biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 43.403-43.502

  1. Tomažič J
    Biološko zdravljenje kužnih bolezni
    [Biological treatment of infectious diseases]
  2. Medvešček M
    Pomen žilnih zapletov za prognozo sladkornih bolnikov
    [Prognostic relevance of vascular complications in patients with diabetes]
  3. Bunta S
    Kompresijsko zdravljenje venskih in mezgovnih odotočnih motenj
    [Compression treatment in venous and lymphatic dreinage disorders]
  4. Rozman B; Logar D; Tomšič M
    Ali sodobno zdravljenje spreminja naravni potek revmatičnih bolezni?
    [Does the contemporary management change natural course of rhemuatic diseases?]
  5. Šuškovič S
    Lastnosti bronhijalne prevzdražljivosti pri astmi
    [Features of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthma]
  6. Meh D; Denišlič M
    Ocenjevanje občutkov toplote, hladu in bolečine
    [Warm, cold and pain estimation]
  7. Furlan J
  8. Kordaš M; Zorec R
    Microelectrophysiology at Ljubljana Medical school: past, present, future
  9. Lukić L
    Samozadostnost s pripravki iz krvi
    [Self sufficiency with blood derivatives]
  10. Turk Z; Jesenšek-Papež B
    Možnosti alternativnega zdravljenja debelosti pri otrocih
    [Alternative treatment of obesity in children]
  11. Hojs R
    Protitelesa za virus hepatitisa C pri hemodializnih bolnikih in hemodializnem osebju
    [Hepatitis C virus antibodies in haemodialysis patients and haemodialysis staff]
  12. Rainer S
    Ob jubileju prof. dr. Marka Kolenca
  13. Poljak M; Ferluga D; Gale N; Petrovec M
    Molekularna diagnostika okužbe s humanim virusom papiloma (HVP) v patologiji
    [Molecular diagnostics of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in pathology]
  14. Mičetić-Turk D
    Debelost v otroški dobi
    [Obesity in childhood]
  15. Tepeš B; Kavčič B; Jurjec D
    Pogostnost Helicobacter pylori pozitivnega gastritisa pri rutinskih gastroskopijah
    [The frequency of Helicobacter pylori positive gastritis in routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopies]
  16. Černe D; Turk J; Joković Ž; Skitek M
    Določanje vrednosti lipidno standardiziranega vitamina E pri koronarnih bolnikih
    [Determination of lipid standardized vitamin E in coronary patients]
  17. Arko-Mihev D; Avsec-Letonja D; Zalar J; Franko-Kancler T
    Interdisciplinarna diagnostika pljučnice pri bolnikih v enoti intenzivne terapije
    [Interdisciplinary diagnosis of pneumonia in the intensive care unit]
  18. Mušič E; Petrič V; Mesič M; Rajter M
    Pljučnica z dolgotrajno povišano telesno temperaturo. Neuspeh antibiotičnega zdravljenja
    [Pulmonary infiltration associated with persistent fever. Inefficacy of antibiotic therapy]
  19. Pahor A; Krajnc I
    Preiskave sinovijske tekočine
    [Analysis of synovial fluid]
  20. Mlačak B
    Vloga zdravnika splošne medicine v preventivi zapletov ateroskleroze
    [The role of general practitioners in the prevention complications of atherosclerosis]
  21. Žemva A; Batič M
    Neodzivnost na insulin in arterijska hipertenzija
    [Insulin resistance and arterial hypertension]
  22. Starc Radovan; Zorc Marjeta; Vraspir-Porenta Olga
    Angina pektoris z normalnim koronarogramom (Mikrovaskularna angina pektoris)
    [Angina pectoris with normal coronary angiography (Microvascular angina pectoris)]
  23. Grubič Z
    Patofiziologija sladkorne bolezni
    [Pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus]
  24. Maček-Lebar A; Srakar F; Antolič V; Kralj-Iglič V; Damjanić FB; Iglič A; Brajnik D
    A total hip replacement as a function of different hip joint rotation center positions: a finite element analysis
  25. Herman S; Maček-Lebar A; Antolič V; Damjanić FB; Iglič A
    Centralized vs asymmetric position of a cemented femoral stem: a finite element analysis
  26. Uršič C
    Comparative study of employment policies for people with disabilities within Germany, the United Kindom and Slovenia
  27. Lestan B; Kveder T
    Immunological tests as an aid in diagnosis of autoimmune liver diseases
  28. Pogačnik T; Pečnik B; Žvan B
    Concussion: regional cerebral blood flow and associate learning ability
  29. Antolič V; Damjanić FB; Maček-Lebar A; Iglič A; Herman S; Srakar F; Kralj-Iglič V
    A cemented femoral stem in the varus position: a finite element analysis
  30. Bogataj U; Kljajić M; Gros N; Aćimović-Janežič R; Maležič M
    The rehabilitation of gait in stroke patients: a comparison between conventional therapy and multichannel neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy
  31. Stanič U; Herman S; Merhar J; Maležič M; Demšar H; Aćimović-Janežič R; Kljajić N
    Rehabilitation of the patient with total hip replacement: comparison of standard and FES rehabilitation
  32. Gregorič M; Peterlin-Potisk K
    Transcutaneous electrical stimulation in the treatment of spasticity. 1. Effects on muscle hypertonia
  33. Erzin R; Bajd T; Kralj A; Turk R; Benko H
    Influence of sensory biofeedback on FES assisted walking
  34. Kralj A; Turk R; Bajd T; Štefančič M; Šavrin R; Benko H; Obreza P
    FES utilisation statistics for 94 patients: a review of FES application to 94 patients
  35. Bajd T; Kralj A; Karčnik T; Šavrin R; Obreza P
    Importance of FES assisted terminal stance phase
  36. Kljajić M; Aćimović R; Maležič M; Stanič U; Pangršič B; Rozman J
    Long term follow up of gait in hemiparetic patients using subcutaneous peroneal electrical stimulation
  37. Rozman J; Sovinec B; Aćimović-Janežič R; Tekavčič I; Pangršič B
    Implantable stimulator for selective stimulation of the common peroneal nerve
  38. Zupan A
    Kako nudimo fizično pomoč mišično obolelim
  39. Karba R; Gubina M; Vodovnik L
    Effects of direct electric current on the growth of microbes and their susceptibility to antibiotics
  40. Bole-Hribovšek V
    Serovari samonel, izoliranih v veterinarskih laboratorijih v Sloveniji od 1979 do 1991, in njihova primerjava s serovari, izoliranimi v humani medicini
    [Serovars of Salmonellae, isolated in veterinary laboratories in Slovenia from 1979 to 1991 and their comparison with serovars, isolated in human medicine]
  41. Kosec M
    Amputacija jezika pri konju po poškodbi
    [Amputation of the tongue horse after lesion]
  42. Rajčevič M; Jazbec I; Ponikvar M
    Oskrbljenost visokoproduktivnih krav z energijo med poletnim krmljenjem na paši
    [Energy supply in highly productive cows during the summer feeding regime on pasture]
  43. Zadnik T; Pengov A; Florjanc P; Dobbelaar P; Brand A
    A survey of factors influencing milk protein concentration (MPC) in cows
  44. Ščuka R
    Statistična analiza povezave prvih izolacij salmonel (človek - perutnina - krmila) v Sloveniji v obdobju 1979-1988
    [Statistical analysis of the connection of primary isolations of Salmonellae (man- poultry - feedstuffs) in Slovenia in the period 1979-1988]
  45. Žust J; Vengušt A; Vospernik P; Pestevšek U; Bavdek S; Cestnik V
    Antinutritivni in tireostatični učinki neobičajnih razkrojkov glukozinolatov iz ogrščičnih tropin na piščance
    [Antinutritive and thyreostatic effect of uncommon degrading products of glucosinolates in rapeseed meal on chicken]
  46. Podnar S; Vodušek DB; Žvan V
    Lithium and peripheral nervous system function in manic-depressive patients
  47. Krisch I; Bole-Vunduk B
    Behavioral studies on LEK-8804, a new ergoline derivative with potent 5-HT1A receptor agonist and 5-HT2 receptor antagonist activity
  48. Denišlič M; Pirtošek Z; Vodušek DB; Zidar J; Meh D
    Botulinum toxin in the treatment of neurological disorders
  49. Majdič G; Vaillant C; Pogačnik A; Bavdek SV
    Calcitonin- and somatostatin-positive cells in thyroid gland of pigs at different ages
  50. Švigelj Viktor; Grad Aanton; Tekavčič Igor; Kiauta Tomaž
    Cardiac arrhythmia associated with reversible damage to insula in a patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
  51. Hughes D; McBurney RN; Smith SM; Zorec R
    Caesium ions activate chloride channels in rat cultured spinal cord neurones
  52. Mason WT; Rawlings SR; Cobbett P; Sikdar SK; Zorec R; Akerman SN; Benham CD; Berridge MJ; Cheek T; Moreton RB
    Control of secretion in anterior pituitary cells - linking ion channels, messengers and exocytosis
  53. Kordaš M; Melik Živa; Peterec D; Zorec R
    The voltage-clamp apparatus assisted by a 'current pump'
  54. Sikdar SK; Zorec R; Brown D; Mason WT
    Dual effects of G-protein activation on Ca-dependent exocytosis in bovine lactotrophs
  55. Zorec R; Tester M; Maček P; Mason WT
    Cytotoxicity of equinatoxin II from the sea anemone Actinia equina involves ion channel formation and an increase in intracellular calcium activity
  56. Akerman SN; Zorec R; Cheek TR; Moreton RB; Berridge MJ; Mason WT
    Fura-2 imaging of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine effects on calcium homeostasis of bovine lactotrophs
  57. Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Fibre size, atrophy, and hypertrophy factors in vastus lateralis muscle from 18- to 29-year-old men
  58. Mesec A; Šega S; Kiauta T
    The influence of the type, duration, severity and levodopa treatment of Parkinson's disease on cardiovascular autonomic responses
  59. Leskovšek E
    Vloga medijske kampanje na osveščenost ljudi v zvezi s svetovnim dnevom AIDSa
    [The influence of mass-media campaign on the public awareness in connection with world AIDS day]
  60. Ðorđević L
    Izziv psihiatrije - uporabni anketni podatki za strategijo razvoja in delovanja psihiatrije v Centru za klinično psihiatrijo Ljubljana-Polje
    [The challenge of psychiatry - the applicable data for the strategy of development and activity of the psychiatric service at the Centre for clinic psychiatry, Ljubljana-Polje]
  61. Kraigher A; Šmon L
    Cepljenje: navodila in priporočila. Navodila za izvajanje programa imunoprofilakse v letu 1994 v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Vaccination: instructions and recommendations]
  62. Pokorn D
    Ocena stanja prehranjenosti študentk z antropometrično metodo
    [Assessment of nutritional status in female students with anthropometric method]
  63. Krek M; Mišigoj-Krek J
    Nekatere značilnosti družin odvisnikov od ilegalnih drog
    [Some characteristics of families with illicit drugs addicts]
  64. Pompe-Kirn V; Volk N
    Epidemiološke značilnosti raka materničnega vratu pri mladih ženskah v Sloveniji
    [Epidemiological features of cervix uteri carcinoma in young women of Slovenia]
  65. Osredkar J
    Determination of plasma catecholamines by radioenzymatic method
  66. Bole-Vunduk B; Ocvirk M
    Farmakološko testiranje bronhodilatacijske in kardiovaskularne aktivnosti prokaterola
    [Pharmacological studies of bronchodilating and cardiovascular activity of procaterol]
  67. Gregorič M; Aćimović-Janežič R; Furlan M; Kaloper D; Kljajič M; Krajnik J; Maležič M; Merhar J; Potisk-Peterlin K; Stanič U; Vrtačnik P; Zupan T
    Kineziološki diagnostično evalvacijski center
  68. Gregorič M; Aćimović-Janežič R; Furlan M; Kaloper D; Kljajič M; Krajnik J; Maležič M; Merhar J; Potisk-Peterlin K; Stanič U; Vrtačnik P; Zupan T
    Kineziološki diagnostično-evalvacijski center
  69. Kraševec-Ravnik E
    Marketing za zdrava mesta
    [Marketing for healthy cities]
  70. Černe K
    Trans in izomere maščobnih kislin v prehrani ter njihov vpliv na človekovo zdravje
    [Trans and cis fatty acids isomers in food and their relation to health]
  71. Leskošek-Denišlič T
    Oblikovanje zobozdravstveno prosvetljenega in vzgojenega osnovnošolca
    [The forming of an enlightened and educated school-child on the domain of oral health]
  72. Pokorn D; Premik M
    Kariogeni potencial prehrane prebivalcev v R Sloveniji
    [Cariogenic potential of nutrition in R of Slovenia]
  73. Premik M
    Nekateri rezultati projekta "Oralno zdravje in kvaliteta življenja Slovencev"
    [Some results of "Oral health project and the quality of life of Slovene populations"]
  74. Marinček Č
    Aspects sociaux de la readaption
  75. Marinček Č
    Besoins en personnel pour les services de prothese et orthese dans les pays en developpment
  76. Babnik T; Strauch L; Pečan M; Kardoš Z
    Is the Emona paediatric anaesthetic system still up-to-date?
  77. Kveder T; Praprotnik S; Trysberg E; Bjelle A; Rozman B
    A comparative study of 167 Slovenian and 73 Swedish patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: immunoserological and clinical differences
  78. Pečan M; Koželj V; Skitek M; Babnik T; Taševac E; Pelan T
    Serum bupivacaine concentrations following preincisional wound infiltration in children undergoing reconstruction of cleft lip and palate: preliminary report
  79. Jevtič Vladimir; Watt Iain; Rozman Blaž; Kos-Golja Mojca; Praprotnik Sonja; Logar Dušan; Presetnik Marija; Demšar Franci; Jarh Orest; Mušikić Predrag; Campion Giles
    The value of contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of drug therapy in rheumatoid arthritis - a prospective study on hand joints in 65 patients
  80. Burger H; Marinček Č
    Thermoregulation of patients with spinal cord injury in an average Ljubljana summer
  81. Rupprecht H
    Basic physico-chemical principles of freeze-drying - lyophilization
  82. Pavlin R; Sket D
    Effect of cigarette smoke on brain monoamine oxidase activity
    [Učinek cigaretnega dima na aktivnosti monoaminoksidaze v možganih]
  83. Kristl J; Kočevar J; Šmid-Korbar J; Mlekuž S; Gašperlin M
    Ocenitev visokoelastičnih lastnosti hidrogelov želatine z oscilacijsko metodo
    [Estimation of viscoelastic properties of gelatine hydrogels using oscillatory method]
  84. Rainer S
    In memoriam prim. dr. Igor Veter
  85. Mičetić-Turk D
    Medikamentozno zdravljenje acido-peptične bolezni v otroški dobi
    [Drug therapy of acid-peptic disease in childhood]
  86. Krajnc I; Pahor A
    Epidemiološka študija bolnikov z degenerativnimi spremembami lumbosakralne hrbtenice
    [Epidemiologic study of patients with degenerative changes of the lumbosacral spine]
  87. Hojs R
    Netravmatska rabdomioliza in akutna ledvična odpoved, zdravljena s hemodializo
    [Nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure treated with haemodialysis]
  88. Flis V; Miksić K
    Koliko je bolnikov s kritično kronično ishemijo spodnjih udov (KKIU)?
    [What is the number of patients with critical chronical leg ischemia (CCLI)?]
  89. Berčič J
    Rezultati zdravljenja korozivnih okvar požiralnika na Oddelku za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo v Mariboru (1947-1991): retrospektivna in prospektivna študija
    [The results of caustic esophageal lesions treatment at the Maribor ear, nose and throat department (1947-1991): a retrospective and partly prospective study]
  90. Vokač D; Veble A
    Talij 201 SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) dipyridamolski test pri koronarnih bolnikih
    [Thallium 201 SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) dipyridamole testing at coronary artery disease patients]
  91. Grubič Z; Brank M
    Pathophysiology of the glucocorticoid myopathy - a short review
  92. Gabrijelčič T
    Pomen encimov za diagnozo perioperativnega miokardnega infarkta pri premostitvenih posegih na venčnih arterijah
  93. Dolžan V
    Analiza polimorfizma HLA-DRB: primerjava oligonukleotidne in serološke tipizacije
  94. Viršček A
    Zdravstvena ocena kakovosti življenja železničarjev na osnovi kazalcev umrljivosti
  95. Kokalj-Vokač N
    Hipometilacija in kromosomska nestabilnost pri transformiranih in rakastih celicah
  96. Jaklič L
    Določanje senzitivnosti in specifičnosti laktatne dehidrogenaze in njenih izoencimov pri diagnostiki perioperativnega miokardnega infarkta
  97. Orel I
    Ugotavljanje pogostnosti malih prirojenih nepravilnosti pri otrocih s spastično obliko cerebralne paralize
  98. Pušenjak S
    Elektromiografija uterusa v latentni in v aktivni fazi poroda
  99. Molenaar GJ
    Anatomical, developmental and immunocytochemical aspects of the porcine hypothalamo-hypophyseal-gonadal axis
  100. Vaillant C; Lund PK; Batt RM; Salazar I
    Glucagon-related peptides in brain and gut

   42.903 43.003 43.103 43.203 43.303 43.403 43.503 43.603 43.703 43.803  

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