biomedicina slovenica

"Men" : 65.229-65.328

  1. Babnik J
    10 let neonatalne službe v ljubljanski porodnišnici
    [10 years of neonatal care in the Ljubljana maternity hospital]
  2. Rakar S; Štolfa A; Kovačič J
    Ovarijski karcinom: današnje stanje in perspektive
    [Ovarian cancer: current status and perspectives]
  3. Kralj B
    Sodobna diagnostika in zdravljenje urinske inkontinence pri ženski
    [Modern diagnosis and treatment of female urinary incontinence]
  4. Berger T
    Vloga dokumentacijskega centra SZO v promociji zdravja
    [The role of WHO documentation centre in health promotion]
  5. Nolimal D
    Uvajanje kazalca o prvem iskanju zdravstvene pomoči uživalcev drog po metodologiji skupine Pompidou
    [Implementation of first treatment demand indicator related to drug following the methodology of Pompidou group]
  6. Krek M; Nolimal D; Sernec K; Čelan-Lucu B
    Politika do uporabe drog v mestu Amsterdam
    [Policy concerning drug use in Amsterdam]
  7. Nolimal D
    Javno zdravstvo in zbiranje podatkov o injicirajočih uživalcih drog v Sloveniji v letu 1993
    [Public health and data collecting about injection drug consumers in Slovenia in 1993]
  8. Zupančič M
    Analiza zapletov pri sodelovanju v ortodontskem zdravljenju
    [Analysis of complications concerning the co-operation in orthodontic treatment]
  9. Rode M; Vrbič V
    Povezava med socialnim statusom in stanjem v ustih pri skupini prebivalcev Slovenije, starih več kot 55 let
    [Connection between social and oral status in a group of inhibitants of Slovenia above 55 years of age]
  10. Vuga V
    Vloga medicine športa pri ocenjevanju zdravstvenega stanja šolarja - športnika
    [The role of sports medicine at the evaluation of health state of school-children-sportsmen]
  11. Pokorn D
    Ali je kulturno pitje vina dobro za naše zdravje: ob zaključku 40. mednarodnega vinskega sejma v Ljubljani
    [Is moderate consumption of wine good for our health]
  12. Nolimal D; Premik M
    Nekateri socialnomedicinski vidiki pitja alkoholnih pijač
    [Some socio-medical viewpoints concerning drinking of alcoholic beverages]
  13. Hach P; Jirsova Z; Vernerova Z
    Nuclear cytoplasmic ratio in epithelial cells of human oviduct
  14. Kubinova L; Zemanova Z
    Stereological analysis of tubular cells in normal and dilated chick mesonephric nephrons
  15. Nielsen K; Lundbeck F
    Stereological analysis by use of Cavalieri's principle of late change in mucose bladders after irradiation and chemotherapy
  16. Masson E; Herlin P; Galle I; Duigou F; Belhomme P; Bloyet D; Mandard A-M
    Automatic classification of cellular elements of solid tumors: application to DNA quantitation
  17. Soosaipillai MC; Bertram JF; Ryan GB
    Absolute volumes of glomerular cells and glomerular compartments in the normal rat kidney
  18. Youngs TA; Boyce RW; Mosekilde L; Soegaard H; Paddock CL; Gundersen HJG
    Direct stereological estimation of 3-D connectivity density in human iliac cancellous bone: the effect of age and sex
  19. Jirkovska M; Šmidova J; Fryda T
    Morphometric analysis of the vascularization of the terminal villi in normal and diabetic placenta
  20. Nyengaard JR; Rasch R
    The practical use of stereology in characterising capillary networks
  21. McMillan PJ; Archambeau JO; Gokhale A; Archambeau M-H; Oey M
    Morphometric and stereologic analysis of cerebral cortical microvessels using optical sections and thin slices
  22. Kapraali MW; Johansson O; Uribe A
    Stereological estimation of the total volume of duodenal mucosa and of endocrine cells in rats treated with prostaglandin E2
  23. Štiblar-Martinčič D
    Seasonal variation in the influence of pinealectomy on rat follicular and parafollicular cells
  24. Wanke R; Weis S; Kluge D; Kahnt E; Schenck E; Brem G; Hermanns W
    Morphometric evaluation of the pancreas of growth hormone-transgenic mice
  25. Gorišek B
    Rezultati liječenja primarnog karcinoma jajnika na Ginekološkom odelu Opće bolnice u Mariboru
    [The results of therapy of primary ovarian cancer at the Department of gynecology General hospital in Maribor]
  26. Poštrak M
    V znamenju trojstev
    [In the sign of the triad]
  27. Bohinc
    Socialno kulturno delo
    [Social cultural work]
  28. Poštrak M
    Kje so subkulture danes? (4)
    [Where have all subcultures gone? (4)]
  29. Zaviršek D
    Psihiatrični oddelek med boleznijo in njeno kulturno manifestacijo: študija primera (4)
    [Psychiatric ward between illness and its cultural manifestation - A case study (4)]
  30. Skušek Z
    Ritualne oblike očetovskega vedenja: antropologija in kuvada
    [Ritual forms of fatherly behaviour - Anthropology and the couvade]
  31. Dragoš S
    Socialno delo - sistemski vidik (3)
    [Social work - a systemic view (3)]
  32. Mesec B
    Evalvacija prostovoljnega dela
    [Evaluation of voluntary work]
  33. Tržan-Herman N; Kiauta D
    Organizacijski načrt - pomemben vidik pri zagotavljanju kakovosti specialne knjižnice
    [Organizational plan - the important aspects of quality assurance in special library]
  34. Klemenčič E
    Kakovost bibliografskih zbirk podatkov s področja biomedicine - stališče uporabnika
    [Biomedical bibliographic data bases quality - users view]
  35. Senčar N; Tržan-Herman N
    Prispevek o oceni kakovosti nekaterih podatkovnih zbirk na CD-ROMu
    [Towards optimal on-disk searchnig]
  36. Rutar D
    Psihologija skozi psihoanalizo. 8. del. Podobe telesa
    [Psychology through psychoalanysis. Part 8. The imagines of the body]
  37. Kovačev AN; Musek J
    Osebnostni korelati grafičnega izražanja
    [Personality correlations of the graphic self-expression]
  38. Cugmas Z
    Povezave med vedenjem staršev, povezanim s pridobivanjem znanja, in otrokovo zaznavo lastne šolske uspešnosti
    [Connection between parents attitude with regards to learning and their children's awareness of their school success]
  39. Selič P; Umek P
    Nekateri psihični dejavniki pri psihosomatskih boleznih
    [Some psychic factours in psychomatic diseases: a research review]
  40. Kovačev AN
    Notranja strukturiranost emocij in njihova vloga pri subjektivnem uravnavanju lastnega vedenja
    [The inner structuralization of emotions and their role in the subjects regulation of his own behaviour]
  41. Kobal D; Kobal AB
    Obrambno-varovalno reagiranje pacientov z delovnimi motnjami
    [Self-defence reaction of patients with working disturbances]
  42. Zupančič M
    Razvoj mišljenja v odraslosti
    [Mental development in adulthood]
  43. Krek M; Mišigoj-Krek J; Nolimal D
    Politika zmanjševanja škode zaradi uživanja drog med uživalci ilegalnih drog
    [The policy of diminishing the harm caused by drug consumption among the illicit drug consumers]
  44. Zupančič M
    Ortodontska vzgoja pred pričetkom ortodontskega zdravljenja
    [Orthodontic education before the beginning of orthodontic treatment]
  45. Grobovšek-Opara Sonja; Gale Ivanka
    Rezultati ankete o radiološki dejavnosti v zdravstvenih domovih in bolnišnicah v letu 1991
    [Results of the inquiry concerning radiologic activity in health centres and hospitals in 1991]
  46. Žalar A
    Analiza zdravstvenovzgojnega dela zdravstvenih organizacij v Sloveniji v letu 1992
    [Analysis of health-educational work at health organizations in R Slovenia in the year 1992]
  47. Ljungblom BA; Koehler L
    Razvoj otroka in vedenje v prometu
    [Child development and behaviour in traffic]
  48. Borštnar S
    Znanje, stališča in ravnanje šolskih otrok, prebivalcev občine Domžale, v prometu
    [Knowledge, attitides and acting of school children, inhabitants of Domžale community in road traffic]
  49. Ravnik IM; Lonec-Pogačar O
    Epidemiology of headache in school children in Ljubljana: preliminary results
  50. Buzzi MG; Bonamini M
    Inhibition of trigeminal afferents by antimigraine drugs
  51. Costa A; Martignoni E; Botticelli AR; Barbolini G; Broich G; Ottaviani F; Nappi G
    Nasal mucosa in cluster headache: morphological changes and content of vasoactive substances
  52. Relja G
    Emergency headaches: differential diagnosis and management
  53. Pogačnik T; Šega S
    Etiology and pathogenesis of tension-type headache
  54. Pogačnik T; Šega S
    Etiology and pathogenesis of migraine
  55. Žvan B; Pečnik B
    Treatment of cluster headache
  56. Fusco BM; Giacovazzo M
    Cluster headache: clinical and immunological aspects
  57. Zerbini O; Recchia G
    Migraine and quality of life
  58. Ensink FBM; Saur P; Hanekop GG
    Review of clinical trial data on sumatriptan in comparison to standard therapies
  59. Vodušek DB
    Therapy of migraine and tension-type headache
  60. Kamenik Borut
    Komplikacije trajne elektrostimulacije srca
    [Complications of permanent cardiac electrostimulation]
  61. Sinkovič Andreja
    Stranski učinki zdravljenja z antiagregacijskimi, antikoagulantnimi in fibrinolitičnimi sredstvi
    [Side effects of treatment with antiaggregation, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic substances]
  62. Tripkovič Mileta; Gulič Franjo; Lobnik Anton
    Glikozidi digitalisa in interakcije le-teh v zdravljenju internih bolezni
    [Digitalis glycosides and their interaction in the treatment of internal diseases]
  63. Zavratnik Andrej; Medved Martin; Šubic Jure; Čokolič Miro
    Stranski učinki pri zdravljenju sladkorne bolezni
    [Side effects of treatment of diabetes mellitus]
  64. Holc Iztok
    Stranski učinki nesteroidnih antirevmatikov
    [Side effects of treatment with nonsteroid antiphologistic agensi]
  65. Pahor Artur
    Stranski učinki zdravljenja revmatskih bolezni s semikauzalno terapijo
    [Side effects of treatment of rheumatic diseases with semicasual therapy]
  66. Pernat Cvetka
    Kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni: terapija in stranski učinki terapije
    [Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases: therapy and its side effects]
  67. Skok Pavel
    Neželjeni in stranski učinki medikamentnega zdravljenja peptične razjede
    [Undesirable and side effects of peptic ulcer treatment]
  68. Hojs Radovan
    Analgetična nefropatija
    [Analgesic nephropathy]
  69. Možina Martin
    Spremljanje škodljivih neželenih učinkov zdravil: program WHO
    [Adverse drug reactions monitoring: program WHO]
  70. Budihna Metka V
    Neželeni škodljivi učinki zdravil
    [Adverse drug reactions]
  71. Pišljar M
    Ocena vala P300 pri bolnikih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
  72. Vaupotič J; Križman M; Planinič J; Pezdič J; Adamič K; Stegnar P; Kobal I
    Systematic indoor radon and gamma measurements in kindergartens and play schools in Slovenia
  73. Vaupotič J; Križman M; Planinič J; Kobal I
    Radon level reduction in two kindergartens in Slovenia
  74. Kolšek M
    Alcohol consumption among junior high school students in the community of Litija, Slovenia
  75. Stegnar M; Pentek M
    Fibrinolytic response to venous occlusion in healthy subjects: relationship to age, gender, body weight, blood lipids and insulin (published erratum appears in Thromb Res 1993 Oct 15;72(2):173)
  76. Blinc Aleš; Francis Charles W; Trudnowski Janet L; Carstensen Edwin L
    Characterization of ultrasound-potentiated fibrinolysis in vitro
  77. Šmid L; Žargi M
    Cowden's disease - its importance for otolaryngologists
  78. Urbanc-Berčič O
    Investigation into the use of constructed reedbeds for municipal waste dump leachate treatment
  79. Belmonte G; Menestrina G; Pederzolli C; Križaj I; Gubenšek F; Turk T; Maček P
    Primary and secondary structure of a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone, Actinia equina L., and its association with lipid vesicles
  80. Wraber T
    Nadlišček: isto ime za različna rastlinska rodova?
    [The same name for two different plant species?]
  81. Tomazo-Ravnik Tatjana
    Sestava telesa in človekov somatotip v juvenilnem obdobju
    [Body composition and human somatotype in the juvenile period]
  82. Pehani Š
    Prispevek antenskega pigmenta k spektralni občutljivosti rdečeglave brenčačke Calliphora erythrocephala (Meigen) v odvisnosti od temperature, koncentracije vidnega pigmenta in svetlo-temne adaptacije
    [Contribution of sensitizing pigment to spectral sensitivity of blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala (Meigen) in dependence of temperature, concentration of visual pigment and light-dark adaptation]
  83. Ostroveršnik H
    Produkcija pektinolitičnih encimov s fermentacijo na trdnih gojiščih na osnovi suhih jabolčnih tropin
    [Production of pectinolytic enzyme by solid state fermentation on apple pectin substrate]
  84. Pirnat A; Rozman B; Robnik M; Nežima B; Maher I
    Ekološke raziskave: analiza nekaterih pohorskih smučišč
  85. Grbović J
    Uporabnost različnih postopkov za oceno kakovosti hudourniških vodotokov
    [Applicability of various procedures for the assessment of quality of torrential atreams]
  86. Jerman Sabina
    Fotosintetski pigmenti v zdravih in z virusi okuženih listih krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.), vzgojenega in vitro.
    [Photosynthetic pigments in healthy and virus-infected potato leaves (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown in vitro]
  87. Natek S
    Projekt implementacije sistema Sova v osnovno zdravstveno varstvo Ljubljana, Zdravstveni dom "dr. Adolfa Drolca" Maribor in Zdravstveni dom Ptuj
  88. Završnik J; Kokol P
    Spremljanje otrokovega razvoja - od odločitvenih dreves do teorije kaosa
  89. Lavrenčič DD
    O varovanju podatkov v zdravstvu
    [Keeping confidential health records]
  90. Ilić M
    Evropska pobuda na področju medicinske informatike
    [European initiatives in medical informatics]
  91. Glavič A
    Celična dinamika in pomen kolagena med celjenjem rane
  92. Mis M
    Otroška abdominalna urgenca
  93. Sever Marko
    Endoskopska dejavnost na kirurški gastroenterološki kliniki
  94. Vračko J
    Predstavitev dela na oddelkih kirurške gastroenterološke klinike v bolnici dr. Petra Držaja
  95. Pleskovič L
    Predstavitev dela na oddelkih kirurške gastroenterološke klinike
  96. Čakš J
    Zdravnik splošne medicine in bolnik z akutno kirurško boleznijo v trebuhu
  97. Pegan V
    Predstavitev Kirurške gastroenterološke klinike v Ljubljani
  98. Kržišnik C; Jereb B; Bratanič N; Petrič-Grabnar G; Battelino T; Žerjav-Tanšek M; Anžič J
    Endocrinopathies in patients after treatment for Hodgkin's disease and sarcomas in childhood
  99. Kadrnka-Lovrenčić M; Stipančić G; Beara-Lasić L; Vignjević D; Lovrenčić M
    Treatment of children with central precocious puberty by a slow-release gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
  100. Tonini G; Marinoni S; Rustico M; Prampolini P; Radillo L
    Ultrasonography in diagnosis of central precocious puberty

   64.729 64.829 64.929 65.029 65.129 65.229 65.329 65.429 65.529 65.629  

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