biomedicina slovenica

"CHARACTER" : 7.530-7.629

  1. Križman Igor
    Refluksni ezofagitis
  2. Rant J; Pregl G; Glumac B; Ravnik M
    Utilization of neutron beams of the Ljubljana Triga Mark II reactor
  3. Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    GH co-treatment for low responders in an IVF-ET programme
  4. Turco Alberto E; Bresin Elena; Rossetti Sandro; Peterlin Borut; Morandi Raffaella; Pignati Pier Franco
    Rapid DNA-based prenatal diagnosis by genetic linkage in three families with Alport's syndrome
  5. Majaron Boris; Lukač Matjaž; Drnovšek-Olup Brigita; Vedlin Boris; Rotter Aleksander
    Heat diffusion and ablation front dynamics in Er:YAG laser skin resurfacing
  6. Rant J; Nemec T; Milič Z; Pregl G
    Application of neutron radiography in archaeology
  7. Rant J; Nemec T; Rihar G; Stade J; Kaling M
    Imaging plates in radiography with neutrons, X-rays and electrons
  8. Rant J; Nemec T; Apih V; Stade J; Cluzeau S
    Status of neutron radiology methods in the study of moisture in porous building materials and their perspectives in the conservation of historical monuments
  9. Buzina R; Stegnar P; Buzina-Subotičanec K; Horvat M; Petrič I; Farley TMM
    Dietary mercury intake and human exposure in an Adriatic population
  10. Moser Ewald; Holzmueller Peter; Gomišček Gregor
    Liver tissue characterization by in vitro NMR: tissue handling and biological variation
  11. Dolenc Iztok; Turk Boris; Kos Janko; Turk Vito
    Interaction of human cathepsin C with chicken cystatin
  12. Šelb Jožica
    Umrljivost v Sloveniji v letu 1995
    [Mortality rates in Slovenia in 1995]
  13. Geršak Ksenija; Tomaževič Tomaž
    Subpopulations of human granulosa-luteal cells in natural and stimulated in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles
  14. Cimerman Nina; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka; Korant Bruce D; Turk Boris; Turk Vito
    Characterization of cystatin C from bovine parotid glands: cysteine proteinase inhibition and antiviral properties
  15. Kralj Mojca
    Zdravstvena nega otroka s hemofilijo
    [Nursing care of child with haemophilia]
  16. Keber Irena; Gužič Barbara; Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž
    Učinki nadzorovane rehabilitacije v koronarnem klubu na izvajanje sekundarne preventive po srčnem infarktu
    [The effects of supervised rehabilitation in coronary club in secondary preventive measures after myocardial infarction]
  17. Pirtošek Z; Barrett G; Lees AJ
    Cognitive neurophysiology of extrapyramidal disorders
    [Kognitivna nevrofiziologija ekstrapiramidnih motenj]
  18. Gregorič M; Hesse S; Maležič M; Mesec A
    Analysis of rigidity, posture and gait in parkinsonism
    [Analiza rigidnosti, drže in hoje pri parkinsonizmu]
  19. Albanese A; Granata R; Tonali P
    Animal models of parkinsonism
    [Živalski modeli parkinsonizma]
  20. Strmšnik L; Števanec A; Bavdek SV; Mrzel I
    Histological, immunohistochemical and quantitative analysis of the islets of Langerhans in the ostrich (Struthio camelus)
  21. Egerbacher M; Boeck P
    Myxoid tissue is a precursor of cartilage
  22. Dahmane R; Eržen I
    Influence of two-way selection on the energy metabolism and diameter of chicken muscle fibres
  23. Jankovic J
    Progressive supranuclear palsy
    [Progresivna supranuklearna paraliza]
  24. Stanisavljević D; Gadžijev EM; Trotovšek B; Sojar V; Tomažič A; Pegan V
    Our experience in therapeutical approach in Caroli's disease
  25. Bowen ID; Morgan SM
    Non-apoptotic programmed cell death in the salivary glands of the metamorphosing blow-fly Calliphora vomitoria
  26. Kutnar Lado
    Primerjava vrednotenja lastnosti gozdnih fitocenoz in njihovih rastišč na primeru Landolta (1977), Ellenberga in sod. (1991) in Koširja (1992)
    [Comparison of the methods for evaluation of forest phytocoenoses and site characteristics based on studies of Landolt (1977), Ellenberg et al. (1991) and Košir (1992)]
  27. Popovič Tatjana; Puizdar Vida; Ritonja Anka; Brzin Jože
    Simultaneous isolation of human kidney cathepsins B, H, L and C and their characterisation
  28. Čarman-Kržan Marija; Kržan Mojca; Schunack Walter
    Pharmacological properties of cardiovascular histamine H1 receptor binding sites: characterisation with 2-phenylhistamines
  29. Weis Serge; Protopapa Despina; Hischa Andrea; Winkler Peter A; Reulen Hans-Juergen; Mehraein Parviz
    Morphometric investigations of proliferation markers in recurrent meningiomas
  30. Takač Iztok; Arko Darja; Gorišek Borut; Kodrič Tatjana
    Loop diathermy conization of the uterine cervix
  31. Cerroni L
    Cutaneous non-follicular cysts
  32. Kansky AA; Potočnik M; Kansky A
    Papillon-Lefevre syndrome (PLS)
  33. Kansky A; Podrumac B; Prelog I
    Hereditary ichthyosis: pathogenesis and possibilities of treatment
  34. Videmšek Mateja
    Motorične sposobnosti triletnih otrok
    [Motor abilities of three year old children]
  35. Ščuka L
    Vpliv salinomicina na dnevni prirast prašičev - metaanaliza
    [The effect of salinomycin on the daily gain in pigs - the meta-analysis]
  36. Ornik Dragica
    Primerjalna študija evropske in slovenske zakonodaje s področja nadzora prometa z zdravili za uporabo v veterinarski medicini
    [Comparative study of European union and Slovenian legislation on the supervision of the trade of medicines for use in veterinary medicine]
  37. Ušaj Anton
    Utjecaj treninga izdržljivosti na rezultate Conconijevog testa
    [Influence of endurance training on the results of Conconi test]
  38. Osredkar Joško; Marc Janja
    Vitamin D in presnovki: fiziologija, patofiziologija in referenčne vrednosti
    [Vitamin D and metabolites: physiology, pathophysiology and reference values]
  39. Meh Duška
    Senzorični sistemi
    [Sensory systems]
  40. Debert-Ribeiro Myriam; Medina Ernesto; Artigas Jorg; He Shen; Hui Zhong Yu; De-Wei Zhang; Weijin Zhao; Rojas Oscar; Heinemann Lothar; Kožuh-Novak Mateja
    Acute myocardial infarction and combined oral contraceptives: results of an international multicentre case-control study
  41. Drobne Damjana; Brilly Mitja
    Categorisation of data needed for water quality assessment
  42. Fatović-Ferenčić Stella
    Odabrani primjeri iz paleoodontologije kao izvor za poznavanje patologije u prošlosti
    [Several examples in paleoodontology as a source for evaluating the pathology in the past]
  43. Antolič Ivo
    Kratek pregled prizadevanj za enotnost stomatološkega študija in nazivov v okviru Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani
    [A brief review of the endeavors to unify the study of stomatology, as well as, the academic titles at the Medical faculty in Ljubljana]
  44. Glaser Edvard
    Raziskovalec in zdravnik: dr. Evgen Jaeger
    [Dr. Eugene Jaeger - explorer and physician]
  45. Štular Dominik
    Etično sporočilo dr. Jožeta Ranta
    [The ethical message of Jože Rant, M. D., Ph. D.]
  46. Rant Jože
    Stanje in obeti nevtronske radiologije na področju biomedicinskih ved
    [The status and perspectives of neutron radiology in biomedical sciences]
  47. Čoh Milan; Škof Branko; Kugovnik Otmar; Dolenec Aleš; Kampmiller Tomaš; Laczo Eugen; Holček Roman; Šelinger Peter
    Kinematic-dynamic characteristics of maximal velocity of young sprinters
    [Kinematično-dinamične značilnosti največje hitrosti mladih šprinterjev]
  48. Rakovec S
    Antibiotska profilaksa u digestivnoj kirurgiji
  49. Hočevar-Boltežar I; Radšel Z; Žargi M
    Voice quality in adolescence
  50. Seme Katja
    Virus hepatitisa C pri bolnikih z velikim tveganjem okužbe
  51. Lenasi H; Hudnik-Plevnik T
    Identification and partial characterization of cytosolic progesterone-binding sites in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  52. Toman MJ
    Physico-chemical characteristics and seasonal changes of plankton communities in a river reservoir
  53. Remškar Zlata; Brenčič Erika
    Analiza azbestne bolezni v Anhovem 1995, 1996
    [Analysis of asbestos disease in Anhovo 1995, 1996]
  54. Muzlovič Igor; Jereb Matjaž; Beović Bojana; Tomažič Janez; Pikelj Franjo
    Primerjava učinkovitosti cefpiramida (tamicin) in cefotaksima pri zdravljenju hudih bolnišničnih in izvenbolnišničnih okužb
    [Treatment of serious hospital and community acquired infection: cefpiramide (tamicin) versus cefotaxime]
  55. Vokač Damijan
    Sotalol kot antiaritmik novejšega tipa
    [Sotalol as novel antiarrhythmic agent]
  56. Pernat A; Pohar B; Horvat M
    Effect of hydrocortisone on streptokinase-induced hypotension in patients with acute myocardial infarction
  57. Ferluga D; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Asta; Vodovnik A; Trnačević S; Halilbašić A
    A kidney biopsy study of early endemic nephropathy
  58. Gale Nina; Zidar Nina; Kambič Vinko; Poljak Mario; Coer Andrej
    Epidermal growth factor receptor, c-erbB-2 and p53 overexpressions in epithelial hyperplastic lesions of the larynx
  59. Verdnik Branka; Tomaževič Tomaž; Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Kobal Borut; Vogler Andrej
    Transcervikalna resekcija endometrija in histeroskopska ablacija submukoznih miomov
    [Transcervical resection of endometrium and hysteroscopic ablation of submucous myomata]
  60. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Žakelj-Mavrič Marija; Plemenitaš Ana; Zorko Matjaž
    Purification and characterization of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from the filamentous fungus Cochliobolus lunatus
  61. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Bischof C; Hartung R
    Zwei verschiedene Formen von Miktionsstoerungen bei jungen Frauen: Dyssynerges Verhalten im Beckenboden oder Pseudomyotonie im externen urethralen Sphinkter?
  62. Ušaj Anton
    Izbor pokazatelja za procjenu natjecateljskih dostignuća mladih skijaša trkača
    [An attempt to select indicators for evaluation of achievement of young cross-country skiers]
  63. Ušaj Anton
    Do the classical estimators: lactate threshold and onset of blood lactate accumulation assess endurance in a similar way?
    [Ali klasična kazalca: laktatni prag in začetek akumulacije laktata ocenjujeta vzdržljivost na podoben način?]
  64. Poulter NR; Chang CL; Farley TMM; Marmot MG; Kožuh-Novak M; et al ;
    Reliability of data from proxy respondents in an international case-control study of cardiovascular disease and oral contraceptives
  65. Ciccone E; Pende D; Viale O; Ihan A; Orengo AM; Biassoni R; Verdiani S; Amoroso A; Moretta A
    Involvement of HLA class I alleles in natural killer (NK) cell-specific functions: expression of HLA-Cw3 confers selective protection from lysis by alloreactive NK clones displaying a defined specificity (specificity 2)
  66. Antonič J; Rakar S
    Validity of colour and pulsed Doppler US and tumour marker CA 125 in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses
  67. Bowden PE; Haley JL; Kansky A; Rothnagel JA; Jones DO; Turner RJ
    Mutation of a type II keratin gene (K6a) in pachyonychia congenita
  68. Tomazo-Ravnik T
    Juvenile somatotypes in Slovenia
  69. Pokrajac T; Wraber B; Gubina M; Dragaš AZ; Koren S
    Measurement of concentration of inflammatory cytokines and soluble interleukin-2 receptor in human blood
  70. Stojan Jure; Zorko Matjaž
    Kinetic characterization of all steps of the interaction between acetylcholinesterase and eserine
  71. Eržen Barbara; Gradišek Primož
    Spremembe žilne stene in sestave krvi pri arterijski hipertenziji
    [Arterial hypertension - induced changes in blood vessels and blood structure]
  72. Ferlan-Marolt Vera
    Standardizacija patohistološke diagnoze v hepatologiji
    [Standardization of pathohistological diagnosis in hepatology]
  73. Verovnik Franc
    Ehografska evalvacija mehanske funkcije levega preddvora po konverziji atrijske fibrilacije
    [Echographic assessment of left atrial mechanical function after conversion of atrial fibrillation]
  74. Abramič Pavle; Sever Marko; Rakovec Slavko
    Kirurško zdravljenje septičnih zapletov pankreatitisa
    [Surgical management of the septically involved pancreatitis]
  75. Krčevski-Škvarč N; Pečan M; Godec M; Stare J; Kamenik M
    Pacientova pričakovanja in izkušnje z akutno pooperativno bolečino: rezultati ankete "Bolečina po operaciji"
    [The patient's expectations and experiences with acute postoperative pain: results of inquiry: pain after surgery]
  76. Ličina Milan; Vitorović Sveto; Švigelj Viktor; Gostič-Kumar Marta
    Wilsonova bolezen in duševne motnje: prikaz dveh primerov
    [Wilson's disease and mental disturbances: two cases]
  77. Eržen I
    Uvajanje organizacijskih sprememb in novih oblik dela za uveljavitev promocije zdravja
    [Introduction of organization changes and new work forms for the health promotion]
  78. Uršič-Bratina N
    Dejavniki tveganja za razvoj ateroskleroze pri otrocih staršev, ki so zboleli z miokardnim infarktom pred 45. letom starosti
  79. Rozman Blaž; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Anastazija; Praprotnik Darja; Kajtna-Koselj Mira; Ferluga Dušan
    Immunohistochemical characteristics of SLE nephritis
  80. Ferjan I; Erjavec F
    Characteristics of the inhibitory effect of tricyclic antidepressants on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells
  81. Isakov E; Burger H; Krajnik J; Gregorič M; Marinček Č
    Influence of speed on gait parameters and on symmetry in transtibial amputees
  82. Brumen M; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Elastic properties of the red blood cell membrane in a model of three coupled layers
    [Elastične lastnosti membrane eritrocita v modelu treh sklopljenih plasti]
  83. Milanez Tomaž; Košak Robert; Cerar Anton
    Effect of the type of application of Newcastle disease virus on the Ehrlich ascites tumor
  84. Karlović M
    Dugogodišnje veze Janeza Bleiweisa i Hrvatske
    [Long-standing connections of Janez Bleiweis with Croatia]
  85. Čufer Tanja; Borštnar Simona
    Nevtropenija ob intenzivnem citostatskem zdravljenju s podporo dejavnikov rasti pri lokalno napredovalem raku dojk
    [Neutropenia in patients treated with intensive chemotherapy and growth factors in locally advanced breast cancer]
  86. Čižman Milan; Gubina Marija; Pokorn Marko; Tomič Viktorija
    Monoterapija ali kombinacija antibiotikov v zdravljenju febrilne nevtropenije
    [Treatment of febrile neutropenia - monotherapy or combination therapy]
  87. Krčevski-Škvarč N; Gerjevič B
    Early postoperative pain following laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy
  88. Cerar A; Dolenc-Stražar Z; Bartenjev D
    Infantile hemangioendothelioma of the liver in a neonate
  89. Lenarčič B; Križaj I; Žunec P; Turk V
    Differences in specificity for the interactions of stefins A, B and D with cysteine proteinases
  90. Lipnik-Štangelj M; Čarman-Kržan M
    Identification and characterisation of histamine H1 - and H2-receptors on rat neonatal cortical astrocytes in primary culture
  91. Ferjan Ilonka; Erjavec Franc
    Characteristics of serotonin uptake into isolated rat peritoneal mast cells
  92. Stirn-Kranjc B; Eržen I; d'Albis' A
    Fibre types and morphometric characteristics of rat extraocular muscles
  93. Zrimšek P; Zdovc I; Orožim E; Krt B; Drobnič-Košorok M
    Serological diagnosis of dermatophytosis
  94. Alscher Maja
    Priprava monoklonskih protiteles ter reagentov, primernih za določanje antigenov krvnoskupinskega sistema AB0
  95. Južnič G; Južnič SCJE; Knap B; Li JK-J; Drzewiecki G; Noordergraaf A
    The endocardial surface of the left ventricle and its cylindricality
  96. Kržan M
    Histamine receptors in the heart - molecular characteristics, physiology and pharmacology
  97. Gros M; Vrhovec S; Brumen M; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Low pH induced shape changes and vesiculation of human erythrocytes
  98. Kocijančič-Besednjak L; Sedmak M; Logar-Car G; Andlovic A
    Yersinia enterocolitica: primer dvomesečnega dečka s hemoragičnim enterokolitisom
    [Yersinia enterocolitica: report of a case of a two months old boy with enterocolitis haemorrhagica]
  99. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Razvoj pediatrije v svetu in med Slovenci do sredine 20. stoletja
    [Development of pediatrics in the world and among Slovenes until 1950]
  100. Pinter B; Andolšek L
    Spolno vedenje ljubljanskih srednješolcev
    [Sexual behavior of secondary-school students in Ljubljana]

   7.030 7.130 7.230 7.330 7.430 7.530 7.630 7.730 7.830 7.930  

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