biomedicina slovenica

"Men" : 65.529-65.628

  1. Avžner J
    Operativno zdravljenje bolnikov z rakom debelega črevesa in danke v Bolnišnici Celje v letih 1980-1989
    [Surgical treatment of patients with colorectal carcinoma at The Celje General hospital in the period 1980 to 1989]
  2. Primic-Žakelj M
    Nevarnostni dejavniki in možnosti preprečevanja raka
    [Risk factors and primary cancer prevention]
  3. Skoberne M
    Hospic - zavetje za umirajoče
    [Hospice - a recluse for the dying]
  4. Mlinšek D
    Dieta pri bolnikih na kontinuirani ambulantni peritonealni dializi (CAPD)
    [Diet in CAPD patients]
  5. Vrhovec S
    Dileme v razvoju dializne terapije
    [Dilemmas in the development of dialysis therapy]
  6. Irman-Florjanc T; Erjavec F
    Kinetics of histamine and tele-methylhistamine elimination from rat plasma
  7. Ferjan I; Erjavec F
    Micromolar concentrations of EGTA increase histamine secretion from mast cells treated with digitalis glycosides of different polarity
  8. Logonder-Mlinšek M; Pajer Z
    The long-term effect of a calcium diet on the bone tissue, C-cells and parathyroid glands of the rat
  9. Srakar F; Iglič A; Antolič V; Herman S
    Computer simulation of periacetabular osteotomy
  10. Pistotnik B
    Merjenje gibljivosti z gravitacijskim goniometrom
    [Flexibility measurement with gravitation goniometer]
  11. Rajtmajer D
    Komparativna analiza psihomotorične strukture dečkov in deklic, starih 5-5,5 let
    [A comparative analysis of psychomotor structure of male and female children, aged 5-5,5]
  12. Čeh F
    Vpliv nove organizacije šolskega dela na srednješolce
  13. Pokorn D
    Zajtrk v varovalni prehrani
  14. Gradišek A
    Telesna aktivnost kot skupni imenovalec preprečevanja kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni - razprava
  15. Košorok P
    Parastomalne kile
    [Parastomal hernias]
  16. Jeršek M; Vračko J; Rauch I; Meško D; Pegan V
    Transduodenalna sfinkterotomija: indikacije, operativni pristop in rezultati
    [Transduodenal sphincterotomy: indications, operative access and results]
  17. Repše S; Jelenc F; Omejc M; Žakelj B
    Kirurgija peptičnega ulkusa skozi čas
    [Peptic ulcer surgery - an overview]
  18. Pegan V; Sever Marko
    Laparoskopska holecistektomija - analiza prvih 120 primerov
    [Laparoscopic cholecystectomy - analysis of the first 120 cases]
  19. Orel J; Eržen J; Hrabar B
    Zdravljenje ahalazije požiralnika z miotomijo in pnevmatično dilatacijo
    [Management of achalasia of the oesophagus with myotomy and pneumatic dilatation]
  20. Sok Miha; Orel Janez; Hrabar Bogo; Jerman Jože
    Kirurgija traheoezofagealnih fistul po dolgotrajni intubaciji in mehanični ventilaciji
    [Surgery of tracheoesophageal fistulas following long-term intubation and mechanical ventilation]
  21. Bitenc M
    The influence of diagnostic mediastinotomy on the development of citologically positive pleural effusion in patients with lung cancer
  22. Borštnar S
    Znanje, stališča in ravnanje predšolskih otrok (4-6 let), prebivalcev občine Domžale, v prometu
    [Knowledge, standpoints and acting of preschool children (aged 4-6), inhabitants of Domžale community in road traffic]
  23. Primic-Žakelj M
    Etiologija in primarna preventiva raka
    [Etiology and primary cancer prevention]
  24. Kraigher A; Marinič-Fišer N
    Nalezljive bolezni v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Communicable diseases in the Republic of Slovenia]
  25. Papež M; Salmič-Jeras R
    V Evropi bodo poslej lističi z navodili namenjeni bolniku
  26. Osredkar J
    Determination of plasma catecholamines by radioenzymatic method
  27. Leskovšek V; Pečar S
    Ključni encimi deoksiribonukleinske kisline kot mesto delovanja učinkovin
    [Some important DNA enzymes as drug target]
  28. Mušič E; Furlan J; Rus A
    Diagnostika alergijskih bolezni
    [Diagnosis of allergic diseases]
  29. Us-Krašovec M; Bračko M; Čufer T; Goehde W; Lamovec J; Košmelj K; Pogačnik A
    Prognostični pomen količine deoksiribonukleinske kisline (DNK) pri raku
    [DNA ploidy in breast cancer patients]
  30. Jezeršek B; Stanič K; Us-Krašovec M
    Pretočna citometrija v diagnostiki izlivov v serozne votline
    [Flow-cytometric measurements of DNA in effusions]
  31. Prodan M
    Negenetski vidiki pogostosti idiopatske hipertrofične stenoze pilorusa
    [Non-genetic aspects of the incidence of idiopathic hypertrophic pyloric stenosis]
  32. Konjević P
    Pogostnost malignih neoplazem v Kutini in sosednjih občinah v primerjavi s prebivalstvom Hrvatske od leta 1976 do 1986
    [Incidence of malignant neoplasms in Kutina and the neighbouring communities in comparison with the total population of Croatia from 1976 to 1986]
  33. Rožman P
    Nekonvencionalne medicinske metode. Položaj in perspektive
    [Unconventional medical methods. Current status and perspective]
  34. Tomažič J
    Biološko zdravljenje kužnih bolezni
    [Biological treatment of infectious diseases]
  35. Medvešček M
    Pomen žilnih zapletov za prognozo sladkornih bolnikov
    [Prognostic relevance of vascular complications in patients with diabetes]
  36. Bunta S
    Kompresijsko zdravljenje venskih in mezgovnih odotočnih motenj
    [Compression treatment in venous and lymphatic dreinage disorders]
  37. Rozman B; Logar D; Tomšič M
    Ali sodobno zdravljenje spreminja naravni potek revmatičnih bolezni?
    [Does the contemporary management change natural course of rhemuatic diseases?]
  38. Meh D; Denišlič M
    Ocenjevanje občutkov toplote, hladu in bolečine
    [Warm, cold and pain estimation]
  39. Furlan J
  40. Kordaš M; Zorec R
    Microelectrophysiology at Ljubljana Medical school: past, present, future
  41. Turk Z; Jesenšek-Papež B
    Možnosti alternativnega zdravljenja debelosti pri otrocih
    [Alternative treatment of obesity in children]
  42. Mis M; Strlič M; Pegan V
    Zreli cistični teratom - prikaz dveh primerov
    [Mature cistic teratoma - presentation of two cases]
  43. Potočnik M; Rožman P
    Hemolitična transfuzijska reakcija po negativnem navzkrižnem preizkusu, izzvana s protitelesi anti-Jka, prikaz primerov
    [Haemolytic transfusion reaction following the negative crossmatch, caused by anti-Jka antibodies, case report]
  44. Mičetić-Turk D
    Debelost v otroški dobi
    [Obesity in childhood]
  45. Tepeš B; Kavčič B; Jurjec D
    Pogostnost Helicobacter pylori pozitivnega gastritisa pri rutinskih gastroskopijah
    [The frequency of Helicobacter pylori positive gastritis in routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopies]
  46. Černe D; Turk J; Joković Ž; Skitek M
    Določanje vrednosti lipidno standardiziranega vitamina E pri koronarnih bolnikih
    [Determination of lipid standardized vitamin E in coronary patients]
  47. Gorišek B
    Metastaziranje ovarijskega raka v retroperitonealne bezgavke
    [Metastatic spread of ovarian cancer into retroperitoneal lymph glands]
  48. Arko-Mihev D; Avsec-Letonja D; Zalar J; Franko-Kancler T
    Interdisciplinarna diagnostika pljučnice pri bolnikih v enoti intenzivne terapije
    [Interdisciplinary diagnosis of pneumonia in the intensive care unit]
  49. Mušič E; Petrič V; Mesič M; Rajter M
    Pljučnica z dolgotrajno povišano telesno temperaturo. Neuspeh antibiotičnega zdravljenja
    [Pulmonary infiltration associated with persistent fever. Inefficacy of antibiotic therapy]
  50. Pahor A; Krajnc I
    Preiskave sinovijske tekočine
    [Analysis of synovial fluid]
  51. Mičetić-Turk D
    Bruhanje in regurgitacija pri otrocih
    [Vomiting and regurgitation in children]
  52. Mlačak B
    Vloga zdravnika splošne medicine v preventivi zapletov ateroskleroze
    [The role of general practitioners in the prevention complications of atherosclerosis]
  53. Starc Radovan; Zorc Marjeta; Vraspir-Porenta Olga
    Angina pektoris z normalnim koronarogramom (Mikrovaskularna angina pektoris)
    [Angina pectoris with normal coronary angiography (Microvascular angina pectoris)]
  54. Ravnik D
    Zgodnji razvoj peritonealne votline
    [Early development of peritoneal cavity]
  55. Groleger U; Stanič-Gruden O
    Psihosocialne značilnosti suicidalnih mladostnikov
    [Psychosocial characteristics of suicidal adolescents]
  56. Šketa T; Zupan B
    Modeliranje dinamike celjenja ran
    [Models of wound healing dynamics]
  57. Maček-Lebar A; Srakar F; Antolič V; Kralj-Iglič V; Damjanić FB; Iglič A; Brajnik D
    A total hip replacement as a function of different hip joint rotation center positions: a finite element analysis
  58. Herman S; Maček-Lebar A; Antolič V; Damjanić FB; Iglič A
    Centralized vs asymmetric position of a cemented femoral stem: a finite element analysis
  59. Uršič C
    Comparative study of employment policies for people with disabilities within Germany, the United Kindom and Slovenia
  60. Antolič V; Damjanić FB; Maček-Lebar A; Iglič A; Herman S; Srakar F; Kralj-Iglič V
    A cemented femoral stem in the varus position: a finite element analysis
  61. Lenarčič J; Umek A; Filova V; Leonardi M; Solina F
    Upper extremity kinematics for studying FES induced movements
  62. Karba R; Turk T; Jerčinović A; Benko H; Vodovnik L
    Treatment of pressure sores with low frequency electric stimulation
  63. Jaeger R; Šavrin R; Erjavec T; Škorjanc T; Kralj A; Benko H; Obreza P; Yarkony G; Turba R; Frank L
    Augmenting cough ability by FES in tetraplegia: comparison of efficacy at two centers
  64. Bogataj U; Kljajić M; Gros N; Aćimović-Janežič R; Maležič M
    The rehabilitation of gait in stroke patients: a comparison between conventional therapy and multichannel neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy
  65. Stanič U; Herman S; Merhar J; Maležič M; Demšar H; Aćimović-Janežič R; Kljajić N
    Rehabilitation of the patient with total hip replacement: comparison of standard and FES rehabilitation
  66. Gregorič M
    Transcutaneous electrical stimulation in the treatment of spasticity. 3. Effects on flexor reflex in spinal-cord injured men
  67. Gregorič M; Klopčič-Spevak M
    Transcutaneous electrical stimulation in the treatment of spasticity. 2. Effects on H-reflex
  68. Gregorič M; Peterlin-Potisk K
    Transcutaneous electrical stimulation in the treatment of spasticity. 1. Effects on muscle hypertonia
  69. Rozman J; Bratanič J; Sovinc B; Lenart B; Jeglič A; Fefer D
    Four channel transducer for evaluation of muscle contractions
  70. Munih M; Kralj A
    Minimizing bending moments along the femur and tibia in standing
  71. Erzin R; Bajd T; Kralj A; Turk R; Benko H
    Influence of sensory biofeedback on FES assisted walking
  72. Kralj A; Turk R; Bajd T; Štefančič M; Šavrin R; Benko H; Obreza P
    FES utilisation statistics for 94 patients: a review of FES application to 94 patients
  73. Kljajić M; Aćimović R; Maležič M; Stanič U; Pangršič B; Rozman J
    Long term follow up of gait in hemiparetic patients using subcutaneous peroneal electrical stimulation
  74. Rozman J; Sovinec B; Aćimović-Janežič R; Tekavčič I; Pangršič B
    Implantable stimulator for selective stimulation of the common peroneal nerve
  75. Kaloper D
    Vrednotenje statičnega ravnotežja z merilnim stojalom pri starejših ljudeh
  76. Petek J
    Psihosocialna delovna terapija od mita in nekonceptualizma k multidisciplinarnemu članu tima v psihiatriji
  77. Pengov A
    Vpliv molzišča, molznega stroja in molznih navad na pogostost vimenskih okužb
  78. Doganoc D
    Onesnaženost surovega kravjega mleka s svincem, kadmijem in arzenom v Sloveniji v obdobju 1982-1992
    [Contamination of raw cow milk with lead, cadmium and arsenic in Slovenia during the period 1982-1992]
  79. Žust J; Vengušt A; Vospernik P; Pestevšek U; Bavdek S; Cestnik V
    Antinutritivni in tireostatični učinki neobičajnih razkrojkov glukozinolatov iz ogrščičnih tropin na piščance
    [Antinutritive and thyreostatic effect of uncommon degrading products of glucosinolates in rapeseed meal on chicken]
  80. Podnar S; Vodušek DB; Žvan V
    Lithium and peripheral nervous system function in manic-depressive patients
  81. Štrancar A; Raspor P; Schwinn H; Schutz R; Josič D
    Extraction of Triton X-100 and its determination in virus-inactivated human plasma by the solvent--detergent method
  82. Lukša J; Menart V; Miličič S; Kus B; Gaberc-Porekar V; Josič D
    Purification of human tumour necrosis factor by membrane chromatography
  83. Veselko M; Smrkolj V
    Avulsion of the anterior-superior iliac spine in athletes: case reports
  84. Krisch I; Bole-Vunduk B
    Behavioral studies on LEK-8804, a new ergoline derivative with potent 5-HT1A receptor agonist and 5-HT2 receptor antagonist activity
  85. Preželj J; Kocijančič A
    Antiandrogen treatment with spironolactone and linestrenol decreases bone mineral density in eumenorrhoeic women with androgen excess
  86. Dolenc I; Črne-Finderle N; Eržen I; Sketelj J
    Satellite cells in slow and fast rat muscles differ in respect to acetylcholinesterase regulation mechanisms they convey to their descendant myofibers during regeneration
  87. Denišlič M; Pirtošek Z; Vodušek DB; Zidar J; Meh D
    Botulinum toxin in the treatment of neurological disorders
  88. Majdič G; Vaillant C; Pogačnik A; Bavdek SV
    Calcitonin- and somatostatin-positive cells in thyroid gland of pigs at different ages
  89. Švigelj Viktor; Grad Aanton; Tekavčič Igor; Kiauta Tomaž
    Cardiac arrhythmia associated with reversible damage to insula in a patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
  90. Mason WT; Rawlings SR; Cobbett P; Sikdar SK; Zorec R; Akerman SN; Benham CD; Berridge MJ; Cheek T; Moreton RB
    Control of secretion in anterior pituitary cells - linking ion channels, messengers and exocytosis
  91. Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Fibre size, atrophy, and hypertrophy factors in vastus lateralis muscle from 18- to 29-year-old men
  92. Gunde-Cimerman N; Plemenitaš A; Cimerman A
    Pleurotus fungi produce mevinolin, an inhibitor of HMG CoA reductase
  93. Mesec A; Šega S; Kiauta T
    The influence of the type, duration, severity and levodopa treatment of Parkinson's disease on cardiovascular autonomic responses
  94. Eržen I
    Predstavitev projekta Zdrava mesta
    [Presentation of the Healthy cities project]
  95. Ðorđević L
    Izziv psihiatrije - uporabni anketni podatki za strategijo razvoja in delovanja psihiatrije v Centru za klinično psihiatrijo Ljubljana-Polje
    [The challenge of psychiatry - the applicable data for the strategy of development and activity of the psychiatric service at the Centre for clinic psychiatry, Ljubljana-Polje]
  96. Kraigher A; Šmon L
    Cepljenje: navodila in priporočila. Navodila za izvajanje programa imunoprofilakse v letu 1994 v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Vaccination: instructions and recommendations]
  97. Pokorn D
    Ocena stanja prehranjenosti študentk z antropometrično metodo
    [Assessment of nutritional status in female students with anthropometric method]
  98. Krek M; Mišigoj-Krek J
    Nekatere značilnosti družin odvisnikov od ilegalnih drog
    [Some characteristics of families with illicit drugs addicts]
  99. Švab I; Kravanja M
    Zdravnik splošne medicine in gastroenterološki bolnik
    [Practitioner and gastroenterologic patient]
  100. Govc-Eržen J
    Sporazumevanje med zdravniki v osnovni in specialistični zdravstveni dejavnosti
    [Communication between general practitioner and specialist]

   65.029 65.129 65.229 65.329 65.429 65.529 65.629 65.729 65.829 65.929  

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