biomedicina slovenica

"FILTRATION" : 501-600

  1. Zidar Nina; Ferluga Dušan
    Significance of nephron mass for the survival of renal graft and prognosis of renal disease
  2. Ponikvar Rafael
    Clinical aspects of acute native and transplanted kidney failure
  3. Ferlan-Marolt Vera; Kastelic Višnja
    Pathohistological support to liver transplantation - when, why and how
  4. Ihan A
    Aktivacija sluzničnih limfocitov T ob okužbi s H. pylori
    [Gastric mucosal T lymphocyte activation upon H. pylori infection]
  5. Berce Ingrid; Prinčič Dragica; Fišer Jerneja; Frelih Tatjana
    Naše izkušnje z uporabo membranske filtracije na neselektivnem gojišču in selektivnega gojišča za izolacijo klinično pomembnih Campylobacter spp
    [Our experience with membrane filtration method and selective medium for isolation of clinically important Campylobacter spp]
  6. Čadež Polona; Peršuh Marjan; Mahne Ivan
    Periplazemska nitratna reduktaza pri Pseudomonas stutzeri JM 300
    [Periplasmic nitrate reductase in Pseudomonas stutzeri JM 300]
  7. Salisbury Jonathan
    Lymphoid infiltrates in the bone marrow: 3D aspects
  8. Buturovič-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Zdravljenje s hemodializo in drugimi zunajtelesnimi metodami
  9. Kveder Radoslav
    Preiskave pri bolniku z ledvično boleznijo
  10. Gorenšek Milan
    Vpliv odstranjevanja krvnega strdka na učinkovitost kombiniranega injekcijskega zdravljenja
  11. Kandus Aljoša; Malovrh Marko; Bren Andrej F
    Influence of blood flow on adsorption of beta2-microglobulin onto AN69 dialyzer membrane
  12. Guček Andrej; Drinovec J; Kveder Radoslav; Ponikvar Rafael; Koželj Gordana; Habjan Monika
    Bikarbonatna hemodializa in cirkulacijska stabilnost
  13. Guček Andrej; Drinovec Jože; Kveder Radoslav; Ponikvar Rafael; Koželj Gordana; Simjanovska Dobrica
    Bikarbonatna dializa in cirkulacijska stabilnost 2
  14. Zidar Nina; Ferluga Dušan; Hvala Asta; Popović Mara; Šoba Erika
    Contribution to the pathogenesis of radiation-induced injury to large arteries
  15. Omejc Mirko
    Prognostični pomen DNA anevploidije pri raku želodca
    [Prognostic significance of DNA aneuploidy in gastric cancer]
  16. Mayer Ramona; Ranner G; Simbrunner J; Fock CM; Szolar D; Stranzl H; Prettenhofer U; Stuecklschweiger GF; Hackl A; Ebner F
    MR imaging in primary irradiated prostatic carcinoma
  17. Dobovišek Jurij
    Značilnosti arterijske hipertenzije v starosti
    [Characteristics of arterial hypertension in old age]
  18. Klochkova TI; Syropyatova EB; Kunenkova NF
    The choice of membrane filters for sterility filtration of the nitrosoalkylureas solutions
  19. Lopert Anton
    Pomen imunohistološke opredelitve drobnoceličnega pljučnega raka za prognozo bolnikov
  20. Pečan Marija; Koželj Vesna; Koželj Greta; Marn-Skok Sonja
    Local preincisional infiltration with bupivacaine and peri-operative analgesic consumption in cleft palate children
  21. Fazarinc Franc
    Vpliv povprečne koncentracije glukoze v dializni peritonealni raztopini na nekatere laboratorijske parametre
    [Influence of average glucose concentration in dialysis fluids used for peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) on clinical data]
  22. Janežič Tomaž; Prezelj Božo; Brčić Arsen; Arnež Zoran; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Intraoperative blood loss after tangential excision of burn wounds treated by subeschar infiltration of epinephrine
  23. Vodovnik Aleksandar; Gale Nina; Kambič Vinko; Luzar Boštjan
    Correlation of histomorphological criteria used in different classifications of epithelial hyperplastic lesions of the larynx
  24. Dolenc Iztok; Turk Boris; Kos Janko; Turk Vito
    Interaction of human cathepsin C with chicken cystatin
  25. Cimerman Nina; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka; Korant Bruce D; Turk Boris; Turk Vito
    Characterization of cystatin C from bovine parotid glands: cysteine proteinase inhibition and antiviral properties
  26. Golob Z; Bavdek SV
    Influence of thyroxine administration on the skin structures of budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)
  27. Vrecl M; Pogačnik A; Lorger J; Bavdek SV
    Immunohistochemical demonstration of Clara cell 16kD protein in rat fetuses
  28. Barovič Vesna; Pečan Marija; Koželj Vesna; Cokić Miroslav
    Merjenje koncentracije adrenalina v krvi otrok pri lokalni aplikaciji pred operacijo shize
    [Measurement of adrenalin concentrations in the blood of children after local infiltration before surgical corrections of clefts]
  29. Debeljak A; Mermolja M; Mušič E; Eržen J; Rott T
    Bronchoscopic needle aspiration with flexible and rigid bronchoscope in lung cancer
  30. Verhovnik Vekoslav
    Merjenje in ocena aerosolov na delovnem mestu s poudarkom na azbestu
  31. Ihan A; Tepeš B; Kavčič I; Gubina M
    Il-2 receptor expression on gastric mucosa T lymphocytes is enhanced in duodenal ulcer patients compared with non-ulcer dyspeptic patients
  32. Razga Z; Ivanyi B; Zidar N; Ferluga D; Sonkodi S; Ormos J
    Quantitative ultrastructural study of afferent and efferent arterioles in IgA glomerulonephritis and benign nephrosclerosis
  33. Starc V; Yellin EL; Nikolič SD
    Viscoelastic behavior of the isolated guinea pig left ventricle in diastole
  34. Kogej Stojan
    Mehanski separacijski procesi
  35. Urbančič A; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Ponikvar R; Bren AF; Kveder R
    Hemodiafiltration with AN69 dialyser membrane is an effective method for beta-2-microglobulin removal from uremics
    [Hemodijafiltracija s pomoću AN69 dijalizatorske membrane djelotvorna je metoda za odstranjivanje beta-2-mikroblobulina u uremičara]
  36. Hoedl S; Soyer HP; Muellegger RR
    Dermatopathologic diagnosis of lyme borreliosis
  37. Tepeš Bojan; Kavčič Boris; Kragelj-Zaletel Lijana; Gubina Marija; Ihan Alojz; Poljak Mario; Križman Igor
    Štiriletno prospektivno spremljanje histoloških sprememb želodčne sluznice po odstranitvi bakterije Helicobacter pylori
    [Four year histological follow up of gastric mucosa after Helicobacter pylori eradication]
  38. Lindič J
    Merjenje proteinurije in ledvične funkcije
  39. Blinc Aleš
    Izmenjava snovi in tekočin
    [Exchange of matter and fluid]
  40. Bazzato G; Coli U; Landini S; Fracasso A; Morachiello P; Righetto F; Scanferla F; Roncali D; Genchi R; Toffoletto PP
    Risk factors acting in the progression of renal failure
  41. Kopitar G; Dolinar M; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Turk V
    Folding and activation of human procathepsin S from inclusion bodies produced in Escherichia coli
  42. Janežič T; Prezelj B; Brčić A; Arnež Z; Zaletel-Kragelj L
    Zmanjšanje izgube krvi med tangencialno ekscizijo opeklinske mrtvine z injiciranjem adrenalinske raztopine
    [Diminishing the intraopeative blood loss following tangential excision of burn wounds with the infiltration of the epinephrine solution]
  43. Kveder R
  44. Novljan G
    Akutna in kronična ledvična odpoved ter mesto radioizotopskih preiskav pri oceni globalne ledvične funkcije
  45. Bren AF; Lindič J; Guček A; Ferluga D; Žakelj B; Drinovec J
    Funkcijske in histološke karakteristike peritoneja pri bolnikih na CAPD
  46. Buturović J; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Bubić-Filipi J; Puretić Z; Oštrić V; Močivnik M; Molnar V; Jerin L; Drinovec J; Črnuta R
    Jugoslovenska multicentrična studija - 91 pacijent, 943 meseca biofiltracije
    [Yugoslav multicentric study - 91 patients, 943 months of biofiltration]
  47. Fliser D
    Učinkovitost hemodiafiltracije v primerjavi s hemodializo
    [The efficiency of hemodiafiltration in comparison to hemodialysis]
  48. Darovec J; Milčinski L; Škerbinek L
    Psihiatrični zavod in njegovi pacienti med vojno (Primer Poljanskega nasipa)
  49. Pečan M; Koželj G; Koželj V; Godec M; Marn S; Babnik T
    Perioperative analgesia in paediatric cleft lip and palate surgery
  50. Denišlič M; Meh D
    Botulinum toxin in the treatment of cerebral palsy
  51. Vidmar IM; Gostiša A; Ponikvar R; Lazar I
    Akutna ledvična odpoved (ALO) pri otrocih z odpovedjo številnih organskih sistemov
    [Acute renal failure in children with multiple organ system failure]
  52. Bevec T; Dolenc I; Ritonja A; Turk V
    Purification of the complex of cathepsin L and the MHC class II-associated invariant chain fragment from human kidney
  53. Popović T; Brzin J; Kos J; Lenarčič B; Machleidt W; Ritonja A; Hanada K; Turk V
    A new purification procedure of human kidney cathepsin H, its properties and kinetic data
  54. Kos J; Dolinar M; Turk V
    Isolation and characterisation of chicken L- and H-kininogens and their interaction with chicken cysteine proteinases and papain
  55. Krajnc M; Štupar J; Milićev S; Zupan M
    Isolation and characterization of fulvic acids extracted from different top soils in Slovenia
  56. Milačič R; Štupar J; Kožuh N; Korošin J
    Critical evaluation of three analytical techniques for the determination of chromium(VI) in soil extracts
  57. Aragon-Ortiz F; Brenes-Brenes JR; Gubenšek F
    Characterization of a lectine-like protein isolated from Lachesis muta snake venon
  58. Glavnik V; Kuhar M
    Alergijski rinitis
    [Allergic rhinitis]
  59. Ponikvar R; Buturović J; Varl J; Malovrh M; Kandus A
    Patients with acute renal failure and multiorgan failure treated by continuous hemofiltration
  60. Ponikvar R; Buturović J; Guček A; Benedik M
    Newborns with acute renal failure treated by continuous hemofiltration
  61. Ponikvar R; Ponikvar JB; Kandus A; Benedik M
    Serum lactate, pyruvate, and bicarbonate during acetate free biofiltration and hemofiltration
  62. Kveder R; Drinovec J; Ponikvar R; Kandus A; Malovrh M; Knap B
    Adequacy of biofiltration: A comparative study with standard acetate hemodialysis
  63. Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša
    The kidney in liver disease
  64. Jarh O; Serša I; Seliger J; Šuput D; Demšar F
    Multipulse 1H NMR spectroscopy with surface coils as a method for the assessment of fat infiltration in neuromuscular diseases
  65. Bren AF; Lindič J; Guček A; Knap B; Drinovec J
    Ultrafiltration stability of peritoneal membrane in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
  66. Bren AF; Drinovec J; Lindič J; Ferluga D; Hvala A; Guček A
    Functional and histological changes of peritoneum during peritonitis in our patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
  67. Ponikvar R; Kandus A; Buturović J; Kveder R
    Use of prostacyclin as the only anticoagulant during continuous venovenous hemofiltration
  68. Mlinarič-Raščan I; Asa SL; Siminovitch KA
    Increased expression of the stefin A cysteine proteinase inhibitor occurs in the myelomonocytic cell-infiltrated tissues of autoimmune motheaten mice
  69. Lah TT; Buck MR; Honn KV; Crissman JD; Rao NC; Liotta LA; Sloane BF
    Degradation of laminin by human tumor cathepsin B
  70. Madrid-Marina V; Lestan B; Nowak PJ; Fox IH; Spychala J
    Altered properties of human T-lymphoblast soluble low Km 5'-nucleotidase: comparison with B-lymphoblast enzyme
  71. Kandus A; Ponikvar R; Drinovec J; Pavlin K; Ivanovich P
    Beta 2-microglobulin elimination characteristics during hemofiltration with acrylonitrile and polysulfone membrane hemofilters
  72. Kambič V; Gale N; Fischinger J
    Local immune response in hyperplastic lesions of the larynx
  73. Fidler V; Prepadnik M; Hojker S
    Development of non-symmetric two-dimensional filtering in Fourier transform space
  74. Elgazzar AH; Mahmoud AH; el-Sayed M; Nilson TE; Abdel-Dayem HM; Fettich JJ; al-Mohannadi S
    Evaluation of renal functional changes after extracorporeal piezoelectric lithotripsy (EPL) by radionuclide studies
  75. Coer A; Pajer Z
    Ag-NOR counting for differentiation of follicular thyroid tumours
  76. Schreiner LJ; Blais N; Bissonnette J-P; Podgoršak EB
    Physical parameters for patient dose reduction with X-ray filtration in diagnostic radiology
  77. Kastelic L; Turk B; Kopitar-Jerala N; Štolfa A; Rainer S; Turk V; Lah TT
    Stefin B, the major low molecular weight inhibitor in ovarian carcinoma
  78. Cimerman M; Repše S; Jelenc F; Omejc M; Bitenc M; Lamovec J
    Comparison of Lauren's, Ming's and WHO histological classifications of gastric cancer as a prognostic factor for operated patients
  79. Hoedl S; Soyer HP
    Dermatopathology of Lyme borreliosis
  80. Gostiša A; Ponikvar R; Vidmar I; Lazar I
    Zdravljenje akutne ledvične odpovedi v Enoti za intenzivno terapijo
  81. Mušič E; Petrič V; Mesič M; Rajter M
    Pljučnica z dolgotrajno povišano telesno temperaturo. Neuspeh antibiotičnega zdravljenja
    [Pulmonary infiltration associated with persistent fever. Inefficacy of antibiotic therapy]
  82. Pečan M; Koželj V; Skitek M; Babnik T; Taševac E; Pelan T
    Serum bupivacaine concentrations following preincisional wound infiltration in children undergoing reconstruction of cleft lip and palate: preliminary report
  83. Fommei Enza; Mazzasalma Lorena; Ghione Sergio; Volterrani Duccio; Oei Yoe; Hilson Andrew JW; Carrieri Marilisa; Jezeršek P
    European captopril radionuclide test multicenter study. Preliminary results: inspective renographic analysis
  84. Pečovnik-Balon B; Kolenc M
    Vpliv kalcitriola na plazemske koncentracije kalcija, fosfata, alkalne fosfataze in parathormona pri bolnikih na hemodializi
    [The effect of calcitriol on plasmic concentrations of calcium, phosphate, alcaline phosphatase and parathormone in patients on hemodialysis]
  85. Kveder R
    Preiskave pri boleznih ledvic
  86. Mušič E; Šorli J; Debeljak A; Vizjak A; Ferluga D
    Verschiedene Charakteristika der exsudativen Pleuritis bei systemischem Erythematodes im Frueh- und Spaetstadium
    [Different characteristics of early and later stage of exudative pleuritis in systemic erythematodes]
  87. Ponikvar R
    Kinetika nekaterih beljakovinskih makromolekul pri membranski plazmaferezi
  88. Štambuk N; Čurković T; Trbojević-Čepe M; Ožegović J
    Measurement of intraocular IgA and IgM synthesis and filtration through the blood aqueous barrier in cataract patients
  89. Fettich JJ
    Nuklearno-medicinske preiskave urogenitalnega sistema
  90. Rendić S; Medić-Šarić M; Ðeraković J; Vestemar V
    Vezanje steroidnih hormona na proteine plazme s posebnim osvrtom na testosteron
    [Binding of steroid hormons to plasma proteins with a review to testosterone]
  91. Hernandez DE; Walker CH; Valenzuela JE; Mason GA
    Biochemical identification of dopamine binding sites in human gastric muscle
  92. Grujić E; Dučić V; Babović D; Arifhodžić N
    GFR (Cr-EDTA) values in children with IDDM with respect to the disease duration
  93. Vovk M; Jenko M; Petrič G; Vodnik A; Jančar J
    Rezultati kombiniranega zdravljenja limfoma želodca
    [Results of multimodal therapy of gastric lymphoma]
  94. Kveder R
    Študij odziva kardiovaskularnega sistema pri zdravljenju s parno filtracijo - dializo
  95. Guček A; Drinovec J; Kveder R; Ponikvar R; Koželj G; Simjanovska D
    Cirkulacija pri boleznih ledvic
  96. Jesenovec N
    Određivanje koncentracije ultrafiltrabilnog kalcija u krvnom serumu
  97. Božanić V
    Proučavanje bakterijske kontaminacije mora u zatvorenim lučkim bazenima
  98. Puretić Z; Slaviček J; Bubić-Filipi Lj; Žurga B; Batinica S
    Ultrafiltracija u peritonealnoj dijalizi novorođenčadi s akutnim zatajenjem bubrega
  99. Bošković S; Šušković T
    Purpura Henoch-Schoenlein s plućnim infiltracijama
    [Purpura Henoch-Schoenlein with pulmonary infiltrations]
  100. Pervulov S; Kamenica S; Nikolić G; Draganić M; Stanojević M; Matunović A
    Prevencija plućne tromboembolije ugradnjom vena cava filtra - dvogodišnje iskustvo
    [Vena cava filter implantation for prevention of pulmonary embolism - two-year experience]

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