biomedicina slovenica

vo="mice" : 201-300

  1. Debeljak Nataša; Fink Martina; Rozman Damjana
    Many facets of mammalian lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase from the evolutionarily conserved cytochrome P450 family CYP51
  2. Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan
    Trajectorial organisation of cytokeratins within the subapical region of umbrella cells
  3. Erdani-Kreft Mateja
    Organizacija in diferenciacija primarne celične kulture eksplantata sečnega mehurja miši
  4. Lacković I; Magjarević R; Kovačič D; Serša G; Miklavčič D
    Assessment of tumor tissue electroporation in vivo using electrical impedance
  5. Gimsa Ulrike; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Gimsa Jan; Fošnarič Miha; Iglič Aleš
    Myelin-like membranous structure in microglial cells
  6. Iglič Aleš; Gimsa Ulrike; Gimsa Jan; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    On the mechanical stability of microtubular protrusion of microglial cell membrane
  7. Skvarč Jure; Giacomelli Marko; Yanagie Hironobu; Kuehne Guido
    Selective radiography of 10B distribution in organs using cold and thermal neutron beams
  8. Šentjurc Marjeta
    Blood flow enhancement in skin or oral mucosa after the topical application of liposome entrapped rubifacient as measured by EPR oximetry in vivo: the influence of size and liposome composition
  9. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Romih Rok; Sterle Maksimiljan
    Antigenic and ultrastructural markers associated with urothelial cytodifferentiation in primary explant outgrowths of mouse bladder
  10. Abram Maja; Schlueter Dirk; Vučković Darinka; Wraber Branka; Dorić Miljenko; Deckert Martina
    Effects of pregnancy-associated Listeria monocytogenes infection: necrotizing hepatitis due to impaired maternal immune response and significantly increased abortion rate
  11. Fan Xiao-Hui
    Priprava himernih protiteles proti človeškemu katepsinu B
    [(Preparation of chimeric antibody against human vathepsin B)]
  12. Erman Andreja
    Sečni mehur miši kot model postnatalne rasti in obnove urotelija in vivo
  13. Knuplež Uršula
    Iskanje različno izraženih genov v mišjih linijah (Mus musculus), ki se razlikujejo v kvantitativnem lokusu za debelost
    [Screening for differentially expressed genes in mouse lines differing by an obesity quantitative trait locus]
  14. Maček-Lebar Alenka; Serša Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Grošelj Alenka; Miklavčič Damijan
    Optimisation of pulse parameters in vitro for in vivo electrochemotherapy
  15. Pretnar Gorazd; Steindl Franz
    Time dependent cell growth in biomedical research with general cell screening system
  16. Eržen Ida; Sketelj Janez; Agbulut Onnik; Angaut-Petit Denise; Butler-Browne Gillian S
    Coexpression of myosin heavy chain 2b with myosin heavy chain 1 - fact or artefact?
  17. Bruenner Nils
    In vitro and in vivo angiogenic assays
  18. Sedmak Bojan; Šuput Dušan
    Co-opeative effects in tumorigenicity. The microcystin example
  19. Fon-Tacer Klementina
    Tkivno-specifično uravnavanje izražanja holesterogenih genov
    [Tissue-specific regulation of cholesterogenic genes expression]
  20. Mlinarič-Raščan Irena; Yamamoto Tadashi
    B cell receptor signaling involves physical and functional association of FAK with Lyn and IgM
  21. Petlevski Roberta; Juretić Dubravka; Mayer Lilijana; Hadžija Mirko; Slijepčević Milivoj; Lukač-Bajalo Jana
    Effect of acarbose on glucose-6-phosphatase in liver of CBA diabetic mice
  22. Cerar Anton
    Mouse and rat experimental models of esophageal and gastrointestinal tumors
  23. Podobnik Blaž; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
    Effect of hydralazine on interstitial fluid pressure in experimental tumours and in normal tissue
  24. Debeljak Nataša
    Mouse as a model organism to study the role of the Cyp51 gene in spermatogenesis
    [Miš kot modelni organizem za študij vloge gena CYP51 v spermatogenezi]
  25. Remškar Mojca
    Vpliv celičnega imunskega sistema na zadebelitev intime po poškodbi žilne stene
  26. Pretnar G
    Celiakija, interferon alfa in hemopoeza
  27. Rozman D; Cotman M; Frangež R
    Lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase and MAS sterols in mammalian gametogenesis
  28. Gašperšič Rok
    Vpliv tumorje nekrotizirajočega dejavnika alfa (TNFalfa) na kostni metabolizem in eksperimentalni parodontitis pri poskusnih živalih
  29. Čemažar Maja
    A comparison of gene delivery methods using electroporation and lipofectin-based techniques in vitro and in vivo
  30. Coralli Claudia; Čemažar Maja; Kanthou Chryso; Tozer Gillian M; Dachs Gabi U
    Limitations of the reporter green fluorescent protein under simulated tumor conditions
  31. Čemažar Maja; Parkins Charles S; Holder Angela L; Kranjc Simona; Chaplin David J; Serša Gregor
    Cytotoxicity of bioreductive drug tirapazamine is increased by application of electric pulses in SA-1 tumours in mice
  32. Čemažar M; Miklavčič D; Mir LM; Belehradek J-Jr; Bonnay M; Fourcault D; Serša G
    Electrochemotherapy of tumours resistant to cisplatin: a study in a murine tumour model
  33. Fricout Gabriel; Cullen-McEwen Luise A; Harper Ian S; Jeulin Dominique; Bertram John F
    A quantitative method for analysing 3-D branching in embryonic kidneys: development of a technique and preliminary data
  34. Škoberne Mojca
    Vpliv interferona gama na predstavitev antigenov bakterije Listeria monocytogenes in nastanek citotoksičnih limfocitov T
  35. Cirman Tina
    Vloga lizosomskih proteaz v apoptozi
  36. Majdič Gregor
    Miške, ki rešujejo človeka: živali s spremenjenim genom
  37. Geginat Gernot; Schenk Simone; Škoberne Mojca; Goebel Werner; Hof Herbert
    A novel approach of direct ex vivo epitope mapping identifies dominant and subdominant CD4 and CD8 T cell epitopes from Listeria monocytogenes
  38. Škoberne Mojca; Holtappels Rafaela; Hof Herbert; Geginat Geernot
    Dynamic antigen presentation patterns of Listeria monocytogenes-derived CD8 T cell epitopes in vivo
  39. Jarm Tomaž; Lešničar Hotimir; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
    First experience with a novel luminescence-based optical sensor for measurement of oxygenation in tumors
    [Prve izkušnje z novo luminiscenčno optično metodo za merjenje oksigenacije v tumorjih]
  40. Godić Aleksandar
    Vpliv tumorske mase na učinek zdravljenja z virusom newcastleske bolezni
    [The influence of tumor mass on the effect of therapy with Newcastle disease virus]
  41. Kranjc Simona
    Vpliv elektroporacije na učinek kombiniranega zdravljenja eksperimentalnih tumorjev s cisplatinom in obsevanjem
  42. van Brederode JFM; Rho JM; Černe R; Tempel BL; Spain WJ
    Evidence of altered inhibition in layer v pyramidal neurons from neocortex of Kcna 1-null mice
  43. Zebič Ana
    Ugotavljanje stiske pri miših in možnosti za izboljšavo pogojev bivanja
    [Distress assessment and husbandry refinement in mice]
  44. Malovrh Tadej; Kotnik Vladimir
    Uporaba poskusnih živali v imunologiji
    [The use of experimental animals in immunology]
  45. Debeljak Nataša
    Cre/LoxP tehnologija ter tkivno in razvojno specifična manipulacija mišjega genoma
    [Cre/LoxP tehnology and tissue and development specific manipulation of the murine genome]
  46. Majdič Gregor
    Miške s spremenjenim genom v endokrinoloških raziskavah
    [Genetically manipulated mice in endocrine research]
  47. Mekid H; Spatz A; Tounekti O; Čemažar M; El-Kebir F; Mir L
    Bleomycin develivered to B16 murine melanoma by means of permeabilizing electric pulses causes two types of cell death
  48. Beravs K; Ivanuša T; Serša G; Čemažar M; Jevtič V; Demšar F
    MRI macromolecular contrast agents as indicators of tumor starvation
  49. Karner Katarina Barbara
    Učinek električnih impulzov in pregrevanja na krvni pretok in rast mišjega tumorja in vivo
  50. Erman Andreja; Jezernik Kristijan; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Romih Rok; Veranič Peter
    Postnatal restoration of the mouse urinary bladder urothelium
  51. Pšeničnik M; Veranič P
    Autophagy-related vacuoles in mouse gallbladder epithelium
  52. Veranič P; Jezernik K
    Succession of events in desquamation of superficial urothelial cells as a response to stress induced by prolonged constant illumination
  53. Marinko Petra; Krbavčič Aleš
    Imunogenost interferona: predklinično in klinično vrednotenje interferona alfa
    [Immunogenicity of interferon: preclinical and clinical evaluation of interferon alpha]
  54. Sever Nataša; Maružin Mitja; Filipič Metka; Brzin Jože; Lah Tamara
    Cysteine proteinase inhibitors clitocypin from Clitocybe nebularis and PCPIs from Solanum tuberosum have less effect on B16 cell invasion in vitro, compared to synthetic inhibitors
  55. Sollner Marija; Štalc Anton; Simčič Saša; Wraber Branka; Kotnik Vladimir; Povšič Lučka; Urleb Uroš
    The immunomodulatory characteristics of phthalimido desmuramyl dipeptides
    [Imunomodulacijske karakteristike ftalimido dezmuramil dipeptidov]
  56. Cotman Marko; Rozman Damjana; Banek Ljerka; Ježek Davor
    Localisation of lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase in round and elongated sprematids of the mouse testis: an immunoelectron microscopic and stereological study
  57. Ivanuša T
    Blood flow evaluation in SA-1 tumours in mice using macromolecular contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging
    [Merjenje pretoka krvi v SA-1 tumorjih miši z uporabo makromolekularnih kontrastnih sredstev pri slikanju z magnetno resonanco]
  58. Korošec Peter
    Urotelij sečnega izvodila v fizioloških pogojih in med eksperimentalno ishemijo
  59. Sever Nataša; Levičar Nataša; Filipič Metka; Lah Tamara
    Cathepsin B inhibitors reduce invasion of murine melanoma B16 cells in vitro
  60. Ivanuša Teodora; Beravs Katarina; Čemažar Maja; Jevtič Vladimir; Demšar Franci; Serša Gregor
    MRI macromolecular contrast agents as indicators of changed tumor blood flow
    [Uporaba kontrastno povdarjenega dinamičnega MR slikanja za spremljanje pretoka krvi v tumorjih]
  61. Horvat Simon; McWhir Jim; Freking Brad A; Medrano Juan F
    Molecular basis of the high growth (hg) mutation in mice: isolation and characterization of candidate genes
    [Molekularna osnova mutacije za hitro rast (high growth, hg) pri miših: izolacija in evalvacija kandidatnih genov]
  62. Borko Č; Ružić-Sabljić E
    Izolacija in identifikacija sevov Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. iz klopov Ixodes ricinus
    [Isolation and identification of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. strains from ticks Ixodes ricinus]
  63. Kotnik Ana
    Splenektomija in imunski odziv
  64. Dachs Gabi U; Čemažar Maja; Wilson Ian; Heller Richard; Heller Lorre C; Jaroszeski Mark J; Serša Gregor; Tozer Gillian M
    A comparison of gene delivery methods using electroporation and lipofectin-based techniques in vitro and in vivo
  65. Serša Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja
    Improvement of combined modality therapy with cisplatin and radiations using electroporation of tumors
  66. Serša Gregor; Kržič Mateja; Šentjurc Marjeta; Ivanuša Teodora; Beravs Katarina; Čemažar Maja; Auersperg Marija; Swartz Harold M
    Reduced tumor oxygenation by treatment with vinblastine
  67. Ščančar Janez; Milačič Radmila; Falnoga Ingrid; Čemažar Maja; Bukovec Peter
    Use of nitric acid in sample pretreatment for determination of trace elements in various biological samples by ETAAS
  68. Novaković S; Čegovnik U; Menart V; Galvani V; Wraber B
    Construction of an expression cassette with hTNF-alpha gene for transient expression of the gene in mammalian cells
  69. Pšeničnik M; Jezernik K
    The role of the Golgi apparatus during terminal differentiation of mouse urothelial surface cells
  70. Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan
    The response of junctional complexes to induced desquamation in mouse bladder urothelium
  71. Dvornik Š; Radošević-Stašić B; Milin Č; Ćuk M; Trobonjača Z; Ravlić-Gulan J; Rukavina D
    Metabolički aspekti imunološke reakcije
    [Metabolic aspects of immune reaction]
  72. Bresjanac Mara
    Role of inflammatory-immune-neurotrophic interactions in neurotransplantation outcome
  73. Milatović D; Radič Z; Živin M; Dettbarn WD
    Atypical effect of some spin trapping agents: reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
  74. Trgovčič J; Štimac D; Polić B; Krmpotić A; Pernjak-Pugel E; Tomac J; Hasan M; Wraber B; Jonjić S
    Immune responses and cytokine induction in the development of severe hepatitis during acute infections with murine cytomegalovirus
  75. Battelino Tadej
    Cepivo proti inzulinsko odvisni sladkorni bolezni
  76. Beravs K; Ivanuša T; Demšar F; Jevtić V; Serša I; Serša G
    Novel macromolecular contrast agents for dynamic contrast enhanced MRI
  77. Jarm Tomaž; Steinberg Fritz; Čemažar Maja; Streffer Christian; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
    Correlation between results of different methods for measurement of blood perfusion and oxygenation changes in tumors after electrotherapy
  78. Trontelj Katja; Kandušer Maša; Miklavčič Damijan
    Influence of vinblastine on electroporation of B16F1 cell line
  79. Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja; Grošel Alenka; Serša Gregor
    Electroporation increases radiosensitizing effect of cisplatin on LPB fibrosarcoma
  80. Ivanuša T; Beravs K; Demšar F; Jevtić V; Serša G
    Electric pulses induced changes in tumor blood flow: dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI study
  81. Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Tumor blood flow modifying and anti-vascular effect of electrochemotherapy
  82. Abram Maja; Vučković Darinka; Wraber Branka; Dorić Miljenko
    Plasma cytokine response in mice with bacterial infection
  83. Malovrh Tadej
    Proučevanje imunskega odziva pri eksperimentalni okužbi miši z bakterijami Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia afzeii in Borrelia garinii
  84. Serša Gregor; Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja
    Improvement of combined modality therapy with cisplatin and radiation using electroporation of tumors
  85. Čemažar Maja
    Treatment of tumor model with ECT using 4+4 electrode configuration
  86. Jarm T; Wickramasinghe YABD; Deakin M; Čemažar M; Elder J; Rolfe P; Serša G; Miklavčič D
    Blood perfusion of subcutaneous tumours in mice following the application of low-level direct electric current
  87. Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja; Miklavčič Damijan; Chaplin David J
    Tumor blood flow modifying effect of electrochemotherapy with bleomycin
  88. Novaković S; Knežević M; Golouh R; Jezeršek B
    Transfection of mammalian cells by the methods of receptor mediated gene transfer and particle bombardment
  89. Zavašnik-Bergant Valentina
    Imunokemijsko določanje invariantne verige poglavitnega histokompatibilnostnega kompleksa (MCH) II. razreda ter kolokalizacija s katepsinoma L in S v bioloških vzorcih
    [Immunochemical determination of invariant chain associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and its co-localization with cathepsins L and S in biological samples]
  90. Čurin-Šerbec Vladka; Pretnar-Hartman Katrina; Vranac Tanja; Rupreht Ruth; Šprohar Marjana; Juntes Polona; Popović Mara; Voljč Božidar; Jung Mirko
    Monoclonal antibodies of pre-defined specificity and their reactivity with PrP Sc
    [Monoklonska protitelesa z vnaprej določeno specifičnostjo in njihova reaktivnost do PrP Sc]
  91. Škoberne Mojca; Hof Herbert; Geginat Gernot
    In vivo predstavitev antigenov listerie monocytogenes po experimentalni okužbi miši
    [Quantitative study of in vivo antigen presentation in Listeria monocytogenes infected mice]
  92. Kotnik Ana; Malovrh Tadej; Kotnik Vladimir; Baraga Andrej
    Imunski odziv miši na 23-valentno pnevmokokno cepivo po eksperimentalni odstranitvi vranice
    [The immune response of mice to the 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine after experimental splenectomy]
  93. Rukavina Daniel; Balen-Marunić Sanja; Prpić Larisa
    The role of perforin mediated cytoxicity in infections
    [Vloga s perforinom pogojene citotoksičnosti pri okužbah]
  94. Malovrh Tadej; Škoberne M; Kotnik Vladimir
    Časovni potek imunskega odziva pri eksperimentalni okužbi z Borrelio burgdorferi s. l.
    [The time course of the immune response after experimental infection with Borrelia burgdorferi s. l.]
  95. Abram Maja; Dorić Miljenko
    Experimental murine congenital listeriosis
    [Eksperimentalna mišja kongenitalna listerioza]
  96. Erman Andreja; Jezernik Kristijan
    Mouse urothelial cells in early postnatal development - proliferation and apical plasma membrane specialization
  97. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Sterle Maksimiljan
    The effect of lamina propria on the growth and differentiation of urothelial cells in vitro
  98. Hudler Petra; Gubina Marija; Ihan-Hren Nataša; Seme Katja; Malovrh Tadej; Gale Nina; Ihan Alojz
    A mouse model of chronic bacterial lesions (a cotton trap) for studying oral bacteria - lymphocyte interactions
  99. Rupreht Ruth Rebeka; Mozetič-Francky Bojana; Francky Andrej; Matis Maja; Škobene Mojca; Galvani Vesna; Malovrh Tadej; Kotnik Vladimir; Čurin-Šerbec Vladka
    Murine monoclonal antibodies direct against human recombinant macrophage migration inhibitory factor
  100. Perković Tatjana; Duh Darja; Peterlin Borut; Gregorič Jelka
    The Str mouse as a model for incontinentia pigmenti

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