biomedicina slovenica

"Men" : 66.029-66.128

  1. Franović A
    Edukacija povrijedjenog kao nezaobilazni element posthospitalne rehabilitacije
  2. Tršinar B; Janež J
    Comparison of anal maximal electrical stimulation with anal plug insertion in enuretic children
  3. Kralj B
    Treatment of urethral and detrusor instability with functional electrical stimulation
  4. Valenčič V; Burger H; Marinček Č
    Dynamic properties of skeletal muscles
  5. Munih M; Kralj A
    Muscular activity calculation by musculo-tendino-skeletal model including minimal bone bending
  6. Erzin R; Bajd T; Kralj A; Turk R; Benko H
    Sensory feedback in voluntary controlled FES assisted walking
  7. Rozman J; Sovinec B; Trlep M; Zorko B
    Multielectrode spiral cuff for ordered and reversed activation of nerve fibres
  8. Maležič M; Gregorič M; Benko H
    Stimulation of paraspinal muscles in patients with spastic tetraparesis
  9. Karčnik T; Kralj A; Munih M
    Ultrasound distance-velocity measurement incorporated into FES rehabilitative system
  10. Bajd T; Kralj A; Karčnik T; Šavrin R; Obreza P
    Dynamics of FES assisted stance phase
  11. Aćimović-Janežič R; Pangršič B; Vavken E; Maležič M; Kljajič M; Rozman J; Stanič U
    Ten years clinical use of peroneal implantable system
  12. Vujnović J
    Zavod za varstvo in delovno usposabljanje mladine Dr. Marijana Borštnarja v Dornavi
  13. Šoba M
    Proces zdravstvene nege duševno prizadetega otroka s cerebralno paralizo
  14. Bunc R
    Ekološke obremenitve in škodljivosti ter varstvo pri delu
  15. Krstič N
    Težave pri obvladovanju kajenja z aktivno cenovno politiko: slovenska pot v obdobju 1980-1991
    [Problems in smoking control with active price policy: Slovene story 1980-1991]
  16. Drakšič M
    Otroci alkoholikov
    [Children of alcoholics]
  17. Žokalj Z
    Vloga medicinske sestre v zdravstveni negi delirantnega bolnika
    [The role of the nurse in the nursing care of a delirious patient]
  18. Kavčič-Kumer A
    Skupinska terapija zdravljencev sindroma odvisnosti od alkohola in njihovih svojcev
    [Group psychotherapy of clients with alcohol dependence syndrome and their relatives]
  19. Filej B
    Management v zdravstveni negi
    [Management in nursing care]
  20. Škof M
    Motivacijski dejavniki pri delu medicinske sestre v anesteziji: sonček za srečo
    [Motivational factors in the work of anesthesia work: sunshine for happiness]
  21. Škof M
    Predstavitev psihičnih značilnosti dela anestezijske medicinske sestre ali kako postati mala princeska
    [The presentation of psychological characteristics of the work of the anaesthesia nurse or how to become a little princess]
  22. Pečan M
    Anestetiki v zraku operacijskih prostorov
    [Anaesthetics in the air of operating theatres]
  23. Ferluga D; Vizjak A; Rozman B; Hvala A; Rott T; Lukić Ž; Volavšek M; Praprotnik D; Drinovec J; Trček C; Luzar S; Jezeršek P
    Bubrežne promene kod sistemskih bolesti veziva
    [Renal changes in systemic connective tissue diseases]
  24. Gros M; Vrhovec S; Brumen M; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Transmembrane electric potential and the shape of human erythrocytes
  25. Vrhovec S; Gros M; Svetina S; Brumen M; Žekš B
    Effects of stomatocytic and echinocytic agents on vesiculation of human red blood cells
  26. Ravnik-Oblak M; Oblak C; Vodušek DB; Kristl V; Ziherl S
    Intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 in impotent diabetic men
  27. Pretnar G; Filipič B; Golob A; Škodič A; Toth S; Mecs I; Suhar A
    Electroinduction of interferon-like proteins
  28. Vrbič V
    Clinical aspects of root surface caries
  29. Pavlin R; Košir N; Vidmar V
    Monoamine oxidase activity in odontoblasts
  30. Pavčič M
    Ishrana atletičara
    [The nutrition of athletes]
  31. Mušič E; Kumelj M
    Die Wirkung von Ciprofloxacin und Pefloxacin auf pathogene Bakterien bei Atemtraktinfektionen
  32. Pavčič M
    Viri informacij o prehrani
  33. Pavčič M
    Alternativne oblike prehrane
  34. Gostiša A; Kornhauser P; Klun B; Butinar D; Pogorelc A; Zeljić V; Veličkov H
    Nachuntersuchungen von komatoesen Kindern mit gedeckten Hirntraumen und ihre Fruehrehabilitation
  35. Ribič-Pucelj M; Novak-Antolič Ž; Tomaževič T
    Treatment of ectopic pregnancy with prostaglandin E2
  36. Predin Š
    Zgodovina mariborskih lekarn v letih 1850-1950
    [The history of pharmacies in Maribor in the 1850-1950 period]
  37. Prezelj M; Možina B; Sešek-Briški A; Bratož S
    Fotometrična določitev kalija v serumu s kromogenim ionoforom
    [Photometric determination of serum kalium with chromogenic ionophore]
  38. Karba R; Vodovnik L; Gubina M
    Električni tok kot modiator bakterijske rasti in občutljivosti na antibiotike
    [Electric current as a mediator of bacterial growth and susceptibility to antibiotics]
  39. Sušnik J; Pikelj F
    Potreba po banki podatkov za ocenjevanje celotne ogroženosti prebivalstva po regijah
    [A need for regional population risk assessment database]
  40. Bigec M; Škorjanc-Antolič S; Završnik J; Trčak I; Novak B
    Posnemanje zdravnikovega odločanja s pomočjo meglenih množic
    [Fuzzy logic and physician's decisions]
  41. Frankič M; Pašek M; Žiberna D; Verlak L; Kovačič V
    Sistematski pregledi triletnih otrok - medicinska sestra in računalnik z roko v roki
    [Three years children - systematic owerwiev - computer and nurses hand to hand]
  42. Čičigoj Z; Cvetičanin B
    Ambulantno poslovanje
    [Management in a medical center]
  43. Mihelin M
    Merilni in informacijski sistemi Univezitetnega inštituta za klinično nevrofiziologijo
    [The computer network of the University institute of clinical neurophysiology]
  44. Sušelj M; Lasič D; Svenšek R; Zevnik M
    Informacijska dejavnost Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
    [The Republic of Slovenia Health care agency information system]
  45. Gaspari I
    Baza podatkov o izvajalcih zdravstvene dejavnosti
    [Human resources database in health care]
  46. Gradišek A; Frankič D; Oražem A
    Uporabnost podatkovne zbirke zdravniških receptov za pomoč pri oceni sekundarne prevencije kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni
    [Applicability of a database of prescriptions for assistance in assessing the secondary prevention of chronic noninfectious diseases]
  47. Slavec S; Zupan I; Saksida I
    InfoMed - informacijski sistemi v medicini
    [InfoMed - INFOrmation system in MEDical science]
  48. Zrimšek D
    In dubio pro aegroto
  49. Potočnik B
    Obdelava podatkov s programi SPSSX, INFORMIX in WINGZ v UNIX-DOS integriranem okolju na osebnih računalnikih
    [Data processing with programs SPSSX, INFORMIX and WINGZ in UNOX-DOS integrated environment on personal computers]
  50. Sitkery I
    Management information demands of the changing health care systems
  51. Berleen G
    Swedish experience of cost-containment, comparisons of care utilization, productivity and efficiency
  52. Brus A
    Razvojna politika varovanja računalniško podprtega informacijskega sistema v zdravstvu
    [Development policy for protection of computer-aided information system in health services]
  53. Kramar Z; Blažič O; Zima M; Rems M; Slavec S; Zupan I
    Medicinske sestre in računalnik
    [Nurses and computer]
  54. Lovrek V
    Hospital information system development based on personal computers
  55. Lah T; Rems M; Slavec S
    Vodenje in medicinska informatika
    [Management and information systems in medicine]
  56. Novak B; Kokol P; Urlep I; Trčak I; Kancler K; Bigec M; Završnik J
    Nevronske mreže in medicina
    [Neural networks and medicine]
  57. Paulin M; Mrhar A; Frankič D; Činč M
    Baza podatkov o zdravilih in rezultati prve faze izvedbenega projekta
    [Drug information data base: a demonstration of up to now available results]
  58. Šorli J; Kolar R; Vengust T; Kejžar B; Jekovec T
    His Medo
    [Implementing medical information system]
  59. Šašek-Vilhar C; Ogrin R
    Povezovanje baze podatkov o pacientih z zunanjimi podatkovnimi zbirkami in vključitev v enovit poslovno informacijski sistem Kliničnega centra Ljubljana
    [Integration of patient data with external data bases and inclusion into the business information system of UMC]
  60. Saražin-Lovrečič I
    Multidimenzionalna evaluacija razvoja sistema zdravstvenega varstva
    [Multidimensional evaluation of health care system]
  61. Ilić M
    Planiranje informacijskih sistemov
    [Information systems planning]
  62. Šikovec A
    Vloga računalniške obdelave podatkov pri auditu dela žilnega kirurga
    [The role of computerized data processing in the audit of vascular surgeon's work]
  63. Fidler V; Prepadnik M
    Razvoj PC grafične postaje za medicinsko slikanje
    [Development of graphic station for medical imaging]
  64. Bajić V; Haller J; Lindič J; Kveder R
    Informacijski sistem v nefrologiji
    [Information system in the Department of the nephrology]
  65. Cerkvenik G
    Informacijski sistem klinike kot integracijski del informacijskega sistema Kliničnega centra v Ljubljani
    [Clinical information system as an integration part of the information system in Ljubljana Medical center]
  66. Rems M; Lah T; Markeš J; Kunstelj L; Mulej M; Slavec S
    Zdravnik - ustvarjalec in uporabnik informacijskega sistema
    [Doctor - creator and user of information system]
  67. Bavdek D; Mohor M; Zrimšek D; Slavec S; Zupan I; Saksida I; Feldin A
    Informacijski sistem osnovnega zdravstva
    [Information system of basic health care]
  68. Voljč B
    Uvodno predavanje
  69. Stegnar Mojca; Božic Borut; Peternel Polona; Kveder Tanja; Vene Nina; Rozman Blaž
    Prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies in deep vein thrombosis and their relationship to blood coagulation and fibrinolysis
  70. Stanovnik L; Logonder-Mlinšek M; Erjavec F
    A study of the role of histamine in gastric secretion in the isolated guinea pig gastric preparation
  71. Križman I
    Dijagnostika i liječenje ulkusa želuca i dvanaestnika i peptičkog ezofagitisa
    [Diagnostics and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer and peptic esophagitis]
  72. Bobanović F; Simčič S; Kotnik V; Vodovnik L
    Pulsed electric current enhances the phorbol ester induced oxidative burst in human neutrophils
  73. Zidar N; Ferluga D; Jakša I; Vizjak A; Bidovec M
    Renal involvement in children with Henoch-Schoenlein purpura
  74. Vizjak A; Rozman B; Podrumac B; Kuhar M; Jakša I
    Immunoglobulin and complement deposits in the skin biopsies of children
  75. Lledo P-M; Zorec R; Vernier P; Mason WT
    Anti-sense oligonucleotides injected with patch clamp techniques reveal involvement of a small GTP-binding protein in the control of exocytosis in rat anterior pituitary cells
  76. Zorec Robert; Scuka Maria; Kordaš Marjan
    Effects of irreversible and reversible cholinesterase inhibitors on single acetylcholine-activated channels
  77. Strle F; Ružič E; Cimperman J
    Erythema migrans: comparison of treatment with azithromycin, doxycycline and phenoxymethylpenicillin
  78. Volavšek M; Ferluga D; Malovrh M; Jakša I
    Bubrežne promene kod panarteritisa nodosa
    [Renal changes in panarteritis nodosa]
  79. Božič B; Svetina S; Žekš B; Waugh RE
    Role of lamellar membrane structure in tether formation from bilayer vesicles
  80. Waugh RE; Song J; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Local and nonlocal curvature elasticity in bilayer membranes by tether formation from lecithin vesicles
  81. Logar J; Novak-Antolič Ž; Zore A; Cerar V; Likar M
    Incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis in the Republic of Slovenia
  82. Fleischmann WR; Koren S; Fleischmann CM
    Orally administered interferons exert their white blood cell suppressive effects via a novel mechanism (43499)
  83. Zupan A
    Long-term electrical stimulation of muscles in children with Duchenne and Becker muscular distrophy
  84. Fidler V; Fettich J; Prepadnik M
    Study of myocardial regional wall motion parameter's accuracy by software perfusion phantom
  85. Sket D; Dettbarn WD; Clinton ME; Misulis KE; Sketelj J; Čuček D; Brzin M
    Prevention of diisopropylphosphorofluoridate-induced myopathy by botulinum toxin type A blockage of quantal release of acetycholine
  86. Dekleva A; Sket D; Sketelj J; Brzin M
    Attenuation of soman-induced lesions of skeletal muscle by acetylcholinesterase reactivating and non-reactivating antidotes
  87. Breskvar K; Črešnar B; Plaper A; Hudnik-Plevnik T
    Localization of the gene encoding steroid hydroxylase cytochrome P-450 from Rhizopus nigricans inside a Hind III fragment of genomic DNA
  88. Ferluga D; Hvala A; Vizjak A; Trnačević S; Halilbašić A
    Renal function, protein excretion, and pathology of Balkan endemic nephropathy. 3. Light and electron microscopic studies
  89. Kotnik V; Fleischmann WR Jr
    A simple and rapid method to determine hematopoietic growth factor activity
  90. Vrbič V; Homan D; Završnik B
    Oral health in Slovenia, Yugoslavia
  91. Terčelj-Zorman M; Mermolja M; Jereb M; Oman M; Šooš E; Petrič-Grabnar G; Jereb B
    Human leukocyte interferon alpha (HLI-alpha) for treatment of pleural effusion caused by non small cell lung cancer: a pilot study
  92. Kralj A; Bajd T; Turk R
    Enhancement of gait restoration in spinal injuried patients by functional electrical stimulation
  93. Žgur T; Ravnik I; Janko M
    Kirurško zdravljenje epilepsije
    [Surgical treatment of epilepsy]
  94. Koželj M
    Pomen ehokardiografije v diagnostiki bolezni trikuspidalne zaklopke
    [The role of echocardiography in diagnosis of tricuspid valve disease]
  95. Andoljšek M
    Boleča peta
    [Painful heel]
  96. Borko E; Breznik R; Grandovec F
    Akutni abdomen v nosečnosti
    [Acute abdomen in pregnancy]
  97. Štrukelj M
    Diagnoza astme pri otrocih
    [Diagnosis of asthma in childhood]
  98. Trošt M
    Uporaba tokovne črpalke pri metodi vpete napetosti
    [Current pump used by voltage-clamp method]
  99. Trošt M
    Metoda vpete napetosti
    [The voltage-clamp method]
  100. Lorbar M; Vesnaver A
    Citoprotektivni učinek verapramila pri ishemično in hipoksično okvarjenem izoliranem podganjem srcu
    [The cytoprotective effect of verapramil on the ischemically and hypoxically injured isolated rat heart]

   65.529 65.629 65.729 65.829 65.929 66.029 66.129 66.229 66.329 66.429  

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