami Ahmed; Chaikhouni Amer
Aberrant systemic artery-pulmonary venous fistula: diagnosis with Doppler imaging
1992 ►
Eltohami Ahmed; Robida Andrej
Arteriovenous malformation of the vein of Galen in a newborn diagnosed with color Doppler examination
1992 ►
Robida Andrej; Pavčnik Dušan
Perforation of the heart in a newborn with critical valvar pulmonary stenosis during balloon valvoplasty
1990 ►
Robida Andrej; Povhe B
Cardiovocal syndrome in an infant with a double outlet of the right ventricle
1998 ►
Andoljšek Danijel; Nedeljkovič Dragan; Režek Primož; Vajd Rajko; Velikonja Primož
Intervencija motorista - reševalca in ekipe nujne medicinske pomoči pri oživljanju utopljenke - prikaz primera
[Collaboration intervention by motorcycle paramedic and EMS team in resuscitation of a drowned woman on a raft - a case report]
2005 ►
Saksida Karmen; Šinigoj Damijana
Zastrupitev s kurilnim oljem - prikaz primera
[Heating oil poisoning - case report]
2005 ►
Tadel-Kocjančič Špela; Gorjup Vojka; Piltaver-Oblak Nevenka; Noč Marko
Namesto k zobozdravniku v kateterski laboratorij
[Not to the dentist's but to the catheter lab instead]
2005 ►
Strunjaš Natalija; Dintinjana M; Kobal Boris; Gorjup Vojka; Ploj Tom
Pljučna embolija in zdravljenje s trombolizo v oboperativnem obdobju
[Pulmonary embolism and perioperative thrombolytic therapy]
2005 ►
Golob-Gulič Tatjana
Zmote v urgentni medicini, ki se jim ne moremo izogniti - ali pa tudi ne?
[Pitfalls in emergency medicine - or?]
2005 ►
Gorjanc Jurij; Kocbek Jernej; Zabukovšek Dorijan
Sodelovanje med ekipo NMP, postajo GRS in helikoptersko enoto nujne medicinske pomoči pri politravmatiziranem poškodovancu - prikaz primera ekipe HNMP
[Polytrauma and cooperation among terrestrial emergency service, terrestrial mountain rescue team and helicopter rescue team - case report]
2005 ►
Špindler Mateja; Grmec Štefek
Togost (okornost) vratu z bolečino, protruzijo jezika in povišano telesno temperaturo - diferencialna diagnostika
[Neck pain and stiffness, protrusion of the tongue and fever - differential diagnosis]
2005 ►
Merela Irena
Direkten transport na primarno PTCA po uspešni kardiopulmonalni reanimaciji - prikaz primera
[Immediate transfer to primary PTCA after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation - a case report]
2005 ►
Jančar Nina; Marušič Dorjan; Starc Saša; Starc Radovan
Angina pektoris z normalnimi ali skoraj normalnimi koronarnimi arterijami po akutnem koronarnem sindromu
[Angina with normal or near-normal coronary arteries after acute coronary syndrome]
2005 ►
Kupnik Dejan; Hren Tatjana
Zastrupitev z ogljikovim monoksidom - pomembno je pomisliti na njo
[Carbon monoxide poisoning - it is important to think of it]
2005 ►
Vilman Jelena
Nič nas ne sme presenetiti, pa vendar nas vedno
[We should be prepared, but there is always a surprise]
2005 ►
Vilman Jelena
Oživljanje bolnice na terenu s sumom na STEMI
[Prehospital resuscitation of a patient with suspected STEMI]
2005 ►
Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša; Rot Uroš; Hojker Sergej
Miopatija ob hudi hipotirozi
[Severe hypothyrosis presenting as myopathy]
2005 ►
Štupnik Tomaž; Mavko Ana
Spontani hemopnevmotoraks
[Spontaneous hemopneumothorax]
2005 ►
Kanič Zlatka; Pogorevc Robert
Na pomoč, moj otrok ne diha
[Help, my child is not breathing]
2005 ►
Jereb Matjaž; Lainščak Mitja; Marin Jožica; Popović Mara
Herpes simplex virus infection limited to the brainstem
2005 ►
Gregorič Alojz; Rabelink Gwenda M; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Marčun-Varda Nataša; Zagradišnik Boris
Eighteen-year follow-up of a patient with partial hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency and a new mutation
2005 ►
Rener-Primec Zvonka
Akutne pareze - diferencialna diagnoza: klinični pristop k obravnavi bolnika
[Clinical approach to differential diagnosis in a patient with acute paresis]
2005 ►
Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Marn-Pernat Andreja; Ponikvar Rafael
Citrate anticoagulation during plasma exchange in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: short heparin-free hemodialysis helps to attenuate citrate load
2005 ►
Pražnikar Aleš
Pristop k zdravljenju nevropatske bolečine - prikaz kliničnih primerov
[Approach to the treatment of neuropathic pain - case reports]
2005 ►
Remškar Zlata
Iz vsakdanje zdravniške prakse oziroma retrogradna analiza diagnostičnega postopanja pri bolniku A. R.
2005 ►
Ocepek Matjaž; Pate Mateja; Žolnir-Dovč Manca; Poljak Mario
Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from human to cattle
2005 ►
Bregant L; Geršak K; Veble A
Distal trisomy 10q / partial monosomy 14q: an unusual clinical picture
2005 ►
Gračner B; Pahor D; Gračner T
Ursache und Behandlung einer korneoskleralen Fistel bei 2 Patienten
[Cause and repair of a corneoscleral fistula in two patients]
2005 ►
Šoštarič Maja; Hartmann Thomas; Bacher Andreas; Pichler Karin; Grabner Claudia; Belani Kumar
The use of the VasotracTM to monitor blood pressure during deliberate hypotension
2000 ►
Stopar Tatjana; Novak-Jankovič Vesna; Casati Andrea
Four different airway-management strategies in patient with Launois-Bensaude syndrome or Madelung's disease undergoing surgical excision of neck lipomatosis with a complicated postoperative course.
2005 ►
Gold Douglas G; Miller Robert C
Metastatic thymoma: a case report of an isolated, intra-abdominal metastasis causing asymptomatic spinal cord compression
[Prikaz bolnice z metastatskim timomom: solitarna metastaza je povzročila asimptomatsko utesnitev hrbtenjače]
2005 ►
Sayin Bige; Yildirim Nilguen; Vural Murat; Dede Dogan
Osteosarcoma of the maxilla
[Osteosarkom maksile]
2005 ►
Roić Goran; Vrtar Zvonimir; Posarić Vesna; Borić Igor; Cigit Irenej
Chronic nonischemic ileo-ileo-colic intussusception
[Kronično neishemično uvihanje tankega črevesa samega vase in v debelo črevo]
2005 ►
Šabovič Mišo; Ključevšek Tomaž
Resolution of Budd-Chiari syndrome due to activation of endogenous fibrinolysis that may be induced by weight reduction
2005 ►
Valentinuzzi Vladimir; Kavčič Ivan; Marušič Saša
Izolirane anevrizme arterije iliake interne
2005 ►
Krunič Barbara; Sinkovič Andreja; Marinšek Martin; Smolle-Juettner Freya-Maria; Zink Michael
Primer hude zastrupljenosti z ogljikovim monoksidom, zdravljenje s hiperbarično oksigenacijo
[A case of severe carbon monoxide poisoning treated by hyperbaric oxygen therapy]
2005 ►
Ocepek Andreja; Skok Pavel
Končna ledvična odpoved - prikaz primera
[End-stage renal failure - case report]
2005 ►
Dajčman Davorin; Skalicky Marjan
Patologija biliopapilarnega področja - prikaz primerov
[Biliopapillary pathology - case report]
2005 ►
Grmek-Zemljič Tatjana; Roškar Zlatko
Plazmocitom - prikaz primera z "osteoporozo"
[Plasmacytoma - presentation of "osteoporosis" cases]
2005 ►
Židanik Suzana
Primeri bolnikov z osteoporozo v ambulanti zdravnika družinske medicine
[Case reports of patients with osteoporosis in family practitioner's office]
2005 ►
Stepanović Aleksander
Bolnik z bolečino - primera iz ambulante zdravnika družinske medicine
[Patient with pain - case descriptions from family medicine setting]
2005 ►
Grebenšek Nataša; Žgavec Borut; Podrumac Božana; Lunder Tomaž
Pityriasis rosea-like skin reaction triggered by Toxocara canis infections
2005 ►
Rupnik Helena; Podrumac Božana; Žgavec Borut; Lunder Tomaž
Follicular mucinosis in a teenage girl
2005 ►
Angelova-Fischer I; Kazandjieva J; Vassileva S; Dourmishev A
Kindler syndrome: a case report and proposal for clinical diagnostic criteria
2005 ►
Nečas M; Semradova V; Vašku V
Pyoderma gangraenosum associated with autoimmune thyreopathy and hyperandrogenic syndrome
2005 ►
Hicheri J; Badri T; Fazaa B; Zermani R; Kourda N; Ben-Jilani S; Kamoun MR
Scrotal calcinosis: pathogenesis and case report
2005 ►
Dourmishev LA; Dourmishev AL
Craniofacial cavernous hemangioma: succesful treatment with methylprednisolone
2005 ►
Bratanič Nevenka; Vesel Samo; Uršič-Bratina Nataša; Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Sedmak Marjeta; Kržišnik Ciril; Battelino Tadej
Familiarna hiperholesterolemija
2005 ►
Kavalar Rajko; Skok Pavel; Gornik-Kramberger Kristina
Phlegmonous gastritis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
2005 ►
Matjačić Zlatko; Rusjan Špela; Stanonik Irena; Goljar Nika; Olenšek Andrej
Methods for dynamic balance training during standing and stepping
2005 ►
Novak Zmago; Unuk Sibila
Primer klasične vročice Dengue pri bolnici, ki se je vrnila iz turističnega potovanja po Tajski
2005 ►
Jeruc Jera; Sedmak Marjeta
Povečana aktivnost aminotransferaz pri otroku s celiakijo
[Increased aminotransferase levels in a child with coeliac disease]
1998 ►
Šušteršič Breda; Neubauer David
Letter to the editor
2005 ►
Ziegelstein Roy C
Skorajšnja sinkopa po telesnem naporu
[Near-syncope after exercise]
2005 ►
Strojnik Tadej
Spontana subarahnoidna krvavitev - SAH
2005 ►
Flis Vojko
Raynaudov fenomen? Primer 38 letnega moškega z akutno ishemijo zgornjega uda
[Raynaud's phenomenon? The case of 38 years old man with an acute ischaemia of upper extremity]
2005 ►
Brvar Miran; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
Poisoning with insulin glargine
2005 ►
Klopčič-Spevak Milica
Spremljanje regeneracije perifernega živca z uporabo elektrofizioloških metod - predstavitev kliničnega primera
2005 ►
Radosavljevič Damjan; Gorenšek Miro; Koritnik Branko; Knežević Miomir; Jeras Matjaž
Transplantation of human autologous chondrocytes cultivated in vitro
2001 ►
Strojnik Tadej
2005 ►
Šavs-Požek T; Najdenov P; Brecelj-Kobe M
2005 ►
Bajrović Nisera; Mušič Ema
Anafilaksa po sistemskih glukokortikoidih
2005 ►
Trčko K; Marko PB; Miljković J
Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation
2005 ►
Homan M; Dolenc-Stražar Z; Orel R
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. A case report
2005 ►
Puizina-Ivić N; Bezić J; Marasović D; Gotovac V; Čarija A; Božić M
Angiosarcoma arising in sclerodermatous skin
2005 ►
Kotnik J; Kotnik F; Desnick RJ
Fabry disease. A case report
2005 ►
Zorc Marjeta; Vraspir-Porenta Olga; Keše Darja; Petrovič Danijel; Legan Mateja
Detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA in the coronary arteries and bypass in three patients with diffuse coronary artery disease
2005 ►
Arslan Mehmet; Karadeniz Ahmet N; Aksu Goerkem; Gueveli Murat
Cranium eroding sweat carcinoma: a case report
[Prikaz primera karcinoma znojnih žlez, ki je razjedal lobanjske kosti]
2005 ►
Krnić Anton; Sučić Zvonimir; Vučić Niksa; Bilić Ante
Injury of the axillary artery: duplex ultrasound detects postoperative occlusion of the artery with the establishment of the collateral network
[Poškodba aksilarne arterije. Diagnosticiranje pooperativne arterijske okluzije in kolorektalnega pretoka z dvojnim ultrazvokom]
2005 ►
Roić Goran; Borić Igor; Posarić Vesna; Bastić Mislav; Župančič Božidar
Symptomatic imperforate Cowper's syringocele in a 5-year-old boy
[Simptomatska neperforirana Cowperjeva siringokela pri 5-letnem dečku]
2005 ►
Miljković J; Bartenjev I
Hypereosinophilic dermatitis-like erythema annulare centrifugum in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
2005 ►
Cvenkel B
Bilateral transient amaurosis following Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection: a manifestation of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
2003 ►
Kogoj Aleš; Mlakar Janez; Jensterle Jože; Vodušek David B
Development of verbal and non-verbal functions after an early brain trauma
2004 ►
Hočevar Marko; Pohar-Marinšek Živa; Zidar Andreja
Myxofibrosarcoma of the breast as an unusual variant of malignant fibrous histiocytoma: report of a case
2004 ►
Milošev Ingrid; Trebše Rihard; Kovač Simon; Coer Andrej; Campbell Patt
Dissociation of the metal inlay from the polyethylene liner in an uncemented threaded cup
2005 ►
Geršak B; Šoštarič M; Dolenc-Stražar Z; Starič F; Koželj M
Cavernous hemangioma in the junction between the left atrium and the aorta: case report
2005 ►
Šervicl-Kuchler Darja
Moebiusov sindrom in anestezija - klinični primer
[Moebius syndrome and anaesthesia - case report]
2005 ►
Kamhi T; Sedmak M
Homozigotno pomanjkanje alfa 1-antitripsina - prikaz kliničnega primera
[Homozygous alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency - case report]
2004 ►
Šeruga Tomaž; Breznik Silva
Znotrajžilno zdravljenje intrakranialnih arteriovenskih malformacij
[Endovascular treatment of AVM]
2005 ►
Kores-Plesničar Blanka; Faganelj Metka; Zalar Bojan
Malignant catatonia/neuroleptic malignant syndrome or how to change the view on ECT
2004 ►
Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Strle Franc
Concomitant tickborne encephalitis and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis
2005 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek M
Diagnostic values of combined glucose and lactate values in cerebrospinal fluid and vitreous humour - our experiences
2004 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek M; Alibegović A; Balažic J
Our experience with fatal ecstasy abuse (two case report)
2005 ►
Kadiš P; Pogorevc L; Šipek M; Vidovič D
Unusual attempted suicide by shooting through heart
2005 ►
Ermenc B; Prijon T
Suicide, accidents? The importance of the scene investigation
2005 ►
Jančar B
Mb.Gorham-treatment by radiotherapy
2004 ►
Žagar Ivana; Vidergar-Kralj Barbara; Schwarzbartl-Pevec Andreja
Radioiodine therapy in metastatic malignant struma ovarii - a case report
2004 ►
Klopčič Ulrika; Lamovec Janez
Myxofibrosarcoma of the breast: report of a case
2004 ►
But Igor; Bratuš Dejan; Faganelj Metka
Prolene tape in the bladder wall after TVT procedure - intramural tape placement or secondary tape migration?
2005 ►
Rakovec Peter
Widening of the QRS complex during tachycardia: what is the mechanism?
2004 ►
Lainščak Mitja; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Štrumbelj Iztok; Gasparac Ivan; Mueller-Premru Manica; Pirš Mateja
Infective endocarditis due to Abiotrophia defectiva: a report of two cases
2005 ►
Flis Vojko; Matela Jože; Mrdža Božidar; Štirn Barbara; Breznik Silva
Tope poškodbe karotidne arterije - kratko poročilo s prikazom primera
[Blunt carotid injuries - short report and case presentation]
2005 ►
Gregorič-Kumperščak Hojka; Paschke Eduard; Gradišnik Peter; Vidmar Jernej; Umek-Bradač Stanislava
Adult metachromatic leukodystrophy: disorganized schizophrenia-like symptoms and postpartum depression in 2 sisters
2005 ►
Morgentaler Abraham
Šestinšestdesetletni moški s spolno disfunkcijo
[A 66-year-old man with sexual dysfunction]
2004 ►
Markota Jelena
Unusual radiographic changes of a gout patient
[Nenavadne radiografske spremembe pri bolnici s putiko]
2004 ►
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