biomedicina slovenica

"CHARACTER" : 7.830-7.929

  1. Požar B
    Rehabilitacija v starejših letih
    [The process of rehabilitation in the elderly]
  2. Urbančič K
    Zgodovinski razvoj zdravstvene nege
    [Historical overview of nursing]
  3. Špes Metka
    Slovenska urbana območja v luči degradacije okolja
    [Environmental degradation in Slovenian urban areas]
  4. Markota Mladen; Albreht Tit; Križaj Metka
    Zdravstveno stanje prebivalcev mesta Ljubljane
    [Health state of population of Ljubljana]
  5. Šinko Bojan
    Program lokalne akcijske skupine za preprečevanje odvisnosti - za boljše življenje v projektu zdravo mesto Ptuj
    [Local action programme for prevention of addiction - for a better life in healthy city of Ptuj project]
  6. Tomori M
    Psihodinamika v družini suicidalnega mladostnika
  7. Picken Roger N; Cheng Yu; Han Dongmei; Nelson Jeffrey A; Giridher-Reddy A; Hayden Mary K; Picken Maria M; Strle Franc; Bouseman John K; Trenholme Gordon M
    Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Borrelia burgdorferi isolated from ticks and small animals in Illinois
  8. Poljak M; Eri Ž
    Protucitoplazmatska autoantitijela neutrofilnih granulocita (ANCA) u dijagnostici i praćenju toka Wegenerove granulomatoze
    [Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCA) in the diagnosis and follow-up of Wegener's granulomatosis]
  9. Gašperšič D
    Micromorphometric analysis of cervical enamel structure of human upper third molars
  10. Avšič-Županc T; Poljak M; Matičič M; Radšel-Medvešček A; Leduc JW; Stiasny K; Kunz C; Heinz FX
    Laboratory acquired tick-borne meningoencephalitis: characterisation of virus strains
  11. Leskošek Franc
    Ekonomska revščina in samomor
    [Economic poverty and suicidality]
  12. Brejc T
    Sindrom prizadetosti: nekatere psihološke opombe in možnosti rehabilitacijskega vplivanja
  13. Antolič V
    Biomehanika kolka pri Perthesovi bolezni
    [Biomechanics of the hip in Perthes' disease]
  14. Komadina R
    Stereološke značilnosti zlomov proksimalne stegnenice (primerjava ročne, polavtomatske in avtomatske metode)
    [Histomorphometric characteristics of cancellous bone in fractures of the proximal femur (comparison of manual, semi-automatic and automatic method)]
  15. Dahmane R; Holcman A; Eržen I
    Vpliv rasti na metabolične značilnosti in premer mišičnih vlaken piščancev
    [Influence of growth on the energy metabolism and diameter of chicken skeletal muscle fibres]
  16. Dahmane R; Holcman A; Eržen I
    Metabolične značilnosti in premer mišičnih vlaken pri piščancih iz dvosmerne selekcije na telesno maso
    [The energy metabolism and diameter of muscle fibres in chicken from two-way selection for body weight]
  17. Pokorn D; Accetto B; Eržen N
    Nutritional characteristics of Ljubljana population aged over 80 years
  18. Konc L; Eržen I
    Effect of anabolic-androgenic steroids on performance, body composition and skeletal muscle characteristics
  19. Ušaj A
    Frekvenca srca in športni napor
    [Heart rate in physical exercise]
  20. Žlebnik H
    Pomen in možnosti spremljanja poslovnih stroškov v zavodih osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva
    [Significance and possibilities of follow-up of business costs in the institutes of primary health care]
  21. Jarc S
    Zdravstveno zavarovanje v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Health insurance in the Republic of Slovenia]
  22. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Schuessler B; Hofmann R; Hartung R
    Pelvic floor activity patterns in urinary stress incontinent women: evolutionary, neurophysiological and diagnostic considerations
  23. Kambič-Budkovič M
    Clinical characteristics of the benign form of multiple sclerosis
  24. Rausavljević N
    Kanonična razmerja med morfološkimi značilnostmi in motoričnimi sposobnostmi učencev prvih razredov osnovnih šol
    [Canonical relationships between morphological characteristics and motor abilities in 1st grade pupils of elementary school]
  25. Sovič M
    Reševanje s pomočjo zajemalnih nosil - prikaz primera
    [Scoop stretcher - case report]
  26. Žmavc A
    Prve izkušnje z ocenjevalnim sistemom Mainz (MEES) v prehospitalni urgentni službi v Celju
    [The Mainz emergency evaluation score in EMS in Celje]
  27. Lapandry C
    Organization of emergency medical services in France (SAMU)
    [Organizacija urgentne medicine v Franciji]
  28. Pegan V
  29. Mrevlje GV
    Potres in duševne posledice pri ljudeh
    [Earthquake and mental disorder of men]
  30. Smrkolj V
    Razvoj travmatologije v izrednih razmerah
    [Development of traumatology in disastrous circumstances]
  31. Lapajne J; Šket-Motnikar B; Zupančič P
    Potresne značilnosti Slovenije
    [Characteristics of earthquakes in Slovenia]
  32. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Bolnišnično delovanje v Ljubljani pred potresom: ob 100-letnici bolnišnice na Zaloški cesti in 50-letnici Inštituta za zgodovino medicine Medicinske fakultete
    [Hospital service in Ljubljana before the earthquake: the hundredth anniversary of hospitals on Zaloška street and the fiftyth anniversary of the Institute of the history of medicine of the Medical faculty in Ljubljana]
  33. Tremeau A; Lozano V; Laget B
    How to optimize the use of the L*H*C* color space in color image analysis processes
  34. Kovačič B; Vlaisavljević V
    Influence of pentoxifylline on hyperactivity of human sperm
  35. Kastelic-Suhadolc T; Lenasi H
    Androgen binding proteins in the plasma membrane of Cochliobolus lunatus
  36. Kompare A
    Subjekt med podobo in besedo
    [The subject between image and word]
  37. Kovačev AN
    Identiteta kot integracija temeljnih določil človekovega bistva
    [Identity as the integration of the basic determinats of human essence]
  38. Žmuc-Tomori M
    Klic po očetu
  39. Kariž N
    Zdravstvena nega bolnika v krizi na oddelku za psihiatrično hitro pomoč
    [Nursing care on a psychiatric crisis intervention department]
  40. Neumann Hartmut PH; Eng Charis; Mulligan Lois M; Glavač Damjan; Zaeuner Ingeborg; Ponder Bruce A J; Crossey Paul A; Maher Eamonn R; Brauch Hiltrud
    Consequences of direct genetic testing for germline mutations in the clinical management of families with multiple endocrine neoplasia, type II
  41. Pokorn D
    Trebušna debelost
    [Abdominal obesity]
  42. Višnar-Perović A
    Uloga ultrazvučne pretrage skrotuma u izboru terapijskog postupka
  43. Prestor BP
    Intraoperativno elektrofiziološko spremljanje senzoričnih in motoričnih sistemov hrbtenjače
  44. Gudović R
    Stereological analysis of the inferior olivary nucleus in the developing human brain
  45. Kovač N; Faganeli J; Bajt O; Leskovšek H
    Chemical characterization of macroaggregates from the Northern Adriatic
  46. Zerbo Dorjana
    Telesne karakteristike enajstletnih šolarjev iz Kopra
    [Physical characteristics of 11 years old schoolchildren from Koper]
  47. Rojc-Pečnik V; Volavšek Č; Černelč P
    Kromosomske nepravilnosti pri bolnikih z akutno levkemijo
    [Chromsomal abnormalities in acute leukemia]
  48. Mlakar U
    Pomen določanja sečnine in timidin kinaze v serumu za oceno prognoze diseminiranega plazmocitoma
    [Prognostic value of serum thymidine kinase and urea in multiple myeloma]
  49. Cagnoni ML; Lotti T
    The skin in systemic sclerosis
  50. Mrevlje GV
    Avtoagresivno vedenje - oblike, značilnosti in psihodinamika
    [Autoaggressive behavior - forms, characteristics and psychodynamics]
  51. Belovič Branka; Kikel Alice; Grobovšek-Opara Sonja
    Nekatere značilnosti hospitalizacij v Pomurju v petletnem obdobju od 1988 do 1992
    [Some characteristics of hospitalization in the region of Pomurje in five years period from 1988 to 1992]
  52. Strel J; Šturm J; Ambrožič F; Leskošek B; Štihec J
    Spremljanje telesnega in gibalnega razvoja otrok in mladine v Republiki Sloveniji na osnovi "Informacijskega sistema za ugotavljanje, spremljanje in vrednotenje gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti šolske mladine v Republiki Sloveniji"
    [Monitoring of physical and motor development in children and youth in R Slovenia on the base of "Information system for ascertaining, monitoring and evaluation of motor abilities and physical characteristics of school youth in Slovenia"]
  53. Lakošeljac D; Suzanić-Karninčić J
    Antirabična zaštita osoba na području Rijeke
    [Protection against rabies on the domain of Rijeka (R Croatia)]
  54. Marušič A; Starc R
    Kajenje in psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja za ishemično bolezen srca
    [Smoking and psychosocial risk factors for the ischemic heart disease]
  55. Grilc E; Čelan-Lucu B
    Intravenski uživalci drog v zdravstvenih domovih Ljubljanske regije
    [Intravenous drug abuses in health care centers of the region of Ljubljana]
  56. Strel B; Strel J; Leskošek B
    Medsebojni odnosi med znanjem o prehrani in prehranskimi navadami ter motoričnimi sposobnostmi 14-letnih Slovenskih učenk in učencev
    [Relation between nutrition habits and nutrition awareness and motor abilities of 14-year old Slovenian pupils]
  57. Marušič A; Zadel A
    Svetovanje po telefonu kot preventivna dejavnost
    [Telephone counseling as a preventive activity]
  58. Burjan A; Strel J; Tratnik N
    Povezanost ploskih stopal z nekaterimi morfološkimi lastnostmi in motoričnimi sposobnostmi pri učenkah in učencih v osnovni šoli
  59. Kirar-Fazarinc I
    Incidenca zunajmaterničnih nosečnosti v Sloveniji - kritični pregled
    [The incidence of ectopic pregnancy in Slovenia: a critical review]
  60. Družina B; Macarol-Hiti M
    Zdravstveno-ekološki vidiki ravnanja s posebnimi trdnimi odpadki, ki vsebujejo nevarne snovi, v Sloveniji
    [Health ecologic aspects of hazardous waste containing hazardous substances in R Slovenia]
  61. Antonić J; Rakar S
    Colour and pulsed Doppler US and tumour marker CA 125 in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses
  62. Kovačič D
    Emocija v glasu
  63. Poštrak M
    Kje so subkulture danes? (II)
    [Where have all subcultures gone? (II)]
  64. Accetto R
    Vrednotenje nekaterih značilnosti - napovednih dejavnikov v prehipertenzivni fazi razvoja arterijske hipertenzije
  65. Humar V; Grošelj J; Kerč J
    Characterisation of different batches of magnesium stearate for evaluation its lubricating efficiency
  66. Nolimal D; Lahajnar I; Rode N
    Antisocialnost in odvisnost of drog
    [Antisocial behaviour and drug addiction]
  67. Gubina M; Ihan A; Ferlan-Marolt V; Tepeš B; Logar-Car G; Križman I
    Helicobater pylori ter naše diagnostične in terapevtske izkušnje
    [Helicobacter pylori and our diagnostical and therapeutical experiences]
  68. Lavrenčič BB
    RSA kriptografija - praktični aspekti
    [RSA cryptography - practical aspects]
  69. Molan M
    Osebnostne značilnosti psihosomatika, ki ima astmo
    [Personality characteristics of a psychosomatic person suffering from asthma]
  70. Meden-Vrtovec H
    GnRH analog administration in patients with polycystic ovarian disease
  71. Turi S
    Urinary tract infections: a brief overview
  72. Niaudet P
    Schoenlein-Henoch purpura nephritis
  73. Pinter B
    Kontracepcija v adolescenci
    [Contraception in adolescence]
  74. Lužnik-Bufon T; Vidmar L; Klavs I
    AIDS in okužba z virusom HIV pri mladostnikih
    [AIDS and HIV infections in adolescents]
  75. Ravnik IM
    Nekatere posebnosti epizodičnih motenj v adolescenci - motnje spanja in budnosti
    [Episodic disorders in adolescence - disorders of sleep and wakefulness]
  76. Ravnik IM
    Nekatere posebnosti epizodičnih motenj v adolescenci - glavoboli
    [Episodic disorders in adolescence - headaches]
  77. Šalehar MA; Lapajne Z
    Stres v šoli
    [Stress of school]
  78. Brecelj-Kobe M
    Anoreksija nervoza pri mlajših - novejša spoznanja ter zdravljenje
    [Early-onset anorexia nervosa - recent findings and therapy]
  79. Kržišnik C
  80. Šalehar MA
    Odnosi in interakcije dispanzerja za šolarje - družina in šolski zdravnik
    [Everyday relations and interactions in the health centre for school-children - the family and school doctor]
  81. Mikuš-Kos A
    Bolan otrok, njegovi starši in zdravstveni delavci - kaj se dogaja med nami?
    [The sick child, his parents and medical staff - what is happening between us?]
  82. Kržan M
    Razporeditev, značilnosti, pomen in vloga histaminskih H1 in H2 receptorjev v srcu
  83. Vlaisavljević V
    Analysis of follicular growth in conceivers and nonconceivers after intrauterine insemination
  84. Lenarčič B; Ritonja A; Turk B; Dolenc I; Turk V
    Characterization and structure of pineapple stem inhibitor of cysteine proteinases
  85. Kos J; Dolinar M; Turk V
    Isolation and characterisation of chicken L- and H-kininogens and their interaction with chicken cysteine proteinases and papain
  86. Mekjavić IB; Morrison JB
    Evaluation of predictive formulae for determining metabolic rate during cold water immersion
  87. White MD; Ross WD; Mekjavić IB
    Relationship between physique and rectal temperature cooling rate
  88. Eiken O; Convertino VA; Doerr DF; Dudley GA; Morariu G; Mekjavić IB
    Characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in man during normal and flow-restricted exercise
  89. Eiken O; Sun JC; Mekjavić IB
    Effects of blood-volume distribution on the characteristics of the carotid baroreflex in humans at rest and during exercise
  90. Preželj J; Ograjenšek Z; Kocijančič A
    Operational characteristics of the basal body temperature graph interpretations in detection of ovulatory cycles in infertile women
  91. Grad L; Možina J; Šušterčič D; Funduk N; Skalerič U; Lukač M; Cenčič S; Nemeš K
    Optoacoustic studies of Er:YAG laser ablation in hard dental tissue
  92. Horvat M; Stegnar P; Konda D; Prosenc A
    Biological monitoring of methylmercury in the Mediterranean
  93. Byrne AR; Tušek-Žnidarič M
    Studies of the uptake and binding of trace metals in fungi. Part 1. Accumulation and characterization of mercury and silver in the cultivated muschroom, Agaricus bisporus
  94. Križman M; Stegnar P
    Environmental impact of the 'Žirovski vsrh' uranium mine on the enhancement of outdoor radon concentration
  95. Krajnc M; Štupar J; Milićev S; Zupan M
    Isolation and characterization of fulvic acids extracted from different top soils in Slovenia
  96. Krajnc M; Štupar J; Milićev S
    Characterization of chromium and copper complexes with fulvic acids isolated from soils in Slovenia
  97. Stupar J; Kanc-Hanzel K; Klemenc B; Gantar A; Miklič M
    Chromium status of tannery workers in relation to metabolic disorders
  98. Travnik L; Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Histochemical and morphometric characteristics of the normal human vastus medialis longus and vastus medialis obliquus muscles
  99. Turk B; Križaj I; Turk V
    Isolation and characterization of bovine stefin B
  100. Aragon-Ortiz F; Brenes-Brenes JR; Gubenšek F
    Characterization of a lectine-like protein isolated from Lachesis muta snake venon

   7.330 7.430 7.530 7.630 7.730 7.830 7.930 8.030 8.130 8.230  

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